Essay On Terrorism In English

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Terrorism is becoming more and more of a threat to Americans both at home and abroad. International terrorism happens when terrorism occurs out of our country. An example of an International terrorist is Osama bin Laden. Laden is the worlds most dangerous terrorist. Laden shows genocidal tendency by killing Americans through–out the world from the bombings of the WorldTrade Center to the embassy bombings in Africa. The African blasts killed more than 250 people. The FBI has been tracking him for more that four years and they still couldn't stop him from striking Americans overseas and can't stop him now with the current foreign policy that has been adopted. He feels that all Christians and Jews worldwide need to be exterminated more content...

The thing that bin Laden still has is his vast wealth regardless of what damage was inflicted on his operation by the cruise–missile strikes. Bin Laden's resources are hidden in several countries in what many call front companies, and this is going to make it difficult to track down bin Laden's assets some government officials worry ("Costly" 6)(kelley 2). Cannistraro said, "while we've aggressively targeted his financial flows of money, which is the lifeblood of the organization a lot of it is still out of reach. We're not going to be able to put him out of business" (Kelley 2). After such strikes against bin Laden, it is important to understand what consequences have occurred and could occur because of the American strikes. The first factor of a terrorist attack is the terrorist's motivation to carry out their attacks, and the second being their capability to carry out their attacks. The director of The International Policy Institute for Counter–Terrorism, Boaz Ganor, asserts that often such retaliation against a terrorist group will "by its very nature," increase the terrorist's motivation "to take revenge for the damage to their capabilities and to their 'image.'" However, "such strikes won't increase their ability to carry out more attacks; and at best, will greatly damage their capabilities to do so." But bin

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Essay on Terrorism

Essay on Islam and Terrorism

English 1302

20 November 2006 Does Islam Promote Terrorism?

There may be some Muslims who are terrorists, but not all Muslims are terrorist and Islam as a religion does not promote terrorism and defines as a religion of peace. Islam means submission to god. Islam is a religion of peace and does not talk of doing violence at all. As many westerners have the misconception that all Muslims are terrorists, and are involved in the killing of innocent people. I will prove that all Muslims are not terrorists and if at all the culprits are Muslim; they have twisted the teachings of Islam. The dictionary meaning of terrorism is the unlawful or threatened use of more content...

From there, it spread around the world, most notably to the Middle East, where car bombs, like the one that shattered the federal office building in Oklahoma City, are now part of everyday life" ( Wright, ed). There have been terrorist attacks since the early nineties, but the deadliest attacks that are happening against United States are linked to Al–Qaeda and all Muslims are stereotyped as terrorists by the westerners with no proof. If what happened on 9/11 was terrorism then so is the violence in Iraq and most recently in Lebanon. According to me, both Islam and Christianity are great religions and both promote peace, and who ever is involved in killing innocent people does not follow any religion."All Muslims may not be terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims."(Aiyer 23) This comment, frequently heard after the Mumbai bomb blasts implies that terrorism is a Muslim specialty, if not a monopoly. Muslims are actively committing acts of terrorism in many parts of the world and justifying it by pointing towards the Koran. Even the west is not untouched anymore. Thirty new terrorist organizations have emerged since the September 11 attacks, outpacing the United States' efforts to crush the threat. Recently, a court in Paris sentenced 25 Muslims militants for planning attacks against the Eiffel Tower and other targets with explosives. All indications suggests that Islamists were the perpetrators. One of my American friends

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Terrorism is the use or threat of violence to create fear and alarm. Terrorists murder and kidnap people, set off bombs, hijack airplanes, set fires, and commit other serious crimes. But the goals of terrorists differ from those of ordinary criminals. Most criminals want money or some other form of personal gain. Most terrorists commit crimes to support political causes.

The word terrorism first appeared during the French Revolution (1789–1799). Some of the revolutionaries who seized power in France adopted a policy of violence against their enemies. The period of their rule became known as the Reign of Terror.

