Ace Standards Manual

Page 1

Primary mark




Introduction Ace Coffee started up in San Luis Obispo, it is a high end coffee shop focused on providing their customers with an unforgettable experience. In 2017 Ace Coffee decided to expand by getting more involved in the community and better promoting themselves outside of the cafe. They have a wide age range of customers and a lot of college students because California Polytechnic State University and Cuesta College are nearby. They want to ensure that people of all ages would enjoy spending time in their cafĂŠ. Ace plans to get more involved in the community by hosting community events, participating in the local farmers market, and promoting themselves to their current customers via email. In this manual there are several pieces that will benefit Ace Coffee in their expansion. They want to insure that with their expansion the quality of their coffee and the experience people have remains extraordinary.


Table of contents Logotypes primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 secondary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 minimum size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,18 safe space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 19 misuses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Components graphic elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 color palette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 typefaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Business system business card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 letterhead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 envelopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Applications print. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 physical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 digital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60


Primary mark


The primary mark is shown above, it uses earthy tones found in coffee and incorporates coffee leaves. This mark should be used whenever possible in full color. It’s acceptable in the versions shown in the next few pages as well. The colors and proportions should never change in the mark.


Primary Mark: one color


If its not possible to use the full color mark these four one color solutions are also acceptable. The four colors are taken from the primary color palette. Black should only be used when color printing is not possible.


Primary Mark: reversed


The reversed out logotype should be done using the four approved colors from the color palette shown here. The primary color choice is the dark brown and if color is not an option use black. The reversed out logotype has a different minimum size then the full color because “premium quality” and “est. 2016” become illegible at a certain size in white.



Secondary Mark

The secondary logotype should only be used when the primary mark can not be used. When in full color it should always look like this. There are four one color and reversed out versions shown on the next pages.


Secondary Mark: one color


The secondary logotype one color version should only be used when the primary mark and the full color secondary logotype can not be used. The four approved colors from the color palette can be used for it as shown here. The primary color choice is the dark brown and if color is not an option use black.


Secondary Mark: reversed


The secondary logotype reversed out should only be used when the primary mark and the full color secondary logotype can not be used. The four approved colors from the color palette can be used for it as shown here. The primary color choice is the dark brown and if color is not an option use black.


Primary mark: minimum size

1.5 inch 1.75 inch

When using the primary logotype be careful with size, if reduced too much it becomes illegible. Refer to the minimum sizes shown here to ensure that the logotype remains legible and no detail is lost. 1.5 inch


Primary mark: safe space

There should never be anything penetrating the safe space of the primary logotype. To prevent that from happening use the “E” from “ACE” to demonstrate the safe space. Along all sides you should use the width of the “E” as shown above.


Secondary mark: minimum size

1 inch

1 inch

1 inch


When using the secondary logotype be careful with size, if reduced too much it becomes illegible. Refer to the minimum sizes shown here to ensure that the logotype remains legible and no detail is lost.

Secondary mark: safe space

There should never be anything penetrating the safe space of the secondary logotype. To prevent that from happening use the “E” from “ACE” to demonstrate the safe space. Along all sides you should use the width of the “E” as shown above.


Primary mark: misuses

The logotype should never be at an angle on any application.

Never change the size of individual items within the logotype.

The coffee shop banner should always be the same color as the hexagon shape.

The color of the primary logo should never be altered.


If using a background color only use the colors from the primary color palette.

The logotype should never be distorted in any way.

Size of the coffee shop banner in relationship to the rest of the logotype should never change.

Do not remove any pieces from the primary logotype unless using the approved secondary logotype.


Secondary mark: misuses

Never change the size of individual items within the logotype.

Do not remove the leaves from the secondary logotype.

Do not remove the banner surrounding “coffee shop� from the secondary logotype.

Do not remove the lines from the coffee shop banner in the secondary logotype.


If using a background color only use the colors from the primary color palette.

Do not alter the shape of the coffee shop banner. It should always be the approved arch.

Do not put “ACE� behind the leaves.

Do not change the color of the coffee shop banner in the logotype.


Graphic Elements The dots are used in the six corners of the logo. They should only be used in these four colors and white, but never outlined. When using white for the dots the background color must be one of these four as well.

The leaves are in the primary and secondary logotype. The green is the only color it should be with the primary logotype, unless you are doing one color or reversed out. If doing either of those the four colors shown here are the approved colors. The following graphic elements can be used in these four colors as well when doing one color or reversed out.


The hexagonal shape should always be used in the primary logotype. It’s best in full color but can be used in the four colors shown when doing one color or white when reversed out. When reversed out the background color should be one of these four colors as well.

The banner should always be used in the primary and secondary logotype. It’s best in full color but can be used in the four colors shown when doing one color or white when reversed out. When reversed out the background color should be one of these four colors as well.


