Trestleboard, Summer 2013

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June July August 2013


Nellis’ 50th Anniversary Table Lodge June 11th 2013 6:30pm

Meetings Tuesdays at 7:00 pm in the Masonic Memorial Temple 2200 West Mesquite Ave. (Rancho & US-95) Las Vegas, Nevada 89106 (702)387-0046

Dispensation: November 10, 1962 Chartered November 12, 1963 Volume 50 Issue No. 6NELLIS LODGE NO. 46 F. & A.M. Printed 9 times a year

Most Worshipful

Richard M. “Mike” Hoaglin Grand Master of Masons in Nevada PAST GRAND LODGE OFFICERS Most Worshipful Donald G. Hines* Past Grand Master of Masons in Nevada Most Worshipful William B. Berk Past Grand Master of Masons in Nevada Right Worshipful Dale K. Dean Sr. Past Junior Grand Warden, Grand Lodge of Nevada * Signifies a Deceased Brother

2013 Nellis Lodge Trustees 3 Year Scott Keiser, P.M.


2 Year Michael J. Clark, P.M.

1 Year Arcangelo O. Cocco, P.M.

2013 Officer Line W. Bro. Jeff Byrne, P.M.

Worshipful Master 702)525-4395

Harold Scalzo, Jr. (Janet)

Senior Warden (702)336-8461

Miguel Zavala (Nichole)

Junior Warden (702)578-1945

W. Bro. John Feustel, PM (Paula)

Treasurer (702) 379-2992

W. Bro. James T. Greely, PM (Alice)

Secretary (702) 604-5542

Jason Turner (Jennifer)

Senior Deacon 702)845-8768

Dennis Tyson

Junior Deacon (702)254-5998

R. Darce Wilson

Chaplain (702)595-0713

Daniel Kaelin

Marshall (847)757-7210

Michael Riitano

Senior Steward (702)455-2007

Michael Griffin

Junior Steward (702)425-0634

Joseph Wines

Tyler (702)513-4205

Barry Mainardi

Master of Ceremonies (702)523-3052

Bill Mowery

Master of Ceremonies (708)285-4376

Dennis Tyson

Master of Ceremonies (702)254-5998

Jason Cunningham

Master of Ceremonies (702)768-8116

Travis Lindsey (Jacquelin) Michael J. Clark, P.M.

Historian (702)334-0254 Deputy Grand Lecturer (702)592-9249


Nellis Lodge Past Masters

Albert Schouten Donald G. Hines* Albert W. Cutler* Joseph Bureski* Virgil M. Babbs* Ivan H. Joyce, Sr.* Herbert T. Edgar* Robert P. Braner* Woodrow W. Thompson* William B. Berk Robert E. Broughton Donald L. Vines Stuart E. Pirie* Richard C. Ehrensing* Walter T. Jones* Charles R. Rinehart* William J. Schoenholzer* Gerald H. McCorkle Robert B. Riggs Dale K. Dean Sr. Stephen M. Thompson Billy R. Huffman* John C. Richardson Theodore M. West* John W. Startt, III

1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987

Alan J. Clark* Harold R. Hamilton John Kiehlbaugh Gerry Cunningham* Bart Bonar Michael Holmstrom Craig Johnson Fred Barr Jeff Byrne Scutter Newton John Messana Andrew D. Craig Terry Robertson David Swallow John Feustel Sam Ruiz Franklin E. Merica Ray Troche James T. Greely John Gjonola Michael J. Clark Bjorn E. Sundquist Arcangelo O. Cocco Michael J. Clark Scott Keiser

* Signifies a Deceased Brother Past Masters by Affiliation Franklin E. Merica Shibli Sawalha Frank Fiedler David Lublin Frank Heyer Mike F. Gorman


