September 2012 Trestleboard

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September 2012


Meetings Tuesdays at 7:00 pm in the Masonic Memorial Temple 2200 West Mesquite Ave. (Rancho & US-95) Las Vegas, Nevada 89106 (702)387-0046

Dispensation: November 10, 1962 Chartered November 12, 1963 Volume 49 Issue No. 6 NELLIS LODGE NO. 46 F. & A.M. Printed 9 times a year

Most Worshipful

Hans J. Scheurer Grand Master of Masons in Nevada

PAST GRAND LODGE OFFICERS Most Worshipful Donald G. Hines* Past Grand Master of Masons in Nevada Most Worshipful William B. Berk Past Grand Master of Masons in Nevada Right Worshipful Dale K. Dean Sr. Past Junior Grand Warden, Grand Lodge of Nevada * Signifies a Deceased Brother

2011 Nellis Lodge Trustees 3 Year Michael J. Clark, P.M.

2 Year Arcangelo O. Cocco, P.M.

1 Year Gerald McCorkle, P.M.

COVER WE HAVE A FUNDRAISER: NASCAR security detail at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway on Saturday September 29th from 2pm to 10pm—See Worshipful Brother Jeff Byrne on details on how you may be able to volunteer.


2012 Officer Line Scott Keiser (Kelly)

Worshipful Master (702) 465-8633

W. Bro. Jeff Byrne, P.M.

Senior Warden (702)525-4395

Harold Scalzo, Jr. (Janet)

Junior Warden (702)336-8461

W. Bro. John Feustel, PM (Paula)

Treasurer (702) 379-2992

W. Bro. James T. Greely, PM (Alice)

Secretary (702) 604-5542

Miguel Zavala (Nichole)

Senior Deacon (702)578-1945

Jason Turner (Jennifer)

Junior Deacon (702)845-8768

W. Bro. Arcangelo Cocco, P.M. (Pam)

Chaplain (702)339-5477

Christopher Rothwell (Mui)

Marshall (702)809-9616

Joseph Wines

Senior Steward (702)513-4205

W. Bro. David Lublin, P.M.

Junior Steward (702)858-1448

Frank Joseph (Wanda)

Tyler (702) 656-4564

Grant Jay

Master of Ceremonies (702)210-6822

Kevin Lopez

Master of Ceremonies (480)323-8081

Travis Lindsey W. Bro. R. Samuel Ruiz, P.M.

Historian (702)334-0254 Deputy Grand Lecturer (702)325-8075


Nellis Lodge Past Masters

Albert Schouten Donald G. Hines* Albert W. Cutler* Joseph Bureski* Virgil M. Babbs* Ivan H. Joyce, Sr.* Herbert T. Edgar* Robert P. Braner* Woodrow W. Thompson* William B. Berk Robert E. Broughton Donald L. Vines Stuart E. Pirie* Richard C. Ehrensing* Walter T. Jones* Charles R. Rinehart* William J. Schoenholzer* Gerald H. McCorkle Robert B. Riggs Dale K. Dean Sr. Stephen M. Thompson Billy R. Huffman* John C. Richardson Theodore M. West* John W. Startt, III

1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987

Alan J. Clark Harold R. Hamilton John Kiehlbaugh Gerry Cunningham* Bart Bonar Michael Holmstrom Craig Johnson Fred Barr Jeff Byrne Scutter Newton John Messana Andrew D. Craig Terry Robertson David Swallow John Feustel Sam Ruiz Franklin E. Merica Ray Troche James T. Greely John Gjonola Michael J. Clark Bjorn E. Sundquist Arcangelo O. Cocco Michael J. Clark

* Signifies a Deceased Brother Past Masters by Affiliation Albert Fischer Franklin E. Merica Shibli Sawalha Frank Fiedler David Lublin Frank Heyer


1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Welcome, back brothers. In some ways it feels like we just broke for our summer break but at the same time June feels like ages ago. This year still has a long way to go and we still have a lot of work to do. For example we still have a lot degree work to do and we have a great opportunity with the Speedway. As far as the degree work there is a definite need for qualified coaches and we will need to put together another investigation team. Wor. Bro. Gerry McCorkle heads the education committee and would greatly appreciate your commitment. We also Scott Keiser need 10 brothers on September 29th, a Saturday, to Worshipful work the V.I.P. booth at the Speedway This will give Master 2012 us a very important "foot in the door" that could secure future income for the lodge. And, with our 50th anniversary coming up next year we will need every little bit we can get. If your interested Wor. Bro. Senior Warden Jeff Byrnes will have all the details at the stated meeting on the 4th. If you can't make it send him and e-mail. We are going to try something different but not new (Well maybe for us). There has been a lot of talk about how we don't have enough time to be brothers and all we do is work, work, work,.... So, we are going to have dinner after the stated meeting or at least fellowship. Many lodges around the world do this and we are going to give it a try. It is only on the stated not the degree nights. So, on the 4th, the stated meeting will start at 7pm sharp (by my watch :)) and dinner/fellowship will be im m edi at el y after. I'm going to do my very best to move the meeting along and be done b y 8 o r 8:15pm. Hopefully everyone will help me accom plish this. Please be open minded and we'll give this the old Continued on page 11


