2014 October Dollars & Sense

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October 2014—Volume 3, Issue 10 Cooperative Extension Service

Dollars and Sense

Nelson County 317 S. 3rd Street Bardstown, KY. 40004 Phone: (502) 348-9204 Fax: (502) 348-9270 http://nelson.ca.uky.edu

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Healthy Living Nutritious Foods

5, 11

Embracing Age Healthy Homes Financial Stability Nurturing Families

4, 10

Empowering Leaders Neat Ideas Upcoming Events

3, 6-9

Did you know you can visit the Kentucky Tourism webpage and see what fun events are going on in your town? Never be bored on a weekend again! Just check out http:// www.kentuckytourism.com/ events/events.aspx and search for whatever town you’d like to visit!

Food for Thought Always walk like you deserve to be right where you are. -author unknown

Happy Fall Y’all! I don’t know about you but I am fully ready for cooler weather. As a redhead, sun has never really been my friend, so I’m one of the rare people who can’t wait for summer to end. But as it does, sometimes so does family time. We aren’t at the ballpark together as much, we don’t get to spend our days together, routines are settling in and we get caught up in day to day life. Fall is the perfect time to start a new routine: family dinner. Now, the importance of family dinners is my soapbox and I could go on for pages about why you should be sharing a meal with your family at least a few times a week, but instead, I will let the research do the talking. Read page 4 to find out and then call me if you need some great, healthy recipes to try! CEA for Family and Consumer Sciences


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Extension programs are in blue. Community program dates are in red. RSVP by calling 502-348-9204 October 1: How to Deal with Stress Factors and Coping Techniques—9:00 a.m. Kentucky Career Center (860 W Stephen Foster Blvd) October 3: Business Expo and Job Fair—11:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Kentucky Home Square –Free Admission to the Public! Great door prizes. October 6, 8, 10: Introduction to Computers & Resume Assistance—9:00 a.m. Kentucky Career Center (860 W Stephen Foster Blvd) October 9: Pumpkin Party—1:00 p.m. (more info on pg 6) Bloomfield Library (34 Arnold Lane, Bloomfield) October14: Interviewing Techniques—9:00 a.m. Kentucky Career Center (860 W Stephen Foster Blvd) October 16: Food of the Month: Cookie Month– 6:00 p.m. Every Tuesday Nelson County Extension Office—$5—RSVP required from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., October 17: FREE SOUP DAY (more info on pg 7) the Kentucky Nelson County Extension Office Career Center October 18: Nifty Needlework Show (see pg 8-9) will have Bloomfield Library (34 Arnold Lane, Bloomfield) KYNECT October 24: Fresh Idea Friday—10:00 –12:00 healthcare Bardstown Farmers Market—free samples and giveaways! enrollment and October 28: Appetizers and Desserts—1:30 p.m. (see pg 11) counseling Nelson County Extension Office—free to attend available. 3

Family Mealtime The approaching holiday season reinforces a truth about eating: Dining at home with family and friends is rewarding, fun and enjoyable. In the coming year, consider making cooking and dining at home a priority in your family. It controls food costs and helps with weight management, and it brings a family together. Research shows that having regular mealtime can improve the health of children, help with their social and emotional development, and help them do better in school. In the midst of a hurried world, the investment in family mealtime is well worth the time and effort. Healthy habits, including controlling portion size, eating only one portion, and choosing and cooking healthy options help adults and children control weight and it increases consumption of nutrients necessary for good health. Children who eat at regular meal times consume more fruits and vegetables and fewer fried foods and sodas. One way to make cooking and eating at home easier is to assign tasks. Involve your whole family by getting them to participate. Assigned tasks (helping to plan menus and shop, setting the table, and clearing up after the meal) shares the workload and reinforces the idea that these daily tasks are enjoyable. Planning is another helpful tool that makes cooking and eating at home easier. Follow a grocery list and keep staples on hand to make cooking easier. Use the weekends to prepare entrees, such as lasagna, stew or other casseroles, that can be stored or frozen for use during the week. Prep vegetables and meat in advance and review ingredients and recipes to be sure you understand the cooking procedure. These basic techniques will help you get your family’s dinner on the table in short order. One trend, seen in many big-city restaurants, that families can follow is “Meatless Mondays.” Started by the non-profit initiative The Monday Campaigns, in association with the Johns Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health, Meatless Mondays encourages avoiding meat one day a week to increase nutrition, reduce your carbon footprint, and help limit climate change. Make Meatless Monday an adventure for the family by choosing unusual ingredients and cooking techniques so they are less likely to miss meat. Focus on other cuisines, such as Thai, Indian, Italian or Mexican, that rely less on meat. For example, hearty meatless chili, home-made vegetarian pizza, a Thai noodle bowl, or mattar panner, an Indian dish of peas and cheese, make unusual and delicious meatless entrees. 4

Put it in Your Recipe Box!




l l A G N I CALL

ededed Nifty Needlework Show The Friendship Friday Group of the Bloomfield Branch Library will host a “Nifty Needlework Show” beginning Thursday, October 16 and ending with a “Needlecrafters Reception” on Saturday, October 18 at 12:30pm. The Show is open to all age needlecrafters, beginners through experienced, who would like to put their work on display. The Show is limited to hand crafted items, made with a needle (hand or machine sewing, crochet, knitting, embroidery, etc.). Please call 502-252-9129 for information or to register your item for the “Nifty Needlework Show”.

Even if you do not submit something, stop by the library to check it out! The show is free and open to the public!






The Bloomfield Library is inviting you to bring and display your: -hand or machine sewn items -embroidery -hand or machine quilts or quilted items -knitted items -crocheted items -items made with needles only Items must be homemade but are not required to have been made by the person submitting them.

“Needlecrafter’s Reception” will be held on Saturday October 18th at 12:30 p.m. for those who submit items. 9

For the Kids Color the cornucopia and talk with an adult about the fruits and vegetables you see in the picture! Then– try one of those fruits or vegetables!



Appetizers and desserts Tuesday, October 28 1:30 p.m. Nelson County Extension Office Free to the public Come learn some great appetizers and desserts to try at your upcoming holiday parties! Free tastings! 11




Bardstown, KY 40004

317 S Third Street







University of Kentucky

Nelson County


Cooperative Extension Service

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