27 December 2012

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Nelson Weekly Your Community Newspaper

Summer 2012

Enjoying a day at Tahuna Beach are from left; Paris Heslop, 9, Chloe Polglase, 9, Maria Polglase, Israel Heslop, 7, Jordan Polglase,8 and Ruby Heslop, 10. Photo: Sinead Ogilvie.

Summer has arrived

Welcome to summer in Nelson and your guide to what’s happening in our beautiful region. From the beaches of Tahunanui to the restaurants and cafes of Nelson city and the hills and mountains that surround us,

there is something for everyone in our region and we hope to help you find what it is that will be the highlight of your summer. In this issue we look at what there is to do in Nelson and Tasman and where you can do it, whether you’re a local who wants to

try something new or a visitor looking to make the most of what we have to offer. So once you’ve tried out all your new Christmas presents and thrown away the Christmas tree, sit back with our holiday issue of the Nelson Weekly and plan your

perfect summer. Nelson Weekly takes a break and misses one week but will return to your letterboxes on January 8. If you have any great holiday snaps you’d like to send us please flick them to editorial@nelsonweekly.co.nz.

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