House 2023 Annual Report
Discover how we’re helping neighbors walk the path toward self-sustainability.

House 2023 Annual Report
Discover how we’re helping neighbors walk the path toward self-sustainability.
As we reflect on the past year, we are grateful for the support of our community that has enabled Neighborhood House to further its mission.
With your help, we are impacting the lives of neighbors living in our community. In 2023 we provided over 330,000 meals and nearly 40,000 clothing items to neighbors in need. Additionally, clients enrolled in our Strive 2 Thrive sustainability program received $63,000 in grants to avoid eviction, provide transportation, keep utilities turned on, and enable home repairs.
We are also building our internal capabilities and partnerships. In 2023, our Neighborhood House Food Pantry achieved Gold Status certification from the Nutrition Pantry Program. This is a testament to our commitment to continuous improvement.
We are also proud of our new and ongoing community partnerships listed in the pages that follow. Without our donors and program partners in the community, our work would not be possible.
As we move forward, we are excited about the future that we can build together. With your continued support, we are confident that we can continue to make a real difference in the lives of those who need it most. Thank you for supporting our journey toward building a community of neighbors helping neighbors thrive.
With gra
With gratitude,
The overall number of Michigan households financially struggling continues to rise. The pandemic, combined with the economic climate and rising inflation, has increased financial strain for many families. This makes affording basics like housing, child care, food, transportation and health care impossible for those struggling to make ends meet.
In the communities we serve, 25%
Now, more than ever, it is crucial for our community to come together, fostering a spirit of support, empathy and innovation. Together, we can overcome these obstacles and build a more resilient and thriving community for everyone.
To learn more, visit the link below.
*Source: Michigan Association of United Ways
of clients are below 30% of median income. 63%
70.5% of clients are single or single with children. are living in poverty.
Jennifer is a single woman in her 50s who came to Neighborhood House via a recommendation of her landlord, Oaks at Hampton.
Although Jennifer has a great full-time job at Flagstar Bank, she was falling behind in her rent due to garnishments on her paycheck from an $8,000 loan she took to pay for her father’s funeral.
Neighborhood House partnered with St. Vincent de Paul to pay for Jennifer’s back rent and utilities. Jennifer has attended our 6-week Financial Focus class and now uses our Food
Pantry and Clothes Closet. She is staying ahead of her expenses and working to establish her emergency savings!
Additionally, she has made friends at our Financial Focus and Cooking Matters classes.
Designed like a grocery market, our Food Pantry provides clients with monthly pantry items and weekly fresh food.
De D signed d likke e a gr g occery y maarrkeett, o our r Foood Pan a trry providdes e cliieennts t witth h moontthhly pa panntry itetems ms and we w ekly y frreesh h foood.
Our case managers work one-on-one with clients to complete budget assessments, learn budget management and discuss job opportunities and skills. We also offer skills training such as computer literacy, positive training, employment readiness, budget basics, cooking and nutrition.
Our casse managers w work one-on-one with t cliennts to coommplete e asssessments, learn e m manageeme m nt and d dis i cu c ss oppor tunities and d skills. We also offffer r skills s tr g such as literacyy, posiiti t ve e traainin i g g, employm y ent readiness, t b baasiccss, and nutrition.
Our Clothes Closet is a retail-like environment offering gently used clothing and small household items for our clients. We also operate as a thrift store for the public, with funds going directly back to our clients.
O Ouur Cllotthehes Cl C os o et is a retail-likike e e enviroonmenent t offffer e inng g geently used c cllot o hing and smamall househoolld d ittems foor our r cllie i nts. We a also so ope p raate te as s a t thhrift ft stor o e f for the pu pubblicc, w with funds gooing dirrec e tl t y ba b ck to our clientts. s
We offer transpoor tatiioon n serrvi v ces, s round-trip transpoor t foor ouur r cl c ient n s medical and social seervvic i e apppooin i tmmentss. . We aimed at asssi s stting g individuals, children, n with an a altterernanati t ve means of
We offer comprehensive transportation services, coordinating round-trip transport for our clients attending medical and social service appointments. We also run a bike program aimed at assisting individuals, including children, with an alternative means of transportation.
Francis is a 70-year-old woman who came to Neighborhood House because she lost her job during COVID-19 and was unable to make ends meet. Francis receives Social Security Retirement benefits but needed another job to cover her expenses. Francis also cannot stand for long periods of time.
After several attempts, Francis found a temporary job at an auto parts manufacturer that allowed her to sit down and make $14 per hour. She is continuing to look for a job that is more aligned with her experience (surgical instrument prep).
We are also working with her to get her on the waiting list for Samaritas, a senior living facility that only charges 30% of your income. Once she moves in, she will be able to make it on her Social Security and will not have to work unless she wants to.
In addition to helping Francis find work, we have also helped to lower her expenses by:
• Getting her on the Medicare Advantage program, saving $150 per month.
