Tuesday, May 24, 2016
NEIU Receives Emergency Funds from State Luis Badillo
Graduates Receive Empowering Speech Pg. 3
The Cubs and Sox have been red hot! Who can keep it up? Pg. 6 What About Badass Teachers? Pg. 11
How will the monies received be distributed?
USDA Awards NEIU Students Studying STEM Rut Ortiz Five students will be the chosen recipients of a $200,000 grant gifted to NEIU by the United States Department of Agriculture. The grant is set to fund “The Multicultural Scholars Program of NEIU,” a program synonymous to the USDA funding agency of a similar name. The program will support students who major in earth or environmental science and minor in a different area of STEM. “Scholars will be recruited from specific Earth Science and Environmental Science courses, including First-Year Experience courses, General Education courses, and foundation courses in both majors,” said Dr. Laura Sanders, an earth science professor in an email. “Recruiting from these courses will allow us to identify multicultural students who are committed to STEM and have demonstrated
their ability to succeed in STEM courses. “Students selected for the program will be either secondsemester freshmen or first-semester sophomores. The first participants will be selected in Spring 2017.” Sanders is the co-director of the program alongside fellow earth science professor and department coordinator Kenneth Voglesonger. The two will develop an application for students in the fall and it will be available online. Students who meet criteria for the program can be chosen or recommended by faculty. “They don’t have to be ESCI/ Envi Sci majors when they apply, but they will need to be in order to progress in the program,” Sanders said. “It’s so much fun. I love working with students and I love studying the Earth. Doing both at once is my dream job, and I feel lucky to do it at NEIU, where the students are so motivated. Our students have the potential to go
Photo by Rut Ortiz
Children Without Birth Certificates, How Does That Work? Pg. 4
Vol. 35 Issue 16
Graphic by Luis Badillo
After a nearly year-long battle to approve a state budget, Illinois lawmakers have passed a stop-gap spending bill to fund universities, allowing NEIU to temporarily suspend cuts and other cost saving measures. The bill was signed by Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner on April 25, after the bill was passed in both the state’s assembly and senate the previous week. Illinois has been without a budget since July 1, 2015, leaving public universities to financially fend for themselves. While the Democrat controlled state advocate for spending on public and social services, Rauner has pushed for less spending, as well as a budget that would curb unions’ powers and business reform. In a statement Rauner said, “This legislation doesn’t solve our budget crisis or help our economy grow, but it does represent a first step toward compromise between Democrats and Republicans.” Despite the spending approval, Illinois universities have already suffered financially. Just a week after the bill’s passing, Chicago State University announced that it would be laying off about a third of its staff. Over 300 employees were let go, though much of the faculty
remained untouched. NEIU itself has seen its own challenges in the form of furloughs and spending freezes. Staff and faculty affected by the furloughs generally saw 20 percent reduction in payment, as many were required to take one furlough day out of the five-day work week. The spending bill approves $600 million for universities, with $170 million set aside for Monetary Award Program grants. NEIU is set to receive about $10.7 million for funding. An email on April 27 from university President Sharon Hahs to students and staff noted that the funds “falls short of what the University needs.” In that same email Hahs also announced that the university would be suspending cost-savings program and furloughs. In an interview on May 9 with WBEZ, Hahs also said the suspension is only temporary. The cuts are likely to return in July. “They can’t quit with the stopgap money,” Hahs said. “We do need a real appropriation.” The constitutional deadline for state politicians to pass a budget for the next fiscal year is May 31. Though Rauner has expressed he feels a deal is close, other lawmakers predict that the impasse may last until after the presidential election in November.
The grant will assist students studying subjects like biology whose department heads the greenhouse on campus.
out and make real change in the world.” According to Sanders, NEIU has received three other USDAbased grants throughout the history of the college of arts and sciences. Although the USDA Hispanic-
Serving Institutions Grant program granted those three, this is the first time NEIU has received a grant through the particular USDA Multicultural Scholars Program.
Continued on page 2
USDA cont.
Police Blotter
The following offenses occurred on NEIU’s main campus, El Centro and Carruther’s campuses between April 15 and May 19: Apr. 15 – C Building: There was an alarm system error that resulted in a false alarm. Apr. 18 – Parking Lot A: An employee accidentally damaged a parked vehicle while attempting to park. Apr. 21 – E Building: A university window was reported as broken. Apr. 22 – Ronald Williams Library: Police located a female student sleeping in the building. Apr. 22 – E Building: An unknown offender wrote graffiti in a bathroom. Apr. 27 – Ronald Williams Library: A laptop was reported as stolen. The offense is currently under investigation. Apr. 28 – NEIU: A student reported that her wallet was stolen from her purse while she was on campus grounds. Apr. 29 – Parking Lot D: A student reported that someone damaged her car. The offense is currently under investigation.
Campus map provided by NEIU May 2 – Parking Lot D: A student reported that someone damaged his car. The offense is currently investigation. May 4 – Lech Walesa Hall: An unknown offender wrote graffiti in a bathroom. May 5 – Lech Walesa Hall: A student misplaced her items and was unable to locate her property. May 5 – B Building: A student
reported that someone stole her bike tire. May 11 – Grounds Crew Shed: A contractor reported that someone stole his tools. May 12 – E Building/WZRD: A student was reported causing a disturbance inside of the station. May 19 – Bernard Brommel Hall: Facilities reported damage caused to a door.
The following offenses occurred on NEIU’s El Centro campus: Apr. 27 – A student reports that her car was hit by the car next to her. The following offenses occurred on NEIU’s CCICS campus: Apr. 27 – An unknown offender caused damage to a university wall.
“Right now the Earth Science Department has another USDA grant, the AGUA Project, that will fund 20 students to engage in summer research and paid internships over the next two summers,” Sanders said. Project recruitment will begin in the fall semester of 2016 with the first three grant recipients starting their work in the spring and summer semesters of 2017. The additional two recipients will be conferred the grant beginning in the spring 2017 and fall 2018 academic year. “We applied for the grant last August,” Sanders said. “We just last week got official notice that we are going to receive the funding. Our first task will be to establish the account and get everything set up on this end before we actually can receive and start using the funding.” A few of the criterion students will need to meet in order to get into the program are a strong GPA, an interest in furthering their undergraduate education and a career related to those within the USDA. According to Sanders, because NEIU is a HispanicServing Institution, this grant helps make it possible for the university to diversify the targeted workforce.
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TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2016
Dr. Evan Wolfson Tasked Graduates to ‘Pick Up the Baton’ Courtney Munson Students gathered at UIC Pavilion to celebrate the graduation of NEIU’s Spring 2016 class. With the lack of a budget looming over the 2016-17 academic year, keynote speaker Dr. Evan Wolfson struck an empowering note. As he was awarded an honorary doctoral degree from NEIU, Wolfson, the president of Freedom to Marry, led the charge in the fight for marriage equality. According to Slate.com, Wolfson launched a campaign that strategically targeted democratic states to work their way up to the Supreme Court decision that changed America. Wolfson explained how the LGBT community took their point of discrimination and changed popular opinion on it. He described marriage as the “preeminent language of love” and how his campaign changed the hearts, minds and the law on a national scale. He evoked the same spirit that won the battle for gay rights to send the graduates into the world. Pulling anecdotes from his fight for marriage equality, the award winning musical “Hamilton,” and other notable figures, Wolfson gave the graduates a blueprint and mission of how to change the world. “We the people can form a more perfect union. We can speak out and organize and work. We can help our sisters and brothers, our fellow citizens rise to the better angels of their nature. We can create and claim power, come together, and achieve democratic change,” he said. “And so through struggle and sacrifice
and stumbles, through many noisy battles, and millions of quiet conversations, through a winning combination of the Constitution’s human rights guarantees, a decades long movement, a strategy, a successful campaign.” The graduates listened as Wolfson told them, “There is nothing America needs more than a diverse community of students prepared for leadership and service in a dynamic multicultural world.” There was no illusion about the challenges that await the new leaders as they go into the world. “The promise of our Constitution, of our country, is something that we Americans of every generation in every century have always had to work for,” Wolfson stated. NEIU has provided their students with a unique education at the most diverse university in the Midwest. The world needs the skills that students have acquired. Wolfson quoted Senator Julian Castro’s statement that “the American Dream is not a sprint or even a marathon, but a relay. Our families don’t always cross the finish line in the span of one generation, but each generation passes on to the next the fruits of their labors.” According to slate.com, Wolfson helped a non-gay attorney representing a same-sex couple - who sued the state of Hawaii for marriage recognition - take the couple’s case to the state supreme court in 1996. He urged the new graduates to pick up the baton and carry on the fight for the true American Dream, civil rights and equality for all, as Wolfson quoted from the poet Richard Blanco, “Every story begins inside a story that is already begun by others.
