What's The Buzz

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Nelson County March 2019

Nelson County Beekeepers

What’s The Buzz

Volume 5, Issue 3

Meeting March 20th @ 6:30 pm

Round table discussion. What's happening in your apiary. Any problems or questions we can help you with ? Have you check your hives lately ? What did you find ?



President-Steve Hutchins Vice President-Darrell Hester Secretary-Bennie Hite Treasurer & Editor-Susan Zhunga

Pot luck will be served. Bring the sandwich or finger food of your choice. Please be sure and bring sides and desserts to share.

This treat that we share each meeting has been hosted by Pat Swartz for many Newsletter Publisher– years. She sets it up and she cleans it Georganne Collins up. This is a lot of work for one person. Starting in January, each person will be Inside this issue: responsible for setting up their dish, and assisting in cleaning the kitchen before Meeting Minutes 2 we all leave. We want to continue with Meeting Minutes 3 this tradition, but we need your help. Hospitality-Monthly Volunteer

Items Available for Sale 4

Mark the Date and Spread the Word


Steve Hutchins President Robbie Smith County Extension Agent for Horticulture

Page 2 MEETING MINUTES January 17, 2019 Steering Committee Meeting Attending: Darrel Hester, Ricky Humphrey, Steve Hutchins, Henry Wilkerson, Ernie Sharp, Pat Swartz, and Susan Zhunga. Discussed: The intermediate school was discussed. There will be six session offered at the intermediate school ranging from many different topics which are listed on a flier being printed now. Nucs can now be ordered by paying ½ now and the rest the meeting before pickup. Bee Meeting: The meeting was then turned over to Robbie Smith our Extension Agent. Robbie did a presentation on choosing plants and trees for pollinators. Saving the fence line blooms, and the hedge rows. All of which contain good nutrition for our bees. Also be aware of the first blooms of spring which will bring the best source of food. Some of which are Henbit, Maple Trees, and Dandelions. There were 46 people in attendance. Two new members joined our club. Welcome to Yogi Edler Sr and Jr. of Boston KY. Benny Joe Hite Secretary


Opening balance



Gross Income

$373.00 Due/T's

Net Expense

$-200.00 Pollination donation

Bank Balance


Page 3 March Calendar The Bees: Starvation becomes apparent at this time of year. However, if you fed them plenty of sugar syrup in the autumn and sugar brick or the like, this should not happen. With the days growing longer, the queen steadily increases her rate of egg laying. More brood means more food consumed. The drones should begin to appear. The bees will continue to consume honey stores and pollen patties can be added for supplemental feeding to increase brood rearing. Watch the pollen patties from time to time, it is also a area that hive beetle like to lay eggs. The Beekeeper: This month, on a nice mild day, and when there is little wind and bees are flying, you can have a quick peek inside your hive. It's best not to remove the frames. Just have a look under the cover. Keep an eye on weak hives. If you have a deadout, remove it from the yard before the moths get to it. If you do not see any sealed honey in the top frames, you may need to begin some emergency feeding. But remember, once you start, you should not stop until they are bringing in their own food supplies. This has also been a mild winter and early spring. Henbit and some other buds have started to emerge. Over feeding could also be a problem. Seeing comb being built at the top of the frames might be a clue of running out of room for their stores. The queen also needs that room to lay this time of year. Be aware that an eary warm spring also means early swarming. Keep your eyes open. If the hive looks heavy with bees, and you know you have a laying queen, you might consider putting on a honey super. This might help with early swarming.


Test kits for American Foul Brood (AFB) and European Foul Brood (EFB) are available for purchase from Extension Office for $14.00 each. Please call me (Susan 507-8789) for availability. If any member has beekeeping items for sale, list them in the newsletter and/or bring them to the meeting. We can do some bartering after the regular meeting is over. Good time to save some money on necessary items. Be sure and bring items in good clean condition. Make sure they are priced and have your name. We will set up special tables for your items. Mike Johnson – Will make wooden ware to order. Boxes, frames and wax dipping. Contact Mike for information and pricing @ 502-249-2007. The Club - has NCB T - Shirts Prices are: $8.00 for children $10.00 for Adults and $12.00 for Adults 2x & 3x. All members are encouraged to join us on Facebook. Ask questions, show your progress, and share your pictures. “Nelson County Beekeepers”. We would love to hear from you.


ANNUAL DUES FOR 2019 ARE NOW DUE You have until March 31st to renew your membership. All check should be made payable to the Nelson County Soil Lab. Deadline is March 31st date, you will be removed from the mailing list and from the Facebook page. Mail check to Susan Zhunga, 555 King Road, Cox’s Creek, KY 40013. To Our Membership

The club has added a lot of new members over the past year, and as such, would like to know what you would like to have presented at some of the meetings ? What would you like to lean more about, and how can the club help ? It's your club, and your dues that support all of our efforts to help with understanding the importance of beekeeping. Talk to the officers at the meeting or post your thought on “Facebook”. We encourage you to bring us some ideas to keep the club interesting and informative. Your President Steve Hutchins.

Page 6 MARK THE DATE & SPREAD THE WORD March 23, 2019 – Year Two in beekeeping School. FREE FREE FREE. All are welcome. Please reserve a seat, we have a limited amount of space. Call 502-348-9204 to reserve your seat. Lunch will be available for the participants for $5.00 payable at the door. Volunteers will eat for free. Schedule on page 7:

There are 2 extractors complete with all that you need to extract honey. It comes with a refractometer to test you honey. $10.00 for usage, with a 2 day maximum.

Page 7

2nd YEAR BEE MANAGEMENT Registration:

8:00 – 9:00 am

Coffee, Juice & Pastries will be served

Session One:

9:00 – 9:45 am

Bee Nutrition/Pollination Mgmt. Robbie Smith How to make feed for bees Ricky Humphrey will demonstrate

Session Two:

9:50 – 10:35 am

Swam Control/Catching Mike Vittitow

Session Three: 10:40 – 11:25 am

Creating Splits & Nucs Mike Vittitow

Session Four:

11:30 – 12:15 am

Extracting & Bottling Honey Darrell Hester


12:15 – 1:15 pm

Session Five:

1:20 – 2:05 pm

Queen issues/re-Queening Ernie Sharp

Session Six:

2:10 – 2:55 pm

Varroa/Hive Beetles Problems/Treatments Ernie Sharp


3:00 pm Q & A / Closing / Drawing of Door Prizes.

Grand Door Prize ----------- A FREE 5 FRAME NUC


Bardstown KY 40004

317 S Third St

Nelson County

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