Nederman Sustainability

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Nederman’s sustainability work

“We are continuing our long-term improvement efforts, focusing on sustainability for our customers, for ourselves, for our stakeholders – and for the environment.”


Nederman and sustainability 2012

What we offer adds value

A growing and global environmental technology company Nederman’s services on the market cover everything from project planning to installation, commissioning and service. Invoicing for 2012 (full year), inc. pro forma

Americas 34 %

EMEA 54%

APAC 12 %

Group turnover 2012 pro forma MSEK 2866.

Nederman’s range of products and solutions in the field of environmental technology focuses on air filtration and recycling. Our range also includes everything from project planning to installation, commissioning and servicing of complete systems. Our solutions help to enhance the work environment and reduce external environmental impact, but they can also help improve efficiency, production economy and quality in a range of industries and sectors. Our solutions are also process-critical in many instances. Our customers benefit from improved ecological and economic efficiency.

Ecological efficiency • Reduced emissions • Healthier staff • Reduced material usage • Safer workplaces

Economic efficiency • More efficient production • Better utilisation of resources • Higher quality • Stronger brand • Lower environmental charges • Facilitated recruitment

• Introduction of a global target for carbon dioxide emissions from intercontinental transport. • Introduction of a code of conduct for employees and suppliers. • Introduction of a new global quality and environmental manage ment system. • Carbon dioxide emissions from air transport and transport by sea reduced by 11.1%. • 50,960 kWh saved by Nederman Germany by switching from regular light bulbs to LED bulbs.


Ecological efficiency

involves reducing the global environmental impact of industrial air pollution and improving customers’ work environment and safety. Nederman’s products and solutions help to reduce material usage, energy consumption and emissions from customers’ operations while at the same time promoting health and safety among their staff.

Economic efficiency

Sustainable initiatives, 2012

involves facilitating more efficient production, improving production economy and quality and reducing environmental charges. It also involves reinforcing customers’ brands and helping them to offer attractive places to work.

Three operating segments

The group’s operational organisation comprises three operating segments Americas (North and South America), EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa) and APAC (Asia and Pacific), with responsibility for activities within these regions.





Eco-efficient production

Nederman develops products and solutions which reduce environmental impact and protect people from harmful particles, gas, fumes and oil mist.

Our solutions can be found in many different industries and applications:

• Manual and automated welding • Thermal cutting, blasting and other applications • Machining • Primary wood industry • Secondary wood industry • Composite processing

• Food production • Pharmaceutical production • Waste management • Minerals • Agriculture • Textile industry • Chemical industry • Foundries • Smelters • Incineration plants • Crematoria • Asphalt plants • Energy production • Vehicle repair shops • Emergency depots

Disposing of waste materials efficiently is both processcritical and profitable. Photo from a manufacturer of kitchen cabinets in the United Kingdom.

30 30 11 Sales and marketing via subsidiaries in

Agents and distributors in a further



Average number of group employees, 2012

Female 21.5%

1613, of whom 346 are female. Of 120 senior executives, 15% are female. Of the Board of Directors, 33% of members are female.

Production and assembly facilities in


History in brief

1944 The company is founded by Philip Nederman. 1983 Listing on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Delisted in 1985 following ownership changes. 2007 Listing on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm. 2010 Nederman acquires Dantherm Filtration. 2012 Nederman acquires Environmental Filtration Technologies.


Nederman and sustainability 2012

CEO’s message:

