June 2018
Nelson County Beekeepers
What’s The Buzz
Volume 4, Issue 5
June 21st
6:30 PM
Steering Meeting @ 5:30 PM
Officers President-Steve Hutchins Vice President-Ricky Humphrey Secretary-Bennie Hite Treasurer & Editor-Susan Zhunga Hospitality-Monthly Volunteer Newsletter Publisher– Georganne Collins Inside this issue: June Program
Minutes & Financial Report
Why Does Honey Crystallize ??????????
Sale / Glossary / Members 7 Only
JUNE PROGRAM – President Steve Hutchins. What's going on in your bee yard this June. Questions are welcomed. POT LUCK – PLEASE BRING SOMETHING TO SHARE Bring a friend who might be interested in keeping bees. All are welcome.
Robbie Smith County Extension Agent for Horticulture
Page 2 JUNE PROGRAM Our President, Steve Hutchins will discuss what is going on in your hives this month. What you should be seeing upon inspection. Problems you might encounter, and possible solutions. Questions are welcomed. Examples of problems you might be seeing: Bearding – Why are my bees outside on the front of my hive. No Brood - Why am I seeing only drone brood – or spotty brood. Laying Worker – What if anything can be done. Honey Bound – I have too much honey in the brood boxes. Queen Excluder – Yes or No These are just a few of the possible issues you would like answers to. Cards will be handed out at the sign-up desk if you prefer to write your question down. We are all here to help each other. Remember, there are no dumb question.
Page 3 Nelson County Beekeeping Meeting March 15th 2018 Steering Committee Attending: Benny Hite, Ricky Humphrey, Steve Hutchins, Henry Wilkerson and Susan Zhunga. Discussed: Trash pickup will be handled by Ricky Humphrey and it should be on March 24th on old Bloomfield Road. The use of the autoclave system for sterilization of beehive equipment. Ricky is going to get with Robbie Smith to see what need to be done with the pollination plot on New Haven Road. Bee school last month got all very good ratings. Beekeepers Meeting: Washington County would have their bee school next weekend. The road cleanup will be Saturday March 24th. After these announcements were made the meeting was turned over to Kevin Hale for a question and answer period about Splits, Nucs, Honey Bee Nutrition and Feeding. Kevin Hale always does a very good job. There was several new members with 43 people in attendance. Frank Culver won the door prize.
Financial Statement As Of 06/01/18 Start
Expense (Christmas)
Income Balance
Susan Zhunga Treasurer
954.00 $2,284.08
Page 4 Why Does Honey Crystallize ?????????? Ноnеу сrуѕtаllіzаtіоn, оftеn rеfеrrеd tо аѕ grаnulаtіоn, іѕ а nаturаl рhеnоmеnоn bу whісh hоnеу turnѕ frоm а lіquіd tо ѕеmіѕоlіd ѕtаtе wіth grаnulаr соmроѕіtіоn. Аftеr bеіng ехtrасtеd frоm thе hоnеусоmb, hоnеу tеndѕ tо сrуѕtаllіzе muсh fаѕtеr thаn іf іt wеrе іn thе wах сеllѕ. Quіtе оftеn hоnеу сrуѕtаllіzаtіоn іѕ “mіѕundеrѕtооd” bу hоnеу соnѕumеrѕ. А numbеr оf thеm аѕѕumе thаt hоnеу сrуѕtаllіzеѕ (grаnulаtеѕ) duе tо рооr quаlіtу, bаd ѕtоrаgе оr bесаuѕе іt іѕ unnаturаl аnd аdultеrаtеd. Асtuаllу, јuѕt thе орроѕіtе hоldѕ truе. Іf hоnеу dоеѕ nоt сrуѕtаllіzе fоr а lоng tіmе, ехсерt fоr thоѕе tуреѕ оf hоnеу іn whісh thе nаturаl сrуѕtаllіzаtіоn рrосеѕѕ
gоеѕ ѕlоwеr (асасіа), thаt оftеn іѕ а сlеаr іndісаtіоn fоr hоnеу аdultеrаtіоn, dіlutіоn, еtс. Info from: http://honeypedia.info/ why-does-honeycrystallize When honey crystallizes, it is still as nutritious and sweet as ever! In fact, the crystals prove that your honey is high quality and hasn’t been processed. It means that nutritious pollen hasn’t been filtered out and important enzymes haven’t been damaged by pasteurization. Natural honey is more likely to crystallize because we do not heat our honey at high temperatures (or pasteurize). Temperatures lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius) can cause crystallization. During those cold winter months, the honey in
