Uwezo Journal, Issue 1

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A Publication of

UWEZO Journal

Young People Inspiring Change

Vol. 1, Issue 1/3 April 2012


Empowering Youth to Transform Communities Editorial Team Patron Felix Wesonga Chief Editor Nelson Opany Productions Manager Jared Ogeto Marketing and Distribution Rittah Mwangi Information Development Phoebe Wanjiku Photography Zablon Samba UYDP Members during a Climate Action Teams training held from 11th to 15th March 2012 at the Elsamere Field Study Centre in Naivasha with support from ERMIS Africa through the Climate Action Programme for Schools and Youth (CAPSAY)

Many are the times that the youth have been expected to change the appearance and character of their communities especially with regard to their numbers; but just how do they do this without getting more control over their own life or the situation they are in?

communities. These values include service a b o ve sel f , n on - d i sc r i m i n at i on , responsiveness, hope, active citizenship and community focus. It is upon this basis that we seek to work with the young people.

Uwezo Youth Development Project (UYDP) envisions a pool of empowered and resourceful young people who will be leading agents of sustainable development practices for environmental protection, improvement of lives and creation of a better and peaceful world for all. To attain this, you agree it is very necessary to involve and empower the young people adequately.

What happens when youth in Kenya leave high school? Can we confidently say that they have the capacity to live through life optimally? This can be debated. However, UYDP looks to equip these out-of-school youth with the capacity not only to just understand but also to take action on the issues they understand. We seek to enable them address the challenges they and their communities face. Several capacity building and awareness programmes have been lined up. One of such is the Budding Hope Mentorship Programme that will be Continued on Pg 6

In its quest to impact positively and empower the young people, UYDP proposes and encourages a value system that will help prepare them to transform their www.uydp-kenya.blogspot.com

Inside This Issue: A Call to Action on Climate Change


Climate Action Programme For Schools and Youth


Road to Durban Climate Caravan Experience


Integrated Climate Actions Project


Kenya Youth Climate Network


Creating the Future We Want


About Uwezo Youth Development Project



The UWEZO Journal

Beds Are Burning (A Call to Action Song ) The time has come To take a stand It’s for the earth It’s for our land The time has come A fact’s a fact The heat is on No turning back (Chorus) How can we dance when or earth is turning? How do we sleep while our beds are burning? (Post Chorus) The time has come, to take a stand It’s for the earth, it’s for our land The time has come, a fact’s a fact The heat is on, no turning back

POEM: We Have Faith I have faith, and indeed we have faith; That we can guarantee Sustainable food production for our starving population So that the millions of people around the world Whom circumstances have forced to go on fasting Can be able to have a plate of decent meals on their tables Good and healthy food; and not just for a day. We have faith; That life in a healthy, undisturbed natural environment is attainable And that in time to come When I cross a border into another country I will not be asked to show my vaccination certificate That by positively influencing climatic patterns And good environmental management practices We can eradicate diseases And promote the good health of our people. We have faith; That by increasing the rapidly dwindling forest covers


Young People Inspiring Change

We can bring back the fast flows in our rivers And that with better technologies To harvest, store and utilize rainwater The taps of clean and safe water Will never run dry in our homes. We have faith; That sustainable alternatives can be found To save our slowly dying planet earth That it is possible to cut down our carbon emissions To levels that impact less on nature and mankind And that with their benefits for the environment Renewable fuels offer safer solutions to our energy demands. We have faith in the young people; That as the great Nelson Mandela said “I see in the youth the energy and the will…” It is we who shall right the wrongs of our fathers It is we who shall bring the change. “Our lives begin to end The day we stop talking about things that matter” Are the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jnr. Many others like Prof. Wangari Maathai Have gone before us Who believed and made us realize That Mother Nature is very unforgiving Not just to those who hurt it But even to those who don’t They set the pace for us And we follow in their footsteps. However, let us always remember That faith without vision is a daydream, And vision without action is a nightmare We have the faith and we have the vision So let’s act now for climate justice. Composed by Nelson Ochieng Opany (In support of the “We Have Faith, Act Now for Climate Justice” Campaign)

COP 17 Demands Commit to a fair, ambitious and legally binding agreement and to a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol Set clear short and long term targets for carbon emissions reductions that keep the global temperature increase below 1.5oC and support solutions that contribute to healing the earth. Ensure there is adequate finance for adaptation in Africa; with such finances coming from historically polluting nations in recognition of their ecological debt and be additional to existing development aid; governed exclusively and equitably under the United Nations.


