In a world of constant change, the power of community stands as our foundation. Throughout 2024, your support has enabled Neighborhood House to provide a stronger safety net for our neighbors facing challenging times.
The impact of your generosity speaks through numbers that represent real lives transformed: 435,266 meals distributed, providing essential nourishment to families in need; 28,276 pieces of clothing and household goods offering dignity and warmth; and over $105,664 in financial assistance grants helping families maintain stable homes, keep utilities running, and preserve vital transportation.
Beyond these tangible achievements, 2024 marked a year of innovative growth. Our new partnership with Kids Empowered, a local organization serving those experiencing homelessness, has allowed us to extend food assistance directly to our unhoused neighbors. This collaboration, alongside improved operational efficiencies, enabled us to distribute 31% more food than the previous year. These milestones reflect not
just organizational success, but the profound difference we make together.
Each statistic in this report represents a story of hope renewed – a family finding stability, a child receiving meals, an individual taking steps toward self-sustainability. These transformations happen because of your trust in our mission and your commitment to building a community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
With deep appreciation for your partnership, Michael
As inflation continues to rise, the effects are being felt acutely in our community. Families are grappling with increasing costs of essential goods and services, further heightening their financial challenges. With rising housing and transportation costs, many individuals are at risk of falling deeper into poverty. These economic pressures can quickly transform temporary hardship into long-term instability.
Support is not just about short-term help but about strengthening our community. Effective assistance programs address immediate needs while building pathways to greater resilience.
When we assist those in need, we create a caring environment that benefits everyone. Our collective response to economic challenges reflects our values and strengthens bonds between neighbors. Let’s work together to help our community during these difficult times. Your involvement makes a meaningful difference in the lives of those struggling with inflation’s effects.
When Mary* first came to us, she was facing imminent eviction from the mobile home she had called home for 13 years. The crisis stemmed from several months of missed rent payments caused by an automated payment system failure.
Through our comprehensive financial wellness program, we helped Mary establish digital banking tools and develop both immediate and long-term solutions. Our team taught her how to monitor her finances through a mobile app, empowering her to track expenses and maintain better control over her financial health.
We connected Mary with the Auburn Hills Senior grant program for transportation and social engagement, reviewed her monthly expenses, and negotiated a manageable repayment plan with her landlord. Today, Mary’s housing is secure, her finances are stabilizing, and she has the tools and support network needed for long-term success.
*Name changed to protect client privacy
In a year of increasing food insecurity, Neighborhood House’s +1 Program, conceived by David Seitz from St. Andrew Catholic Church, demonstrated how simple actions create substantial impact.
Jennifer Jones, a parishioner, shares:
“When I first heard about the +1 Program, I thought it seemed too simple. Just buy one extra non-perishable item when grocery shopping and bring it to church. I wondered if something so small could really make a difference.”
Jennifer incorporated this act of giving into her routine. “My children became involved, helping select what we’d donate. It sparked meaningful conversations about hunger in our community.”
These individual contributions, multiplied across participating community partners
- St. Andrew Catholic Church, St. Paul’s Methodist Church, St. Philip’s Episcopal Church and St. Luke’s Methodist Churchresulted in over 27,000 pounds of food for our Food Pantry in 2024, helping us serve families in need.
“What I appreciate about the +1 Program is how accessible it is,” Jennifer reflects. “Anyone can participate.”
The program exemplifies our community coming together to support neighbors in need. For 2025, we aim to expand this initiative to additional partners, strengthening our response to food insecurity.
“My children became involved, helping select what we’d donate. It sparked meaningful conversations about hunger in our community.
- Jennifer
Sarah’s* family had lived in Rochester for three years, quietly facing food insecurity while hesitant to seek assistance. Like many in our community, she believed others might need help more – until realizing she too deserved support during her challenging transition.
As a single mother focused on providing for her young son, Sarah often sacrificed her own nutritional needs, ensuring her child had enough to eat while managing only occasional full family meals. When she finally reached out to us, our Food Pantry provided comprehensive support that went beyond basic necessities to include fresh ingredients, pantry staples, and even vitamins.
