, School s out for...
October to February
Activities for children aged 0 - 12 Working in partnership with a variety of organisations across North East Lincolnshire
Welcome to your new Young People’s Support Service activity guide You may have noticed that the Holiday Activity booklet has been revamped. North East Lincolnshire Council has integrated a number of services and with that in mind we’ve made some changes to the way we advertise activities. We hope this will give you a bigger range of activities that will still be clear and easy to use. The new booklet has been split into 2 sections – the front of this booklet has activities for everyone aged 0 – 12 years (and families) and at the back we have everything for young people aged 13 – 19. To make all the activities quick and easy to find they are arranged in date order for October half term and you will find events going on between October and February towards the middle of the booklet. If you have any feedback on the activities listed here or on the type of activities you would like to see in your area, we would be pleased to hear from you. There is a feedback form in the middle of this booklet. Booking lines for activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19th October so remember to book your activities early to avoid disappointment. For more information about holiday activities or other services North East Lincolnshire Council offers, please contact the Family Information Service on 0800 18 303 17.
Inside this issue 6
October Half Term
October - January
Regulars 9
The Family Information Service
Consent Form
Feedback form
Important Information
Be the first to get your hands on some discounted swimming and ice skating vouchers. They are available from 9.00am Monday 24 October by calling 01472 325481. There are only a limited number of tickets available that will be given out on a first come first served basis so make sure you call early to avoid disappointment. A maximum of 5 tickets per household will be available.
An easier way to book your activities... Booking your holiday activities couldn’t be easier with our new booking system. If you have booked your activities with us before go online at www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk or www.nelincs.gov.uk and log on to our new online booking system. If you have booked activities before, please enter your email address and password, or if this is your first time with us then please enter your details as a new customer.
Monday till Friday (excluding bank holidays). For all bookings you will need the name, address, postcode and date of birth of the children you would like to book onto the activity, along with the name of the school they attend. You will also need to give consent for the information to be held on our database. An email address will also be needed to complete your booking.
All activities that are marked with an in your School’s Out… booklet can be booked on the internet. All other booking details will be printed next to the activity. Do not worry if you do not have access to the internet, you can still book by calling 01472 323344. Lines will be open from 9.00am to 5.00pm
To make things even simpler, we can take card payments over the phone by calling 01472 325481 or payments can be made either by cash or cheque (payable to North East Lincolnshire Council) at your local library.
If you have any queries about how to make your booking please do not hesitate to call the Activities Coordinator on 01472 326285 or call the booking line on 01472 323344. We are also very keen to hear your comments, both positive and negative. So please fill in the feedback form at the back of your School’s Out… booklet and return it to: Activities Coordinator Young People’s Support Service Extended Services Western Campus Cambridge Road Grimsby DN34 5TD
FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions Q: How do I book an activity? A: Unless otherwise stated next to the activity in the booking details column, either go online at www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk or via www.nelincs.gov.uk. Alternatively you can ring NELC Customer Services on 01472 323344. Q: Can I book onto an activity that is outside the area that I live in? A: Yes, activities in North East Lincolnshire are available to everyone who lives in the area. However, in some cases priority may be given to local residents due to area based funding. Q: I’m going on a day trip and I have a child of two, do I have to pay for them? A: Yes. Unless otherwise stated, all prices for activities are per person.
Q: I am required to attend an activity with my child, do I have to pay? A: Unless otherwise stated, adults have to pay for activities. Q: My child is only a few weeks away from the lower age limit for this activity, can they still attend? A: Sadly, no. If your child is not the required age at the time of the activity it will not be possible for them to take part for insurance purposes. Please speak to the activity providers for further information. Q: Where can I get a copy of the School’s Out Booklet? A: Copies are available at every Library, Children’s Centre and Young People’s Centre, please contact the Family Information Service on free-phone 0800 18 303 17 or download it online at www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.nelincsfis.co.uk or www.extendedschools.org.
We have put together a list of frequently asked questions to try and help you with your bookings… Q: How do I pay for my activities? A: PAYMENTS MUST BE MADE IN ADVANCE. Payments can be made by cash, cheque or card. You can take your payment along to your local library either in cash or by cheque (payable to North East Lincolnshire Council). Payments must be made within 3 days of booking your activity (Monday to Saturday). If you have not paid by this time you will be removed from the register and the places will be reallocated. Confirmation of payment (given at the library) must be taken to the activity. No payments will be accepted at Children’s Centres or Schools.
Q: Can I get a refund if I wish to cancel? A: A refund may be offered if you cancel two working days before the date of the activity. Q: Where do I take my consent form? A: Please take all completed consent forms along with you to the relevant activity. Consent forms are not needed for family trips. We hope these help, but if your query is not here please feel free to ring the Activities Coordinator on 01472 326285 who will try to answer your question as soon as possible.
Q: Can I pay by credit card? A: Yes! Please call 01472 325481 and advisor will be happy to take your payment.
Follow the Haunter’s Code
are you a safe trick or treater? Stay in areas that are lit with street lights – take a torch with you just in case.
Stay with your friends. Don’t split into smaller groups unless an adult goes with you.
Always go trick or treating with an adult.
Don’t talk to strangers on the street.
Always look carefully before crossing the road, even if you’re part of a group.
Although Halloween is supposed to be spooky, be careful not to frighten elderly people.
Don’t knock on doors where there is a sign saying ‘no trick or treat here’.
Only go to houses where you or your friends know the residents.
Don’t enter any house, stay on the doorstep.
Be visible.
takeover day north east lincs
Find our page on facebook
Go to www.nelincs.gov.uk/takeoverday or contact Pippa Curtin on 323298 or pippa.curtin@nelincs.gov.uk
This year we already have takeovers planned with the local press and other exciting opportunities which you can find on the website.
If you have an idea we can help you find the best way to get involved and let others know about your experience.
Last year local children and young people took part in a number of ways including being councillor for the day, taking over a teaching role and meeting with the Chief Executive of the Council.
If you would like to get involved this year send us your ideas or apply for one of the opportunities on the web page
TAKEOVER DAY offers children and young people across the country the chance to work with adults and get involved in decision-making in all kinds of organisations.
H Oc al to f be Te r rm 6
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October
Time Venue
Halloween trail
10:00 16:00
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Halloween trail
10:00 16:00
Nail Art - Waltham Leas Primary School
9:30 11:30
Nail Art - Middlethorpe Primary School
Multi - Sports at East Ravendale Primary School
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
Child 2.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum. Follow the trail around the museum to find the witches
Drop in any time between 10am and 4pm. Call the Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Child 2.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum. Follow the trail around the museum to find the witches
Drop in any time between 10am and 4pm. Call the Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
Waltham Leas Primary School Manor Drive, Waltham DN37 ONU
5 11
Learn how to care for and paint your nails in the fun activity. Children under 6 must be accompanied by an adult.
or call Tracey on 502544 / 07594963677 or e-mail-extendedschools@wp4.tlfe.org
Middlethorpe Primary School, Highthorpe Crescent, Cleethorpes, DN35 9PY
5 11
Learn how to care for and paint your nails in the fun activity. Children under 6 must be accompanied by an adult.
or call Tracey on 502544 / 07594963677 or e-mail-extendedschools@wp4.tlfe.org
9:00 14:00
East Ravendale Primary School, East Ravendale, Grimsby, DN37 ORX
6 11
A fun packed day that covers lots of sports & games. Children in year 1 may attend if under 6 years. £14 for 2 days or £20 for 3 days. Please bring a packed lunch
To book call Steve on 07921398258 or e-mailsteve@solarsportscoaching.co.uk
Pendle Theatre Productions. Hansel and Gretal - Grimsby Central Library
10:30 11:45
Grimsby Central Library, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, DN31 1HG
0 100
Pendle Theatre presents this story with music, songs, drama and humour for all the family.
to book visit: www.nelincs.gov.uk www.extendedschools.org www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Pendle Theatre Productions. Hansel and Gretal - Grimsby Central Library
14:00 15:15
Grimsby Central Library, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, DN31 1HG
0 100
Pendle Theatre presents this story with music, songs, drama and humour for all the family.
to book visit: www.nelincs.gov.uk www.extendedschools.org www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Dodgeball & Multi Sports - Signhills
10:00 15:00
Signhills Junior School, Hardys Road, Cleethorpes DN35 0DN
5 11
Fun games and sports including dodgeball, football, kwik cricket, basketball etc. Please bring a packed lunch.
To book this activity please call Sports Development on 01472 323349
Age 0-12
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
er m ob r ct Te O lf a H
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October Date
Time Venue
Football Skills 5 Day Course - Bradley
10:00 15:00
Bradley Football Development Centre Bradley Road Grimsby DN37 0AG
Indian Cookery
11:00 14:00
Western Young People's Centre Junior Youth Club
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
5 11
A week long course of fun games and football skills using the new state of the art football facilities at Bradley Playing Fields. Sessions will take place on the World Class 3G Pitch with Level 2 qualified coaches from Sports Development. Please bring a packed lunch.
to book this activity please call Bradley Development Centre on 01472 325300
Trin Young People's Centre, Trinity Road, Cleethorpes, N.E. Lincs, DN35 8UN
8 19
Try a flavour of the Outermost East in our Asian style cookery session (lunch included!)
To book a place please contact Michael Cook on 07825125903
18:00 19:30
Western Young People's Centre Cambridge Road Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN34 5TB
10 12
Activity session including art, dance, cooking, quizzes and friendly pool competitions.
No need to book, just turn up and play
Getting Heard Training
10:00 15:00
Cleethorpes Leisure Centre Kingsway Cleethorpes DN350BY
10 25
2 day programme is for young people with a disability. The programme encourages young people to speak out and gain confidence in decision making. Young People will work towards an ASDAN award in Self Advocacy. Lunch is provided.
Contact Mark Evans Tel 01469 516035
Youth Work Session 12 +
19:00 20:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
12 20
Monday night is an open session for young people 12 - 20 to attend the Young People's Centre. A range of activites for young people will be on offer on each night.
For further details contact Mark Evans on 01469 516035
Multi - Sports at East Ravendale Primary School
9:00 14:00
East Ravendale Primary School, East Ravendale, Grimsby, DN37 ORX
6 11
A fun packed day that covers lots of sports & games. Children in year 1 may attend if under 6 years. £14 for 2 days or £20 for 3 days. Please bring a packed lunch
To book call Steve on 07921398258 or e-mailsteve@solarsportscoaching.co.uk
Potter Doodle Do Scartho Junior School
10:00 11:30
Scartho Junior School, Edge Ave, Grimsby, DN33 2DH
0 100
Come & paint a plate, mug or bowl they make ideal Christmas gifts. You can even bring your baby & have their footprints painted on a plate. Children under 6’s must be accompanied by an adult. All ages welcome.
or call Tracey on 502544 / 07594963677 or e-mail-extendedschools@wp4.tlfe.org
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Age 0-12
H Oc al to f be Te r rm 8
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October Price
Time Venue
Potter Doodle Do Scartho Junior School
13:00 14:30
Scartho Junior School, Edge Ave, Grimsby, DN33 2DH
0 100
Come & paint a plate, mug or bowl they make ideal Christmas gifts. You can even bring your baby & have their footprints painted on a plate. Children under 6’s must be accompanied by an adult. All ages welcome.
