Ks4 curriculum guide 2018 19

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4 ks key stage 4 guide

Key Stage 4 Guide


Making a Choice


Art and Design: Fine Art


Business 5 Computer Science


Curriculum Support


Design and Technology


Drama 10 English Language and English Literature


English as an Additional Language


French 19 Geography 21 German 23 History 25 Mathematics 27 Music 29 Physical Education


Sciences 33 Spanish 35 Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)


Physical Education (Core)


Sport (Extra Curricular)


Careers 39

Key Stage 4 Guide

Making a Choice You are about to take your first steps on the two year courses which lead to the UK Public Examinations ‘General Certificate of Secondary Education’.

The GCSE programme offered at the British School of Paris is excellent. It will bear comparison with the curricula offered in other national and international schools. There is a broad, diverse and stimulating curriculum available, and GCSEs provide excellent preparation for the A Level courses offered in Years 12 and 13, leading to university entrance world-wide. You may be aware that GCSE reform has been carried out in the UK. All courses have new content: new grading is from 9 to 1. GCSE courses mean a deeper and more challenging approach to the subjects you study. Success in these courses will depend not only on your ability to work hard in class, but also on your willingness to work on your own. All courses will be examined at the end of the 2 years, some will include practical projects carried out in class time. You will study Mathematics, English Language, English Literature, Science, French, PSHE and PE (Core). For some there will be the possibility of extension courses: GCSE French in Year 10 and starting an A Level course in Year 11, or Further Maths GCSE in addition to the core Maths course. For some only one English qualification will be envisaged. We also ask you to choose three other subjects.

We offer: • Art and Design • Business • Computer Science • Design & Technology • Drama • Geography • German • History • Music • Physical Education • Spanish For those needing support we can also offer English as an additional language (EAL) and/or Curriculum Support (CS) during option time. Shortly, you will be asked to give an indication of your preferred subject choices at GCSE. This is an important step in your school life and you should take the opportunity to discuss your thoughts with your parents, teachers and friends.

Of course, you should choose a good balance of subjects to keep future choices open. You should also base your decisions on enthusiasm and interest in a subject area, taking into account any career ideas you may have. Please read carefully all the course outlines which we have prepared for you in this Guide. If you are already here at the BSP, talk to your Tutor, to your subject teachers and to pupils already in Year 10 in order to gain as much information as you can about your options and join us at the Information Evening in March. If you are a new pupil please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your questions. To assist us in our planning we will ask you to indicate a fourth subject alongside your three first options. This must be a serious choice as although every effort is made, it is not always possible to accommodate everyone’s first choice due to timetabling constraints and limitations on group sizes. If difficulties arise the final decision rests with the Head. Life at the British School of Paris in Key Stage 4, however, is not just about academic opportunity and success. All our pupils enjoy a wide variety of lunchtime and after-school activities. The programme varies from term to term but typically involves Drama, Music and Sports clubs and groups of all kinds.


Key Stage 4 Guide My best experience this year was the Duke of Edinburgh expedition. It was a chance to be outdoors dealing with the difficulties of doing everything in the rain! – it brought everyone who took part together.

complement what you are studying. The costs of these trips are not included in the school fees. Completing the GCSE programme at the BSP will give you far more than just good examination passes – Key Stage 4 offers rigorous and rewarding experiences well-suited to the challenges of moving into university education and beyond. If at any time during the option process, you or your parents would like more information on any aspect of courses or careers, we shall be happy to assist in any way we can. Dr J Batters, Head of Senior School

The Options Procedure You are encouraged to take positions of responsibility within your peer group and may represent a Tutor Group at Student Council or be part of the Young Managers Scheme, paving the way for future positions of responsibility in the school and society as a whole. Charity work is an important part of our contribution to help those less fortunate than ourselves and you are encouraged to participate in organising various activities for fund-raising. And it is at Key Stage 4 that you first have the opportunity to join the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, the world’s leading achievement award for young people. We also organise activities and visits to enhance your learning throughout the year. Many of the courses you choose will include experiences outside the classroom. Visits are a compulsory part of some GCSE courses: Drama, Geography and Art all need to use first-hand experience from sources outside school. Other subject areas find it desirable too and will organise trips to

Young Managers is a great experience. The interview was a bit frightening, but it was good experience to write a CV and talk about it. It’s been good to help in an area of the school I love. 2


The Curriculum Guides are made available to pupils. The Curriculum Guide outlines courses and pupils are informed about GCSE courses by subject teachers. Option choices are made. An Open Evening allows parents and staff to discuss the suitability of various courses.


Options are confirmed and the timetable is completed.


Year 10 courses begin.

Key Stage 4 Guide

Art and Design: Fine Art

Edexcel 1FA01

The GCSE Fine Art Course is designed to encourage an adventurous and enquiring approach to art and design. The course encourages pupils to demonstrate an understanding of past and contemporary art and design practice, and be able to produce personal artwork that embraces a range of ideas. Pupils have the chance to experiment with new media and techniques and encounter artworks and artists first-hand through workshops and trips. What does the course involve? Unit 1: Coursework

Unit 2: Examination Project

The coursework projects begin as soon as you start the course in Year 10. You will be given a project theme to work from, and you will begin by carrying out structured tasks to help you build up practical skills, carry out meaningful research and develop ideas towards one or more final outcomes. As your skills grow along with your confidence, you will have the opportunity to develop your project in a more personal direction and choose which materials, ideas and artists’ influences will help you do this, allowing you to explore your own interests in more depth.

The theme for the Externally Set Assignment is given by the examination board in January of Year 11. You will have approximately 20 hours of lesson time, as well as outside lessons, to develop a personal approach to the theme. You will showcase the skills developed since the start of the course by producing both sketchbook work and larger responses over this ten-week period, ending in a 10 hour examination in which you will produce your final outcome.

In the first term of Year 11, you will have the opportunity to improve and rework your coursework projects, which are worth 60% of the overall grade. Starting points for coursework projects are sufficiently broad to allow a personal, individual interpretation of the theme. Some previous coursework themes have been: • Journal/Journey (exploring travel and artists’ journals) • Facing the World (self-portraiture) • I, Me, Mine (looking at still life and symbolism) • Botanical Forms (looking at form and pattern in the natural world) The structure of the course is outlined below: Unit



Coursework Projects


Running from Yr 10 to January Yr 11


Externally Set Assignment


Running from January until April in Yr 11


Method Of Assessment Internally Set Internally Marked Externally Moderated Externally Set Internally Marked Externally Moderated 20 Hours Preparation Time 10 Hours Timed Test


Supporting studies and outcomes must show evidence of ALL assessment objectives


Key Stage 4 Guide Art and Design (Continued) How will I be assessed? You will receive regular written and verbal feedback on your work throughout the course. The course is structured in order to help you fully meet the criteria for assessment, and your work will be marked against these. All your work will be marked internally by your teacher, and externally moderated by a visiting examiner, who will have the final decision. In order to meet the assessment objectives, you must demonstrate that you can: AO1

Develop their ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding.



Refine their ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes.



Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to their intentions in visual and/or other forms.



Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and critical understanding, realising intentions and, where appropriate, making connections between visual, written, oral or other elements.


What skills will I acquire? You will be taught how to use traditional media and techniques, such as: • Painting (oils, acrylics, watercolours) • Drawing • Ceramics & Sculpture • Printmaking (Dry point, lino- printing and monoprinting) You will also be encouraged to introduce new media into your project work, such as digital photography, animation and drawing, using both the iPad and Mac computers available in the Morisot Art Library. You will build up transferable skills, such as the ability to research and write analytically, solve problems in a creative way, develop understanding of different historical and cultural contexts, and work in an independent, self-motivated way in order to meet deadlines.

Materials: The Art department will provide all the materials and resources required for lessons. It is, however, recommended that pupils equip themselves with a good quality set of acrylics, watercolours, coloured crayons and drawing pencils, in order to be able to carry on sketchbook work and outcomes at home.

