Audit Service in Cambodia

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Audit Service in Cambodia All of the corporations in Cambodia including private, listed or foreign companies have the liability to receive the financial audit in Cambodia if they satisfy the two conditions of three as follows. And they also have to submit the financial statements of accounting years to registered independent auditors.   

The yearly sales across 750,000 dollars The average value of assets in the audit year across 500,000 dollars The average employees in the audit year across 100 people

The Cambodian Standards of Auditing (CSA) are as follows:          

Objective and General Principles Governing and Audit of Financial Statements Term of Audit Engagements Documentation Fraud and Error Planning Audit Materiality Audit Evidence Subsequent Events Going Concern The Auditor’s Report on Financial Statements

Related to the CSA, the followings are the Cambodian Accounting Standards (CAS).          

Presentation of Financial Statements Inventories Cash Flow Statements Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors Events After the Balance Sheet Date Construction Contracts Income Taxes Property, Plant and Equipment Leases Revenue

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