7th Eastern Africa Zonal Scout Youth Forum Report

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PREAMBLE The 7th East Africa Zonal Scout Youth Forum took place at Luyanzi College in Bweyogerere, Uganda from Sunday 9th to Thursday 13th December 2012, coinciding with the East Africa Scout Competitions and the Zonal Conference. The Uganda Scouts Association hosted the event. The East Africa Scouts Youth Committee working with the National Scouts Youth Forum of Uganda supported by the conducted the forum. The Youth Forum is an educational tool to support the process of developing youth participation in partnership with adults and young members in the oldest age sections. The annual East Africa Zonal Scout Youth Forum is an event that empowers and inspires young people through a participatory approach, helping them to develop skills in decision-making which can be used within Scouting and in society. The Forum is a place for information, training and concrete experience of discussing and acquiring a deeper understanding of various issues. It is also a source of inspiration by providing the contact with new people, fresh ideas, innovative thoughts, different experiences and working methods The East Africa Zonal Scout Youth Forum provides a dual opportunity for young members: To discuss and express their views on issues of interest to them, preparing inputs and reporting to the Zonal Scouts Conference, including recommendations to the National Scout Associations of the zone; and


To develop the skills necessary to strengthen their capacity to take part in decisionmaking processes and to actively be involved in their National Scout Associations. PARTICIPATION The forum attracted a total participation of twenty four young people (14 male and 10 female) aged between 18 and 26 years from five countries. Below is the representation as per the countries present: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Kenya-12 participants Uganda-7 participants Rwanda-3 participants Burundi-1 participant South Sudan-1 participant

It is important to note that South Sudan was participating for the first time in the zonal activities in its preparation for its entry into the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) expected in 2015. Here attached is a complete list of all participants with their details. AGENDA The agenda of the forum was to a large extent informed by the recent happenings and challenges facing Rovering in the member countries. The Messengers of Peace initiative also took centre stage as a critical topic for discussion. The forum also received reports from the national and continental level of progress made since the previous forum. Apart from that, the forum also provided an opportunity for the youth to voice other general concerns and suggestions they may have that can help promote the development of Scouting in the region. The theme for the 7th East Africa Scouts Youth Forum was “Rovering to Success�. Rovering to Success means being; Empowered to lead an active, useful and happy life Committed to build and sustain peace Prepared to respect and value the environment The topics discussed were in three key areas: Developing Rovering in East Africa, Scouts as Messengers of Peace and Youth Participation in Governance and Development. Developing Rovering in East Africa Experience sharing on the status of National Youth Forums Revitalizing Youth Forum Concept versus Rovering Zonal Integration of Rover Scout Programme and Activities Scouts as Messengers of Peace Global Messengers of Peace Project Peace, Non-violence and Conflict Resolution in Scouting Case Study: Amahoro Amani Project Youth Participation in Governance and Development Youth Involvement at all levels in NSAs Entrepreneurship in Scouting Election of Zonal Youth Advisors


PROCEEDINGS Day One: 9th December 2012 This day was set aside for arrivals. Participants gathered at the Uganda Scouts Association offices located at Baden Powell House on Buganda Road in Kampala from where common transport was arranged to the venue in Bweyogerere.

Day Two: 10th December 2012 The day began with introductions, followed by presentation of the forum objectives, programme and working methods. A resolutions and recommendations sub-committee (Fabian-Rwanda, Betty-Kenya and Rodgers-Uganda) together with a forum rapportteuer (Webstar-Kenya) were appointed to held in running the forum. This was followed by opening remarks from the zonal chairman. The official opening ceremony soon followed. In attendance were scout commissioners from all countries represented at the forum together with a representative of the World scout Bureau-Africa regional Office, Mary Wangui. The guest of honour was Hon. Suleiman Mandanda, the Minister for gender and Labour Relations in the Government of the Republic of Uganda. Participants then shared experiences about the youth forum in their countries after which the Zonal Chairman did a recap of the 6 th East Africa Zonal Scout Youth Forum that took place in Bagamoyo, Tanzania in December 2011. Grace, the Africa Scout Youth Forum President then shared with the participants the outcome of the Reloaded 6 th Africa Scout Youth Forum which took place in Burundi in July/August this year.