What goes on outside lesson times? Studio Sessions: You will be expected to spend sufficient time working independently on your coursework and exam projects


if you wish to succeed in Art, and you are encouraged to attend the after-school sessions that take place in the Morisot building. When GCSE and A level students use the studio facilities after school there is a great atmosphere in the department. These sessions allow pupils to share ideas, experiment with new techniques, as well as receiving feedback from teachers in a more informal environment.

Trips and Workshops: In order to inform your project work, it is essential to experience artworks first-hand. There will be opportunities during the course to take part in museum trips to Paris and artist workshops. There are also optional trips which are not included in the school fees, but highly recommended. Pupils are also encouraged to make the most of our proximity to Paris to carry out gallery and museum visits in their own time.

The Exhibition: At the end of the course, you will mount your work and organise and set up an exhibition. This not only allows the external moderator to see the work in its best light for the final mark, but is also a great way to allow others to appreciate the fruits of your labours. The exhibition is advertised to parents, pupils, and the local community, and is always well attended.

Key Stage 4 Guide

Business If you are interested in studying the GCSE in Business you should start to find out more about the subject by: • Visiting our Twitter page to get a feel for the lessons that we deliver in Economics and Business @BSP_ SSCBus Econ • Visiting the Edexcel website (http://qualifications. pearson.com/en/qualifications/edexcel-gcses/ business-2017). There is a lot of useful information about what you will be studying and how you will be assessed • Talking to the Head of Economics and Business who will be able to describe the course in detail and advise you of what you need to do next when it comes to your options

Edexcel 1BS0 What will I Study? You will be introduced to the world of small businesses and will look at what makes someone a successful business person. You will find out how to develop an idea and spot an opportunity, and turn that into a successful business. You will understand how to make a business effective and manage money. You will also see how the world around us affects small businesses and all the people involved. You will learn more about how small businesses are developed and discover how businesses promote themselves and keep their customers happy. You will learn how businesses manage both their finances and the people who work for them.

• Finding out what is happening in the world of business by watching BBC programmes like The Apprentice and Dragons’ Den or visiting the BBC Bitesize website (www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ gcsebitesize) If you enjoy: • Communicating and explaining your ideas • Thinking creatively and making decisions • Working in teams • Learning about the world of business through research and investigation, as well as through practical tasks then GCSE Business is the right subject for you.

How will I be assessed? The new GCSE in Business is assessed by two written papers at the end of Year 11. There are two themes examined, with Theme 1 looking at the issues for small businesses and Theme 2 looking at how to manage a growing business.

Theme 1: Investigating small business (Paper code: 1BS0/01)

Theme 2: Building a business (Paper code: 1BS0/02)

1 hour and 30 minutes

1 hour and 30 minutes

50% of the qualification

50% of the qualification

90 marks

90 marks

Assessment overview

Assessment overview

The paper is divided into three sections:

The paper is divided into three sections:

Section A: 35 marks

Section A: 35 marks

Section B: 30 marks

Section B: 30 marks

Section C: 25 marks

Section C: 25 marks

The paper will consist of calculations, multiplechoice, short-answer and extended-writing questions. Questions in Sections B and C will be based on business contexts given in the paper. Calculators may be used in the examination.

The paper will consist of calculations, multiplechoice, short-answer and extended-writing questions. Questions in Sections B and C will be based on business contexts given in the paper. Calculators may be used in the examination.


Key Stage 4 Guide

Computer Science

Edexcel 1CP1

A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with Mathematics, Science and Design and Technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. The core of Computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programmes, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

All pupils will be taught to: • develop their capability, creativity and knowledge in computer science, digital media and information technology • develop and apply their analytic, problem-solving, design, and computational thinking skills • understand how changes in technology affect safety, including new ways to protect their online privacy and identity, and how to report a range of concerns

Due to the demands of the course it is highly recommended that pupils have a strong background in Maths, Science and English.

Component 1 – Principles of Computer Science Written Paper Paper Code: (1CP1/01) 50% of the Qualification Component 2 – Application of Computational Thinking Written Paper Paper Code: (1CP1/02) 50% of the Qualification


Key Stage 4 Guide

Curriculum Support Curriculum Support is an option offered to Key Stage 4 pupils. The programme, run by the Learning Support Department, aims to give additional support to pupils who, irrespective of ability, benefit from a reduced examination load.

The class is timetabled for two and a half hours per week. During this time, pupils work is generally divided equally between extra Maths, English and Science support. However, when desirable, part of the programme is directed toward general study skills, revision and examination techniques as well as lessons which aim to offer pupils guidance in relation to their other GCSE subjects. Depending on their needs, pupils who attend Curriculum Support lessons, may have the option of being entered for Functional Skills qualifications. In addition to offering pupils an extra qualification, the scheme of work for these certificates overlaps with some of the skills required for GCSEs, as a result, it enables pupils to have added opportunities to reinforce and revise core concepts and skills. Curriculum Support teachers aim to make links to pupils’ GCSE teacher(s) and develop opportunities to strengthen pupils’ understanding of the demands of their GCSE exams including essay writing and knowledge of proscribed texts. Furthermore, pupils can also receive extra homework guidance.

Curriculum Support teachers can: • Clarify homework expectations and tasks set by classroom teachers • Help pupils plan where and when they will do their homework • Teach pupils to plan out extended written work which may include essay plans, mind maps as well as writing introductions and example paragraphs • Teach pupils academic research skills that are needed for project based homework • Make sure that pupils understand the demands of a whole task and thus guide pupils through a portion of a set a number of questions while still leaving a larger percentage of the homework to be completed independently by the pupil at home The content of GCSEs has become more challenging in recent years. Curriculum Support aims to help pupils archive a good set of GCSEs and improve their performance across the Key Stage 4 programme. Curriculum Support is a timetabled option rather than an additional educational service, therefore, there are no extra fees levied for this class.


Key Stage 4 Guide

Design & Technology

AQA 8552

Why GCSE Design & Technology? With the fast-changing world of virtual modelling and 3D printing in which products are designed and manufactured, this is an exciting time to study GCSE Design and Technology. The qualification will prepare pupils to participate confidently and successfully in this increasingly technological world. Pupils will gain awareness and learn from wider influences on Design and Technology including historical, social, cultural, environmental and economic factors. Pupils will get the opportunity to work creatively when designing and making and apply technical and practical expertise. This course allows pupils to study core technical and designing and making principles, including a broad range of design processes, materials techniques and equipment. There is also the opportunity to study specialist technical principles in greater depth. What does this course involve? Within this course, pupils will continue to cultivate the skills developed across the full range of their KS3 Design and Technology experiences. They will be encouraged to design and make products with creativity and originality.


The skills developed include: • graphic communication • CAD/CAM • theory of design • engineering and manufacture

Pupils will be challenged to design and make products using a wide range of materials; with the option to choose which materials and processes dependent on their own personal strengths and interests.

How am I assessed?

On top of graphic communication and traditional hand-skills, pupils will also be given the opportunity to design using modern technologies, often in line with those utilised within professional design practices; virtual 3D modelling along with laser-cutting and 3D printing are all examples of skills that the product design course develops. Pupils will learn about materials, processes and design technologies.

The course involves the completion of two units, both of which are assessed in very different ways; a coursework element and a written exam. Both elements comprise 50% of the overall final grade. The coursework element is completed in class; with pupils getting to choose their own personal brief. This allows them to pick projects that appeal to them; effectively personalising the course.

• material and process theory

Key Stage 4 Guide

What makes a good product designer? Everyone has the capacity for innovation. Those who will be most successful within this course will be: • problem finders • problem solvers • risk takers • independent learners • team workers • divergent thinkers

Future possibilities The course involves the development of many transferrable skills; divergent thinking, problemsolving and self-directed learning to mention a few. This means that the course would supplement any individual’s further learning.