• Getting her on the Low-Income SelfSufficiency Plan (LSP) program for DTE and the CARE program for Consumers Energy. Her monthly bills will be around $40 to $50.
• Providing an Older Persons’ Commission (OPC) voucher which will allow her to use their buses, take advantage of their facilities, and take classes at no charge.
• Eliminating two storage bins and working on liquidating the third, saving her $500 per month.
Ramona is in her mid-40s. She has two young children and has been out of work since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic to take care of her children.
She has been using our Clothes Closet and Food Pantry and other assistance programs from us. Most recently, through our partnership with Ascension, we helped her get hired in the Nursing Assistant Program. She now has a steady income.
Ramona’s 12-year-old vehicle was failing, and she needed a new vehicle. We had donors, Jill and Paul Franz, who were looking to donate a car and we matched them to Ramona. Our program with Bill’s Automotive (owned by Shawn and Maggie Thompson) allows us to
get vehicles repaired with a $3,000 grant for labor credits and also facilitate the transfer of vehicles from donors to clients.
Thanks to our volunteers, partners and donors, we are able to foster a community of neighbors helping neighbors thrive.
To our incredible team of volunteers, your contributions have not only made a difference but have also transformed lives in our community. Thank you for sharing your time, talents, and passion with us. Your contributions are truly invaluable, and we are grateful for your unwavering support.
“This is how change happens, one gesture, one person, one moment at a time.”
Each week
we have about 90 volunteers who dedicate 85 hours to Neighborhood House
Thank you to our outstanding community partners for their ongoing collaboration and dedication to our mission.
Abiding Presence Lutheran Church
Acorn Auto Service, Inc.
Ascension Providence Rochester Hospital
Assistance League of Southeastern Michigan
Auburn Hills Community Center
Bill’s Automotive
Clean Eatz Rochester
Faith Church: Grow to Give Garden
Faith Works Michigan
First Congregational Church
Focus Hope
Fresh Thyme
Gleaners Community Food Bank
Michigan State University Federal Credit Union
OPC Social & Activity Center
Premier Pet
Rochester Eagles
St. Andrew’s Catholic Church
St. Ireneus Catholic Church
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church
The Emergency Food Assistance Program
The Furniture Bank
Trader Joe’s
Whole Foods
Abiding Presence Lutheran Church
Acorn Auto Service Midas
All Under One Woof
Ally Financial
Ascension Providence Rochester Hospital
Assistance League of Southeastern Michigan
Auburn Hills Community Foundation
Auburn Hills Public Library
Barnett Leadership Fund
Bellinger Foundation
Bergen County’s United Way
BMAK Charity Thrifts
Brewster Elementary Girl Scouts
Century 21 Sakmar & Associates
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Charter Township of Oakland
Chief Financial Credit Union
Christ the Redeemer Church
Citizens Charitable Foundation
City of Auburn Hills
City of Rochester Hills
Clarkston Capital Partners LLC
Community Foundation of Greater Rochester
Community Unity Bank
Consumers Energy Foundation
Controller Technologies Corp
David W. Elliott Memorial Foundation
Endo International PLC
Faith Community Christian Church
First Congregational Church UCC
First State Bank
First United Methodist Church of Troy
Googasian Family Foundation
Hagaman Charitable Trust
Heidebreicht Chevrolet
Helen L. Kay Charitable Trust
Hollywood Markets
Howarth United Methodist
Hugs From David Foundation
Huntington Corporate Philanthropy Team
ISTO Advisors, LLC
Keepsake Patrollers
Kerr Industries of Texas
Kevin Walsh Family Foundation
Knights of Columbus Council #5452
Ladies Philoptochos Society of St George Greek Orthodox Church
Lake Orion Roofing
Lane Tool & Manufacturing
Laporte Graphics
Law Office of Diane M. Twitty, PLLC
Lifetime Aora
Lipuma’s Coney Island
Meadowbrook Hall Garden Club
Michael J. Fugle Living Trust
Michigan Nonprofit Association
Michigan Promotional Professionals Association
Motor City Chorale
Motown Soup
MSU Credit Union
New Belgium Brewing Company
North American Operations, GM
Northpointe Pediatrics
Notre Dame Prep and Marist Academy
Nuance Foundation
Oak Arbor Church of the New Jerusalem
Oakland County Quilt Guild
One Club Tourney
Oxus America
P.E.O. Sisterhood Chapter CG
Paint Creek Questers
Pamela Krampf, Antiques and Fine Jewelry by Pamela Pfizer
Pins Quilt Group
PKSA Karate of Rochester Hills
Potere - Modetz Funeral Home
Preceptor PSI
Premier Academy
Premier Pet Supply
Rochester Adams High School
Rochester Adams High School NHS
Rochester Area Democratic Club
Rochester Community Schools
Rochester Education Association
Rochester FIRST Robotics Teams
Rochester High School
Rochester High School Class of 1967
Rochester Hills Lions Club
Rochester Lions Club
Rochester Rotary Club
Rochester Soccer Club
Rochester Volunteer Fire Department
Serra of Rochester Hills
Shape Process Automation
Simcan Enterprises Inc.
