KSA Youth Pack 1/2014

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KSA Youth Pack 1/2014 Keeping the youth informed! A. INTRODUCING THE KSA YOUTH PACK Dear Friends We are pleased to introduce to you the Kenya Scouts Association (KSA) Youth Pack. The “KSA Youth Pack” as it shall be known will be a quarterly communication from the National Youth Representatives; a position currently held jointly by Nelson Ochieng Opany and Grace Nyaruai Michuki. This decision to have this periodic communication was reached at a meeting of the National Youth Committee held on 28th March 2014. It was based upon the realization that there was an inconsistent flow of youth-relevant information to the grassroots; which has led to many young people - including County and District Youth Representatives, Crew Leaders and other Rover Scouts at grassroots to act or fail to act due to lack of correct and timely information. KSA Youth Pack shall therefore aim to meet the following objectives:  Share an editorial perspective on pertinent issues or special programmes/projects within the Association  Provide brief quarterly reports on youth activities that have taken place in the previous quarter at various levels of the Association  Highlight key county, regional, national, zonal and international activities that are planned for the following quarter  Share different opportunities, resources and announcements relevant to the promotion of youth empowerment and development both within and outside the Association  Share case studies and success stories from Rover Crews and individual Scouts from across the country to inspire others It is our sincere hope that this will help bridge the information gap and also help to spur increased youth activity at the district, county, national and international levels. We look forward to your support in helping to disseminate the “KSA Youth Pack” to all parts of the Country so that together we can move forward as an informed and empowered youth generation. Yours in Scouting, Nelson and Grace 13th June 2014 Nairobi

THE KENYA SCOUTS ASSOCIATION B. PROGRESS BRIEFS National Youth Committee Meeting and Annual General Meeting The National Youth Committee held its first meeting of 2014 on 28 th March at Rowallan Camp. This was just a day before the Annual General Meeting of the Kenya Scouts Council. The following were the outcomes of the meeting: a) Reporting: Every Regional Youth Rep to submit their reports every after three months and must attend all National Youth Committee meeting b) Rover Activities: Calendar of Activities to be sent out to all Youth Reps and all of them to be encouraged to take part in the activities organized. Each region was also requested to organize activities at the regional or county levels and invite the national office. It was also agreed that Rovers at the age of 25 and above can be allowed to begin taking Adult Leader Trainings courses of I.T.C, P.T.C and Woodbadge progressively so as to prepare them for the transition c) K.S.A Strategic Plan: All Youth Reps to work together with the other County and District leaders to achieve 1 million Scouts target d) Youth Projects and Sustainability: Every Region/County District should strive to come up with good projects working with other partners at the various levels to promote Scouting and also help make the Rover Crews more sustainable through Income Generating Activities. They should identify key youth stakeholders in our various Counties and discuss possible ways to collaborate together. e) Messengers of Peace: An integrated MoP strategy to be developed incorporating the various youth projects will be developed by the National MoP team and tabled at the next meeting f) International Event in Kenya: The concept of the international event to be held in 2016 and after every 3 years in Kenya to be developed by the next meeting g) Communication and Reporting: The NYRs will publish the first “Youth Pack” to go out to all Youth Reps and Crew Leaders across to enhance coordination and communication with other county and Di the country including all relevant reports, plans, news, opportunities etc by end of April. All Youth Reps will also enhanced coordination and communication with other County/District leaders. h) Image and Perception: Proposal on Disciplinary Guidelines governing Rover Scout activities to be tabled at the next meeting by Webstar and Willie. 3rd National Roveree From 15th to 20th April 2014 several Rovers gathered at rowallan camp for the 3 rd National Roveree. The activity was very poorly attended as compared to the 1 st and 2nd Roverees. Counties and Regions have been asked to organize Roverees for the regions/counties. Zonal Youth Programme Review Workshop The workshop attended by Commissioners from Kenya, Uganda and south Sudan was held from 23rd to 26th April 2014 at Rowallan Camp. The aim of the workshop was to harmonize the youth programme within the zone. National Rover Mate Training The training took place from 21st to 24th May 2014 at Rowallan Camp. It was attended 59 participants from 25 counties. More of such trainings will be organized at regional level. The dates and venues will be communicated in due course. District and County Inter Patrol Scout Competitions and Youth Forums These competitions and forums took place between April and early June across the country. We would like to know which counties had their forums and those that didn’t so that we can

THE KENYA SCOUTS ASSOCIATION know how to assist. For those who had their forums we hope that whatever was discussed can be brought to the Regional Forums and ultimately escalated to the national level. World Conference on Youth, Colombo, Sri Lanka One of the most important global meetings of youth concluded on 10 th May 2014 in Colombo, Sri Lanka adopting recommendations in a document titled “The Colombo Declaration” with far-reaching implications for policies affecting the world's youth population. Visit www.wcy2014.com to know what transpired.