1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Brothers, As summer fast approaches and we make preparations for our Lodge to be Dark for part of June, all of July and most of August, I would like to mention some of our activities during those months. June 11th will be our Annual Table Lodge… We are Jeff Byrne requesting a 15.00 donation from all those who attend, to Worshipful th cover the cost of your 50 Anniversary Commemorative Master 2013 Glass and Dinner. Dinner will be Carne Asada with rice and beans… This is a Fund Raiser for our NV. Veterans Home Committee, additional glasses will be available at 7.50 each… All Master Masons are invited; Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts will be admitted if properly vouched for… Please join us for a night of Friendship and Fun. It is customary for our lodge to go Dark after the Table Lodge, but I find us in a position that will require us to extend our labors another week. We have two brothers in waiting for the Second Degree of Freemasonry, that being said we will have a Fellow Craft Degree on June 18 th to close the First Half of the Year… The Senior Warden will be handling our Fire Works Booth this year. Let’s give him all the support we can, for this is our largest fund raiser of the year. The Fire Works Booth will be in the same place as it has been the last couple of years at the corner of Maryland Pkwy and Silverado Ranch. The Booth is normally open for 1 week, starting on Thursday June 27th and going through Thursday July 4th. Please give Harold a call and volunteer your time or stop by any time the Booth is in operation to lend some Fraternal Support or just have fun!!!! On August 27th we will resume our Labor and open Lodge to hear the Proficiencies of all those who worked hard over the Summer to learn them. We will have had Four Brother be passed to the 2 nd degree before we went Dark, I’m sure we will be doing several 3rd’s in the fall… Please have a Happy and Safe Summer… Fraternally Jeff 5

It is that time of the year again “Fireworks booth” from June 28 to July 4. This year there will be something different that will bring more customers and awareness to our booth. But it is a surprise. The funds we raise during this event are not only for our expenses for next year, but also for projects that you may want to bring forth to our Lodge. The more money we make, the more we can do within our Lodge, like family picnic, more Scholarship and do more for DeMolay, Rainbow Girls. I have a signup sheet ready to be filled out and hopefully will soon receive the pre-sales information. I believe that this will help tremendously. On July 4th I will provide all volunteers with lunch and dinner, it will be a long day. I also need someone pick the trailer at the lot in the morning or to bring the trailer to the lot at night. It is the one time during the year that we all work together to provide for our lodge and our brethren that Senior Warden will need our assistance in the future. It is a good time for Harold Scalzo, Jr. friendship and brotherly love. We always have a great time. All volunteers, including family members, will be much appreciated. Maybe we can talk someone to help provide music on the 4th. June 5,1820, James K. Polk (U.S. President 1845-1849) received his 1st degree in Columbia Lodge #31, Columbia, Tennessee. James Knox Polk (November 2, 1795 – June 15, 1849) was the 11th President of the United States (1845–1849). Polk was the surprise (dark horse) candidate for president in 1844, defeating Henry Clay of the rival Whig Party by promising to annex Texas. Polk was a leader of Jacksonian Democracy during the Second Party System. Polk oversaw the opening of the U.S. Naval Academy and the Smithsonian Institution, the groundbreaking for the Washington Monument, and the issuance of the first postage stamps in the United States. He promised to serve only one term and did not run for reelection. He died of cholera three months after his term ended. June 24, 1734, Benjamin Franklin became Grand Master of what would be known as the "Moderns" Grand Lodge in Pennsylvania. June 24, 1791, the African Grand Lodge of North America was organized in Boston. It later became the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. July 4, 2013, United States 237th birthday. July 19, 1901, Sir Winston Churchill received his 2nd degree in Studholme Lodge #1591, London. August 4, 1753, George Washington received his Master Mason degree in Fredericksburg Lodge in Virginia. Congratulations all my brothers who are celebrating birthday in June, July August. On the level Fraternally Yours Harold Scalzo Jr. Senior Warden


Commemorative 50th Anniversary Firing Cannon to each participant

Junior Warden Miguel Zavala

Nellis Lodge No. 46 F. & A.M. Annual Table Lodge

50th Anniversary June 11, 2013 6:30pm

In the Garden Room at the Masonic Memorial Temple. $15.00 Donation Requested This is a Tyled event Entered Apprentices & Fellowcrafts are welcome.

Full Dinner


Calendar of Events For Summer In the Forefront Spreading Light for 50 years

June 2013 3rd Daylite 44 & Oasis 41 Stated Communication 4th: Nellis Stated Communication 6th Scottish Rite Stated Communication 11th: Table Lodge 18th: Fellow Craft Degree 28th—30th: Fireworks Booth

July 2013 1st—4th: Fireworks Booth 5th—31st DARK—Unless especially convened

August 2013

27th: Lodge will open for proficiencies


Nellis Lodge Annual Fireworks Booth June 28th through

July 4th Silverado Ranch & Maryland Parkway in the Albertsons parking lot Sign up to help or buy your fireworks early. Contact Bro. Harold Scalzo