The UWEZO Journal

Young People Inspiring Change

Climate Action Programme for Schools And Youth (CAPSAY) ERMIS Africa, a non governmental organization based in Kenya and working across the continent is running a youth-centered climate change programme dubbed Climate Action Programme for Schools and Youth (CAPSAY). The programme is focusing on children and young people as key players in the development and implementation of climate c hang e ad ap tati on and mi ti g a ti on strategies and actions. CAPSAY with funding from DFID UK, InterClimate Network UK, Save the Children, Rotary International, AusiAID among others is currently running three projects across the country namely: Kenya Climate Challenge Project (KCCP) Fuels For Schools (F4S) Climate Action Teams (CATs) Project

CLIMATE SONG Uuuuh! It’s hot in here There is too much carbon in the atmosphere Take action, take action And get some satisfaction SHOSHOLOZA (Train) Shosholoza, shosholoza Ulezo ntaba stimela Siphuma e South Africa Wena u yabalekha Ulezo ntaba stimela Siphuma e South Africa

KCCP works with selected primary and secondary schools focusing on child-centered Disaster Risk Reduction while F4S focuses on distributing Briquette making machines and encouraging production of fuel briquettes from waste material as a cheaper alternative to energy demands. CATs project on the other hand works with out-of-school youth groups to develop sustainable green business enterprises, encouraging community awareness on climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction and engaging local authorities to enhance youth participation in impacting local decision making and policy formulation. Uwezo Youth Development Project is proud to be part of the Climate Action Teams Project, thanks to Mr. Gregory Whitehead, the Programmee Manager of CAPSAY


Important International Days 21st March: International Forests Day 22nd March: World Water Day 23rd March World Meteorology Day 24th March: World TB Day 7th April: World Health Day 22nd April: Earth Day 1st May: International Labor Day 5th May: World Environmental Day 11th July: World Population Day 12th August: International Youth Day 18th September: International Coastal Clean Up Day

27th September: International Maritime Day 2nd October: World Habitat Day 16th October: International Food Day 24th October: United Nations Day 17th November: International Peace Day 20th November: International Children’s Day 1st December: World Aids Day 10th December: International Human Rights Day

SAVE THE DATE Riocentro Convention Centre Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 20-22 June 2012 For more Infromation visit Www.uncsd2012.org/rio20

“We Shall Make it Happen”



The UWEZO Journal

Young People Inspiring Change

The Road to Durban Caravan Experience movement in Africa and beyond. Although we are the least polluters, Africa suffers the greatest consequences of climate change. It was however comforting to know that other young people from developed and naturally polluting countries are in solidarity with the youth of Africa. Nearly every person contributes to climate change and everyone will suffer from its effects. We all share one atmosphere and our individual emissions have a global impact. With this unifying fact, young people are slowly but surely building a formidable global movement that will soon change the landscape of climate change issues in the world.