SJA Hanley Giving Fund
Sole Sisters Too
St. Andrew Catholic Church
St. Irenaeus Catholic Church
St. John Lutheran Church
St. Luke’s United Methodist Church
St. Mark Orthodox Church
St. Mary of the Hills
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
St. Paul’s United Methodist United Women in Faith - Patience Circle
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church
Stoney Creek High School
Suburban Collection
Talulah Belle
The Andrew Norton Charitable Fund
The Frank L. and Helen Gofrank Foundation
The Huntington Foundation
The Kyriakos Fund
The Lula Wilson Trust
The MacDonald Family Giving Fund
The Young Foundation
TI Group Automotive Systems, LLC
Trent Creative
Troy Apt. Management Somerset Park
Troy First United Methodist Women
United Way for Southeastern Michigan
Unity Church of Lake Orion
Unity Church of Rochester
University Presbyterian Church
Waltonwood on University
Whims Insurance
Women’s Council of Realtors
Abiko, Bonnie
Adams, Melissa
Adams, Erin
Agney, Jim & Drita
Aitken, James & Beverly
Alathea, Jim
Albertus, Anne & Stephen
Albu, Andrew
Alcala, Sarah & Paul
Allen, Joan
Allen, Karen & James
Alvaro, Jeannette
Amacher, Dick & Barb
Andreopoulos, Mandy & Louie
Anness, Barb
Aquilina, John & Joy
Aragona, Dr. & Mrs.
Arendsen, Ann
Atang, Margaret
Austin, Donna
Avery, Anna
Babajan, Leonard
Baiardi, Kristen & Chris
Bain-Rewold, Nancy
Bakke, Susan
Balas, Linda & Michael
Banas, Jane
Bantjes, Tara & John
Barnes, Bradley & Barbara
Barr, Bill & Gayle
Barr, Laurie & James
Bartos, Kenneth
Bassett, Kay & John
Bassett, David
Bates, Julia & Richard
Beaudoin, Joan
Becker, Seth
Beckman, Nancy & Tom
Bedell, Matt
Bednar, Loren & Katherine
Beevers, Nora
Begbie, Martha
Begin, Norma
Belanger, Stephanie
Bell, Marcia
Bell, Margaret
Bender, Judith
Benedettini, Nancy
Benesch, Dieter & Barbara
Bennett, Mary Louise
Berar, Robert
Berg, Dennis & Gay
Berger, Dennis & Lauren
Berletich, Suzanne
Berwick, Jennifer & Gary
Berz, Jacqueline
Beyerlein, Ann
Biasell, Pam & Tom
Bida, Gary & Cheryl
Bieterman, Charles & Janet
Bigelow, Janet
Birmingham, John & Kimberly
Bishop, Carol & Christopher
Bishop, Karen
Bishop, Donald & Nancy
Blackford, Deborah
Blackstone, Thomas
Bloome, Richard
Bloomingdale, Jason
Bobinski, Chris Gene & Emmy
Bolewitz, Joseph
Bordine, Corey
Boswell, Connie
Bowden, Menthal & Wilbert
Bowen, Heidi
Bowyer PHD, Susan
Boyle, Joyce
Bradford, Andrew & Kirsten
Brandt, Kevin
Branstner, Nancy
Breese, Robert & Gretchen
Bricker, David & Carol
Brickley, Laura & William
Briggs, William
Brink, Lynne
Brnabic, Deborah & William
Brown, Helene
Brownstein, Ethel
Brunet, Daniel
Bryant, Kristine
Buck, Joseph
Buck, Sharon
Budzinski, Joseph
Burback, Paul & Sue
Burkett, George
Burr, Ruth
Burton, Valerie
Bussure, Donna
Buzinski, Richard
Bylen, Margaret
Byrd, Mary Jo
Bysko, Joseph
Cain III, Byrd
Caleel, Joseph
Calligan, Emily & Christopher
Caloia, Richard & Janice
Camaiani, Amy
Camilleri, Nancy & Jack
Campbell, Carolyn
Campbell, Paul & Susan
Campbell, Rebecca & James
Campbell, Karen & Earl
Cappel, Delia
Cardella, Mary
Carene Doran, Chrisser
Carey, Nancy
Carleton, Thomas
Carlson, Bill & Charlotte
Carpenter, Keith & Mary
Carr, Kevin & Susan
Carrier, Heather & Tim
Carrio Jr, Louis
