February 2012
W. Bro. George Washington’s Apron
We Celebrate Washington’s Birthday Meetings Tuesdays at 7:00 pm in the Masonic Memorial Temple 2200 West Mesquite Ave. (Rancho & US-95) Las Vegas, Nevada 89106 www.nellislodge46.org secretary@nellislodge46.org (702)387-0046
Dispensation: November 10, 1962 Chartered November 12, 1963 Volume 49 Issue No. 2 NELLIS LODGE NO. 46 F. & A.M. Printed 9 times a year
Most Worshipful
Hans J. Scheurer Grand Master of Masons in Nevada PAST GRAND LODGE OFFICERS Most Worshipful Donald G. Hines* Past Grand Master of Masons in Nevada Most Worshipful William B. Berk Past Grand Master of Masons in Nevada Right Worshipful Dale K. Dean Sr. Past Junior Grand Warden, Grand Lodge of Nevada * Signifies a Deceased Brother
2011 Nellis Lodge Trustees 3 Year Michael J. Clark, P.M.
2 Year Arcangelo O. Cocco, P.M.
1 Year Gerald McCorkle, P.M.
2012 Officer Line Scott Keiser (Kelly) wmaster@nellislodge46.org
Worshipful Master (702) 465-8633
W. Bro. Jeff Byrne, P.M. swarden@nellislodge46.org
Senior Warden (702)525-4395
Harold Scalzo, Jr. (Janet) jwarden@nellislodge46.org
Junior Warden (702)336-8461
W. Bro. John Feustel, PM (Paula) treasurer@nellislodge46.org
Treasurer (702) 379-2992
W. Bro. James T. Greely, PM (Alice) secretary@nellislodge46.org
Secretary (702) 604-5542
Miguel Zavala (Nichole) sdeacon@nellislodge46.org
Senior Deacon (702)578-1945
Jason Turner (Jennifer) jdeacon@nellislodge46.org
Junior Deacon (702)845-8768
W. Bro. Arcangelo Cocco, P.M. (Pam) chaplain@nellislodge46.org
Chaplain (702)339-5477
Christopher Rothwell (Mui) marshal@nellislodge46.org
Marshall (702)809-9616
Joseph Wines ssteward@nellislodge46.org
Senior Steward (702)513-4205
W. Bro. David Lublin, P.M. jsteward@nellislodge46.org
Junior Steward (702)858-1448
Frank Joseph (Wanda) tyler@nellislodge46.org
Tyler (702) 656-4564
Grant Jay mceremony@nellislodge46.org
Master of Ceremonies (702)210-6822
Kevin Lopez mcermony2@nellislodge46.org
Master of Ceremonies (480)323-8081
Travis Lindsey historian@nellislodge46.org W. Bro. R. Samuel Ruiz, P.M. dgl@nellislodge46.org
Historian (702)334-0254 Deputy Grand Lecturer (702)325-8075
Nellis Lodge Past Masters
Albert Schouten Donald G. Hines* Albert W. Cutler* Joseph Bureski* Virgil M. Babbs* Ivan H. Joyce, Sr.* Herbert T. Edgar* Robert P. Braner* Woodrow W. Thompson* William B. Berk Robert E. Broughton Donald L. Vines Stuart E. Pirie* Richard C. Ehrensing* Walter T. Jones* Charles R. Rinehart* William J. Schoenholzer* Gerald H. McCorkle Robert B. Riggs Dale K. Dean Sr. Stephen M. Thompson Billy R. Huffman* John C. Richardson Theodore M. West* John W. Startt, III
1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987
Alan J. Clark Harold R. Hamilton John Kiehlbaugh Gerry Cunningham* Bart Bonar Michael Holmstrom Craig Johnson Fred Barr Jeff Byrne Scutter Newton John Messana Andrew D. Craig Terry Robertson David Swallow John Feustel Sam Ruiz Franklin E. Merica Ray Troche James T. Greely John Gjonola Michael J. Clark Bjorn E. Sundquist Arcangelo O. Cocco Michael J. Clark
* Signifies a Deceased Brother Past Masters by Affiliation Albert Fischer Franklin E. Merica Shibli Sawalha Frank Fiedler David Lublin Frank Heyer
1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
