Immediately following the opening plenary, Convention attendees will have 45 minutes to explore the Exhibitor Area, discover your products, and enjoy a snack or grab a coffee.
Attendees are invited to complete a Passport to Sucess by visting each exhibitor and having a representative initial their Passport. Completed Passports will be entered into a drawing for a complimentary registration to a 2026 CLE of choice!
Years in Practice
Thursday, June 26
Friday, June 27
Saturday, June 28
7:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Convention Registration
Law Student and New Practitioners Program
President’s Welcome Reception Wednesday, June 25
Thursday, June 26
2:00–8:00 p.m.
4:00–6:30 p.m.
6:30–8:00 p.m.
Convention Registration
Roll Call of the States and Welcome
Opening Plenary Session
Exhibitor Open House
Concurrent Sessions
Annual Lunch
Concurrent Sessions
Coffee Break
Plenary Session
Annual Reception
Tobias 5K
Plenary Session
Coffee Break
Concurrent Sessions
7:00–9:00 a.m.
7:00–8:30 a.m.
8:30–9:15 a.m.
9:15–10:30 a.m.
10:30–11:15 a.m.
11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
12:30–2:00 p.m.
2:15–3:15 p.m.
3:15–4:00 p.m. 4:00–5:15 p.m. 6:00–7:30 p.m.
Friday, June 27
Lunch/Practice Group and Committee Meetings
Concurrent Sessions
Coffee Break
Concurrent Sessions
Gala Fundraiser
Concurrent Sessions
Coffee Break
Closing Plenary Session
Saturday, June 28
7:00 a.m.
7:30–8:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m.–12:00 p.m. 12:00–12:30 p.m. 12:30–1:30 p.m. 1:30–2:45 p.m. 3:00–4:00 p.m.
4:00–4:30 p.m.
4:30–5:30 p.m. 8:00–11:00 p.m.
7:30–9:15 a.m. 9:15–10:15 a.m. 10:15–10:40 a.m. 10:50 a.m.–12:40 p.m.
Schedule subject to change.
NELA Annual Convention Registration
Includes admission to all sessions and food functions
Premium Exhibitor Location
Mailing List of Annual Convention Attendees for one-time use per list. List will be provided once before the Convention and once after the Convention.
Six-foot Tabletop Exhibit Space
NELA’s Discounted Hotel Room Rate
Name Recognition Benefits
Ad in the Annual Convention Program Guide
Recognition on NELA Social Media Platforms
Inclusion in Convention marketing emails to full membership
Inclusion in Convention information emails to attendees
Product description and logo on Convention website
Listing in the Annual Convention Program Guide
Recognition during Convention Opening Remarks
Signage at the Annual Convention
Logo in Thursday and Friday morning slideshow
NELA offers sponsorship opportunities to increase your visibility within our community of plaintiffs’ employment attorneys, particularly at the Annual Convention. Sponsorships are designed to help to you stand out from the crowd and are available on their own or as add-ons to our exhibitor packages.
Convention sponsorships begin at $2,500. Our staff will work with you to create the right mix of recognition opportunities that deliver the visibility you desire at a cost that fits within your budget.
Convention sponsorships include the opportunity to be named as a sponsor or co-sponsor of networking events during the Convention as well as certain other activities.
Depending on the level of support, your sponsorship package might include:
• Registrations for NELA 2025 Convention, including admission to all sessions and food functions (except for NELA’s 40th Anniversary Gala)
• Mailing list of 2025 Convention Attendees (subject to the Exhibitor Mailing List Benefits Rules)
• NEL A’s discounted hotel room rate
• Recognition on NELA social media platforms
• Full-color advertisement in the 2025 Annual Convention Program Guide
• Inclusion in select Convention marketing emails to the full NELA membership and informational emails to Convention attendees
• Recognition on the Convention website,
• Listing as a sponsor in the 2025 Annual Convention Program Guide and logo recognition as a sponsor of your named activity or event in the detailed Convention Program section of the Convention Program Guide
• Logo recognition on special signage at the Convention for your named activity or event
• Verbal recognition during the Convention
For questions about sponsorships, please contact Leah A. Hofkin, Director of Development, at
Coffee Break Sponsor: $2,500 Each
• NELA offers morning and afternoon coffee breaks each day throughout the Convention.