I sure hope everyone has had a great summer, but it’s time for our “Refreshment” to come to an end and for us to return to “Labor”. I would like to thank everyone who participated in the “Fireworks Booth” this year. I was very pleased by the participation by our Brothers, the booth was well manned for all shifts and “Brotherly Love and Affection” was experienced by all who worked or visited the booth. I Senior Warden hope everyone enjoyed the pictures that were posted to W. Bro. Jeff Byrne, P.M. Nellis’s Facebook page; they could not show all the “Fun” we were having! Due to the economic down turn and that the “Fourth” was right in the middle of the week on a Wednesday, sales were off from the previous years. Sales were so slow this year there was a possibility that we could have lost money due to all the fees and expenses. We did not start making money for ourselves until the last day. Once again thank goodness it rained, it caused other booths to close, but as our trailer is fairly weather tight, we stayed open! I know W John Feustel will have the final numbers for us at the Stated Meeting. At the closing meeting with Phantom, we did agree to another year, at the same location. An opportunity has been available to us by MW Bud Banks to work as VIP Suite Security at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway for the Race on September 29th. The “Job” would entail checking credentials for access to VIP Levels 1&2. There is a dress code of tan slacks or Dockers, white polo or collared shirts with no logos on them and closed toe shoes. Volunteers will be provided with a “Box Lunch” and are allowed to bring in a cooler with soft drinks or water. The lodge will be paid 8.00 an hour per volunteer for your service. We will need at least 10 Brothers for this event, please be aware that staffing is a critical issue and your attendance required if you volunteer. This is an excellent opportunity for us to get into the “Non-Profit Staff Pool” at the Race Way and obtain funds for our Lodge activities and charities.

Fraternally Jeff


Welcome back Brothers second half of our year. I hope everyone had a good summer. The 3rd annual Family Picnic was great, we had a good turnout and the food was great. I want to thank W/B Dave Lublin and his wife Karen for all their hard work. They been there from the beginning and always do a great job. Their daughter also pitched in and was in charge of the games and fun for the children. I was pleased that the turnout was high and enjoyed by all. The only thing that surprised me was that I saw no one in our party fishing, when you come next year make sure you bring your poles.

Junior Warden Harold Scalzo, Jr.

Along with the picnic came our yearly Fireworks Booth. This tradition not only helps raise funds for our Lodge, it provides a chance for our Brothers to volunteer to help our Lodge it is also a great time for fellowship. We all work hard and long hours in the heat, but the chance to work as Brothers cannot be substituted. Thank you all for your hard work and time, especially W/B Brother Jeff Byrne On a sad note, I would like to mention about the loss of Brother Gene Fabac this summer. He was well loved and will be dearly missed by all. Our prayers and thoughts go out to his family. It has been a summer of fun, hard work, brotherhood, family time and sadness. As we begin again, let us remember the Brotherhood and friendship we hold so dearly to our hearts. Fraternally yours, Brother Harold Junior Warden


Southern Nevada Community Gang Task Force Dear Brethren, Masters and Wardens have graciously agreed to sponsor a seminar to provide us with vital information on the most crippling illegal action in our country today, Human Trafficking. As an ordained Chaplain and CoChair of the SNCGTF, it has been my honor to coordinate Human Trafficking presentations throughout Clark County. Our goal is to better inform the public of this hideous crime so that more stringent laws can be passed to protect the victims of Human Trafficking. The ultimate goal of course is to save as many children as we can from slavery and sexual abuse. It is our pleasure to announce that we have scheduled a seminar for the benefit of our Masonic brothers and their significant family members and friends on Saturday, 29 September 2012, commencing at 1PM. The location will be at the MMT Bobo room, 2200 Mesquite Ave. Light refreshments will be served. Our guest speakers will be METRO Captain Larry Burns from Bolden Area Bureau Commander, Lieutenant Karen Hughes, Vice Section Leader, as well as one or more of their elite detectives. These officers are dedicated to the fight against Human Trafficking. On behalf of all those active in our fight against Human Trafficking, thank you for giving us this opportunity to create or increase awareness on this devastating crime against our children. See you on Saturday, 29 September at 1PM. Barry A. Mainardi


Internet Safety - Tips For Kids The internet can be a cool place to explore, shop and do research on different subjects, BUT Number #1 and MOST IMPORTANTLY, it is NOT a place to meet NEW people The Internet is like a dark street at night....It can be dangerous!!! Be “street smart”. DO NOT chat or communicate with anyone that you don’t already know in person. Strangers on the Internet are NOT to be trusted. DO NOT post any pictures of yourself if you would not show them to your Grandmother because they will be shared and sent all over the internet. Even better, do not post ANY pictures of yourself on the Internet. Once you press <send>, you can NEVER bring it back. DO NOT post or tell anyone any personal information about yourself, no matter how insignificant, because it can help them to find you in real life. DO NOT use common passwords and do not share them with others, except a parent. DO NOT pretend to be someone that you really are not. Do not pretend to be older than you really are. BE YOURSELF!! DO have fun. DO your homework. DO explore the Internet and conduct research on what you are interested in. DO block inappropriate people. DO report inappropriate activity to an adult. DO help protect your friends too, and share this information with them if they are not being SAFE on the Internet. DO participate in real life, out in the real world away from your computer. The real world is where you learn the most about life and make real friends for life 9