COURSEWORK: • 60% of total grade • Extended Design & Make project • Internally assessed

THEORY: • 40% of total grade • Exam in year 11 on the principles of Design

However, there are some career paths that would particularly benefit from the skills that pupils will develop through completing a course in product design. These include: • Architecture • Engineering (Civil, Mechanical, etc...) • Design (Product, Graphic, Industrial, etc...) • Animation • Creative-Industry Professionals


Key Stage 4 Guide


AQA 8261

What is Drama at GCSE? Drama is a subject that is becoming increasingly valued by businesses, who feel that our young people lack the confidence at interviews, or the ability to present. Within drama you will not only study the craft of acting and theatre, you will also learn extremely valuable transferrable skills for example – collaboration, empathy, analysis, evaluation, deconstruction of a given subject and construction of performance pieces. You are able to perform but also work on production skills such as lighting, costume, sound, set/props etc. You should consider this course if You are thinking of going into medicine, law, public relations, journalism, diplomacy, politics, social work, hospitality, tourism and leisure and of course any form of acting or jobs in the theatre.

Who is the course suitable for? The course is suitable for those pupils who are interested in the creation of Drama as an art form and also for those who wish to demonstrate on their CV an aptitude for creativity, good presentation and language skills, confidence and team working skills.

You will like this course if You enjoy your drama lesson at the moment, you like working collaboratively with others, you like to put yourself in other peoples shoes, you enjoy the process of creating drama, you like reading plays, you enjoy going to the theatre, you like exploring topical issues, you like performing!

Things you need to be aware of You will be filmed at points in the course and need to be comfortable with that, we do explore a range of themes and issues some are funny, some are moving, some are very thought provoking. You need to be prepared to think deeply about difficult situations and support others in doing so. You need to be open minded and respect different opinions to your own. Most practical work is carried out in groups of varying sizes – you must feel comfortable working with all of your peers.

How do the exams run? All of the exam boards break the exam into 3 different components which you can see below. All of the boards will be based on the same format, the main difference being the choice of set texts. At the present time we will stay with AQA.


Key Stage 4 Guide

Extra Curricular

Component 2: Devising Drama

Currently we run a three day trip to see live theatre in order for the pupils to fulfil the live theatre evaluation section of the exam. There is an extra cost for this. We would also hope that all Drama pupils would join Drama Club in order to be part of the School production, all practical experience is beneficial. We will continue offering LAMDA qualifications also.

Non-exam assessment: internally assessed, externally moderated

Component 1: Understanding Drama Written Examination: 1 hour and 45 minutes (Open book) 40% of qualification • Section A: multiple choice (4 marks) • Section B: four questions on a given extract from the set play chosen (44 marks)

40% of qualification • Devising log (60 marks) • Devised performance (20 marks)

Component 3: Texts in Practice Non-exam assessment: externally assessed by a visiting examiner 20% of qualification • Performance of two extracts from one play (pupils may contribute as performer or designer) • Free choice of play but must contrast with the set play chosen for Component 1

• Section C: one two part question (from a choice) on the work of theatre makers in a single live theatre production (32 marks) Playwright

Written Exam Set Text Option

Arthur Miller

The Crucible

Willy Russell

Blood Brothers

Patrick Barlow

The 39 Steps

Carl Grose (Kneehigh Theatre)

Hansel and Gretel

Malorie Blackman/Dominic Cooke

Noughts and Crosses

William Shakespeare

A Midsummer Night’s Dream


Key Stage 4 Guide

English Language and English Literature English Language and English Literature, Sets 1-3 Pupils in Sets 1 to 3 follow the AQA English Language (8700) and English Literature (8702) courses.

English Language

AQA 8700

The specification will enable pupils of all abilities to develop the skills they need to read, understand and analyse a wide range of different texts covering the 19th, 20th and 21st century time periods as well as to write clearly, coherently and accurately using a range of vocabulary and sentence structures. Aims of the course:

Course content:

For GCSE English Language, pupils should:

Paper 1: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing

• read fluently, and with good understanding, a wide range of texts from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, including literature and literary nonfiction as well as other writing such as reviews and journalism • read and evaluate texts critically and make comparisons between texts • summarise and synthesise information or ideas from texts • use knowledge gained from wide reading to inform and improve their own writing • write effectively and coherently using standard English appropriately • use grammar correctly and punctuate and spell accurately • acquire and apply a wide vocabulary, alongside a knowledge and understanding of grammatical terminology, and linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language • listen to and understand spoken language and use spoken standard English effectively.

What’s assessed Section A: Reading • one literature fiction text (unseen) Section B: Writing • descriptive or narrative writing Assessment: written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes • 50% of GCSE The aim of this paper is to engage pupils in a creative text and inspire them to write creatively themselves by: • in section A, reading a literature fiction text in order to consider how established writers use narrative and descriptive techniques to capture the interest of readers • in section B, writing their own creative text, inspired by the topic that they have responded to in section A to demonstrate their narrative and descriptive skills in response to a written prompt, scenario or visual image. The paper will assess in this sequence, AO1, AO2 and AO4 for reading, and AO5 and AO6 for writing. Section A will be allocated 40 marks, and Section B will be allocated 40 marks to give an equal weighting to the reading and writing tasks. Content


The source for the reading questions will be a literature fiction text. It will be drawn from either the 20th or 21st century. Its genre will be prose fiction. It will include extracts from novels and short stories and focus on openings, endings, narrative perspectives and points of view, narrative or descriptive passages, character, atmospheric descriptions and other appropriate narrative and descriptive approaches. As a stimulus for pupils’ own writing, there will be a choice of scenario, written prompt or visual image that

Key Stage 4 Guide

is related to the topic of the reading text in section A. The scenario sets out a context for writing with a designated audience, purpose and form that will differ to those specified on Paper 2.

Paper 2: Writers’ Viewpoints and Perspectives What’s assessed Section A: Reading • one non-fiction text and one literary non-fiction text Section B: Writing • writing to present a viewpoint Assessment: written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes. • 50% of GCSE The aim of this paper is to develop pupils’ insights into how writers have particular viewpoints and perspectives on issues or themes that are important to the way we think and live our lives. It will encourage pupils to demonstrate their skills by: • in section A, reading two linked sources from different time periods and genres in order to consider how each presents a perspective or viewpoint to influence the reader • in section B, producing a written text to a specified audience, purpose and form in which they give their own perspective on the theme that has been introduced to them in section A. The paper will assess in this sequence, AO1, AO2 and AO3 for reading, and AO5 and AO6 for writing. Section A will be allocated 40 marks, and section B will be allocated 40 marks to give an equal weighting to the reading and writing tasks.

Content The sources for the reading questions will be nonfiction and literary non-fiction texts. They will be drawn from the 19th century, and either the 20th or 21st century depending on the time period assessed in Paper 1 in each particular series. The combination selected will always provide pupils with an opportunity to consider viewpoints and perspectives over time. Choice of genre will include high quality journalism, articles, reports, essays, travel writing, accounts, sketches, letters, diaries, autobiography and biographical passages or other appropriate nonfiction and literary non-fiction forms. In section B, there will be a single writing task related to the theme of section A. It will specify audience, purpose and form, and will use a range of opinions, statements and writing scenarios to provoke a response.

Non-examination Assessment: Spoken Language What’s assessed • presenting • responding to questions and feedback • use of Standard English Assessment • teacher-set tasks throughout course • marked by teacher • separate endorsement (0% weighting of GCSE)


Key Stage 4 Guide

English Literature

AQA 8702

This course will encourage pupils to:

Paper 2: Modern texts and poetry

• read a wide range of classic literature fluently and with good understanding, and make connections across their reading

What’s assessed

• read in depth, critically and evaluatively, so that they are able to discuss and explain their understanding and ideas • develop the habit of reading widely and often • appreciate the depth and power of the English literary heritage • write accurately, effectively and analytically about their reading, using Standard English • acquire and use a wide vocabulary, including the grammatical terminology and other literary and linguistic terms they need to criticise and analyse what they read. The qualification consists of two examination papers.

Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19thcentury novel What’s assessed?

• Modern texts: pupils will study one from a choice of 12 set texts, which include post-1914 prose fiction and drama. This year, the studied text has been J.B. Priestley’s ‘An Inspector Calls’. • AQA poetry anthology: pupils will study one cluster of poems taken from the AQA poetry anthology, Poems Past and Present. There is a choice of two clusters, each containing 15 poems. The poems in each cluster are thematically linked and were written between 1789 and the present day. The titles of the two clusters are: • Love and relationships • Power and conflict. Pupils will study all 15 poems in their chosen cluster and will be prepared to write about any of them in the examination. • Unseen poetry: in preparing for the unseen poetry section of the examination pupils will experience a wide range of poetry in order to develop their ability to closely analyse unseen poems. They will be able to analyse and compare key features such as their content, theme, structure and use of language.

