Independent Issue #2 09/06/2016

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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Northeastern Illinois University


Former CPD superintendent begins with NEIU police. pg. 2

Learning the ‘Sex Signals’

Vol. 36 Issue 2


A comedic approach to sexual assault education


Monterosso’s last round with the Boxing Club pg. 12


Gene Wilder (1933-2016) pg. 5

Anne Dufault (left) and Anthony Dinicola (right) talk to NEIU about ‘Sex Signals’ Sept. 1 | Cecilia Hernandez

pg. 8


Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Police Blotter The following offenses occurred at NEIU’s main campus between Aug. 18 and Aug. 19: Aug. 18 – Library: People were stuck in an elevator. All people were rescued. Aug. 19 – C Building: Chicago Fire Department responded to a fire alarm. Alarm was reset. Aug. 19 – The Nest: There was a verbal disturbance over a housing issue. Peace was restored. The following offense occurred at NEIU’s CCICS campus: Aug. 26 – CCICS: An unknown offender wrote graffiti on an exterior wall of the building.

Former CPD superintendent begins as NEIU police chief Brett Starkopf John Escalante, former Chicago police first deputy superintendent, assumes control as NEIU’s police chief Sept 7. After 30 years with the Chicago Police Department, Escalante applied for the job at NEIU when he was bypassed for superintendent by Mayor Rahm Emanuel. “I’ve maxed out,” Escalante said. “I’m not going to gain any more financially, that’s part of it, obviously, staying with the Chicago Police Department.” Escalante will be paid $121,758 annually to former police Chief James Lyon’s salary of $114,000. During his time with the CPD, Escalante noticed the strained relationship between communities and police and said that positive experiences between students, faculty and police can help how the public views police officers. “I think the university police department could play a critical role in bridging a gap in community relations because university police department are fully sworn police officers,” Escalante said. “They have the same authority and police powers as the Chicago Police Department does.” NEIU is in the 17th District, which, according to Escalante, is a safe neighborhood. Chicago is a city plagued with gang violence. “The reality is you only have to go a few blocks south and you are potentially in areas that have gang conflicts,” Escalante said regarding the safety of students. He described how parts of Chicago – such as the West Side and South Side – where bridges between

Courtesy of Chicago Police Department

John Escalante’s tenure of NEIU police Chief begins Sept. 7.

the community and police have never existed and other areas that had that trust built have had it cracked and broken. “That’s where the real struggle is. That’s where the issue is,” he said. “How do you gain trust in communities that have never trusted the police at all?” The notable incident that led to Escalante’s appointment to superintendent by Mayor Rahm Emanuel — as well as further the divide between communities and the police — was the handling of the Lacquan McDonald incident by the CPD and the Mayor’s office. He said in response to how close

he was to the McDonald scandal, “Not as close as I think people think.” Escalante could not go into detail about the McDonald incident because of the ongoing investigation. “I was chief of detectives at the time, as with any police involved shooting, I do not, literally do not, have a role in the investigation for the police department,” Escalante said. “I think that’s something that a lot of people aren’t clear about. We don’t do use-of-force investigations. That’s the role of the Independent Police Review Authority, which currently is being completely revamped.” Rut Ortiz contributed to this report

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Courtesy of NEIU Earth Science Department via Facebook

Professor Laura Sanders (second from left) stands with students while conducting research.

NEIU AGUA project flows like water Laura Rojas The AGriculture and Undergraduate Achievement project completed its first summer program this year. “The program of the USDA is intended to try to bring more underrepresented students into the pipeline to eventually hopefully get some positions that are USDA related,” said Laura Sanders, professor of earth science. NEIU received a $275,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to fund AGUA in 2015. The grant was only applicable for Hispanic-Serving Institutions. Sanders is joined by Associate Professor of Biology, Pam Geddes and Earth Science Instructor, Jean Hemzacek. Together, they make up NEIU’s three AGUA mentors. NEIU formed a partnership with the USDA in 2009, which brought Julio Puentes, regional director of the USDA in to collaborate with NEIU. The university set up an office for Puentes and, since then, has received four grants from the USDA. The two most recent grants were for the Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program in 2015 and the Multicultural Scholars Program, which was awarded last May. “He’s trying to connect the USDA with

college students in the Midwest,” Sanders said. “We are so lucky to have him on our campus.” There are three main components to the AGUA project: a summer research program conducted at the school, which include trips to field sites that last for two years; a summer internship that is held at the National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory in West Lafayette, Indiana for three years; and a scholarship that has yet to be awarded. According to Sanders and Geddes, there is no GPA requirement for the summer research program. There are, however, a few more requirements for the internship program. According to the application, students must meet the following: be earth science majors, have a minimum GPA of 2.5, have completed ESCI 211 or 121 with a grade of C or better by May 2016 and have completed a college-level chemistry course with a grade of C or better by May 2016. “It’s a great opportunity for students that, perhaps, are undecided to have hands-on experience on doing research in very contemporary issues, in particular about water issues,” Geddes said. “It may help them decide what they may do later on. We accept any students that have an interest in these particular disciplines.” AGUA/ page 4


Tuesday, September 6, 2016



Continued from page 3 Sanders also spent spring break with USDA scientists as part of the NEIU/USDA Spring Immersion program. This program will also be available in 2017 and 2018. “We fund four students to go to the lab in Indiana and spend their spring break week there, getting to know the lab and the researchers,” Sanders said. This could also help some students decide if they want to eventu-

ally apply for the summer internship. Sanders highlighted some of the rewarding opportunities for the students participating with the AGUA project. “They are presenting their work in a conference in California,” she said. “They are building a network right now…they had in-depth interviews with scientists and technicians…they are ready to apply for whatever is next.”

N-Safe replaces N-Alert Pablo Medina A new system called N-Safe is replacing the N-Alert messaging procedure for students and faculty. According to a targeted announcement sent on Aug. 29, the new system is a requirement for both incoming and continuing students. Even if students had previously signed into N-Alert, the information from that system will not transfer over to N-Safe. Provided by the company 911Cellular, N-Safe uses student information solely for the purposes of sending notifications including university closings, extreme weather and events concerning campus safety. Students are also encouraged to sign up through the free 911 Shield mobile app, released in association with N-Safe. The mobile app allows emer-

gency calls to be made, and provides your location to NEIU police as well as other safety options. However, if the student is off campus or location services are turned off, clicking the “get help” button connects to non-NEIU Police. Information that is required for the system to work includes a student’s name, email, cell phone number, a password and a CAPTCHA text to confirm the accuracy and legitimacy of the information. Options for the alerts include a Spanish-language preference, a landline number and a home address. As of Sept. 2, the website page contains errors for its information privacy policy as well as its own login page but the mobile app is working. The link to sign up can be found at: http://portal.publicsafetycloud. net/community-alerts/Northeastern-Illinois-University.