You need to pay your dues. You can pay online, securely with PayPal PayPal acts like a digital wallet where you can securely store all your payment options, such as your bank account and credit card. When you want to make a payment, you don't have to pull out your credit card or type your billing info every time. Simply click on the PayPal checkout button, log in to your PayPal account, and select your preferred payment method. We'll complete the payment process— without sharing your info with merchants and sellers. Sign-up is free and super easy. Choose from three PayPal account types— Personal, Premier, and Business—and enter an email address, password, and a few more details. You'll receive an email from PayPal asking you to activate your account. Then you're ready to shop, send money, and accept payments using PayPal. Pay your dues with


Nellis Lodge No. 46 Bikes for Books Program Help encourage elementary school children to read! For more information contact W. Michael Clark, P.M. (702) 592-9249

Masonic baseball caps One size fits all * Show your support for Nellis Lodge or the Square & Compasses alone Available in Black or White with a gold Square & Compasses Order yours today!! You can get yours by mail or at the Lodge. $15.00 at the Lodge or $20.00 by mail

____________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ City, State, Zip Make $20 checks payable to Nellis Lodge 46. Please allow 2 weeks for delivery.


THE MASONIC MEMORIAL TEMPLE IS NOW OFFERING RENTAL STORAGE SPACE!! Conveniently located at the MMT this will be a first come first served opportunity for any Mason that needs a storage unit. Time is limited because when they’re gone THEY’RE GONE! Remember there is limited availability. If you are interested contact: TERRY ROBERTSON at 702-499-2242 10’ X 13’ $60 per month 7’ X 13’ $45 per month 7’ X 16’ $100 per month 14’ X 13’ $120 per month Other units also available


Scott Bernard Michael J. Clark, P.M.

6/20 6/24

Paul Gamble Daniel Kaelin Scutter Newton James Porter Michael Sanchez Ryan Sanchuck Craig Sasso Jason Turner Charles F. White

6/16 6/26 6/3 6/4 6/7 6/24 6/30 6/25 6/15

If you would like your Trestleboard mailed to you please contact the Lodge at (702) 387-0046 and leave a message with your address.

Russell Allen Bennie Brewer

7/16 7/23

Dustin Casey Frank Cordier Jason Davis John Gjonola, P.M. Michael Holmstrom, P.M. Scott Keiser, P.M. J.C. Lester Richard McCarty Mark Miller

7/15 7/7 7/4 7/12 7/5 7/25 7/12 7/15 7/18 13


William Mowery


Harold Newbold


Michael Olson


Michael Passanante


Murlen Perdue


William Perez


Roy Plumley


Steven Richard


Jack Richardson, P.M.


Christopher Rothwell


Don R. Sherman


Richard Tribett


Vern Wilcox


Kelly Allen


Cam Ashby


James Bassett


Steven Beattie


Jeff Byrne, W.M.P.M.


John Coulson Jr.


Melvin Downum


Jeffrey Gordon


Bob Kinniburgh


Kevin Lopez


Larry McCandless


Frank Merica, P.M.


Sanjay Narasimhalu


Adam Papacs


Scot Ponder


Robert Riggs, P.M.


James Royse


Robert Spurling


George Tsacoyeanes


Don White


John Williams


Robert Woodsford



Historical Table Lodge After the labors of the Lodge have been completed, Freemasons frequently meet at tables to enjoy a repast in common. In England and America, this repast is generally called a banquet, and the Lodge is said to be, during its continuance, at refreshment. The Master, of course, presides, assisted by the Wardens, and it is considered most proper that no profanes should be present. But with these exceptions, there are no rules specially laid down for the government of Masonic banquets. It will be seen, by an inspection of the article Refreshment in this work, that during a the eighteenth century, and even at the commencement of the nineteenth, refreshments in a English Lodges were taken during the sessions of the Lodge and in the Lodge room, and then, of course, a rigid rules were in existence for the government of the Fraternity, and for the regulation of the forms in which the refreshments should be partaken. But this system has long grown obsolete, and the Masonic banquets of the present day differ very little from those of other societies, except, perhaps, in a more Strict observance of the rules of order, and in the exclusion of all non-Masonic visitors. But French Freemasons have prescribed a very formal system of rules for what they call a Loge de Table, or Table Lodge. The room in which the banquet takes place is as much protected by its isolation from observation as the Lodge-room itself. Table Lodges are always held in the Apprentice's Degree, and none but Freemasons are permitted to be present. Even the attendants are taken from the class known as Serving Brethren, that is to say, waiters who have received the First Degree for the special purpose of entitling them to be present on such occasions. The table is in the form of a horseshoe or elongated semicircle. The Master sits at the head, the Senior Warden at the northwest extremity, and the Junior Warden at the southwest The Deacons or equivalent officers sit between the two Wardens. The Brethren are placed around the exterior margin of the table, facing each other; and the void space between the sides is occupied by the serving Brethren or attendants. It is probable that the form of the table was really adopted at first from motives of convenience. But M. Hermitte (Bulletin, Grand Orient, 1869, page 83) assigns for it a symbolism. He says that as the entire circle represents the year, or the complete revolution of the earth around the sun, the semicircle represents the half of that revolution, or a period of six months, and therefore refers to each the two solstitial points of summer and winter, or the two great festivals of the Order in June and December, when the most important Table Lodges are held. 16

