Nelson Weekly Your Community Newspaper
Tuesday 27 November 2012
Roses in bloom
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Frisbee comp at Tahuna A beach frisbee competition has attracted more than 100 competitors from around the country, giving it its highest participation numbers since its inception 13 years ago. Hosted by the Nelson Ultimate Disc Experience, the Flat Out ultimate frisbee competition brought a range of competitors from all corners of the country together before splitting them into ten teams for the two day competition. Right is Nelson Phill Older during the weekend’s Flat Out ultimate disc competition at Tahunanui Beach. Ultimate frisbee is considered a cross between touch rugby and netball, and points are scored by catching a frisbee in the ‘in-zone’. The event has been held at the beginning of summer for the past 13 years and Jim was pleased to see it developing each time. The winning team, Cosmological Constant, included two Nelson players. For further information on ultimate frisbee in Nelson, visit Games are held
Jordan too quick Page 24
Boaties, bylaws are in Andrew Board A new bylaw has been passed, putting skippers in the firing line for bad decisions and tightening up rules around Port Nelson’s many users. The navigation safety bylaw 218 was ratified by Nelson City Council last Tuesday and gives the harbour master greater power to enforce the rules, including handing out fines. The main changes will be the setting up of zones around the haven for recreational use only and a total exclusion zone around the biggest ships to visit the port. There will also be a harbour transit lane, where boats can legally exceed the five knots speed limit if in transit. Boats have been using the lane for years but until now it was still illegal to go any faster. Skippers also take on more responsibility, with every passen-
ger required to wear a lifejacket on a boat six metres long or less, unless the skipper believes it’s not needed. Meaning if something does go wrong and the passengers weren’t wearing lifejackets, the skipper is solely to blame. Harbour master Dave Duncan says the changes have been in the pipeline for some time and he’s happy to see them passed. “It gives us a lot more enforcement power than before. Under the bylaw we will be able to issue an infringement ticket and it will be on the boatie to either defend or pay that,” he says. Another key change is that the cut will now be an exclusion zone where boats can’t enter the cut if a big ship is coming through. “We’ve been very close to an incident in the past, we’ve had some scrapes and bumps but we wanted to sort this out before there’s a death,” he says.
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