A Common Agenda. A Common Purpose.
Every student deserves a voice.
Financial Aid Office
Financial Aid Office
Explore delays in processing payments Explore delays in processing payments Create better channels of communication Ensuringchannels student representation in decisions regarding financial aid Createbetter of communication Ensuring student representation in decisions regarding SGA Representation on the NEIU Faculty Senate (voting member) financial aid Input into campus life Provide student perspectives on decisions that affect them Student input into decisions on course cancellations
SGA Representation on the NEIU Faculty Senate (voting member)
Input into campus life and Cancellations Course Scheduling Provide student perspectives on decisions that affect them Surveying students’ needs for advising the administration Student input into decisions onincourse cancellations Ensuring student representation course scheduling discussions Working with faculty and advisors to inform them of student concerns
Course Scheduling and Cancellations
Greetings all, I am proud to have this opportunity to share a bit about CESA, our student organization with a mission to promote networking, personal and professional growth among NEIU counselor education students. CESA is a chapter of the Illinois Counseling Association and includes a chapter of Chi Sigma Iota honor society. I have had the honor of serving as CESA president for the past two years and watching our organization grow in response to students’ needs. NEIU trains school, family, mental health and rehabilitation counselors who go on to work in nonprofits and agencies across Chicagoland with underserved and vulnerable populations; and CESA supports the work of these students and alumni through our communications and events. CESA runs a peer mentor program which pairs new counseling students with final year students to provide support in navigating their first year. Collaboration has been a guiding principal in recent years as we have been able to partner with local professional organizations to offer campus trainings and workshops to students on various topics such as play therapy, expressive arts counseling, yoga and trauma counseling, and couples and family counseling. Two favorite events we provide each year are the fall internship panel which brings in both alumni and current internship students to talk with students currently searching for internships, and also the spring licensure workshop which provides information and answers questions as students get ready to apply for counseling licenses. In addition, CESA provides bimonthly newsletters written by and for students, holds monthly business meetings,
Surveying students’ needs for advising the administration Ensuring student representation in course scheduling discussions Working with faculty and advisors to inform them of student concerns
and has grown an active online presence with neiucesa.weebly.com and facebook. com/groups/NEIUCESA and our alumni LinkedIn Group. Information on meetings and events can be found on these sites. We encourage counseling students to get involved by attending meetings and events, authoring articles for our newsletter, serving as mentors and mentees, and providing their voice in shaping the organization. In the past year we have provided opportunities for students to volunteer, present at, and attend state and national professional association conferences, and hosted the national winning team of the American Counseling Association Ethics Competition. Involvement in CESA has been a defining force in my own personal and professional growth, and I invite other counselor education students to grab the opportunity to get involved and not only increase their professional presence, but make friendships and connections that will last for years to come. If you would like more information on CESA, please email neiucesa@gmail.com. Best, Leslie Contos, on behalf of Counselor Education Student Association (CESA)
NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION Minutes (Pending for Approval) Minutes (Pending for Approval) 8 , 2015 September May 11th, October 20,2016 2015 th
Call to Order at 3:08
Audience Participation and Announcements
Adjournment at 2:52
A.) Call to Order 3:17 A.) Call to Order at 3:17 B.)B.)Roll Call Roll Call B.) Roll Call 1. Executive Board Members: President Nick Martinez, Vice President Ricky 1. Executive Board Members: President Nick Martinez, Vice President Ricky 1. Executive Board Members: President Nick Martinez, Gutierrez, Secretary Yessica Garcia. Treasurer Max Caviness, Student Trustee Gutierrez, Secretary Yessica Garcia. Treasurer Max Caviness, Trustee Vice President Yessica Garcia, Secretary Jessica Alaniz,Student Treasurer Pedro Nungaray, IBHE-SAC Representative Emily Hosman Pedro Nungaray, IBHE-SAC Representative Emily Hosman Max Caviness, Student Trustee OliviaChristopher Clark 2. Senators: Anna Augustyn, Arnold Garcia, Vazquez, Edwin 2. Ramirez, Senators: Senator Anna Augustyn, Senator Arnold Senator Christopher 2. Senators: David Diaz, Gonzalo Duran, JoeGarcia, Gerber, Andre Herrera, Elizabeth Nieto, Laura Ayala, Lily Butler-Ludwig, Luis Arriola, Roger Vazquez, Senator Laura Ayala, Senator Edwin Ramirez, Senator Elizabeth Nieto, Elise McFadden, Aaron Schiffman, Doan Vo, Monica Zakariya Byrd, Thomas Montbriand and Tremayne Housto Senator Gonzalo Duran, Senator Lily Butler-Ludwig, Senator Luis Arriola, C.) Approval of Minutes Senator Melanie Betancourt, Senator Sharron Burrell, Senator Thomas Montbriad C.) Approval of Minutes 1. Minutes 9-22-15 and Senator • NoTremayne objectionsHouston to the approval of the Senate minutes on September Approval of2015. Agenda C.)D.) Approval of Minutes 22nd, 1. 2. Minutes Minutes8-15-15 10-6-15 1. Agenda • Approved • No05/11/2016 objections to the approval of the Senate minutes on October 6th, • Approved 2. Minutes 8-25-15 2015. D.) Approval of•Agenda Approved Executive Reports 1. Agenda 10-20-15 D.)E.) Approval of Agenda • No objections to the approval of the Senate agenda on October 20th, 1. Agenda 9-8-15 1. President 2015. • Approved • Announcement of March and Rally that will be held on E.) Executive ExecutiveReports Reports E.) May 18, 2016. Many unions will be involved and it will be Duetotospace spaceconstrictions, constrictions,this thisportion portionwas wasexerted. exerted.The Theofficial official minutes can 1. 1. Due held in Springfield. He asked for Senator to please minutes can be be found Student Government Associationcollegiate collegiatelink linkpage. page. found onon thethe Student Government promote the event via Association social media. F.) Audience Participation and Announcements F.) Old Business 1.Old Dr. Lopez G.)F.) New Business: Business • Discussed how university has Justice shifted gears and offers more to the Appoint an SGA 1. Senate Bill 16-20: AnonAct opportunities to the undocumented student G.) New• Business Senate Bill 16-20 passes with acclamation. population at NEIU. • Scholarship opportunities, programs, events, advisers and an 2. Senate Bill 16-21: An Act to Appoint an SGA Senator effortless application is now offered to the undocumented 1. Senate BillBill B17-003: Anprocess Act toacclamation. Appoint a Council of Clubs • Senate 16-21 passes with population at NEIU. Representative 3. Senate Bill 16-22: An Act to Request Financial Aid Review G.) Old Business • Tabled • Senate Bill 16-22 with acclamation. 1.2. Senate BillBill 16-29: A Billpasses to Appoint Bill of Rights Commission Senate B17-004: An Act toaAppoint a Council of Clubs H.) Senate Reports • Senate Bill 16-19 passes with acclamation. Representative 1. Business: Due to space constrictions, this portion was exerted. The official minutes can be H.) New • Passed Student collegiate linkofpage. found on the 1.3. Senate BillBill 16-30: AGovernment Bill to Establish Case Assessments Senate B17-005: An ActAssociation to Appoint a Council Club I.) AudienceRepresentative participation and announcements • Treasurer Max Caviness motion to table to move to next meeting 1. 1. Provost Senatorparticipation Ana Augustyn seconds the motion. • Passed • Provost Northeastern University will go through the I.) Senate Reports: 4. Senate Billstates B17-006: An Act Illinois to Change the Constitution process this in spring 2016. observations will take place • First Reading 1. Due toaccreditation space constrictions, portion wasClass exerted. The official minutes can picked at random will be asked how the NEIU be foundand on students the Student Government Association collegiate link page.values are Senate J.)H.) Adjournment atReports 4:15 in class. practiced J.) Adjournment at 3:31
Letters of Leadership: CESA
NORTHEASTERN Illinois University Student Government Association (SGA)
Get Social with the Independent Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief Rut Ortiz News Editor Steven Villa Production Editor Pablo Medina Opinions Editor Courtney Munson Sports Editor Spencer Jones Copy Editors Brett Starkopf Desiree Dylong Online Editor Christan Gralak Social Media Editor Robin Bridges
