2014 08 dollars & sense

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August 2014—Volume 3, Issue 8 Cooperative Extension Service

Dollars and Sense

Nelson County 317 S. 3rd Street Bardstown, KY. 40004 Phone: (502) 348-9204 Fax: (502) 348-9270 http://nelson.ca.uky.edu

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Nutritious Foods Embracing Age

5-6 10-11

Healthy Homes Financial Stability


Nurturing Families


Empowering Leaders Neat Ideas


Upcoming Events


Check out our new calendar on page 3! We’re going to be including community events in our calendar from now on. If you know of any going on, please let us know! We want you to be aware of all non-profit events that may benefit you or your family. Sometimes, other agencies are offering classes that we aren’t offering and we want you to know about them!

Food for Thought Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. ~Albert Einstein Hey All! Can you believe it’s already time for the kids to go back to school!? Summer flew by. But that doesn’t mean you have to quit spending your days together! Make one night a week family game night. Have everyone be home at a certain time, say 6:00 every Tuesday, and commit to making it a priority. Watch how your kids grow and how much they’ll come to love it! Traditions are huge to kids once they’re grown, and often times, that’s what will bring them home from college when it seems like it’s been ages since you’ve seen them. Make time for your kids now, and they’ll make time for you later. What a great investment, right? Also, be sure to check out the next page– we’re including community events on our calendar now! Be sure you check out the location on each program just to be safe! CEA for Family and Consumer Sciences


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Extension programs are in green. RSVP by calling 502-348-9204 or online at: http://nelson.ca.uky.edu/fcs Community program dates are in red August 4: Basic Computer Skills and Resume Assistance—9:00 a.m. Kentucky Career Center (860 W Stephen Foster Blvd) August 5: Beginning Sewing for Adults—RSVP REQUIRED August 6: Basic Computer Skills and Resume Assistance—9:00 a.m. Kentucky Career Center (860 W Stephen Foster Blvd) August 8: Basic Computer Skills and Resume Assistance—9:00 a.m. Kentucky Career Center (860 W Stephen Foster Blvd) August 12: Interviewing Techniques Workshop—9:00 a.m. Kentucky Career Center (860 W Stephen Foster Blvd) August 13: Living on a Reduced Income—9:00 a.m. Kentucky Career Center (860 W Stephen Foster Blvd) August 14: All Things Tomatoes—1:00 p.m. Bloomfield Library (34 Arnold Lane, Bloomfield) August 15: Nazareth Villages Anniversary Party August 26: Interviewing Techniques Workshop—9:00 a.m. Kentucky Career Center (860 W Stephen Foster Blvd) 3

Every Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., the Kentucky Career Center will have KYNECT healthcare enrollment and counseling available.

New Ways to Fire Up the Grill Sources: Ingrid Adams, UK Association Extension Professor, & Rebecca Shepherd-Smith, UK intern

Grilling is one of many people’s favorite parts of summer, but it doesn’t always have to involve hamburgers, hot dogs and barbeque. There are plenty of creative ways to grill that can be healthier for you too. We all know, to be healthier, we should choose healthier foods. When grilling, you can think beyond the staples by preparing more nutrient-dense foods on the grill. You can successfully grill a variety of fruits. Peaches and pineapples both work exceptionally well on the grill as they can be used with meat as a main dish or with some cinnamon and low-fat whipped topping as a dessert. Numerous vegetables can be grilled including zucchini, squash, eggplant, tomatoes, onions and peppers. Some of these you can place right on the grill, but for others, you might want to purchase a grilling basket. These are relatively inexpensive and usually available at any large grocery or hardware store. While grilling fruits and veggies may sound simple enough, remember that you can make any food healthy or unhealthy by the way you prepare it. Good examples of this are fried chicken compared to baked chicken and a raw apple versus an apple pie. Hamburgers, chicken and steak are great grilling options, but so are fish and pork chops. If you’re worried about your family turning up their noses at fish that is not breaded, try grilling fish they may be already used to, like catfish or cod. They may end up liking it more than the fried version. Many of you are interested in getting the most from your food dollars, and you can grill on budget. Look for potential grilling items on sale at the grocery store. When you find a good deal, buy multiples. Chicken and less expensive cuts of beef that can be used over several meals in salads, fajitas and stir fry dishes are great grilling options. When you fire up the grill, you can use the surplus to prepare all your meals for the week at once and save yourself time during the workweek. 4

Put it in Your Recipe Box!


