Nelson Magazine - December 2021

Page 68


Mindful eating Heading into the holiday season is a time people can love and dread. If you have a difficult relationship with food (or alcohol) it can be challenging navigating work parties, family gatherings, and celebrations. Dr Marissa Kelaher shares some steps to create a better relationship with food.


ften we view food as 'good' or 'bad’, and the emotions this creates can be complex, especially if you've struggled with weight or disordered eating. Relying on willpower often doesn’t work - we fail, then feel guilty, and give up - leading to yoyo dieting. Lifestyle medicine approaches food differently - as something positive to nourish our bodies and minds, including, rather than excluding foods, and in the context of the whole person. Lack of sleep, stress, activity level, social connections, and even medications can have an impact on appetite and food choices - and our hunger queues are often highly complex. The concept of recognising WHY we are eating or drinking, learning how to read our body, then addressing any underlying themes is something worth discussing. It involves a few simple steps: • Think about what you eat. • View your body as precious and worthy of being cared for. • Think of what foods will nourish it and what helps you to feel well. • Focus on including as many different healthful foods as possible that you enjoy, rather than excluding them.

• Listen to your body and be self-compassionate. You aren't a failure if you aren't perfect or 'give in'. Try to look within and be honest about why you're eating, then forgive yourself when you stuff up, it's the first step to healing. Focus on the experience. • If you mostly feed your body optimum fuel, it's also OK to have treats sometimes, and focusing on enjoyment (quality not quantity) often helps cravings. • Eat without distractions. Research shows we are far more likely to overeat or make poor food choices if we eat while watching TV, looking at our phones or working. Most importantly, remember any sustainable changes take time, and small steady steps in the right direction is the best way to reach your goals! Don't give up if you struggle with this initially, it can be hard to overcome a lifetime of habits. Keeping sight of your goals and working failure into the plan is a normal part of life. If you need more help, lifestyle medicine doctors, nutritionists, and dieticians are all experienced in creating personalised plans.

• Find foods you love that help your health. Be mindful of why. • Identify WHY you are eating, is it actually hunger, or is it stress, boredom, sadness, or loneliness? • Learn to read your body's cues. Keeping a diary of when you're struggling can give great insight.


December 2021

Dr Marissa Kelaher is a Nelson based GP who runs lifestyle, nutritional medicine and plant-based health clinics. She is based at Nelson Family Medicine. Check out Marissa’s blogs and health and wellness tips at or on Facebook and Instagram @thesimplicitydoctor

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