Samverkan fรถr Hanรถbukten ? WMU Fiskehamnsgatan 1 211 19 Malmรถ
t he bal t ic sea needs your hel p compet e and win 20,000 SEK Do you have an idea of how t he bal t ic sea can become a heal t hier sea? Then you have t he oppor t unit y t o Win 20,000 sek and see your pr oposal become a r eal it y. The compet it ion is f or ever yone - companies, municipal it ies, young peopl e, pr ivat e individual s ... You can al so par t icipat e as an audience and vot e f or t he best pr oposal s pr esent ed at t he St udio (Tyfongatan 1, 211 19 Malmรถ) on Wednesday 15t h May. Four compet it ion cat egor ies 1. Pl ast ic: How can we pr event var ious f or ms of pl ast ic f r omr eaching t he Bal t ic Sea? 2. Medicines: How do we pr event dr ug r esidues f r omr eaching t he Bal t ic Sea? 3. Emissions f r omindust r y and sewage: How can we r educe emissions of heavy metal s, oxygen-consuming substances, var ious envir onmental t oxins nit r ogen and phosphor us at t he Bal t ic Sea? 4. Ocean awar eness: How can we incr ease under standing of our sea and our wat er cour ses and cr eat e incent ives t o r educe emissions? t imel ine Apr il 23: Last dat e t o submit your cont r ibut ion May 3: Compet it or s ar e nominat ed f or t he dif f er ent cat egor ies May 15: The Innovat ion Day. You get f ive minut es t o pr esent your idea. At 5 pm t he same day, t he winner s wil l be appoint ed.
compet it ion ent r ies The ent r ies ar e sent t o Jennie Larsson: If you have any quest ions, pl ease cal l Jennie: +46 70 656 08 02