My participation in the African Youth Climate Justice Caravan from Nairobi to Durban between 6th November and 16th December 2011 for the 17th United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP 17/CMP 7) Conference brought me to the realization, more than ever before of what the real effects of climate change are in the African continent. Apart from the prolonged droughts and famine in my country, Kenya, I was able to see for myself what people in other countries are experiencing and the measures they are taking to adapt to the effects. For instance; the rising temperatures in Tanzania, the massive deforestation in Malawi, the receding waters of the great River Zambezi and the magnificent Victoria Falls in Zambia, the increasing desertification and heat waves in Botswana and the changing weather patterns in South Africa. It is upon seeing these that I perfectly understood that the future of humanity and nature is at stake. I was convinced that, yes, we have to act now to save our common future. And I came back with an increased ability and drive to do something to create a better world. I was impressed by the fact that young people, to whom the future belongs, have realized that they have the greatest responsibility in creating a sustainable future for this planet. It is motivating to note that the caravan was organized by young people. This to me is a show that we, the young people, have come of age to take up key roles on issues that matter most to us and our future. The caravan generated a lot of interest from all quarters of society; be it religious organizations, civil society groups, governments, non-governmental organizations, communities, the young people themselves and not to mention the local and international media that was constantly on our trails. This effectively served to send the message out to the world that the young people of Africa and indeed the world are closely watching and very eager for change-change in not only policies but most importantly change in actions especially by governments negotiating at the conference. The caravan served in a great way to strengthen the youth climate


On the political front, through the various government representatives at the conference young people in the caravan were able to get the message across in one voice; that we need climate change response actions across all sectors of governance and the economy enshrined in policies that favor sustainable development and that national policies should be in tandem with local actions for there to be realized any meaningful results. Worth noting was the fact that the Government of Kenya has developed a National Climate Change Response Strategy which maps out the country’s path towards a green economy. As young people we see this as a step in the right direction but that needs to be translated into specific and concrete actions that will help improve the people’s resilience towards the effects of climate change. We also saw some good support from the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania; where the Vice President himself took time off to grace our climate justice concert in Dar es Salaam. He reiterated his government’s commitment not only towards a fair and legally binding agreement at the international climate negotiations but also to local actions that will benefit its people. In Zamia, the Minister for Environment and Natural Resources was present at the Lusaka Green Blaze Concert where she added her voice to the African position; that the polluters must pay. South Africa being the hosts did so much to save the face of Africa. All in all, our political leaders now know that we are keenly watching them; and we aren’t done yet! One of the greatest moments for the African Youth Climate Justice Caravan was handing over of the more than two hundred thousand petitions collected by the “We Have Faith, Act Now for Climate Justice Campaign-with 142,331 coming … Continued on Pg 5 4

The UWEZO Journal

Young People Inspiring Change

Integrated Climate Actions Project (ICAP) OVERVIEW Integrated Climate Actions Project (ICAP) is an initiative from Uwezo Youth Development Project (UYDP) working in partnership with ERMIS Africa in Kenya through the Climate Action Teams (CATs) project that is jointly funded by DFID (UK) and InterClimate Network (ICN) UK ICAP builds on the CATs Project that aims to tackle two of the world’s most pressing challenges: youth unemployment and helping communities to limit and adapt to climate change DESCRIPTION ICAP aims to engage young people in learning and taking action around climate change to promote sustainable development through creative and practical responses-Micro Projects and use their knowledge ,skills and experience to help the community. It will create employment opportunities for the youth and help them turn local resources into economic assets, thus improving environmental sustainability and contributing to poverty reduction. The Project’s ultimate goal is to establish a learning network amongst Kenyan youth and thereby develop leadership skills in sustainable development. OBJECTIVE ICAP’s objective is Contributing to the achievement of the MDG 7-Environmental Sustainability with direct impact on MDG 1-Poverty Reduction GOAL The goal of ICAP is to increase the adaptive capacity of young people (male and female) to respond to local environmental concerns and the impacts of climate change

PRIORITIES The Project involves activities that focus on the following three priorities: Sustainable Profit-Generating Green Business Micro Enterprises on the themes of Water, Food, Energy, Waste and Biodiversity Community Outreach to Groups and Individuals to Create Awareness and Promote Action Influence on Local Decision Making and Impact on Policy Formation EXPECTED OUTPUT Young people demonstrate successful alternative livelihoods through the development of sustainable green businesses Successful delivery of Community Awareness Action Programmes (CAAP) in the target area Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) is prioritized within local government decision making and policy formulation Uwezo Youth Development Project (UYDP) has a strengthened ability to successfully engage and involve youth in the delivery of holistic programmes WHY TAKE ACTION? As young people we have the most at stake, so we should step up our roles as the major stakeholders and stand up for the future we want. I am convinced that climate change and what we do about it, will define us, our era, and ultimately the global legacy we leave for future generations. We hold the future in our hands. Together we must ensure that our grandchildren will not have to ask why we failed.

