Block Captain Guide
Memphis Block Captain Guide A resource for neighborhood leaders
Contents Introduction ___________________________________________________ 2 Why you should read this book
Setting Expectations _____________________________________________ 3 Apply these standards to yourself and then share with others.
The Basics of Being a Block Leader _________________________________ 5 How to be a block leader or support others
Neighborhood Management Handouts ______________________________ 6 Sharing good neighbor concepts with neighbors
Crime Prevention Tips __________________________________________ 12
Version 1.0
Tips you can share with your neighbors for a safer neighborhood
Common Code Compliance Issues ________________________________ 14 Read to better understand what shouldn’t be happening in your neighborhood
Neighborhood Builder __________________________________________ 16 How to find more in-depth instructions about organizing your neighborhood for improvement
Memphis, TN
Block Captain Guide
Introduction The Block Captain Guide is tool designed for concerned neighbors who desire a better environment for their neighborhood. Today’s neighborhoods have many challenges keeping them from reaching their full potential. The good news is there are many examples of how neighbors just like you have overcome these challenges. So how did they do it? Successful leaders or activist start by reaching out to their neighbors and encouraging positive relationships and interactions. The disconnected neighborhood is an easy mark for criminals and problem neighbors. The more people talk the stronger the area becomes.
Where to start? The first section we have included in the manual is about setting expectations. It discusses what many people in the community would want their neighbors to consider as a standard of house maintenance. These are not official codes of the City of Garland, but common expectations of the community. We have included a section on becoming a block captain for your street. It lets you know what would be expected of you if you chose to be the leader for your street. We highly encourage you to consider this as a way to get things done on your street. When you have your street talking together then consider getting involved with your larger neighborhood group. They will love to have active members like yourself. If you don’t have a larger neighborhood group, consider starting one. You start be encouraging more people on nearby streets to do what you have done on your street. Give them copies of this document as a start. Consider ordering the Neighborhood Builder disk, available at our web site. It provides an indepth set of directions to bring your neighborhood together.
Build Neighborhoods
Resources for Building Your Neighborhood! Find ways to organize your street and area with the intention of building your neighborhood. Learn about how to work with your neighbors to get your streets looking attractive and being the neighborhood you want to live in.
Memphis, TN
Block Captain Guide
Setting Expectations How does setting expectations create strong neighborhoods? Today’s society has changed dramatically over the past several decades. Neighborhood residents have shown an increasing lack of interaction with each other. Reasons for this include busier schedules, frequent turnover of housing units, and others. The impacts of these trends have led to unstable neighborhoods. Unstable neighborhoods refer to areas where although the housing stock is in fair shape, signs of decline are apparent to visitors. These signs, such as Christmas lights on houses in July, overgrown yards, and unmaintained shrubbery show a lack of care by the residents. The first thought for the visitors to the area is its “changing” or becoming more “rental”. This leads to fewer homeowners interested in buying into the neighborhood. The opposite is equally true. When visitors see well kept yards, houses showing no signs of disrepair, and a generally clean neighborhood, they will have a higher opinion of the neighborhood. The result is an area where potential homeowners want to move into the neighborhood. By definition, this is a vital neighborhood.
The Neighbors With fewer neighbors interacting in a neighborhood, it becomes more difficult for a household to understand their neighbors’ expectations. If we can strive to meet these expectations, the neighborhood will improve dramatically.
First You, Then Your Neighbors! Everything starts with at you. Neighbors won’t paint the trim on their house when your Christmas lights are up in July! Use the Block Leader Guide to see if there are things requiring change to make your home appear more neighborly. Once you are addressing the needs of your own property, then you can ask your neighbors to improve theirs. The one thing you can do right away is talk to your neighbors. It doesn’t matter what you talk about, just talk! Catch them as they get home from work, when they are in their yards on the weekends, or maybe when you see them at your next block meeting. You don’t have to make them your best friend, but you need to establish a neighborly relationship with those around you. Below are some ideas of what the average neighbor expects from the people around them. If neighbors would review each section and take steps to address anything conflicting with the suggestions, the neighborhood would take on a more positive look and the attitudes between neighbors would improve.