Halloween Trail
10:00 16:00
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Child 2.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Follow the trail around the museum to find the witches
Drop in any time between 10am and 4pm. Call the Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
Design a Halloween Mask
11:00 15:00
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Child 1.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Design and decorate your own Halloween mask
1 hour session at 11am-12noon, 1pm-2pm, 2pm-3pm. Booking is essential call the Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
Dodgeball & Multi Sports - Signhills
10:00 15:00
Signhills Junior School, Hardys Road, Cleethorpes DN35 0DN
5 11
Fun games and sports including dodgeball, football, kwik cricket, basketball etc. Please bring a packed lunch.
To book this activity please call Sports Development on 01472 323349
Family trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park - Memorial Hall, Scartho Rugby Club, Market Hotel
9:30 17:00
Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Doncaster
Adults 7.50 Child 6.50 U2's 2.50
0 100
Family trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park. Come and see the Lions, Meerkats, Birds of Prey, Lemurs etc. set in woodland. Land of the Tigers now open. 09:00 Memorial Hall 09:15 Scartho Rugby Club; 09:30 Market Hotel
to book visit: www.nelincs.gov.uk www.extendedschools.org www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Cooking Skills
10:00 13:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN401QF
8 20
Learn how to cook traditional recipies and learn about kitechen safety, Hygiene and Fair Trade. Accreditation for food safety will be awarded at the end of the programme
to book visit: www.nelincs.gov.uk www.extendedschools.org www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Youth Work Session 12 +
19:00 20:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN401QF
12 20
Tuesday night is an open session for young people 12 - 20 to attend the Young People's Centre. A range of activites for young people will be on offer on each night. Tuesdays will focus on Performing Arts and Dance
For further information contact Mark Evans on 01469 516035
Age 0-12
Age Activity Details
Booking Details or call Tracey on 502544 / 07594963677 or e-mail-extendedschools@wp4.tlfe.org
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Family Information Service For free, accurate, confidential information and impartial guidance about services for 0-19 year-old’s in North East Lincolnshire.
childminders, day nurseries, pre-schools or out of school clubs activities for parents and children leisure activities leisure activities
Putting Families First
0800 18 303 17 www.nelincsfis.co.uk
family support information working in early years education, childcare, playwork fostercare, adoption and short break care advice on choosing your child’s school plus much more
Family Information Service Information about services for children and young people in North East Lincolnshire
H Oc al to f be Te r rm
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October
Time Venue
Family Day Out to York for The Learning Alliance Schools only
8:30 18:00
MAPA - Halloween Drama Workshop Signhills Junior School
10:00 15:00
Multi - Sports at Waltham Leas Primary School
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
0 - 15 yrs 4.00 16 and over 6.00
0 100
Family Day Out to York. Pick ups from Signhills Juniors 8.30am, New Waltham Primary School 8.40am , Scartho Village 8.45am & Woodlands Primary School 8.50am.
Call Tracey on 502544 / 07594963677 or e-mail-extendedschools@wp4.tlfe.org
Signhills Junior School, Hardys Road, Cleethorpes, DN35 ODN
5 11
Join MAPA for a fun day of drama you will be making masks for your end performance!
9:00 14:00
Waltham Leas Primary School Manor Drive, Waltham DN37 ONU
6 11
A fun packed day that covers lots of sports & games. Children in year 1 may attend if under 6 years. £14 for 2 days or £20 for 3 days.
To book call Steve on 07921398258 or e-mailsteve@solarsportscoaching.co.uk
Halloween Trail
10:00 16:00
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Child 2.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Follow the trail around the museum to find the witches
Drop in any time between 10am and 4pm. Call the Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
Witch & Wizard Hats
11:00 15:00
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Child 1.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Design and decorate your own Witch or Wizzard hat
1 hour session at 11am-12noon, 1pm-2pm, 2pm-3pm. Booking is essential call the Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
Pumpkin Lanterns and other Spooky Crafts
16:00 17:30
Grimsby Central Library, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, DN31 1HG
6 100
Carve out your own pumpkin lanterns and other spooky crafts.
to book visit: www.nelincs.gov.uk www.extendedschools.org www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Nunsthorpe Young People's Centre Junior Youth Group
18:00 20:00
Nunsthorpe Young People's Centre Wootton Road Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN33 1HE
10 12
Activity session including art, sports. quizzes and friendly pool competitions.
to book visit: www.nelincs.gov.uk www.extendedschools.org www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Year 6 Introduction Night
18:30 20:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
10 11
Introduction to Immingham Young People's Centre for School Yr 6. There will be a range of activities on offer during the sessions
For further information contact Mark Evans Tel 01469 516035
Age 0-12
or call Tracey on 502544 / 07594963677 or e-mail-extendedschools@wp4.tlfe.org
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
er m ob r ct Te O lf a H
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October Price
Time Venue
Potter Doodle Do Signhills Junior School
10:00 11:30
Signhills Junior School, Hardys Road, Cleethorpes, DN35 ODN
0 100
Come & paint a plate, mug or bowl they make ideal Christmas gifts. You can even bring your baby & have their footprints painted on a plate. Children under 6’s must be accompanied by an adult. All ages welcome.
Potter Doodle Do Signhills Junior School
13:00 14:30
Signhills Junior School, Hardys Road, Cleethorpes, DN35 ODN
0 100
Come & paint a plate, mug or bowl they make ideal Christmas gifts. You can even bring your baby & have their footprints painted on a plate. Children under 6’s must be accompanied by an adult. All ages welcome.
Multi - Sports at Waltham Leas Primary School
9:00 14:00
Waltham Leas Primary School Manor Drive, Waltham DN37 ONU
6 11
A fun packed day that covers lots of sports & games. Children in year 1 may attend if under 6 years. £14 for 2 days or £20 for 3 days.
MAPA - Hip Hop & Street Dance Workshop at Middlethorpe Primary School
10:00 15:00
Middlethorpe Primary School, Highthorpe Crescent, Cleethorpes, DN35 9PY
5 11
Join in the fun learning funky street dance moves and putting together your own routine. Bring an old t-shirt to decorate for the end of day show.
Grimsby Town Football in the Community at New Waltham Primary School
10:00 15:00
New Waltham Primary School, Peaks Lane, Grimsby, DN36 4NH
6 11
Fun Football training session with Coaches. Children will enjoy learning new skills and playing against their friends. Suitable clothing is needed along with a packed lunch and drinks. The activity will be outside.
Grimsby Town Football in the Community at Nunsthorpe Community School
10:00 15:00
Nunsthorpe Community School Sutcliffe Ave, Grimsby DN32 1AN
6 11
Fun Football training session with Coaches. Children will enjoy learning new skills and playing against their friends. Suitable clothing is needed along with a packed lunch and drinks. The activity will be outside.
Halloween Trail
10:00 16:00
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Child 2.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Follow the trail around the museum to find the witches
Drop in any time between 10am and 4pm. Call the Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
Monster Paper Bag Puppet Kits
11:00 15:00
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Child 1.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Design and decorate your own Monster Paper bag to collect all your Halloween goodies in
1 hour session at 11am-12noon, 1pm-2pm, 2pm-3pm. Booking is essential call the Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
Age Activity Details
Booking Details or call Tracey on 502544 / 07594963677 or e-mail-extendedschools@wp4.tlfe.org
or call Tracey on 502544 / 07594963677 or e-mail-extendedschools@wp4.tlfe.org
To book call Steve on 07921398258 or e-mailsteve@solarsportscoaching.co.uk
or call Tracey on 502544 / 07594963677 or e-mail-extendedschools@wp4.tlfe.org
or call Tracey on 502544 / 07594963677 or e-mail-extendedschools@wp4.tlfe.org
or call Tracey on 502544 / 07594963677 or e-mail-extendedschools@wp4.tlfe.org
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Age 0-12
H Oc al to f be Te r rm
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October
Time Venue
Dodgeball & Multi Sports - Signhills
10:00 15:00
Signhills Junior School, Hardys Road, Cleethorpes, DN35 ODN
Cup Cake Making
17:30 20:00
Family Fun Day at Clee Young Peoples' Centre
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
5 11
Fun games and sports including dodgeball, football, kwik cricket, basketball etc. Please bring a packed lunch.
To book this activity please call Sports Development on 01472 323349
Clee Young People's Centre, Ladysmith Road, Grimsby, N.E. Lincs, DN32 9SW
8 19
Make beautiful American Cupcakes to take home in a beautiful presentation box!
To book a place please contact Cazzie Adams on 07824608888
11:00 15:00
Clee Young Peoples Centre, Ladysmith Road, Grimsby
Some activities may be charged on the day
0 100
Family fun day including Go-karts, and Climbing Wall (subject to weather conditions) Consent form to be completed om the day. Other activities include: arts & craft, lazer shooting, Football in the Community, and lots more fun and games. U8's must be accompanied by an adult
No booking required
Indian Culture Day
10:00 16:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
8 20
Spend the day experiencing Indian Culture through Dance, Food Tasting, Costumes and Henna Art. Please bring a packed lunch.
to book visit: www.nelincs.gov.uk www.extendedschools.org www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Introduction to Rock School
19:00 20:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
10 16
This is an opportunity to learn to play musical instruments or sing under tuition of trained staff
to book visit: www.nelincs.gov.uk www.extendedschools.org www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Multi - Sports at Waltham Leas Primary School
9:00 14:00
Waltham Leas Primary School Manor Drive, Waltham DN37 ONU
6 11
A fun packed day that covers lots of sports & games. Children in year 1 may attend if under 6 years. £14 for 2 days or £20 for 3 days.
To book call Steve on 07921398258 or e-mailsteve@solarsportscoaching.co.uk
Family Day Out to Seal Sanctuary Skegness - The Learning Alliance Schools only
8:30 18:00
under 3's 3.00 Children and Adults 6.00
0 100
Admission into the Seal Sanctuary & free time in Skegness. Pick ups from Signhills Juniors 8.30am, New Waltham Primary School 8.40am, Scartho Village 8.45am & Woodlands Primary School 8.50am.
Call Tracey on 502544 / 07594963677 or e-mail-extendedschools@wp4.tlfe.org
Age 0-12
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Family Fun Day
Tuesday 25 October Grimsby Minster 11am - 2pm • Bulb planting What’s happening: • Mad Hatter’s • ‘Alice in Tea Party, 12noon Wonderland’ & 1pm performance, 11am • Giant games • Face painting % Entertainment • Art & craft activities • 100 • Competitions
H Oc al to f be Te r rm
Time Venue
Halloween Trail
10:00 16:00
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Mr Bones Skelton
11:00 15:00
Football - Bradley
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
Child 2.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Follow the trail around the museum to find the witches
Drop in any time between 10am and 4pm. Call the Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Child 1.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Design and decorate your own Mr Bones skeleon using split pins
1 hour session at 11am-12noon, 1pm-2pm, 2pm-3pm. Booking is essential call the Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
18:00 19:00
Bradley Football Development Centre Bradley Road Grimsby DN37 0AG
8 12
Come and have a kick about and play some matches
No need to book, just turn up and play
Football - Hereford
18:00 20:00
Hereford School Astro Turf, Westward Ho, Grimsby DN34 5AH
8 12
Come and have a kick about and play some matches
No need to book, just turn up and play
Football - Immingham
18:00 20:00
Immingham Sports Centre, Astro Turf, Washdyke Lane, Immingham DN40 2HL
8 12
Come and have a kick about and play some matches
No need to book, just turn up and play
Dodgeball & Multi Sports - Whitgift
10:00 15:00
Whitgift, Crosland Road, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN37 9EH
5 11
Fun games and sports including dodgeball, football, kwik cricket, basketball etc. Please bring a packed lunch.