February is George Washington's Observance month. We've had many great Presidents both Masonic and not, but Worshipful Washington was the best. Not because he was a Mason or because he was first, and he probably wasn't the "Smartest." It wasn't even because he was not a great general nor that he had such an incredible "cult of personality." He is our "Greatest" President because he did something no Scott Keiser one could really conceive (even though Worshipful we fought a "traitors" war for it), he gave Master 2012 up power. Wow!!!!! I know now that doesn't seem like much but, then it was Earth shattering Nation transforming. We the People, individuals, have inalienable rights Granted by God. These are truly Masonic ideals from and incredible Man and Mason. There are laws and regulations that bind us to a societal norm but, If we ever say that the needs of the many or the few out way that of the one, then we maybe infringing on those inalienable rights. Sometimes we walk a tight rope but we must have constant vigilance to protect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, as all Masons do and have done since the beginning of our time. God Bless, Scott
Many of you know that I am a Recreational Cyclist, there is no better feeling than working hard riding a bike to the top of a long hill and having gravity rocket you to the bottom, it’s a feeling I picked up when I was a kid and still love. That’s why the Bikes for Books program is very special for me, it gets bikes into the hands of kids who have worked real hard, that might not necessarily be able to get one, so they can enjoy that same feeling. Our lodge’s program is headed up by W. Mike Clark Pm. He informs me that at present, we have 3 sets of bikes that Senior Warden need to be purchased and delivered to the schools we are sponsoring; we have funds for W. Bro. Jeff Byrne, P.M. just one set at this time. Each school is presented with a girls and boys bike, a pair of helmets and locks for the bikes. The cost for this is approximately 180.00 per set with no sales tax (Non-Profit Exemption). Please make you donation to this worthy program, that gets the Face of our Masonic Lodge into the community. Donations can be made to the W. Mike, the Secretary or Treasurer. Did you want to participate in a degree and didn’t know who to talk to? Did you want to learn a part? Were you aware that all members of the lodge are invited to participate in degree work? Please join us on Monday nights for degree practice, sharpen your ritual skills, learn a new part or just have a good laugh. Remember that you learned most of the first section of each degree as part of your proficiency, may as well use what you already know. On the Level, W. Jeff Byrne Pm. Senior Warden 6
In this New Year I would like to see more brothers join us at our meetings. In the lodge we all meet as brothers, who, in other walks of life, we would seldom ever meet. We are men of many different backgrounds and who are good and honest. The most splendid thing about it is that we are all brothers. We are men from every station of life, some are rich and some are poor. But we all are filled with friendship and brotherly love, and of service towards other men.
Junior Warden Harold Scalzo, Jr.