House Appearance 1. Any painted surface should remain free from chipping or peeling paint. 2. Brick work should be properly grouted with a uniform color of grout material. 3. Roofs should be in good repair, missing shingles should be replaced. Temporary repairs involving plastic coverings should be removed quickly with permanent surfaces. 4. Broken or cracked windows should be replaced promptly. 5. Screen or storm doors should be kept in good repair. 6. Christmas lights should be removed no later than March or whenever weather allows.
Memphis, TN
Block Captain Guide
1. Wood fences should be kept straight and upright.
1. Grass or weeds should not be allowed to grow up through cracks in the sidewalks.
2. Wood fence surfaces should be preserved with a proper wood stain. 3. Missing pieces of fence should be replaced. 4. Loose pieces should be properly secured to prevent loss during strong winds. 5. Grass on both sides should be cut low, with trimming performed where necessary.
Lawns 1. Although most city codes requires grass to not exceed 12�, the opinions of your neighbors would be no higher than six inches. 2. Patches of missing grass should be addressed with planting grass seed and watering.
2. Toys, tools, and other items should not be left unattended on the sidewalks.
Rear Yards 1. The rear yard should be maintained in the same way as the front yard. 2. Even though there may be a screening fence around your yard, you should not keep inoperable vehicles, old furniture, or any other unsightly items in the yard. 3. Garbage should be kept in proper containers. 4. Pets, either penned or chained to one area, should be moved periodically to avoid creating strong odors that affect your neighbors.
Side Yards
1. It is very important to keep trees that are located near the street trimmed back from any street lights to allow for proper lighting of the neighborhood.
1. Side yards or areas should not be used for storage of any kind.
2. Trees need to be trimmed in general to avoid looking unkempt.
Neighborhood Behavior
3. The grass around any tree or bush should be trimmed down to give a clean appearance. 4. Leaves should be raked up and removed during the fall months.
Driveways 1. Car repair in driveways should be completed within two days. 2. Automobiles should not be left lifted up when no one is present (for safety and appearance reasons). 3. Grass or weeds should not be allowed to grow up through cracks in the driveway. 4. It is not neighborly to block the sidewalk with your vehicles.
1. All parents should be approachable regarding the behavior of their children 2. You should notify your immediate neighbors of any party plans with potential for loud music or noise. 3. The ending time of parties should be discussed with neighbors so that you understand their expectations. 4. Remain calm when discussing differences with neighbors. 5. It is ok to contact neighbors either by phone or in person about the behavior of their children. 6. You should participate in any neighborhood block watch or group. 7. Continuous barking of your dog should be addressed promptly.
Memphis, TN
Block Captain Guide
Becoming a Block Captain Becoming a block captain is an important step in the improvement of your neighborhood. A block captain sees there is work to be done and wants to see action. Often their first contact with the City is through the police department. They offer instruction for creating a crime watch. The crime watch is a great place to start for someone wanting to make a difference. We, however, want to enhance the crime watch model by making the block captain more of a leader for all improvements required by the street they oversee.
The role of the Block Captain A block captain serves a critical role in managing the neighborhood. Without the block captain, neighbors have a tendency to avoid confronting what needs to be addressed in the neighborhood. The block captain engages their fellow neighbors in conversation and problem solving to make the neighborhood better. Neighbors have a general desire to have stronger relationships with the people on their street, but fail to connect. The block captain plays an important role in introducing people to each other while asking them to work on common issues. These relationships build up a level of social capital resulting in a vital neighborhood.
How is it different from a crime watch block captain You have most likely heard of block captains and crime watches. A block captain goes beyond the role of the crime prevention block captain to look at neighborhood improvement. What are things the neighbors and the City could do to improve the neighborhood to be more attractive to both themselves and visitors? A block captain will look at beautification, needed city services, neighborhood standards and similar topics. They will organize a response when they see a need occurring in their neighborhood. A crime watch block captain will focus more on preventing criminal activity. This approach is very necessary for our neighborhoods, however there is much more to be done beyond crime prevention.