“The human spirit needs a place where nature has not been rearranged by the hand of mankind.”

The Road to Durban Caravan Experience From the caravan itself, to the UNFCCC Secretary General, Christina Figueres and the COP 17 President Hon. Maite Nkoana Mashabane at the massive Interfaith Rally held at the Kings Park Rugby Stadium in Durban. As if not enough, Mrs. Figueres took note of the caravan’s contribution to the fight for climate justice in her remarks at the opening session of the conference. The message had safely reached home. It was a sign that we had fought the good fight, and won the race. Mission accomplished! Climate change requires an enormous shift in our thinking and behavior. While new technologies and ways of doing things on a macro scale are important, we need to change our lifestyles as a personal response to the changes. The


(Continued from Pg 4)

opportunities to change are endless and the need to change is clear. This was one of the main messages the caravan passed across. As much as we want our governments to do something we also have a role to play. For a long time now we have just been talking about climate change. Time for talk is running out, it’s time for action. The human spirit needs a place where nature has not been re-arranged by the hands of mankind. We need to match our words with actions; for there can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do. Let’s Act Now! OPANY Nelson Ochieng, 24 years, UN-Habitat Cities and Climate Change Initiative, Mombasa


The UWEZO Journal

The Kenya Youth Climate Network Identity The Kenya Youth Climate Network (KYCN) is a movement made up of youth networks and youth organisations in Kenya that work on issues of governance and leadership as well as the environment and climate change. It seeks to mobilise, unite and empower youth to make positive contribution to society and to take an active role in positively transforming Kenya. Purpose and Scope KYCN is a national youth movement covering and reaching out to all parts of Kenya and focusing on relevant issues at the local and national levels. It shall seek appropriate and principled partnership and expression at regional, pan-African and global arena. KYCN shall focus on the dual themes of leadership and governance as well as environment and climate change. Distinguishing Characteristics KYCN sees climate change not only as an environmental issue, but a broad issue that requires strong social, political and economic response. KYCN has a value base justice, respect for all human rights, gender equity, and unity in diversity. KYCN is politically non-partisan and is not aligned to any political party. Nevertheless, its membership are encouraged to take up political leadership and to be politically active in their respective localities an at all levels. KYCN believes in authentic conversation and dialogue amongst young people and other members of community in the bid to seek solutions to challenges facing Kenya. KYCN is an advocacy platform that seeks to influence policy on all levels and to amplify the voice and uniqueness of youth in Kenya. KYCN subscribes to the spirit and content of the Sagana Resolution of 2010 Considering the common youth connection and the objective of addressing climate change, Uwezo Youth Development Project, on 13th March 2012, made an application to become a member of the network. The Chairman who had attended the 4th National Youth Conference on Climate Change and the African Youth Climate Justice Caravan to COP 17 in Durban last year, created the all important initial contact that backed the application. As an organization, UYDP believes in partnerships with like-minded individuals and organizations as a critical strategy towards achieving common goals for mutual success. The application to KYCN is just but the beginning of our networking and partnership strategies. www.uydp-kenya.blogspot.com