Corrections from Aug. 23: NFC east predictions: Demarco Murray is a member of the Tennessee Titans, not the Philadelphia Eagles. Woodwind Wonders: It was stated that Charlene Zimmerman is the principal of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Zimmerman is the Principal of the Lyric Opera. NEIU’s El Centro Campus: It was stated that the address is 3119 N. Pulaski Rd. The correct address is 3390 N. Avondale Ave.

Román-Lagunas appointed interim provost Silvia Burian NEIU has appointed Victoria Román-Lagunas as interim provost to fill in for current Provost Richard Helldobler. Provost Helldobler will be stepping up when current University President Sharon Hahs retires at the end of this month. Román-Lagunas has worked her way through NEIU. She discovered her passion for higher education working as a teaching assistant. She also held a variety of administrative positions before being named Vice Provost. Her interim status is effective as of Oct. 1. The provost is the second-in-command to the university president. The main responsibility Román-Lagunas faces is overseeing Academic Affairs, which includes over 35 departments. Román-Lagunas credited the many people that help support her day-to-day activities and the running of the university. She enjoys taking on a more hands-on role and one of her favorite parts about it is that she gets to meet with new faculty. She said it is her goal to ensure that all faculty members be well-qualified and have the right fit for NEIU. Another goal Román-Lagunas hopes to achieve during her time as interim provost is fixing the university’s retention rate. Recently NEIU was awarded a $2.5 million grant to help address this issue. This includes ensuring that the university receives its reauthorization of accreditation for higher learning. Additionally, this helps to ensure that programs such as TRIO and the Learning Support Center are the

Courtesy of NEIU

Vice Provost Román-Lagunas will take on the position of interim provost, succeeding Richard Helldobler.

best that they can be so students may continue to receive the best level of education possible. Román-Lagunas said she wants to create a new program for registered nurses who do not yet have their bachelors of science in nursing. It is a high hope that this program will be implemented as soon as she feels there is a market for such a program in the area. When asked if she will be applying for the permanent position of provost she stated that it is something she’s not yet sure about. For her, the most important thing is that NEIU

has the best provost for the job. One of her favorite things about working in higher education is that she feels she is continually learning. While working on redesigning the Honors Program, discussions held opened her mind to a whole new view of the idea of “intensive writing.” It is this continual learning that she enjoys most, as well as getting to partake in things like the Vice President’s Council and working closely with the university president. She hopes that as our interim provost she can accomplish all this and more.

Opinions Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief Brett Starkopf Managing Editor Robin Bridges Production Editor Pablo Medina News Editor Rut Ortiz Opinions Editor Courtney Munson Sports Editor Spencer Jones Arts & Life Editor Jason Merel Online Editor Christan Gralak

Independent Staff Copy Editor Desiree Dylong Grace Yu Production Staff Cecilia Hernandez Staff Writers Laura Rojas Rachel Hall Danny Montesdeoca Brian Quevedo Michelle Bright Silvia Burian Marketing and Advertising Director Samantha Sandowski Payroll Manager Saddaf Waseem

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Kaepernick sits during anthem for equal rights Raphael Martinez Colin Kaepernick, as an American, has the right to sit down during the national anthem, and he should not be forced to sit out as a consequence. Earlier this week, the football star publically announced a protest stating that he will not stand up during the national anthem until there is social justice and equality in the United States of America. The big question is: what will happen to Kaepernick if he does not stand up for the national anthem at the next 49ers game on Sept. 12? Some say it may cost him his career taking a stand for what he believes in, while others find it disrespectful for him to perform such acts tainting the image of America. I am sure Kaepernick has thought about the consequences of his decision for quite some time and is aware that some will voice grievances about what he is standing - as well as sitting - for. He is doing what every American citizen has the right to do, which is exercising the right to freedom of speech. He explained to KPIX-TV the main purpose of his decision to protest against what many citizens of our nation are facing today: police brutality. “I have seen things happen to people that don’t have a voice, people that don’t have a platform to have

Courtesy of Mike Morbeck via WikiCommons

Colin Kaepernick has faced controversy for opposing American tradition to speak out against the injustice toward different races.

their voices heard and affect change,” Kaepernick said. The protest reflects upon what many would proclaim to be unjust deaths of young African-Americans at the hands of law enforcement. Police brutality has been a touchy subject for decades. The lack of penalties charged against officers who shoot unarmed minorities is bigger than ever now

and these incidents remain on the surface. The increasing visibility of minorities shot by police is becoming common place and sparking a reaction across the country, the reason being that none of the officers have been prosecuted lawfully for their heinous crimes while minorities (especially black citizens) are targeted daily because of their identity. Police

have constantly justified their actions of brutality by falsifying accusations against their targets. Other football players like cornerback Richard Sherman of the Seattle Seahawks agree that Kaepernick is touching on serious issues. Hall of famer running back Jim Brown of the Cleveland Browns agreed with Kaepernick during an Aug. 29 interview Aug. on “NFL Total Access.” “He’s within his rights and I am with him 100 percent,” Brown said. The protest by Colin Kaepernick helps make room for those, like myself, who find that the United States of America is a highly functioning system that from the beginning has attempted to exterminate the successes of people of color. Growing up black with Spanish heritage, I have personally witnessed how most Americans who are not of color look negatively towards me in spite of my work performance. If Americans (especially African-Americans) cannot exercise the First Amendment to our Constitution as part of the Bill of Rights, then how are we going to have a voice? U.S. politicians make their personal claims daily to spread a message, yet citizens like us - that become the foreground of this country - have simply been counted out. If you ask me, the American flag should not be honored if the colors red, white, and blue do not represent everyone red, white, yellow, black and brown.