Economy and ecology go hand in hand

Combining ecological efficiency with economic efficiency is at the heart of what Nederman has to offer. By this, we mean that our products and solutions help to reduce material usage, energy consumption and emissions, so reducing our customers’ environmental impact. But it also means that what we offer help to enhance efficiency and improve production economy and quality. No matter where we are in the world, there is a constant need for what we represent – solutions which protect the environment, improve the work environment and streamline production. The fact that we commit ourselves to sustainable business is a fundamental conside-

ration. This is why we are constantly striving to improve our own operations with regard to sustainability. The purpose of this update is to provide examples of these efforts. In 2012, we established a new role with global responsibility for quality and sustainability issues. Another example of improvements made is our online training on the company’s code of conduct, which is available to all staff. Our group operates throughout much of the world and employs staff with different backgrounds and cultures, and so it is important for us to ensure that the values of the company are clarified and respected. We all need to be aware of the risks in various business cultures and to make it clear that we do not allow people to deviate from our code of conduct. Nederman’s values clearly define what we expect from our staff and help us all to pull in the same direction. This is why training on the company’s code of conduct is mandatory for all staff. There is a high degree of awareness within the group of how we do business. We are very clear on the fact that all the business we do must be compliant with both applicable laws and the values of the company. We do not accept bribes in any form, or any other types of activity linked with corruption. There is also no doubt whatsoever that we all are responsible for acting if we suspect that something is amiss. We are continuing our long-term improvement efforts, focusing on sustainability for our customers, for ourselves, for our stakeholders – and for the environment.

Profitability is one of the most important sustainability issues and a prerequisite for a sustainable business. This is no less true for an environmental technology company such as Nederman.

Sven Kristensson, managing director and CEO


Nederman’s code of conduct

Clear norms control our actions Nederman’s code of conduct includes the principles which control our day-to-day actions and is applicable to everyone working for the group, with no exceptions. Our code of conduct is based on internationally recognised business principles and guidelines. At the heart of the Nederman code of conduct are the ethical principles in which we underline the importance of our own responsibility and never permitting corruption. Our code of conduct constitutes the foundation for all our policy documents; our management manual, our values, our quality and environmental policy and our guide to professional behaviour. Our code of conduct summarises Nederman’s policies in three points and is used as an aid in our day-to-day work: • We are all responsible for reporting incidents involving failu-

Nederman has a portal for e-learning on its groupwide intranet. Staff receive training here on subjects such as the company’s code of conduct.

re to comply with laws or the code of conduct; initially to our line managers, then to this manager’s superior, and finally to the Head of Corporate Human Resources. • We do business according to our corporate values, our quality and environmental policies and laws and regulations. • We do not permit bribery or corruption in any way, shape or form, and this is applicable to our business partners as well. All new staff have to complete an online training course on our code of conduct, and all our staff have to understand and operate in compliance with the code of conduct. Nederman safeguards the basic rights of its staff on a global level in respect of equality, pay and working hours. Child labour is prohibited, and there are appropriate procedures in place to protect the health and safety of our staff. Nederman’s Head of Corporate Human Resources is overall responsible for the code of conduct, including follow-up work, and reports annually to the Board of Directors. Nederman has had a code of conduct for suppliers since the autumn of 2012. This requires suppliers to operate in compliance with applicable laws, to not permit bribery and corruption, to respect employees’ basic rights in terms of equality, pay and working hours, to prohibit child labour, and to have appropriate procedures in place to protect the health of their staff and guarantee their safety. When this document is signed by the supplier, Nederman uses ongoing audits and evaluation of the supplier to check that the supplier is complying with the requirements.

6 Nederman and sustainability 2012

Problems resolved by Nederman

Environmental technology for many industries

nd products for many industries


Sustainability, with emphasis on clean air, is at the very heart of everything Nederman does. Companies in a wide range of industries are being helped to achieve more eco-efficient production thanks to Nederman’s wide range of industrial air filtering solutions. These mainly involve filter technology in combination with low and high-vacuum technology used to capture, transport and filter contaminated air and residual products. Supplementary solutions deal with consumable liquids, recycle consumables and residual products and recover energy. These solutions reduce external environmental impact from industrial production, create a clean, safe work environment and increase production efficiency.

Exhaust extraction

Some examples:

Nederman’s comprehensive solutions for hot flue gas filtering minimise air pollution from smelters and incineration plants, for example.

Extraction and filtration, secondary aluminum smelter

Nederman offers eco-efficient solutions and pro The Pneumafil intake system for gas turbines protects and increases the capacity of gas turbines by optimising and compensating the air supply for various environmental and climatic conditions.