We may differ in our methods, but our goals are the same and it binds us into one sacred society, making us all brothers. Reach out to our brothers, whom you have not seen or heard from for a while and let them know we care. Maybe they just need a ride to come to lodge. Brother Dave Lublin PM has scheduled our 3rd Annual Family Picnic for June 10, 2012 at Floyd Lamb State Park. Come join us for some Fellowship, Family Fun and FOOD!!! Contact Brother Dave for more information. Fraternally Harold Junior Warden
FROM THE SIDELINES by Travis Lindsey Who are the Freemasons? This information is as much for those who want to know something about speculative Masonry as it is for those who already have some knowledge. So let’s ask a few questions and give a few answers. What is Freemasonry? Basically, Freemasonry is a fraternity of men who espouse high moral character, who are non-atheist and who are not afraid to help another person. The U.S. has a large number of Christian Masons but many Non-Christians become Masons. What about color? Masons, have many languages, nationalities and ethnicities. Is it a secret society? No, there are some parts of Masonic ceremony which are held secret. This is ceremonial and for the identification of other Masons. Other than that there are no secrets. Is it a political organization. No, politics will most certainly occur outside the lodge room, because the lodge does not govern politics. Are Freemasons concerned with their own personal gain. No; at the core of the fraternity is a giving spirit which infuses all of it’s members. Many well known humanitarian activities in our communities have been generated by Masonic lodges and individual Freemasons. Masons intend to preserve peace and harmony. Private arguments are not to occur in the lodge, especially those about religion, politics or government policy. Many notable and popular personalities have been Freemasons. Here are a few quotes“The grand object of Masonry is to promote the happiness of the human race”. George Washington (First President) “We represent a fraternity which believes in justice and truth and honorable action in your community-men who are endeavoring to be better citizens [and] to make a great country greater. This is the only institution in the world where we can meet on the level, all sorts of people who want to live rightly”. Harry S Truman (33rd President) 8
“Freemasonry is an order whose leading star is philanthropy, and whose principles inculcate an unceasing devotion to the cause of virtue and morality”. Marquis De La Fayette (Hero of the American Revolution) “There is no doubt in my mind that Masonry is the cornerstone of America”. Dave Thomas (Wendy’s restaurant Founder)
Lafayette and Washington at Mt. Vernon, 1784
Lafayette's sword
February 2012 In the Forefront Spreading Light
Thursday Feb.2nd
Scottish Rite Stated Meeting
Monday Feb. 6th
Stated Communications of: Daylite 44 12:00 noon Oasis 41 7:00pm Nellis Practice 6:30
Tuesday Feb. 7th
Nellis 46 Stated Communication George Washington Observance . Meal & Education
Monday Feb. 13th Practice Tuesday Feb. 14th Dark Tuesday Feb. 21st
Fellowcraft Degree
Wednesday Feb 22nd
MMT Board Meeting
Thursday Feb. 23rd
Masters & Wardens
Tuesday Feb. 28th Master Mason Degree
Caution, Humor We are not just some squares looking for an angle. Humor is a wonderful thing. There is a large place in all of our lives for an abundance of it, having said that, there is a best time and a best place for humor. It is usually a good idea to welcome new people to the lodge and humor gives us a wonderful vehicle to accomplish this. We can all use a little levity, especially when it is meant in kindness. We must also recognize that humor can also be negative. If humor can be interpreted as chiding or insinuating it can have negative returns. If it is delivered at a time when the serious nature of business is most important, it can be damaging. As freemasons we should try to be careful to remain serious at the appropriate times. Humor on the floor can be a slippery slope. A candidate being exposed to floor work might not understand. At this important time he is experiencing new things which would be better if these remained in his memories. Unexplainable disturbances on the floor are not conducive to the solemn nature of this work. Now that is enough about seriousness. This is about humor and we don’t want to be too circular, do we? that is enough about seriousness. This is about humor and we don’t want to be too circular, do we? The first Day Look back on your first day, the day you became a Mason. You may remember some of your experience and recall it as being a little strange, possibly frightening, but in your apprehension, by summoning some internal strength from within, you chose to continue. Then you also might remember when it was past, being proud, pleased or even happy. You were content that you had accomplished something worth doing. When you think about it today you may see it as a great gamble or an adventure. It was a day when you took a chance and went forward on an uncertain path with an unknown destiny, and it paid off. Few experiences will be as spiritual and exciting as the first day. There are so many emotions, so many sensations. By having exposed our hearts to this, each of us has earned a large favor from our fraternity. It is friendly comfort, knowing that your Masonic brother has been in the same places as you have. Even when meeting a new brother for the very first time, you will without doubt, have a greater respect for this man. We are all on the same road as this new brother, or older brother, and we have all been afraid, proud and happy. Please remember this. 11
THE MASONIC MEMORIAL TEMPLE IS NOW OFFERING RENTAL STORAGE SPACE!! Conveniently located at the MMT this will be a first come first served opportunity for any Mason that needs a storage unit. Time is limited because when they’re gone THEY’RE GONE! Remember there is limited availability. If you are interested contact: TERRY ROBERTSON at 702-499-2242
10’ X 13’ $60 per month 7’ X 13’ $45 per month 7’ X 16’ $100 per month 14’ X 13’ $120 per month Other units also available
You need to pay your dues. You can pay online, securely with PayPal PayPal acts like a digital wallet where you can securely store all your payment options, such as your bank account and credit card. When you want to make a payment, you don't have to pull out your credit card or type your billing info every time. Simply click on the PayPal checkout button, log in to your PayPal account, and select your preferred payment method. We'll complete the payment process—without sharing your info with merchants and sellers.