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The Independent is a public forum for the university and community around Northeastern Illinois University. The Independent is completely student run and receives no prior review of its content by anyone other than its student editors. The Independent is published approximately every other week except during summer and semester breaks. Deadlines are ten (10) days prior to the issue in which a contribution is to appear. Views expressed in letters are those of the university community and not those of the Editorial Board. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the content of the Independent, and views presented do not neccessarily represent those of the administration, faculty or students. The Independent is a member of the Illinois College Press Association and Associated Collegiate Press. The Independent | Northeastern Illinois University | Room E-049 | 5500 N. St Louis Ave. | Chicago, Illinois 60625 | 773-442-4577 | |


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Opinions The Kind Heart of Gene Wilder

Ashley O’Brien

Despite having just become an adult in the law’s eyes I had never seen such a big castle in person and I felt as if I were six all over again. The night sky caused bright lights to dwindle down Cinderella’s Castle and fireworks soared in the sky as the Disney characters began to dance and sing on stage. I hadn’t felt like this since I was very young. In this moment I snapped a quick picture of the castle and thought to myself, ‘I guess dreams really do come true.’ As a kid, all I ever wished for was to grow up, and when I realized I did, all I wished for was to be a kid again. Although my dream came true, it was nothing like I had hoped and only lasted a few brief moments. “Be very careful of what you want, because you might get it,” Gene Wilder said, in a 1979 interview on the Merv Griffin Show. Gene Wilder passed on Aug. 29 at the age of 83 due to complications from Alzheimer’s disease. The lifetime of experiences he encountered influenced him to be the comedian and actor he wanted to become. However, these experiences did not bring out the best in life for him. This shaped him into the brilliant and caring man he was. Wilder starred in many movies including the original “Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory” playing the role of Willy Wonka. He also starred in “Young Frankenstein,” “Blazing Saddles,” “Stir Crazy” and many more titles. He co-wrote screenplays, won Academy Awards and Golden Globe nominations, and wrote his own memoir, “Kiss Me Like a Stranger.” His ultimate dream to be a comedian and actor did come true. From a young age Wilder knew

Courtesy of Warner Bros. via IMDb

Gene Wilder and Cleavon Little in an iconic scene from Blazing Saddles. Wilder died on Aug. 29.

he wanted to be an actor. The beginning of Wilder’s story of wanting to be a comedian wasn’t the best way to start out. His mother suffered a heart attack when he was six years old and when the doctor told him and his family to not get her too upset, his immediate reaction was to make her laugh as much as possible. “That’s how I dealt with the pain I was feeling of not being able to fix her cracked heart,” Wilder said in the 1979 interview. He would make different accents to get her to laugh, which he knew worked if it caused her to have to go to the bathroom. Wilder’s kind heart was expressed in his humorous side to his mother. He knew being laughable was the best choice to influence others positively. At the beginning of his acting career Wilder always thought his mother inspired him to go into acting and comedy. However, later on he realized it really came from his father. “[My father] was the most naive man,” Wilder said. “A real victim in

life, the most innocent person that I ever met.” Wilder believed his dad was a greater influence on his acting since the way he was perceived to act in screenplays was very similar to his father’s personality. “I like the craziness to come out in front of a camera,” Wilder said. With all the movies, screenplays, and acting appearances he did, he was able to bring out the joy in others from an early age. He learned as a boy that tragic events can begin a new story. When Wilder married former Saturday Night Live actress Gilda Radner, they had a whirlwind romance. They were deeply in love, but it wasn’t meant to last. Radner passed of Ovarian cancer in 1989. Her chemo treatments were some of the most difficult times in Wilder’s life. To cope he turned to writing. “[Comedy] helped me to get through those times,” Wilder said.

Comedy has always been apart of Wilder’s life. When Radner passed, Wilder opened Gilda’s Club, a cancer treatment center in New York in remembrance of her. Wilder kept his comedic side, however he always had a soft spot for those he cared for most. Later in his life Wilder wrote a very honest memoir. However, he didn’t want to hurt those around him when he wrote about the truth. “It was hard to decide what might hurt someone whom I didn’t want to hurt and to leave out [of the narrative],” Wilder said. “It wasn’t putting in that was hard, it was deciding how to get around a difficult situation because I didn’t want to hurt people.” In every age of his life all he cared about was the happiness in people, and in every decision he made he was always conscious of that. However, in his book he also talked about his main search in life. “I didn’t want to do any Hollywood Tell All’s, and that’s not what I

was interested in,” Wilder said. “I was interested in my search for love and art; the art of love.” From his early life to his ending moments, he always did whatever it took to keep a smile on everyone’s face. Wilder always knew he didn’t just want to be funny to the world. He and his good friend, Mel Brooks, knew they had to be laugh-out-loud hysterical. “We don’t want funny,” Wilder said. “We want pee in your pants laughter.” That humor was just what he gave to the world. He became a big star in Brooks’ screenplays, he also co-starred with Richard Pryor in four projects, and began co-writing screenplays. Within a decade, he was a known legend to comedy. His last few days can be perceived differently by everyone. However, one thing is certain; he cared for the happiness of all his fans and everyone around him. He didn’t want the public to know of his illness and the seriousness of it because to children all over the world he was still Willy Wonka, to adults he was a brilliant comedian, and to the world a phenomenal actor. Until death Wilder kept a kind and caring heart. Wilder’s nephew, Jordan Walker-Pearlman, made a statement to the public about his illness shortly after he passed and explained that Wilder chose not to tell the world of his illness to keep the laughter in others. “He simply couldn’t bear the idea of one less smile in the world,” Walker-Pearlman said. From childhood to death, Wilder was always as sweet as candy. Despite the saddening life experiences he encountered, he left this world knowing he made everyone laugh at some point during his time.


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Golden Perspectives ‘Do you think the University of Chicago was right to take safe spaces and trigger warnings out of campus culture?’ Courtney Munson & Cecilia Hernandez

Michael Burdette - Junior I know a lot of people who really appreciate trigger warnings, people who have been through traumatic experiences. At the same time, I understand why a professor would feel limited by having to accommodate trigger warnings. If you have students leaving the room every time you have violence scenes, that’s going to seriously limit what you can do in a classroom.

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Carolina Vazquez - Sophomore I think it should be included. People who are not victims can tend to be self-absorbed because we have not experienced what the victims have, and are unable to understand how they feel. Trigger warnings are something to give victims a fair warning for. The incident at University of Chicago could happen, because of student silence. It would be hard for students who are being affected by it to come forward and stand up for themselves since it would require sharing very personal information.