Approved Color Palette Soft Brown C:31 M:40 Y:43 K:1 R:178 G:149 B:138 #b2958a

Dark Brown C:64 M:61 Y:64 K:52 R:64 G:60 B:56 #403c38

Cream C:0 M:4 Y:11 K:0 R:255 G:243 B:225 #fff3e1

Green C:21 M:4 Y:43 K:0 R:204 G:219 B:165 #ccdba5

Beige C:10 M:11 Y:19 K:0 R:229 G:218 B:202 #e5daca

Grey-Brown C:50 M:45 Y:52 K:12 R:127 G:121 B:112 #7f7970


The colors palette is made up of all the colors found in the full color primary logotype and the beige. The colors were chosen for the earthy feel, the palette consists of different shades of brown pulled from coffee and then the green is added for the leaves.

Primary typeface: Univers Univers Light Condensed ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789?!ñ€$@#%^&*_+-=[](){}:“”

Univers Light Condensed Oblique ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789?!ñ€$@#%^&*_+-=[](){}:“”

Univers Condensed ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789?!ñ€$@#%^&*_+-=[](){}:“”

Univers Condensed Oblique ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789?!ñ€$@#%^&*_+-=[](){}:“”

Univers Bold Condensed ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789?!ñ€$@#%^&*_+-=[](){}:“”

Univers Bold Condensed Oblique ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789?!ñ€$@#%^&*_+-=[](){}:“”

The primary typeface is Univers and should be used in the Condensed weight in the dark brown found in the color palette. If the text is reversed out it should be white on either of the four colors in the primary mark one color versions (green, dark brown, grey-brown, and soft brown).


Secondary typeface: Bodoni Bodoni Std Book ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789?!ñ€$@#%^&*_+-=[](){}:“”

Bodoni Std Book Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789?!ñ€$@#%^&*_+-=[](){}:“”

Bodoni Std Roman ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789?!ñ€$@#%^&*_+-=[](){}:“”

Bodoni Std Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789?!ñ€$@#%^&*_+-=[](){}:“”

Bodoni Std Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789?!ñ€$@#%^&*_+-=[](){}:“”

Bodoni Std Bold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789?!ñ€$@#%^&*_+-=[](){}:“”

The secondary typeface is Bodoni and should be used in the Roman or Bold weight. It should only be used in the dark brown found in the color palette, if reversed out it should be white and in bold.


Business System Kathryn E. McCormick Professor of Design Department of Art & Design California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 November 6, 2017 Dear Ms. McCormick, Scout Coffee is a high end coffee shop, they provide customers with a unique experience from the way they serve the coffee to the design of the shop. It is a very pleasant place to hang out and from going there I was able to come up with a plan for the future and some ideas to help improve the business. As mentioned in the analysis it would be beneficial to stay open until 9:00 or 10:00pm, more specifically at the Foothill location. There is a large number of students at Cal Poly and Cuesta that would be coming in during this time for coffee and to work. It’s also a nice place to just relax and hang out with your friends too. Creating a partnership with a local bakery that will provide quality baguettes which could be served with tomatoes, cheese, and some basil. Something hip that fits the style of the cafe that isn’t a pastry, a lot of people go to other places such as Starbucks or BlackHorse because they serve things other then pastries. Not only would this help increase the cost per sale it could also be used to help market them, they could use the name of the bakery to gain more attraction and the bakery could serve their coffee as well. Farmers market is another way to expand their sales. The farmers market in SLO is very well known, hundreds of people walk up and down Higuera, and it would be a great way to advertise their company and it isn’t being done by another coffee shop right now. They could offer just a couple of choices from their usual menu and then if someone wanted something else they could direct them to their cafe. Farmers market is at night and it can get cold and a nice warm cup of coffee wvould be very satisfying for several people. Scout is known as a nice place to hang out college students and working people and a lot of moms come in regularly with their friends or associates just to relax. Given the space they have at foothill they could have community events every once in a while. For example, have a musician and bring a local well established food vendor, and have tastings where people can compare several different types of coffee and learn more about coffee, A rewards or frequent customer program would also help. People like the idea of getting things for free even if it means buying 10 cups of coffee to get it. Cards could be distributed to buyers offering them a free drink for every 8 or 10 they buy. This would be for the more expensive drinks like cappuccinos and lattes not your regular cup of coffee or ice tea. Sincerely,

Neev Pettel

805.439.2823 | | 880 E Foothill Blvd, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405


Business Card

The business card above is shown in actual size. It is a portrait layout, 2 inches by 3.5 inches. The front of the card has the information grouped in three sections separated by the leaves from the logotype. The first section in the name and business title. The second is the email, phone number, and website, the third is the address. The back is the primary logotype sitting on a cream background matching the logotype.