Carty, Maureen
Carvey, Jerry & Clara
Casey, Michelle & Patrick
Casey, Thomas & Pamela
Catalano, Martha
Catlin, Patrick
Cenko, Paul & Barb
Chambers, Suzanne
Champagne, Emilie
Chapman, Scott & Cheryl
Cherri, Ruth
Christensen, Katherine
Christenson, Gregg & Karen
Christina, Robert & Margaret
Clark, Paul
Cleary, Karen
Clemons, Mark & Karen
Cleveland, Don & Sue
Cleveland, Roxanne & Robert
Cline, Don & Sue
Cloutier, Matt
Coble, Carolyn & Randy
Codere, Larry & Kathy
Compton, Kevin & Lynn
Conley-Sugg, Michelle
Connolly, Terry & Susan
Connors, Michael & Brian
Constantino, Timothy
Cook, Mary Lynn & William
Cook, Thomas & Patricia
Cook, Gaila
Coombes, Alice
Coon, Michael & Kathleen
Coppola, Sebastian & Mary
Corona, Christine
Corsetti, Anthony & Jamie
Corsi, Melissa
Craft, Jennifer
Crane, Linda
Cregg, Sharon
Crimando, Mary Ann & Anthony
Cripsey, Teresa & Tim
Cuckovich, John
Cushing, Anne
Czarnecki, Thomas & Julie
Damphousse, Adelia & Martin
Danforth, Richard
Dangoor, Kevin
Darby, Ralph & Barbara
Davis, Susan
Davis, Jim & Louise
Davis, Samantha
Davison, Mark & Janet
Degnan, Mark & Sue
Dekay, Lee & Colleen
Demres, Marie
Denton, Douglas & Gretchen
Denton, Patricia
Denyer, Alyson
Deschamps, Amelia
Desmond, Laura
deSteiger, Peter & Chris
deSteiger, Virginia
deSteiger, David & Judy
Dettloff, Mr. & Mrs. J
deVaux, Kristine
Devereaux, Denise
DeVilling, Chris
Dey, James & Marti
Dickerson, Monica
DiLaura, David & Nora
Diliddo, Ronald & Marjorie
Dimitry, Carole
Dingman, Roger & Diane
Dinsmoor, Laura
Dober, Judy & Paul
Dobosenski, Michael & Patricia
Doerr, Camille
Doherty, Richard & Marcella
Donofrio, Sheila
Donoghue, Diane
Donohoe, Barbara
Donovan, Sean
Doucet, Cheryl & Kevin
Dover, Jill & George
Dowd, Kirk
Dresser, Dennis & Nancy
Driscoll, Kathryn
Drouillard-Murphy, Nannette
Drozdalski, William
Dudek, Kenneth & Karen
Duffield, Darrell
Duggan, Cheryl & Chuck
Dunham, Michele
Dunn, Denise & John
Dwortz, Eileen
Dwyer, Colleen
Dziurman, Katherine
Easterday, Amanda & William
Eastman, Jay & Linda
Easton, Barbra
Ebinger, William & Diane
Edwards, Paul & Angela
Efthyvoulidis, Niko
Eisenberg, Rick
Ekelman, Lori
Elias, Sahar
Elpedes, Faye
Emerton, Ross & Julie
Engler, Linda
Ensch, Thomas & Suzanne
Etzkorn, David & Judith
Everlove, Delores
Fabrizio, Dawn
Falcone, Nancy
Faust, Elizabeth
Fealk, Margaret
Felton, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ferguson, Kathleen
Ferrara, Kara
Fidler, Dana & Nancy
Fiedrich, Jacquelyn
Filzek, Douglas
Finazzo, Kathleen & John
Fiorini, Elizabeth
Fisher, Karen & Ted
Fisher, Patricia & Patrick
Fite, Steven & Renee
Fleming, Hildred
Fluegge, Ruth
Flynn, Cherrill
Flynn, Charles & Dian
Fogolini, Carol
Fontella, Jason
Forbes, Jody
Foster, Ann
Foster, Linda
Frank, James
Frankland, Larry & Carol
Fredericks, Harold & Lana
Frees, Mary
Froh, Deborah Ann
Fryzel, Ronald & Marlene
Fuller, Cristina
Funke III, Fred
Fusciardi, Diana & Gary
Gajdzik, Michael & Stephanie
Gallagher, Joan & Darleen
Gambaro, Cheryl
Garavaglia, Blake
Gardner, Amy & Daniel
Gardner, Marlene
Garner, Susan
Gaudreau, Jon & Alison
Gault, Ann
Gaydos, Nancy
Gendich, Charlene
Genord, Jill & Michael
Gentilia, Joe & Bonnie
Gentry, Sandy & Rick
Gerwert, Patricia
Gerwitz, Peggy