To book this activity please call Sports Development on 01472 323349
Doncaster Dome
9:00 17:00
Trin Young People's Centre, Trinity Road, Cleethorpes, N.E. Lincs, DN35 8UN
10 19
This trip includes entrance and hire of skates for the UK's only split-level ice skating rink and entrance to the fantastic 'Lost World Adventure Pool'! Don't forget your swimming kit!
To book a place please contact Michael Cook on 07825125903
Halloween Disco
19:00 21:00
Trin Young People's Centre, Trinity Road, Cleethorpes, N.E. Lincs, DN35 8UN
11 14
Spooky halloween event with disco and games. Fancy dress encouraged. Refreshments will be on sale all evening, finishes at 9pm
Further enquiries to Trin 01472 500029
Age 0-12
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Time Venue
Getting Heard Training
10:00 15:00
Cleethorpes Leisure Centre Kingsway Cleethorpes DN350BY
Friday Yr 7/8 Night
19:00 21:00
Jess's Drama workshop Woodlands Primary School
er m ob r ct Te O lf a H
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
10 25
2 day programme is for young people with a disability. The programme encourages young people to speak out and gain confidence in decision making. Young People will work towards an ASDAN award in Self Advocacy.
to book visit: www.nelincs.gov.uk www.extendedschools.org www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
11 14
Friday night is an open session for young people 11-14 to attend the Young People's Centre. A range of activites for young people will be on offer on each night.
to book visit: www.nelincs.gov.uk www.extendedschools.org www.nelincsfis.co.uk
10:00 15:00
Woodlands Primary School, Pinewood Crescent, Grimsby DN33 1RJ
5 11
Fun drama workshop with your friends includes dance and music. Please bring a packed lunch
Halloween Trail
10:00 16:00
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Child 2.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Follow the trail around the museum to find the witches
Drop in any time between 10am and 4pm. Call the Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
Halloween Trail
10:00 16:00
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Child 2.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Follow the trail around the museum to find the witches
Drop in any time between 10am and 4pm. Call the Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
or call Tracey on 502544 / 07594963677 or e-mail-extendedschools@wp4.tlfe.org
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Age 0-12
The Learning Alliance The Learning Alliance is a group of schools who work together on projects, share good practice and resources to enhance children’s learning. They are now working together to provide extended services. The Extended Schools co-ordinator for the alliance is Tracey Gunay (nÊe Richman) who is based at Woodlands Primary School. For more Information about activities, family learning or support services please contact Tracey on 01472 502544 / extendedschools@wp4.tlfe.org Some activities may be restricted to children and families attending schools within the alliance please read the activities carefully.
The Learning Alliance Schools are: Woodlands Primary School, New Waltham Primary School, Waltham Leas Primary School, Scartho Junior School, East Ravendale Primary School, Middlethorpe Primary School, Signhills Academy & Signhills Infants School
Time Venue
Friday Evenings Weekly
Football - Bradley
19:00 20:00
Bradley Football Development Centre Bradley Road Grimsby DN37 0AG
Friday Evenings Weekly
Football - Hereford
18:00 20:00
Friday Evenings Weekly
Football Immingham
Friday Evenings Weekly
er y ob ar ct u O Jan
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October Age Activity Details
Booking Details
12 15
Come and have a kick about and play some matches
No need to book, just turn up and play
Hereford School Astro Turf, Westward Ho, Grimsby DN34 5AH
12 19
Come and have a kick about and play some matches
No need to book, just turn up and play
18:00 20:00
Immingham Sports Centre, Astro Turf, Washdyke Lane, Immingham DN40 2HL
12 19
Come and have a kick about and play some matches
No need to book, just turn up and play
Football - Bradley
20:00 21:00
Bradley Football Development Centre Bradley Road Grimsby DN37 0AG
16 19
Come and have a kick about and play some matches
No need to book, just turn up and play
Friday Evenings Weekly
Football - Bradley
18:00 19:00
Bradley Football Development Centre Bradley Road Grimsby DN37 0AG
8 12
Come and have a kick about and play some matches
No need to book, just turn up and play
Friday Evenings Weekly
Football - Hereford
18:00 20:00
Hereford School Astro Turf, Westward Ho, Grimsby DN34 5AH
8 12
Come and have a kick about and play some matches
No need to book, just turn up and play
Friday Evenings Weekly
Football Immingham
18:00 20:00
Immingham Sports Centre, Astro Turf, Washdyke Lane, Immingham DN40 2HL
8 12
Come and have a kick about and play some matches
No need to book, just turn up and play
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
All Ages
O Ja cto nu b ar er y -
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October
Time Venue
Monday evenings 31/10/11 until 05/12/11 inclusive
Football Skills School - Bradley
16:30 18:00
Bradley Football Development Centre Bradley Road Grimsby DN37 0AG
Tuesday evenings 01/11/11 until 06/12/11 inclusive
Football Skills School - Bradley
16:30 18:00
Monday evenings 09/01/12 until 13/02/12 inclusive
Football Skills School - Bradley
Tuesday evenings 10/01/12 until 14/02/12 inclusive
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
6 8
An enjoyable football skills course that is beneficial to your development as a footballer improving your confidence and skills whatever your ability. Price is for 6 week course
To book please contact Bradley Football Development Centre on 01472 325300
Bradley Football Development Centre Bradley Road Grimsby DN37 0AG
9 11
An enjoyable football skills course that is beneficial to your development as a footballer improving your confidence and skills whatever your ability. Price is for 6 week course
To book please contact Bradley Football Development Centre on 01472 325300
16:30 18:00
Bradley Football Development Centre Bradley Road Grimsby DN37 0AG
6 8
An enjoyable football skills course that is beneficial to your development as a footballer improving your confidence and skills whatever your ability. Price is for 6 week course
To book please contact Bradley Football Development Centre on 01472 325300
Football Skills School - Bradley
16:30 18:00
Bradley Football Development Centre Bradley Road Grimsby DN37 0AG
9 11
An enjoyable football skills course that is beneficial to your development as a footballer improving your confidence and skills whatever your ability. Price is for 6 week course
To book please contact Bradley Football Development Centre on 01472 325300
Wednesday Evenings weekly
Street Dance Western
19:00 20:00
Western Young Peoples Centre
13 19
Come along and learn to street dance or improve your skills
No need to book, just turn up and dance
Tuesday Evenings Weekly
Street Dance Hereford
19:00 20:00
Hereford Technology School
13 19
Come along and learn to street dance or improve your skills
No need to book, just turn up and dance
Wednesday Evenings weekly
Street Dance - St Hughes
17:30 16:30
St Hughes Community Centre
13 19
Come along and learn to street dance or improve your skills
No need to book, just turn up and dance
Thursday Evenings Weekly
Street Dance Hereford
17:00 18:00
Hereford Technology School
13 19
Come along and learn to street dance or improve your skills
No need to book, just turn up and dance
Friday Evenings Weekly
Street Dance Wintringham
18:30 19:30
Oasis Academy Wintringham
13 19
Come along and learn to street dance or improve your skills
No need to book, just turn up and dance
Thursday Evenings Weekly
Street Dance Waltham
18:30 19:30
Waltham Methodist Church Hall
13 19
Come along and learn to street dance or improve your skills
No need to book, just turn up and dance
All Ages
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Time Venue
Wednesday Evenings weekly
Street Dance - St Peters
19:00 20:00
St Peters Methodist Church Hall
Every Monday except Bank Holidays
Year 7 Junior Club Clee YPC
18:00 20:00
Every Tuesday - term time only
Linkage College Student Night - Clee YPC
Every Tuesday
er y ob ar ct u O Jan
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October Age Activity Details
Booking Details
13 19
Come along and learn to street dance or improve your skills
No need to book, just turn up and dance
Clee Young People's Centre, Ladysmith Road, Grimsby, N.E. Lincs, DN32 9SW
11 12
ICT Suit with internet access, Nintendo Wii & PS3 with a range of games, Pool, Arts & Crafts, Chilling Room, Hair & Beauty, Team Games
Open access - no booking required
19:00 21:00
Clee Young People's Centre, Ladysmith Road, Grimsby, N.E. Lincs, DN32 9SW
16 25
Open access Youth provision for young people with specific needs
Open access - no booking required
G*YP*O - Trin YPC
19:00 21:00
Trin Young People's Centre, Trinity Road, Cleethorpes, DN35 8UN
11 19
Open Access Youth club in partnership with G*Y*P*O
Open access - no booking required
Every Friday
Year 8 & 9 Youth Club - Trin YPC
18:30 20:30
Trin Young People's Centre, Trinity Road, Cleethorpes, DN35 8UN
12 14
ICT Suit with internet access, Nintendo Wii & PS3 with a range of games, Pool, Arts & Crafts, Chilling Room, Hair & Beauty, Team Games
Open access - no booking required
Every Thursday
Year 8 Junior Club Clee YPC
18:00 20:00
Clee Young People's Centre, Ladysmith Road, Grimsby, N.E. Lincs, DN32 9SW
12 13
ICT Suit with internet access, Nintendo Wii & PS3 with a range of games, Pool, Arts & Crafts, Chilling Room, Hair & Beauty, Team Games
Open access - no booking required
Every Friday
Premier League Football - Trin YPC
18:30 20:00
Trin Young People's Centre, Trinity Road, Cleethorpes, DN35 8UN
11 13
Football with trained Grimsby town coaches
Open access - no booking required
Every Friday
Premier League Football - Trin YPC
20:00 21:00
Trin Young People's Centre, Trinity Road, Cleethorpes, DN35 8UN
14 19
Football with trained Grimsby town coaches
Open access - no booking required
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
All Ages
O Ja cto nu b ar er y -
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October
Time Venue
Western Young People's Centre Junior Youth Club
18:00 20:00
Western Young People's Centre Cambridge Road Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN34 5TB
Every Wednesday from 02/11/2011 to 22/02/2012
Nunsthorpe Young People's Centre Junior Youth Group
18:00 20:00
Rock School
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
10 12
Activity session including art, dance, cooking, quizzes and friendly pool competitions.
Open access - no booking required
Nunsthorpe Young People's Centre Wootton Road Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN33 1HE
10 12
Same time and place every week. Activity session including art, sports quizzes and friendly pool competitions.
Open access - no booking required
18:30 20:30
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
11 19
Music workshops - learning how to play guitar, drums, sing, keyboard…
No Booking Necessary
Youth Club Senior Session
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
13 19
Youth Club Session - Wii Just Dance, Arts & Crafts, Table Tennis, Pool, Football, Games or just hanging out with friends
No Booking Necessary
Young Women's Group
17:00 19:00
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
14 19
Sessions will look at issues relevant to young women today, incl. raising aspirations, confidence, self-esteem, healthy relationships, plus much more.
No Booking Necessary
Street Dance
17:30 19:30
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
10 19
Street Dance classes - learn and perform dance routines
No Booking Necessary
Western Young People's Centre Junior Youth Club
18:00 20:00
Western Young People's Centre Cambridge Road Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN34 5TB
10 12
Activity session including art, dance, cooking, quizzes and friendly pool competitions.
Open access - no booking required
All Ages
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Time Venue
Rock School
18:30 20:30
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
Youth Club Senior Session
Young Women's Group
er y ob ar ct u O Jan
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October Age Activity Details
Booking Details
11 19
Music workshops - learning how to play guitar, drums, sing, keyboard…
No Booking Necessary
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
13 19
Youth Club Session - Wii Just Dance, Arts & Crafts, Table Tennis, Pool, Football, Games or just hanging out with friends
No Booking Necessary
17:00 19:00
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
14 19
Sessions will look at issues relevant to young women today, incl. raising aspirations, confidence, self-esteem, healthy relationships, plus much more.