• Shakespeare plays: pupils will study one play from the list of six set texts. Pupils study the whole text. Teachers choose from:

How is it assessed?


• 60% of GCSE

Romeo and Juliet The Tempest The Merchant of Venice Much Ado About Nothing Julius Caesar • 19th-century novel: pupils will study one novel from the seven options. Pupils study the whole text. Teachers choose from: Robert Louis Stevenson, ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ Charles Dickens, ‘A Christmas Carol’ Charles Dickens, ‘Great Expectations’ Charlotte Brontë, ‘Jane Eyre’ Mary Shelley, ‘Frankenstein’ Jane Austen, ‘Pride and Prejudice’ Arthur Conan Doyle, ‘The Sign of Four’ How is it assessed? • Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes. 2 tasks.


• 40% of GCSE

• Written exam: 2 hours 15 minutes. 3 tasks.

Key Stage 4 Guide

English Language, Set 4 Set 4 will follow the new Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in English Language, Specification A (4EA1), which enables pupils to: • develop their understanding of the spoken word and the capacity to participate effectively in a variety of speaking and listening activities • develop the ability to read, understand and respond to material from a variety of sources, and to recognise and appreciate themes and attitudes and the ways in which writers achieve their effects • develop the ability to construct and convey meaning in written language, matching style to audience and purpose. The Edexcel International GCSE in English Language (Specification A) (4EA1) has the option of two assessment routes: pupils sit Paper 1, and either Paper 2 or Paper 3. We shall sit Paper 1 and Paper 3.

Details of Papers 1 and 3:

Edexcel 4EA1

Aims: • Develop skills to analyse how writers use linguistic and structural devices to achieve their effects. • Explore links and connections between writers’ ideas and perspectives. • Develop transactional writing skills for a variety of purposes and audiences. • Use spelling, punctuation and grammar accurately.

Assessment: • Section A: Reading – a mixture of short- and longanswer questions related to a nonfiction text from Part 1 of the Pearson Edexcel International GCSE English Anthology (see list of possibilities above) and one previously unseen extract. Total of 45 marks. • Section B: Transactional Writing – one 45-mark writing task, from a choice of two involving a given audience, form or purpose. • The total number of marks available is 90.

Paper 1: Non-fiction Texts and Transactional Writing 60% of the total International GCSE

Content summary: • The contemporary non-fiction texts from Part 1 of the Pearson Edexcel International GCSE English Anthology include: • From ‘The Danger of a Single Story’ by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie • From ‘A Passage to Africa’ by George Alagiah • From ‘The Explorer’s Daughter’ by Kari Herbert • ‘Explorers, or boys messing about?’ by Steven Morris

• The assessment duration is 2 hours 15 minutes. • Pupils will be provided with the anthology text in the examination.

Paper 3: Poetry and Prose Texts and Imaginative Writing 40% of the total International GCSE

Content summary: • The poetry and prose texts from Part 2 of the Pearson Edexcel International GCSE English Anthology. These include: • ‘Disabled’ by Wilfred Owen

• From ‘127 Hours: Between a Rock and a Hard Place’ by Aron Ralston

• ‘Out, Out–‘ by Robert Frost

• ‘Young and Dyslexic’ by Benjamin Zephaniah

• ‘The Bright Lights of Sarajevo’ by Tony Harrison

• From ‘A Game of Polo with a Headless Goat’ by Emma Levine

• ‘Still I Rise’ by Maya Angelou

• From ‘Beyond the Sky and Earth’ by Jamie Zeppa • From ‘H is for Hawk’ by Helen Macdonald • From ‘Chinese Cinderella’ by Adeline Yen Mah

• ‘An Unknown Girl’ by Moniza Alvi

• ‘The Story of an Hour’ by Kate Chopin • ‘The Necklace’ by Guy de Maupassant • ‘Significant Cigarettes’ (from ‘The Road Home’) by Rose Tremain


Key Stage 4 Guide

• ‘Whistle and I’ll Come to You’ (from ‘The Woman in Black’) by Susan Hill • ‘Night’ by Alice Munro

Aims: • Develop skills to analyse how writers use linguistic and structural devices to achieve their effects. • Develop imaginative writing skills to engage the reader. • Use spelling, punctuation and grammar accurately. Assessment • Assignment A: Poetry and prose texts – one 30mark essay question based on any two poetry or prose texts from Part 2 of the Pearson Edexcel International GCSE English Anthology (see above), including a 6-mark commentary on why these texts were selected. • Assignment B: Imaginative writing – one 30-mark imaginative writing task.


Pupils may also be entered for the optional spoken language endorsement (worth 0% of the IGCSE) which is endorsed separately and does not count towards the overall qualification. Summary: The spoken language presentation may take a variety of forms, including: a) a speech or talk by a student, followed by questions from the audience. b) a formal debate or dialogue, such as an interview where the student is able to prepare extended responses to questions or prompts, which have been shared in advance, followed by questions from the audience. In all cases, the presentation should be prepared and last no longer than 10 minutes.

Key Stage 4 Guide

English as an Additional Language (EAL) Edexcel 4ES1 English as an Additional Language (EAL) classes can be offered to pupils whose first language is not English or whose previous educational work has not been in English. It is also recommended for pupils who have been in the Intensive English programme in Year 9.

What are the aims of the course?

What will I study?

The pupils follow a language programme designed to build their skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking English with a focus on encouraging pupils to apply those skills in all subject areas. Pupils are prepared for entry in the iGCSE “English as a Second Language” examination. The exam assesses pupils from intermediate to advanced level.

Pupils will follow a course based on the Macmillan textbook “Gateway B2”. This gives the pupils the opportunity to study a range of grammar and vocabulary as well as a variety of topics related to both home and school life and the wider world.

The course aims to develop: • an understanding of a variety of texts • an understanding of standard spoken English, live or broadcast, on familiar and unfamiliar topics • the ability to write clear, well-structured texts using an appropriate style • the ability to express themselves fluently, spontaneously and appropriately in a variety of contexts

Topics include: • Life at university • The world of work • Space and space travel • Human intelligence • Money and banking • The body and health • Music, film and media • Natural disasters

• the skills necessary for further study or employment, either in English-speaking countries or where English is used as the main medium of communication for business and commerce

• Technology

• an understanding of the nature of language in different cultural contexts

The final grade (from 9-1) is awarded based on two single-tier papers that are assessed externally.

• Newspapers

How will I be assessed?


Key Stage 4 Guide

Paper 1

Paper 2

662/3% of final grade

331/3% of final grade

2 hour exam

50 minute exam

Reading: Students must be able to: • read in different ways for different purposes • read and understand a range of materials used for informational or publicity purposes • read and understand a range of unseen texts, identifying overall themes • read and understand a range of short opinion pieces and identify the writer’s viewpoint • read and understand a range of popular articles on a variety of factual, historical, geographical and technical themes

Writing: Students must be able to: • write for a variety of audiences • write in a variety of styles from informal to formal • write for a range of purposes • write on a range of topics such as education, family, health, travel, technology and climate • write using a wide range of grammatical forms and structures • write using a wide range of relevant and appropriate vocabulary • summarise longer passages of text by selecting relevant information and paraphrasing it without copying verbatim


Listening: Students must be able to: • listen to and understand short extracts and identify the item, place or event which the speaker is describing • listen to and understand informational broadcasts such as extracts from radio programmes or podcasts • listen to and understand conversations, which may be casual or in the form of interviews • listen to and understand academic lectures on general interest topics, identifying facts and viewpoints which may include some degree of specialist, technical or complex vocabulary

Key Stage 4 Guide

French Edexcel 1FR0 The aims of the GCSE French course are: • To engage all pupils so that they become confident and motivated language learners • To enable all pupils to achieve their potential • To make languages accessible to a wide range of abilities • To help all pupils benefit from learning a language and learning about the world around them • To ensure that pupils are confident in their language skills and are aware of what they can achieve • To encourage motivation through interesting, popular content relevant to pupils • To encourage progression through a gradual increase in the level of demand • To develop awareness and understanding of the culture and identities of the countries and communities where the language is spoken

Local area, holiday and travel • Holidays: preferences, experiences and destinations • Travel and Tourist transactions: travel, accommodation, asking for help and dealing with problems, directions, eating out’s hopping • Town, region and country: weather, places to see, things to do


The course content is divided into four main topic areas for the external examinations.