The impact was immediate and profound. The family spent an evening together organizing their food, planning meals, and experiencing the joy of having full cupboards. Now, for the first time in months, Sarah could prepare three
meals a day for herself while watching her son enjoy after-school snacks.
Our Food Pantry does more than fill pantries – it restores dignity, reduces stress, and helps families focus on building stable futures. By providing nutritious food and personal items, we help ensure that families like Sarah’s can thrive in our community.
“For the first time in a long time, I can make myself something to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
- Client
Thanks to our volunteers, partners and donors, we are able to foster a community of neighbors helping neighbors thrive.
At Neighborhood House, the partnership with Meijer has been transformative in our ability to address food insecurity in our community.
While the majority of our food is donated inkind, Meijer plays a significant role in allowing us to purchase food to complete our inventory.
The Simply Give program’s Double Match Days were particularly impactful, as Meijer doubled their match—converting each $10 customer donation into $30 of food assistance for our pantry. This generous multiplier effect significantly expanded our purchasing power during critical periods of increased need.
“The flexibility of Simply Give gift cards allows us to quickly respond to specific community needs,” notes our Executive Director Michael
Dreon. With these additional resources, we maintained a consistent supply of approximately 100 essential items—ensuring families had access to not just canned goods but also fresh produce and other groceries throughout the year.
We are deeply grateful for Meijer and the ongoing partnership, we share with them, which helps us serve our community with dignity and compassion during their most vulnerable moments.
Our achievements would not have been possible without our dedicated volunteers. Behind every success story stands a volunteer whose commitment has made the difference. We are deeply grateful for their selfless service and the immeasurable value they bring to our work.
Abiding Presence Lutheran Church
Acorn Tire and Auto
Archer Daniels Midland Company
Ascension Providence Rochester Foundation
Assistance League of Southeastern Michigan
Auburn Hills Community Foundation
Auburn Hills Downtown Development Authority
Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Birch Grove Montessori & University Prep
BMAK Charity Thrifts
Brewster Elementary Girl Scouts
Buller Chiropractic Clinic
Capstone Vision
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Christ the Redeemer Church
Church World Service
City of Auburn Hills
City of Rochester
City Of Rochester Hills
Club Pilates
Coin Houses
Community Foundation of Greater Rochester
Community Foundation of Greater Rochester Women’s Fund
Community Unity Bank
Continental Automotive Systems, Inc.
Controller Technologies Corp
Donald Courtright Foundation
Crittenton Medical Staff, Inc.
David W. Elliott Memorial Foundation
Endo International PLC
Executive Youth Board
Faith Community Christian Church
Faith Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Filmer Memorial Charitable Trust
First Congregational Church UCC
First State Bank
First United Methodist Church of Troy
Five Star Connection, Inc.
GM Giving
Googasian Family Foundation
Google, Inc.
Great Oaks West Neighborhood
Griggs Street Neighbors
Hanson’s Running Shop
HealthQuest Physical Therapy
Hollywood Markets
Hugs from David Foundation
International Academy (Central Campus)
Keepsake Patrollers
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus Council #5452
Kroger, Inc.