No Booking Necessary
Street Dance
17:30 19:30
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
10 19
Street Dance classes - learn and perform dance routines
No Booking Necessary
Western Young People's Centre Junior Youth Club
18:00 20:00
Western Young People's Centre Cambridge Road Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN34 5TB
10 12
Activity session including art, dance, cooking, quizzes and friendly pool competitions.
Open access - no booking required
Youth Club Senior Session
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
13 19
Youth Club Session - Wii Just Dance, Arts & Crafts, Table Tennis, Pool, Football, Games or just hanging out with friends
No Booking Necessary
Young Women's Group
17:00 19:00
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
14 19
Sessions will look at issues relevant to young women today, incl. raising aspirations, confidence, self-esteem, healthy relationships, plus much more.
No Booking Necessary
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
All Ages
O Ja cto nu b ar er y -
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October
Time Venue
Street Dance
17:30 19:30
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
Western Young People's Centre Junior Youth Club
18:00 20:00
Rock School
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
10 19
Street Dance classes - learn and perform dance routines
No Booking Necessary
Western Young People's Centre Cambridge Road Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN34 5TB
10 12
Activity session including art, dance, cooking, quizzes and friendly pool competitions.
Open access - no booking required
18:30 20:30
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
11 19
Music workshops - learning how to play guitar, drums, sing, keyboard…
No Booking Necessary
Youth Club Senior Session
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
13 19
Youth Club Session - Wii Just Dance, Arts & Crafts, Table Tennis, Pool, Football, Games or just hanging out with friends
No Booking Necessary
Young Women's Group
17:00 19:00
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
14 19
Sessions will look at issues relevant to young women today, incl. raising aspirations, confidence, self-esteem, healthy relationships, plus much more.
No Booking Necessary
Street Dance
17:30 19:30
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
10 19
Street Dance classes - learn and perform dance routines
No Booking Necessary
Western Young People's Centre Junior Youth Club
18:00 20:00
Western Young People's Centre Cambridge Road Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN34 5TB
10 12
Activity session including art, dance, cooking, quizzes and friendly pool competitions.
Open access - no booking required
All Ages
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Time Venue
Rock School
18:30 20:30
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
Youth Club Senior Session
Young Women's Group
er y ob ar ct u O Jan
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October Age Activity Details
Booking Details
11 19
Music workshops - learning how to play guitar, drums, sing, keyboard…
No Booking Necessary
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
13 19
Youth Club Session - Wii Just Dance, Arts & Crafts, Table Tennis, Pool, Football, Games or just hanging out with friends
No Booking Necessary
17:00 19:00
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
14 19
Sessions will look at issues relevant to young women today, incl. raising aspirations, confidence, self-esteem, healthy relationships, plus much more.
No Booking Necessary
Street Dance
17:30 19:30
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
10 19
Street Dance classes - learn and perform dance routines
No Booking Necessary
Western Young People's Centre Junior Youth Club
18:00 20:00
Western Young People's Centre Cambridge Road Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN34 5TB
10 12
Activity session including art, dance, cooking, quizzes and friendly pool competitions.
Open access - no booking required
Rock School
18:30 20:30
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
11 19
Music workshops - learning how to play guitar, drums, sing, keyboard…
No Booking Necessary
Youth Club Senior Session
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
13 19
Youth Club Session - Wii Just Dance, Arts & Crafts, Table Tennis, Pool, Football, Games or just hanging out with friends
No Booking Necessary
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
All Ages
O Ja cto nu b ar er y -
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October
Time Venue
Young Women's Group
17:00 19:00
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
Street Dance
17:30 19:30
Western Young People's C
Western Young People's C
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
14 19
Sessions will look at issues relevant to young women today, incl. raising aspirations, confidence, self-esteem, healthy relationships, plus much more.
No Booking Necessary
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
10 19
Street Dance classes - learn and perform dance routines
No Booking Necessary
Western Young People's Centre Cambridge Road Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN34 5TB
10 12
Activity session including art, dance, cooking, quizzes and friendly pool competitions.
Open access - no booking required
18:00 20:00
Western Young People's Centre Cambridge Road Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN34 5TB
10 12
Activity session including art, dance, cooking, quizzes and friendly pool competitions.
Open access - no booking required
Rock School
18:30 20:30
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
11 19
Music workshops - learning how to play guitar, drums, sing, keyboard…
No Booking Necessary
Youth Club Senior Session
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
13 19
Youth Club Session - Wii Just Dance, Arts & Crafts, Table Tennis, Pool, Football, Games or just hanging out with friends
No Booking Necessary
Young Women's Group
17:00 19:00
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
14 19
Sessions will look at issues relevant to young women today, incl. raising aspirations, confidence, self-esteem, healthy relationships, plus much more.
No Booking Necessary
All Ages
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Time Venue
Street Dance
17:30 19:30
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
Rock School
18:30 20:30
Youth Club Senior Session
er y ob ar ct u O Jan
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October Age Activity Details
Booking Details
10 19
Street Dance classes - learn and perform dance routines
No Booking Necessary
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
11 19
Music workshops - learning how to play guitar, drums, sing, keyboard…
No Booking Necessary
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
13 19
Youth Club Session - Wii Just Dance, Arts & Crafts, Table Tennis, Pool, Football, Games or just hanging out with friends
No Booking Necessary
Rock School
18:30 20:30
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
11 19
Music workshops - learning how to play guitar, drums, sing, keyboard…
No Booking Necessary
Youth Club Senior Session
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
13 19
Youth Club Session - Wii Just Dance, Arts & Crafts, Table Tennis, Pool, Football, Games or just hanging out with friends
No Booking Necessary
Street Dance
17:30 19:30
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
10 19
Street Dance classes - learn and perform dance routines
No Booking Necessary
Western Young People's C
18:00 20:00
Western Young People's Centre Cambridge Road Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN34 5TB
10 12
Activity session including art, dance, cooking, quizzes and friendly pool competitions.
Open access - no booking required
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
All Ages
ly Look and app es rs online for cou ies it and opportun across North st and North-Ea Lincolnshire
Log on to...
26 Here’s a list of all the trips throughout the summer
Time Venue
Rock School
18:30 20:30
Youth Club Senior Session
Youth Club Senior Session
Street Dance
er y ob ar ct u O Jan
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October Age Activity Details
Booking Details
11 19
Music workshops - learning how to play guitar, drums, sing, keyboard…
No Booking Necessary
13 19
Youth Club Session - Wii Just Dance, Arts & Crafts, Table Tennis, Pool, Football, Games or just hanging out with friends
No Booking Necessary
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
13 19
Youth Club Session - Wii Just Dance, Arts & Crafts, Table Tennis, Pool, Football, Games or just hanging out with friends
No Booking Necessary
17:30 19:30
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
10 19
Street Dance classes - learn and perform dance routines
No Booking Necessary
Western Young People's C
18:00 20:00
Western Young People's Centre Cambridge Road Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN34 5TB
10 12
Activity session including art, dance, cooking, quizzes and friendly pool competitions.
Open access - no booking required
Rock School
18:30 20:30
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
11 19
Music workshops - learning how to play guitar, drums, sing, keyboard…
No Booking Necessary
Youth Club Senior Session
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
13 19
Youth Club Session - Wii Just Dance, Arts & Crafts, Table Tennis, Pool, Football, Games or just hanging out with friends
No Booking Necessary
Street Dance
17:30 19:30
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
10 19
Street Dance classes - learn and perform dance routines
No Booking Necessary
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
All Ages
O Ja cto nu b ar er y -
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October
Time Venue
Western Young People's C
18:00 20:00
Western Young People's Centre Cambridge Road Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN34 5TB
Rock School
18:30 20:30
Western Young People's C
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
10 12
Activity session including art, dance, cooking, quizzes and friendly pool competitions.
Open access - no booking required
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
11 19
Music workshops - learning how to play guitar, drums, sing, keyboard‌
No Booking Necessary
18:00 20:00
Western Young People's Centre Cambridge Road Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN34 5TB
10 12
Activity session including art, dance, cooking, quizzes and friendly pool competitions.
Open access - no booking required
Western Young People's C
18:00 20:00
Western Young People's Centre Cambridge Road Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN34 5TB
10 12
Activity session including art, dance, cooking, quizzes and friendly pool competitions.
Open access - no booking required
Western Young People's C
18:00 20:00
Western Young People's Centre Cambridge Road Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN34 5TB
10 12
Activity session including art, dance, cooking, quizzes and friendly pool competitions.
Open access - no booking required
Every Monday from 31/10/2011 to 30/01/2012
Peer Mentoring/ Volunteering Course
19:00 20:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN401QF
14 25
Same time and place every week. The session is for young people who are interested in volunteering or supporting other young people who attend the centre
For further details contact Mark Evans tel 01469 516035
Every Monday beginning 31/10/2011 to 30/01/2012
Choices Clinic
15:30 17:30
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN401QF
12 25
Same time and place every week. Choices offers sexual health advice and support and offers a clinic for young people under 25. Contraception is avaiable
For further details contact Mark Evans tel 01469 516035
All Ages
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Time Venue
Every Tuesday from 01/11/2011 to 31/01/2012
Connexions Drop In
13:30 16:30
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN401QF
Every Tuesday from 01/11/2011 to 31/01/2012
Open Session 13+
19:00 20:00
Young Carers Siblings Group
er y ob ar ct u O Jan
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October Age Activity Details
Booking Details
13 19
Same time and place every week. Drop in session for young people seeking Impartial Information advice and guidance. 2 PA's will be on site each week
Alexa Wickham 01469 516035
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN401QF
11 19
Same time and place every week. Open Youth Work Session with a focus on Arts and Cookery
For further details contact Mark Evans tel 01469 516035
16:00 18:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN401QF
5 19
This session is for young carers and their siblings to be together and enjoy activities within the centre
Contact Tracy Slattery 01472 323292
Year 6 Introduction Night
18:30 20:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
10 11
Introduction to Immingham Young People's Centre for School Yr 6. There will be a range of activities on offer during the sessions
For further information contact Mark Evans Tel 01469 516035
Young Carers Teenage Group
15:00 17:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
11 25
The session is aimed at older young carers to give them some time away from their caring role. It is an opportunity to meet new friends and develop their skills and knowledge through acceditation.
Contact Tracy Slattery 01472 323292
Young Parents Group
15:30 17:30
immingham Children's Centre Margeret Street Immingham
14 25
The session is to support young parents in a safe environment with an objective of promoting positive parenting and using the Children's Centre as a resource
Contact Immingham Children's Centre 01469
Rock School
19:00 21:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
11 25
Session for young people to learn how to use musical instruments or improve singing skills. Trained tutors are available at each session
For further details contact Mark Evans tel 01469 516035
Every Friday from 04/11/2011 to 27/01/2012
Open Session 11+
18:30 20:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
11 14
Same time and place every week. The session will offer a range of activities throughout the year including music performing arts, sport.
For further details contact Mark Evans tel 01469 516035
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
All Ages
O Ja cto nu b ar er y -
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October
Time Venue
Young Carers Siblings Group
16:00 18:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN401QF
Year 6 Introduction Night
18:30 20:00
Young Carers Teenage Group
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
5 19
This session is for young carers and their siblings to be together and enjoy activities within the centre
Contact Tracy Slattery 01472 323292
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
10 11
Introduction to Immingham Young People's Centre for School Yr 6. There will be a range of activities on offer during the sessions
For further information contact Mark Evans Tel 01469 516035
15:00 17:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
11 25
The session is aimed at older young carers to give them some time away from their caring role. It is an opportunity to meet new friends and develop their skills and knowledge through acceditation.