Young People Inspiring Change

Empowering Youth to Transform Communities ...Cont’d From Pg 1 rolled out by August this year. The world is fast embracing ICT and we are not left behind. Information is power and UYDP seeks to train powerful young people to disseminate necessary and reliable information. We have set up communication channels through youth-friendly social media with a running blog enhanced by our presence on Facebook and Twitter. The fact that many young people lack meaningful and constructive work to do hurts the economy-because a very large potential workforce is not being utilized fully or maybe not at all. Instead, these youth resort to vices as a way of earning a living. The solutions that UYDP seeks to provide to these challenges are definitely not get-rich-quick schemes, but are surely viable and very sustainable. Uwezo Youth Development Project is applying the “doubleedged sword” principle for the mutual benefit of the organization and its members. For instance, as environment and climate change ambassadors, we seek to protect the planet while at the same time enable the members to earn something through the interventions. Currently, through the Intergraded Climate Actions Project, we have a focus on green businesses; which views the challenges of climate change as resources and aims at changing them into enterprising opportunities in extra-ordinary ways. From such initiatives, young people will be able to sustain themselves leading to an increase in employment opportunities and a reduction in poverty levels. In March 2012, 15 members of UYDP attended a four-day Climate Change and Green Business Development workshop organized by the Climate Action Programme for Schools and Youth (CAPSAY) at the Elsamere Field Study Centre in Naivasha. Through the training, they were able to amass a great deal of knowledge and skill on how to identify, develop and run green business enterprises. This was very critical as it has improved UYDP’s capability to undertake the same as well as implement climate change actions and educate others on the same. Through these various interventions we hope to increase the youth effect in development at the local community level and beyond through a more informed society and greater involvement of the youth in solution development and policy formation. We are on a mission to reach out to young people and communities with knowledge, skills and opportunities that will empower and strengthen them to positively transform their lives and their communities. Empowering youth to transform communities is the call to which we are committed. Join us so that together we can create a better world. Story by Zablon Samba, UYDP Member


The UWEZO Journal

Young People Inspiring Change

Youth 21: Building for Change Meeting The United Nations recognizes the centrality of programmes, policies and legislation that recognize the role and contribution of youth to sustainable development, democratic governance, global peace, environmental sustainability and inclusive economic growth. UNDP and UN Habitat, in particular, support the role of governments and development partners in devising innovative ways of enhancing youth participation in urban governance, electoral processes and socio-economic and sustainable human development of their societies. We see a clear nexus between youth leadership and participation and the education for democracy.

focus for the next five years of the UN, and that he was going to appoint a Special Advisor on Youth. The Youth 21 initiative builds on this momentum to discuss how to support those youth to take a leadership in the 21st Century. To this regard, UN-Habitat and UNDP organized the Youth 21: Building for Change Stakeholders Meeting from 15 to 18 March 2012 in Nairobi, Kenya which hosted more than 200 young people from around the world, featuring key youth activists from the arenas of music, popular culture, politics and development. The Chairman of UYDP, Nelson Opany attended the meeting as delegate of the World Organization of the Scouting Movement (WOSM). The meeting was held to discuss the a scenario report “Youth 21: Building an Architecture for Youth Engagement in the UN System”. This report explores how youth can be more meaningfully engaged in governance at the global level, specifically within the UN.

On 25 January 2012, the UN Secretary General announced that youth will be a

At the conclusion of this meeting there will was a Final Statement “The Nairobi Declaration” which will be sent to the Secretary General outlining how youth can be better engaged in the UN and globally.

Youth and the Post 2015 Global Agenda: Creating the Future We Want There are now more people under the age of 25 than ever before; around 1.2 billion or nearly 60% of the world's population. This presents governments a huge challenge in terms of education and service provision as well as opportunities for employment and rights for young workers. At the same time, young people are becoming more engaged in demanding those rights and standing up to be heard on democratic and political arenas more traditionally reserved for older activists The Millennium Development Goals have been largely criticized for not addressing youth issues. In 2013 when global leaders meet to review MDGs and set stage for the post 2015 global agenda young people must be the key drivers of the process for there to be realized a more impacting and sustainable development.