Thermal cutting and automated welding cause large quantities of harmful fumes. Nederman’s filters guarantee a good work environment and also protect the equipment.

Extraction and filtration wood working

Flue gas cleaning during extraction of energy from industrial waste outside Paris, France.

Extraction and filtration welding fumes

When grinding composites, for example, an extractor fitted directly to the tool is the most efficient way of dealing with the dust created.

On-tool extraction


efficient solutions and products for many industries 7

d products for many industries On-tool extraction

Exhaust extraction

Extraction and filtration, secondary alu smelter

erve: • Textiles • Chemicals • Foundries • Smelters • Crematiories • Incineration • Asphalt • Energy • Vehichle repair shops (VRS) • Emergency Thousandsstations of workshops all over the world

use Nederman equipment to remove exhaust fumes and make the workplace clean and efficient.

Exhaust extraction Nederman Worldwide

Nederman has subsidiaries in 30 countries and agents and distributors in over 30 countries.



Foundries create large volumes of flue gases and dust from sand moulds. Nederman protects staff and guarantees the production-critical reuse of foundry sand.

Nederman offers eco-effic In the wood processing industry, Nederman’s energy-efficient comprehensive solutions help to keep the production environment free of dust and sawdust. Moreover, sawdust is a valuable by-product.

Extraction and filtration wood working

Extraction and filtration, secondary alu smelter

Welding fumes present a major risk to the health of welders. Nederman’s spot extractors are industry-leading products.

Extraction and filtration welding fumes


Selected business segments we serve: • Manual and robotic welding • Thermal cutting and vacuum blasting • Metal Machining • Primary wood Nederman and Assembly centres Nederman has three ways of resolving customers’ When manufacturing cement and processing Extraction and filtration wood working •Manufacturing Secondary wood problems: individual products, configurations of linked standard Nederman Sales companies minerals, large amounts of dust and particles are created products, or custom solutions adapted by engineers. which have to be dealt with and can be recycled. Nederman •Distributors Composites • Food • Pharmaceutical • Waste management

• Te •C • Fo • Sm •C • In • As • En • Ve

8 Nederman and sustainability 2012

Facts about air pollution:

We clean the air

Industrial air pollution is caused by particles and gases.

Airborne particles may include both solids and liquids. Of all air pollutants, particles have the greatest adverse impact on human health. These are caused either directly as residual Gärna bild materials from manufacturing processes and incineration, or are a secondary product when gaseous emissions react with other substances in the atmosphere. For instance, sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can react with other substances in the atmosphere and form particles. These particles can have different effects on health, ecosystems and climate. Aerosol is a generic term for a mixture of particles and air. Ground-level ozone, carbon dioxide, sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides are examples of gaseous pollutants. These have a number of different effects on living organisms and the environment. Sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides also help to cause acidification of waterways and soil. Ozone and carbon dioxide are greenhouse gases which help to bring about climate change. Statistics relating to air quality and pollution are compiled by both authorities and organisations. The Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) replaces a number of earlier European directives which control the volumes of emissions industries are allowed to release. Standardised measurement methods are required for effective measurement and control of air pollution. Such standards are available at national level (e.g. ASTM in the USA), European level (CEN) and globally (ISO), for example. Most countries now have legislation and limits on the pollution which industries are permitted to release into the atmosphere. For example, the EU has the IED (Industrial Emissions Directive) which replaced a number of earlier European directives. However, compliance with and control of these laws vary in different parts of the world.

Industrial air filtering

Nederman is able to filter out particles mixed with air using various mechanical techniques. Coarse particles can be separated out using cyclones, while finer particles can be filtered out using different types of filter media such as textile filters. Aerosols containing really fine particles may need to be processed chemically before being filtered. The aim of this is to use chemical reactions to bind the substances to larger particles which are unable to pass through the filter medium. Gaseous substances can be treated with active carbon or converted to particulate form using chemical reactions.