Contact Tracy Slattery 01472 323292
Young Parents Group
15:30 17:30
immingham Children's Centre Margeret Street Immingham
14 25
The session is to support young parents in a safe environment with an objective of promoting positive parenting and using the Children's Centre as a resource
Contact Immingham Children's Centre 01469
Rock School
19:00 21:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
11 25
Session for young people to learn how to use musical instruments or improve singing skills. Trained tutors are available at each session
For further details contact Mark Evans tel 01469 516035
Young Carers Siblings Group
16:00 18:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN401QF
5 19
This session is for young carers and their siblings to be together and enjoy activities within the centre
Contact Tracy Slattery 01472 323292
Year 6 Introduction Night
18:30 20:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
10 11
Introduction to Immingham Young People's Centre for School Yr 6. There will be a range of activities on offer during the sessions
For further information contact Mark Evans Tel 01469 516035
Young Carers Teenage Group
15:00 17:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
11 25
The session is aimed at older young carers to give them some time away from their caring role. It is an opportunity to meet new friends and develop their skills and knowledge through acceditation.
Contact Tracy Slattery 01472 323292
All Ages
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Time Venue
Young Parents Group
15:30 17:30
immingham Children's Centre Margeret Street Immingham
Rock School
19:00 21:00
Young Carers Siblings Group
er y ob ar ct u O Jan
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October Age Activity Details
Booking Details
14 25
The session is to support young parents in a safe environment with an objective of promoting positive parenting and using the Children's Centre as a resource
Contact Immingham Children's Centre 01469
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
11 25
Session for young people to learn how to use musical instruments or improve singing skills. Trained tutors are available at each session
For further details contact Mark Evans tel 01469 516035
16:00 18:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN401QF
For further details contact Mark Evans tel 01469 516035
Year 6 Introduction Night
18:30 20:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
For further details contact Mark Evans tel 01469 516035
Young Carers Teenage Group
15:00 17:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
For further details contact Mark Evans tel 01469 516035
Young Parents Group
15:30 17:30
immingham Children's Centre Margeret Street Immingham
For further details contact Mark Evans tel 01469 516035
Rock School
19:00 21:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
For further details contact Mark Evans tel 01469 516035
Young Carers Siblings Group
16:00 18:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN401QF
5 19
This session is for young carers and their siblings to be together and enjoy activities within the centre
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Contact Tracy Slattery 01472 323292
All Ages
O Ja cto nu b ar er y -
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October
Time Venue
Year 6 Introduction Night
18:30 20:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
Young Carers Teenage Group
15:00 17:00
Young Parents Group
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
10 11
Introduction to Immingham Young People's Centre for School Yr 6. There will be a range of activities on offer during the sessions
For further information contact Mark Evans Tel 01469 516035
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
11 25
The session is aimed at older young carers to give them some time away from their caring role. It is an opportunity to meet new friends and develop their skills and knowledge through acceditation.
Contact Tracy Slattery 01472 323292
15:30 17:30
immingham Children's Centre Margeret Street Immingham
14 25
The session is to support young parents in a safe environment with an objective of promoting positive parenting and using the Children's Centre as a resource
Contact Immingham Children's Centre 01469
Rock School
19:00 21:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
11 25
Session for young people to learn how to use musical instruments or improve singing skills. Trained tutors are available at each session
For further details contact Mark Evans tel 01469 516035
Young Carers Siblings Group
16:00 18:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN401QF
5 19
This session is for young carers and their siblings to be together and enjoy activities within the centre
Contact Tracy Slattery 01472 323292
Year 6 Introduction Night
18:30 20:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
10 11
Introduction to Immingham Young People's Centre for School Yr 6. There will be a range of activities on offer during the sessions
For further information contact Mark Evans Tel 01469 516035
Young Carers Teenage Group
15:00 17:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
11 25
The session is aimed at older young carers to give them some time away from their caring role. It is an opportunity to meet new friends and develop their skills and knowledge through acceditation.
Contact Tracy Slattery 01472 323292
Young Parents Group
15:30 17:30
immingham Children's Centre Margeret Street Immingham
14 25
The session is to support young parents in a safe environment with an objective of promoting positive parenting and using the Children's Centre as a resource
Contact Immingham Children's Centre 01469
All Ages
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Time Venue
Rock School
19:00 21:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
Young Carers Siblings Group
16:00 18:00
Year 6 Introduction Night
er y ob ar ct u O Jan
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October Age Activity Details
Booking Details
11 25
Session for young people to learn how to use musical instruments or improve singing skills. Trained tutors are available at each session
For further details contact Mark Evans tel 01469 516035
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN401QF
5 19
This session is for young carers and their siblings to be together and enjoy activities within the centre
Contact Tracy Slattery 01472 323292
18:30 20:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
10 11
Introduction to Immingham Young People's Centre for School Yr 6. There will be a range of activities on offer during the sessions
For further information contact Mark Evans Tel 01469 516035
Young Carers Teenage Group
15:00 17:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
11 25
The session is aimed at older young carers to give them some time away from their caring role. It is an opportunity to meet new friends and develop their skills and knowledge through acceditation.
Contact Tracy Slattery 01472 323292
Young Parents Group
15:30 17:30
immingham Children's Centre Margeret Street Immingham
14 25
The session is to support young parents in a safe environment with an objective of promoting positive parenting and using the Children's Centre as a resource
Contact Immingham Children's Centre 01469
Rock School
19:00 21:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
11 25
Session for young people to learn how to use musical instruments or improve singing skills. Trained tutors are available at each session
For further details contact Mark Evans tel 01469 516035
Young Carers Siblings Group
16:00 18:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN401QF
5 19
This session is for young carers and their siblings to be together and enjoy activities within the centre
Contact Tracy Slattery 01472 323292
Year 6 Introduction Night
18:30 20:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
10 11
Introduction to Immingham Young People's Centre for School Yr 6. There will be a range of activities on offer during the sessions
For further information contact Mark Evans Tel 01469 516035
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
All Ages
O Ja cto nu b ar er y -
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October
Time Venue
Young Carers Teenage Group
15:00 17:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
Young Parents Group
15:30 17:30
Rock School
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
11 25
The session is aimed at older young carers to give them some time away from their caring role. It is an opportunity to meet new friends and develop their skills and knowledge through acceditation.
Contact Tracy Slattery 01472 323292
immingham Children's Centre Margeret Street Immingham
14 25
The session is to support young parents in a safe environment with an objective of promoting positive parenting and using the Children's Centre as a resource
Contact Immingham Children's Centre 01469
19:00 21:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
11 25
Session for young people to learn how to use musical instruments or improve singing skills. Trained tutors are available at each session
For further details contact Mark Evans tel 01469 516035
Young Carers Siblings Group
16:00 18:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN401QF
5 19
This session is for young carers and their siblings to be together and enjoy activities within the centre
Contact Tracy Slattery 01472 323292
Year 6 Introduction Night
18:30 20:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
10 11
Introduction to Immingham Young People's Centre for School Yr 6. There will be a range of activities on offer during the sessions
For further information contact Mark Evans Tel 01469 516035
Young Carers Teenage Group
15:00 17:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
11 25
The session is aimed at older young carers to give them some time away from their caring role. It is an opportunity to meet new friends and develop their skills and knowledge through acceditation.
Contact Tracy Slattery 01472 323292
Young Parents Group
15:30 17:30
immingham Children's Centre Margeret Street Immingham
14 25
The session is to support young parents in a safe environment with an objective of promoting positive parenting and using the Children's Centre as a resource
Contact Immingham Children's Centre 01469
Rock School
19:00 21:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
11 25
Session for young people to learn how to use musical instruments or improve singing skills. Trained tutors are available at each session
For further details contact Mark Evans tel 01469 516035
All Ages
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Time Venue
Young Carers Siblings Group
16:00 18:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN401QF
Year 6 Introduction Night
18:30 20:00
Young Carers Teenage Group
er y ob ar ct u O Jan
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October Age Activity Details
Booking Details
5 19
This session is for young carers and their siblings to be together and enjoy activities within the centre
Contact Tracy Slattery 01472 323292
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
10 11
Introduction to Immingham Young People's Centre for School Yr 6. There will be a range of activities on offer during the sessions
For further information contact Mark Evans Tel 01469 516035
15:00 17:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
11 25
The session is aimed at older young carers to give them some time away from their caring role. It is an opportunity to meet new friends and develop their skills and knowledge through acceditation.
Contact Tracy Slattery 01472 323292
Young Parents Group
15:30 17:30
immingham Children's Centre Margeret Street Immingham
14 25
The session is to support young parents in a safe environment with an objective of promoting positive parenting and using the Children's Centre as a resource
Contact Immingham Children's Centre 01469
Rock School
19:00 21:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
11 25
Session for young people to learn how to use musical instruments or improve singing skills. Trained tutors are available at each session
For further details contact Mark Evans tel 01469 516035
Young Carers Siblings Group
16:00 18:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN401QF
5 19
This session is for young carers and their siblings to be together and enjoy activities within the centre
Contact Tracy Slattery 01472 323292
Year 6 Introduction Night
18:30 20:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
10 11
Introduction to Immingham Young People's Centre for School Yr 6. There will be a range of activities on offer during the sessions
For further information contact Mark Evans Tel 01469 516035
Young Carers Teenage Group
15:00 17:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
11 25
The session is aimed at older young carers to give them some time away from their caring role. It is an opportunity to meet new friends and develop their skills and knowledge through acceditation.
Contact Tracy Slattery 01472 323292
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
All Ages
O Ja cto nu b ar er y -
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October
Time Venue
Young Parents Group
15:30 17:30
immingham Children's Centre Margeret Street Immingham
Rock School
19:00 21:00
Every Monday from 7/11/2011
Mobile Youth Bus
Every Tuesday from 8/11/2011
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
14 25
The session is to support young parents in a safe environment with an objective of promoting positive parenting and using the Children's Centre as a resource
Contact Immingham Children's Centre 01469
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
11 25
Session for young people to learn how to use musical instruments or improve singing skills. Trained tutors are available at each session
For further details contact Mark Evans tel 01469 516035
18:00 20:00
Kent St Resource Centre
5 19
Weekly Sessions, same time, same place. Access youth wrokers, Choices advice and guidance, PS3, Wii and a variety of activities
No need to book, just turn up
Mobile Youth Bus
18:00 20:00
New Waltham Pavilion
5 19
Weekly Sessions, same time, same place. Access youth wrokers, Choices advice and guidance, PS3, Wii and a variety of activities
No need to book, just turn up
Every Tuesday from 8/11/2011
18:00 20:00
Sidney Park
6 13
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Tuesday from 08/11/2011
Street Dance
19:00 20:00
Hereford Tech School
8 19
Weekly sessions, same time same place. Street dance workshops.
No need to book, just turn up
Every Tuesday from 8/11/2011
Street Dance
18:00 20:00
Immingham Ypc
8 19
Weekly sessions, same time same place. Street dance workshops.
No need to book, just turn up
Beginning Tuesday 8th November
Rock School
18:00 20:00
Western Ypc
13 18
Weekly session, same time same place. Music workshop.
