NEC recognized as a StormReady® Supporter by NWS and NOAA Trace McCuan, CEO
Nueces Electric Cooperative has been officially recognized by the National Weather Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as a StormReady® Supporter. NEC received this distinction for enhancing public safety through promoting the principles and guidelines of the StormReady® program in the Cooperative’s awareness and preparedness plans. We are extremely proud to have been named a StormReady® Supporter, as being prepared for hurricanes and large storms is vital to supporting NEC’s mission of continually providing reliable and cost effective electric service. This makes Nueces Electric Cooperative the only electric utility in the state of Texas to be recognized as a StormReady® Supporter. More than 190 sites in the state of Texas are StormReady®. In the Coastal Bend area, Nueces Electric Cooperative has joined the Texas State Aquarium, the Cities of Kingsville and Corpus Christi, the Naval Air Stations in Kingsville and Corpus Christi, and both TAMUCC and TAMUK in the StormReady® program. A full list of StormReady® sites can be found at https:// John Metz, Warning Coordination Meteorologist for the National Weather Service, helped recognize us in this designation as well. “On behalf of the National Weather Service and the StormReady® Advisory Board, I would like to congratulate you on the designation of Nueces Electric Cooperative in Robstown, Texas as a StormReady® Supporter. This success is clearly a result of your leadership, hard 18
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work and commitment at your facility.” Being prepared is always a priority here at NEC, so we are proud to have completed the necessary steps to become StormReady® certified. A big thank you to all of our employees that contributed to this recognition and that work hard every time a storm comes through our service area. This is just another step in fulfilling our mission of continually helping our members improve their quality of life by providing reliable and cost effective electric service. Depicted in the photo below: During the tour of the NEC facilities as the final step in the recognition process, NEC COO Avan Irani, Nueces County Office of Emergency Management Deputy Coordinator Melissa Munguia, National Weather Service Warning Coordination Meteorologist John Metz, NEC CEO Trace McCuan, and NEC CCO Sarah Fisher.
8/9/17 5:03 PM