• What school is like: school types, school day, subjects, rules and pressures, celebrating success

Identity and culture

• School activities: school trips, events and exchanges

• Who I am: relationships, when I was younger, what my friends and family are like, what makes a good friend, interests, socialising with friends and family, role models • Daily life: customs and everyday life, food and drink, shopping, social media and technology (use of, advantages, disadvantages) • Cultural life: celebrations and festivals, reading, music, sport, film and television

Future aspirations, study and work • Using languages beyond the classroom: forming relationships, travel, employment • Ambitions: further study, volunteering, training • Work: jobs, careers and professions

International and global dimension • Bringing the world together: sports events, music events, campaigns and good causes • Environmental issues: being “green”, access to natural resources Emphasis in the teaching is placed on authenticity; on using the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in real life practical situations. The final examination assesses pupils’ performance in the four language skill areas and at two different levels, Foundation and Higher Tiers. Grammar and exposure to cultural and literary context are an essential part of the course.


Key Stage 4 Guide

The examination consists of four distinct parts, externally assessed at the end of the course:


A range of formats including multiple choice, open response and some questions in French; authentic and interesting contexts.



Contexts set in realistic scenarios to show how language is used in authentic situations; element of choice for all pupils.



A range of question formats such as multiple choice, open responses and some questions in French requiring short or one word responses.


A short translation also features; texts are all agerelevant and set in the culture of the target language country.


A choice of questions which encourage spontaneity and creativity; a translation component also features. All questions are adapted to the level of the pupils, namely Foundation or Higher.


Special Objectives For pupils with an advanced level of French we offer a Special Objectives programme. For this programme the study material is carefully selected and provides extra intellectual stimulation. Pupils in Special Objectives classes are taught a specific course in grammar and literature and sit their French GCSE examination at the end of Year 10, one year earlier than the norm. This group will begin A Level French in Year 11.


Key Stage 4 Guide


AQA A8035

Explore and learn how today’s world is shaped. Understand the challenges we face in the future. Studying Geography gives you the opportunity to travel the world via the classroom, learning about both the physical and human environment. You will understand how Geography impacts your life every day and you will discover the key opportunities and challenges facing the world.

Is Geography the right subject for me at GCSE? What am I good at? What really interests me? In order to answer these difficult questions, think about what you really enjoy about studying. Think also about what your privileges and responsibilities are as a globally-minded citizen. Put a tick √ or a cross X next to these statements: □ Do I want a job in which I work as a team with colleagues around the world to inspire and inform others to live sustainably? □ Do I prefer to learn through investigating and doing things for myself, not just listening and reading? □ Do I want to do some of my classwork remotely from mountain ranges, river valleys and seaside resorts around France and abroad? □ Do I want to make practical use of my Maths, Science, and Computing skills? You will learn to create, analyse and scrutinise maps using ‘Big Data’ and my own field data using the latest in GIS (Geographical Information Systems) software.

about tectonic, geomorphological, biological and meteorological processes and features in different environments. It provides you with the knowledge about the need for management strategies governed by sustainability and consideration of the direct and indirect effects of human interaction with the Earth and the atmosphere. Challenges in the Human Environment Human processes, systems and outcomes change both spatially and temporally. You will develop an understanding of the factors that produce a diverse variety of human environments; the dynamic nature of these environments; the need for sustainable


□ If you ticked all these boxes, then you should seriously consider GCSE Geography and read on.

What will I Study? Living with the Physical Environment Discover the challenges of natural hazards and the living world. Analyse physical landscapes and evaluate how humans interact with them. You will learn

The study of Geography is more than just memorising places on a map. It is about understanding the complexity of our world; appreciating the diversity of cultures that exist across continents. And in the end, it is about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together. – Barack Obama Sep 6, 2012


Key Stage 4 Guide management; and the areas of current and future challenge and opportunity for these environments. If you are interested talk to your Geography teacher or anyone in the Geography department to find out what they are planning for you. Or ask pupils in Years 10 and 11 how much they enjoy Geography.

What transferable and employable skills will I learn? Alongside the subject content, you will also learn: □ how to recognise the different sides in debates and make decisions based on sound argument


How will I be assessed? You will have three written exams:

Paper 1 (Physical Geography): 1hr 30m (35% of your final GCSE grade)

Paper 2 (Human Geography): 1hr 30m (35%

of your final GCSE grade)

Paper 3 (Issue Evaluation, Fieldwork, Geographical Skills): 1hr 15m (30% of your final GCSE grade).

Pupils must be able to attend two compulsory fieldwork enquiries. The costs of these trips are not included in the school fees.

□ how to undertake a fieldwork enquiry developing transferable skills in research, data collection, analysis and evaluation. □ written/verbal communication skills, including report writing and data presentation. □ work independently and within a team, considering different ideas and coming to an agreed consensus □ to develop and use a wide range of maps from atlas to Ordnance Survey to maps in association with photographs □ numerical, statistical and GIS skills.


How will GCSE Geography fit in with my other subjects? Geography is a ‘facilitating subject’. This means your career path stays the same while you gain practical economic, social and environmental skills which you would not otherwise gain in a more theory-based academic path. Geography works well with all other subjects.

Where will GCSE Geography take me? You will examine the Earth’s natural resources and the increasing battles between the man-made and natural world. It opens up opportunities to apply your expertise as an environmental consultant, an economic growth and government analyst, or a social activist supporting integration of refugees in European host countries. This knowledge, paired with your essential curiosity, will give you the sought-after transferable skills for success in further education and the workplace.



Key Stage 4 Guide

German Why learn German at GCSE? • Business: Knowing the language of your German business partners improves your relations and therefore your chances for effective communication and success. • Science and Research: German is the second most commonly used scientific language. Germany is the third largest contributor to research and development and offers research fellowships to scientists from abroad. • Communication: Developments in media, information and communication technology require multilingual communicators. A wide range of important websites are in German and worldwide, Germany is ranked number 5 in terms of annual publication of new books. Knowledge of German therefore offers you extended access to information.

Edexcel IGN0 The Edexcel GCSE includes both familiar and new topics that motivate pupils and helps them develop a passion for languages. The content is structured across the below five themes, which provide an engaging real-world focus. Pupils will learn about German culture and be expected to give presentations to the class in German. • Identity and culture • Local area, holiday and travel • School • Future aspirations, study and work • International and global dimension

• Tourism and hospitality industry: Tourists from German-speaking countries travel wide and far, and are the world’s biggest spenders when on holiday. They appreciate to be looked after by Germanspeaking staff and tour guides. • Opportunities to study/work in Germany: Germany awards a generous number of scholarships and other support to study in Germany. Working holiday visas are available for young foreigners from a range of countries, and special visas are offered to skilled workers and professionals. • Opportunities for exchange: A wide range of exchange programs exists for both school and university students between Germany and many countries in the world. • The global career: Knowledge of German increases your job opportunities with German and foreign companies in your own country and abroad. Proficiency in German helps you to function productively for an employer with global business connections.


Key Stage 4 Guide

The examination consists of four distinct parts, externally assessed at the end of the course: Listening

A range of formats including multiple choice, open response and some questions in German; authentic and interesting contexts.



Contexts set in realistic scenarios to show how language is used in authentic situations; element of choice for all pupils.



A range of question formats such as multiple choice, open responses and some questions in German requiring short or one word responses.


A short translation also features; texts are all age-relevant and set in the culture of the target language country. Writing


A choice of questions which encourage spontaneity and creativity; a translation component also features. All questions are adapted to the level of the pupils, namely Foundation or Higher.


Key Stage 4 Guide

History Edexcel 1HI0 History is a very popular subject at GCSE, and one in which many pupils do very well.