No need to book, just turn up
Every Wednesday from 9/11/2011
Mobile Youth Bus
19:00 21:00
5 19
Weekly Sessions, same time, same place. Access youth wrokers, Choices advice and guidance, PS3, Wii and a variety of activities
No need to book, just turn up
Every Wednesday from 9/11/2011
Mobile Youth Bus
19:00 21:00
St Michaels Church
5 19
Weekly Sessions, same time, same place. Access youth wrokers, Choices advice and guidance, PS3, Wii and a variety of activities
No need to book, just turn up
Every Wednesday from 3/11/2011
20:00 21:00
St Andrews College
13 19
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
All Ages
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Time Venue
Every Wednesday from 9/11/2011
Street Dance
19:00 20:00
Western Ypc
Every Wednesday from 9/11/2011
Street Dance
17:30 18:30
Every Wednesday from 9/11/2011
Street Dance
Every Thursday from 10/11/2011
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
8 19
Weekly sessions, same time same place. Street dance workshops.
No need to book, just turn up
St Hughes Community Centre
8 19
Weekly sessions, same time same place. Street dance workshops.
No need to book, just turn up
19:00 20:00
St.Peters Church Hall
8 19
Weekly sessions, same time same place. Street dance workshops.
No need to book, just turn up
Mobile Youth Bus
19:00 21:00
Hardys Rec
5 19
Weekly Sessions, same time, same place. Access youth wrokers, Choices advice and guidance, PS3, Wii and a variety of activities
No need to book, just turn up
Every Thursday from 10/11/2011
18:00 20:00
Hardys Rec
8 19
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Thursday from 10/11/2011 THURSDAY 10TH NOVEMBER
Mobile Youth Bus
19:00 21:00
Scartho, Quantock
5 19
Weekly Sessions, same time, same place. Access youth wrokers, Choices advice and guidance, PS3, Wii and a variety of activities
No need to book, just turn up
Every Thursday from 10/11/2011
18:30 20:00
Numsthorpe Resource Centre
8 16
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Thursday from 10/11/2011
20:00 21:00
Numsthorpe Resource Centre
16 19
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Thursday from 10/11/2011
19:00 20:00
Pavilion, Greenlands
8 13
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Thursday from 10/11/2011
Pavilion, Greenlands
13 19
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Thursday from 10/11/2011
Street Dance
17:00 18:00
Hereford Tech School
8 19
Weekly sessions, same time same place. Street dance workshops.
No need to book, just turn up
Every Thursday from 10/11/2011
Street Dance
18:30 19:30
The Leas School
8 19
Weekly sessions, same time same place. Street dance workshops.
No need to book, just turn up
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
All Ages
er y ob ar ct u O Jan
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October
O Ja cto nu b ar er y -
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October
Time Venue
Every Thursday from 10/11/2011 to 26/01/2012
13:30 14:30
Yarborough School
Every Thursday from 10/11/2011 to 26/01/2012
10:00 12:00
Beginning Thursday 10th November
Rock School
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
10 12
Weekly sessions, same time same place. Learn how to mix like a professional DJ in the clubs. Money for snacks and drinks is required.
No need to book, just turn up
Shalom, Space
13 15
Weekly sessions, same time same place. Learn how to mix like a professional DJ in the clubs. Money for snacks and drinks is required.
No need to book, just turn up
19:00 21:00
Immingham Ypc
13 18
Weekly session, same time same place. Music workshop.
No need to book, just turn up
Mobile Youth Bus
18:00 21:00
5 19
Weekly Sessions, same time, same place. Access youth wrokers, Choices advice and guidance, PS3, Wii and a variety of activities
No need to book, just turn up
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
15:30 17:30
Laceby Acres Primary School
7 11
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
18:00 19:00
Whitgift School Hall
6 10
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
19:00 20:00
Whitgift School Hall
10 16
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
Whitgift School Hall
16 19
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
18:00 19:00
Humberston School Hall
8 13
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
19:00 21:00
Humberston School Hall
13 19
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
18:00 19:00
Oasis Wintringham
8 13
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
19:00 21:00
Oasis Wintringham
13 19
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
All Ages
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Time Venue
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
18:00 19:00
Immingham Sports Hall
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
19:00 20:00
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
8 13
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Immingham Sports Hall
13 16
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
20:00 21:00
Immingham Sports Hall
16 19
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
18:00 19:00
8 13
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
19:00 20:00
13 16
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
20:00 21:00
16 19
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
18:00 19:00
Hereford Tech School Astro
8 13
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
19:00 20:00
Hereford Tech School Astro
13 16
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
20:00 21:00
Hereford Tech School Astro
16 19
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
18:00 19:00
Freeman St Resource Astro
8 13
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
19:00 20:00
Freeman St Resource Astro
13 16
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
20:00 21:00
Freeman St Resource Astro
16 19
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
17:00 18:00
West Marsh Community Centre Astro
8 13
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Friday from 11/11/2011
18:00 19:00
West Marsh Community Centre Astro
13 16
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
All Ages
er y ob ar ct u O Jan
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October
O Ja cto nu b ar er y -
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October
Time Venue
Every Friday From 11/11/2011
19:00 20:00
West Marsh Community Centre Astro
Every Friday From 11/11/2011
18:00 20:00
Friday 11th November
Rugby League
Every Friday From 11/11/2011 Friday 11th November
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
16 19
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Nunsthorpe Community School
8 19
Weekly sessions, same time same place. Come along and join in this fitness session
No need to book, just turn up
17:30 19:00
Eastfield Primary School
6 12
Weekly sessions, same time same place. Come along for some rugby training and matches.
No need to book, just turn up
Street Dance
18:30 19:30
Oasis Wintringham
8 19
Weekly sessions, same time same place. Street dance workshops.
No need to book, just turn up
Every Saturday From 12/11/2011
Mobile Youth Bus
18:00 21:00
People's Park
5 19
Weekly Sessions, same time, same place. Access youth wrokers, Choices advice and guidance, PS3, Wii and a variety of activities
No need to book, just turn up
Every Saturday From 12/11/2011
18:00 20:00
Weelsby Primary School
6 13
Football coaching session, ploggers 8 and upwards. Training matches and skills
No need to book, just turn up
Every Thursday From 24/11/2011 To 22/12/2011
Crew Van
17:00 21:00
St James Square
5 19
The bus will be there every week, same time, same place. Access youth workers, choices advice and guidance, PS3, Wii and a variety of activities.
No need to book, just turn up
All Ages
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Date of Birth: ................................................................ Current School Year Group: .........................................
Age: ............................................................................... School or College: .........................................................
3. Does your child have any allergies - for example: to medication or specific foods such as nuts? Yes No If yes, please give brief details ............................................................................................................................
If yes, please give brief details ............................................................................................................................
2. To the best of you knowledge, has your child been in contact with any contagious or Infectious diseases or suffered from anything in the last 3 months that may become Infectious of contagious?
If yes, please give brief details ............................................................................................................................
Tel No: ..........................................................................
1. Does your child suffer from any condition requiring medical treatment, or medication?
Medical Information (please tick)
Name: ............................................................................
Alternative Emergency Contact Details:
Name: ............................................................................
Emergency Contact Details of Parent/Carer: Tel No: ..........................................................................
Email: ...........................................................................
Mobile: ...........................................................................
Emergency Contact Details
Work: ............................................................................
Postcode: .....................................................................
Home: ............................................................................
Telephone Number (Including STD code)
Home Address: ........................................................................................................................................................
Full Name: .....................................................................
Gender M/F: .................................................................
Time: ............................................................................
Returning Date: ............................................................. Personal Details
Time: ............................................................................
Date & Time: ................................................................
Page 1/2
Departing Date: .............................................................
Name of Activity: ...........................................................
If involving overnight stay
Name of Activity: ...........................................................
Activity Details
Parental Consent Form
er y ob ar ct u O Jan 41
Parental Consent Form No
Page 2/2
Yes No
Medical Information Continued 4. Has your child had a tetanus injection in the last 5 years? Yes
5. Does your child have any specific dietary requirements?
If yes, please give brief details ............................................................................................................................. 6. Have you taken part in any sport or fitness outside school in the last 12 months? Doctor’s Name: ............................................................... Disability Does your child to have a disability or special need? If yes, please state type of disability and if any special considerations are needed?
Black (African)
Other White
White (Irish)
White (British)
Other Asian
Other Mixed
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Black (Caribbean) Romanian
Ethnicity (please tick)
Black (Other)
May we use your child’s image in our printed promotional activities?
To the Parent/Carer
May we use your child’s image on our website?
May we record your child’s image on our promotional images? Declaration:
I agree to let my child take part in the above activity. I understand that North East Lincolnshire Council are under no liability in respect of any loss or injury, which the applicant may sustain, other than death or personal injury resulting from negligent acts of its employees or agents. I understand the need for good behaviour, and agree to them being sent home if necessary. I will inform the activity/visit organiser as soon as possible of any change in the details above. I agree to my child receiving emergency medical treatment, including anaesthetic, as considered necessary by the medical authorities present. I understand the insurance cover provided.
Walking alone
Catching bus alone
I understand that the total cost of the visit will be £ ........................... to be paid in full by ...........................(Date). I agree to my child going home by the following method (please tick) Parent/Carer collecting
Other: (please state) ................................................................................................................................................. Signed: .......................................................................... Date: ................................................................................
Through customer services
Children’s Centre
Do you have any other comments or suggestions?
Other (please state)
Where did you get the booklet from? (please specify)
Do you have any suggestions?
Do you like the new style of the booklet?
If no, please state why not
Will your child be attending any of the activities/ events advertised in this booklet?
Did you find the information in this booklet useful? Yes
How did you find the booking experience?
Postcode: ............................................................ How did you book your activity?
Address: ...................................................................................................................................................................
Name: ................................................................................................................................ Age: .............................
Customer feedback is important to us, if you have any comments or suggestions, positive or negative, then we would like to hear them. Please complete this form and return it to the Activities Coordinator, Young People’s Support Service, Extended Services, Western Campus, Cambridge Road, Grimsby, DN34 5TD
School’s out for... Feedback form
Important Information • Some activities require parental consent. If a child does not have a completed consent form then they will not be able to attend the activity, consent forms will be emailed to you if you book online or sent to you if you book your activities by telephone. • Activity providers do not take responsibility for personal belongings; please try to avoid bringing money and valuables to activities. • If your child uses an inhaler, please ensure they take it to the activity with them. • Photographs or videos may be taken for publicity purposes at some activities. If you object to this then please let the provider know.
• Any person disrupting the activities will be forbidden from attending future events. • All people taking part in activities are expected to show care, consideration and courtesy to each other and staff at all times. • Anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be allowed to take part in any activities. • Certain age restrictions apply to some activities. You are requested not to attend sessions that are not suitable for your age group.
Young People’s Support Services offer impartial information, advice and guidance on education, jobs and training. YPSS can also support you to get help on a range of personal and welfare issues. Academies, Schools and Colleges Careers Advisers will be working in local academies, schools and colleges throughout the autumn term and the remainder of the academic year. They provide impartial information, advice and guidance to help students choose the most suitable options. The autumn term is an important time for Year 11 students as they begin to make applications for further education or training. www.lincs2.co.uk – an online prospectus that contains comprehensive and up-to-date information about learning opportunities in North East Lincolnshire. College and 6th form students are also making their applications for higher education.
Queen Street Centre Will be offering the following services throughout the autumn:• CV Service - If you are looking for a job, then you will often need a CV. Use our service to help you make the best impression. • Duty Service - For information, advice and guidance on education, employment, training, benefits and much more. Our Duty Personal Advisers are available: Mon - Thurs 1.00pm - 4.30pm and Fri 1.00pm - 4.00pm. No appointment is necessary • Careers Guidance - You can book an appointment with a Careers Adviser to discuss your future career options.