Features of terrorism. Terrorist acts are committed for various reasons. Some individuals and groups that use more content... They often threaten to kill the hostages if their demands are not met. Some terrorism involves the intentional release of toxic chemicals, poisons, germs, or other harmful substances. Bombings make up about half of all terrorist acts.

Terrorism may cross national boundaries. A quarrel in one nation may produceterrorist attacks in several other countries. Some governments secretly support certain terrorist groups by providing weapons, training, and money for attacks in other countries.

Most terrorist groups fail to achieve their long–range political goals. Governments fight terrorism by refusing to accept terrorist demands and by increasing security at airports and other likely targets. Some countries train special military units to rescue hostages. All terrorist acts are crimes under international law.

History of terrorism. Terrorist tactics have been used for centuries. An American group, the Ku Klux Klan, used violence to terrorize blacks and their sympathizers in the late 1800's and the 1900's. In the 1930's, the dictators Adolf Hitler of Germany, Benito Mussolini of Italy, and Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union used terrorism to discourage opposition to their governments. In Northern Ireland, Roman Catholic and Protestant extremists have used violence to push for, respectively, the end of, or the continuation of, British rule.

Some terrorist groups in the 1960's sought the destruction of the political and

Essay on Terrorism
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13 Sept 2015


Many of us will embrace our loved ones before leaving our homes to start a hectic workday. As we hug our children and kiss our spouses goodbye, the thought of losing them, or our lives to acts of terrorism, is typically not one to cross our minds. On September 11, 2001, this mere thought became the reality for many families. The eleventh of September will forever be remembered as the date a terrorist organization, known as al–Qaeda, attacked the United States killing thousands of innocent people. The al–Qaeda organization have exposed vulnerabilities in the United States' homeland security. Many have questioned how could this happen to a country known to be the most powerful nation in the world and what steps are being taken to prevent these acts from occurring in the future? Today,terrorism is a forefront global issue bringing nations together to develop ways to improve national security for all. The term terrorism, in English use, originated during the French Revolution 's Reign of Terror when violent acts were carried out by a political group called the Jacobin Club. The Jacobin Club conducted numerous of guillotine killings to enforce obedience from the state and to bully regime enemies (History of Terrorism). History also shows when individuals disagree with beliefs or views of another group of people, sometimes acts of violence and destruction are used to intimidate or conform. Examples of acts of

A Global
Terrorism :
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Terrorism has many trends in our today's world, the enormity of the complexity of the numbers of terrorism and why some are combatted against and some just get away with whatever bad they did. Usually, there will be individual ways of lives that may traditionally opposed to the use of violence in addressing certain situations due to the inability of a total disregard or unwillingness of the society to engage with certain trouble makers in the world. Plus as the famous saying goes "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." Because if a group of people that shared the same ideology are against one subgroup of people that they don't identify with may result to violence or even negligence of some of those threats and violence by the central authorities running that particular place and these types of negligence resort to grievances that often escalates the rate of hatred, anger, bigotry among citizens of the same nation and may end up violent between groups that are not even known as a terrorist organization because vengeance and animosity and grievances all comes in different forms and people that embark on terrorism as a results of trends like these, may not necessary belong to well–known terrorists organizations. Lack of high status in both politics and or in any socio–economic or political opportunity may attract violence in the society. People have to eat if they are starving, people want to be entitled to some form of status in life or want to be

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Essay On Terrorism And Terrorism

English Speech: Terrorism

Good (morning/afternoon) and welcome to my speech. Today I would like to enlighten you with a subject that I feel strongly about. That subject is terrorism and what it has done to the world. My personal opinion is that terrorism is something that is causing havoc in this place called earth and it should stopped before it gets out of our hands.

The word terrorism in the English dictionary means "violent action for political purposes." This is the proper definition but my definition differs a little. My definition is a bunch of scumbags trying to kill other people as a hobby. Acts of terrorism has become a major issue in the past year and a half. Who could more content...

This was a car bomb. Just before midnight on Saturday, Oct. 12, as people from across the globe danced at the Sari, a popular nightclub on the Indonesian resort island of Bali, a car parked outside–and packed with explosives–blew up.