Independent Staff Production Staff Cecilia G. Hernandez Jason Merel Staff Writers Luis Badillo Hailey G. Boyle William Castro Marcus Mateo Joe McCaffrey Marketing Director Samantha Sandowski Payroll Manager Lina Botros
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The Independent Northeastern Illinois University Room E-049 5500 N. St Louis Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60625 773-442-4577 theneiuindependent@gmail.com neiuindependentadvertising@ gmail.com www.neiuindependent.org
twitter: @neiuindie instagram: @IndieNewsNEIU
Targeting Unmarried Mothers: Cavaletto and House Bill 6064
Robin Bridges Illinois Representative, John Cavaletto, surely has plans to financially support all the unmarried mothers in the state. That’s the only reason I can think of for why he would submit a bill making it near impossible to obtain a birth certificate for new children. What a standup guy! Let me break it down. House bill 6064 (HB6064), listed on the Illinois General Assembly website, is an amendment to Illinois vital records rules. Currently, the rules for obtaining vital records are generally as simple as filing a request and providing proof of identity. Very straight forward and from this point an individual would continue on with their life. A birth certificate is something that all citizens need in order to function in any official capacity, at least in Illinois. It is needed to enroll a child in most, if not all, head start programs and public schools. It is needed to get a state ID, driver’s license or job. It is even needed to apply for state benefits. State benefits include more than just Food Stamps, also known as Link or SNAP, and a Medical Card. It includes things like child care assistance, child support, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), unemployment insurance benefits and other subsidy programs that the state funds to help middle and low income families. Many of these programs cannot be applied for without a birth certificate or other citizenship ID for individuals.
Photo by Robin Bridges
to vital records procedures, but even in January of this year not one but two amendments to LINK and TANF. Both submitted on the same day, the amendments would essentially limit who can use these benefits and how. It is also worth noting that two of his seven proposals were for the investigation and defunding of Planned Parenthood. Proposals like these seem to be aimed at a certain group of people who are not a priority, even though they should be. Single mothers, families and individuals who rely on LINK and TANF, patients of Planned Parenthood clinics and others political code for poor women are the target of these and similar amendments. It makes me angry! This elected representative of the people who has served since 1971 has no idea what he’s doing. What’s the point of becoming a politician if you won’t help anyone? To get a paycheck while cutting funding for services intended for the poor? Perhaps
Children depend on their mothers for help, but who can mothers depend on when there’s no longer any assistance? Either case, the one who really Cavaletto’s proposed amendment, specifically targeting unmarried loses is of course the child. What women who give birth to live happens when that mother has to children, removes a provision in the reduce her hours in order to care for current law concerning the biological her newborn? Or worse gets fired because she isn’t performing to the father’s name on a birth certificate. If a mother cannot or refuses to name a father, and another member "What’s the point of becoming a politician if you of the family has not volunteered to be legally and more importantly won’t help anyone? To get a paycheck while cutaccept financial responsibility for ting funding for services intended for the poor?" the child, no birth certificate will be level that she used to before becoming Representative Cavaletto and others issued. In addition to withholding birth the sole provider for a small helpless like him plan to pool their paychecks certificates from U.S. citizens, the human being? Illinois is one state to buy groceries and pay medical amendment proposes that the mother that unfortunately does not require bills for the people stripped of these will be ineligible for financial aid from employers to even offer pregnancy or human services. the state for that child. The caveat family leave, let alone pay for it. Certainly, they could afford it. At least seven of Representative being that artificially inseminated Questions or opinions? mothers can obtain birth certificates, Cavaletto’s proposed bills have Follow us on but still must waive her rights to any involved the area of state financial aid. neiuindependent.org and let us know! Not only his most recent amendment financial aid support from the state.
Oregon to Nestle: Stop Sucking the U.S. Dry Courtney Munson When most people think of the negative impacts of the water bottling industry, they associate it with an image of billions of plastic bottles filling up landfills. But, that is only the half of it. What about the water that used to occupy those empty bottles? Ground-water pumping is a largely unspoken issue in America and globally, and according to the news source Common Dream, a town in Oregon won a small victory over an industry that is sucking America dry, literally. I think it’s time someone stood up to these companies who over-drain our resources, and tell citizens that it is good for us. “This is really a resounding victory for everyone who cares about protecting not only our water supply, but water supplies around the world,” said Aurora del Val with Local Water Alliance Much in the style of large corporations in America, beverage companies have been depleting our resource, commodifying it, and selling it to us as “bigger and better.” Companies that bottle water have somehow convinced us the water they pump from the ground is better than the
water municipalities pump from the ground, “despite the fact that almost all US tap water is better regulated and monitored than bottled,” according to a study done by the nonprofit Mother Jones. Aren’t businesses supposed to maximize efficiency? What is efficient about adding more cost and stages of production to an already great product? I don’t know about you, but what is greater than the substance that composes 73 percent of us? Under the label of Arrowhead, Nestle proposed to pump 100 million gallons of groundwater per year out of the Oxbow Springs, just outside Cascade Locks, Oregon. A report by the USGS outlined the effects that over pumping groundwater can have, including drying up wells, which generates more cost for citizens; reduction of water quality, because sea water can leach into the water supply when the barrier is weakened; land subsidence, which is the compression of soil which is lacking water causing sinkholes; and reduction of water supply in lakes and streams, which can affect wildlife and agriculture. In return for the untold damage that could be done to the environment near Cascade Locks, Nes-
Photo by Courtney Munson
The Independent is a public forum for the university and community around Northeastern Illinois University. The Independent is completely student run and receives no prior review of its content by anyone other than its student editors. The Independent is published every other week except during summer and semester breaks. Deadlines are eight (8) days prior to the issue in which a contribution is to appear. Views expressed in letters are those of the university community and not those of the Editorial Board. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the content of the Independent, and views presented do not neccessarily represent those of the administration, faculty or students. The Independent is a member of the Illinois College Press Association and Associated Collegiate Press.
facebook: neiu independent
The current environmental policies of the beverage industry do not fit with nature. tle offered 50 jobs at the new pumping plant to its citizens. The voters gave a loud “Heck No!” to their pathetic offer with a 69 percent to 31 percent passing of a ban on a seven year bidding campaign for the ability to establish a plant at Oxbow Springs. In my opinion this is voters sending a message about how they feel towards the undermining of our freshwater resources. Freshwater resources have to maintain a delicate balance of
withdrawal and replenishment, and the water bottling industry seems to think that it is somehow above that. The citizens of Cascade Lock have reminded them they are not. The beverage companies have done their damage and the people are not taking it anymore. Leave it to a town in Oregon to do the most natural thing possible, and get their water from the ground. Kudos to you Cascade Lock!
TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2016
Insults Stronger than Bullets
Pablo Medina
forts to counter Florida State Attorney Angela Corey and the anti-gun policy of Hillary Clinton. Separating from the polarizing views between law enforcement and the BLM group, one has to ask what the effect will be from such a small amount of money. I honestly think at this point no one should want anything to do with Zimmerman and the insensitive actions he is making these days. Normally whatever someone does with their belongings is out of my concern. If some guy wants to sell a discharged firearm that was used in the tragic death of a young black man, then I can’t say anything to go against it because it is his freedom to do so. However this is not normal in my eyes. Murder, hate speech, funding for the disestablishment and oppression of a social awareness group, these things are not what a normal person does. They are what a cold, ignorant and selfish person like Zimmerman does. I have enough right to freely chastise Zimmerman and the gun auctioneers for seeing no moral objection in this apathetic gesture to Americans. A man who cowardly follows individuals, looking to incite violence where it’s not necessary, proudly touts his tools of destruction when he rises from a battle. It is truly a barbaric and stupid gesture.
Photo by DonkeyHotey via Flickr
It’s one thing to kill a person, but it’s another to sell the weapon used to murder that person in the public domain. According to the Associated Press, the auction for George Zimmerman’s weapon had been moved to the website United Gun Group after GunBroker.com took the original auction down from May 12. In a comical form of resistance, the auction has been tampered with by fake bidders inflating the sale to $65 million, through the efforts of users such as “Racist McShootface,” “Donald Trump” and “Tamir Rice”. As of May 17, the auction has raised to $124,300, with the option to purchase the weapon immediately for $500,000. It’s difficult to break away from a troubled past, but this auction makes it clear that Zimmerman is bringing the negative reception all by himself, separate from the input of others. What else do you expect from the same person that painted a Confederate flag with the caption “The 2nd protects our 1st”, and dedicated his work to a Florida gun shop owner that banned Muslims from entering the owner’s business? In his auction entries for the two websites, Zimmerman placed the same description of the weapon: “I am honored and humbled to
announce the sale of an American firearm icon,” the websites said. “The firearm for sale is the firearm that was used to defend my life and end the brutal attack from Trayvon Martin on 2/26/2012.” The first part of the post is perhaps the most disturbing to me. What’s so honorable, humble and American about it? The fact that it’s been broken in by having killed a human target or that his Kel-Tec PF-9 pistol was made by a Swedish firearms designer? Either way, he clearly shows no remorse for his action, because he is “honored and humbled” to be selling this deadly weapon. A lot goes through my mind figuring out why life has brought this event into reality. It’s very perplexing to me that anyone would find intrinsic value behind weapons of destruction, especially those that have claimed lives. Should it get sold? I would ask the buyer of the handgun what would compel them to purchase it, and what that person does in their free time when they aren’t funding a killer’s charity towards ending Black Lives Matter (BLM). Yes, the Associated Press reported that the money that this gun would be sold for will be handled by Zimmerman and put towards paying for officers subject to violence from Black Lives Matter. In addition, money raised will fund ef-
George Zimmerman: Is this the new face of the American Spirit?
Golden Perspectives: Voices of NEIU
Courtney Munson: ‘What is campus like during the summer semester?’
Student Worker
Last summer I was in a different (department), so I didn’t see a lot of students. I’m new to the Pedroso Center, so I don’t really know how it’s going to be. I got to see a lot of new students last summer for orientation. It’s a lot more relaxed, and we have more time to plan for the fall. It’s more relaxed, but also more lonely and quiet. There’s a lot less services available.
RayQuan Agnew Student Worker
Hot! Pretty cool, it’s about the same, but slower. I do wish the cafeteria was open though. It’s just a lot more chill.
Cecilia Hernandez
Vladimir Fernandez
Independent Production Staff
Student Worker
Coordinator of Advising
As far as I can tell, campus is like a ghost town. Occassionally, I would see some of my friends scattered throughout NEIU, but it doesn’t compare to the Fall and Spring semesters. The vibe of NEIU is more passive during the summer.
There’s a more relaxed feel. It’s not as rushed, but classes can be stressful since there isn’t as much time.
For advising, it may be a little more hectic as we are dealing with First-year and Transfer Student orientation. We are literally here from the day after New Year’s Day to the day before Christmas Eve. We are one of the few offices that did not reduce hours due to the lack of budget. So, it’s really awesome that these professional services are here for students.
Photos by Courtney Munson
Angelica Hernandez
Sports Chicago is MLB's Most Valuable City Joe McCaffrey Compared to New York City and Los Angeles, Chicago doesn't come in first in a lot of city-based statistics. This year Chicago is the MVC for the MLB. There is no more valuable city to baseball this season than our very own 312. These crosstown rivals are generating headlines across the nation for their hot starts. While it is fun to celebrate the early success, and they get to keep these early wins for the rest of the season, let's take a closer look at some of the stats to see who has a better chance of keeping it up the rest of the way. Wins Above Replacement (WAR) is a stat that tries to sum up a player's all around value in one number. It determines how many more wins a player is worth than any other easily replaceable mediocre player. WAR is an important stat because it combines all of the skills on a baseball field into one number. Winning might not be the only thing, but when it comes to sports it’s the most important thing, and WAR is the total number of wins a player has brought to his team. Fielding Independent Pitching (FIP) "measures what a player's ERA would look like over a given period of time if the pitcher were to have experienced league average results on balls in play and league average timing," according to Fangraphs.com. Winning PercentageChicago Cubs: .750 (1stin MLB)Chicago White Sox: .632 (Tied for 3rd in MLB with Red Sox)Edge: Cubs Runs Scored Per Game Chicago Cubs: 5.94 (2nd in MLB) Chicago White Sox: 4.42 (12th in MLB)
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia
Seats at U.S. Cellular will be filled for this year's crosstown rivalry.
The re-signing of Dexter Fowler has proven to be a huge coup for the Cubs. Not only does he have one of the cutest kids in the league, but he's arguably the league's best outfielder. Currently he's tied with Mike Trout for 2.5 WAR level players, .5 ahead of Bryce Harper's 2.0 WAR. It's hard to believe Fowler will stay this good, but he doesn't have to. Dexter Fowler being on the same level as Mike Trout and Bryce Harper is impressive because Trout and Harper are the best players in baseball and were expected to be this good, Dexter Fowler was not. LaStella and Sczur are hitting a little over their heads at the moment, but I suspect the rest of the crew to keep up the good work. I wouldn't be surprised to see Jason Heyward and Jorge Soler heat up when the weather does. Brett Lawrie and Todd Frazier are providing the Pale Hose with some immediate impact in their initial season at the Cell. I think
everyone is capable of keeping up this performance. Lawrie was a topflight prospect once upon a time and I think Frazier's offense will actually improve as the summer rolls along. Edge: Cubs Runs Allowed Per Game Chicago Cubs: 2.92 (#1 in MLB) Chicago White Sox: 3.42 (#4 in MLB) This I find to be a very important category, because even though I love watching offense, batting is hard and even the best hitters slump, but defense doesn't slump. Kris Bryant should start modeling gloves for Express for Men, because he's been flashing the leather like a stud this year. The Southsiders have been unspectacular on defense this year, save for the play of the extraordinary Adam Eaton, who has outplayed his Northside counterpart Heyward, the reigning NL Gold Glove winner.