Did you know:

• On average, an adult inhales 12 000 litres of air every day. • Children inhale even more air per kilo of body weight and are more susceptible to air pollution. • The smaller a particle is, the more hazardous it often is to health. • Particles smaller than 5 micrometres in size can end up in your lungs. • Fine particles are often found in smoke and mist and are 2.5 micro metres or less in size. • Millions of people live in areas where smog, small particles and environmental toxins pose a threat to their health. This shortens their life expectancy. • Scientific studies have shown that particles in air pollution cause premature death from heart and lung disease, heart attacks, irregular heartbeat, aggravated asthma, reduced lung capacity and irritation of the airways, coughing or breathing problems. • Particles in the atmosphere help to accelerate the greenhouse effect, and hence global warming. • In nature, chemical particles can cause acidification in lakes. They can also alter the nutrient balance, destroy nutrients in the soil, damage delicate crops and forests and affect ecosystem diversity.


Research report on waste metal management

What a waste of resources!

A lot of money could be saved by reusing and recycling waste metal and cutting fluids more efficiently. These are the findings of a report from research carried out on behalf of Nederman in the United Kingdom. This research report, published in 2012, specifies a number of measures which could improve profitability for the British metalworking industry and at the same time clearly reduce companies’ environmental impact. Most major industrial corporations are now dealing with their waste metal. However, a combination of greater environmental awareness, more stringent legislation and rising raw material prices, as well as an increasingly strong recycling industry have created a situation in which the actual degree of recycling is not the most interesting aspect to consider. Instead, emphasis should be placed on how efficient the actual recycling and reuse process is. A model with five companies representing different industries illustrates what benefits could be achieved. This model includes a car manufacturer and an aircraft component manufacturer. It also includes component manufacturers which use steel (a tool manufacturer), aluminium (a furniture manufacturer) and brass (a door accessory manufacturer). Simply recycling the metal does not maximise profits. Companies can lose hundreds of pounds for every tonne of swarf sent for recycling. The amount of money lost depends on which metal is used and the type and amount of cutting fluid left in the waste metal. Most important for any manufacturer is to include in the calculations the value of reusing and recycling cutting fluid, adding the cost of transporting the waste to the recycling: see the adjacent facts box. Organisations which have carried out profitability analyses could benefit from carrying out new analyses looking at the longer term. Variations in raw material prices will affect the calculation. The price of aluminium has varied by 137 per cent between its highest and lowest levels over the past decade. For a car manufacturer, the return on investment time can be halved if the price of metal is set at the right time. As finite resources are involved, it is likely that the long-term price trend will rise but the spot market price will vary with economic fluctuations. Changes in the need for products and technologies may also have a massive impact on metal prices. When assessing future changes to metal prices and materials, it is also wise to future-proof the recycling system itself. Of course, companies should adopt an overall perspective to allow them to see what sustainability gains can be made in total. The full report can be viewed on the Nederman website.

What A Waste

Separating swarf from cutting fluid makes recycling both profitable.

Formula for profitability

The profitability of reusing and recycling metal for a manufacturing Increasing industry is influenced by UKprimarily Manufacturing’s the following factors:

Profitability in Recovering

• The condition of the waste metal and how it is proand Recycling Metals cessed for recycling • How the cutting fluid in the manufacturing process is handled for reuse and recycling A Research Report • How the above affects related costs for recycling, By Nederman UK such as for transporting the waste metal. This is why a formula for increased profitability has Summer 2012 been devised in the report:

(AxB)+(CxD)+E=greater profitability

A represents the increase in the value of the waste 1 metal processed B represents the volume of waste metal C represents the value of the reused cutting fluid, or the saving made by using recycled cutting fluid D represents the volume of cutting fluid reused E is the reduction of the cost of transport thanks to the fact that the waste metal can be compres- sed as much as possible.