Photos by Cecilia Hernandez

Jessica Alaniz - Student Safe spaces are extremely important to oppressed people in order to have a good learning environment. For example, at the beginning of Sex Signals they gave a trigger warning at the beginning of it for people that were rape survivors. If someone had not heard that trigger warning prior, this would have been a very uncomfortable situation for them. If they had not known what was to be expected, they wouldn’t know that maybe there was somethings in this that *Student requested not would have made them feel uncomfortable. Beto be photographed ing a rape survivor myself, I’m super happy that trigger warning were included, because I could prepare myself for what was to come.

Juan Magdaleno - Junior

I think it’s wrong to not include trigger warnings and safe places, especially since tuition is so high; you pay for that. Even some schools that are not well known have them. Just like you have handicap elevators and all that, there are people that lack mental help or stability, and that’s why I feel like they’re important.


Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Don’t get your ‘Sex Signals’ mixed up Danny Montesdeoca People tend to avoid mixing comedy and rape culture in the same pot – especially when trying to combat it – but that is exactly what Catharsis Productions aims to do with their improv show, “Sex Signals.” Catharsis Productions was founded in 2000 by Dr. Gail Stern and Christian Murphy, who seek “to change the world by producing innovative, accessible and research-supported programming that challenges oppressive attitudes and shifts behavior,” according to their website. Anne Dufault and Anthony Dinicola, two educators with Catharsis Productions, brought the company’s unorthodox approach in addressing sexual assault to NEIU in what was a hilarious, punny, engaging and informative improv show called “Sex Signals.” “I have a passion for combating rape culture, promoting consent and community building,” Dinicola said. Dufault’s approach to her work is to inspire everyone to be a part of social change. The two educators/actors got right to it in a scenario where Dinicola played a college upperclassmen,

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Cecilia Hernandez

Good communication skills and self control will help you in life as much as the bedroom.

and Dufault a college freshman at the first big party of the semester. They let the audience control the persona’s of their characters. The audience decided Dinicola’s character should go the nice guy route when he was to approach Dufault’s nerdy character. The pick-up line that Dinicola’s character used was eagerly provided

by the audience, “How do you like your eggs in the morning? Fertilized?” The next sketch encouraged even more engagement from the audience. Apart from another pick-up line, they also had the audience hold up a piece of paper that had “Stop” written on it in bold letters. The audience held up the sign

whenever they felt that Dinicola’s character was being creepy, rude, pushy or any combination of the three. The sketch began, and immediately a couple of people in the audience raised their signs. By the end of the sketch, nearly the entire audience had their signs high in the air. The sketches were hilarious with brilliant references to pop culture

like, “These are not the vaginas you are looking for,” “Let’s go to my bedroom so The Force can awaken,” and “I may be Gryffindor, but I like to Slytherin.” After the laughs, the mood became serious. Dufault and Dinicola addressed the horrible realities of rape culture and sexual assault. The duo challenged the audience to carefully consider the sketches and how disturbing the scenarios actually were, even though they were situations that the entire audience agreed happen on a daily basis. According to a 2013 report by the American College Health Association, 5 percent of women on college campuses experience rape or attempted rape every year and 25 percent of college women have been sexually assaulted in their lifetime. Catharsis Productions and their team seek to empower people through knowledge and to promote consent by challenging their audience into tackling rape culture head on. As Dinicola said: “Consent is a win-win! If you ask, and she says yes, then yay! You’re having sex tonight! If you ask, and she says no, then yay! You’re not a rapist!”

Courtesy of Netflix

The future is uncertain for Lucas, Dustin, Mike, El and Will. Tune in for season 2 to find out what happens.

Even ‘Stranger Things’ to come in season 2 Spencer Jones Hopefully you’ve already heard about the blockbuster Netflix series that took away everyone’s summer. The sci-fi hit “Stranger Things” came out of left field. It’s no surprise that this vintage, 1980s styled series has been picked up for a second season. Viewers will have to wait until next year to figure out how Dustin, Mike, Lucas and Will continue their lives after experiencing a season of weird events, but it’s never too early to speculate on the outcome. Caution: This article contains spoilers. Ten before Eleven? - The protagonist for the first season was the young Eleven, or “El.” Once partnered with Dustin, Mike and Lucas, she takes them on a mysterious adventure to find Will We find out as the season goes on that she has the power to control people and objects with her psycho-kinetic mind, something that she was trained to do at the shady Hawkins Lab. In the final episode of season one she defeats the demogorgon and vanishes into thin

air. Fans of the show are wondering if El will be back for season two, but the better question is if there are more children like El. It’s not a stretch to believe that the doctors were planning to use Will in the same way that they used Eleven. Could Will possibly lead the rest of his team back into the Upside-Down to find El and discover even stranger things? The mystery surrounding the chief and his daughter - Speaking of more children like El, we could be in for a more in-depth understanding of what happened with the chief ’s daughter. So far we know that she died from cancer, but one thing that most viewers probably overlooked is a clear signal that more is to come. In the final episode of the season, Chief Hopper and Will’s mother Joyce journey into the Upside-Down after Hopper agreed to give up the location of El in exchange for a chance to go find Will. While in the Upside-Down they found Will’s fort and a stuffed bear. This wasn’t just any random stuffed bear though. ‘STRANGER’/ page 11

Tuesday, September 6, 2016



Tuesday, September 6, 2016

A&L Tupac and Aaliyah remembered Aaron Schiffman About twenty years ago, something happened that would change music forever. Tupac Amaru Shakur was on top of the world at 25 years old. He was fresh out of jail, with a multi-platinum double CD - including two Billboard Hot 100 number one hits - and an aspiring movie career. Tupac and his manager Suge Knight, CEO of Tupac’s label Death Row Records, were riding on the Las Vegas Strip after watching the Mike Tyson-Bruce Seldon fight. At one corner of the strip, a white Cadillac pulled up and fired several shots at the car. Tupac was hit four times, and was taken to the University Medical Center in Las Vegas. He remained in a coma for six days until his death on September 13, 1996. Five years later on August 25, 2001, Aaliyah Dana Haughton was also on top of the world at 22 years old. She released a new self-titled album and had an aspiring movie career.