Edge: Cubs. Pitching Something else that doesn't tend to slump as much as hitting is pitching. The excellent defense displayed by the Cubs early on suggests that they will help keep their pitchers in games, keep games close, and this should prevent prolonged losing streaks. It's encouraging for Cub fans that every major pitcher's FIP is below 3.50, suggesting that their great results aren't based on luck. As highly as I think of Jake Arrieta, and I think he's the best there is, Chris Sale and Jose Quintana have actually out-pitched him this season. The problem is that after you get past Sale and Quintana, the rest of the starting staff has been rather pedestrian. As for Chris Sale’s historic start? He has been incredible, but he trails Jake Arrieta in ERA (Earned Run Average, how many runs a pitcher allows per nine Innings Pitched),
he trails 14 other pitchers including Arrieta and teammate Jose Quintana in FIP, he trails 10 pitchers including Arrieta in strikeouts, and he has yet to test if his arm and his throwing motion can make it through a full season plus a postseason run without injury. Chris Sale is one of the very best pitchers in baseball, and maybe the best pitcher in the American League, but he’s not the best pitcher in Chicago yet. That’s no knock on Sale, that’s just how special Jake Arrieta is, and that’s how spoiled we are to be baseball fans living in this great city right now. Latos is lucky to have an ERA under 4 right now, so Sox fans should brace for a course correction there. I don't think it's all doom and gloom, however, as I have high hopes for Carlos Rodon's potential once he can improve his control & command. Both teams have solid bullpens, and we could have Arrieta Vs Sale to start the All-Star game this season, but the White Sox are more top-heavy and less balanced than the Cubs in their rotation. Edge: Cubs. Run Differential Total number of runs scored by a team in all games, minus the total number of runs scored by the team's opponent in all games. Chicago Cubs: +109 (#1 in MLB by 50 Runs) Chicago White Sox: +38 (#4 in MLB) Edge: Cubs Right now, the White Sox are one of the best teams in baseball, and that is great for Chicago. The Chicago Cubs are looking like one of the best teams in history, and that is great for baseball. *(Statistics collected from Fangraphs.com on 5/17/2016)
NFL Predictions: NFC North - Part 1 of 4 Christian Gralak
Fackrell and Blake Martinez who will provide a healthy boost to the position. Minnesota Vikings: 13-3 The Vikings will still find their way back to the playoffs this year as quarterback Teddy Bridgewater has a new weapon to play with in Laquon Treadwell, their first round pick (23rd overall) . Treadwell was the fourth wide receiver selected in the draft but could be the best one out of all the others to be selected due to his large size. The 6-foot-2 receiver caught 202 passes for 2,393 yards and 21 touchdowns in three years at Ole Miss. He’ll be able to grab balls out of the air due to his large size and not have to rely on separation having only average speed. The Vikings offensive line will also be better with the return of Phil Loadholt and John Sullivan. Both were out last year due to injuries: Loadholt (achilles) and Sullivan (back).
Graphic by Spencer Jones
The return of the NFL gets closer and closer every day. With the preseason beginning in August and the regular season starting up in September, teams have been boosting their rosters to increase the odds of winning the Super Bowl. The NFC North was surprisingly claimed by the Minnesota Vikings last season rather than the Green Bay Packers, which shows there is bound to be competition for the top spot yet again this year. As for the Chicago Bears and Detroit Lions, their hopes of climbing to the top should be an uphill battle as they try to patch the holes that cost them wins last season. Here are my predictions for the 2016 NFL season. Green Bay Packers: 14-2 The Packers have arguably the best quarterback in the league in
Aaron Rodgers who threw for 31 touchdowns and 3,821 yards last season. If he stays healthy in 2016, he’ll be back throwing 40 touchdowns and over 4,000 yards. Running back Eddie Lacy has also taken up a whole new slimmed-down look after averaging 4.1 yards per carry last season and being called out by head coach Mike McCarthy. NFL reporter Albert Breer told NFL Network’s NFL HQ, "I know the people around Eddie Lacy really feel like the Packers are going to be happy." The new muscle he’s added will help his endurance and his ability to avoid tackles. Jody Nelson will also be returning after missing last season with a knee injury.His return should solidify an offense that just didn’t produce as planned with his absence in 2015. The Packers also did well in the draft, taking many defensive players including linebackers Kyler
The NFC North looks to be one of the most competitive divisions this upcoming season. Follow our four part power rankings leading up to the season.
The additions of Alex Boone and Andre Smith will also bolster the offensive line so Bridgewater should be able to find more comfort in throwing and running back Adrian Peterson will find more holes and running lanes to score.
Chicago Bears: 10-6 Maybe I’m being too generous, but I believe the Chicago Bears are trending in the right direction after their draft. Continued on page 7
TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2016
Selling Out: NBA Adds Ads Spencer Jones
spaghetti, and chili three-ways, four-ways and five-ways. It’s safe to say that the people love their chili over in Cleveland. What other company would look fitting on a Cavaliers jersey at this point then Hormel’s Chili? The Hormel brand features five plus canned chili flavors that are sure to sell. The wide selection mirrors the team that has been assembled by general manager Dan Gilbert. They have two of the top five most efficient lineups in the playoffs this year. Hormel Chili could be to the Cavs what Campbell’s soup is to the NFL. Charlotte Hornets – Jordan Brand This is definitely a Michael Jordanesque kind of move. Nike has signed an apparel deal with the NBA that starts at the beginning of the 2017-2018 season. This is the same season that the NBA’s three-year ad pilot program begins. Jordan, being the influential legend that he is, could ditch the swoosh and have his Hornets rocking the Jumpman. Los Angeles Lakers – Snapchat Snapchat and Lakers Rookie D’Angelo Russell already have a bond that hasn’t gone unnoticed. Back in March,the young guard was in the midst of an immature scandal for secretly recording teammate Nick Young admit to cheating on his fiancé. Looking at the style of play from this Lakers team you would also see that their competitive
Space Jam(es) 2 Marcus Mateo They announced a sequel to Space Jam! Huh? Yeah, I’m not so sure that anybody was actually clamoring for part two. Kids nowadays would scarcely recognize Michael Jordan or even the Looney Tunes. The people who do remember the first movie are grown and probably not interested in watching a cartoon (unless of course they have kids). Nevertheless, the potential of this sequel is actually very exciting. Given the advances in CGI and technology, I’m quite interested in seeing the artistic approach they decide to take with the film. There’s a plethora of ways to integrate cartoons with real life, and it’d be cool to see the Looney Tunes updated for the 21st century. The man pegged to direct the movie is Justin Lin. He directed his first movie “Better Luck Tomorrow,” which premiered at Sundance Film Festival in 2002. Since then he has gone on to direct several films in “The Fast and the Furious” movie franchise, and is also spearheading the upcoming “Star Trek Beyond.”
Photo Edit by Spencer Jones
The rumors are true. LeBron James has been cast as the next athlete to team up with Bugs Bunny to save the world from an alien invasion.
Lin is known for his great action sequences in his movies. I’m a big fan of his style, and would like to see his twist on this franchise. The real reason this movie is being made is Lebron James. James has always had a likeable persona. Aside from one glaringly bad “decision,” Lebron has always been a hit amongst fans and peers alike. I mean, he has already been puppetized by Nike and it was a big hit! Let’s face it, Lebron has
infinitely more charisma than Jordan ever had. He has the right personality for something like this, and he held his own on screen in the movie "Trainwreck." I don’t think anyone was asking for a part two. Watching Lebron rough it up with the Monstars or seeing him goofing around with Bugs might be worth bringing out the inner child. The icing on the cake would be if R. Kelly were asked to come back for the soundtrack. “I Believe I Can Fly 2,” anyone?
Photo Edit by Spencer Jones
The Philadelphia 76ers have been tagged as the first NBA team to sell ad space on their jersey’s. Starting in the 2017-2018 season, the Sixers along with the other 29 teams will start their three-year ad pilot program. Though most fans are against this, because of how atrocious the ads are on WNBA, MLS and NASCAR uniforms, the NBA is limiting the size of them. Actually, few noticed that the 2016 Toronto All-Star game jerseys featured an ad from KIA. Though teams still have time to decide on who gets commercial space on their uniforms, it’s never too early to imagine. Chicago Bulls – Giordano’s Back in the 90s the Chicago Bulls and New York Knicks had one of the most memorable rivalries. Now, the only competition that these cities have is their pizza. It’s Deep Dish versus a stone-baked Neapolitan crust that’s sliced in large slices. The Bulls have the upper hand because of places around the city that have mastered the art of the deep dish like Giordano’s. Giordano’s has been a staple to the city of Chicago for over 200 years and Bulls point guard Derrick Rose is a minority owner of the company. Fans can only dream of the tradition of the Bulls scoring over 100 points and instead of getting a free Big Mac, they get a free slice of Giordano’s.