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Pay your dues with
Masonic baseball caps One size fits all * Show your support for Nellis Lodge or the Square & Compasses alone Available in Black or White with a gold Square & Compasses Order yours today!! You can get yours by mail or at the Lodge. $15.00 at the Lodge or $20.00 by mail
____________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ City, State, Zip Make $20 checks payable to Nellis Lodge 46. Please allow 2 weeks for delivery.
Ne l l i s Lo d g e No . 4 6 B i k e s fo r B o o k s P r o gr a m Help encourage elementary school children to read! For more information contact W. Michael Clark, P.M. (702) 592-9249
BECOME A NELLIS TRESTLEBOARD SUPPORTER If you would like to contribute to the Trestleboard support fund , please call 702-387-0046 and leave us a message. Get your name out there and show your Brethren that you support the Lodge and this publication. Current Annual Rates: Full Page—$600 1/2 Page—$300 1/4 Page—$200 Business Card—$75 The Trestleboard displays a not-for-profit mailing permit. Nellis Lodge cannot advertise any banking or financial brokerage houses, sales offers, coupons or credit card ads. **ALL MONEYS MADE GO TO THE PRINTING AND MAILING OF THE TRESTLEBOARD
A-Authorized Heating Cooling Plumbing
Brian Reynolds 591-0222
William J. Brown
Douglas Clark
Arcangelo Cocco, P.M.
Dennis Dietrich
Jeffrey Ellis
Michael Jackson
Craig Johnson, P.M.
Kenneth Leach
Michael Luchansky
Will McFarlin
Donald Moseley
Thomas Regal
Thomas Stark
George Washington, P.M.
2/22 (1732) Gregorian 2/11 (1731) Julian
Brethren, As most of you know the March Trestleboard will mainly be available online at the NellisLodge46.org website. If for whatever reason you still need a copy mailed to your residence, please fill out the form below and mail it to the Nellis office ASAP.
Nellis Lodge No. 46
Mailed Version Subscription Form NAME_________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP________________________________
Send to: Nellis Lodge No. 46 F. & A.M. 2200 West Mesquite Ave. #115 Las Vegas, NV 89106
2012 COMMITTEES COGNIZANCE W. Bro. Terry Robertson, W. Bro. David Swallow & W. Bro. John Gjonola DELINQUENCY W. Bro. James Greely, W. Bro. Scott Keiser, W. Bro. John Feustel, Bob Kinniburgh & W. Bro. Mike Clark. EDUCATION & INVESTIGATIONS W. Bro. Jerry McCorkle, Bro. Robert Kinniburgh TRESTLEBOARD Bro. Harold Scalzo, Jr., W. Bro. James Greely, TELEPHONE W. Bro Scott Keiser & All Line Officers FUNDRAISING W. Bro. David Lublin, W. Bro. Jeff Byrne & Harold Scalzo Jr. LONG RANGE PLANNING W. Bro. John Feustel HELLDORADO PARADE W. Bro. John Gjonola RUSTY NAIL & HIGH 12 CLUB W. Bro. David Swallow RITUAL & DEGREE W. Bro. Jeff Byrne, W. Bro. David Swallow, & W. Bro. Arcangelo Cocco