Cassie’s Done It by GN

She was growing into a superstar. Aaliyah and her team were filming a music video for her song “Rock the Boat” in the Bahamas. They decided to leave a day early. A small plane picked them up. The plane takes off, but crashes a few minutes later. All people on board, including Aaliyah, were killed in the crash. In the years that followed since the deaths of these iconic music figures, it has been asked, what would they do if they were still alive today? Would Tupac be working on music with fellow rappers such as Eminem and Kendrick Lamar? Would Aaliyah be doing a collaboration album with Beyoncé? One thing that both Tupac and Aaliyah have in common was that they both shaped the music industry. Tupac made it possible for rappers to get personal with their lives in their music with songs like “Dear Mama.” Aaliyah, despite being in her teens, showed us that age really is just a number, and paved the way for other singers such as Brandy, Monica, Beyoncé and Rihanna.

It seems like a moment ago since both artists left us. They were in their prime, and it’s hard to say what would have happened if they were still alive today. Both artists were rising stars in the music industry. Tupac had several albums released before he died such as his controversial debut “2Pacalypse Now.” His album “Me Against the World” debuted at number one on the Billboard 200, making him the first artist to have an album top the charts while incarcerated. Tupac had several songs dealing with issues of black inner city youth such as “Brenda’s Got a Baby.” He also had several personal songs such as “So Many Tears” and “I Ain’t Mad at Cha.” He would also have several posthumous releases such as “Until the End of Time.” Aaliyah meanwhile, took the world by storm with her hit debut “Age Ain’t Nothing but a Number,” released when she was only 15 years old. Her sophomore hit “One In a Million,” took her to a whole new level, as she helped introduce a new sound in the music world.

Aaliyah also became the youngest female performer ever to perform at the Academy Awards in 1998, when she performed the song “Journey to the Past,” off the animated film “Anastasia.” Her hit single, “Are You That Somebody,” helped the “Dr. Dolittle” soundtrack go multi platinum. Her song “Try Again,” off the “Romeo Must Die” soundtrack, peaked at number one on the Billboard hot 100 based solely off radio airplay. Both Tupac and Aaliyah were also rising stars in the film industry. Tupac had three hit films: the classic hood drama “Juice” with Omar Epps, the street romance film “Poetic Justice” with Janet Jackson and the basketball film “Above the Rim” with Marlon Wayans. By the time he died he had already finished three other movies: “Bullet” with Mickey Rourke, “Gridlock’d” with Tim Roth, and “Gang Related” with Jim Belushi. According to a 2014 Rolling Stone article, Tupac auditioned for the role of Mace Windu in the “Star Wars” prequels. Meanwhile Aaliyah had a hit film, “Romeo Must Die,” with Jet Li.

After that was completed she was filming the vampire movie “Queen of the Damned” which was released a few months after her death. She was also offered roles in the “Matrix” sequels, and even Whitney Houston offered her the lead role in the movie “Sparkle,” which was postponed mainly because of her death. I can not say what both Tupac and Aaliyah would be doing today if they were still alive. My guess is they would be bigger stars than they were before. I believe Aaliyah would have been as big as Beyoncé, possibly making music with her. I also believe Tupac would have worked with artists like Kendrick Lamar, and perhaps would have reconciled with the Notorious B.I.G., if he were still alive. Both would also be A-List actors in mega blockbuster films. It’s possible that Tupac and Aaliyah could have starred in the “Barbershop” film series. Unfortunately, we will never know what they might have done. All we can do is honor their legacies, because legends never die.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016



Even ‘Stranger Things’ Continued from 9 This bear looked exactly like the toy that his daughter had. Could this possibly be a signal that her spirit is somewhere in the Upside-Down? What’s up with Will Byers? - There’s no way that you can’t feel sorry for this kid. He went from protecting his friends in a friendly game of Dungeons and Dragons, to almost losing his life in the Upside-Down. As noted by his older brother Jonathan, Will is great at hiding, and that ultimately saved him from the monster. Now that he no longer has to send decoded messages through Christmas lights in his mother’s living room, he can go back to

living a normal life … so he thinks. In the final scene of the season, we find Will excusing himself from the kitchen table to use the bathroom. While in the bathroom he stops at the mirror, coughs up a slug and sees things as if he’s back in the Upside-Down. When Chief Hopper and his mother Joyce found him he had a huge slug making its way down his throat, but what if it was more than that? Will could possibly have a body filled with the tiny creatures that are feeding on him. Hopefully, all these questions and more will be answered during season two, coming to Netflix in 2017.

Chicago Brass Festival presents NEIU Faculty Brass Artists with The Alliance Brass The Jewel Box Series presents September 22 at 7:30pm Germán López, timple NEIU Recital Hall September 16 at 7:30 p.m. Free for NEIU students Students: $5 at door or Information Center NEIU Recital Hall COMMUNITY AND PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION

My father campaigned for my first word. For weeks, possibly months, before I first spoke, Dad would wheel me out in my red, canvas stroller. We’d navigate the cracked pavement and cross the boulevard into the park, the wide and grassy area separating the eastbound and westbound halves of the street where we lived.

Contribute to Seeds Literary and Visual Arts Journal! Submission deadline: Jan. 10, 2017 For more information on submissions or to submit work, contact:

My father would select a patch of land with an accessible and open view of the sky. We would wait. We never had to wait long, thanks to the proximity of O’Hare International Airport. Dad would crouch down beside my stroller and point up at the sky. “Contrail.” Dad would gently take my hand, uncurl my pudgy fingers, and aim them towards the sky. “Contrail.” A plane would roar overhead and my father would pause in whatever activity currently occupied, make eye contact with me, point up, and say, clearly and with the enunciation only available to the child of a speech-language pathologist, “Contrail.” My first word was bird.

-Jenn Lee

Community Chorus Program Tuesdays Beginning August 30 7:00p.m. - 9:45p.m. Community Dance Fall Session Various Days September 8 - December 17 Varies by Class Free Community Music Program Open House Saturday September 10 11:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. Beginning Conversational Spanish Wednesdays September 14 - November 2 7:00p.m. 8:30p.m. Beginning Sign Language Thursdays September 15 - October 27 6:30p.m. - 8:30p.m. Beginning Conversational Mandarin Chinese Saturdays September 17 - November 5 10:00a.m. - 11:30a.m. Beginning Conversational Korean Wednesdays September 21 - November 9 4:30p.m. 6:00p.m. Making Buying Your First Home Easy Thursday September 22 7:00p.m. - 9p.m. Beginning Conversational Polish Thursdays September 22 - November 10 7:30p.m. 9:00p.m.