San Antonio Spurs – Rogaine/ Just for Men Age is nothing but a number for the San Antonio Spurs. The players on their roster have no intentions of being the most fashionable in the league either. Rogaine or Just for Men could benefit from buying ad space with this team. Tim Duncan is starting to look like the his days in the league are numbered and Manu Ginobili's hairline is forming into a peninsula with scattered islands. Golden State Warriors – FIJI Water Recognized as the Splash Brothers, Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson have been the best shooters this league has seen in a while. Each shot that they put up is nothing but net, and sometimes you can even hear “the splash” sound as their shot goes in. The bay area could benefit from having FIJI pick up ad space on their jerseys. FIJI water is marketed as the purest bottled natural artesian water. If FIJI water were to take the form of a person, it would definitely be Stephen Curry. Cleveland Cavaliers – Hormel Chili I’ve been to Cleveland and after snapping pictures of Quicken Loans Arena my sentiments echoed that of a young Joakim Noah: “What’s so special about Cleveland?” A lot of old factories and abandoned buildings, but they had amazing chili. They had chili lasagna, chili
Are ads a good thing for the NBA to add to their jerseys?
nature lasted as long as a Snapchat video: 10 seconds. This team got lost in Kobe Bryant’s farewell tour, but things would’ve been a lot better for fans to have a Snapchat view from the bench of Kobe jacking up shot after shot. Milwaukee Bucks – Huggies The Milwaukee Bucks are ranked as the youngest team in the league (24.1 average age) according
to NBA.com. Though they have a nice nucleus in Jabari Parker, Giannis Antetokounmpo and Kris Middleton, their inexperience and lack of veteran leadership was exposed throughout the season. Huggies would be a good fit for these young Bucks. They’re supportive and could ease the messy plays that the team tries to run. Plus Jason Kidd does look like a giant baby.
NFL Predictions Cont. The Bears showed promise in John Fox’s first year as head coach and should continue that progression into the 2016 season. The additions of Jerrell Freeman and Danny Trevathan will be a refreshing lift to the linebacker positions and first-round pick Leonard Floyd who was arguably one of the best edge rushers in draft. Bobby Massie and Cody Whitehair will provide a boost to the offensive line, which also allows Kyle Long to move back over to his original position at right guard from right tackle. The Bears will also be getting rookie Kevin White back who missed last season with a fractured lower shin. Jay Cutler should have fun with both White and Alshon Jeffery to throw to. The downside for the Bears is the loss of running back Matt Forte. Jeremy Langford will have a lot of slack to pick up in Forte’s absence and will have to average more than 3.6 yards per carry if he’s going to be effective. That includes less drops in the pass game after he missed eight of 42 passes in 2015.
Detroit Lions: 8-8 The big loss for the Detroit Lions was the decision for Calvin Johnson to retire. In response to the decision, Detroit signed top free agent Marvin Jones from the Cincinnati Bengals to a 5-year, $40 million deal. Jones isn’t likely to replicate the same numbers Megatron produced, but should still be an excellent addition to Matthew Stafford’s arsenal along with Golden Tate. The Lions also took offensive tackle Taylor Decker with their first round pick and center Graham Glasgow in the third round. Decker will likely be playing right or left tackle and Glasgow will be competing against Travis Swanson for the job at center. Swanson didn’t perform very well last year so Glasgow may very well overtake the position. The Lions have a tough starting schedule to begin the year with three of their first four games on the road so it will be important for them to get off to a positive start. If they can do that, their season should be an improvement from last year's.
Arts &Life
From Black Lives Matter to Black Liberation
Robin Bridges
Dr. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor is not your ordinary graduate or alumna. Activist, professor, author and mom, she does it all. The Princeton Associate Professor and NEIU graduate, class of ‘07, often gives lectures and speeches on her work in African American studies, black politics, housing inequality and issues of race and class. She has written for publications such as “Al Jazeera America,” “The Guardian,” “In These Times" along with many others. She has done work with victims’ families of police violence and the families of death-row inmates across the country. So it’s no surprise when her April book signing at the Chicago Cultural Center was packed and late arrivals were turned away. More than 600 people listened to her speak with passion and emotion both her journey in her newest book, “From #Black Lives Matter to Black Liberation,” and other global issues. Her voice echoed off the tiffany glass dome and brought a different
Photo courtesy of Haymarket Books
light to a usually sad topic. Discussion of the issues facing black people is very rarely seen as something other than stirring up trouble or depressing. The issues faced by black Americans are nothing short of overwhelming. How can a topic with so many factors and so few available solutions be anything other than overwhelming? “It's hard to believe eight years ago when Obama became president of the United States, pundits and politicians alike dared to suggest that the United States had entered into a post
racial era,” Taylor explained. “How ironic then that in the last 19 months of Obama's presidency we have witnessed the birth of a black social movement (#blacklivesmatter) and the revival of radical black politics.” She remarked on the emergence of female leadership in the newest formation of this movement in civil rights and liberation. “We really have to grasp the war that has happened against black men in this country but also recognizing, if you’re a black woman who has black men in your life,” Taylor said.
“It's hard to be a black woman in the country and not know a black male who has not been arrested, has not been incarcerated.” Taylor detailed the crucial role women have always played in the movement that is now moving from behind the scenes to the forefront. The true task is recognizing the difference between a generation gap and opportunists adopting causes to suit their agenda. There is a disconnected nature between #blacklivesmatter and the original Civil Rights Movement in the ‘60s. Sometimes, it's
best to embrace the generation gap. “Young people who don't have all the burdens and the weight of failures from the past of what can happen when you organize for a long time unsuccessfully…successfully and start to perhaps become more conservative about what you can do,” she explained. “We all have a stake in doing something different.” When asked what she would want her son to take away from her book when he, hopefully, one day reads it, Taylor said: “To me the book is all about the resilient struggle of black people. That to me is the heart of my book. It is that all of these things are happening but it's the black movement… the struggle of black people against racism and oppression in this country that has the ability to transform all of politics in this country. To me it's inspiring. It's not pessimistic. It's a source of inspiration. It's the reason why we continued to organize and to fight even when it seems so hard (and) so difficult. And ‘When will we win?’ ‘Will we win?’ We don’t know and it doesn’t matter if we know. Because it's the struggle itself.”
Clash Royale Review: A King's Ransom Luis Badillo
Comic's Corner
If you've played “Clash of Clans,” you'll see many of the same characters such as barbarians, goblins, witches and a whole slew of other fantasy staples in Supercell’s new mobile game “Clash Royale.” Only this time, the developers have put forward a deep strategy game for smartphones. It's the same charming aesthetic as before, but instead of focusing on building structures to defend, the game focuses more on the offensive play. In “Clash Royale,” players go head to head into the field of battle to destroy enemy towers by spawning units on their halves of a field divided by a river. These units then autonomously march towards either a left or right enemy tower. Spawning units also eats away at an elixir meter that slowly refills as the battle endures.
Learning each unit's autonomous behavior becomes the key to winning. Giants, durable units that attack only buildings, can easily be countered by a swarm of skeleton, fast weak units that are cheap in elixir cost. Those skeletons can then be countered by a Valkyrie, who specializes in swinging her giant ax to attack multiple units at once. The attack-response pattern ends up defining the rhythm of the game, and each opponent's mission is to push through enough to destroy their enemy's three towers. When an opponent's attack breaks through, you feel a real sense of panic as your units explode into a puddle of goo, and the enemy units standing in it are pummeling your towers. Likewise, overcoming that attack and seeing your opponent's towers crumble in a fiery explosion grants a sense of satisfaction few other mobile games can match. “Clash Royale” resembles an
intricate strategy game at its core. Matches with players can be intense and frantic experiences may occur. Wins feel like earned rewards for good decision making while losses feel like opportunities to learn from. Well, at least most of the time. Instead of all units operating on a level playing field, players are able to upgrade their cards over the course of the game. These upgrades happen when players earn cards found in chests that are obtained after winning matches – and they can't be opened immediately, either. The most common chest gets set on a three hour timer before it unlocks, while the rarest one takes an entire day. But, if you want to open them faster, you can pay in Gems, a premium currency that can be bought with real money. This inevitably leads to a frustrating obstacle, as the game is constantly ranking you as a player. Instead of hitting a skill-wall of
players that are better opponents than you, prepare to encounter players with better units than you. Though by virtue of playing the game every day, you can eventually get those leveled-up units, but this will likely agitate anyone who wants to take the game a bit more seriously than the average player. The reason that level up system is so annoying is that there is a genuinely enjoyable and thoughtful game built around it. Building up the perfect deck of units and constantly tweaking that to progress is fun. Plus the game has interesting social integration that allows players to share their coolest matches, or view top level players and see how they play. But, ultimately the free-to-play realities of this game may turn off certain players who don't want to pay to progress. But, if you can stomach those realities, “Clash Royale” is at least worth a download.
