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Photo album Stara Zagora, Bulgaria B Jaklin Gagacheva VI Stara Zagora is one of the oldest cities in Europe. As early as the Neolithic (VII-VI century BC before message) favorable natural and geographical conditions encourage the emergence of the first sedentary settlements related to agriculture and livestock. Many are recorded prehistoric settlements in the region, but three of them are located within the bounds of the modern city have global significance:
BEROE ancient Thracian settlement from the IV century BC. Rich material and spiritual culture of the impulses from Asia Minor. Until today remains debatable issues around the formation, existence, location and historical destiny.
Eski Zagra In 1364 the city was conquered by the Turks, who renamed it so. He was the administrative center of Eskizarskata said covering 109 villages. During the Renaissance the city became an important craft and trade center with 50 kinds of crafts and over 70 shops.
Zheleznik through 50 years of the nineteenth century the town was renamed as the initiative of Stara Zagora teacher Todor Shishkov as a manifestation of the Bulgarian national idea and the reaction against Turkish oppression and Greek Church expansion. Originated local government. In 1858 the city has five male and three girls' schools, founded a community center. In 1869 Vasil Levski founded one of the first secret revolutionary committees.
Town of poets and artists, Straight and Lippi!
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State Opera Stara Zagora Today Stara Zagora State Opera Theatre has an extensive repertoire, which play an opera, operetta, ballet and children's shows. Annually perform four prime ministers; maintained repertoire of 15 titles per year exported 100 performances that are viewed by over 40 million viewers. And enjoys international recognition as a guest on the stages of Poland, Russia, Romania, Greece, Cyprus, Austria, Germany and Italia .On 1971 is hosting a Festival of Opera and Ballet Arts, held annually in early May It involves Bulgarian opera houses, ballet and rich concert program.
Drama Theatre”Geo Milev” Theatre is a professional in 1919. It opened its season with "prisoner of Trikeri. In 1954 Drama Theater became a state. Status is currently repertory theater of mixed financing - 50% state and 50% municipal. His current theater productions realized by the sale of tickets for performances and sponsorship of citizens and companies. In its 80-year-old DT Geo Milev successfully participated in many theatrical events and festivals in our country and abroad. He was awarded the Order of Cyril and Methodius "I degree.
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State Puppet Theatre Stara Zagora Set up was in 1957. Placed over 200 pieces by Bulgarian and foreign authors. Theatre toured successfully in Russia, Yugoslavia, Poland, Iran, Iraq, Tunisia, Algeria, France, Spain, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Cyprus, Austria and others. thumb_puppet_theatre_2Nositel of prestigious national and international awards. With award for best acting troupe - Prague 2000 European Capital of Culture. Stara Zagora Puppet Theatre is hosting the annual International Festival of Puppet Theatres Pierrot".
Regional History Museum Stara Zagora Regional Historical Museum in Stara Zagora was created May 28, 1907 as a museum to the archaeological company Augusta Traiana. Then opened the first museum ekspozitsiya.Prez 1911 were conducted and the first archaeological excavations. Since 2000 the Historical Museum in Stara Zagora receives the status of a regional museum with a range of business areas of Stara Zagora and Haskovo. In the 50 years building the structure of the museum. There are nine departments. Have been created for restoration and preservation and conservation workshop and a specialized library of historical and archaeological literature. Planned and executed rescue excavations on sites that gain worldwide fame - Azmashkata mound, rustic cottage Thracian mound necropolis and into the cup of dam Chatalka, Chalcolithic copper mines in the area Aibunar (Mechi well), the territory of ancient and medieval city of Augusta Traiana - Vereya, near the Maritsa-East "and others. As a result of these studies today Regional Historical Museum in Stara Zagora has one of the richest prehistoric collections in the world.
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Museum Neolithic Dwellings They are exhibited in a special protective building. Тhe basement is represented permanent exhibition "Prehistoric Art in Stara Zagora region showing examples of Neolithic, Bronze Age and kamenomednata. The site has a souvenir stand and room for videos.
Regional Library Zachary Prince " Regional Library Zachary Prince "e established in 1954. It has over 450 000 volumes of specialized literature.
Ayazmoto The park was created on February 28, 1895. Until the beginning of XIX-century, this place is stretched oak forest, but was issued by the Turkish army to provide a safe residence of the Sultan vizier, staying in Stara Zagora during his time in the Ottoman Empire. Wash soil erosion and make the place in goal and anhydrous rocky hill.
Zagorka (Lake) Zagorka is an artificial lake located in its namesake park in the northeastern part of Stara Zagora. The lake is fed by the River Bedechka. Named is located in close proximity brewery Zagorka. The lake is hooked annually, it shall conduct sport fishing competitions . The lake was built hotel-restaurant of the same name.
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