Nederman and sustainability 2012

Sustainable product development

Long-term planning

Since the company was founded in 1944, Nederman has always been innovative and considered to be a pioneer in the field of air cleaning technology. The company is now a world leader in the field of environmental technology, with emphasis on clean air. The company’s process for development of new products is well established within the organisation. This process has a systematic structure and begins with an analysis of the needs of the market and customers and a thorough analysis of trends. Cooperation with external partners are also considered. The product development process is characterised by a long-term perspective. Our products have to work well and remain relevant to our customers for many years to come. This is why we use the Design Boost eco-strategic wheel and the MET method (materials, energy, toxicity), where assessments are carried out and solutions are sought on multiple occasions during development of the product in order to minimise environmental impact relating to materials, energy and toxicity. New ideas are constantly being considered and also form part of the strategic product planning process. A large number of ideas lead to a gross list of potential areas. We then review

these ideas another couple of times so that we can focus on the best ones. Our ideas are evaluated regularly by the steering committee for strategic product planning. First of all, we assess whether the product is actually needed at all. What it does could perhaps be implemented as a service instead. We also look at whether a new product could replace a number of existing products. If the ideas are deemed to be commercially and technically feasible, we include them in the product development process. This is made up of five phases. A project must receive approval, from G0 to G5, before each phase. The approval stages assist with development work and ensure that quality targets and deadlines are met. The project has to meet a number of requirements for each stage of approval. If non-conformances occur, the consequences of these are assessed. If the non-conformances are deemed to be less critical, the project can continue to the next phase. The non-conformances are summarised at the same time in an action plan so that they can be followed up. The latest in the series of new products devised according to Nederman’s product development process is FilterBox, which you can find out more about here.


Optimise distribution


Optimise waste management


Optimise production


Optimise life-time

Nederman uses the Design Boost’s eco-strategic wheel when developing new products.


Optimise function


Choose the right material


Reduce impact during use


Reduce amount of material

Well thought out strategy

FilterBox future-proofs the offering

n offers eco-efficient solutions and products for many industries

FilterBox is a clear example of Nederman’s approach to sustainability. The function of this product is to capture airborne contaminants before they reach the breathing zone and filter them out before the air is released. This results in a cleaner, safer work environment which in turn leads to more sustainable working ness segments we serve: obotic welding • Textiles conditions and better health. ng and vacuum blasting • Chemicals

tion welding fumes



On-tool extraction

Exhaust extraction

mental costs ent

Reduced amount of material The new FilterBox weighs 102 kg, no less than 27 per cent less than its predecessor, despite the fact that the new product also comes with built-in sound silencer. A lower amount of material means less consumption of raw materials resulting in less energy for refining and transportation. Integrated functions The rotary moulded box made of plastic allows functions to be integrated. The manufacturing method keeps production waste to a minimum. This means that the number of components has been reduced radically, from 115 to 16. The number of material types has also been reduced, thereby also facilitating recycling. Remote-controlled The modern software is designed to allow service personnel to remotely troubleshoot, serve, set and update the product. This has resulted in a significant reduction in the amount of travel required for servicing purposes, so reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

Extraction and filtration, secondary aluminum smelter

• Foundries • Smelters • Crematiories • Incineration • Asphalt • Energy • Vehichle repair shops (VRS) • Emergency stations

FilterBox is a very popular and flexible device for extraction of al welding fumes and dust. It can operate as a mobile device and ement ng can also be reconfigured as a permanently installed device. Nederman The firstWorldwide generation of the FilterBox was developed in the iency ect the working Nederman has subsidiaries in 30 countries andand agents and distributors he external environment, 1980s has been updated several times over the years. Work in over 30 countries. ng production economy ency. began on devising a completely new product in the autumn of 2009. Nederman wanted to develop a better product in all iency respects, but not least with regard to sustainability. The new sions oyees ption of materials FilterBox has completed all stages of the Nederman product es Ecodevelopment process and was launched in the autumn of 2012. efficiency

