Waimea Weekly 7 April 2021

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Waimea Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Wednesday 7 April 2021

Father and son fight fires together Page 4

Page 11

Making the connection

Changes to benefit and minimum wage Jenny Nicholson

MP for Nelson, Rachel Boyack, is thrilled to see changes she personally advocated for, introduced

last week. The largest rise in abatement levels in two decades sees those on main benefits who are working part-time keeping more of what

they earn. “This makes it easier for people to put food on the table and pay the bills,” says Rachel. There was a 3.1% increase to

main benefits and superannuation and an increase in the minimum wage to $20.00 per hour. National List MP Nick Smith says he worries the number of costs

the Government is imposing on small businesses, including wage increases and extra sick leave entitlements, may result in less jobs offered by those businesses.

Rob and Harley Martin from Nelson, full throttle from Saturday night’s NZ sidecar champs. Photo: Rebecca Conner Maling.

full StoRy page 26

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WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021


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What do you think about the minimum wage increase?

News Jacqui Rawson jacqui@waimeaweekly.co.nz Jenny Nicholson jennifer@waimeaweekly.co.nz Jo Kent jo@waimeaweekly.co.nz

Advertising Sales Kay Jordan kay@waimeaweekly.co.nz Kylie Conning kylie@waimeaweekly.co.nz Raylene Wadsworth raylene@waimeaweekly.co.nz

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6 Salisbury Rd, Richmond

It’s meant to have a flow effect across the board for all salaries, so that’s a positive.

It’ll be good for those who need it.

It’s hard as we own two businesses, and with those extra sick days, it’ll make an impact.

It’s good as it will encourage youngsters to seek employment.


03 544 9037 www.waimeaweekly.co.nz 100% locally owned and operated

Rally demonstrates concerns over dam Jacqui Rawson Reporter


Protestors gave voice to their displeasure over the Waimea Community Dam and associated rate increases last week. Over 100 people positioned themselves outside the Tasman District Council’s offices on Queen Street, Richmond, early Thursday morning, armed with placards and megaphones to express their concerns. “There needs to be an inquiry into this fiasco,” says protestor, Brent Steven. The protest is in answer to the latest increase in the cost of the dam and the associated need for an independent inquiry into those costs. The total cost of the dam now sits at $158.4m - more than double the estimate of $75.9 that went

Left, Water Information Network Inc secretary, Lewis Solomon, holds his placard. Right, protestor, Nick Hughes. Photo: Jacqui Rawson. out for public consultation in 2017. “I’m tired of the Council giving out false information and falsifying legislation,” says protestor Nick Hughes.

Spokesmen for the protest touched on the need for an inquiry into the failings of the dam. “You have failed us miserably,” says protestor spokesman Richard Johns, going on to urge the

elected members to reflect on what costs they had saddled the ratepayers with. Councillor Dean McNamara made a call last month for an investigation into the project. This progressed when


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a majority of councillors backed a resolution for staff to report back on the option of an independent inquiry, including the potential scope and costs of such an investigation.

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Primary schools: to add or not to add?


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Jacqui Rawson Reporter


Primary schools in the Richmond Waimea district are going through a review process by the Ministry of Education (MOE). The review is part of the MOE’s process to manage future growth and the current congestion in some schools. In line with this, Appleby, Brightwater, Hope, Ranzau and Wakefield schools must take into consideration one of the six options put forward by the MOE. That is whether adding year 7 and 8 classes to their schools is a viable option. “At a meeting of interested parents, the majority agreed it was a good idea,” says Wakefield principal Peter Verstappen. With the school needing to give a clear indication of its future to the Ministry of Education by mid-year, the board of trustees plans to hold another parents meeting on May 11th and follow that with an online survey. The school board hopes that families with pre-school children will also have their say.

WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021

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Current Wakefield School pupils Tommy Beer and Jeydin Rees. Photo: Jacqui Rawson. “Becoming a full primary would add another 80-90 students to our school roll,” says Peter. At the moment the Wakefield School has enough classrooms to accommodate that growth. The school’s newsletter put to the school’s parents aspects of the changes that would result from becoming a full primary school. These changes included the fact that students wouldn’t have to bus to school until they started college. And if other schools in the area also change to full primary it will open opportunities for shared sports competitions, outdoor education and other activities. It would mean losing the op-

tion for students to attend Waimea Intermediate but the curriculum at a full primary includes a full year 7-8 curriculum. This includes the technology options currently available at intermediate. The options might come about through bussing students to a separate technology facility or teaching these subjects on the school site. “Change of some sort will happen, because without it Waimea Intermediate will soon grow beyond its present roll, placing more pressure on their facilities and the transport network in Richmond,” Peter says.