Put it in Your Recipe Box!


Well That’s A Neat Idea! Don’t like your old door mat anymore? Don’t throw it away! Go buy two of your favorite colors of spray paint and give it a new life!

All you need: Two cans of spray paint Painter’s tape

And voila! You have a brand new door mat that perfectly matches your personality!

From: www.diyandcrafts.com Picture from: www.pinterest.com 7

For The Kids


Control Your Back to School Spending A first step in controlling back-to school spending is to create a written plan. For example, begin making your plan early in the year, and include all the expenses you expect to make. Think about how much you can afford to spend for supplies, backpacks, uniforms, shoes, etc... Set a spending limit for each item on your list. Set a spending limit for each student on your list. Decide how you are going to pay for your purchases. If you decide to use cash only, leave your credit cards at home when you go shopping. If you decide to use checks, be sure to record each check after it is written and figure the balance before writing another check. If you decide to use credit, choose one credit card for all your backto-school spending. Plan to use your credit card with the lowest annual interest rate. Using one card will help you keep track of your spending more easily and help you control your spending. An easy way to stay within your spending limit as you shop is to write your limit on an envelope. Put the envelope in your wallet, and each time you spend money for that item or person, write the amount on the envelope and subtract it from your limit. Then, put the receipts in the envelope. You can record the amount whether you’ve used a credit card or cash. Keeping a running total will help you think before spending more than your limit.

Source: www.extension.org 9

Carotenoids and Eye Health What are carotenoids? Carotenoids are vitamin A-like compounds found in plants. They have various roles in human health. Some are provitamin A carotenoids. Our bodies can convert these carotenoids into the active form of vitamin A known as retinol. Beta-carotene is a wellknown provitamin A carotenoid. Carotenoids that cannot be converted to vitamin A are called non-provitamin A carotenoids. They are a type of phytochemical (PC)—chemicals in plants that are not essential for life. Some 5,000 PCs have been identified, and probably thousands more exist in fruits, vegetables, and other plant foods. PCs are of interest because many of them affect our health. Some reduce risk for the major chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Others impact urinary tract, prostate, or eye health. This fact sheet focuses on lutein and zeaxanthin (zee-uh-zan-thin), non-provitamin A carotenoids that promote eye health.

What is AMD? AMD is age-related macular degeneration. The macula is the center part of the retina. It is the part of the eye that helps us focus images. When the macula is harmed, images in the center of the field of vision are blurred. AMD is the leading cause of blindness among adults over 60 years of age in the U.S. Exposure to sunlight and to free radicals can harm the macula and cause AMD. We can protect our eyes from sunlight by wearing sunglasses when we are outdoors. We can help protect the... 10

...macula from free-radical damage by having a ready supply of antioxidants in our bodies. The best way to do this is to eat a diet rich in colorful fruits and veggies that provide lutein and zeaxanthin.

What are lutein and zeaxanthin? Lutein and zeaxanthin are non-provitamin A carotenoids. They are antioxidants that are concentrated in the macula of our eyes. Eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables that are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin may reduce risk for AMD. It’s important to get our antioxidants from foods! Beta-carotene supplements have been found to have no effect on risk for these eye diseases.

Other risk factors for AMD The major risk factors for AMD are being over 60 years of age and smoking. Having a family history also increases risk. Whites and females are more likely than others to have AMD.

What are good sources of lutein and zeaxanthin? Eating a healthful diet rich in green leafy and orange vegetables will provide lutein and zeaxanthin. This document is FCS8935, one of a series of the Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Published March 2011. Linda B. Bobroff, PhD, RD, LD/N, professor and Extension nutrition specialist, Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences; University of Florida; Gainesville, FL 32611.





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Nelson County


Cooperative Extension Service

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