The most recent form of terrorism was when 2 terrorists entered a Hindu place of worship and with ease killed 33 innocent victims and injuring many more. This was the most hurtful act of terrorism for me as this Hindu place of worship was where I have prayed before and it was my religious building that got attacked. Fortunately, these 2 terrorists were brought to justice and killed.

Due to the acts of terrorism security has been tightened all over the world but yet terrorists find ways of breaking into other countries and causing havoc. Security has been tightened in airports, buildings and even religious places of worship have got to grips with the true meaning of security.

Many people i.e. terrorists, think that what they do is for the best and this was what the god Allah has said they have to do. They believe that Americagot what they deserved and there is still more to come. They are trying to make themselves the biggest and baddest people around trying to make everyone respect them. They are trying to build up a reputation and get world publicity but they are going the wrong way about it.

How To Write A Speech On Terrorism
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Essay On Domestic Terrorism

The Domestic Terrorism Threat

The emphasis of counterterrorism policy in the United States since Al Qaeda's attacks of September 11, 2001 has been on jihadist terrorism. However, in the last decade, domestic terrorists have killed American citizens and damaged property across the country. Not all of these criminals have been prosecuted under terrorism charges. This is not meant to imply that domestic terrorists should be taken any less seriously than other terrorists.

Domestic terrorists may not be the top federal counterterrorism priority, but they feature prominently among the concerns of some law enforcement officers. According to The Diane Rehm Show "investigators look into more content...

According to Sabrina Tavernise from New York Times, Terrorism is an ideology, it's not a religion, but the religion that tends to give birth to it most often these days is Islam. The threat from that is very real, and we can't just ignore it. This false preaching is exactly what is promoting these unreasonable courses of action that terrorist do.

The key to solving this problem is implementing harsher gun laws upon people with criminal records and running mental health examinations on all purchasers. Russell Jacoby from the New York Times clarifies that Automatic weapons and potent bombs allow the deranged and begrudged to slaughter scores of innocents in mere seconds. It is not only the firepower available in our country that is scary. The fact that we are not taking

Mrs. Corbett English 1530

action towards the problem is as well. Most threats and violence tend to emerge from within a person's mind, not outside of it. Terrorism is a constant threat to everyone on the planet, these people tend to be mentally unsound and many precautions can be made to help the problem. The key solution would be to make gun accessibility harder with a series of tests and background

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Argumentative Essay On Terrorism

In a new book written by Tony Blair's former chief of staff and chief negotiator in Northern Ireland, Jonathan Powell, the author of "Talking to Terrorists" states "there is no conflict in the world that cannot be solved" (p. 35). In this book, Powell draws on his wider experiences of conflict resolution to argue that terrorism nearly always ends in negotiation, and that we waste much blood and treasure in failing to recognize the need to talk to terrorists at a much earlier stage. Additionally, the former chief of staff states "the problem is not talking to terrorists, it is giving in to them" (p. 37), and acknowledges that there is a time to negotiate, and that time is often when a state of "mutually hurting stalemate" (p. 42) has been achieved. Yet, he contends, that we waste much time in regarding terrorists as irreconcilable and beyond the pale before we belatedly decide to talk.

The argument against negotiation with terrorist hostage–takers is simple: it rewards terrorist behavior, undermines the legitimacy of non–violent political actors, and nullifies efforts to police terrorism (Faure 2003; Neumann 2007). Because hostage–taking acts under terror, hostage–takers will challenge legal authorities – weakening and discrediting it (Faure, 2003). Governments usually prefer an alternative, like combat, because it "requires no concessions, grants no legitimacy, and is consistent with the norm of punishing illegal violence" (Pruitt 2007, p. 374). Indeed, when a terrorist group does not receive wide support or is not tied to an ethnic/nationalist constituency they are much less likely to survive policing and military operations. However, for those groups that do experience support, the group can be hidden, resupplied, given moral justification, and the population may contribute to the active members. Curfews, checkpoints, harsh policing efforts, and collateral damage contribute toward alienating the population away from the suspect government. Discontented people, ranging from inconvenienced to maimed, strengthen sympathy and support for insurgent/terrorist groups who are viewed increasingly justified or morally right. In other words, police and military options can easily create more support for such groups, Get