Gibbons, Michelle
Gideon, Donna
Gildner, Carl
Gilpin, Gail
Giordano, Linda & Joseph
Giovanatti, Ray & Joanne
Giulioli, Janice
Glenn, Cecilia
Glowney, Rosalie & Craig
Gluhanich, Laura & Michael
Glynn, James & Ann Marie
Goetz, Susan
Golden, Rosalie
Gomez, Genevieve
Goncalves, Kathleen
Gordon, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon
Gorman, Marcia
Govig, Rose
Grace, Edward
Grady, Peter & Clare
Grantham, Daniel
Greimel, Jill
Gresham, David & Vivian
Greve, Gerald & Nancy
Griggs, Pamela
Grogan, Monica
Gronkowski, Keifer
Grubbs, Leigh Ann & Bill
Gruebnau, Diane
Gunsberg, Alison & Andrew
Guy, Robert & Maureen
Haberek, Dolly & Lionel
Hagaman Charitable Trust, Susan
Hage, Robert & Christine
Hagen, Kathryn
Hake, Diane
Hall, Veronica
Hall, Philip
Hampton, Lorraine
Hamrick, Kelly
Hancock, Mr. & Mrs. Hancock
Hang, Franky
Hanlon, Michael
Hannah, Carol
Harder, Beverly
Harper, Kristina & Scott
Harris, Linda
Harris, Denise
Harris, Sherry
Harrold, Trevis
Hart, Katie & Joe
Hartley, Kathleen
Hartman, Dr. Melanie & Abusamra, Gary
Hartman, David & Debra
Hastings, Kristine
Hauer, Terry
Haugen, Jane
Haverty, Maureen
Hawley, Linda & Paul
Hay, Nancy
Hayden, Susan
Hayes, Shaun
Haylett, Christina
Hayne, Sally & Doug
Headbloom, Anna
Healy, John & Sarah
Hearley, Catherine
Heberer, Dan & Emilie
Heck, Larry & Carla
Hein, Patricia & Richard
Heller, Courtney
Heller, Sandra & Terrence
Hellmann, Jessica
Hellmann, Gretchen
Hemphill, Terri
Henderson, Anna
Henige, Mary & Stephen
Hennighausen, Tolina & Charles
Henry, Brendt
Henry, Kelly
Hepfner, Alex
Herman, Ruth
Hermann, Susan & Andrew
Herrmann, Martha
Hesson, Sue
Heter, Arlene
Hevron, Mary
Hildebrand, Linda
Hill, Larry & Trudy
Hill, Melinda
Hiller, Sharon & John
Himmelspach, John
Hinkle, Laura
Hogan, Linda
Hohauser, Harvey & Vickie
Hohner, Eileen & Robert
Hopkins, Victoria
Horsch, John
Horton, Frank & Lori
Horton, Mary
Horton, Tracy
Howey, Rebecca
Hunter, David & Jennifer
Hyre, Karen
Ingamells, Diane & Doug
Jackson, Eunice
Jacob, Allan & Marguerite
Jacobs, Patricia & Bruce
Jagels, Michael
Jagow, Renee
Janowski, Mark
Jiang, Weizhen
Johns, Shannon & William
Johnson, Carol & Richard
Johnson, Troy
Johnson, John & Karen
Johnston, Marta & Bob
Jones, Lynn
Jones, Susan
Jovick, Jennifer
Jung, Rebekah & Yu-Jin
Kamlay, Jane & Thomas
Kamp, Mary Beth
Kania, Vincent & Carla
Kardasis, Marie Cynthia
Karol, Catherine
Kassmann, Joseph
Kavanagh, Leanna & Gary
Kavos, Sarah
Kavos, Janet
Keller, Renate
Keller, Jim & Elaine
Kellett, Sabine & Ernest
Kelly, Edward & Kimberly
Kelly, Michael & Irene
Kemler, Charles & Winifred
Kenefic, Diane & Richard
Kennedy, Bruce & Laura
Kent, Martha
Kerns, Marcia
Kersten, Jo Ann
Ketelsen, Ginger & Eric
Kezlarian, Diane & Bruce
Kiekhaefer, Jane
Klecha, Tarri
Kleve, Catherine
Klos, Patricia
Knapp, Roger & Jane
Knight, Henry & Claire
Knoblauch, Michele & Michael
Knoblauch, Christine
Knudsen, Susan & Gary
Koenig, Charles
Kossman, Joan & James
Kossuch, Louis & Helga Dorothy
Kowal, Mark & Aspacia
Kozlowski, Theresa & David
Krampf, Pamela
Kress, Rick & Marilyn
Krieger, Karen
Kroger, William & Jean
Kruczek, Michael & Amy
Krueger, Thomas & Diane
Kuhl, Steven & Linda
Kyle, Ray
LaChance, Michael & Mary Kay
Lai, Kam Tim
