Workshop: An Introduction to Using LiDAR Data for Forest Resource Inventory This fall, AWARE and the Canadian Wood Fibre Centre (CWFC) will be conducting workshops to introduce forest professionals to using LiDAR data for forest resource management applications. The workshops will be held at several locations across Canada and are free of charge for forestry professionals. Priority will be given to professionals employed by the forest industry. Through presentations and a hands-on tutorial, participants in this workshop will become familiar with LiDAR technology, LiDAR data processing, and the steps involved in producing an enhanced forest inventory. In the hands-on tutorial, participants will learn how to use FUSION, a freely available software package, to both visualize and process LiDAR point clouds. Participants will calculate a digital elevation model (DEM) and a canopy height model (CHM) from a LiDAR point cloud, as well as calculate a range of metrics from LiDAR data that describe vegetation characteristics. Finally, participants will build linear models to predict forest attributes from these calculated LiDAR metrics. No previous experience with LiDAR or computer programming is required to participate in this workshop.
Location Vancouver Quesnel Edmonton Kapuskasing Huntsville Montreal Fredericton Corner Brook
Date Oct. 2, 2017 Oct. 4, 2017 Oct. 19, 2017
Language English
Oct. 23, 2017 Oct. 25, 2017 Oct. 27, 2017 Oct. 31, 2017 Nov. 3, 2017
English English
English French English English
Registration Link
Numbers are limited and priority will be given to industrial forest professionals. Government employees with strong links to the forest industry will be placed according to available space. For more information, please contact us at or call 604-822-1944.