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Reflection Paper On Terrorism

Why am I here? What does terrorism, or counterterrorism, have to do with being a Patrol lieutenant? I asked these questions of myself on October 4, 2017 at 2:45 in the afternoon – The first day of this class. When I had enrolled in this course I was a Criminal Investigations Division lieutenant overseeing the unit that would be responsible for investigating anything deemed "Terrorism" for my agency. I was also the supervisor of the Executive Protection Unit. However, between enrollment and the first day of class I transferred to a Patrol shift, so did this class still hold any meaning for me and would I get anything out of it? Furthermore, I am from San Antonio, Texas. We do not have any sizeable Muslim population.

A quick more content...

As they progress through the stages of radicalization, they seek other radicals in chat rooms and other forums. This could help to speed the entire process. It certainly makes it easier for the new jihadist to find and research possible targets and gain information on making armaments.Surprisingly, since 2001, most terrorist attacks were conducted by citizens or residents of the countries where the attacks were carried out. . (Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat).

Therefore, after some quick research I had determined that Yes, the topic was relevant to my current position. Nevertheless, what could I do? I am no longer over–seeing a specialized unit, one that would respond to a terrorist attack. Suddenly, the answer came to me: It was precisely because I was no longer a member of a specialized team that this class pertained to me. Today's trend in law enforcement towards specialized unit has left Patrol perceived as a starting point. Ambitious patrol officers want to move on to these specialized units with visions of adventure and glory. Additionally, these specialized units receive a bulk of the training budget and new equipment. Conversely, it will be the patrol officer, in most situations, who will be first on the scene. Leaving me with the question: What to do? Patrol is one of the few divisions in a department that cannot just call a "Training Day" for the personnel. State law enforcement agencies have adopted the role as the Get


Terrorism in the United States has taken a big step since 9/11. After 9/11 there have been more and more police officers working. There are a lot or terrorist groups around the world but there are also motivational terrorist. The word terrorism does not really have a straight forward definition because there is different form of terrorism. The types of terrorisms that is around that people know are state sponsored terrorism, dissent terrorism, terrorists from left and right, religious terrorism and criminal terrorism. State sponsored terrorism can be defined as a government that supports any actions of terrorism. State sponsors are driven by a number of reasons, a number of which is intersected. There are frequently political, and more content...

Their engagements are usually poorly organized and there are few recognizable organizations. Some main key organizations are that of Ku Klux Klan, Neo–Nazis, State Militias and fringe religious groups. As for Left–Wing terrorism which is more on the attack towards industries and business and is believe to be harmless. Religious terrorism has been the main cause to today's terrorist, religious terrorism is based on motivation and goals. Religious terrorism consists of performances that scare; go along with by a religious motivation, justification, organization, or world view. Religion is sometimes used in mixture with other influences, and sometimes as the main inspiration. Religious Terrorism is closely associated to present powers of geopolitics. Lastly is Criminal Terrorism is crimes done outside the US that is brought to the US for a profit. An example of criminal terrorism is Mexican drug cartel. Mexican drug cartels would sneak drugs to the United States for money or even a way to get into the United States illegally. Criminal Terrorism is now bigger then it was a few decades ago and is still going on. When people think of terrorist they think Middle East countries Arabs etc. They are all sorts or terrorists in the world there are even operations group in the US. But many people believe that the world is just based on people outside of the United States. Vice versa, many people from other countries believe the same

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Essay On State Sponsored Terrorism