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WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021

Father and son fight fires together Jenny Nicholson Reporter


Three large Queen palms seemed to grow overnight at the Salisbury Road roundabout last week. The statuesque greenery add a touch of nature in the middle of what has been a sea of ongoing road-layout changes over the last few months. Two of the trees came from Mitre 10 and one from a large tree supplier in Auckland. The trees are part of the Tasman District Council(TDC)-led Salisbury-Champion Road roundabout upgrade project. The project aims to ease road congestion at the busiest intersection in the Tasman District with about 17,000 vehicle movements a day. “The trees were chosen because they fit well with the overall landscape plan of the area, which is based on the existing river stone wall on the corner of Saxton Field,” says Tasman District Council staff member, Ali Hamlin. The trees are expected to be a permanent feature and will be maintained by TDC’s Parks and Reserves team. Huge boulders are being put in place and there will also be lime grass planted in the roundabout. The cost is included in the overall landscaping budget for the upgrade project. Photo: Jacqui Rawson.

Jordan was 16 and still at school when he said he’d like to be a volunteer firefighter. His dad Lance was keen too, so they joined the volunteers at the Brightwater fire station together. Setting an example to his family of service to the community has always been important to Lance. He was a Scouts leader for years and now, along with firefighting, volunteers for St John.

“It’s quite inspiring but is quite normal seeing Dad serve,” says Jordan. Linda, Lance’s wife and Jordan’s mother, worried a bit at the start, but is not so concerned now and Lance says she is very supportive. He says Fire and Emergency New Zealand training and safety standards are exceptional and help him and Linda not to worry too much about Jordan. “I do put my dad hat on at times if there is a serious medical event that I don’t think a teen needs to see, and I tell Jor-

dan not to come,” says Lance. A bonfire that got a little large was the first time Jordan used a hose to help put out a fire. “You need a NZQA qualification to use the hoses, you can’t just jump on one. It’s a responsibility because you first have to learn about fire, the affects of weather and fuel, crew safety and escape plans. That is all constantly going through your head,” says Lance. Lance enjoys volunteering and loves that he gets time with Jordan too. For Jordan, it was easier to join with his dad, and he too enjoys the time together.

Jordan Wakefield and his dad Lance are volunteer firefighters in Brightwater. Photo: Jenny Nicholson.


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Nelson Matters The Government’s housing changes have been universally condemned as inept by property experts, bankers, tenant advocates and property investors. I am proud of the scheme I set up as Housing Minister in 2015 that has helped 88,000 first home buyers fund their deposit with a grant of up to $20,000. The numbers plummeted last year because, with escalating prices, few could find homes

under the price caps. These were locally $500,000 for an existing home or $550,000 for a new home. I called for them to be raised to $700,000 and $750,000. Nelson’s Labour MP says it is exciting news for Nelson first home buyers that the cap is increasing on 1st April to $525,000 and $600,000. The median home price in Nelson is $730,000. Young people have

been told by both National and Labour Governments to join up to Kiwisaver, contribute for 5 years so they can get a grant to help with a home deposit but they now feel duped. They can’t get the promised grant because there are few if any houses in Nelson below the new caps. Labour has learnt nothing from Kiwibuild where they promised Nelson 1000 affordable homes. None have been built and none

are now planned. The mistake is not listening to Nelson’s building and housing sector. The radical tax changes will push rents up. These changes directly contradict what Labour promised at Election 2020. Treasury and IRD opposed the changes. It is galling that Labour calls interest deductibility a “loophole”. Rents have already risen by $120 per week under Labour and are es-

timated to go up another $80 per week with these tax changes. No one expects an instant answer to New Zealand’s housing problems. The problem for Labour is that after four years it has got much worse with rents, house prices, state housing waiting lists and numbers in motels all skyrocketing. It will get worse with these changes.


WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021


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Lillie and Jed Frethey’s wedding, although affected by Covid-19, was the best day of their lives. Photo Jude Saxon.

