2 june 2015

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Nelson Weekly

Affordable. Your perfect ring.

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Tuesday 2 June 2015

Surviving Winter

Page 6

Waimea, Wanderers to meet in final

Page 17-19

More school kids to get shoes

Page 22

FOUNDERS BOOK FAIR: Lauren Foote, right, and her mother Carol Foote, carry around piles of books and magazines as they hunt for a bargain at the Founders Book Fair on Queens Birthday Monday. Full story on page 5. Photo: Jacob Chandler.

Protest march planned for pond Andrew Board

Supporters of Tahunanui’s Modellers Pond are preparing a protest march before delivering a petition of signatures to Nelson City Council in a bid to ensure the pond doesn’t get filled in. The Nelson Modellers Society has prepared a submission to the council and it will be

accompanied by petition forms, signed by thousands of Nelsonians. Supporters of the pond say they want to send the strongest possible message to councillors and, with widespread support, they hope a protest march will do that. The Modellers Pond, near Tahuna beach, has had severe algae problems since strong chemicals that were used to control it were

banned by the council. The council has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on investigations and attempted solutions to clean the pond, to no avail. Tracy Gibbs of the Nelson Modeller’s Society says they would like to see the bottom of the pond sealed with concrete and controlled with regular cleaning.

“It’s a community asset, it’s an icon. We don’t want to lose it. Councillors need to look at the economics, but sometimes life is more than economics.” She says whatever the council decides money will need to be spent, and she’d like to see that money go towards fixing


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