“What are the most pressing challenges that need to be considered in developing the post 2015 agenda?”, some may ask. Addressing inequalities and historic injustices I believe is a very critical aspect that needs consideration. Emphasis also need to be placed on individual action based new ethics for sustainable behaviors. The agenda must take a bottom-up approach and not top-bottom. There is also a great stimulate citizen participation through civic education for better understanding and collective action. Looking back to evaluate the progress on MDGs set out in 2000, I believe progress has been made but much more still needs to be done. As we set targets for the years ahead beyond 2015, people faced with the challenges need to be put at the centre of consideration. The agenda must address real issues with greater focus on stronger national policies, effective leadership structures and solution-based local actions. 7

The UWEZO Journal

Young People Inspiring Change

Development Environment Empowerment Peace Building DEFINITION Uwezo Youth Development Project (UYDP) is an independent, non-political, community-based, non governmental, youth development organization. PHILOSOPHY Founded of strong principles and values geared towards the development of the young people as agents of change, UYDP believes that with quality empowerment, there can be realized lasting peace and meaningful development for communities. It further realizes that in equipping young people with knowledge, skills and opportunities they can be able to in turn influence positive change in their communities to create a better world. MISSION To reach out to young people and communities with knowledge, skills and opportunities that will empower and strengthen them to positively transform their lives and their communities VISION To realize a pool of empowered and resourceful young people who will be leading agents of sustainable development practices for environmental protection, improvement of lives and the creation of a better and peaceful world for all OUR COMMITMENT UYDP is committed to create a place in which each person’s identity, dignity and ability is recognized and respected; and in which everyone is allowed and supported to live life to the fullest in a healthy and natural environment, notwithstanding the challenges faced as well as contribute positively towards community and self-development through a culture of peace

Facebook: UYDPKenya Twitter: UYDPKenya Empowering Youth to Transform Communities

Up and Running On 2nd of March 2012, UYDP made an application seeking registration with the Department of Gender and Social Development in the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development. After a whole month of waiting we are happy to note that we have finally secured a Certificate of Registration dated 5th April 2012. Our registration number is DGSD/MSA/CD/2012/440. The stage is now set for us to officially roll out our plans. For further information please contact us through the address below or visit any of our offices. We shall be so pleased to receive you. Welcome.

Welcome to our Offices Main Office We are pleased to announce that we have acquired an office within the Mombasa Central Business District. The office is located on the 1st Floor of Jeneby Building, along Moi Avenue on your way to docks, next Unik Driving College just before the tusks. This is with effect from 16th April 2012. This office shall handle all administrative functions of UYDP, including enquiries. Field Office Our field office shall remain at the Kenya Ports Authority Sea Scouts and Girl Guides base located at the Railways Location Chief’s Camp in Shimanzi, opposite Makande Primary School along Shimanzi Road, off Jomo Kenyatta Avenue. The field office shall act as the base from which our outdoor projects and activities shall e coordinated and conducted

The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention. ~ James Borrough

Let There Be Peace Five years have passed now since the last disputed General Elections in December 2007. With some of the scars of the post poll violence experience then still alive, Kenyans will be going back to the ballot in less than a year. Political alignment is already taking place and others have began taking sides. As peace loving citizens of this wonderful land, Uwezo Youth Development Project is sending out an appeal to all Kenyans here at home and in the diaspora “Let There Be Peace.” We appreciate and respect everyone's right to participate in the electoral process, but that should not be reason enough to tear us apart. Tribalism, negative ethnicity and political interests should not at any time surpass our “Kenyanness” our nationhood. Though many, we are and should always remain one. Everyone of us is called upon to be a “Messenger of Peace” in our own little ways. May the words of our National Anthem “May we dwell in unity, peace and liberty” always remind us to be brothers and sisters and to make peace, not war.

The Uwezo Journal is Published by The Uwezo Youth Development Project and Printed by Uwezo Media Services. P.O. Box 93485-80102 Mombasa Kenya. Email: uwezoproject@yahoo.com. Cell: +254 (0) 726 951296/ 733 951296 Blog: www.uydp-kenya.blogspot.com © Uwezo Youth Development Project 2012. All Rights Reserved www.uydp-kenya.blogspot.com


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