Kathryn E. McCormick Professor of Design Department of Art & Design California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 November 6, 2017 Dear Ms. McCormick, Scout Coffee is a high end coffee shop, they provide customers with a unique experience from the way they serve the coffee to the design of the shop. It is a very pleasant place to hang out and from going there I was able to come up with a plan for the future and some ideas to help improve the business. As mentioned in the analysis it would be beneficial to stay open until 9:00 or 10:00pm, more specifically at the Foothill location. There is a large number of students at Cal Poly and Cuesta that would be coming in during this time for coffee 8.5 and to work. It’s a nice place relax and out with your The friendsprimary too. The letterhead inches byalso 11 inches andtoisjust printed onhang heavy paper. mark is at the

top rightCreating of theapage partially a dark and also on the cream covers partnership with aon local bakerybrown that willbanner provide quality baguettes which couldthat be served withthe entire tomatoes, cheese, and some basil. Something hip that fits the style of the cafe that isn’t a pastry, a lot of paper. The body copy should be set to 10pt in Bodoni STD Book and the contact information people go to other places such as Starbucks or BlackHorse because they serve things other then pastries. found inNot the bottom right in the same butitset to also 9pt.beThe a top and only would this helpisincrease the costfont per sale could usedletter to helphas market them, theybottom could margin use of 4p0 and ofa the leftbakery and right 8p0. the name to gainof more attraction and the bakery could serve their coffee as well. Farmers market is another way to expand their sales. The farmers market in SLO is very well known, hundreds of people walk up and down Higuera, and it would be a great way to advertise their company and it isn’t being done by another coffee shop right now. They could offer just a couple of choices from their usual menu and then if someone wanted something else they could direct them to their cafe. Farmers market is at night and it can get cold and a nice warm cup of coffee wvould be very satisfying for several people. Scout is known as a nice place to hang out college students and working people and a lot of moms come in regularly with their friends or associates just to relax. Given the space they have at foothill they could have community events every once in a while. For example, have a musician and bring a local well established food vendor, and have tastings where people can compare several different types of coffee and


Kathryn E. McCormick Professor of Design Department of Art & Design California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 November 6, 2017 Dear Ms. McCormick, Scout Coffee is a high end coffee shop, they provide customers with a unique experience from the way they serve the coffee to the design of the shop. It is a very pleasant place to hang out and from going there I was able to come up with a plan for the future and some ideas to help improve the business. As mentioned in the analysis it would be beneficial to stay open until 9:00 or 10:00pm, more specifically at the Foothill location. There is a large number of students at Cal Poly and Cuesta that would be coming in during this time for coffee and to work. It’s also a nice place to just relax and hang out with your friends too. Creating a partnership with a local bakery that will provide quality baguettes which could be served with tomatoes, cheese, and some basil. Something hip that fits the style of the cafe that isn’t a pastry, a lot of people go to other places such as Starbucks or BlackHorse because they serve things other then pastries. Not only would this help increase the cost per sale it could also be used to help market them, they could use the name of the bakery to gain more attraction and the bakery could serve their coffee as well. Farmers market is another way to expand their sales. The farmers market in SLO is very well known, hundreds of people walk up and down Higuera, and it would be a great way to advertise their company and it isn’t being done by another coffee shop right now. They could offer just a couple of choices from their usual menu and then if someone wanted something else they could direct them to their cafe. Farmers market is at night and it can get cold and a nice warm cup of coffee wvould be very satisfying for several people. Scout is known as a nice place to hang out college students and working people and a lot of moms come in regularly with their friends or associates just to relax. Given the space they have at foothill they could have community events every once in a while. For example, have a musician and bring a local well established food vendor, and have tastings where people can compare several different types of coffee and learn more about coffee, A rewards or frequent customer program would also help. People like the idea of getting things for free even if it means buying 10 cups of coffee to get it. Cards could be distributed to buyers offering them a free drink for every 8 or 10 they buy. This would be for the more expensive drinks like cappuccinos and lattes not your regular cup of coffee or ice tea. Sincerely,

Neev Pettel

805.439.2823 | | 880 E Foothill Blvd, San Luis Obispo, CA 93405




The envelope is 9.25 inches wide and 4 inches tall. The secondary mark in on the front in the top left with the address beneath. The secondary mark is set to 1.25 inches wide. The address in Univers Bold Condensed at 8pt with 12pt leading. The front and the back flap should be cream amd the back is the dark brown. The primary logotype is on the back flap and the flap follows the angles of the logotype.




Coffee mugs for purchase


Coffee cups served at café


Whole bean coffee bags

Klean Kanteen


Shirts for customers and employees.


Poster to be displayed in cafe and handed out to people.


Brighten your day with ace Buy One Drink Get The Second Half Off

E-blast with promotion.


E-blast informing people of new holiday drink.




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