There are many good reasons for taking history. Some of the best are: - you enjoy it - you can do well in it. Colleges, universities and employers are all interested in seeing the study of a range of subjects, and good grades in those subjects - it will help you understand the world you live in, the events of the last 100 years help to explain the problems and opportunities of the world today - you will develop very valuable skills. This could be the most important of all – in history you deal with real people, and you can work out why they did what they did. You will improve your ability to judge whether you are being told the truth, only part of the truth, or something completely untrue

Qualification aims and objectives The aims and objectives of this qualification are to enable pupils to: ● develop and extend their knowledge and understanding of specified key events, periods and societies in local, British, and wider world history; and of the wide diversity of human experience

What will I Study? Unit 1 Paper 1 : Pupils study one of the following options: • Crime and punishment in Britain, c1000–present and Whitechapel, c1870–c1900: crime, policing and the inner city. (Investigating why Jack the Ripper was NEVER caught!) Unit 2 Paper 2: Pupils study the depth option: • British depth study options:B1: Anglo-Saxon and Norman England, c1060–88 (Compulsory British Unit) AND • Superpower relations and the Cold War, 1941–91 Unit 3 Paper 3: Pupils study a modern depth study on: • Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918–39 following the aftermath of WW1 and the rise of Hitler- including a in depth study on the treatment of minorities in Nazi Germany)

● engage in historical enquiry to develop as independent learners and as critical and reflective thinkers ● develop the ability to ask relevant questions about the past, to investigate issues critically and to make valid historical claims by using a range of sources in their historical context ● develop an awareness of why people, events and developments have been accorded historical significance and how and why different interpretations have been constructed about them ● organise and communicate their historical knowledge and understanding in different ways and reach substantiated conclusions


Key Stage 4 Guide

History is one of the most versatile degrees you can take. It demands painstaking research and eloquent arguments. It’ll ask you to analyse and debate, consider and compose, and to tackle some of the broadest, most controversial topics humans have dealt with. it’s good training, good enough for almost anything:





Business & Finance

Writers & Musicians

The BBC foreign affairs correspondent Jeremy Bowen studied History at University College London. Other famous graduates in the media include comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, aka Ali G, presenter Jonathan Ross and Louis Theroux and Melvyn Bragg, who both graduated from Oxford.

More “subjectspecific” professions such as law are keen to employ historians, the most prominent being QC Michael Briggs and QC Michael Mansfield, who has recently been involved in the Bloody Sunday inquiry in the UK. Elena Kagan, the first female dean of Harvard Law School and U.S. Supreme Court Justice graduated summa cum laude in history at Princeton.

The Labour party is testament to the large number of successful historians in politics today. History graduates include: Gordon Brown, Alan Milburn, John Prescott and David Blunkett. On the other side of the house were Douglas Hurd, Sir Chris Patten and Kenneth Baker. In the USA Joe Biden and G W Bush both studied History at university.

Historians have flourished in business, achieving high-level roles in successful enterprises. History graduate Sir Howard Stringer is chairman of Sony Corporation, for example, and the late Sir Roland Smith was director of the Bank of England. Anita Roddick founder of The body Shop is also amongst the list of History graduates who made successful careers in Business.

Esteemed novelist, essayist and selfproclaimed hard line atheist, Salman Rushdie read History at Cambridge. He has gone on to become a prolific author, winning the Booker Prize in 1981 with Midnight’s Children. He joins a long list of people in the industry who studied History at University Ayn Rand (Novelist) Art Garfunkel (Singer/ Songwriter) Lauryn Hill (Singer/ Actress) Jimmy Buffet (Singer/ Songwriter)

Key Stage 4 Guide


AQA Maths 8300

The aims of the GCSE Mathematics course are to: • Develop knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts • Acquire and use problem-solving strategies • Select and apply mathematical techniques and methods in mathematical, everyday and real-world situations • Reason mathematically, make deductions and inferences and draw conclusions • Interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context Mathematics provides the oral, written and practical skills needed to solve everyday problems and to acquire knowledge in other subjects particularly Science and Technology. Mathematics itself is an important discipline; its power lies not only in the capacity to explain and describe but also to predict and solve. Pupils will this subject challenging but accessible, useful and enjoyable. The course content is organised into six areas:

Grading There are two courses and two distinct examinations to cater for different levels of ability. Foundation tier is designed to be accessible to those pupils who find Mathematics difficult and Higher tier is designed for those pupils who are ready to accept a challenge.

• Number • Algebra • Ratio, proportion and rates of change • Geometry and Measures

Foundation tier

Grades 1-5 available

Higher tier

Grades 4-9 available

• Probability • Statistics


Key Stage 4 Guide

The Scheme of Assessment At both tiers the specification has three question papers which cover all assessment objectives and are taken in the same examination series, in June. In all three papers content from any part of the specification may be assessed. The information in the table below is the same for both Foundation and Higher tiers.

Paper 1 – non calculator

Paper 2 – calculator

Paper 3 – calculator

What is assessed:

What is assessed:

What is assessed:

Content from any part of the specification may be assessed

Content from any part of the specification may be assessed

Content from any part of the specification may be assessed

How is it assessed:

+ How is it assessed:

+ How is it assessed:

• Written paper (non- calculator).

• Written paper (calculator).

• Written paper (calculator).

• 1 hour and 30 mins.

• 1 hour and 30 mins.

• 1 hour and 30 mins.

• 80 marks.

• 80 marks.

• 80 marks.

• 331/3% of the assessment.

• 331/3% of the assessment.

• 331/3% of the assessment.

The Mathematics teachers are keen to help pupils enjoy Mathematics and to be successful in the examinations. However, to benefit fully from lessons every pupil must bring to each maths class: • a simple scientific calculator • a simple sturdy compass with pencil • a 20cm flat, clear plastic ruler • a small clear plastic protractor • an eraser, a sharpener with a box, an HB pencil • 3 or 4 colouring pencils. To encourage students to respond positively to challenging situations and further enrich their learning experience, the department enters many students for the UKMT Individual Maths Challenge and trains and sends teams to the ISMTF Maths as well as the UKMT Team Challenges. For the very able Mathematics students, we also offer the AQA Level2 Certificate in Further Mathematics (8360), which is taken at the same time as Maths GCSE, at the end of Year 11. Preparation for this qualification is by invitation only and is only suitable for students who are certain to achieve a Grade 9 in GCSE Mathematics.


Key Stage 4 Guide

Music Edexcel 1MU0 The GCSE Music specification is firmly centred on a practical approach and candidates will need to have some ability on an instrument or voice at the start of the course and be able to read and write music.

Pupils should be enthusiastic and committed to playing their instrument or singing and will need to be supported by an appropriate peripatetic teacher. Work continues to be based on the Elements of Music: • Organisation of Pitch • Tonality / Harmony • Structure • Sonority / Timbre • Texture • Tempo, Metre and rhythm • Dynamics The syllabus is divided into three sections and each part complements the others throughout the course.

Performing By the end of Year 11, pupils must have performed solo and in an ensemble, any two pieces of their own choice, on any instrument or voice. The expected standard is that of Grade 4 ABRSM, Trinity, Rockschool or equivalent exam board, but the assessment scheme caters for work at higher and lower levels. Individual lessons can be arranged in school and it is helpful to have the input and support of an instrumental teacher to ensure adequate preparation of performance coursework. Pupils are obliged to be a member of either Choir or Orchestra, and it is hoped that you would be invited to join one of the many other smaller ensembles on offer. For instrumentalists this means that the ensemble requirement may be easily fulfilled. For pianists membership of the choir enhances and hones their listening skills and general musicianship and these pupils may also play percussion in the orchestra. Class recitals are held regularly throughout the course and pupils thus build up a repertoire of performances from which their coursework submissions can be selected.

Composing Pupils have to submit two compositions at the end of the course. One of these will be in response to a brief set by Pearson Edexcel from the four Areas of Study and the other will be a free choice. They do not have to perform these Compositions but a recording


Key Stage 4 Guide does need to be generated. Within each of the areas of study there is a certain amount of choice to allow pupils to develop areas of music in which they are particularly interested. The course allows the use of music technology in the preparation and submission of pieces. Logic Pro, Sibelius 6, Prodikeys, itrack solo and Garage Band are all available to pupils as well as digital multi-track recorders, keyboards, and a range of acoustic and electric guitars.