Lamacchia, John & Kristen
LaMotte, Lynn
Landry, Viola
Lane, Catherine
Lanni, Josette & David
Larsen, Melissa & Greg
Larsen, Margaret
Lata, Christopher & Julie
Lawless, Michael
Lawson, Mary Jean
Lazzara, Gladys
Lee, Barbara & Richard
Leisure, Robert & Mary
Lencioni, Ellen
Lenhard, Julia
Lentini, Joseph
Leonard, Jill
Leslie, Mary Jane
Lett, Karen
Lewis, Sarah & Gary
Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis
Lewis, Jane
Lewsley, Jay
Liebzeit, Kristina
Lieffers, Kathryn & Kevin
Lin, Elizabeth
Lindemann, Linda & Charles
Linn, Leslie
Lipson, Barbara
Lipuma, Jodi & Tony
Livingston, Connie Lombardo, Anna Lisa
Long, Carlene
Lord, Nancy
Loughrige, Gregory Lyons, Theresa
MacDonald, Don
Macgregor, Bruce
Mackinder, James
MacNeil, Joe & Mary
Madden, Carol & Timothy
Mahal, Pritpaul
Maher, Christina
Malhotra, Chander
Malik, Paul
Mallon, James & Connie
Mannino, Camilla
Marchioni, Judy
Marchlones, Darlene & Melvin
Markham, Barbara
Marlow, Cecilia
Marriner, Gwendolyn Martin, Charles
Marzec, Paul & Selma
Marzolf, Tina & Brian
Mason, Carol
Matis, Jeffrey & Kimberly
Mattina, Dianne & Vince
Matyas, Mary Jane & Allen
Maurer, Shannon
May, Mary
May, Karen & John
May, Thomas & Rose
Mayer, Richard & Linda
Mazure, Mary
McAllister, Lisa
McBain, Valerie
McBride, Robert & Frances
McCall, Janet
McCallum, Debra Ann
McCoy, Susan & David
McDowell, James & Valery
McDowell, Debbie & Paul
McEneaney, Cheri
McFawn, Pat & Mary
McGill, Karyn
McKenney, Gladys
McNally, Kevin & Kelly
McNeil Cowan, Jane
Meehan, Florence & Kenneth
Meints, Linda
Meisner, Sara & Andrew
Merrelli, Brad & Mariann
Mertz, Eric & Tevon
Mette, Richard
Michalak, John & Jennifer
Michalec, Maura & Allen
Micklas, Colleen & James
Miehls, Laura
Mikoy, Thomas & Teresa
Milazzo, Katherine
Miller, Karen & Louis
Miller, Mary
Miller, Dawn
Miller, Alan & Rita
Miller, Richard & Jeanette
Miller, Kristine & Charles
Miller, Sonia & Jerome
Miller, Sue
Milton, Sharon
Minbiole, Barbara & Craig
Minna, JoAnna
Minnick, Marilyn
Mitchum, Annette
Mitzelfeld, Benjamin
Moerer, Lucille
Moir, Patrick
Mojica, Efren & Florie
Mommersteeg, Adam & Meagan
Montes, Sandra
Moore, Daniel & Katherine
Moore, Raymond & Diane
Morreale, Vittorio & Claudia
Morrow, Christine & Dave
Moyns, Walter & Diane
Mullen, Meghan & Mark
Mullinix, William
Munchiando, Elizabeth & James
Munro, Carol
Murphy, Joyce
Murphy, Carol
Murphy, Pat
Murray, Elizabeth & James
Musson, Mr. & Mrs. Musson
Musson, Anne
Myers, Julie
Myers, Stepanie
Need, William & Nancy
Neigh, Yvonne & Paul
Neiheisel, Stephen & Julie
Nelson, Keisha
Nettle, Barbara
Newcomb, Timothy
Newhouse, Timothy
Newman, Michael & Deborah
Newton, Ashok & Marie
Nguyen, Mai
Nicholson, Kris
Niemczycki, Edward & Lucille
Noe, Justin
Nolan, Elizabeth & Jim
Norsworthy, Diane
North, Karen
Nowaczok, Matthew
Nowicki, Yzalina
O`Leary, Deirdre
O’Brien, Bridget
O’Brien, Barbara
O’Connell, Charlotte & Kevin
O’Connor, Sandy
O’Dell, James
Olson, Erik & Christine
Oppenheiser, Alan & Vickie
O’Sullivan, Joan
Ozinga, Suzanne
Page, Charmaine
Paine-Webb, Janice
Palazzolo, Lisa & Chris
Paljusaj, Ljeonard
Panek, Shawn
Pannuto, John & Linda
Panter, Mark & Deborah
Paradowski, Dennis
Pasternak, Andrew & Christine
Patocki, Sharon
Pearcy, Louis & Anna Ruth