Photo by Luis Badillo
The field can often be a frantic barrage of magic spells, flying arrows and explosions.
TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2016
Recording Bach:
Quinta Essential Jewel Box Pablo Medina I never hear enough recorder in my life. The same is most likely true for many people, even in kindergarten and music appreciation classes. The Quinta Essentia Quartet from Brazil made that statement truer with their strong performance on May 20. Presenting Johann Sebastian Bach’s “The Art of Fugue,” the four performers demonstrated technical skill with the distinct style of Bach’s Baroque sound – all on recorder. The group, consisting of members Gustavo de Francisco, Renata Pereira, Felipe Araújo and Fernanda de Castro, is a leading chamber music ensemble, representing the diverse repertoire of recorder through Europe and South America. The group formed in April 2006, making this year their tenth anniversary. “Quinta Essentia is the five elements, which is us, the four performers, and the recorder,” de Francisco stated. Equipped with around 12 recorders of different voices, the group performed a historically accurate interpretation of Bach’s incomplete work, written close to the time of his death. “We change between three consorts of instruments when we
Photo by Pablo Medina
(Left to right) Renata Pereira, Gustavo de Francisco, Fernanda de Castro, and Feilpe Araujo.
travel,” de Francisco stated. “Right now we are using the Baroque consort, but we have a Renaissance and modern concert as well.” Though only four voices are present in the composition, the group interchanged between soprano, alto, tenor and bass recorders of
varying shapes and sizes. “As performers, we are always trying to cross our limits through our instruments and abilities,” de Francisco stated. “We have a saying in Portuguese for things we like doing, We say, ‘if you like the meat, you’ll like the bones.’ If you
do something you love, then you’ll appreciate everything about it.” Once all members played together, it created a sound unmatched by anything I’ve heard before. It was music of the heavens, and the quartet was the angelic ensemble playing at the gates.
Even with the opening subject playing each time, every contrapunctus section felt new, like a composer toying with a familiar sound and adding awesome nuances, each one different in flow, rhythm and ornamentation. In the program’s second half, the group demonstrates the oddities of Bach’s composition of the piece with five more contrapuncti, such as the inversion of voices and the incorporation of two fugues playing at the same time. In addition, the 12th and 13th contrapuncti were played forward and inverted. It’s even more amazing considering that the performers played by memory, like true musicians. The ethereal sound from their performances complimented the piece very well, which has no set instrumentation by Bach. It left a very remarkable impression for me, and it sparked my interest to discover more pieces that utilize the sweet sonorous tone of the recorder. Right after the applause for the quartet’s compelling concert, the four members emerged for a surprise encore: a Brazilian pop tune, complete with hip-shaking rhythm and sweet flute-like expression. Quinta Essentia is a group that knows when to have fun and go past the limit.
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TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2016
Student Speaker: 'Share Knowledge, Give Back' William Castro Nina Page has led a very busy life. She not only has a full-time job as an area manager for a social service agency but she is also a single parent to her son, Vince. Page enrolled herself into college in 2012, not just for a college degree, but as a way to better her community. Page was chosen by the NEIU faculty to be the student speaker at spring commencement. It becomes readily apparent why she was chosen as Provost Helldobler introduced her onto the stage. Page has over 20 years of experience in aiding her community. These experiences range from caring for those with profound disabilities to holding parenting classes for pregnant women with drug addictions. Suffice to say, she is a completely altruistic person. “Providing direct services for over 10,000 adults, seniors, and youth in Chicago she will continue to work with this population after she receives her college degree because this is her passion and life work,” Helldobler said as the crowd began to cheer for Page, who made her way to the podium. Page started her speech by thanking those who supported her throughout her journey. She thanked her family, friends, professors and advisors – even the program in which she participated. She was the first person in her
Nina Page shares her incredible story.
family to get a college degree. According to her, it was the Nontraditional Degree Program that made it possible for her to achieve her goal. “The program was an educational lifeline. It was designed for students like myself, who work full time, are a single parent, and may be just a bit older than the traditional student. It afforded me the
flexibility to attend classes in the evening while working 40 plus hours a week,” she said. Page persevered through college. One of the major hurdles she faced was using D2L. D2L is an online platform from which homework is assigned and turned in. It was such a source of frustration for her she almost quit school.
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Photo by Joe Davis
Yet, she stuck with it and received an “A” in the D2L heavy class. She was so content with her budding college education that she wanted to share everything she had learned. As an area manager, Page looks over two teams of case managers. Page would hold mini lessons for her two teams based on what she learned the day prior
at school. A pop quiz would ensue and whoever passed would get the day off. “They started looking forward to me sharing the knowledge I was obtaining from NEIU,” she said. Page then recounts breaking down into tears when she picked up her cap and gown, “I started crying, I couldn’t believe I was going to graduate.” Her motivation for making it this far was to give back to her community. “I feel so grateful in being able to make a difference in people’s lives. I will use my degree to continue working with families in the inner city neighborhoods of Chicago. Because we need to see positive changes in the world. That lift people up and gives them hope for a better life,” Page said. She ended her speech by addressing the graduating class: “My fellow graduates we are to take what we learned from our professors and classmates and work to change what is wrong in our world. Whether it’s working with inner city families like myself or whatever your passion may be. “Also be that example and inspiration to accept everyone for who they are regardless of the skin they’re in. “Remember that the diversity of students and staff is a reflection of what awaits us in this great big world.”
Join The
GIANT club sandwiches
All of my sandwiches are 8 inches of homemade French bread, fresh veggies and the finest meats & cheese I can buy! We slice everything fresh daily in this store! It tastes better that way!
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Any Sub minus the veggies and sauce
Real wood smoked ham and provolone cheese, lettuce, tomato & mayo. (The original)
Low Carb Lettuce Wrap ®
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Same ingredients and price of the sub or club without the bread.
Medium rare choice roast beef, mayo, lettuce & tomato. Fresh housemade tuna, mixed with celery, onions, and our tasty sauce, sliced cucumber, lettuce & tomato. (My tuna rocks! Sprouts* optional) Fresh sliced turkey breast, lettuce, tomato & mayo. The original (Sprouts* optional)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Ham & cheese Roast beef Tuna salad Turkey breast Salami, capicola, cheese Double provolone
The original Italian sub with genoa salami, provolone, capicola, onion, lettuce, tomato, & a real tasty Italian vinaigrette. (Hot peppers by request)
Layers of provolone cheese separated by real avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato & mayo. (Truly a gourmet sub not for vegetarians only, Sprouts* optional) Bacon, lettuce, tomato & mayo! (My B.L.T. rocks)
or th ig e JJ ina ’S l
★ sides ★
★ Chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin cookie ★ Extra load of meat ★ Extra cheese or extra avocado spread
freebies (subs & clubs only)
Onion, lettuce, tomato, mayo, sliced cucumber, hot peppers, dijon, Jimmy Mustard, yellow mustard, oil & vinegar, oregano, sprouts*
1/4 pound of real wood smoked ham, provolone cheese, lettuce, tomato & mayo!
Choice roast beef, smoked ham, provolone cheese, Dijon mustard, lettuce, tomato & mayo.
Genoa salami, Italian capicola, smoked ham, and provolone cheese all topped with lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo & our homemade Italian vinaigrette. (Order it with hot peppers)
A full 1/4 pound of medium rare roast beef, provolone, lettuce, tomato & mayo.
Sprouts* optional Fresh baked turkey breast, provolone cheese, avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato and mayo!