C. UPCOMING ACTIVITIES Regional/Cluster Inter Patrol Scout Competitions and Youth Forums The Regional competitions and Forum are scheduled to take place from 25 th to 29th June 2014 across the country. In keeping with the current global discussions the forums will adopt the theme of the 12th World Scout Youth Forum: One tree, many branches – symbolizing the unity and diversity of Scouting. The theme will be complemented by three key concepts: Our Movement, Our Community, Our Future. The Regional Youth Representatives working with all County Youth Representatives will be responsible organizing, coordinating and reporting on the forum. Just incase you were not aware, the following are the Regional Representatives: 1. Mombasa Cluster – Nesphory Righa, Taita Taveta County (0727 407804) 2. Eastern Clutster – Stanley Kyalo, Kitui County (0726 842374) 3. Nairobi Metropolitan Cluster – Evans Kyalo (0710 992850) 4. Mount Kenya Cluster – Esther Wanjiru, Kiambu County (0721 122652) 5. North Eastern Cluster – Abdinassir Mussa, Garissa County (0723 548559) 6. Nakuru Cluster – Willie Kiplagat, Kericho County (0712 118774) 7. Western Cluster – Innocent Khamonyi, Vihiga County (0726 054473) 8. Lake Region Cluster – George Webstar, Migori County (0727 436460) 12th World Scout Youth Forum The 12th World Scout Youth Forum will take place from 4 th to 7th August 2014 in Slovenia under the theme: One tree, many branches – symbolizing the unity and diversity of Scouting. The theme will be complemented by three key concepts: Our Movement, Our Community, Our Future. KSA hopes to send at least 2 representatives to the forum. The forum will be immediately followed by the 40th World Scout Conference that top KSA officials will attend Recruitment of One Million Scouts The Rapid Results Initiative to recruit one million Scouts is still ongoing and everyone is requested to cooperate with the County and District leaders to ensure we reach and surpass this target. Let spread the word #1MillionScouts Green Patrol Project This is a tree planting project supported by the National Bank where KSA seeks to plant 2o million trees across the country as part of the Kenya@50 celebrations. We shall update you with further information as to when and how the project shall run. Other Activities We are also working on a number of other programmes and activities for which we shall make available information as when they are confirmed. We also encouraged Regional and County Youth Representatives to come with projects and activities at the local level and inform us so that we can share with other Rovers across the country.

THE KENYA SCOUTS ASSOCIATION D. OPPORTUNITIES AND RESOURCES Youth Enterprise Development Fund, Uwezo Fund and Youth Access to Government Procurement Opportunities Have you ever considered registering your Rover Crew as a Youth Group, CBO or company? The Government of Kenya through the Youth Enterprise Development Fund and the Uwezo fund are offering business loans to registered youth groups and CBOs. So why don’t you organize yourselves and take advantage of this opportunity to get into business and create employment for yourselves? This will also enable to utilize the Youth Access to Government Procurement Opportunities. Visit your constituency Youth Fund and Uwezo Fund offices for more information and to apply. You can also visit these websites www.youthfund.go.ke and www.uwezo.go.ke High Level Youth Policy Dialogue on Sustainable Development Goals The Organization of African Youth invites applications to a High Level Youth Policy Dialogue on Sustainable Development Goals under the Theme: “Prioritizing an Investment in Youth Development in the Post-2015 era” that will take place from 19th to 21st August 2014 in Nairobi, Kenya. You can apply at www.oayouth.org. Deadline is 30th June 2014. Youth Event at the 6th UNAOC Forum in Bali, Indonesia The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations has opened a call for applications to a Youth Event at the 6th UNAOC Forum in Bali, Indonesia from 28th to 30th August 2014. Follow this link to apply www.unaocyouth.org. The deadline for submitting applications is 30th June 2014. Opportunities for Project Funding Do you run a Youth Group, CBO, FBO, NGO or similar organizations that runs projects on various issues? Then visit www.fundsforngos.org to access various opportunities for funding, conferences, workshops, training among other resources.