Pederson, Thomas & Diane
Peebles, Rosaria
Peplinski, Melissa & Eric
Perez-Banuet, Alica
Perkins, Lora & Lorenzo
Perkins, Susan
Peters, Suzanne
Peterson, Charles & Margarita
Petrosky, Kathryn
Pfeifer, Kiersten
Piazza, Joseph & Deborah
Pichel, Jeanne
Pietrzak, Patricia
Pigott, Gelene
Pihajlic, Robert & Phyllis
Pilibosian, Elizabeth & Michael
Pilibosian, Leslie & Gregory
Pillai, Ravikumar
Pipp, Linda
Pitcairn, Kristin
Placinski, Faye & Alan
Plumhoff, Joan & Rolf
Pohl, Sharyl
Polasek, Karin
Popat, Nalini
Potere, Leah
Potoczak, Edward
Potok, Andrea
Powell, Clifton & Victoria
Power, Richard
Powers, Lisa
Prechtel, Amy
Preede, Linda
Preston, Diane & Robert
Price, Michael
Price, Mary
Przymusinski, Dean & Lori
Przywara, Patricia & Gerald
Ptasznik, Anna
Purdom, James & Sandra
Putman, Sue & Dean
Pysarenko, Paul & Tetiana
Rae, Cynthia
Raetz, Kristen
Ramacciato, Frank & Elaine
Randall, David
Redmond, Sarah
Reed, Jan
Reedy, Deborah
Reid, Kathryn
Reinke, Laura & Carson
Reising, Mary Anne & Bill
Remer, Deborah
Reno, Amy & John
Reseigh, Philip & Anna
Rewold, Beverly
Reynolds, Lesa & Matthew
Rice, Edward & Nancy
Richardson, Robert
Ridgway, Kristine
Riegle, Kristina
Riley, Michael & Stevie
Rioux, Daniel & Jeanne
Rise, Judi
Ritchie, Jane
Ritchie, Kathleen
Ritzenthaler, Hugo
Rivard, Marie & Clyde
Roberts, Howard
Robertson, Robert & Marilee
Rodgers, Jane
Roegner, Mr. & Mrs. George
Rogers, Gail
Roller, Barbara
Romito, Gerald & Linda
Roney, Cecily
Rosalik, Linda
Rosalik, Barbara
Rosen, William & Phyllis
Rosenberg, Judy
Rosenbusch, Mary
Ross, Robert
Rouleau, Shelley
Rourke, Mr. & Mrs. Rourke
Rowe, Thomas & Diane
Rudolf, Rainer
Rudy, Richard
Ruffer, Alison
Rummel, Cari
Ryan, Karyn
Rydquist, Marilyn
Sabino, Lucinda
Samoila, Georgel & Cornelia
Saoud, Lori
Saraceno, Suzanne
Satterthwaite, Duane & Judith
Saville, Don
Savio, Anita
Saxon, Ellie
Sayers, Julie
Schaefer, Timothy & Karen
Schaefer, Kathryn
Schaeffler, Kenneth
Scheil, Tom & Ann
Schimmelman, Janice
Schmerheim, Sally
Schmid, Dave & Nancy
Scholl, Donald & Patricia
Schroll, Ted & Michelle
Schuler, Vickie & Bob
Schultz, Delores & John
Schultz, Mary
Schury, Susan & Mark
Schwark, Rhonda & Thomas
Scott, Mary
Scott, Jonel
Segard, Leanne
Seidler, Nancy
Seitz, Sara
Seres, Mr. & Mrs. Eric
Serlin, Margo
Sevilla, Michael & Cynthia
Seyferth, Patrick & Sandra
Seyferth, Francis & Laura
Shah, Saad & Kathy
Shamoun, Marie
Sharp, Robert & Madeleine
Shaughnessy, Kevin
Sheidler, Leslie
Shelly, Cara
Shepard, Vicki
Shepherdson, Mella
Sheppard, Donna
Shermetaro, Teri & Carl
Shubnell, Paula
Shuler, Johanna
Shultz, Mr. & Mrs. Scott
Siatczynski, Paul
Sibel, Teri & Stephen
Sibert, Sarah & Charles
Sicilia, Rosemarie & Vincent
Sidner, Lucita & Charles
Sienkiewicz, Linda & Don
Siepielski, Patricia
Sikorski, Gary & Julie
Simmons, Rika
Sirna, Gail
Siwajek, Susan & Michael
Skubic, Robert & Kathleen
Slusser, Charles & Sharon
Smith, Christopher
Smith, Nada
Smith, Janice & Jay
Smith, Kay
Smith, Mark & Janet
Smith, Susan
Smith, Vicki
Smith USAF Ret., Eric
Smrtka, George & Jennifer
Smyth, Matthew & Michele
Snyder, Louise
Sobczak, Beth
Sobey, Ann
Spencer, Barbara
Spiro, Theodore & Catherine
Spisak, Lawrence & Cheryl
St. Denis, Stephen & Michele
Staeck, M.