Ladies Philoptochos Society of St George Greek Orthodox Church
Lane Tool & Manufacturing
Liberty Mutual
Lipuma’s Coney Island
Meadowbrook Hall Garden Club
Michigan Promotional Professionals Association
Midas / Acorn Auto Service
Moms Club of Rochester
Motown Soup
MSU Federal Credit Union
Norgren Automation Solutions
North Hill Elementary PTA
Oakland Animal Hospital, PC
Oxford Bank
Oxus America
Paintings for a Purpose
PAR Pharmaceutical
PayPal Giving Fund
PJM Consulting
Pomeroy Living
Progressive Dog Club of Wayne County
Rattlers / Rochester Onyx
Rochester Adams High School
Rochester Area Jaycees
Rochester FIRST Robotics Teams
Rochester Hills Lions Club
Rochester Junior Women’s Club
Rochester Lions Club Charities Inc
Rochester Rotary Club
Rochester Volunteer Fire Department
Rochester Wealth Strategies
Rochester Women’s Club
Rocket Mortgage
Sarah & Erin Realty
Sarah Van Hoosen Jones Questers
Serra of Rochester Hills
Snyder Family Foundation
St. Andrew Catholic Church
St. Irenaeus Catholic Church
St. John Lutheran Church
St. Luke’s United Methodist Church
St. Mary of the Hills
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church
Stoney Creek High School
Stoney Creek High School PTSA
The Andrew Norton Charitable Fund
The Clorox Company Foundation
The Frank L. and Helen Gofrank Foundation
The Chris and Michelle Peyerk Foundation
The Caper J Steyer Living Trust
The Urban Dog
The Young Foundation
Troy Apt. Management Somerset Park
United Way for Southeastern Michigan
United Wholesale Mortgage, LLC
United Women in Faith of St. Paul’s Church
Unity Church of Rochester
University Presbyterian Church
Whims Insurance Agency
Whole Foods Market
Wissman-Devereaux Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Abbott
Bonnie Abiko
Dr. Melanie Hartman and Mr.
Gary Abusamra
Mindy Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Drita Agney
Ms. Janet Agostinelli
Zainab Ahmed
Mr. and Mrs. James Aitken
Mr. Andrew Albu
Janelle Alexander
Joan Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Lambros
Pamela Anschuetz
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Antone
Mr. and Mrs. John Aquilina
Ms. Laura Arens
Ryan Armbrustmacher
Margaret Atang
Kelly Atkins
Melissa Auchter
Richard Babb
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baiardi
Mr. and Mrs. James Baker
Jane Banas
Chiranjib Banerjee
Colleen Barkham
Mr. and Mrs. William Barr
Laurie and James Barr
Mr. and Mrs. James Barratt
Mr. and Mrs. David Bartlo
Mark and Pat Bartolomeo
Kenneth Bartos
Mr. John Bassett
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bates
Susan Wood and Barney Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. William Beaudoin
Kelly Beaudry-Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Beck
Mr. Seth Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Beckman
Loren and Katherine Bednar
Nora Beevers
Martha Begbie
Ms. Norma Begin
John and Nancy Belanger
Ms. Marcia Bell
Judith Bender
Nancy Benedettini
Dieter and Barbara Benesch
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bermingham
Ms. Ann Beyerlein
Pam and Tom Biasell
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bida
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bieterman
Janet Bigelow
Mr. and Mrs. John Birmingham
Ms. Deborah Blackford
Mr. Thomas Blackstone
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blank
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blischke
Mr. Richard Bloome
Mr. Corey Bordine
Mary Joan Borglin
Sandra Bornor
Ronald Borton
Paul Borucki
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bourgoin
Mr. and Mrs. William Bovenza
Margaret Bowman
Ms. Joyce Boyle
Ms. Jacqueline Bracken
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bradford
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Breese
Mr. and Mrs. John Brendel
Mr. William Briggs
Laura Bright
Lynne Brink
Ms. Sallie Brodie
Mr. Richard Bronder
Andrea Brook
Camilla Mannino and Reg Brown
Mary Browne
Ethel Brownstein
Judy Brundage
Mr. and Mrs. James Bruneel
Mr. Daniel Brunet
Michelle Bryant
Ciara Bryant
Kristine Bryant
Joseph Budzinski
Michelle Bueltel
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Lisa
Paul and Sue Burback
Anne Burr
Megan Burton
Mr. Richard Buzinski
L Margaret Bylen
Dr. Mary Jo Byrd
Mr. Joseph Bysko
Mr. Joseph Caleel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Caloia
Nancy and Jack Camilleri
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. James Capek
Delia Cappel
Ms. Mary Cardella
Nancy Carey
Ms. Jeni Carino
Mr. and Mrs. William Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Carpenter
Alison Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Carr