Continued from page 5 What does it me to be a Free Mason? Is it about community and volunteerism and/or brotherly love? I believe being a Mason is about character and it commitment to maintain it. Being men of character we make a commitment to each other and our combined strength and effort maintains the integrity of us all, No man is perfect and no man is an island but together we our strong and damn special. All the wonderful attributes that are associated with Free Masonry are natural outcomes of what we already are. All the great things Masons do is because of who we already are and the desire continually to be more. The fraternity grows through individual effert supported by other individual effort. The collective strengthens the individual and the individual strengthened the collective. Its a mutual affair the becomes legendary, but only if the man who calls himself a Mason makes that commitment. Reason and spirituality (the two are not exclusive) must govern the man in perfect balance with objectivity and subjectivity also, compassion, empathy, but also a steadfast resolve to the righteousness of a higher truth. I'm not talking about "judgment" but personal discipline to hold sacrosanct the philosophies of this ancient and honorable fraternity which are rooted in an ancient quest for truth both physical and spiritual. My Brothers all is well as long as we hold steadfast to each other in brotherly love. There is nothing we can't accomplish.

God Bless Scott W.M.













Degree TBA














Scottish Rite 6 7:30pm







In the Forefront Spreading Light

September 2012

Also on the 29thGang Taskforce seminar 1pm in the Bobo Room

NASCAR 29 Las Vegas Motor Speedway






THE MASONIC MEMORIAL TEMPLE IS NOW OFFERING RENTAL STORAGE SPACE!! Conveniently located at the MMT this will be a first come first served opportunity for any Mason that needs a storage unit. Time is limited because when they’re gone THEY’RE GONE! Remember there is limited availability. If you are interested contact: TERRY ROBERTSON at 702-499-2242

10’ X 13’ $60 per month 7’ X 13’ $45 per month 7’ X 16’ $100 per month 14’ X 13’ $120 per month Other units also available


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Masonic baseball caps One size fits all * Show your support for Nellis Lodge or the Square & Compasses alone Available in Black or White with a gold Square & Compasses Order yours today!! You can get yours by mail or at the Lodge. $15.00 at the Lodge or $20.00 by mail

____________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ City, State, Zip Make $20 checks payable to Nellis Lodge 46. Please allow 2 weeks for delivery.


Nellis Lodge No. 46 Bikes for Books Program Help encourage elementary school children to read! For more information contact W. Michael Clark, P.M. (702) 592-9249


BECOME A NELLIS TRESTLEBOARD SUPPORTER If you would like to contribute to the Trestleboard support fund , please call 702-387-0046 and leave us a message. Get your name out there and show your Brethren that you support the Lodge and this publication. Current Annual Rates: Full Page—$600 1/2 Page—$300 1/4 Page—$200 Business Card—$75 The Trestleboard displays a not-for-profit mailing permit. Nellis Lodge cannot advertise any banking or financial brokerage houses, sales offers, coupons or credit card ads. **ALL MONEYS MADE GO TO THE PRINTING AND MAILING OF THE TRESTLEBOARD


A-Authorized Heating Cooling Plumbing

Brian Reynolds 591-0222



Alan Ashby


Amixtocle Cocco


Tom Cooper


Dwain Doss


John Frogue


Karl Hess


Richard Lull


Tim Melcher


William Moon


Raimon Perry


Nelson Sardelli


Edgar Smith


Floyd Taylor


Charles Tweedie


David Wright


Marcos Rizo


Raimon Perry


No Charge to brethren of Nellis Lodge No. 46

Nellis Lodge No. 46

Mailed Version Subscription Form NAME_________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP________________________________

Send to: Nellis Lodge No. 46 F. & A.M. 2200 West Mesquite Ave. #115 Las Vegas, NV 89106


2012 COMMITTEES COGNIZANCE W. Bro. Terry Robertson, W. Bro. David Swallow & W. Bro. John Gjonola DELINQUENCY W. Bro. James Greely, W. Bro. Scott Keiser, W. Bro. John Feustel, Bob Kinniburgh & W. Bro. Mike Clark. EDUCATION & INVESTIGATIONS W. Bro. Jerry McCorkle, Bro. Robert Kinniburgh TRESTLEBOARD Bro. Harold Scalzo, Jr., W. Bro. James Greely, TELEPHONE W. Bro Scott Keiser & All Line Officers FUNDRAISING W. Bro. David Lublin, W. Bro. Jeff Byrne & Harold Scalzo Jr. LONG RANGE PLANNING W. Bro. John Feustel HELLDORADO PARADE W. Bro. John Gjonola RUSTY NAIL & HIGH 12 CLUB W. Bro. David Swallow RITUAL & DEGREE W. Bro. Jeff Byrne, W. Bro. David Swallow, & W. Bro. Arcangelo Cocco


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