Thursday, September 8th 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. In the Student Lounge (below the bookstore in Building E) Learn about student media at NEIU and opportunities to work with the Independent campus newspaper, WZRD radio 88.3 FM, Seeds literary and visual arts journal, and Que Ondee Sola magazine. Featuring guest speaker, Chicago Tribune food and dining reporter Joseph Hernandez. For more information or if you require accommodations, contact the Office of Student Leadership Development at


Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Spencer Jones

Giovanni Monterroso is ready to lead his final semester with the boxing club.

Boxing club set to lace gloves for fall semester Spencer Jones Giovanni Monterroso, a fifth year biology major, has been leading the boxing club for the past few years. Though he doesn’t have much boxing experience outside of the club, his love for the sport started like a lot of people. “My grandfather use to love to watch boxing when I was at his house,” Monterroso said. “I would watch it with him occasionally. I’m not much of a violent person, but I have a temper, so I felt like boxing was a great way to let my anger out.” The club, which sees 15-20 participants per semester, is designed to help members relieve stress and learn self-defense. Students who have previous fighting experience participate in the class to brush up on their fighting techniques. Though it’s free to join, Monterroso seeks donations for each semester from those in attendance. “We ask for a $20 donation to help buy more equipment,” Monterroso said. “Most of these bags are pretty old. We try to get a small donation so we can buy a new piece of equipment every semester. Though finances and a small location are a limitation for Monterroso, he’s dedicated to

find the best way to satisfy each student’s personal needs. Classes are structured in three parts. The first 15 minutes is designated to stretches and light jogging. For the bulk of the class he works on boxing techniques. The final few minutes are used to cool down the students through slow boxing movements and resistance band workouts. As the semester continues, the club gets more intense with its regimens. Monterroso is also working with a few specific students that could lead the class once he graduates this winter. “We used to have fights here. We had two fights that we did, in the fall of 2013 and fall of 2014. These were fighters from Northwestern, all around Chicago and students from NEIU who really wanted to fight” Monterroso said. “Hopefully someone would try to bring it back, because it’s a really good way to expand people’s knowledge of what the P.E. Complex gives to students.” One of the most important things that Monterroso wants people to get from the class is the family environment. All skill levels are welcomed to join. The boxing club is slated to be in full effect by mid-September. The boxing club meets for class takes place every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 3-5 p.m. at the P.E. Complex.

Christian Gralak AFC North Pittsburgh Steelers: 12–4 The Steelers had some trouble with injuries to their key players - quarterback Ben Roethlisberger and running back Le’Veon Bell - as well as a defense that showed signs of wear and tear last season. When healthy, Pittsburgh’s big three of Roethlisberger, Bell and Antonio Brown (his 136 catches last season were tied for most in the NFL), shows that the Steelers are ready to make a deep playoff run once again. They will also get back their twotime All-Pro center Maurkice Pouncey who adds strength to an already decent offensive line. Rookie defensive tackle Javon Hargrave is also a nice addition who averaged 37.5 sacks over his college career at South Carolina State. Look for a strong Steelers team to dominate this season. Cincinnati Bengals: 11–5 The Bengals were good last year and it may have been their best chance to win a Super Bowl, if only Andy Dalton didn’t break his thumb. It will be hard to match last season’s success following the loss of wide receivers Mohamed Sanu and Marvin Jones On the bright side, the Bengals still have wide receiver A.J. Green and tight end Tyler Eifert. However Eifert, who led all TEs with 13 touchdowns last season, is out four to six weeks while recovering from ankle surgery. The defense that gave up the second fewest points last season (17.4) will still shine even though they lost All-Pro safety Reggie Nelson and cornerback Leon Hall. Baltimore Ravens: 10–6 The Ravens unfortunately had the injury bug last season, resulting in a 5–11 record.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

NFL Predictions: AFC North and South

Graphic by Spencer Jones

This season, their luck looks to change as quarterback Joe Flacco, wide receiver Steve Smith Sr., running back Justin Forsett and outside linebacker Terrell Suggs all return healthy and ready to make a playoff run for what looks to be Smith’s 16th and final season in the NFL. Even though the defense is getting older, they still have an adequate pass rush and secondary, along with an effective special teams unit that ranked No. 1 in 2015, which will hopefully carry over in full force from last season. Cleveland Browns: 4–12 The Browns started to clean house near the end of last season with the firing of general manager Ray Farmer and head coach Mike Pettine. They brought in former Bengals offensive coordinator Hue Jackson as head coach and look for a fresh start without the nuisance of former quarterback Johnny Manziel. Signing Robert Griffin III will be fun to watch but don’t get your hopes

up for the playoffs this year. The Browns have much to work on with the defense, which allowed 27 points per game in 2015, along with an offense that put up an average of only 17.4 ppg. Look for Cleveland to get competitive in the years to come as they acquire talent through future drafts. The good news is that there should be improvement from last season under coach Jackson.

AFC South Indianapolis Colts: 11–5 The Colts are still one of the best teams in the AFC South as long as they have quarterback Andrew Luck. If the offensive line can shape up like head coach Chuck Pagano hopes they can, then maybe everything else will click and the Colts can make a long playoff run. Look for Luck to come back strong and once again reconnect with T.Y. Hilton, whose numbers should rise back up to where they were in

2014 after Luck’s absence from injury last season. Houston Texans: 10–6 The signing of former Denver Broncos quarterback Brock Osweiler to a colossal four-year, $72 million deal has the Texans believing they don’t need a superstar quarterback, but rather a well-rounded one that can run an offense that already has everything it needs to win. The Texans added to their already able offense in the draft, taking wide receiver Will Fuller in the first round and wide receiver Braxton Miller in the third. These additions add more speed and reliability to a team that already has great playmakers in DeAndre Hopkins and Jaelen Strong and running backs Lamar Miller and Alfred Blue. The Texans have a solid offense for 2016 along with a very effective defense, run by defensive end J.J. Watt. Don’t be surprised to see them make a serious Super Bowl run.


