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Ram raid at Brightwater NPD
Jo Kent
Four youths, aged between 13 and 15, were arrested in Christchurch after a ram raid at the NPD petrol station on Ellis Street, Brightwater, in the early hours of Sunday morning.

At around 3.20am police were called to a burglary at the premises and were making enquiries to locate the offenders who had fled the scene.
An eyewitness recalls being woken with a loud revving of a car engine followed by a huge crack of broken glass.
“I jumped out of bed as I knew someone had attempted a ram raid.
“I bolted out to see three youngsters jump into what seemed to be a silver getaway car.
They say a car had reversed into the NPD window.
“It was dumb as they did it all under CCTV cameras from different angles.”
At around 10.15am Christchurch police received a report of a vehicle driving erratically on Grahams Road in

The vehicle failed to stop for police when signalled to do so. Police did not initiate a pursuit but instead observed the vehicle’s movements.
The car then crashed into a member of the public’s vehicle. That person was assessed for minor injuries.
The offenders then attempted to flee on foot, however, they were apprehended by police. The four youths are believed to be responsible for the burglary and will be referred to youth services.