Keep communication open with neighbors Communication is key to the success of your efforts. Your neighbors need to talk to you and with others on their street. This is not the norm for most streets. The block captain will encourage people to share their concerns with the rest of the group so everyone can be aware. The block captain will also be in communication with the city departments they contact while performing their duties. When you learn something from an official, you will want to share the message with your block. Many block captains will use phone calls, email, flyers, or newsletters to communicate with neighbors.
Knowing who to call A large part of the responsibilities of being a block captain surround making phone calls. Often they receive emails or phone calls from their neighbors about something requiring attention by a city department. By using the City Directory, the reader will be able to determine the proper department to call or email with their request. Your neighbors need someone who has the answer of who to call. Over time, the block captain will gain working knowledge of the city departments and not only know which department to contact, but also the individual/employee they should call.
Follow-up When a block captain puts in request of city departments or asks a neighbor to take action the activity doesn’t stop there! Follow-up is key to having success in managing your neighborhood or street. You will need to make phone calls or emails to your contact people to make sure progress is being made. The frequency of your follow-up should be kept in mind to avoid becoming overbearing but yet enough to get the desired action. 5
Memphis, TN
Block Captain Guide
Friendly Reminder Campaign Many block leaders run into the problem of lack of awareness by their neighbors when it comes to maintenance and other issues related to their yard and home. It doesn’t seem to matter if the neighborhood is old or new. There are several ways you can approach the topic with your neighbors: 1. Call a meeting where you stress the importance of curb appeal on your street and throughout the neighborhood. 2. Pay a visit to your neighbor and talk about the importance of presenting a good image for the neighborhood. 3. Take the message door-to-door about the importance of yard/house maintenance. In all three examples, it would be important to have some written material to leave with them. The following are pages of flyers to utilize when talking about the topic. These pages are also available for free download at our web site. If you put them on colored paper, stay with the pastel colors so the text is easy to read. Avoid dark colored paper.
Calling a meeting The best method here is to call a meeting for the topic or simply have it as one of the items you are discussing at your next meeting. Stand up and give a brief message about preserving home prices and having a street where people enjoy coming home to a beautiful neighborhood. Acknowledge the fact there is some work involved to achieve an attractive street. If everyone would work on their own yard and home, the whole block would prosper. You may want to mention how neighbors can work together to take on large projects or to share tools. Sometimes the only thing to be shared is knowledge of how to do something like building flowerbeds. After you get agreement from the group to try to improve their home, let them know you will be putting out some information over the next couple of months. One objection may be the neighbors who are not taking care of their yard are not at the meeting. Assure your neighbors your plan is designed to make them aware of their obligations. 6
After the meeting, make copies of the first flier and deliver it to the door of every house on your street. The idea of the flyer is to put reminders of the neighbor’s responsibilities in a non-threatening manner. It is important for all houses to receive the flyer. When a disgruntled neighbor ask you why you put the flyer on their door, you simply reply you put it on everyone’s door as useful information for everyone
Pay a Visit Try to catch the person-in-question on the weekend or after work when you see them in the front of the house. If you don’t know them, introduce yourself. Tell them you are working to preserve and improve the appearance of the street so more people enjoy living in the neighborhood. Talk about examples on the street or nearby where people have put effort into the appearance of their homes. Let them know you will be putting out some information on how people can make their home look better with simple little things. The person in question may start getting defensive. Avoid talking about the deficiencies of their house. Instead share how you too find it hard to keep up on things with a busy life. You may get the reason for their lack of beautification is financial. Try to identify with them on this reason too. What you want is for them to see you have the same struggles. However, you can share how you overcome these obstacles such as “I just set aside 20 minutes a week to work in my flowerbed” or “I bought those bushes on sale at the end of the season”. Simply avoid confrontation no matter how good it will make you feel. Don’t try to solve the problem in one conversation; people just don’t change so easy. You want to follow up this conversation with the door-to-door campaign mentioned. This system works through a series of reminders.