E. SCOUTS IN ACTION This is an opportunity for Crews or individuals to share with other Scouts unique, interesting, successful and inspiring stories of projects, community service, entrepreneurship, or any activities or events you have done. If you feel you have such a story to share we kindly ask you to write an article and send it to us. The story should not exceed I page and should be in verdana font, size 10. Please email the article together with three photos while you are in action (preferably in Scout uniform) to info.mopkenya@gmail.com and we shall publish them in the next issue of KSA Youth Pack, Scout Voice Newspaper, ARO,s Kudumail Newsletter and the KSA and WOSM websites.

F. ANNOUNCEMENTS Become a Messenger of Peace If you have not signed up as a Messenger of Peace, we invite you visit the website www.scout.org and create your profile. Once you have signed up you can connect with other Scouts from around the world, share your peace and service projects, stories and ideas on the permanent online jamboree and collectively contribute towards showcasing Scouting as a movement of peace.

THE KENYA SCOUTS ASSOCIATION 15th World Scout Jamboree, Japan 2015 KSA has opened a call for applications for those who wish to attend the Jamboree in Japan from 28th July to 8th August 2015. Participants should be 14-17 years and members of the International Service Team should be 18 years and above. The fees are as follows: Participation Fee-Ksh. 21,000, Visa Fee- Ksh. 3,000, Return Air Ticket – Ksh. 176, 302 and KSA Administration Fee – Ksh. 4,500 (Total = Ksh. 204,802). Registration closes on 31st March 2015 so hurry and apply. 7th Africa Scout Youth Forum, Mauritius 2015 The Mauritian Scouts Association with support of the World Scout Bureau-Africa Regional Office will be hosting the 16th Africa Scout Conference and the 7th Africa Scout Youth Forum. We shall communicate the exact dates and logistical information as soon as we receive them. Uganda Scouts Centenary Jamboree 2015 Uganda Scouts Association will be celebrating its 100 years of Scouting next year. The Jamboree is scheduled to take place from 18 th to 28th August 2015. Kenya Scouts Association plans to send a delegation to the Jamboree and you can be part of it. More information on how you can take part will be made available in due course. Till then, mark the dates on your calendar. 9th Eastern Africa Zonal Scout Youth Forum, Rwanda 2014 This year’s zonal youth forum will take place in December in Rwanda. Usually, each Association sends six official delegate and observers. So Rovers willing to attend can begin planning. We shall avail more information regarding the dates, venue and other logistics as in the next quarter. For any queries you can email the Zonal Youth Chairperson at eascoutsforum@gmail.com Call for Guest Commentary Do you have knowledge or experience in any area relating to youth empowerment and development? Are you willing to share your knowledge with other Scouts? If yes, then we invite you to write a one page article on your preferred topic and we shall publish it in the next issue of KSA Youth Pack, Scout Voice Newspaper among other available channels.

G. KEEP IN TOUCH ON SOCIAL MEDIA There are several social media platforms created to keep you constantly informed with regular updates on what is happening. You can either join groups or likes pages to stay on top of news from the Scouting circles: KSA Facebook Page: KENYA SCOUTS ASSOCIATION National Youth Forum Facebook Page & Group: Kenya Scouts Youth Forum Africa Scouts Youth Forum Facebook Group: Africa Scouts Youth Forum Zonal Youth Forum Facebook Group: EASTERN AFRICA SCOUTS YOUTH FORUM Africa Regional Office Facebook Page: Scouting in the Africa Region MoP Kenya Facebook Page & Group: Messengers of Peace Kenya Twitter: @KenyaScouts @ScoutingAfrica @MoPKenya @CaptainOpany @MichukiGrace

FOR MORE INFORMATION Youth Pack is a quarterly communication by the National Youth Representatives of Kenya Scouts Association. For any comments, contributions or further information please email or call Nelson nelochop@gmail.com/0726951296 or Grace gracemichuki44@gmail.com/0729420478

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