Mr. Louis Carrio, Jr
Ernika Carson
Ms. Maureen Carty
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carvey
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Casey
Carolyn and William Cauchon
Mrs. Emilie Champagne
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Chapman
Linda Chase
Sarah Chinoski
Ms. Gina Chirco
Katherine Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Christenson
Mrs. Robert Christina
Peter Ciavaglia
Mr. Paul Clark
Gregory Clark
James Clauser
Kenneth Clauser
Karen Cleary
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Clemons
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cleveland
Don and Sue Cline
Ms. Jennifer Cobble
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Coble
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Collins
Ms. Diane Collins
Allen Comfort
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Compton
Debborah Connery
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Connolly
Kathy and Joseph Connolly
Cathy Connors
Mr. and Mrs. William Cook
Ms. Gaila Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cook
Ms. Carolyn Coombes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coon
Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Coppola
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Sally Cornett
Ms. Christine Corona
Mary Jane Cosgrove
Carole Cotter
Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Harlene Coutteau
Ms. Lisa Cox
Ms. Jennifer Craft
Ms. Marilyn Creelman
Mrs. Sharon Cregg
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Crimando
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Cripsey
Mr. and Mrs. John Crissman
Mr. Jason Crist
Eleanor Culpert
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cumberworth
Ms. Anne Cushing
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Czarnecki
Janet and Richard Czubaj
Ken Danaj
Richard Danforth
Ashley Danto
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Davis
Lanette Davis
Mr. and Mrs. John Davis
Patricia Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Davison
Susan Dawe
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. James Dearbaugh
Mr. Stephen Dearing
Mark and Sue Degnan
Katherine Dehem
Steve and SuEllen DeLong
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Delsignore
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Denton
Ms. Barbara DeSantis
Amelia Deschamps
Mr. and Mrs. Peter deSteiger
Mr. and Mrs. David deSteiger
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dettloff
Ms. Kristine deVaux
James and Marti Dey
Mr. and Mrs. David DiLaura
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Diliddo
Carole Dimitry
Ann Dinan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dobosenski
Schlitt Donna
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D’Onofrio
Barbara Donohoe
Mr. John Doody
Dennis Doody
Kerin Dorris
Kirk Dowd
Ann-Marie Drass
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dresser
Ms. Kathryn Driscoll
Nannette Drouillard-Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Duane
Karen Dudek
Darrell Duffield
Cheryl and Charles Duggan
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Dumas
Mr. Ian Duncanson
Ms. Michele Dunham
Mr. & Mrs. John Dunn
Audra Dye
Mrs. John Dziurman
Tiffany Dziurman
Dr. and Mrs. Jay Eastman
Rev. Rosalina Edmondson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Edwards
Anne Eiler
Ms. Sharon Eisenmbraun
Ms. Lori Ekelman
Faye Elpedes
Carol Embach
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Emerton
Ms. Linda Engler
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ensch
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Esper
Dawn Esposito
Mr. and Mrs. David Etzkorn
Betty Evanson
Ms. Jennifer Evanson
Delores Everlove
Yachiyo and Patrick Falle
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Felton
Ms. Kathleen Ferguson
Mr. Christopher Ferow
Kara Ferrara
Sherri Fetters
Carol Figura
Mr. and Mrs. John Finazzo
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Fisher
Karen and Ted Fisher
Francis Fleck
Ruth Fluegge
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flynn
Ms. Cherrill Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. James Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fodell
Carol Fogolini
Ms. Mary Jo Forbes
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Fornasiero
Mrs. Linda Foster
Ms. Ann Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Frankland
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fredericks
Mary Frees
Henry Freigruber
Michael French
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce French Jr.
