2014 12 dollars & sense

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December 2014—Volume 3, Issue 12 Cooperative Extension Service

Dollars and Sense

Nelson County 317 S. 3rd Street Bardstown, KY. 40004 Phone: (502) 348-9204 Fax: (502) 348-9270 http://nelson.ca.uky.edu

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Healthy Living Nutritious Foods Embracing Age

4 5-6 11

Healthy Homes Financial Stability

7, 9

Nurturing Families

8, 10

Empowering Leaders Neat Ideas Upcoming Events


The Nelson County Family and Consumer Sciences Program will be collecting new or gently used, age appropriate children’s books in an effort to provide reading material to students in our county who are less fortunate! Books will be distributed to students throughout the year.

Programs at a Glance: December 11: Holiday Shopping Safety presented by the UK Police Department December 12: Piggy Bank Deadline December 19: New Haven All Pro Dads CALL TO RSVP! 502-348-9204

Food for Thought It’s not what’s under the tree, but who’s around it, that really matters. -Author Unknown Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Can you believe it’s already time to be wishing people happy holidays?? Where did 2014 go? It seems like I say that every year, but it seems like every year goes faster and faster. I, for one, am looking very forward to 2015. I will be welcoming a new niece or nephew into the world, a new cousin by birth and a new cousin by marriage. Things will be so busy but so exciting! As I try to plan out 2015’s programs, please keep me in mind when planning any meetings of your own. I would love to get on your calendar! Whether to speak to you about Extension, or about any topic you need: nutrition, financial management, child development, parenting, healthy living, home accessibility, aging, the list goes on… Please don’t hesitate to give me a call. I’d love to come speak to your group or to start some type of monthly program! Whatever best fits your needs. After all– that’s why I’m here! CEA for FCS


December 2014 Sun Mo Tue We Thu Fri Sat

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DON’T FORGET: If Nelson County Schools are cancelled, Extension programs scheduled on that day are also cancelled unless you are otherwise notified. When RSVP-ing for classes, please leave a phone number we can reach you. Also please follow us on Facebook or Twitter for all cancellation information. December 11: Holiday Shopping Safety presented by the UK Police 1:00 p.m. at the Bloomfield branch of the Nelson County Public Library 34 Arnold Lane, Bloomfield RSVP by calling 502-348-9204 or 502-252-9129 December 12: Piggy Bank deadline for children 18 and under Bring piggy banks to the office and leave your name and phone number December 19: New Haven All Pro Dads Free breakfast and bonding with your child 7:00 a.m. in the New Haven School media center/library December 25—January 2: The Nelson County Extension Office will be closed for the holidays. We wish you and yours a very happy and safe holiday season and we will see you in 2015! 3

Managing diabetes during the holidays Source: Ingrid Adams, Associate Extension Professor

A healthy diet is so important to controlling and minimizing the effects of diabetes, but eating healthy can be a struggle and challenge for some people with diabetes, particularly those who have been recently diagnosed with the disease. The upcoming holidays pose additional challenges and present more temptations. If you have diabetes and you eat a moderate amount of foods that are high in nutrients and low in fat and calories, then eating during the holidays should be no different from the way you eat every day. If you do not eat this way, then try to create daily, healthy eating habits before the holidays begin. These habits should include consuming a well-balanced breakfast, fruits and vegetables in a variety of colors, whole grains and a variety of lean proteins in the appropriate portion size. During the holidays, most people have the tendency to go overboard with desserts, because they are at every function and these treats are available in large quantities. Desserts often contain few nutrients and are heavy in carbs and fat that can quickly raise your blood glucose levels. Healthier options include eating fruit for dessert, splitting a dessert with someone, removing high-fat whipped topping and frosting from desserts and eating fewer carbohydrates during the main course so you can have a small dessert. You can reduce the amount of sugar in many holiday dishes by making healthy adjustments to your recipes. Use vanilla or cinnamon as a sugar substitute in recipes. Unsweetened applesauce or sugar-free syrups can be used in place of regular syrup. You can also try using fresh fruit or fruits canned in their own juices rather than fruits canned in heavy syrup. 4

Put it in Your Recipe Box!



Piggy Bank Design Contest

HEY Y OU TH ! There ’s stil l time!

Eligibility: Contest is open to school students attending public, private, or home school located within the Commonwealth of Kentucky enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade. How to Enter: 1. Create an original bank design that follows these rules: A. cannot exceed 12 x 12 inches B. must be able to hold coins C. must be decorated by the youth contestant Banks DO NOT have to be in shape of a pig and may be made from repurposed containers.

Submit entry to the Nelson County Extension Office by December 12, 2014


Holiday Safety Worried about people stealing your gifts? breaking into your home?

December 11 1:00 p.m. Bloomfield Library 502-348-9204 Taught by UK Police Free to attend You won’t want to miss this! 8

Resisting the Urge to Splurge


For the Kids

Source: www.kidscanhavefun.com 10

Helping A Friend With Cancer A cancer diagnosis is a life altering event for those diagnosed as well as for their friends and family. Unfortunately, cancer occurs far too often. The National Cancer Institute Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results program estimated that in 2009, more than 12.5 million Americans were living with a cancer diagnosis. Breast and prostate cancers were the two most common types. A cancer diagnosis can be very scary for the patient and their family members. As a friend, you may feel helpless and unsure about what you can do, but you can be helpful and supportive in many ways during this time of need. It is important to learn as much as you can about your friend’s diagnosis and treatment regimen. Perhaps your friend is willing and able to talk about it, but note that this can be an especially emotional subject and time, especially for those recently diagnosed. Let them tell you what they want you to know and don’t push for more information. You can also learn about a diagnosis from family members, other friends, physicians, helplines and various educational resources. Knowing this information can help you better understand and prepare yourself for the disease and treatments and be more empathic to your friend. Before visiting, call ahead and ask permission. If your friend has recently undergone chemotherapy or radiation, they may be too tired for visitors. Let them know it’s okay to say no. If they say no, you may want to make plans to visit in the future when they are feeling better. You can also set up a time to talk weekly on the phone. Let your friend know it’s okay if they don’t feel like answering when you call. Many times, cancer, its treatment and subsequent emotions can be overwhelming, so it may be hard for your friend to pinpoint ways you can help. Offer to help with specific tasks, such as babysitting, caring for a pet, shopping for groceries, doing laundry or preparing a meal for the family. You may also want to ask a spouse or family member for other things you can do to be helpful. Realize that they may decline your offer and if they do, you shouldn’t take it personal. Treat your friend as normal as possible. Offer to go for a walk with them. Talk about mutual hobbies and interests. If you both are interested in crafts, do a project together. Let them know you care and are thinking about them. Also let them know you’re there if they ever need to talk. 11




Bardstown, KY 40004

317 S Third Street







University of Kentucky

Nelson County


Cooperative Extension Service

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