Message to Everyone A good way to avoid conflict is to simply drop off a flyer at every house. Wait two or three weeks and then drop off a different flyer. You can repeat this process in the spring and near the end of the summer to keep maintenance and being a good neighbor on everyone's mind.
About Our Yards . . . Steps to Improve Our Street!
R educe the Number of Mowings!
Many times we cut our grass because of the weeds, not the grass. When we see our neighbors yard in need of cutting it is mainly due to the weeds. Lets encourage everyone to apply weed killer twice a year to take away the weed issue and to make our yards look better!
T rees and Shrubs
W hat About No Grass?
It is great to have shade trees, but this leads to bare spots in the lawn where grass won’t grow. The answer is to plant ground cover or a type of grass called “shade grass”. This is a special type of plant that requires less water and sunlight to grow. Cover the area with some top soil that is easily purchased at your local hardware store. Then sprinkle the shade grass on top and then sprinkle more top soil over top of the seed. Water the spot every night until the grass starts to grow. You can add some straw if you like to help keep the seed and soil from washing away. Spots of no grass in a yard really takes away from the appearance of the neighborhood. We can all do our part to make the neighborhood a nice place to live by keeping our yards attractive.
Nothing makes the yard look better than some trees and shrubs. However, even these require a little attention now and again. Trees tend to get a little rough around the edges. They should be trimmed up and back along the outer edge of the branches. Small trees tend to get small branches or leaves growing from the lower trunk. These need to be trimmed up once or twice per summer to give a nice clean look. You wouldn’t believe how much this can improve the streetscape of the block.
About Our Homes . . . Steps to Improve Our Street!
S iding and Paint
You won’t find a better return on your investment than siding or painting your house. Even houses with brick exteriors usually have some type of trim-work that is hardy board or wood requiring painting. Nothing lasts forever, so we should review our homes each year to determine if there is a need. Roofs, gutters, and windows all help to preserve our houses so they last longer and minimizes our repairs. These are also very visible investments that encourage others to do the same. Seasonal decorations make the neighborhood seem very festive, but we must remember to take them down in a timely manner. Christmas lights in July does not put our best foot forward.
P arking Cars
How cars are parked is very important to the image of the neighborhood. There are only a couple of don’ts that we should avoid. The first is to park in-operable cars on the property or in the street. People know quickly if a car is not working. Cars with tarps over them, grass growing tall around the base of them, or other indicators tell the story. The neighborhood’s image just can’t afford to have these cars just laying around. Too many cars in the street show signs of overcrowding and greatly disturbs the neighbors.
C lutter in the Yard?
We always have the need for more storage, don’t we? Many times we leave things in the front of the house, because of a lack of places to put them. The down side of this is that it detracts from the image of our block and neighborhood. The solution may be to ad a storage shed in the backyard. If it isn’t a lawn ornament, it should not be left in the front yard. This includes toys, furniture, vehicles, garbage, or other items. All of these items may give a poor image of our neighborhood. We do care! We want a beautiful neighborhood to be proud of. We can do this by simply making sure our visible yard areas are kept free of clutter.
Cars parked in yards or facing the wrong way on the street are both illegal and damaging to the image of the neighborhood. These are all things we can work with each other to improve our neighborhood!
About Our Neighbors . . . Steps to Improve Our Street!
T alk to Your Neighbors
Of all the things we can do to make our neighborhood great, talking is the easiest and the most beneficial. Communication is king when looking at what makes a healthy neighborhood. By talking to each other, we learn what is happening in the neighborhood and what needs to be done. Discussing a vacant property, loud music, or other issues leads to solutions. Beyond the issues is the value of the relationships that are formed by simply talking about sports, hobbies, family, and even the weather!
S et the Example
As caring neighbors of the block, it is our desire to see everything in order and strong relationships on our block. We can make this happen by setting an example with our property and our actions.
A ttend Meetings
It is one thing to talk to our spouse or our neighbor about what the issue in our neighborhood is, its another to take action. Taking action usually requires organizing a response then acting on it with others. The best place for this is at our neighborhood meeting. By attending our neighborhood meetings, we get other people’s opinions and ideas. Sometimes, it will be our individual input that will provide the missing piece to solving an issue. Not everyone has to be a leader, but everyone should be involved in planning our future.