The Ethical Implications Of Terrorism

Terrorism has been a detrimental issue in our society and, in direct response to the threat, the intelligence community started to use a tactic that proved, to some, to be divisive and controversial: torture. They believed that in order to protect their constituencies and countries they felt that torture, kept relatively private, would effectively root out terrorism and the strategies that they employ. However, as with anything in the age of the Internet, nothing stays quiet for long and many human rights groups have taken an opposition to the use of torture. This has increasingly become more and more controversial of an activity and thus we need to start to look at the ethical implications of torture and how that impacts the future of counter–terrorism and intelligence gathering. Before we delve into ethics we need to set up a base knowledge by looking at the historical implications of torture, how it has evolved, and where that leaves us today. Following that the paper will head towards how torture is used and how effective it is. Finally, after understanding these first, key points we will begin to dive into how utilizing torture does, or does not, affect our ethics. Now, we move towards the history behind torturing terrorism. As is normally an upstanding practice in any research attempt, the history behind utilizing torture as a tactic against terrorism has to be examined before moving on to look at the other aspects behind these actions. Torturing terrorists has been a

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Terrorism is certainly nothing new, it is an unfortunate reality that often leads to violence, and is not likely to stop in the future. With modern technology, carrying out these often–bloody attacks may not have become any easier, but has certainly allowed the groups that carry out these attacks to become more effective at reaching their goal. Using the media, terrorists and/or insurgencies can leverage television and the internet to spread a message that they are both serious, and that their cause is justified.

Terrorist organizations use the media to spread their message to others, to convince others that their cause is justified, to show the world what they can do, and that they should be taken seriously. In Gordon H. McCormick's article "Terrorist Decision Making" he mentions several quotes by Karl Heinzen, whom he refers to as a "radical German publicist. Heinzen believed that with the State having the ultimate advantage over the revolutionist, "murder [...] must be turned into a science" by those operating against the state, to have a chance. Although Heinzen did not realize it during his life, the "science" of murder he spoke about would later include using the media, to inflict the maximum effect, with the smallest cost on the side of the terrorist organization. One example of terrorists using the media to leverage their position is mentioned in Boaz Ganor's contribution to. In Chapter 16 of "The Routledge History of Terrorism", Boaz Ganor describes a

Terrorism In Terrorism
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Terrorism and the United States A cloud of anthrax spores looming in the sky of San Diego California designed to inflict a horrible death within ninety–six hours on anyone who breaths it. At first, thousands of victims think they have mild influenza or a cold that recedes after a day or two. However, when their symptoms return, and their lungs starts filling–up with fluid the victim realize that another terrorist attack has occurred. Hundreds of victims have acute psychosomatic pain. They besiege over crowded hospitals demanding treatment. Local hospitals and medical clinics quickly run out of drugs. Law enforcement and more content...

Because it is so hard to define, organizations like the United Nations have had great difficulty drawing up policies against terrorism. Terrorist actions may be committed by a single individual, a certain group, or even governments. Most terrorists, unlike criminals, claim to be dedicated to higher causes, and do not believe in personal gain. The methods used in terrorism include threats, bombings, and the destruction of property, kidnapping, and the taking of hostages, executions, and assassinations.

As we are approaching the new millennium, it seems that terrorism is becoming another one of society's constant problems. It has reached to an extent that most of us have now become immune to it. We hear about the hijacking of different airplanes, kidnapping of diplomatic officers, slaughter of innocent civilians. However, terrorists in most instances first strike by doing something vicious like bombing an area and bio–chemical attacks which the government and the citizens of the country can be terrified of them. Then, they make their demands: safe passage or release of their fellow terrorists. What can the government do to stop terrorism? Mr. Bush and America do not negotiate with Terrorist. Unfortunately, the United Stateshas become the target of the most recent terrorist attacks because of its political involvement in the Middle East. The United States has had

Terrorism and the United States Essay
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worldview on terrorism. Unlike earlier before when terror groups were confined in their countries or particular region, the new form of terror signposted that they could perpetrate terror to the entire world. Evidently, from the recent past attack it's apparent that their most suitable target is unarmed civilians. They also target the highest number of casualties possible so as to inflict fear and intimidations and consequently pass their propaganda.

