Diary Entries By- Nefertari Pierre-Louis
1937 A diary entry : George That stupid, stupid son of a gun. Always screw’in everythin up. I’ll be damned if he has me runnin away from one more opportunity. Runnin away just like we was runnin outta Weed. Cant the bastard just keep his hands to himself? Always touchin and grabbin. To hell with a soft dress. Why’d he have to touch her dress. Why’d he have to go and do that. Now im hauling both our asses to a new place. To the Ranch.
1937 A diary entry : Lennie Gosh its hot. The sun is really burning my head...I don’t think I like the sun. I wish George would tell me where we’re going. He gets mad at me everytime I ask. He says I have bad memory, but I say “if my memories so bad then why do I remeber about the rabbits”. He got mad at that to. I hope he doesn’t notice the mouse I found. It’s so soft and squishy, I like this mouse. When were getting some water George told me if I ever got into trouble to hide in that brush behind me. But I say I ain’t gonna get in no trouble. He tells me not to say anything when we get to where we’re going tommorow. The whole way there I keep wishin for rabbits.
1937 A diary entry : Curley’s Wife Who knew you could have a handsome husband and feel so alone. I hate this stupid Ranch, I hate being here. No women to talk to just these good for nothing men, but I guess im good for nothing too. I skip around in these pretty dresses curling my hair with my finger, and for what? Just for some attention, just for someone to pay me a piece of mind. Theres two new guys here. One of them is real cute, and the other one looks like a big goof. I think i’ll go introduce myslef.
1937 A dairy entry : Candy Hes gone... Hes gone forever. He was my closest friend, my best friend. I’ve had him so long and he grew so old, such a strong thing he was. Carlson went and complained, and everyone went and agreed with him. They agreed to shoot him, to shoot my Scruffy...but to shoot him so it wont hurt. I didn’t want to see my best friend in pain anymore, I had to let him go...didn’t I? When I heard the gun shot, my biggest regret came rushing in. But it wasn’t regretting that I let him die...no. It was regretting that I did’nt kill him myself.
Always in my heart. Scruffy.
1937 A diary entry : Crooks Ain’t nothin good about being a black man in a white Ranch. Hell...ain’t nothin good about bein a black man in a white world. Ain’t got nobody to talk to in this damned bunk. Nothin to do with my back lookin how it is now. I’m all alone in life. The best i’ve felt in a while is when i had some company yesterday. That big ass goof of a man. I must say he was the best show i’ve ever watched. It didn’t end good though. I was back remebering who I am. That negro...a lonely negro. Or as the lady said when she came in all high and mighty, just a “good for nothing nigger”. Ain’t nothin good about being a black man in a world like this.
1937 A diary entry : Curley’s Wife Those good for nothing Ranch hands. They think there any better than me? They think there gonna get anywhere in life? HA! Stupid hopes and dreams. That nigger thought he could talk to me any kind of way. I let him know his place fast. :(
But who am I kidding...i’m no good either.
1937 A diary entry : Lennie Right now i’m hiding in the brush. George said if I got into trouble to hide in the brush. I’m scared, I want to cry. I didnt mean to kill her, she wouldn’t stop yelling, she wouldn’t shut up. I see George now, and Slim, oh and theres Candy. I’m facing the mountain view, just like George tells me to. Hes telling me about our dream. Oh i’m so happy, I can’t wait for the garden and the potatoes and all the ra
1937 A diary entry : George I had to... If I didn’t then it would’ve been someone else, it wouldve been worse. I had to do it, I had to kill him. BASTARD, BASTARD, BASTARD. Why did he have to go and touch her hair, why Lennie why. I told him to stay away from her, I told him she was trouble. I killed him so it wouldnt hurt him, right there in the back of his head. I made it so his last thoughts before he died was of the rabbits. Man did he love to think of tending those rabbits. I cant even help but smile, god bless my best friend. :’)