ency production n of resources

1 2 3


Extraction and filtration wood working

Sustainability approach paid off The new FilterBox has been designed to be energyefficient, so saving on resources. The fan and motor are compliant with the Ecodesign Directive and other international requirements in terms of energy efficiency. It is fitted with an automatic start/stop function which means that it only operates when it is needed. Thorough tests have shown that the FilterBox has a particularly long life-time. It is very easy to service thanks to the fact that filter cartridges and wear parts can be replaced easily. This product is modular, so it can be upgraded instead of being thrown away. All in all, these improvements reduce the utilisation of both energy and raw materials. Many sustainability improvements have also been made during the actual manufacture of the FilterBox. It is easier to install, so resulting in better ergonomics for the people installing it. It takes less time to assemble, so reducing the cost of heating and lighting. And using toolbound components reduces the amount of waste generated during manufacture. To reduce transportation and hence carbon dioxide emissions, the FilterBox is manufactured at three different production plants – in Europe, Asia and America – depending on where the product is to be sold. Nederman Manufacturing and Assembly centres Nederman Sales companies Nederman Distributors

Nederman FilterBox

Problems we solve: Extraction and filtration

Protecting people and the environment from harmful air pollution.

Resource management

Turn production waste and spills into profitable returns.


A clean and healthy work environment is a necessity for quality production.

Workplace service

Equipment and monitoring systems for a safe and efficient workplace.

Energy optimization

Equipment that minimizes energy consumption.


Safe solutions for combustible dust.

Learn about our proven solutions at Service and maintenance

Extraction and filtration foundry process


Nederman and sustainability 2012

Our values

Profitable, sustainable and responsible

Profitable customer focus.

Respect for the environment and each other.

At Nederman, we believe in profitable customer focus, respect for the environment and each other, and courage to do. By “profitable customer focus” we mean that as long as we are profitable, we are also in a better position to control and develop our own future. This is why we always endeavor to understanding our market and the needs of our customers and by constantly enhancing our professionalism. We are extremely committed to what we do, and very proud of our achievements. When we develop products and solutions for our customers, we always make sure that what we are creating is also profitable business. We strive to be a sustainable company in many regards. As an environmental technology company, we have the utmost respect for our environment. But this also involves respecting one another, our customers, suppliers and stakeholders. For us, respect also means developing mutual trust, opposing all forms of discrimination and striving to achieve a good work-life balance. We are stimulated by taking our own initiatives and taking responsibility. We believe in a tolerant working climate and

We strive to be a sustainable company in many regards.”

Courage to do.

encourage open, honest communication. This is where we exchange ideas and give one another constructive feedback. We are also aware of and work on the basis of the fact that change is constant. This is why we encourage people to think outside the box in order to come up with new solutions.

A good working environment is a good way to show respect.


Nederman’s business

Environmental commitment is increasing In 2012, Nederman has devised a new environmental and quality management system and global procedures for reporting on the group’s environmental and quality work. A new global position was also set up to allow this work to be managed and executed. All in all, the measures provide extended opportunities to pass on knowledge, exchange experiences and carry out internal audits, allowing us to improve our own business so that it remains sustainable in both financial and environmental terms. All manufacturing companies within the group are certified for management systems ISO14001:2004 for the environment and ISO 9001:2008 for quality. Work has begun on certifying the acquired EFT’s production plants as well. The company has two primary environmental targets for 2013. The first is to reduce energy consumption by 6 per cent in relation to consumption and net sales in 2012. This will mean a 120-tonne reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. The second is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from air transport by 15 per cent, a reduction of some 83 tonnes of carbon dioxide compared with sales for 2012. Work on reaching these targets is taking place by means of a series of activities. Transport optimisation Nederman has production and assembly units in eleven countries on four continents, and works intensively with optimisation of all material and product flows. Components are manufactured at our own production plants and at subcontractors’ production plants as well. The company is striving to increase the amount of local manufacturing and assembly carried out in North America, Europe, Asia and South America. These measures also include increasing local purchases of components and materials. The aim is to reduce the amount of transport necessary and so to reduce both costs and environmental impact, as well as providing deliveries to end customers more quickly. Another project which is helping to reduce transport costs and environmental impact involves reducing the number of suppliers. The situation was mapped fully in 2012, and we are currently working on consolidating our supplier base. The acquisition of EFT means that more production plants will be integrated in the group’s logistics flow. This is why new procurement of all the company’s transport assignments in North America will take place in 2013. A large part of Nederman’s goods flow is based in Helsingborg. Thorough evaluations are being carried out of the three transport suppliers