• Partial sponsorships for individual coffee breaks are not available.
Breakfast Sponsor: $5,000 Each
• NELA offers three buffet breakfasts on each day of the Convention.
• Partial sponsorships for individual breakfasts are not available.
Law Students & New Practitioners Program: $10,000 Wednesday, June 25
• Includes a two-hour panel discussion at 4 p.m. followed by a networking reception from 6 to 6:30 p.m. for program participants, speakers, and NELA Board members and other leaders.
• Your sponsorship will allow NELA to provide two drink tickets to each law student and new practitioner attendee which they may also use at the President’s Welcome Reception.
• Exclusive opportunity at $10,000. Partial sponsorships welcome with a limit of 2.
President’s Welcome Reception: $10,000 Wednesday, June 25, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
• Opening reception for all Convention attendees and their guests
• No-host bar
• Reserved. Please contact NELA staff with questions.
Convention Technology & Wi-Fi Sponsorship: $25,000
• Logo on wi-fi tent cards displayed during all Plenary sessions
• Includes verbal recognition at the star t of each Plenary session
• Logo placement on session Q&A app
• Exclusive opportunity at $25,000. Partial sponsorships with a limit of 2.
Annual Reception: $30,000 Thursday, June 26, 6:00-7:30 p.m.
• Networking reception for Convention par ticipants and their paid guests
• In 2025, the Annual Reception will include a special celebration of NELA’s 40th Anniversary.
• Exclusive Opportunity at $30,000. Partial sponsorships welcome with a limit of 3.
Annual Luncheon: $40,000 Thursday, June 26, 12:30-2:00 p.m.
• Sit down luncheon for all Convention par ticipants with guest tickets available for purchase
• Keynote Address takes place during the Annual Luncheon.
• Includes verbal recognition during the luncheon
• Exclusive opportunity at $40,000. Partial sponsorships welcome with a limit of 4.
NELA’s 40th Anniversary Gala, Party Like It’s 1985!, will take place on Friday, June 28 from 8 to 11 p.m. It will be a fun and festive event with music, dancing, savory snacks, and dessert. Every Gala attendee also receives two complimentary drink tickets. The Gala is NELA’s primary fundraiser supported by 200-250 sponsors. Convention sponsorships are distinct from sponsorships of NELA’s 40th Anniversary Gala which will be held during the Convention on Friday evening, June 28. Tickets are not included with exhibitor packages but are available with a separate Gala sponsorship or purchased individually.
All ads are full COLOR (CMYK)
Ad size
Full-page (with bleed)
Full-page (without bleed)
Measurement (width x height) in inches
8.75” x 11.25” with bleed (add 1/8” all around)
6.75” x 10” for non-bleed ads
6.75”w x 4.9”h
3.25”w x 4.9”h
Electronic Art Specifications
All ads are full color CMYK. Electronic art preferred in PDF high resolution (300 dpi) format. 300 dpi TIFF, EPS, JPEG are also accepted.
All advertisements must be submitted no later than Friday, May 2, 2025. Advertisements submitted after this date are not guaranteed inclusion.
8.75 x 11.25 with bleed
6.75” x 10” for non-bleed ads
Half-page Horizontal
6.75”w x 4.9”h
3.25”w x 4.9”h
Exhibitor/Advertiser Form
For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Leah A. Hofkin, Director of Development at
Contact Phone: Contact Email:
Please list my company/organization as:
I am reserving tabletop exhibitor space:
I would like to place an advertisement in the Annual Convention Program Guide:
I wish to pay by:
Check Please make payable to:
National Employment Lawyers Association
ATTN: Karen Maoki
1800 Sutter Street, Suite 210
Concord, CA 94520
Credit Card - Please contact me for credit card information.
A $30 service charge will be assessed for all returned checks and declined credit card transactions.