The original gutbuhstuh! Genoa salami, sliced smoked ham, capicola, roast beef, turkey & provolone, jammed into one of our homemade French buns, then smothered with onions, mayo, lettuce, tomato & our homemade Italian vinaigrette.
know Any of these
#13 GOURMET VEGGIE CLUB® Double provolone, real avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato & mayo. (Try it on my 7-grain whole wheat bread. This veggie sandwich is really yummy! Sprouts* optional)
Roast beef, turkey breast, lettuce, tomato & mayo. An American classic!
if you
Sliced turkey breast, real wood smoked ham, provolone, and tons of lettuce, tomato & mayo! (A very traditional, yet always exceptional classic!)
★ Soda Pop ★ Real potato chips or jumbo kosher dill pickle
The same as our #3 Totally Tuna except this one has a lot more. Housemade tuna salad, provolone, sliced cucumber, lettuce & tomato. (Sprouts* optional)
Sliced turkey breast, bacon, lettuce, tomato & mayo. (JJ's original turkey & bacon club)
#17 ULTIMATE PORKER™ Real wood smoked ham and bacon with lettuce, tomato & mayo! (This one rocks!)
icons. We're Looking for our next Social Media Editor. It could be YOU! Contact us: TheNEIUIndependent @gmail.com - OR Stop by E-049 (below Follett's Bookstore, around the corner of the Student Lounge)
slim slim slim slim slim slim
My club sandwiches have twice the meat or cheese, try it on my fresh baked thick sliced 7-grain bread or my famous homemade French bread! Tell us when you order!
TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2016
Brother Against Brother: When Heroes Clash Rut Ortiz Captain America was thrown down an elevator shaft like a human paper ball down a life-sized metal wastebasket. The newest installment of Marvel’s Cinematic Universe is “Captain America: Civil War.” This is a film wherein heroes you know and have gotten to love over eight years come together and then eventually split up, practically down the middle, when faced with a decision that renders them at complete odds with one another. The premise of the story is not just of a disagreement between the Marvel characters but the insatiable havoc that the lust of vengeance reaps. Steve Rogers/Captain America (Chris Evans) and Tony Stark/ Ironman (Robert Downey Jr.) have to come to terms with the damage the Avengers have done in past. Once frenemies who eventually became friends, are down each other’s throats and throwing their massively destructive punches at each other again.
Photo by Lemilio775 via Wikimedia Commons
Nothing civil about this war.
Not to worry, there are plenty of bloody noses to go around. Why? The third point to this triangle is the presence of Buckey Barnes also known as the Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan). The Avengers are being targeted from all sides and Captain America has to choose between his new crimefighting ally and friend in Stark and his childhood friend and occasional enemy in Barnes.
The final battle between the three is emotionally charged, well choreographed and hits you right in the heart. It’s one moment out of the entire movie that stands out. This is in addition to the introduction of new characters like King T’Challa/Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman) and Peter Parker AKA Spider-man (Tom Holland.) Black Panther showed up in
a black cat suit. And while a joke was made within the movie by Sam Wilson/Falcon (Anthony Mackie), I thought to myself, “Who said the whole cat role was meant solely for women?” Apparently, it’s not. Black Panther proves it by kicking serious ass in his feline frock. Viewers not familiar with the comics or cartoons may wonder why the hell is Spider-Man in the
movie? The answer to this is simple: you’ll have to watch the movie to find out. Although this film has more than enough action, as with most action flicks I thought it lacked depth. The actors chosen are nearly spot-on for their roles, obviously some playing their roles for longer periods of time than others, but it wasn’t the talent that’s causing this film to get three and half stars instead of five. With it’s cool quips and funny jokes made every now and then, there is a certain something about this movie that was missing or perhaps I simply didn’t want it to end. It didn’t seem like it took two and a half hours. And no, I don’t think it’s the greatest movie of all time but if you want to sit back and take in an interesting story, it’s entertaining fun. Questions or opinions? Follow us on neiuindependent.org and let us know!
Calling All Badass Teachers! Jason Merel
son. This leaves public schools teachers with few options. They can either conform or move into the private sector. Either way, things aren’t necessarily looking up. There is hope however! Naison also outlines grassroots campaign strategies for slow, effective change. Overall, the tone is optimistic. But it’s the optimism of someone who has seen the worst on the path to figuring out what’s best. This reserved optimism is Naison’s true strength as an author. The only (minor) criticism is that at times the use of punctuation and syntax requires you to reread a sentence or two for clarity. It only seems to happen during particularly important information, so it would be a sly move if it were intentional in order to focus the reader’s attention. This is a well-written, wellconsidered examination of the current climate of education politics in America, and a great read to get you charged up for the upcoming school year. America is at a difficult crossroad right now. But when Badass Teachers Unite, great things are possible!
Photo courtesy of Haymarket Books
The recent shake up in Springfield was not the first or last time educators and students stood up to politicians. “Badass Teachers Unite” is a collection of essays and reflections written by Mark Naison. He is a professor of African American Studies and History at Fordham University, and co-founder of the Badass Teachers Association. The book chronicles American education throughout the last 70 years. Naison discusses education policy and advocacy, taking opportunities to examine historical cases, mostly in the Bronx. An early and notable theme is the hypocritical American cycle of blaming teachers, and the education system in general, for society’s problems. Politicians frequently cite poor performance as a reason to cut funding. The lack of funding and resources make teachers jobs decidedly harder and continues to spiral out of control. This is compounded by a flawed evaluation system, which judges a teacher’s performance by their students’ test scores. He has some
choice thoughts about Common Core curriculum as a national standard, which are worth your time. He continues by discussing student activism and the issues that affect youth. There is an anecdote from one teacher about students crying on Friday when they had to go home, since they would most likely not have another meal until they came back to school on Monday. It’s not all gloom and doom though. Naison also points out the achievements of the student movements of the sixties and juxtaposes them with the more recent movements like Occupy Wall Street. A particularly interesting read is a very short piece titled “Five Arguments to Make to New ‘Teach for America’ Recruits.” Naison succinctly points out ‘Teach for America’s direct connections with private enterprise and notes the suspiciousness of their policies and standards. It was very interesting to learn how the defamation of teachers has become a political tool to leverage the privatization of education. The worse public school teachers seem in the public eye, the better private school teachers look by compari-
Farewell Letter from the Arts and Life Editor This is my last issue as the Arts and Life Editor for the Independent. Wow, that was hard to type, but it’s true. I’ve finally graduated college and I have a degree, but in all honesty, the thing I’m most proud of is my time at the Independent. For two years, the Indie has been my home. I honestly learned more in that office than I did in the classroom. Not just how to write an article or edit content, but about myself and how to interact with others. Mind you, it was one of the most stressful times, especially when senioritis kicked in, but it
was worth it. The skills I learned will help me, whether I go into journalism or not. I know how to work on a team to create a final product. I know how to lead that team. I know when to admit my limits and trust others. I learned how to let go and trust myself. And as cliché as it sounds, I’ve made lifelong friends who I will never forget. Even if we are only on a Christmas card basis in the future, they are my truest and deepest friends now. The point of college isn’t just to show up to class, buy an expensive
book, take an exam and then leave. What makes college so special is the opportunity to meet people who like the same things you do and do something together. There is so much relief and pride when a new issue hits the stands, because we all worked so hard behind the scenes. We stress together over the pictures and the headlines and when it all comes together, it makes everything worthwhile. But I’m not here to convince you to join the Independent (although, it couldn’t hurt). I’m here to tell you to take advantage of
your college experience. You have control over what classes you take or what club you join. Every club and organization offers the opportunities to learn the skills I mentioned above. They’re not just unique to the Independent. It could be planning bake sales or a blood drive, but you are working with friends who all have a common goal. You’re working to create a better experience, not just for other students, but yourself. Don’t see a club you like? Make one. It’s so easy. Seriously. Try it. College is a great way to practice for the real world and
there is no better opportunity than a club. I will miss the Indie. I actually will miss staying in late, trying to get the issue in on time. I will miss our office antics and yes, Brett, I will even miss your smug attitude, because (and I would never admit this out loud) you are pretty much always right. Like always. Good luck to everyone next semester! You’re going to need it!
Hailey G. Boyle
TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2016
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