When our neighbors see us walk out in the street to pick up a discarded piece of paper, they will be encouraged to do the same. When we edge our grass along our driveway and sidewalk, they begin to see the need to do the same. When we come home at night and see a neighbor in their yard, let us take a few minutes to walk over and start a conversation with them. You would be surprised at how many others will take notice of this. The hope is that others see the value in creating these positive relationships and repeat the process.
About Walking . . . Steps to Improve Our Street!
G reat Neighborhood Activity
Picture the people in our neighborhood walking in the evening hours as the day cools down. What a natural opportunity to meet and greet each other! We also get a chance to identify things we need to get fixed in our neighborhood. People are the greatest asset we have, so lets make sure we socialize and find out what is happening both on our street and with our neighbors!
N otice Things E xercise
Everyone can benefit from getting out and walking. Light exercise keeps us young and energetic. As we age, we tend to become inactive. Walking in our neighborhood with our fellow neighbors allows us to get our blood pumping and muscles moving all while socializing with our neighbors.
To make a healthier street we have to know our neighborhood. When we walk we see both the things that are good and those that need to be addressed. Let’s use our time to make note of things that should be improved and take action on them. Don’t assume that something has been reported to the City or to our neighborhood organization. We can make a difference by taking notice and then taking action.
N eighborhood Walk Night Mondays at 7:00 PM
Just step outside at this time and start walking. When you encounter other people walking introduce yourself or simply waive. Better relations will lead to a better neighborhood.
About Our Children . . . Steps to Improve Our Street!
K now What They Are Doing!
We often hear or see young people are causing mischief in our neighborhood. Our children are our greatest asset so me must take good care of them. At a certain age, we find they are old enough to play in the neighborhood without supervision. As parents, we owe it to them to take time to track them down and observe their behavior. This means walking down the street to the house they are playing at and checking with them to see if all is well. This reminds them that they are being monitored and that their behavior matters!
O h The Toys! H ear From Your Neighbors
You can’t be everywhere at once, so accept help when you can get it. In today’s society, we are afraid to tell some one that their kids have been acting up. We need our neighbors to be open to hearing about their children’s behavior. Along with the bad news comes an opportunity for good things. The same neighbors who report the bad will look out for your children. Your neighbors can keep a protective eye on the children when they are playing. We need to provide a setting where the “village can raise the child”.
If you have children, you most likely have those big monstrous toys like the big cars or wagons the kids enjoy so much. The down side for the neighborhood is when these big toys or others are left in the front or side yards of a home. Neighbors and visitors find this look to be a poor reflection on the neighborhood. We need to have a storage place for these toys and they need to be picked up when they are not being played with.
Memphis, TN
Block Captain Guide
Crime Prevention Tips From Memphis Police Department Crime Prevention Tips The Memphis Police Department's mission is to protect the public safety of all citizens of Memphis, but our officers can not do it without the eyes and ears of you - the community. The following tips will help to make you and your family safer while also showing you how to become a part of the MPD Team - so that we may serve and protect Memphis - our community - together. At HOME? Protect Your Residence! • Lock your doors and windows when leaving your residence. Most residential burglaries occur during the daytime. • Know who is at your door before opening it. Screen doors and chain locks provide false security. • Obtain identification. If they show you an ID for a service company (i.e. Cable, phone, etc.) call their employer and verify who they are and why they are at your door. Consider installing peepholes in all entryway doors. • Mark your property with your Driver License number, that way it can be traced ONLY to you if it is stolen. (You can borrow an engraver from any one of our precincts!)