Griff and Judith Froman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Fryzel
Michael J. Fugle Living Trust
Mr. Steven Fulkerson
Cristina Fuller
Mr. Fred Funke III
Mr. and Mrs. David Gac
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gajdzik
Tina Gallo
Blake Garavaglia
Kerry Gargaro
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Garlick
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Garman
Ms. Susan Garner
Ms. Nancy Gaydos
Nancy Genik
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gentry
Patricia Gerwert
Ms. Peggy Gerwitz
Sally Giacobbe
Mrs. Donna Gideon
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Giovanatti
Meg Gleason
Cecilia Glenn
Michael Glover
Laura and Michael Gluhanich
Mr. and Mrs. James Glynn
Mr. and Mrs. Christina and Joseph
Susan Goetz
Shirley Gofrank & Michael
Mr. and Mrs. William Goike
Barb Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldenthal
Kathleen Goncalves
Mr. & Mrs. W Douglas Gordon
Hema, Upendra and Dhruva Govil
Mr. Edward Grace
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grady
Mr. Daniel Grantham
Ms. Mary Greenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Greve
Robbin Griffin
Monica Grogan
Raymond Groth
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Grubbs
Ms. Diane Gruebnau
David Gunther
Robert and Maureen Guy
Dolores and Lionel Haberek
Susan Hagaman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hage
Ms. Kathryn Hagen
Ms. Diane Hake
Veronica Hall
Philip Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hamway
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hancock
Franky Hang
Michael Hanlon
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hannah
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hannaman
Ms. Joan Hardy
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Harper
Ms. Linda Harris
Ms. Pamela Harris
Trevis Harrold
Stephanie Harrold
Joe Hart
Ms. Kathleen Hartley
Mr. and Mrs. David Hartman
Kristine Hastings
Terry Hauer
Ms. Maureen Haverty
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hawley
Ms. Nancy Hay
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hayne
Ms. Anna Headbloom
Mr. and Mrs. John Healy
Mr. and Mrs. Nicklas Hebekeuser
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Heberer
Larry and Carla Heck
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hein
Amy Heitman
Gretchen Hellmann
Terri Hemphill
Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson
Mr. Alex Hepfner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Herderich
Elaine Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Herrick
Martha Herrmann
Sue Hesson
Ms. Arlene Heter
Ms. Mary Hevron
Mr. and Mrs. John Higgins
Ms. Linda Hildebrand
Mr. Martin Hildreth
Melinda Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hill
Ms. Laura Hinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey and Vickie
Eileen and Robert Hohner
Miah Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoover
Ms. Victoria Hopkins
Ms. Tracy Horton
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horton
Morene Horvath
Mr. and Mrs. David Howarth
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoy
Ms. Deborah Hoyle
Eleanor Hoyle
Mike Hunt
Kim Hurley
Nancy and Fred Hynick
Karen Hyre
Ms. Jennifer Hyvari
Mr. Stephen Iaquaniello
Magdalena Jackowski
Ms. Eunice Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jacob
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jacobs
Mr. Michael Jagels
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Janssen
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Jarski
Margaret Jelsma
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson
Julie Johnson
Eunika Johnson
Ms. Susan Jones
Sandra Jones
Lynn Jones
Jennifer Jovick
Geeta Kalwani
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kamlay
Leonard Kata
Janet Kavos
Sarah Kavos
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kehres
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Keller
Renate Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kellett
Deborah Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kelly
Diane and Richard Kenefic
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Kennedy
Joy Kennedy
Dr. Colleen Kennedy
Blake Kenny
Ms. Martha Kent
Jo Ann Kersten
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kezlarian
Jane Kiekhaefer
Susan Kinney
Robert Kleber
Tarri Klecha
Ms. Patricia Klos
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Knapp
Gerald Knapp
Richard Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knight
Michele and Michael Knoblauch
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Knudsen
Mr. Charles Koenig
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kopera
Ms. Patricia Korsog
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kossuch
Kerry Kotyk
Mrs. Marcia Kowalczyk
Mr. and Mrs. George Kralovich
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Krencicki