Everyone benefits from green production.

selected as partners. The goods have to be forwarded in an ecofriendly manner by fitting the vehicles with fuel-efficient engines or using alternative fuels and by optimising all route planning. In 2012, carbon dioxide emissions from air transport and transport by sea were reduced by 11.1 per cent. The number of internal meetings held online using the LYNC online meeting system has increased massively, so resulting in a significant reduction in physical travel. Another eco-friendly measure is the digital training platform Nederman Training Center, which was launched in 2012. The introduction of the online portal has resulted in a reduction in travel for training and related activities within the group. Reduce energy wastage We are looking at production to reduce overall energy consumption at Nederman. Measures are being implemented to optimise the utilisation of machines, e.g. by ensuring that pneumatic instruments are free of leaks, so saving a lot of energy. Work is also in progress on gradually swapping all light fittings so that LED bulbs can be used. This effort will result in energy consumption which is up to five times lower. Using energy-efficient computers and monitors which switch to standby mode when not in use is also saving a lot of energy. Utilising waste from production, e.g. when cutting and stamping metal parts, is another way of making savings. There are clear guidelines for this, stating that materials must be reused in the first instance and sold for recycling otherwise. When end customers use Nederman products, they consume energy. The biggest contribution we can make to saving energy involves developing energy-efficient products, along with control systems which optimise their operation. We are currently leaders in this field too.


Nederman and sustainability 2012

Environmental targets for 2013

Improvements in many areas As a world leader in the field of industrial air filtration, Nederman has a significant part to play in the development of sustainable and efficient industrial production – among our customers. We have committed ourselves to sustainable business and our internal environmental work focuses on the following areas:

• Products and solutions

All new products are developed with a requirement for minimal environmental impact during manufacturing, distribution, use and recycling. This is ensured by means of the development process, which is adapted to ensure sus tainable product development – from the very first concept to the finished product.

• Energy savings and waste management in production

Key figures for the environment include targets for energy

savings and increased reuse or recycling of waste from pro duction. All of the group’s manufacturing units are con stantly working on this.

• Reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from transport

Carbon dioxide emissions from intercontinental transporta-

tion have been reduced significantly over the year thanks to higher levels of transport by sea, optimised volumes and route planning. This work will be continuing in 2013, focu sing on reducing air transport and setting more stringent environmental requirements for transport by road.

• Supplier development

Nederman has developed a code of conduct for suppliers over the year. Self-assessment combined with greater emphasis on supplier audits will address both environmen tal responsibility and social responsibility among our supp liers.

2013 • Reduce energy consumption by 6 per cent compared with consumption and n et sales for 2012. • Reduce carbon dioxide emissions from air transport by 15 per cent.

Other environmental targets:

• Increasing the reuse and recycling of waste in production by 3 per cent • Reducing the number of local deliveries by courier • Reducing environmental impact for new product versions • Carrying out self-assessments of the code of conduct for suppliers in two countries • Carrying out at least five supplier audits for each production unit.



Nederman will emit this much less carbon dioxide in 2013 by saving energy.


is our target for 2013 as regards increasing the reuse and recycling of waste in production.


carbon dioxide emissions from air transport will be reduced by this much in 2013.

Nederman Sustainability report 2012 is produced in collaboration with Ordfyndigheten and Consum.

Nederman Holding AB (publ.) P.O. Box 602, SE-252 28, Helsingborg, Sweden Visiting address: Sydhamnsgatan 2 Tel: +46 42 18 87 00. Fax: +46 42 14 79 71

Nederman Sales companies in: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom, USA, Thailand, Vietnam.

Nederman Agents in: Argentina, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Chile, Cyprus, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hongkong, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, New Zealand, Oman, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan R.O.C, Thailand, United Arab Emirates.

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