Hon. Suleiman Mandanda, Minister addressing participants at the forum opening ceremony

Nelson then took the participants through the session on revitalizing the youth forum concept versus Rovering to enable them have a better understanding of how the two correlate. Participants then went into groups to discuss and propose ways through which the integration of the rover scout programme and activities could be achieved in the zone. The day ended after a report back on the group discussions. Day Three: 11th December 2012 Morning devotion and a recap of the previous day got the forum moving. After song, dance and prayer, the forum rapportteuer led the forum in reflecting upon the agenda items discussed on the previous day. Raphael, the Zonal Chairman together with the three Messengers of Peace (MoP) Africa community Leaders present at the forum i.e. Nelson, Valery and Grace took the participants through the MoP project with each covering the background story, MoP global network, MoP support fund and the five service areas respectively. Grace then came back with a session on youth involvement before Paul Mboya from the Uganda Scouts office took the participants through a session on entrepreneurship. Participants then went into groups to discuss and propose recommendations to be submitted to the resolutions and recommendations sub-committee for harmonization before adoption. The day ended with the election of a new team of Zonal Youth Advisors conducted by the outgoing Zonal Chairman, Raphael and Outgoing Zonal Secretary, Zachariah Obati. Mr. Josephat Gitonga, the National Programme Executive at Kenya Scouts Association was there to oversee the process.


Participants ending a busy day at the forum in style.

Day Four: 12th December 2012 As is the custom, morning devotion started the day off before a recap of the previous day. The participants were then led by Grace through a session on coming up with the way forward for the forum in the next one year. Thereafter, Carol from Kenya assisted with conducting an evaluation to find out whether the forum was able to meet the participant’s expectations as well as measure the general success of the forum. The new joint secretaries, Tracy and Fabian then took to the floor and guided the participants in reading, amending and adopting the harmonized resolutions and recommendations as the official outcome statement of the forum. Upon completion all the participants joined together in a small closing ceremony. They shared some reflections and words of goodbye before Grace, the Africa Scout Youth Forum President officially closed the forum. As the others went for lunch, the new Zonal Youth Committee led by the Chairman, Nelson proceeded to present the outcome of the forum to the commissioners of the member countries at the Zonal Conference which was happening at the Allianz Hotel, just opposite forum venue. The conference adopted the forum report undertaking to make the content part of their resolutions. Thereafter, the forum participants together with the commissioners left to attend the closing ceremony of the Zonal Competitions at Kaazi National Scouts Camp in Busabala where only Uganda and Kenya were represented. Day Five: 13th December 2012


The forum having officially ended the participants woke up ready to depart. They broke camp, said goodbye and left at their own convenience hoping to meet again in the coming year. ZONAL YOUTH COMMITTEE (2013/2014) The forum elected a team of eight (8) Zonal Youth Advisors to constitute the Zonal Youth Committee for a two-year term from December 2012 to December 2014. The committee comprises of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Nelson Ochieng Opany-Chairman (Kenya) Tracy Kiconco- English Secretary (Uganda) Fabian Akarikumutima-French Secretary (Rwanda) Valery Mbonimpa-Member (Burundi) Carol Mbithe-Member (Kenya) Rodgers Byamukama-Member (Uganda) Niyomungelimwiza Bertrand-Member (Rwanda) Samson Younan-Member (South Sudan)

The new Zonal Youth Advisors 2013/2014 upon their election at the forum

The committee has the responsibility of making follow up on the outcomes of this forum as well as spearheading other zonal youth activities in close partnership with the National Youth Forums and member NSAs. WAY FORWARD The participants suggested the following activities to form part of the way forward for the forum in the next one year Zonal Rover Challenge East Africa Scout Moot


Zonal Peace Camp to incorporate a peace caravan, hiking, tree planting, interdenominational services Others included: Cultural Exchange Camps Camporees/Roveree Common Zonal Attire e.g. t-shirts, scarves etc EVALUATION During the process of evaluating the forum, the participants expressed the following concerns: Poor reception at the forum venue Lack of proper communication before and during the event between the participants and the hosts. The forum documentation e.g. the programme was not provided to the participants The programme did not allow participants to explore the Uganda Not all participants were happy with the venue, accommodation and food (was too repetitive) There is need to include more interactive sessions in the programme Time allocated for some sessions were inadequate for conclusive deliberation Ground rules were not observed. Poor attendance by the host country. RECOMMENDATIONS We, the participants of the 7th East Africa Scout Youth Forum; Gathered here at Luyanzi College in Bweyogerere, Uganda; Having deliberated and agreed upon the forum agenda as matters of common interest; Realizing our role as young people in contributing to the development of Rover scouting in the zone; Aware of the challenges facing young people in and out of scouting; Seeking greater interaction of the young people for enhanced regional integration Determined to create a strong rover scouting movement that in the zone Hereby recommend to the East Africa Zonal Scout Conference; On the Youth Forum: That the National Scout Associations (NSAs) constitute the existence of the youth forum through their national constitutions and put in place relevant policies and mechanisms to support its development. We further seek that the host country ensures proper prior planning of the forum and the Zonal Youth Committee be supported to follow up on this. On Rovering: That the conference encourages National Scout Associations to put in place a Rovering programme, with participation of the young people and enhance the integration of Rovering activities in the zone. On Messengers of Peace: That the National Scout Associations in the zone adopt the Messengers of Peace initiative, facilitate capacity building for the young people to get involved and support