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Krencicki
Karen Krieger
Mr. and Mrs. William Kroger
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kruczek
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Krueger
Mary Kruse
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kudela
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kuhl
Monica Kumar
Susan Kurnick
Mr. Scott Kusky
Kathleen Kwiatkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Mary
Kay LaChance
Ms. Sandra Laham
Kam Tim Lai
Mr. and Mrs. John Lamacchia
Scott Landreth
Laurie Lane
Mr. David Lanni
Melissa Larsen
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lata
Mr. Michael Lawless
Mary Jean Lawson
Ms. Gladys Lazzara
Deborah R. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leisure
Ms. Debra Lennon
Mr. Joseph Lentini
Ms. Mary Jane Leslie
Mr. John Lewandowski
Danielle Lia
Kristina Liebzeit
Ms. Elizabeth Lin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lindemann
Mr. Jonathan Lindley
Cleaton Lindsey
Ms. Sherry Link
Leslie Linn
Mr. and Mrs. James Lionas
Barbara Lipson
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lipuma
Stefanie Little
Ms. Connie Livingston
Julie Lobaza
Mrs. Carlene Long
Nancy Lord
Heather and Edmond Lynch
Ms. Grace Lynch
Ms. Theresa Lyons
Mr. Don MacDonald
Mr. Bruce Macgregor
Margaret MacTavish
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Madden
Mr. Pritpaul Mahal
Ms. Christina Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Makar
Rebecca Malatesta
Chander Malhotra
Paul Malik
Mr. and Mrs. James Mallon
Russell Maranzano
Ms. Judy Marchioni
Darlene and Melvin Marchlones
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marcus
Mr. Charles Martin
Susan Martin
Dawn and Kelly Martin
Kristina Martin
Ms. Elizabeth Martin
Zachary Martindale
Cheryl and Jon Martz
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marzec
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mason
Ms. Carol A. Mason
April and Scott Massimino
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Matis
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Matta
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Matyas
Shannon Maurer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mayer
Mary Mazure
Valerie McBain
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride
Ms. Janet McCall
Mrs. James McCallum
Diana McClain
Mr. John McCoy
Deloris McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McDowell
Mr. and Mrs. James McDowell
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McFawn
Karyn McGill
Megan McGrath
Sarah McKay
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McKay
Marsha McKinley
Jill and Scott McKinney
Ms. Marlene McLaughlin
Renee McLeod
Ms. Julie McMillan
Jane McNeil Cowan
Kareen McPherson
Florence and Kenneth Meehan
Ms. Linda Meints
Randall Meono
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Merlo
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Merrelli
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mertz
John Hoover and Jennifer
Thomas and Teresa Mikoy
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller
Ms. Abby Miller
Tracy Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Minbiole
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miotke
Nancy Mires
Benjamin Mitzelfeld
Ms. Lucille Moerer
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mommersteeg
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Mommersteeg
Diane Montgomery
Daniel and Katherine Moore
Mr. Russell Moore
Ms. Constance Moore
Christina Morgan
Dr. and Mrs. Vittorio Morreale
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Morris
Ms. Virginia Jane Moss
Mrs. Karen Mountz
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moyns
Ms. Cecilia Mrock-Pellegrom
Christine Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mullen
Robert Mumma
Elizabeth and James Munchiando
Carol Murphy
Ms. Joyce Murphy
Kyle Murphy
Luigi Murri
Agnieszka Muxlow
Julie Myers
Dennis and Kathryn Nash
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Neiheisel
Barbara Nettle
Mr. Timothy Newcomb
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Ashok Newton
Mrs. Kris Nicholson
. Catherine Nieman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Niemczycki
Karen Nijem
Richard Niles
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Norman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Norris
Mr. and Mrs. David Norstrom
Diane Norsworthy
Ms. Karen North
Mr. and Mrs. David Novack
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Novak
Logan Oates
Barbara O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O’Connell
Sandy O’Connor
Jeri Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Olson
Ms. Joan O’Sullivan
Ana Otero Balea
Mary Otto
John Ozburn
Ms. Suzanne Ozinga
Mrs. Charmaine Page
Ms. Janice Paine-Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Palazzolo