Modern terrorism can be analyzed focusing on issues such motivation, territorialism and individualism. Assumingly, it is apparent that terrorists are more motivated than ever. Unlike before, most terrorism activities carried out worldwide in the recent past are largely motivated by religion rather than political or economic objectives. Jihad teachers use religion as base of their teaching, and impose ideas to their students or followers (Mamdani, 2002). Their key motivation is religion. Other motivation to terrorism also exists such as politics among others though religious motivated tend to be more severe of all of them. Some time ago, most terrorism activities focused only on places or regions were their goals and objectives were confined. This form of terrorism was mainly homegrown or domestic. After realization of their objectives terror activities were ceased or declined gradually. Modern terrorism has no borders; it can be carried out virtually anywhere. It is more sophisticated and systematized thus very severe. Its goals

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Worldview On Terrorism : Terrorism

Effects of Terrorism

Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.

FBI Definition

On Tuesday September 11th, 2001our Nation was forever changed. Following the single largest terrorist attack ever experienced by this country, thousands are dead or missing, tens of thousands of people in this country know someone who was killed or injured, and many more have witnessed or heard about the attack through the media. The impact of this magnitude of terrorist attack will affect people at all levels of involvement: victims, bereaved family members, friends, rescue workers, more content...

2 Ibid., p. 414

3 Pfefferbaum, B., Gurwitch, R., McDonald, N., Leftwih, M.,Sconzo, G., Messenbaugh, A., Schultz, R. (2000). Posttraumatic stress among children after the death of a friend or acquaintance in a terrorist bombing. Psychiatric Services, 51, 386–388.

There have been very few terrorist attacks in the United States, as opposed to some nations and there is documented information known about how people are affected. In my opinion it appears that mental healing occurs over time, although people most directly exposed to terrorist attacks are at a higher risk to develop PTSD.

Problems with anxiety, depression, and substance abuse are also commonly reported.4 Predictors include being closer to the attacks, being injured, or knowing someone who was killed or injured. Those who watch more media coverage on attacks are also at higher risk for PTSD and associated problems. Research from both domestic and international terrorist events sheds some light on the heightened risk for traumatic stress reactions in individuals exposed to those events. Following are some specific examples:

Oklahoma City Bombing

Essay on terrorism

Almost half of survivors directly exposed to the blast reported developing problems with anxiety, depression, and alcohol and over a

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Radicalization is a process of socialization to extremism. Radicalization processes is what lead to acts of terrorism. It thrives in an enabling environment with a sediments of injustice, exclusion and humiliation among the terrorists groups. Triggering factors varying in accordance to individual experience and personal pathways to radicalization, it is due to global, sociological and political drivers such as extreme marginalization, general decline or globalization. Hence, to analyze the drivers of radicalization, we need to understand the collective grievances behind radicalism by making comparisons of primary causes of radicalization which will ultimately lead to terrorism in different terrorists groups like ISIS and LTTE, will allow us to decide if whether terrorism is primarily due to globalization. Terrorism is primarily due to globalization. Due to globalization, there was a widespread of dissatisfaction, due to the very rapid changes in society, and the Western supremacy. Breeding grounds for radicalism and terrorist recruitment emerge not because of deprivation, but rather the time at which negative social, economic and political trends converge. Especially in the Arab world, relative deprivation, the absence of opportunities relative to growing aspirations and expectations. Information technology provides an interconnected nature of the world and globalization create an acute awareness about opportunities available elsewhere. Allowing more to be more conscious

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Terrorism And Terrorism


Terrorism...This is a very common word in today's society. What does it mean? Or more importantly how do "we" prevent it and if necessary combat it? The word most commonly used to explain this is counter terrorism, but is also known as anti–terrorism. The military is a great force in combating terrorism with specialist groups in nearly each branch of the armed forces. Prior to the September 11 attacks the United States Armed Forces worked hand in hand with NATO and the United Nations combating terror. However after these attacks, the United States Military has become a widely utilized entity on fighting terrorism.

Before even discussing anything about terrorism you have to have a broad understand of what it is. more content... What few people understand is that terrorist groups are very organized and one unit of the cell can have no idea who the members of another unit are. In other words two people can be working for the same cause, in the same organization pass each other on the street and have no idea who each other are. This is to set up a lack of information chain. One cell will only know their part. If they were to be captured they could not give information about the other cells in their organization. This is one of the reasons it is so hard to combat terrorism and why using the military is so controversial.