• French horn, trumpet, cornet, euphonium and trombone.


We can usually recommend teachers for other instruments on request.

Through listening to a wide variety of musical examples, from c. 1700 to the present day, pupils learn to appreciate what they hear and to express themselves using appropriate musical terminology. Studies will encompass elements of form, texture, instrumentation, style, melody, harmony, rhythm, compositional devices and techniques. This part of the course is taught throughout and is examined by a listening and written paper. Two set works are studied in each of the following four Areas of Study: • Instrumental Music 1700-1820 • Vocal Music

[Purcell & Queen]

• Music for Stage and Screen • Fusions

[Bach & Beethoven]

[Wicked & Star Wars]

[Celtic, African and Latin American music]

The Appraising paper is taken under formal examination conditions in the Summer Term.

• Guitar, classical and electric and Bass Guitar • Piano, electronic keyboard • Saxophones throughout the family i.e. Alto and Tenor • Voice

We strive to provide a stimulating and exciting course and you will be given as much assistance as possible yet should be motivated enough to work on your own compositions and to practise your instruments unprompted. The facilities of the Department are available for GCSE pupils at any time and you are positively encouraged to spend break and lunchtimes there. The BSP is the centre for the ABRSM in France. The practical and theory examinations are offered two or three times a year, and results are excellent with many distinction and merit grades being obtained. Grades 6 and above attract UCAS points for UK university entry. Rockschool examinations are held at school in May/ June and these are becoming very popular with pupils who play keyboard, guitar, bass, drums or sing. These exams also attract UCAS points.

Assessment of final compositions and performances take place at school, during the school day, and are administered by the Music Department. This course is designed to follow on from the foundations laid in Years 7-9 and is therefore suitable for all pupils who can already play a musical instrument. Pupils on this course are relied upon to play a major part in all musical activities and will be promoted as the more Senior Musicians in the school. To help as much as possible we can offer tuition in the following instruments: • Violin, viola, cello and double bass • Clarinet, flute, recorder

This table shows the allocation of UCAS points for success in higher grade music exams: Grade 6



Grade 7

Grade 8



















Key Stage 4 Guide

Physical Education

Edexcel 1PE0

The Edexcel specification which has run since September 2016 has been revitalised and provides a real applied focus which reflects today’s global world, develops transferable skills and develops a holistic understanding of physical education. The course gives pupils opportunities to discover the science behind sport and sporting performance, gives an insight into the psychological factors that can affect an athlete and looks at the various social and cultural aspects that have a bearing on how sport is perceived. This course is perfect for pupils who enjoy being physically active and are inquisitive about the theory behind the performer, those who have an interest in biology or pupils who want to pursue a career in an active environment. It is a requirement that any student deciding to take GCSE PE must be actively involved in physical activity either through school sport or as a member of a club in order for them to access the practical components of the course successfully. The Physical Education examination course aims and objectives: The GCSE in Physical Education will equip pupils with the knowledge, understanding, skills and values they need to be able to develop and maintain their performance in physical activities. Pupils will also gain understanding of how physical activities benefit health, fitness and well-being.

Assessment 60% Theory, 40% Practical Pupils will be assessed through both written examinations and practical assessment:

Component 1: Fitness and Body Systems Written paper 36% - 1h 45 mins – 90 marks

• Develop theoretical knowledge and understanding of the factors that underpin physical activity and sport and use this knowledge and understanding to improve performance

• Topic 1: Applied anatomy and physiology

• Understand how the physiological and psychological state affects performance in physical activity and sport

• Topic 4: Use of data

• Topic 2: Movement analysis • Topic 3: Physical training

The assessment consists of multiple-choice, short answer and extended writing questions.

• Perform effectively in different physical activities by developing skills and techniques and selecting and using tactics, strategies and/or compositional ideas • Develop their ability to analyse and evaluate to improve performance in physical activity and sport • Understand the contribution that physical activity and sport make to health, fitness and well-being • Understand the key socio-cultural influences that can affect people’s involvement in physical activity and sport


Key Stage 4 Guide

Component 2: Health and Performance Written paper 24% - 1h 15 mins – 70 marks • Topic 1: Health, fitness and well-being • Topic 2: Sport psychology • Topic 3: Socio-cultural influences • Topic 4: Use of data The assessment consists of multiple-choice, short answer and extended writing questions.

Component 3: Practical Performance Non-examined assessment 30% (Internally marked and externally moderated) 105 marks (35 marks per activity) The assessment consists of pupils completing three physical activities from a set list provided by Edexcel and being assessed against set criteria. One must be a team activity, one must be an individual activity and the third can be either an individual or team activity. • Skills during individual and team activities • General performance skills

Component 4: Personal Exercise Programme (PEP) Non-examined assessment 10% (Internally marked and externally moderated) 20 marks The assessment consists of pupils producing a PEP, and will require pupils to analyse and evaluate their performance. • Aim and planning analysis • Carrying out and monitoring the PEP • Evaluation of the PEP


Key Stage 4 Guide

The Sciences at GCSE The specifications for GCSE Combined Science is designed to: • build on KS3 Science and provide progression to A-level • offer a range of interesting and familiar topics • provide opportunities for practicals • help teachers to motivate and inspire pupils of all abilities • help to develop an interest in science – both in the surrounding world and as part of future lives. At The British School, we offer pupils Double Award Combined GCSE Sciences which is equivalent to two GCSEs, and provides a good preparation for A Level Biology, Chemistry and Physics, and hence the study of science at university, including related subjects such as Medicine, Veterinary Science, and Engineering.

GCSE Double Science (Trilogy) is a two-year

course, in which pupils are taught Biology, Chemistry and Physics in Year 10 and 11. Each pupil has six one-hour lessons per week, divided equally between Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The three sciences are taught by subject specialists; thus each pupil has three different teachers for Science.

AQA Combined Science Double Award 8464 At the end of the course, pupils sit a total of six written papers, two in each of the three subjects. Each of these papers will also assess some practical content. During the course pupils must also have the opportunity to complete 16 required practicals. This qualification is linear meaning that pupils will sit all their examinations at the end of the course.

Examinations Each written paper lasts 75 minutes and carries 70 marks, and each paper will count 16.5 % towards the final grade. Each paper consists of questions which may be closed (multiple choice, link boxes, sentence completion), or open (labelling or drawing diagrams, short answer, extended response (including multistep calculation)). There are also two tiers of examination papers – Higher and Foundation. Higher papers are designed for pupils capable of operating at grade 5 level and above. Foundation papers are designed for pupils operating at about a grade 4 or below, and are designed to be more accessible to the lower achievers in Science.


Key Stage 4 Guide Syllabus Content The syllabus emphasises concepts that have direct relevance to everyday life and will enable pupils in later life to make informed judgements on important scientific issues. There is also an intentional emphasis on the development of good experimental practice, and the Scientific Method. The Scientific Method incorporates ideas about logical thought and critical evaluation of evidence. The new syllabuses have a slight increase in content compared with previous specifications so pupils are better prepared for A Level. Key:

Red = Assessed in Paper 1: Biology, Chemistry and Physics Black = Assessed in Paper 2: Biology, Chemistry and Physics Biology


1. Cell biology

8. Atomic structure and the periodic table

18. Energy

2. Organisation

9. Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter

19. Electricity

3. Infection and response

10. Quantitative chemistry

20. Particle model of matter

4. Bioenergetics

11. Chemical changes

21. Atomic structure

5. Homeostasis and response

12. Energy changes


6. Inheritance, variation and evolution

13. The rate and extent of chemical change

23. Waves

7. Ecology

14. Organic chemistry

24. Magnetism and electromagnetism

15. Chemical analysis 16. Chemistry of the atmosphere 17. Using resources

Practical Assessment Throughout the course and especially through practical work, pupils will be taught a variety of skills connected with the design, carrying out, analysis and evaluation of experimental work. Practical work, as well as developing investigative and experimental skills, consolidate scientific knowledge. All pupils are expected to have carried out 16 required practical activities. Also, questions in the written examinations will draw on the knowledge and understanding pupils have gained by carrying out the practical activities. These questions will count for at least 15% of the overall marks for the qualification.