Stapels, Catherine
Stapleton, Barb & Bruce
Stapley, Shari
Stark, Dr. Catherine
Stark, Elizabeth & James
Startin, Deanna
Stasak, Robera
Stencel, Ronna & Gary
Steyer, Glen & Colleen
Stiff, Douglas & Gail
Stone, John & Judith
Stoner Jr, John
Storm, Mary
Stringer, Barbara & Larry
Stromar, Andrea
Sullivan, Kevin & Deborah
Sullivan-Tinetti, Patrice
Sutherland, Carol & Michael
Swank, Stacy
Swantek, George
Sweet, Marianne & Michael
Swider, Rowen & Audrey
Swierk, Jacqueline Rena
Swoveland, Nora
Sylvain, Debra & James
Szachta, Sonja & Larry
Szaroleta, Karla
Szasna, Stan & Rosemary
Szura, Lawrence & Patricia
Tabacchi, Sandra
Tanghe, Leslie & Thomas
Taraborelli, Ross
Tassey, Toni
Taylor, Lori & Tony
Taylor, Mary & Joseph
Taylor, Elizabeth
Taylor, Amie
Taylor, George
Taylor, James & Cathy
Taylor-Chabot, Carol
Tazzia, Tamara
Terrasi, Linda
Thielemans, Michael
Thorner, Angeline
Tierney, Deane
Tischler, Mary
Toland, Amber
Tomboulian, Alice & Paul
Tomlins, Betty
Tonti, Drew
Tough, Carol
Trahan, Marc & Jane
Trahan, Maria
Travnikar, Kathryn
Troschinetz, Anthony
Troshynski, Kathleen
Trupiano, Salvatore
Tucker, Joann
Tuomala, David
Turner, Darlene
Tyrrell, Robin
Ulman, Father Stanley
Urbanski, Zigmund
Vallis, Alexandria
Van Daele, Archibald
Van Dame, Fred & Kathleen
Van Wulfen, Dale & Janice
Vandenberghe, Robert
Vanderbreggen, Roberta
Vangelder, David & Jennifer
VanRaaphorst, Paul & Joanna
Veillette, Barbara & Michael
Veltri, Joseph
Vermeulen, John & Doreen
Verwilst, Michael & Jody
Vesey, Laurie
Vogelei, Joan & Kirk
Vogt, Donna
Wagner, Lawrence
Wahla, Jerome & Laura
Walker, Travis
Walker, Janene
Wallace, Ann & Stephen
Wallin, Judy
Walling, Holley
Waltenbaugh, Ethel
Walters, Kenneth
Wampler, Andrea
Wanderlust, JB
Ware, Henry
Warner, Matthew & Connie
Warren, Denise
Wassell, Scott
Watson, Bob & Mary
Watton, Sharon
Webb, Jamie
Weber, Jo Ann
Webber, Karen
Wehrwein, Teresa & Paul
Weimer, Zena & Howard
Wenger, Mary Ann
Werny, Mary
Werre, Diane
West, Jill & Thomas
Wetzel, David
Wiese, Barbara
Wilden, Bruce & Anne
Wilkov, David
Williams, Eugenia
Williams, Bill
Willingham, Terry
Wilson, Mary & Andrew
Wilson, Rodney & Susan
Wilson, Maureen & Daniel
Wiltse, Denise & Ronald
Winarski, Ramona
Wing, Forrest & Shirley
Wing, Ted & Gae
Wingerter, Greg & Lori
Winters, Beth
Wissman, Sheryl
Withers, Charles & Susan
Wittenbach, Alan & Patricia
Wittkopp, Julia
Wolak, Barbara
Woolley, Cathy & Peter
Wratkowski, Katherine & James
Wright, Mark
Wright, Robin
Wright, Bryan & Rebecca
Wright, Karen
Wynne, Toni & William
Yalamanchi, Ravi & Anitha
Yavornitzky, Andrew & Ruth
York-Walker, Leisa
Young, Diane
Zaliwski, Kristi & James
Zarger, Tony & Ruth
Zebracki, Thomas & Annette
Zechmeister-Smith, Kelly
Zegers, Mary
Zerilli-Tuttle, Karen
Ziegler, Paula
Ziehl, Rudy
Zimmerman, Joe & Lorri
Neighborhood House is an organization of the community, by the community, and for the community. We believe in transparency and our year-over-year trends show our commitment to those in need. 100% of funds we receive stay within the community servicing our neighbors in need. CLICK TO VIEW OUR MOST RECENT 990
2023 Financial results will be shared after our yearly audit.
Looking for ways to get involved this year? Save these dates to donate or volunteer at our signature events. Visit for the latest information.
May 9
November 15-17
August 17
December 10-11
December 14-15
Michael Dreon
Executive Director
Laura Gentner
Cyndi Pettit
Director of Client Services
Bris Roberts Director of Marketing & Communications
Kim Ronan Director of Fund Development
Valerie McBain President
Brad Norman
Vice President
Jeff Bourgoin
Melanie Hartman
Jean Jernigan
Jodi Lipuma
Julie Lobaza
Meagan Mommersteeg
Jane Ritchie
Lori Taylor
Diane Twitty
Kathryn Schaefer
Mark Wright
Barb Cenko
Don Cleveland
Cheryl Duggan
Pete Grady
Leigh Ann Grubbs
Don Lee
Bruce MacGregor
Matt Nowaczok
Deane Tierney
David Seitz