Burglary Prevention Tips • Make your home look occupied, and make it difficult to break in. • Lock all outside doors and windows before you leave the house or go to bed. Even if it is for a short time, lock your doors. • Leave lights on when you go out. If you are going to be away for a length of time, connect some lamps to automatic timers to turn them on in the evening and off during the day. • Keep your garage door closed and locked. • Don't allow daily deliveries of mail, newspapers or flyers build up while you are away. Arrange with the Post Office to hold your mail, or arrange for a friend or neighbor to take them regularly. • Arrange for your lawn to be mowed if you are going away for an extended time. • Check your locks on doors and windows and replace them with secure devices as necessary. • Pushbutton locks on doorknobs are easy for burglars to open. Install deadbolt locks on all your outside doors. • Sliding glass doors are vulnerable. Special locks are available for better security. • Other windows may need better locks. Check with a locksmith or hardware store for alternatives.
Other precautions you should take: • Never leave keys under doormats, flowerpots, mailboxes or other "secret" hiding places -- burglars know where to look for hidden keys. • Keep a detailed inventory of your valuable possessions, including a description of the items, date of purchase and original value, and serial numbers, and keep a copy in a safe place away from home -- this is a good precaution in case of fires or other disasters. Make a photographic or video record of valuable objects, heirlooms and antiques. Your insurance company can provide assistance in making and keeping your inventory. • Trim your shrubbery around your home to reduce cover for burglars. • Be a good neighbor. If you notice anything suspicious in your neighborhood, call 911 immediately. • Mark your valuables with your driver's license number with an engraver you can borrow from any of our precincts. Marked items are harder for a burglar to dispose of and easier for police to recover. • Form a Neighborhood Watch Group. We can help you work with your neighbors to improve security and reduce risk of burglary. • Consider installing a burglar alarm system.
Remember the three L's of Crime Prevention: LIGHTS, LOCKS & the LAW! Light up your residence, lock your doors at all times, and call the Law when you see something suspicious. 12
Memphis, TN
Block Captain Guide
Crime Prevention Tips From Memphis Police Department ALARMED? Are you being Monitored? • Prior to installing home-security devices - think fire safety first. Would the device prevent you from getting out of your home? Do you have pet doors? They provide entry for pets, but they may also provide entry for criminals. • Privacy fences give you privacy, but they also give the criminal concealment from outside view. Secure your garage door, even when you are at home. Burglaries and thefts take minutes or even seconds to commit. • DON'T open your door until you know who is there. When you are not home, leave lamps on timers and consider leaving a radio or television on. • Consider leaving porch lights on at night. LIGHTING is one of the most INEXPENSIVE crime deterrents. • Secure your keys and keep them out of view. NEVER place identification tags on your key rings. Treat your garage door opener like your keys. • NEVER leave your garage door opener inside a vehicle which is parked outside. Keep trees and shrubbery trimmed for better visibility. • Keep windows clear and free of shrubbery and debris. Overgrowth may provide hiding places for criminals.
On VACATION? Don't get Tripped Out! • When leaving town, have a trusted friend or neighbor take care of your home. NEVER cancel general deliveries such as mail, milk, newspapers and other services when leaving town or going on vacation. But don't let those newspaper deliveries pile up either. • If you will be away for an extended period arrange to have a neighbor cut your lawn. If you can, also have them move your car in the driveway so it appears you are still coming and going as usual. • And NEVER leave your porch light on ONLY when you go on vacation. This tells a thief come on in...we are on vacation!
Are You INVOLVED? Join Neighborhood Watch • Know your neighbors. Consider forming a Neighborhood Watch Group in your neighborhood. Join your Precinct's Citizens Police Academy.
Out on the TOWN? Don't lose your Ride! • Remove your keys and lock your doors when leaving your vehicle. It only takes seconds to steal a locked car without the keys - why make it easier for a thief by leaving the keys in the car? And NEVER leave extra keys inside the vehicle or under the hood. • Secure your valuables in your trunk or take them with you. Don't create temptation by leaving valuables within view inside your vehicle. • When returning to your vehicle at night, be aware of your surroundings. Look underneath and inside your vehicle before entering.
You make the CALL! Be our EYES & Ears The MOST important thing YOU can do is CALL THE POLICE to report a CRIME or any SUSPICIOUS activity. You have to be the eyes of your neighborhood. And remember you can always remain a pair of anonymous eyes!