Ljeonard Paljusaj
Mr. Shawn Panek
Mr. and Mrs. John Pannuto
Dennis Paradowski
Tammy Pariseau
Ruth Ann Parish
Suellen Parkes
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Pasternak
Mr. and Mrs. Ted and Janet Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pearcy
Mr. and Mrs. Pebbles
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pederson
Ms. Rosaria Peebles
Lora Perkins
Susan Perkins
William Pero
Crystal Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson
Kathryn Petrosky
Katelyn Pettit
Mr. and Mrs. David Phelps
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Phelps
Jeanne Pichel
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pierre
Ms. Patricia Pietrzak
Robert and Phyllis Pihajlic
Ms. Cheryl Pilcher
Mrs. Linda Pipp
Mrs. Faye Placinski
Sharyl Pohl
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Pohlman
Nalini Popat
Ms. Leah Potere
Mr. Edward Potoczak
Clifton F. and Victoria Powell
Lisa Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Preston
Judy Privasky
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Putman
Paul Pysarenko
Ms. Ann Quarles
Kristen Raetz
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ramacciato
Mr. David Randall
Janice Reed
Patricia Reeves
Ms. Michelle Reich
Kathryn Reid
Laura Reinke
Carson Reinke
Mary Anne and Bill Reising
Ms. Deborah Remer
Mr. and Mrs. John Reno
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Reseigh
James Revenaugh
Ms. Beverly Rewold
Sara Ricciardi
Dr. and Mrs. Edward and Nancy Rice
Gregory and Cinda Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ricketson
Janet Riggs
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rioux
Mrs. Judi Rise
Ms. Jane Ritchie
Lavise and Daniel Ritchie
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rivard
Alessandra and Marco Roberts
Peggy Roberts
Jane Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. R. Stewart
Lori Rock
Ms. Jane Rodgers
Joan Rodriguez
Barbara Roller
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Romito
Cecily Roney
Mr. and Mrs. Jean & Marty Rosalik
Mr. and Mrs. William Rosen
Ms. Judy Rosenberg
Ms. Mary Rosenbusch
Mr. and Mrs. William Rowland
Jill Rudneva
Mr. Richard Rudy
Mr. Paul Ruesink
Ms. Cari Rummel
Karyn Ryan
Kelly Sand
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Saputo
Ms. Suzanne Saraceno
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Satterthwaite
Anita Savio
Stacy Sawicki
Scott Sawyer
Mrs. Eleanor Saxon
Ms. Julia Sayers
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Schaefer
Kathryn Schaefer
Nicole Schalk
Heidi Schall
Mr. Thomas Scheil
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Schettenhelm
Janice Schimmelman
Ms. Betty Schmehl
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Schmidt
Kelly Schroeder
Michele Schroers
Mr. Herman Schroll
Joe Schuler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuler
Dr. and Mrs. John Schultz
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Schury
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schwark
Mary Scott
Ms. Leanne Segard
Nancy Seidler
Ms. Sara Seitz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sevilla
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Seyferth
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Seyferth
Mayur Shah
Saad and Kathy Shah
Marie Shamoun
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sharp
Marcia Sheehy
Leslie Sheidler
Ms. Cara Shelly
Vicki Shepard
Mella Shepherdson
Donna Sheppard
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Shermetaro
Johanna Shuler
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Siatczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sibert
Donnie Sienkiewicz
Ms. Patricia Siepielski
Ms. Lynn Sikorski
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sikorski
Ms. Rika Simmons
Patrice Sinclair
Michael and Jill Skrzypczak
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sloniker
Kay Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Smith
Nada Smith
Jeffrey Smith
Susan Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith
Mr. Mark Smith
Ms. Vicki Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith
Mr. and Mrs. George Smrtka
Mr. and Mrs. David Smyczynski
Martha Smydra
Matthew and Michele Smyth
Mr. and Mrs. David Snyder
Ms. Elizabeth Sobczak
Ms. Ann Sobey
Carol Socks-Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sonye
Chad and Linda Spawr
Theodore and Catherine Spiro
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Spisak
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen St. Denis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas St. Peter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stanton
Ms. Catherine Stapels
Roberta Stasak
Doren Steckler
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Steigerwald
Dr. and Mrs. Gary and Ronna Stencel
Mr. and Mrs. David Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Steyer
