Architecture and Interior Design Portfolio

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+61406 332 533

nel ie lieut er@gmail com

Ned ands, 6009



Coffee C ub Floreat

2015 - Present

Mon toring and superv sing da ly operations (stock rotation food and health safety .

Stock order ng and assisting in expenditures’ control (staffing and stock level)

Providing the h ghest evel of customer service and help resolv ng any issues.

Staff train ng and supervis on - Teach ng to be proact ve team or entated and prof c ent in their ro e


Lawleys Wembley 2012 - 2015

Bar sta, cook and customer service skil s.

Mon toring and superv sing da ly operations

Opening and closing of store responsibi ities

Providing the h ghest evel of customer service

New emp oyee staff train ng

I am a devoted Duty Manager seeking a career change, to put into practice my strong creative and proactive skills An avid team player with an eye for detail, aiming to put into practice all my experience and knowledge acquired at work, university and college towards a job where I can apply my passion for environmentally ethical and sustainable design I welcome any opportunities for growth in the design industry



Sydney Des gn School (Onl ne)

2023 - Comp et ng November 2025


Sydney Design School (Onl ne)

2023 - Completing October 2024



Curtin - Open Un vers ty

October 2022


Stanley College 2016 - 2017


University of Western Austral a 2009 - 2012


Windows MAC OS AutoCAD SketchUp Rev t

Adobe Indesign

Adobe Photoshop Word Excel

Powerpo nt

. l o a d i n g .


Design Thinking

Natural y creative

Proactive multitasker

Skil ed time management

Fast problem-solv ng abi ity

Computer Literacy

Pro ect Management Too s

Strong Commun cat on





Contact details available upon request


nter or Designer


Franch see - Coffee Club Floreat


Duty Manager - Coffee C ub Floreat


Bar sta - Coffee Club Floreat

Ancillary Dwelling Proposal

Architectural professional proect delivery - Curtin (Open University

Tasked to create drawing sets to be approved by the City of Canning, for a 2 bedroom ancillary building located in the suburb of Riverton for fictive clients to be used as a student lodging but that could potentially house an aging family member.

Focusing on a passive design, the living, dining and kitchen area was placed in the northern side for winter sun gain optimisation and placing the bedroom away from the main existing building creating more private area for both. Storage was optimised with floor to ceiling custom design cabinetry in the entrance area, kitchen and bedrooms.

The dwelling was future proofed by having flush flooring and ample space to move around furniture to accommodate an elderly person easily. Using AutoCAD, I rendered design schematics and created different models following customer specifications and timelines. Upon accepting the final designs I developed blueprints whilst ensuring the project adheres to codes and regulations.









Plasterboard - Standard: AS 2588

Painting: To the recommendations of those parts of AS 2311

Waterproofing wet areas: To AS 3740

Plumbing and drainage: To the AS 3500 ser es

Cabinetry and Fitting to be installed to fabricator's specificat ons

Riambel Residence

Personal design and proect

Mixed Use Development

Architectural professional proect delivery - University of Western Australia

This design was my last project for my degree program while at university. We were tasked to design a two storey development to cater for a café on the ground floor and an architect’s firm on the first floor.

Adhering to the codes and regulations (NCC and R-codes) throughout the schematic process helped design the blueprints appropriately. My aim was to create open and inviting spaces on both levels, where the customers or staff would be able to view the existing established trees and beautiful neighbouring views from all angles

Sydney Design School

Interior Design Assignments and Research

SketchUp Residential Project

Sydney Design School

The assignment for this project was to create a double storey addition at the rear of an existing Victorian cottage including a light weight glass link. The first floor needed to be a mezzanine and the outdoor living space was to be designed as a terrace and stairs with all the amenities and comfort used in a luxury outdoor space. An overall free range to the amount of opening and textures for the whole project was to be had. As a result, I was mindful of the location of rooms and their openings to help create a passive and environmentally friendly design. The design I chose for this addition was of a modern look outside that contrasts with the traditional Victorian brick house with a Victorian accent styling indoors to have a subtle reference to the original house.

Interior perspective views

To create an indoor-outdoor experience in the bathroom I selected fogged glass panels to maximise natural light and views from the bathtub. Creating a tranquil and serene environment with the choice of floor to ceiling dark textured tiles. The wood and black accents also help with the sophistication of the room.

The creation of a terrace feel in the master bedroom helps bringing nature in with a cascading indoor plants at the edge of the balustrade, creating a relaxed view from the bed area and office desk. Downstairs, the way the open living area was designed with the glass doors that fully opens on both sides helps invites you to the outdoor living space, the perfect indoor-outdoor living scenario.

Custom Kitchen Joinery

Part of the SketchUp assignment was to create a custom joinery of our choice, my eagerness to design kitchens pushed me to create this functional layout that could have ample room for a family to comfortably have a casual meals at the island bench. Although there is ample storage areas with generous amount of cabinetry and drawers below and overhead, and the layout seems functional, I am aware that is still a schematic design and there could be functionality issues that I am yet to learn of.

The colour scheme and materials’ choice was made to match the original Victorian style house, bringing a subtle reference.

Using a window splash back is a personal preference, to enhance the indoor-outdoor feel even while doing the dishes or meal preparation.


Century Modern Style and colour scheme research & Vision Board

“What works good is better than what looks good because what works good lasts” Ray and Charles Eames

Teak wood furniture, chrome lamps, simple & prac cal furniture like the Eames’s designs and bright accent of colours were the main characteris cs of this style.