Tennessee Titans: 9–7 The Titans have a lot of great talent. The only thing is ownership fired Ken Whisenhunt (3–20 in two seasons with the Titans) only to be replaced by Mike Mularkey last seaon, whose past record (18-39) doesn’t show promises of being better. Maybe the Titans want his experience, but it’s important that Mularkey takes the correct road when it comes to developing the young talent this team has, especially with quarterback Marcus Mariota who has a high ceiling and started to decline under Whisenhunt. While many believe the Titans are a few years away from competing, I wouldn’t be surprised if they found themselves fighting for a wild card position. Jacksonville Jaguars: 4–12 I don’t think this is the year the Jaguars will find themselves competing in the playoffs. Cornerback Prince Amukamara, who signed a one-year deal, should be able to provide some much needed secondary depth if he can return to form before a torn biceps muscle in 2014. Tashaun Gipson will also be helpful at free safety where the Jaguars have been known to struggle. The offense, on the other hand, should be fine with quarterback Blake Bortles having two of the best wide receivers in Allen Hurns and Allen Robinson. Bortles will just need to drastically reduce his amount of interceptions, as he led the league last year with 18. The Jaguars also added former New York Jets running back Chris Ivory to go along with T.J. Yeldon, so Bortles should have no problem finding ways to score. The deciding factor for the Jaguars will be whether or not the defense can prevent and hold their opponents from scoring consistently (28 ppg last season, second most in the NFL).


Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Alex Pacete AFC East New England Patriots: 13-3 Patriots start this season with Quarterback Tom Brady suspended for four games. This won’t stop Bill Belichick from having a successful season. Taking over for Brady is Jimmy Garoppolo, who has thrown for 188 passing yards, completing 64.5 percent of passes and a QB rating of 91.9 for the past two years. Playing under Bill Belichick, having receiver Julian Edelman and tight end Rob Gronkowski, the Patriots are still in position to start the season winning. These first 4 games will be a preview for when Brady finally retires and Garoppolo takes over.

NFL Predictions: AFC East and West

Graphic by Spencer Jones

Buffalo Bills 12–4: The Ryan brothers are together again. It’s ultimately Rex’s team but another strong defensive mind would only help propel the Bills to the playoffs. Speaking of defense, the Bills ranked 14th in yards per game when they were ranked fourth overall in the 2014 season. The problem was that the personnel did not fit Rex Ryan’s defensive scheme. With the departure of Mario Williams, the Bills drafted hybrid defensive end and linebacker Shaq Lawson from Clemson in the first round and linebacker Reggie Ragland from Alabama in the second. They were named starters, fit Rex Ryan’s scheme and can help them be one of the top defensive teams in the league. The Bills will be a formidable team during the regular season and will hopefully make their first playoff appearance since 1999.

2010. The Jets finally re-signed quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick after a long standoff of contract disputes. With his return, star receiver Brandon Marshall is poised to have a repeat of last season. The addition of former Chicago Bears running back Matt Forte will give the Jets’ veteran leadership and a proven backing. He won’t be doing all the work himself, his backup Bilal Powell will help ease the load. The defense looks to be primed for dominance. A strong defensive line lead by Muhammed Wilkerson will have running backs and quarterbacks struggling. All pro cornerback Darrell Revis will have the opposing teams’ number one receiver on “Revis Island” where many have struggled to score. Look for the Jets to possibly make the wild card to end the regular season.

New York Jets 11–5: The Jets missed the playoffs again last season but this coming season they look to make the playoffs for the first time since

Miami Dolphins 9–7: Out with the old, in with the new. New head coach Adam Gase takes over for former head coach Joe Philbin and interim

coach Dan Campbell. Dolphins management is hoping Gase can work the same magic that he used on Bears quarterback Jay Cutler last season and turn Ryan Tannehill from a middle of the pack quarterback to being one of the best in the league. As for the defensive side of the ball, look for Ndamukong Suh and Mario Williams to be back to form as new defensive coordinator Vance Joseph is switching from a 3-4 defense to a 4-3 defense that better suits the defensive personnel. The Dolphins shouldn’t reach the playoffs this season but they’ll be better than they have been the past four years.

AFC West Kansas City Chiefs 12–4: Chiefs dethrone he Broncos in AFC West. Last season, the Chiefs offense finished 27th in total yards per game but were 9th in points per game (25.3). The offense is boring but effi-

cient. You won’t see Alex Smith take many chances unless he knows there’s no chance of an interception. The Chiefs will rely on short passes and moving the chains for first downs. Jamaal Charles’ return from his ACL tear should inject some excitement into the Chiefs offense. Defensively, the Chiefs should be able to keep up with the Broncos. Last year the defense was ranked second in interceptions (24) and third in points against (17.9). The Defense is led by comeback player of the year Eric Berry and veterans Justin Houston and Tamba Hali. The Chiefs are in the best position this year to win the AFC West and get into the playoffs. Denver Broncos 11–5: Peyton Manning was on the tail end of his career last season and he did not have that great of a season. New quarterbacks Trevor Siemian and Paxton Lynch are both in position to take over for Peyton Manning. Three quarterbacks have the potential to be very good - considering the offensive talent

around them - but will be on short leashes. I can see head coach Gary Kubiak considering quarterback changes during the season if one of them plays poorly for consecutive games. Demaryius Thomas, Emmanuel Sanders and tight end Jeff Huerman (coming off a torn ACL suffered during his rookie season last year) are poised to help whoever is at quarterback this upcoming season. With Von Miller staying put on a newly-signed six-year, $114 million contract and the secondary led by Aqib Talib, the Broncos should be able to replicate last season’s dominating defense which should help them make the playoffs. Oakland Raiders 9–7: The expectations are high for the Raiders this year. Derek Carr had career highs in touchdowns thrown (32) and passing yards (3,987). With Amari Cooper in his second season, look for him to build on last year’s numbers where he was the first Raider to reach 1,000 receiving yards in a season since Randy Moss in 2005. Defensively the Raiders will miss the leadership of future Hall-of-Famer Charles Woodson but they should not regress defensively as Khalil Mack looks to be the face of the defensive side of the ball. He is the first player to go to the Pro Bowl at two different positions (defensive end and linebacker). Also the addition of Bruce Irvin and Reggie Nelson will give Mack the help to put the Raiders’ defense in elite company. If everything goes the Raiders’ way, they could be back in the playoffs for the first time since 2002. San Diego Chargers 8–8: The Chargers improve but come up short. Phillip Rivers is reunited with Ken Whisenhunt, who was the offensive coordinator in the 2013 season. PREDICTIONS/ page 15

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

ok, so my subs really aren't gourmet and we're not french either. my subs just taste a little better, that's all! I wanted to call it jimmy john's tasty sandwiches, but my mom told me to stick with gourmet. Regardless of what she thinks, freaky fast is where it's at. I hope you love 'em as much as i do! peace!

