Endorsing the present government’s Swachh Bharat campaign, CWF will be funding and building five bathrooms in five educational centres in the village of Bawal, Haryana. These educational centres provide remedial classes for girls who had left their education halfway. In the afternoons, these girls attend tuition classes at the educational centres. There are no bathrooms in these centres which makes it difficult for the teachers to teach and the girls to stay for long duration. Once they go home to use the toilets, the girls do not return back to the classes.
CWF wants to encourage education by building new bathrooms from the scratch. Currently, CWF is in the process of constructing these bathrooms with single cubicles and a wash basin. This will encourage hygienic practices which are important for young children to stay healthy. The cost of the entire construction of these bathrooms is being borne by Chanana Welfare Foundation. CWF has partnered with Youth reach on the ground to make these educational centres a better place for young children to attend classes. The Chanana Welfare Foundation team visited these educational centres and spoke to these girls about the importance of education and the reason why they should come to educational centres. They are told that they should not shy away because of lack of basic infrastructure like bathrooms as these are in the process of being set up.
These educational centres will be used by the entire community to conduct Panchayat meetings, as venues of wedding functions and other administrative work of the village. During these activities also, the bathrooms will be useful. This project will be CWF’s attempt to uplift the community as a whole.
Progress and Update on the Bathrooms in Bawal The Chanana Welfare Foundation has now successfully built four bathrooms in four different learning centers across distinct villages in the district of Bawal. We are pleased to let everyone know that the children attending the learning centers are making full use of these bathrooms and especially the girls do not have to go all the way back home to use the toilet. They are learning the hygienic ways of using these bathrooms and hand washing is vigorously promoted across all thes learning centers. The photos below are the completed bathrooms in the villages across Bawal, Haryana.
• Chanana Welfare Foundation • 216A, 1st Floor, The Gallery On M.G, Sultanpur, New Delhi-110030, India • +91 11-46109708 • http://www.chananawfoundation.org • adim@chananawfoundation.org