Client Colour Scheme

Brief: SinglebachelorTomwantshisloungeroomtobetheenvyofallofhisfriends!Hewantsanedgyroom tohangoutinandwantsthisroomtobeatalkingpointwhenheinvitesguestsover Hewillusethisspaceto entertain,soitcanbeanenergeticandvibrantscheme.Heisintoaverycontemporarylooksopleaseconsider this

Colour description

ThecolourschemechosenforTomisofaTriadicscheme Thebluewasusedpureandalsotinted theredused isshadedslightlyandtheyellowisshadedandisalsofoundintheshelvingunitasabutteryyellowtone Thechoiceofusingtheblue,redandyellowhuesthathavebeenshadedandtintedhelpstocreateanenergetic andvibrantroomastheclientwanted.Theuseofcontemporaryfurnishingalsohelpstomeethispreferred styleandtaste.Thecolourfulcreativefeaturewallwiththecustom-madefireplacegivesthespaceaveryedgy style,helpinghaveaoneakindfeelingthathisfriendscanbragabout

Brief: Young MelbournebasedcoupleLilyandJoelwantyoutocreateacolourschemefor theirloungeroom TheydostayuptodatewithinteriortrendsonInstagramandwouldlike acalmandrelaxedspacetoenjoy.Theyloveneutrals butforthisprojecttheywanttouse colour(s)butonlyinasubtleway

Colour description

TheschemeIchosetouseforclients1isasimpleorangeanalogousscheme. Atintedversionofthepurehueswasoptedinthisscenarioduetotheclientsneedofcolouruse tobesubtle Thecolourschemechoicewasalsotostayontrend asthesepinktoneswereonof themostpopularcoloursof2022asmentionedontheDuluxwebsite IbelievethattheScampiaddjusttherightamountofwarmthandenergytothesoftpinktones, whichontheotherhandgivesacalmandsoftfeeltothespace Theporcelaincolourhasagreat lightreflectance itshowsdifferenthighlightsofpinkandpeachdependingonthesun’sangleand theamountoflightthatfiltersthroughtheroom,whichwouldaccentuatethefeelingofwarmth andenergythroughouttheyear

Dulux - Scampi A86 Dulux - Victoriana A92 Dulux - Porcelain A84

Clients (Partner) brief:

The garage ’ s need to become a gym space. He wants the area to be vibrant and l ght, it also needs to have a natural and calm feel. Also something n the shades of green with a natural tone to it. He also l kes wooden colours/tones.

Proposed Colour Scheme

Proposed colour scheme is a Yellow-Green simple analogus scheme.

My suggestion is to use a shaded Mid-Green, which is the Dulux Plasticine for the exercise equipment matts beneath heavy equipment. While some of the equipment could also have little dashes of Yellow-Green, wh ch I selected the Dulux Lime Parfait. Parts of other light equipment could be of the Dulux Celery Green, a shaded yellow hue.

Us ng these colours n such way would make the space more fun and help keep the colours w thin the selected scheme. The hues selected are to be used subtly throughout the room along with light neutral colours so as not to have an over powering or clashing effect, mak ng the room too bright or overwhelming.

I believe using the simple analogous scheme in the yellow-green tones will help the space appear more open and fresh. Keeping n the client’s wishes to have some references to nature.

Proposed Colour Scheme

Yellow-Green Simple Analogous

Interior’s inspiration and adjusted colour selection

Paint Specification Sheet

Colour in spaces

Traditional Vs Contemporary whites

Selected vs Perceived Colour (Interior)

Se ected co our Ideal colour for client Percieve colour Lighter hue chosen to match client’s choice

Selected colour Ideal co our for client Percieve colour Lighter hue chosen to match c ient’s choice

Selected vs Perceived Colour (Exterior)

Sunlight effect will impact the need to select a shade that is darker

Consider the Simultaneous Contrast, how surrounding colours can change the tone, chroma and hue of colour of choice

Bleaching: when a colour is impacted by sunlight and looks different depending on the seasons and time of day

Colour Psychology

Lounge room - warm and inviting -Light brown

Dining room - lively and energising - Grey reduced red

Bedroom - tranquil and soothing -Navy blue

- calm and focused - Blue-Green

The Light brown - Hogs Bristle Quarter was chosen due to it’s warm, friendly, welcoming and honest feel it projects
The Navy Blue - Harpoon was chosen g ven that blues have the characteristic of slowing the heart rate, reducing muscular tension and of slowing breathing, hence creating a tranquil and sooth ng space
The Grey reduced red - Red Stop was chosen for the dining room to help enhance the lively and energising feel as red is believed to increase the blood fl ow and stimulate gastronomic juices.
The Blue-Green - Submarine helps put forward the calm and focused feel needed for a study as emerald green is known to help cool calm and reassure people who uses the space, creat ng the perfect study ng environment

Creating a Colour Scheme Exterior Schemes

Interior Scheme

Choosen mood: relaxed/calming

Colour Scheme: Monochromat c - Brown tones

Traditional Scheme

Victorian Terrace

For this traditional colour scheme I used the Dulux Traditional/Heritage colours range

Modern Scheme

For this modern colour scheme the Dulux new colour ranges that have references to the Tradit onal/Heritage range was used to reflect or highlight the heritage of the home

Thank You for taking the time to view my portfolio

You can reach me via email or via phone to discuss further if required

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