Key Stage 4 Guide


Edexcel 1SP0

The aims of the GCSE Spanish course are: • To engage all pupils so that they become confident and motivated language learners • To enable all pupils to achieve their potential • To make languages accessible to a wide range of abilities • To help all pupils benefit from learning a language and learning about the world around them • To ensure that pupils are confident in their language skills and are aware of what they can achieve • To encourage motivation through interesting, popular content relevant to pupils • To encourage progression through a gradual increase in the level of demand • To develop awareness and understanding of the culture and identities of the countries and communities where the language is spoken The course content is divided into four main topic areas for the external examinations.

Identity and culture • Who I am?: relationships, when I was younger, what my friends and family are like, what makes a good friend, interests, socialising with friends and family, role models • Daily life: customs and everyday life, food and drink, shopping, social media and technology (use of, advantages, disadvantages) • Cultural life: celebrations and festivals, reading, music, sport, film and television

Local area, holiday and travel • Holidays: preferences, experiences and destinations • Travel and tourist transactions: travel, accommodation, asking for help and dealing with problems, directions, eating out; hopping • Town, region and country: weather, places to see, things to do


Key Stage 4 Guide


International and global dimension

• What school is like: school types, school day, subjects, rules and pressures, celebrating success

• Bringing the world together: sports events, music events, campaigns and good causes.

• School activities: school trips, events and exchanges

• Environmental issues: being “green”, access to natural resources

Future aspirations, study and work • Using languages beyond the classroom: forming relationships, travel, employment • Ambitions: further study, volunteering, training • Work: jobs, careers and professions

Emphasis in the teaching is placed on authenticity; on using the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) in real life practical situations. The final examination assesses pupils’ performance in the four language skill areas and at two different levels, Foundation and Higher Tiers. Grammar and exposure to cultural and literary context are an essential part of the course.

The examination consists of four distinct parts, externally assessed at the end of the course:


A range of formats including multiple choice, open response and some questions in Spanish; authentic and interesting contexts.



Contexts set in realistic scenarios to show how language is used in authentic situations; element of choice for all pupils.



A range of question formats such as multiple choice, open responses and some questions in Spanish requiring short or one word responses.


A short translation also features; texts are all age-relevant and set in the culture of the target language country.



A choice of questions which encourage spontaneity and creativity; a translation component also features. All questions are adapted to the level of the pupils, namely Foundation or Higher.


Key Stage 4 Guide

Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) The PSHE scheme of work follows the UK national curriculum non-statutory guidelines for Personal, Social and Health Education and the KS4 statutory curriculum for Citizenship.

Lessons are often discussion based, making use of worksheets, newspaper articles, video, role-play, debate and pupil presentations. The programme for Years 10 and 11 remains flexible and responsive but includes a majority of the following areas along with relevant teacher initiatives and ongoing resource developments.

Some topics will be taught as part of a three to four week rotation programme in which form tutors take responsibility for their own specialist session to be delivered to each form group in turn.

It is one of the most important concerns

Year 10 Term 1

Term 2

INDUCTION PROGRAMME: Class ethos and school philosophy and aims. Pastoral priorities: creating the working best environment. Who am I? Identifying strengths and areas for improvement. Reviewing the previous year’s reports: identifying common themes, www/ebi. Target setting. Student council elections. Understanding the GCSE grading system and roles and responsibilities for assessment review. Developing academic effort. Healthy relationships. Peer pressure. Careers: CVs and applications. Drugs and alcohol education. Assessment review.

Careers. Equal rights and responsibilities. Staying safe (online / social media focus). Healthy mind and body. Mental health and depression. Personal safety.

Term 3 Current affairs. Sex education. Preparing for year 11. Study skills and revision strategies. Growth mindset. Revision audit for summer holidays.

Year 11 Term 1 INDUCTION PROGRAMME: The ideal school community – social & environmental. Class reps: roles and responsibilities. Futurewise profiling. Student council elections. Who are we: what’s important to 11HTX? Who am I: developing a growth mindset. Who am I: reviewing y10 performance. Emotional wellbeing. Mental health. Careers. Study skills. Revision ideas.

Term 2 Review of mocks. Careers project. Safer Internet use. A-level options presentations. Alcohol/drug education. Contraception. Managing stress and anxiety.

Term 3 Helping others: charities project. Study skills. Revision techniques.

As with all areas of the curriculum, parents are welcome to contact us to discuss any concerns about the issues we cover.


Key Stage 4 Guide

Physical Education (Core) In Key Stage 4 pupils have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of sports activities, both individual and team, as well as extending their knowledge of health and physical activity through specific fitness sessions. The school is fortunate to have access to excellent facilities. A number of outdoor lessons take place at the local Croissy Municipal Stade, as well as on the on-site artificial sports pitch, and within the School there is a modern fitness suite. The School sports hall is undergoing an exciting development project, and soon pupils will have access to a brand new modern facility for indoor lessons. The pupils take part in major team sports such as football, hockey, rugby, netball, cricket as well as many other activities including badminton, volleyball, table tennis, aerobics and zumba. The new Sports Hall will also boasts a climbing wall that will be used for lessons and extra-curricular activities and competition.

Sport (Extra-curricular) The school fields representative teams in the following sports: football, cross country, rugby, netball, climbing, cricket, and athletics and if a pupil is selected for a school team, he/she is expected to attend all training sessions and fixtures. We have a full fixture list that is available to parents at all times on the school website.


In Key Stage 4, pupils are offered some choice over the activities they participate in and they are given constant access to the fitness suite. This use of the fitness suite is ideal for pupils who enjoy the challenge of planning, carrying out and evaluating their own training programme; improving components of fitness such as cardiovascular fitness, muscular endurance, muscular strength and power. We also encourage peer coaching and officiating as part of the Key Stage 4 programme, giving pupils a more in-depth understanding of the activities they participate in and an opportunity to gain leadership experience.

Key Stage 4 Guide

Careers At this stage it is essential to keep as many “doors” open as possible and subjects should be chosen with this in mind.

A sensible combination of subjects at GCSE level would be: - Mathematics, English, a foreign language, sciences and a humanities subject. The extra subjects could be chosen according to the following criteria: • Am I good at these subjects?

orientated course, then Art or Design Technology would be useful • History, Business Studies or perhaps Geography would be useful for the study of social sciences. • Aspiring Engineers would be advised to include Design Technology in their GCSE choices.

• If you are considering Humanities then it would be wise to include History, Geography or perhaps another language in your option

During the ‘Careers’ part of the PSHE programme pupils are made aware of their strengths, interests and the world of work so that pupils can make reasoned choices at 15+. During Year 10 pupils will sit the Futurewise Aptitude test provided by the Independent Schools Careers Organisation (ISCO). This will give a sound information base for future decisions.

Civil service Actuary Law


• If you are considering a more artistic, design-

Diplomatic service Auditing

Marketing Information technology

Scientific research Education Tax

Advisory Volunteering International organisations Journalism


• If you wish to study another European language at A Level, e.g. German or Spanish, then it is necessary to take it at GCSE. The same would apply for most A level subjects. Although it is not impossible to start a subject at A Level, it is not always advisable.

Please do not hesitate to ask your teachers, tutors and/or Head of Careers for further advice in your final choice of subjects.


Virtually all career areas are kept open by taking the basic five subjects listed above. However some points are worth noting:

• Additional skills that can be very useful for choosing future courses of study can be developed through PE and/or Computer Science

Politics Management consultancy Public sector

• By not doing these subjects am I going to close any possible ‘career doors’?


• Do I ‘like’ these subjects?

Investment banking 39

The British School of Paris 38 quai de l’Ecluse 78290 Croissy sur Seine Tel: +33 (0)1 34 80 45 94 Fax: +33 (0)1 39 76 32 21 Website www.britishschool.fr Email ssc@britishschool.fr February 2018

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