The Table Lodge is formally opened with an invocation to the Grand Architect. During the banquet seven toasts are given. These are called Santes d' Obligation, or obligatory toasts. They are drunk with certain ceremonies which are prescribed by the ritual, and from which no departure is permitted. These toasts are: 1. The health of the Sovereign or Chief Magistrate of the State. 2. Grand Master and the Supreme power of the Order, that is, the Grand Orient or the Grand Lodge. 3. Master of the Lodge; this is offered by the Senior Warden. 4. The two Wardens. 5. Visiting Brethren. 6. The other officers of the Lodge, and the new initiates or affiliates if there be any. All Freemasons wheresoever spread over the face of the globe. Ragon (Tuileur General, page 17) refers these seven toasts of obligation to the seven libations made by the ancients in their banquets in honor of the seven planets, the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn, and the seven days of the week which are named after them; and he assigns some striking reasons for the reference. But this symbolism, although very beautiful, is evidently very modern. The Table Lodge is then closed with the fraternal kiss, which is passed from the Master around the table, and with the usual forms. One of the most curious things about these Table Lodges is the vocabulary used. The instant that the Lodge is opened, a change takes place in the names of things, and no person is permitted to call a plate a plate, or a knife a knife, or anything else by the appellation by which it is known in ordinary conversation. Such a custom formerly prevailed in England, if we may judge from a passage in Doctor Oliver's Revelations of a Square (page 215), where an instance is given of its use in 1780, when the French vocabulary was employed. It would seem, from the same authority, that the custom was introduced into England from France by Captain George Smith, the author of the Use and Abuse of Freemasonry, who was initiated in a Continental Lodge.  Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry


BECOME A NELLIS TRESTLEBOARD SUPPORTER If you would like to contribute to the Trestleboard support fund , please call 702-387-0046 and leave us a message. Get your name out there and show your Brethren that you support the Lodge and this publication. Current Annual Rates: Full Page—$600 1/2 Page—$300 1/4 Page—$200 Business Card—$75 The Trestleboard displays a not-for-profit mailing permit. Nellis Lodge cannot advertise any banking or financial brokerage houses, sales offers, coupons or credit card ads. **ALL MONEYS MADE GO TO THE PRINTING AND MAILING OF THE TRESTLEBOARD


Albert “Al” Schouten 8987 King John Court Las Vegas, NV 89149-3221 702-395-7580 AL104@JUNO.COM


Nellis Lodge #46 2013 Committees Cognizance: W. David Swallow PM. 499-4899 W John Gjonola PM. W. Scott Keiser PM. Delinquency: W. James T. Greely III PM. 604-5542 W. Ray Troche PM. W. AL Schouten PM. Sickness and Distress: Bro. Harold Scalzo Jr. SW 775-336-8461 Education: W. Jerry McCorkle PM: 277-7775 Charity: W. John Gjonola PM: 743-7836 Bro. Harold “Hap” Hendrix Trestle Board Publication: W. James T. Greely PM: 604-5542 Bro. Harold Scalzo Jr. SW W. Arcangelo Cocco, PM Telephone/Communication: W. Jeff Byrne PM: 525-4395 Nellis Officers Finance: W. Terry Robertson PM: 499-2242 W. John Feustel PM. Fundraising: Bro. Harold Scalzo Jr. SW: 775-336-8461 Ritual and Degree: W. Jeff Byrne PM: 525-4395 W. Mike Clark PM. DDGL Refreshments: Miguel Zavala JW: 578-1945



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