For further information or to book an appointment call: 01472 325000 or visit the centre
www.ucas.co.uk – the organisation responsible for managing applications to higher education courses in the UK.
YPSS Queen Street Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN31 1JA
YPSS Careers Advisers are available to help and support students throughout this important period.
We also attend Immingham on a weekly basis, based at Immingham Young People’s Centre. Every Tuesday 1.30pm - 4.30pm.
This product includes mapping data licensed from Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright 2008 | Licence number 100020759 | © Geoinformation Group 2011 | © North East Lincolnshire Council 2011
www.nelincs.gov.uk/takeoverday TAKEOVER DAY offers children and young people across the country the chance to work with adults and get involved in decision-making in all kinds of organisations. If you would like to get involved this year send us your ideas or apply for one of the opportunities on the web page Last year local children and young people took part in a number of ways including being councillor for the day, taking over a teaching role and meeting with the Chief Executive of the Council. If you have an idea we can help you find the best way to get involved and let others know about your experience. This year we already have takeovers planned with the local press and other exciting opportunities which you can find on the website.
Go to www.nelincs.gov.uk/takeoverday or contact Pippa Curtin on 323298 or pippa.curtin@nelincs.gov.uk Find our page on facebook
takeover day north east lincs
For more information contact YPSS on 01472 326987
Food & Refreshments, Music, Live Entertainment, guest speakers, craft stalls, quizzes and prizes.
All Welcome!!
at: Grimsby Town Hall, Assembly Room 7.00pm – 9.00pm
on: Wednesday, November 9, 2011
In North East Lincolnshire
You are invited to join us in celebration of Culture
H Oc al to f T be er r m
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October
Time Venue
Football - Bradley
20:00 21:00
Bradley Football Development Centre Bradley Road Grimsby DN37 0AG
Nomad Cage Football
18:00 21:00
Clee Yps
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
16 19
Come and have a kick about and play some matches. Please wear suitable sports wear.
No need to book, just turn up and play
8 19
Cage Football
No need to book, just turn up
If you are 14 years or above and are interested in finding out more about the Duke of Edinburgh Award visit www.dofe.org or for local information please contact Sue Campbell on either 01472 323212 or email sue.campbell@nelincs.gov.uk
Age 13-19
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Time Venue
Western Young people's centre Friday night Drop In
19:00 21:00
Western Young people's centre Cambrisge Road grimsby North east lincolnshire DN34 5TB
Getting Heard Training
10:00 15:00
Friday Yr 7/8 Night
er m ob r ct e O lf T a H
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October Age Activity Details
Booking Details
13 19
Social Club activities, Group Work and Choices C Card Service avalilable .
No need to book, just turn up
Cleethorpes Leisure Centre Kingsway Cleethorpes DN350BY
10 25
2 day programme is for young people with a disability. The programme encourages young people to speak out and gain confidence in decision making. Young People will work towards an ASDAN award in Self Advocacy.
to book visit: www.nelincs.gov.uk www.extendedschools.org www.nelincsfis.co.uk
19:00 21:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
11 14
Friday night is an open session for young people 11-14 to attend the Young People's Centre. A range of activites for young people will be on offer on each night.
to book visit: www.nelincs.gov.uk www.extendedschools.org www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Mobile Youth Bus
18:00 21:00
5 19
Access youth workers, choices advice and guidance, PS3, Wii and a variety of activities.
No need to book, just turn up
Multi Activity Day
10:00 15:00
Laceby Acres Primary School
6 11
Multi Sports Day
to book visit: www.nelincs.gov.uk www.extendedschools.org www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Football - Bradley
19:00 20:00
Bradley Football Development Centre Bradley Road Grimsby DN37 0AG
12 15
Come and have a kick about and play some matches. Please wear suitable sports wear.
No need to book, just turn up and play
Football - Hereford
18:00 20:00
Hereford School Astro Turf, Westward Ho, Grimsby DN34 5AH
12 19
Come and have a kick about and play some matches. Please wear suitable sports wear.
No need to book, just turn up and play
Football Immingham
18:00 20:00
Immingham Sports Centre, Astro Turf, Washdyke Lane, Immingham DN40 2HL
12 19
Come and have a kick about and play some matches. Please wear suitable sports wear.
No need to book, just turn up and play
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Age 13-19
Fiona Blacke National Youth Agency Chief Executive
There is an event at Clee Young People’s Centre on Thursday 3 November from 2:30 until 6.00 hosted by a number of agencies offering information and activities to young people and their families. The Grimsby Institute Job Club Launch (pg 51) will take place from 2.30pm onwards. There will also be several services offering information for young people/families to take away with them including training providers, housing agencies, health services and many more. (A Food Hygiene course and a First Aid course will be available in the morning. To book a place on either course please call Hayley on 01472 325273.) Pop in any time throughout the day!
g on in this of sporting activities goin in YPSS have got loads k young people do with wor d goo the te mo any of the week to pro re is no need to book The . hire olns Linc t North Eas ! turn up and get involved following events, just ll: Nomad Cage Footba ce Centre, m Kent Street Resour 31/10/2011 6pm - 10p Pavillion, m ltha Wa New m 10p 1/11/2011 6m Oasis Winrtingham, 2/11/2011 9am - 3pm Oasis Immngham, 3pm 3/11/2011 9am m Oasis Immingham, 4/11/2011 6pm - 10p Centre m Willows Community 5/11/2011 6pm - 10p
This years youth work week will be an opportunity to highlight to politicians and decision makers how investment in youth work can address community issues and enable young people to feel they have a stake in society.
YPSS Careers Guidance have appointments going on every day throughout the week. To discuss the range of options available to you for you r future please call 01472 325000 to either book an appointment or get further information.
Mobile Youth Bus: ce Centre, m Kent Street Resour 31/10/2011 6pm - 10p Pavillion, m ltha Wa New m 1/11/2011 6pm - 10p Neville Turner Way, 2/11/2011 7pm - 9pm St. Michales Church, 2/11/2011 7pm - 9pm Hardy’s Rec, 3.11.2011 7pm - 9pm , Quantock Park Scartho 3/11/2011 7pm - 9pm s, rett Bar 9pm 4/11/2011 7pm m People’s Park 5/11/2011 6pm - 10p YPSS Crew Van: t Lincolnshire m All across North Eas 6/11/2011 6pm = 10p
Look out for events happening at all your local Young People’s Centres throughout this week
01472 311222 ext. 568
If you are interested and need help contact Nikki Boyce on
Plus the chance to talk to local employers about what they look for in an employee.
We can help you with application forms and online applications, prepare you for interviews, help you to write your C.V, and even gain a NCFE qualification.
Thursday 3rd November, 2.30pm - 6pm at Clee Young People’s Centre.
Are you aged 16 - 18 and need help finding a job? Come to Job Club:
It’s all about standing OUT
H Oc al to f T be er r m
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October
Time Venue
Introduction to Rock School
19:00 20:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
Mobile Youth Bus
19:00 21:00
Multi Activity Day
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
10 16
This is an opportunity to learn to play musical instruments or sing under tuition of trained staff
to book visit: www.nelincs.gov.uk www.extendedschools.org www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Hardys Rec
5 19
Access youth workers, choices advice and guidance, PS3, Wii and a variety of activities.
No need to book, just turn up
11:00 15:00
Clee Ypc
5 19
Climbing Wall, Multi Sports, Mobile Youth Bus
No need to book, just turn up
Mobile Youth Bus
19:00 21:00
Scartho, Quantock
5 19
Access youth workers, choices advice and guidance, PS3, Wii and a variety of activities.
No need to book, just turn up
Emergency First Aid
10:00 14:30
Trin Young People’s Centre, Trinity Road, Cleethorpes, N.E. Lincs, DN35 8UN
13 19
Learn how to apply first aid in emergency situations - this course is delivered by St. John’s Ambulance. A Free lunch will be provided.
To book a place please call Michael Cook on 07825 125903
Halloween trail
10:00 16:00
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Child 2.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Follow the trail around the museum to find the witches
Hourly sessions between 10am and 4pm. To book call Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
Mr Bones Skeleton
11:00 15:00
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Child 1.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Design and decorate your own Mr Bones skeleton using split pins
Hourly sessions between 11am and 3pm. Booking is essential call the Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
Street Dance
17:30 19:30
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
10 19
Street Dance classes - learn and perform dance routines
No Booking Necessary
Doncaster Dome
9:00 17:00
Trin Young People's Centre, Trinity Road, Cleethorpes, N.E. Lincs, DN35 8UN
10 19
Swimming & Ice Skating. Please remember your swim wear and towel. Ice skates are provided. Please bring a packed lunch.
To book a place please contact Michael Cook on 07825125903
Halloween Disco
19:00 21:00
Trin Young People's Centre, Trinity Road, Cleethorpes, N.E. Lincs, DN35 8UN
11 14
Spooky halloween event with disco and games. Fancy dress encouraged.
Further enquiries to Trin 01472 500029
Age 13-19
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Time Venue
Emotional Health Awareness and Activity Day
10:00 14:00
Grimsby Town Hall, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, DN31 1HX
Halloween trail
10:00 16:00
Monster Paper Bag Puppet Kits
er m ob r ct e O lf T a H
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October Age Activity Details
Booking Details
9 16
Get top tips about how to keep emotionally healthy whilst doing fun activities. Free Goody bag for all. Lunch is provided.
To book a place please contact Anna Hunter/ Pippa Curtin on 01472 323298
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Child 2.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Follow the trail around the museum to find the witches
Hourly sessions between 10am and 4pm. To book call Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
11:00 15:00
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Child 1.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Design and decorate your own Monster Paper bag to collect all your Halloween goodies in
Hourly sessions between 11am and 3pm. Booking is essential call the Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
Young Advisors Light Training
9:00 17:00
Western Young People's Centre, Cambridge Road, Grimsby, DN34 5TD
14 21
DO YOU WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE? Following this training you will become a 'Young Advisor' and meet regularly to advise and work with adults to improve services and your community.
to book visit: www.nelincs.gov.uk www.extendedschools.org www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Horse Riding & Stable Management
13:00 16:45
Trin Young People's Centre, Trinity Road, Cleethorpes, N.E. Lincs, DN35 8UN
13 19
Learn to Ride and care for horses in this ABRS accredited course! Boots with a small heel (ie Wellingtons) and weather appropriate trouser clothing.
To book a place please contact Michael Cook on 07825125903
Cup Cake Making
17:30 20:00
Clee Young People's Centre, Ladysmith Road, Grimsby, N.E. Lincs, DN32 9SW
8 19
Make beautiful American Cupcakes to take home in a beautiful presentation box!
To book a place please contact Cazzie Adams on 07824608888
Western Young People's Centre Senior open Access
19:00 21:00
Western Young people's centre Cambrisge Road grimsby North east lincolnshire DN34 5TB
13 25
Socuial club activities and Art
Open Access No booking required.
Young Women's Group
17:00 19:00
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
14 19
Sessions will look at issues relevant to young women today, incl. raising aspirations, confidence, selfesteem, healthy relationships, plus much more.
No Booking Necessary
Indian Culture Day
10:00 16:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
8 20
Spend the day experiencing Indian Culture through Dance, Food Tasting, Costumes and Henna Art.
to book visit: www.nelincs.gov.uk www.extendedschools.org www.nelincsfis.co.uk
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Age 13-19
H Oc al to f T be er r m
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October
Time Venue
Mobile Youth Bus
18:00 20:00
New Waltham Pavilion
ASDAM Climbing Award
10:00 16:00
Youth Club Senior Session
Age Activity Details
Booking Details
5 19
Access youth workers, choices advice and guidance, PS3, Wii and a variety of activities.