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Stiff
Gail Stoner
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Stringer
Ms. Andrea Stromar
Ann Stubbs
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. D. Michael
Mr. George Swantek
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Sweda
Jacqueline Rena Swierk
Mr. and Mrs. James Sylvain
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Szachta
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Szasna
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Szura
Sandra Tabacchi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tanghe
Amie Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Taylor
Mary and Joseph Taylor
Jensen Teresa
Mr. Michael Thielemans
Christine Thietten
Cheryl Thomas
Leslie Thompson
Ms. Angeline Thorner
Deane Tierney
Mary Tischler
Amber Toland
Ms. Betty Tomlins
Ms. Carol Tough
Ms. Maria Trahan
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Trahan
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Trautmann
Ms. Kathryn Travnikar
George Tripp
Mr. Anthony Troschinetz
Ms. Kathleen Troshynski
Mr. and Mrs. James Troup
Salvatore Trupiano
Kathleen and Ryan Tsivitse
Mr. David Tuomala
Mr. Michael Tyler
Stephen Ugorowski
Father Stanley Ulman
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Upton
Soraya and Ronald Urech
Ms. Anita Utley
Srujana Vadlakonda
Victoria Vaillancourt
F. P. and K.C. Van Dame
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Van Wulfen
Roberta Vanderbreggen
Mr. and Mrs. David Vangelder
Ms. Denise Vaught
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Veillette
Mr. Joseph Veltri
Mr. Erik Vernon
Jody Verwilst
Laurie Vesey
Mr. Donald Viles
Joan and Kirk Vogelei
Mrs. Donna Vogt
Marilyn and Carl Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Wahla
Connie Wakefield
Ms. Marilyn Walker
Travis Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wallace
Judy Wallin
Ms. Ethel Waltenbaugh
Kelly Walton-Jones
Mr. Henry Ware
Deborah Warehall
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Warner
Mrs. Mary Anne Warner
Denise Warren
Ms. Nicole Wasson
Bob and Mary Watson
Sharon Watton
Deanne Wawrzyniak
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Webber
Rev. and Mrs. Harold Weemhoff
Paul and Teresa Wehrwein
Jessica Westness
Dawn and Philip Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wheelock
Kelly A. White
Donna Whyte
Ms. Barbara Wiese
Ms. Eugenia Williams
Annice Williams
William Williams
Terry Willingham
Mary and Andrew Wilson
Daniel and Maureen Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Wilson
Ms. Ramona Winarski
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Wing
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wing
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wingerter
Mary Ann Winnega
Ms. Julia Wittkopp
Mary Wolocko
Thomas and Sandra Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Woolley
Verna Worden
Mr. and Mrs. James Wratkrowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wright
Mark Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Wright
Robin Wright
Mr. and Mrs. William Wynne
Elizabeth Yambor
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Yavornitzky
Mr. and Mrs. James Yezak
Carol Yokich
Leisa York-Walker
Catherine Youngs
Amanda Zabor
Teresa Zaccagnini
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zagrodzki
Kathleen Zalewski
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Zarger
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Annette Zebracki
Kelly Zechmeister-Smith
Rudy Ziehl
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zimmerman
Neighborhood House exists as a community-powered organization of Neighbors Helping Neighbors Thrive. Our transparent reporting reflects our unwavering dedication to responsible stewardship. We take pride that every dollar contributed works locally, creating direct impact for families right here at home. Through immediate support and longterm development programs, we continue building stronger communities where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
2024 Financial results will be shared after our yearly audit.
Looking for ways to get involved this year? Save these dates to donate or volunteer at our signature events. Visit ranh.org/events for the latest information.
Michael Dreon Executive Director
Laura Gentner
Janeen Harlan Director of Client Services
Bris Roberts Director of Marketing & Communications
Kim Ronan Director of Fund Development
Valerie McBain
Brad Norman
Vice President
Jeff Bourgoin
Diane Twitty
Jean Jernigan
Jodi Lipuma
Julie LoBaza
Meagan Mommersteeg
Jane Ritchie
Lori Taylor
Melanie Hartman
Kathryn Schaefer
Mark Wright
Barb Cenko
Don Cleveland
Cheryl Duggan
Ian Duncanson
Leigh Ann Grubbs
Don Lee
Bruce MacGregor
Matt Nowaczok
Deane Tierney
David Seitz
1720 South Livernois Rochester Hills, MI 48307