What is the militaries role in combating terrorism? How do you fight something with guns that is so broad and complex? It seems that the militaries current role is to capture known terrorists and to kill anyone that poses a threat. However it is much more complex then it appears. Each branch has a role in combating terrorism, some more advertised than others. Not only does each branch work by itself but they also work together and with other countries. When working as their own entities they still work together. For Example currently in Iraq, the United States Army is working on their own set of missions and the same with the Marines. However the missions the Army and Marine forces accomplish work to accomplish the goals for their country. So in a sense the not one branch will ever work completely alone.

There are

Militaries Role In Combating Terrorism
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Essay on Terrorism: Its Forms and Effects

In recent years, terrorism has been on the rise. The most famous attack in recent years was that of the destruction of the twin towers in 2001. It caused a massive public outcry at the atrocity of the actions. What most people don't realize, however is that the people who make these attacks, called terrorists, have a goal in mind. People also don't realize that there are many types of terrorism, and are not just limited to the attacker flying planes into famous buildings. The types of terrorism are quite varied, the reasons for each just as much, and the public reaction is never the same for any of them. Terrorism as it is defined is the use of violent acts in order to intimidate or coerce a population into a particular type more content...

Some examples of agents used in this type of terrorism are anthrax, botulism, and smallpox. Obviously, these diseases, and others that fall into this category would be devastating if released upon a population of people. Therefore this would make these the prime thing for bio–terrorists to use against their targets. Category B is the next most severe level, which are somewhat easily transmitted, but not quite as easily. They also have a moderate mortality rate, and would take some preparation on medical personal's part (CDC, Bioterrorism Agents/Diseases). Some examples of Category B agents would be E. Coli, Salmonella, and Typhus Fever. These diseases would be moderately devastating to a nation, and terrorists would want them for being easier to obtain then Category A agents. Category C is the lowest level of pathogens. This tier consists of pathogens that are in development, and are not really a threat to the public at large at the current time (CDC, Bioterrorism Agents/Diseases). These are pathogens with high potential for mass chaos. These pathogens will have high availability, production and transmission rates, and potential for high mortality rates. These are diseases that are being genetically engineered, and, because they are not yet fully developed, they are not very high on priority lists. If they were to come into full use then they would most often be considered as Category A diseases. The second type of terrorism is

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Terrorism and hostage taking may be as old as civilization itself. There are numerous references to abduction throughout Greek mythology. In midievil times hostages were taken for money or a guaranteed safe passage through a country. In the U.S., Indians on the western frontier terrorized settlers to frighten them away. Throughout the twentieth century, up until the 1970's various terrorist acts were committed, yet it was not as big a problem as it is today. The new age of terrorism dawned at 4:30 in the morning of September 5, 1972. It was then that members of the Palestinian organization Black September attacked the Isreali Olympic team. Three men were killed on the spot and nine were taken captive. The terrorists demanded that 200 more content...

The death toll from acts of terrorism has risen dramatically in recent years. In 1984, 803 bombing incidents resulted in six deaths and 112 injuries. The death toll from international terrorism rose from 163 in 1995 to 311 in 1996, as the trend continued toward more ruthless attacks on mass civilian targets and the use of more powerful bombs. In 1994 alone, there were 163 terrorist incidents in which 31 people were killed and 308 injured . In places like Beirut, Lebanon, terrorist casualties have mounted so fast that many are not even reported in most of the world's press. As Bruce Hoffman put it "terrorist groups today are more nihilistic than previous groups who were motivated by nationalist and economic grievances" (Deutch 2). Casualties from small terrorist attacks have increased significantly since 1972. These small attacks trigger many countries to change or start new policies. The large attacks are what really cause governments and civilizations to reconsider their policies though. These attacks are also "increasingly directed against the Western democracies" (Taylor 30). *The first big terrorist attack was at the Munich Olympics on September 5, 1972. Twelve innocent people were killed along with five of the terrorists. *On October 3, 1985 Achille Lauro, a cruise ship carrying mostly retired senior citizens was hijacked by . The terrorists were finally taken captive. One disabled man was killed

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Essay on Terrorism

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