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Dog massage comes to Nelson

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When vet nurse Jo Pilcher starts giving her 11-year-old dog Frank a massage, he instantly relaxes.


Jo is a canine massage thearapist and has started what is believed to be the first therapeutic massage service for dogs in Nelson, at Halifax Vets.

Jo says massage therapy is complimentary to vet care and can help dogs with muscle relaxation, circulation, and lymphatic flow which in turn can reduce pain.

“The majority are older dogs, where physical activity might not be quite what it used to.”

Jo says it was Frank that got her interested in dog massage therapy.

“I’ve been a vet nurse for quite a few years and have always had an interest in complimentary treatments.

“When Frank started getting older, it sort of pushed me into doing it.”

For some of her patients, the benefits are clear to see.

“I had a dog in the other day for a visit and he was a bit anxious. He was a little bit wary of me but by the end of it he had a big smile on his face, panting.”

Jo says the therapy is completely dog led.

“There is no restraining or holding them down - dogs choose to participate and there can sometime be a bit of stopping and starting. A large part of it is building trust with the dog.”

She offers a ‘goodwill’ service for anxious dogs, where owners can pop in with the dog for ten minutes so they can suss it all out before extending the sessions. Jo says massage isn’t suited to every dog, though.

“They should get a vet check first to recommend the treatment.”

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