SHCT Chair Report 2011 AGM

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Southern Hearing Charitable Trust AGM 25 October 2011 Chair’s Report Welcome to the 9th AGM of the Southern Hearing Charitable Trust As with us all in Canterbury I can report that the 2010/11 year has certainly been an eventful one for the Trust, and one in which despite all the outside issues during the year we have managed to continue our growth pattern of the past years and implanted a further 50 people, and also managed to set in place a platform for the Trust to continue its expected growth into the future. In July last year Trustees and staff held a one day meeting, which we were fortunate enough to have facilitated by prominent Christchurch business consultant Gill Cox. From this meeting we set in place the Vision for the Trust (“new sounds – new experiences – new life), our Mission statement, our strategic goals for the next 5 -10 years and our strategies required to achieve these. Our ultimate goal is to see the Southern Hearing Charitable Trust being a “Centre of Excellence in Cochlear Implantation”. Our goals set for the first period of 12-18 months were: • To have one program for all implantees • locate all onto one site • appoint a General Manager • set in place a Board Charter for Trustees • settle a new contract with Ministry of Health which ensure sustainable funding So – what did we achieve – • The February earthquake created some serious issues at the Van Asch site and as a result alternative space was urgently required to accommodate the paediatric service. With the goodwill of staff of both the paediatric and adult programs, and the co-operation of Van Asch management the paediatric program relocated into Milford Chambers rooms joining the adult program and thereby achieving out first two goals. I do wish to acknowledge the support of all staff in enabling this move to happen – space remains at a premium but your attitude and enthusiasm in making this move happen is totally appreciated by the Trustees. • At the 30th June, following an interview process, we appointed our first General Manager Neil Heslop. The Board congratulates Neil on his appointment to this role and fully support him as we move into the next stages of our growth. Neil will present tonight the first General Manager Report outlining the past year and looking ahead. • The Board Charter has been written adopted by the Trust.

• While we have made some good progress with negotiations with Ministry Health we have not as yet finalised a funding arrangement but do expect to have this in place by the end of this calendar year. Indications currently are that we may obtain a 5 year contract which is a major concession. In conjunction with Neil, the Trust will continue to work through our long list of goals and strategies to ensure that the future of the Southern program will continue to meet the needs of all implantees. Among our goals is the possible establishment of outreach services; however Ministry funding is not provided for this service we will need to research the costings of this option much further. We are also pursuing additional space at Milford Chambers which is now urgently needed. The Southern program now has, at 30th June 2011, 297 adults and 166 children implantees with a substantial number still on our waiting lists. During the year we also upgraded a number of clients many of whom had been waiting for some time for an upgrade with a substantial number of these coming from a one off funding payment from Ministry Health. Indeed, we were fortunate to have obtained from the Ministry of Health during the year two one off payments. Whether such one off funds will be available in this current financial year remains to be seen. We do however acknowledge the support we do receive from the Ministry, and continue to work closely and successfully with them. I would like to acknowledge and give special thanks to St Georges Hospital and Canterbury Community Trust for their support and generosity during the year. I also acknowledge the many smaller but valuable donations which have been received from so many other sources during the year. To all the staff again – thank you all for your support. To Phil and Darren our surgeons – thank you we are fortunate to have your expertise and support. We were very fortunate during the year to have one new Trustee appointed – Scott thank you for coming on board for the ride, and to all the Trustees thank you for help, you guidance and support over the year. Keith, I again thank you for the work you carry out for us in the Treasurer role, so often this goes unrecognised. Last but not least to our faithful Minute Secretary Jennifer – thank you again, we do appreciate your contribution to the Trust. Thank You.

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