them to develop projects that impact communities at grass root levels and enhance peace. On Entrepreneurship: That the National Scout Associations recognize the need to promote entrepreneurship among their young members, create opportunities that promote innovation and skill development for their socio-economic independence and for the improvement of membership in their NSAs. RESOLUTIONS We, the participants of the 7th East Africa Scout Youth Forum; Understanding our responsibility towards the successful implementation of the outcomes of this forum; Guided by the theme “Rovering to Success� as defined in our agenda; Committed to taking charge in defining the future we want; On behalf of the other young people we represent; Hereby resolve the following; On the Youth Forum: That we shall participate in the development of the forum in our National Scout Associations and mobilize more young people to get involved On Rovering: That we shall engage our fellow rover scouts in the different National Scout Associations on coming up with suggestions for youth friendly ideas and activities for a more acceptable programme for the rover section. On Messengers of Peace: That we shall develop and maintain a strong network of young Messengers of Peace in the zone through the National Youth Forum in our countries. On Entrepreneurship: That we shall encourage the young people to develop innovative ideas that could be turned into entrepreneurial ventures to promote creation of job opportunities for themselves and others. GENERAL REMARKS Based on our observations and interactions during the forum we also wish to note the following; On Forum Organization: The young people need to be allowed to take full responsibility in organizing the forum so as to avoid a situation where the host youth representative lacks information and cannot respond on key issues and other logistics concerning the forum. By so doing the young people shall have an opportunity to learn and develop accountability. On Forum Participation: We observe that since inception of the forum, no session has ever had full attendance from all the member countries of the zone. We also note with great concern the absence of Tanzania and Ethiopia at this year’s forum. NSAs are


encouraged to always send representatives for consistency and stability of the forum. However, we are glad to welcome to the zone the scout of South Sudan and look forward to more interaction. On Youth Representation at the Conference: We ask the conference to allow the inclusion of a volunteer youth representative, nominated by the youth forum, to become an observer at each seating of the Zonal Scout Conference to act as a liaison person for greater harmony of the deliberations of the forum and the conference On Mentorship and Role Modeling: As youth leaders and rover scouts of the zone we ask the National Scout Associations to provide mentorship and support, with good role models for the young people so as to help them realize their full potentials, both within and out of scouting. We also ask that the Zonal Youth Committee be granted all necessary support to work effectively. CONCLUSION Improvements Noted: Despite all the challenges faced before and during the forum, we are pleased to note some improvements made as compared to the previous forum and the last time Uganda hosted the forum in 2009. The venue was quiet, nice and serene with adequate security. Facilities for accommodation were also fine. The food was simply great-a taste of local Ugandan dishes was a perfect choice. 8th East Africa Scout Youth Forum: The Zonal Scout Conference, upon acceptance of the Chief Commissioner of Burundi resolved that the zonal activities for 2013, including the inter patrol competitions, youth forum and the conference shall be hosted by the Association des Scouts du Burundi at a date and venue to be confirmed within the year. Appreciation: We wish to thank the Uganda Scouts Association and the Uganda Scouts Youth Forum led by the Chairman, Raphael Njumba for accepting to host us and for all their efforts to ensure the success of the forum. We also thank all member National Scout Associations for supporting their young people to participate in this important zonal activity. We are most grateful. It is our hope that this cooperation shall continue and grow even stronger into the coming years. NELSON OCHIENG OPANY Chairman, East Africa Scout Youth Forum Email: eascoutsforum@gmail.com December 17, 2012

World Scout Bureau // Africa Regional Office //East Africa Zone 9

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