Memphis, TN
Block Captain Guide
Common Code Compliance Issues Accumulation of Junk, Trash, and Debris
Off Street Parking
It is a violation to accumulate junk, trash, and debris on residential property. This includes discarded items, auto parts, appliances, furniture, building materials, tires, paper, cardboard, plastics, dead limbs, and branches. All garbage should be disposed of by placing it in the appropriate container and placing it in the appropriate container and placing on the curb for collection. (Call solid waste to arrange for pick-up)
It is a violation to park or store any vehicle on the lawn/ grass of any residential property. All vehicles must park on concrete, asphalt, or other hard dustless surface approved by the city. The number of vehicles parked at a dwelling shall not exceed more than (4) vehicles.
Open Storage of Material and Furnishings It is a violation to openly store on residential property any equipment, materials, or furnishings that is dangerous to public health, safety, or welfare or that creates an unsightly condition that would reduce property value or promote urban blight. This may include, but not limited to outdoor use of indoor furniture, outside storage of household appliances, auto parts or building materials. Parking & Storing inoperable (Junk) Motor Vehicles It is a violation to park, store, or leave any vehicle that is rusted, wrecked, junked, partially dismantled, inoperable or abandoned upon any property for ten (10) days unless the vehicle is completely enclosed within a building. Excessive Weed, Grass, Trees, and Shrubs It is a violation to allow grass or weeds to grow over 12 inches high, or allow plants, shrubs, or trees to grow in a manner that will obstruct traffic or the visibility of motorist. This includes overgrowth to trees and vegetation that block sidewalks or hanging into public streets or utility services. Substandard Structures and Fences It is a violation to neglect accessory structures, including storage shed, garages, and fences. They are to be maintained structurally sound and in good repair to serve their intended purpose. This includes damage to framing, walls, ceilings, floors, and decking and roof.
Special Use/Recreational Vehicles & Equipment No person shall park or store any motorized vehicle or equipment such as boats, campers and trailer and no more than one (1) camping trailer or recreation vehicle per house. No parts of such parking or storage area shall be located in the front yard. It shall also be unlawful for any person to park or store any such vehicle on any residential street. Commercial Vehicles and Equipment It is a violation to park, stand, or store any commercial truck exceeding 8,000 pounds in weight or truck tractor on a residential property or a residential street. Contact Shelby County Code for further information or complaints. Abandoned and Derelict Structures It is a violation for any property owner to refuse to properly secure any structure he or she owns to prevent loitering of vagrants or criminal activity. This includes but is not limited to any vacant houses, building, or structure where the doors and windows are broken or open to casual entry. General Service & Repair Shops It is a violation to own or operate a commercial business in a district zoned residential without proper permits. Certain commercial establishments are strictly prohibited in residential zoned areas. This includes any for profit general repair services, such as automotive, equipment or appliance repair shop. Contact Shelby County Code for further information or complaints.
Memphis, TN
Block Captain Guide
Memphis, TN
Block Captain Guide Neighborhood builder provides instructions and insight to organizing your neighbors in a meaningful way leading to a strong, healthy neighborhood.
Who is it for If you are frustrated in how your street or neighborhood is becoming then Build Neighborhoods is for you. There are many people like you who reach a point where they feel they must get involved and do something. The question of what and how confront them. Often they ask around and get incomplete information of what they can do. Neighborhood Builder answers those questions.
How to use it Our manuals are designed to lead you through a series of steps designed to move your efforts forward and help you accomplish your goals.
An overview The instruction is divided into sections, Block Builder and Organization Builder.
Block Builder Designed for those trying to make improvements on their street. It share how to invite people to a street meeting, how to run the meeting and how to pursue the questions people bring up. Block builder also provides instruction to a leader who wants to see more block groups formed throughout a larger neighborhood.
Organization Builder For those leaders who see the big picture and want a strong neighborhood organization for the larger area, Organization Builder discusses forming committees and getting people involved.
How to get it We provide these manuals and more to our subscribers who pay a very reasonable fee to have access to our instructional materials. We hope you will visit our site and consider joining as a member.