Established in Charleston, IL in 1983 to add to students GPA and general dating ability.

Michelle Bright Campus Recreation has spent the summer preparing some big changes in the P.E. Complex. The biggest change is the hours of operation. The P.E. Complex is now open seven days a week. “Physically we haven’t made a whole lot of changes because of the budget crisis, so it put projects on hold,” said Director of Campus Recreation Dave Merrill. Merrill said the building had minor improvements done like painting and getting the floors done. While the pool roof is still in progress, Merrill said they are focused on adding a family-style changing area “One of the priorities that we have had for the last couple of years is changing a small locker room area into a family-style changing area to meet the needs of students and to meet the needs of parents and kids,” Merrill said. The P.E. Complex has also planned to implement extended hours of operations to accommodate the new campus housing. With the enrollment of these students, Merrill

Predictions Continued from page 14 That year Phillip Rivers and the chargers were ranked fifth in total yards and 12th in scoring that year. Keenan Allen will also be returning from a lacerated kidney injury that kept him out for the last eight games last season. During the first 8 games, he had 67 catches, 725 yards and four touchdowns. If he manages to stay healthy he will have a repeat of his rookie year numbers where he had 1,046 yards and eight touchdowns. Antonio Gates is looking to end his career with the Chargers. He spent last year suspended for PED use but signed a two-year extension. Defensively last

hopes to see an increase in gym membership and intramural sports participation. “We are starting to take registration for the fall Intramural sports, flag football is the first big sport that we have,” Merrill said. “The philosophical plan is that we want to have more fun sports whether its clubs or intramural sports. Once you get students in the building they will keep coming back.” Maria Choohkeh, a student and fitness instructor, spoke about opening a new boot camp fitness program. The boot camp program comes around every few years and Choohkeh felt this was a good year to do it. She is hoping to have both beginners and experienced people join the program. “The goal for this program is to motivate people into more fitness and into health,” said Choohkeh. The Program starts at the end of September and classes will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Flyers for this class and other classes will be posted around campus and on each P.E. Complex bulletin board. Other schedules for NEIU group classes and the Campus Recreation hours can be found at

8" SUB SANDWICHES All of my sandwiches are 8 inches of homemade French bread, fresh veggies and the finest meats & cheese I can buy! We slice everything fresh daily in this store! It tastes better that way!



Visit neiuindependent. org to check out our thoughts on the Olympics!



slim 1 slim 2 slim 3 slim 4 slim 5 slim 6


Low Carb Lettuce Wrap ®

#5 VITO®

Same ingredients and price of the sub or club without the bread.


Medium rare choice roast beef, mayo, lettuce & tomato. Fresh housemade tuna, mixed with celery, onions, and our tasty sauce, sliced cucumber, lettuce & tomato. (My tuna rocks! Sprouts* optional) Fresh sliced turkey breast, lettuce, tomato & mayo. The original (Sprouts* optional)

Ham & cheese Roast beef Tuna salad Turkey breast Salami, capicola, cheese Double provolone


The original Italian sub with genoa salami, provolone, capicola, onion, lettuce, tomato, & a real tasty Italian vinaigrette. (Hot peppers by request)


Layers of provolone cheese separated by real avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato & mayo. (Truly a gourmet sub not for vegetarians only, Sprouts* optional)


Bacon, lettuce, tomato & mayo! (My B.L.T. rocks)

★ sides ★


★ Chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin cookie ★ Extra load of meat ★ Extra cheese or extra avocado spread


freebies (subs & clubs only) Onion, lettuce, tomato, mayo, sliced cucumber, hot peppers, dijon, Jimmy Mustard, yellow mustard, oil & vinegar, oregano, sprouts*

My club sandwiches have twice the meat or cheese, try it on my fresh baked thick sliced 7-grain bread or my famous homemade French bread! Tell us when you order!

#7 SMOKED HAM CLUB 1/4 pound of real wood smoked ham, provolone cheese, lettuce, tomato & mayo!


Choice roast beef, smoked ham, provolone cheese, Dijon mustard, lettuce, tomato & mayo.


Genoa salami, Italian capicola, smoked ham, and provolone cheese all topped with lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo & our homemade Italian vinaigrette. (Order it with hot peppers)


A full 1/4 pound of medium rare roast beef, provolone, lettuce, tomato & mayo.


Sliced turkey breast, real wood smoked ham, provolone, and tons of lettuce, tomato & mayo! (A very traditional, yet always exceptional classic!)

★ Soda Pop ★ Real potato chips or jumbo kosher dill pickle

year, the Chargers finished last year 13th in yards given up a game. They are led by Manti Te’o and cornerback Jason Verrett. The Chargers will improve on last year’s disastrous 4-12 season but will come up short in in the very competitive AFC West.

GIANT club sandwiches Any Sub minus the veggies and sauce

Real wood smoked ham and provolone cheese, lettuce, tomato & mayo. (The original)

or th i e JJ’ gina S l

Rec’n expectations at the PE Complex


Sprouts* optional Fresh baked turkey breast, provolone cheese, avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato and mayo!


#13 GOURMET VEGGIE CLUB® Double provolone, real avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato & mayo. (Try it on my 7-grain whole wheat bread. This veggie sandwich is really yummy! Sprouts* optional)


Roast beef, turkey breast, lettuce, tomato & mayo. An American classic!


THE J.J. GARGANTUAN® The original gutbuhstuh! Genoa salami, sliced smoked ham, capicola, roast beef, turkey & provolone, jammed into one of our homemade French buns, then smothered with onions, mayo, lettuce, tomato & our homemade Italian vinaigrette.

The same as our #3 Totally Tuna except this one has a lot more. Housemade tuna salad, provolone, sliced cucumber, lettuce & tomato. (Sprouts* optional)


Sliced turkey breast, bacon, lettuce, tomato & mayo. (JJ's original turkey & bacon club)

#17 ULTIMATE PORKER™ Real wood smoked ham and bacon with lettuce, tomato & mayo! (This one rocks!)



WELCOME GOLDEN EAGLES! The Jewel Box Series presents

GERMÁN LÓPEZ Sept. 16, 7:30 pm NEIU Recital Hall

$5 student tickets at the door or visit the Information Center.

Germán López is an esteemed timple player who blends the ancient traditions of the Canary Islands with musical virtuosity.

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