your cabinet might begin to crystallize because of the lower temperatures. You might see white flecks not only out your window, but in your honey, too. This crystallization even happens in the hive in colder temperatures. But for those of us who like to keep our honey slippery smooth, fill a bowl with warm water and let your bottle rest until the crystals dissipate. Be sure not to microwave your honey because the heat will destroy many of your favorite enzymes and vitamins. Info from: https://www.nature nates.com/crystalliz ed-honey-the-coldhard-facts/
Page 5 NELSON COUNTY FAIR JULY 16th through July 21st Nelson County Beekeepers will be joining the fair again this year. We will be sharing information about beekeeping. How to become a beekeeper, and answer questions about the importance of honey bees, pollination, and beekeeping in general. We will be selling honey for our members only. Any member who would like to have their honey sold at the Fair is asked to work at least one shift. All the honey being sold, MUST be from the members bee yards, and not purchased and bottled from another source. We pride ourselves on selling local, fresh, and unprocessed honey. Honey must be from the
members hives located in Nelson and surrounding counties. Must be properly label with Name - Location – Amount e.g. Lbs Pints etc. Must have a minimum of 12 jars for sale Must supply at least 1 taste testing squeeze
Judging” contest. No entry fee for submission of honey. One Jar only for each color category, and a small baby food or Hex type jar, painted black, for the taste only category. No honey will be accepted from previously submitted jars of honey from prior years.
All honey must be dropped off either on Friday 13th at the Extension Office or Sunday 15th at Samuels Hall located at the Fair Grounds.
Ribbons and small cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, with an additional ribbon & prize for “Black Jar”. All honey must be dropped off for judging Sunday July 15th between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm, or Monday between 9:00 am and 11:00 am. Judging will be Monday 16th at 12:30 pm.
Members and Nelson County Residence who have bees are welcome to compete in the “Honey
All honey must be picked up on Sunday the 22nd between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm.
Page 6
BEEKEEPING ITEMS FOR SALE SWAP MEET – YARD SALE @ Every Meeting If any member has beekeeping items for sale, list them in the newsletter and/or bring them to the meeting. We can do some bartering after the regular meetings are over. Good time to save some money on necessary items. Be sure and bring items in good clean condition. Make sure they are priced and have your name. We will set up special tables for your items. Mike Johnson – Will make wooden ware to order. Boxes, frames and wax dipping. Contact Mike for information and pricing @ 502249-2007. The Club - has NCB T - Shirts Prices are: $8.00 for children $10.00 for Adults and $12.00 for Adults 2x & 3x.
Brace Comb – A bit of comb built between two combs to fasten them together, or between a comb and adjacent wood, attaching frames together.
Burr Comb – Is a bit of wax built upon a comb or upon a wooden part in a hive, but not connected to any other part. Mostly at the top of frames on inside covers. Drifting of Bees – Bees do no always return to their own hive in an apiary containing many colonies. This is referred to as drifting. Young bees tend to drift more than older bees and bees from small colonies tend to drift to larger colonies.
Propolis – A kind of glue or resin collected by the bees and chiefly used to close up crack and anchor hive parts. Also called “Bee Glue”.
Page 7 ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR MEMEBER ONLY Test kits for American Foul Brood (AFB) and European Foul Brood (EFB) are available for purchase from Extension Office for $14.00 each. Please call me (Susan 507-8789) for availability. ATTENTION ATTENTION
There are 2 extractors complete with all that you need to extract honey. It comes with a refractometer to test you honey. $10.00 for useage, with a 2 day maxium. All members are encouraged to join us on facebook. Ask questions, show your progress, and share your pictures. “Nelson County Beekeepers”. We would love to hear from you.
Bardstown KY 40004
317 S Third St
Nelson County