October 9, 2018 full issue

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Student-run newspaper since 1962 tuesday, october 9, 2018

Volume 38 Issue 5


Professor’s Photography in art exhibit

What students need to know about NEIU’s Immunization Record Requirement Nicole F. Anderson

See pg. 3

A response to Kavanaugh A student’s take on the sexual assault allegations. See pg. 10

‘I was raised on the internet’ Art exhibit showcases how the internet influences our society. See Pg. 12

Mail email address, signature, etc.). The immunization record form is available to download on the NEIU website under the Student Health Services page. Students must show at least three vaccinations, or doses, of Tetanus/ Diptheria/Pertussis. One must be Tdap. These “booster” shots last ten years. If students do not have a Tdap vaccination, Student Health Services offers the vaccination for $40 (check only). Students must show at least two vaccinations, or doses, of MMR that were received on or after their first birthday. Students whom are unable to provide immunization records of MMR may provide lab results of MMR immunity. Student Health Ser-

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vices offers the lab test for a fee of $20 (check only). Students under the age of 22 (born after 1995) must provide proof of at least one vaccine for Meningococcal conjugate; however, if the student received first vaccination before the age of 16; proof of a second vaccination is required. Religious exemptions and medical exemptions are different. A religious exemption must provide a detailed objection to immunization in regard to the immunization(s) conflicting with their religion. A medical exemption is a signed form or record from a certified doctor stating the student... See IMMUNIZATION, pg. 3

Got News?

FAFSA applications opened Oct. 1.

state employee, if your doctor turned in your medication or turned in your vaccinations are reported your vaccinations, I’m able to do that [view records].” NEIU students have until 2020 before being penalized for not turning in their records. Lasko said that while students have until 2020, students should turn in their records by the end of the semester because “some students are going to wind up being compliant in 2019 because they had their shot in 2009, but then as soon as 2020 comes, they’re going to be non-compliant.” Along with providing immunization records, students must fill out the top portion immunization record form (name, student ID number, N-


#EarlyFAFsa Workshops

screenshot by nicole f. anderson Visit Student Health Services located in E 051 (under the bookstore) or the immunization section under Student Health services on the NEIU website for more information.

Arts & life


Nathan Mathews is shining a bright light on dull architecture with his photography. Mathews’ collection “Ersatz” focuses on architecture and ways people respond to it, specifically unappealing architecture. It’s being displayed in the Gretchen Charlton Art Gallery at Presence Heritage Village in Kankakee, Illinois, until Oct.14. Recently tenured, Mathews has been teaching at Northeastern Illinois University since 2009 but has been teaching photography since he was in graduate school at Columbia College Chicago in 2006. Mathews’ photography was displayed in more than 50 locations in the last ten years. Gretchen Charlton Art Gallery at Presence Heritage Village is located at 901 N Entrance Ave. Kankakee, Illinois, and is open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday through Saturday


Nicole F. Anderson

Public university students are required by the state of Illinois to provide the written records of their immunizations. NEIU students are being strongly urged to bring in their records by the end of this semester to find out if they are compliant with the immunization policy. Students are being asked to provide immunization records on the following vaccines: Tetanus/Diptheria/Pertussis, Measles/Mumps/ Rubella (MMR) and Meningococcal conjugate (meningitis). NEIU’s Administrative Nurse II, Jennifer Lasko, is the lead staff member on the immunization committee. Lasko said, “We’re trying to encourage students to come in and do an immunization review with us. Every single record that we receive, every single student, will be actually be reviewed by a nurse. Because we want to make sure that they’re hitting all of those little nuances per category.” Student Health Services offers the immunization review for free. Lasko said, “I can look up your records if you’re from Illinois, have lived in Illinois… About 23 years ago, a lot of doctors started to download the vaccinations that they gave their patients in a state website. And as a

Let us know! NEXT ISSUE IS OUT oct. 23 Our office is located in E-049 at the main campus.

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