No need to book, just turn up
Oasis Wintringham
8 16
Asdan Climbing Award
Closed Group
Whitgift Young People's Centre, John Whitgift Academy, Crosland Road, Grimsby, DN37 9EH
13 19
Youth Club Session - Wii Just Dance, Arts & Crafts, Table Tennis, Pool, Football, Games or just hanging out with friends
No Booking Necessary
Halloween trail
10:00 16:00
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Child 2.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Follow the trail around the museum to find the witches
Hourly sessions between 10am and 4pm. To book call Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
Witch & Wizard Hats
11:00 15:00
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Child 1.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Design and decorate your own Witch or Wizzard hat
Hourly sessions between 11am and 3pm. Booking is essential call the Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
Horse Riding & Stable Management
13:00 16:45
Clee Young People's Centre, Ladysmith Road, Grimsby, N.E. Lincs, DN32 9SW
13 19
Learn to Ride and care for horses in this ABRS accredited course!
To book a place please contact Cazzie Adams on 07824608888
Emergency First Aid
10:00 14:30
Trin Young People's Centre, Trinity Road, Cleethorpes, N.E. Lincs, DN35 8UN
13 19
Learn how to apply First Aid in Emergency situations - this course is delivered by St. John's Ambulance. A Free lunch will be provided.
To book a place please contact Michael Cook on 07825125903
Nunsthorpe Young People's Centre Senior Youth Club Open Access
19:00 21:00
Western Young people's centre Cambrisge Road grimsby North east lincolnshire DN34 5TB
13 19
Social club Activities Rock School and Street Dance
No booking required
Mobile Youth Bus
19:00 21:00
Neville Turner Way, Waltham
5 19
Access youth workers, choices advice and guidance, PS3, Wii and a variety of activities.
No need to book, just turn up
Asdam Climbing Award
10:00 16:00
Oasis Wintringham
8 16
Asdan Climbing Award
Closed Group
Mobile Youth Bus
19:00 21:00
St.Michaels Church
5 19
Access youth workers, choices advice and guidance, PS3, Wii and a variety of activities.
No need to book, just turn up
Age 13-19
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Time Venue
Multi Activity Day
11:00 15:00
Weelsby Primary School
Nunsthorpe Young people's Centre Senior Youth Club
19:00 21:00
Western Young People's Centre Early Tuesday Club Welcoming Young People with Additioanl Needs and Disability
er m ob r ct e O lf T a H
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October Age Activity Details
Booking Details
5 19
Climbing Wall, Multi Sports, Mobile Youth Bus
No need to book, just turn up
Nunsthorpe Young People's Centre Wootton Road Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN33 1HE
13 19
Social Club Activities Art and Ctraft, Sports and Dicsussions on relevant topics. C Card service available. Please bring trainers for sports.
Open Access no booking required.
17:45 19:45
Western Young People's Centre
11 25
Activities include Football, Cooking, Art and Craft, Nail Art, Computers, Pool, Conversation, Discussions. Support with personal issues. Please bring trainers for sports.
Please contact Jane Watkin on telephone 01472 323376
Halloween trail
10:00 16:00
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Child 2.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Follow the trail around the museum to find the witches
Hourly sessions between 10am and 4pm. To book call Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
Design a Halloween Mask
11:00 15:00
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Child 1.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Design and decorate your own Halloween mask
Booking is essential call the Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
Coffee Bar Training (Part 2 of 2)
10:00 15:00
Clee Young People's Centre, Ladysmith Road, Grimsby, N.E. Lincs, DN32 9SW
13 19
Customer Service, stock rotation, food hygiene & money handling skills. Please note both days must be attended.
To book a place please contact Cazzie Adams on 07824608888
Cooking Skills
10:00 13:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
8 20
Learn how to cook traditional recipies and learn about kitechen safety, Hygiene and Fair Trade. Accreditation for food safety will be awarded at the end of the programme
to book visit: www.nelincs.gov.uk www.extendedschools.org www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Youth Work Session 12 +
19:00 21:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
12 20
Tuesday night is an open session for young people 12 - 20 to attend the Young People's Centre. A range of activites for young people will be on offer on each night. Tuesdays will focus on Performing Arts and Dance
For further information contact Mark Evans on 01469 516035
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Age 13-19
National Youth Work Week Starting the celebrations will be Children and Young People of A & M’s Dance from Grimsby!!! North East Lincolnshire Young People’s Support Service (YPSS) are sponsoring teams to be able to enjoy a fantastic experience either in Disney Land Paris or at PGL Tregoyd House, in Wales in recognition of their wonderful efforts and total commitment throughout the long summer holidays.
Bringing Communities Together Summer 2011 Lifestyle All summer Children and Young People from North East Lincolnshire have taken part in the Humberside Police Lifestyle project. 593 Lifestylers have been busy fundraising, tidying up areas and finding amazing ways in which they can support people and groups from their communities. Activities range from organising mini Olympic activities for the community to helping with Immingham Fun Run and much more! Teams are now eagerly awaiting to hear if they have made it to the glittering Lifestyle Awards to be held on 16th November 2011 at Hull City Hall.
Don’t forget Lifestyle is an annual activity, look out for the winners in the next booklet and details of how you could be part of a team and who knows it could be you enjoying a Disneyland Paris trip of a lifetime!
Time Venue
Halloween trail
10:00 16:00
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Mobile Youth Bus
18:00 21:00
er m ob r ct e O lf T a H
The booking lines for all activities open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October Age Activity Details
Booking Details
Child 2.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Follow the trail around the museum to find the witches
Hourly sessions between 10am and 4pm. To book call Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
People's Park
5 19
Access youth workers, choices advice and guidance, PS3, Wii and a variety of activities.
No need to book, just turn up
18:00 20:00
Weelsby Primary School
6 13
Football coaching session. Ploggers 8 upwards, training skills and a match.
No need to book, just turn up
Halloween trail
10:00 16:00
Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 1UZ
Child 2.00 Adult 0.00
0 100
Follow the trail around the museum to find the witches
Hourly sessions between 10am and 4pm. To book call Fishing Heritage Centre on 01472 323345 for more details. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst in the museum.
Coffee Bar Training (Part 1 of 2)
10:00 15:00
Clee Young People's Centre, Ladysmith Road, Grimsby, N.E. Lincs, DN32 9SW
13 19
Customer Service, stock rotation, food hygiene & money handling skills. Please note both days must be attended. Free lunch will be provided and Accreditation can be gained.
To book a place please contact Cazzie Adams on 07824608888
Indian Cookery
11:00 14:00
Trin Young People's Centre, Trinity Road, Cleethorpes, N.E. Lincs, DN35 8UN
8 19
Try a flavour of the Outermost East in our Asian style cookery session (lunch included!)
To book a place please contact Michael Cook on 07825125903
Getting Heard Training
10:00 15:00
Cleethorpes Leisure Centre Kingsway Cleethorpes DN350BY
10 25
2 day programme is for young people with a disability. The programme encourages young people to speak out and gain confidence in decision making. Young People will work towards an ASDAN award in Self Advocacy. Must Attend Both Days for accreditation.
Contact Mark Evans Tel 01469 516035
Youth Work Session 12 +
19:00 21:00
Immingham Young People's Centre Pelham Road Immingham DN40 1QF
12 20
Monday night is an open session for young people 12 - 20 to attend the Young People's Centre. A range of activites for young people will be on offer on each night.
For further details contact Mark Evans on 01469 516035
Mobile Youth Bus
18:00 20:00
Kent Street Resource Centre
5 19
Access youth workers, choices advice and guidance, PS3, Wii and a variety of activities.
No need to book, just turn up
To book your activities visit www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk
Age 13-19
Adolescent Lifestyle Survey
Have your say
calling on all young people are you aged 11 - 19 years? then take part in our survey to help improve young people’s services
Follow the link to take part
www.surveymonkey.com/s/2011-ALS The survey runs from November 2011 (closing date 11th December 2011)
Are you a young person who looks after or helps to look after someone? If you do you may be a young carer We welcome enquiries from you and your family for support advice and practical help
Information contact North East Lincolnshire Council Young People’s Support Service Young Carers Project Western Campus Cambridge Road, Grimsby DN34 5TB Tel: 01472 323231 Email: tracy.slattery@nelincs.gov.uk
Coming Soon...
Young Carers Project
The Stuff Young People Need to Know...
We have put together a list of questions we’ve been asked to try and help you with your bookings…
Q: I want to go on an activity how do I book it?
Q: Do I need to fill in a consent form?
Q: Where can I get a copy of the School’s Out Booklet from?
A: Go online at www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk or www.nelincs.gov.uk, or call 01472 323344.
A: Yes. We need a consent form for every activity unless it is a trip accompanied by an adult. You can download a copy of the consent form online and there is also one in this booklet on page 66. Please take your consent form along with you to the activity.
A: You can download a copy from www.nelincs.gov.uk, www.nelincsfis.co.uk or www.extendedschools.org. You can also get one from any library or Young People’s Centre or contact the Family Information Service on free-phone 0800 18 303 17
Q: Can I go to any activity I want? A: Yes, provided you’re within the right age range, you can go to any of the activities in this booklet and online Q: Do I have to go with a parent or adult? A: No, as long as the activity doesn’t say ‘Must be accompanied by an adult’ you can go on your own or with your friends. 60
Q: How do I pay for my activities? A: If you want to pay by card please call 01472 325481 or take your cash or cheque to your local library.
We hope these help, but if your question is not here please feel free to call the Activities Coordinator on 01472 326285 who will try to answer you as soon as possible.
An easier way to book your activities... Booking your holiday activities couldn’t be easier with our online system. Lines open at 9.00am Wednesday 19 October 2011. All the activities are now online and ready for you to book. Anywhere you see means you can book that activity yourself. Just go online at www.extendedschools.org, www.nelincsfis.co.uk or www.nelincs.gov.uk and either log on or register your details, or call 01472 323344. What could be simpler? If you have any questions or comments please call the Activities Coordinator on 01472 326285 61
Be the first to get your hands on some discounted swimming and ice skating vouchers. They are available from 9.00am Monday 24 October by calling 01472 325481. There are only a limited number of tickets available that will be given out on a first come first served basis so make sure you call early to avoid disappointment. A maximum of 5 tickets per household will be available.
Check out your new activity guide... Looking for stuff to do with your friends between October and February? Well, now there is a simple and easy place to look! North East Lincolnshire Council have decided to revamp the Activity booklet. We want to make it easier for young people like you to find the kind of activities you enjoy. The booklets have been split in half with one section of activities just for young people aged 13-19. It’s here for you to look at and browse at your leisure. To make the booklets quick and easy to use the activities have been arranged by date, so it should be easy to find stuff to do on your doorstep or around the rest of North East Lincolnshire. Booking lines for activities open on 9.00am Wednesday 19 October so remember to book your activities early to avoid disappointment.
Inside this issue 57
October Half Term
October - January
Regulars 41
Consent Form
Feedback form
Important Information
If you have any thoughts or opinions about the activities listed here or would like to see different types of activities in your area, we would be pleased to hear from you. There is a feedback form in the middle of this booklet that you can complete and hand in at: Young People’s Support Service Western Campus, Cambridge Road, Grimsby, DN34 5TD
Access All Areas... Some of the great things that are going on for young people aged 13 - 19 October to February 2011/12