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Elopements and micro weddings the new trend Jenny Nicholson Reporter


Elopements are up, and more couples are tailoring their wedding to their personalities, according to wedding celebrant Rachael Schepers. “Covid-19 has almost given permission for couples to question what they really want, and it’s becoming the new normal,” says Rachael. There are very few rules for

a wedding. Full names, two witnesses and saying “I do” are legal requirements, but the rest is tradition. While some couples still choose to have a larger wedding, others may choose a micro wedding with only close friends and family present - or even choose no guests at all. “It’s not just because of Covid that people choose elopement. They may not be upfront people and they want to put their money into

something intimate and gorgeous. They can concentrate on quality time and creating precious memories,” says Rachael. Rachael’s eloping clients are not just locals. People from throughout New Zealand are choosing destination weddings in the Tasman region. When Lillie Frethey arrived in New Zealand in early 2020, she never thought she would be married by the end of the year, or that borders would be closed and her

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family wouldn’t be able to attend her special day. “I never thought that when I got married it would be during a worldwide pandemic, or that my family in America wouldn’t make it, but it all came together beautifully and was still the best day of my life,” says Lillie. Rachael says what hasn’t changed is that Kiwi weddings are still often a mix of traditional and relaxed, of fun and seriousness, and of telling the couple’s story.

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WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021

Local wineries get mental health support Jo Kent Reporter


Got some news? Waimea Weekly Phone us on 544 9037 Locally Owned and Operated

As local winemakers were severely affected after the challenging events of last year, be it weather, labour supply issues or the market uncertainty thanks to Covid, the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is supporting a series of wellbeing workshops for them. Mental health is a hot topic right now and those in the wine industry, which is New Zealand’s sixth-largest export hitting $2billion in 2020, are not being ignored. MPI has allocated $40,000 to New Zealand Winegrowers to deliver 12 well-being workshops in winemaking regions, with the Nelson Tasman course scheduled for 22 April. “The severity of these impacts has varied across regions. The ‘Go You’ workshops will give people the tools to help them tackle the year ahead with a positive frame of mind,” says MPI’s director of Rural Communities and Farming Support, Nick Story. “The first workshop ran in Marlborough and it was a sellout event,” says New Zealand Winegrowers’ leadership and communities manager Nicky

Presenters Nicky Grandorge and Fiona Fenwick. Photo: Supplied. Grandorge. “We got really positive feedback from the people who attended, and we’re looking forward to hosting more around the country.” The workshops are designed to help boost morale and reignite enthusiasm within the industry. The classes include discussions on the impor-

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tance of mental well-being, as well as helping people to reset for 2021. Funding for the initiative was provided in Budget 2020. MPI was allocated $1.1 million over three years to deliver extra well-being and support services to complement those provided by Rural Support Trusts.




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WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021

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WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021

Helping deaf children find connections Erin Bradnock Mailis Calvert is just like any nine-year-old - she loves dancing, music and swimming - though she also happens to be deaf. When Mailis and her family moved from Dunedin to Nelson at the end of 2019, her mother Katya Blair Calvert was having trouble finding any social or support groups for deaf or hard-of-hearing children in the region. “In Dunedin, there’s quite a well-established community there for kids like Mailis. It’s so important for kids to connect with each other and it helps them build a strong sense of identity,” she says. So, Katya took matters into her own hands and set up a Facebook group at the start of March called ‘Deaf Kids Nelson’. With just one Facebook post, interest to join the group came flooding in. “Overnight I heard from three different families interested in meeting up. I wanted to create the group so that kids can start to feel good about who they are and own their deafness,” Katya says. Mailis was born deaf and received a cochlear implant when she was three years old, meaning she’s able to hear when she has her external device switched on, or, as she says, has her ‘ears on’. For Mailis, being deaf is not a ‘disability’ as it doesn’t hold her back. Her mother says she is a confident child who loves horseriding and jazz dancing. “Kids at school always ask,

Katya Blair Calvert with her daughter Mailis Calvert who was born deaf. Photo: Erin Bradnock.

‘how can you dance if you don’t like music?’ I love music.” Mailis says. Mailis says the most frustrating part about being deaf is some kids’ misunderstandings about it. “Sometimes I won’t hear what a kid says at school and when I ask ‘excuse me, what did you say?’ they just sigh and say ‘never mind…’ instead of repeating it,” she says. When Mailis first arrived at Henley School, she was surprised that no one knew sign language, as that is what she was used to in Dunedin. She’s able to hear her teachers clearly through a hearing assistive device that her teachers wear round their neck. “My teacher Ms Cahill has starting learning sign language. She’s been really enthusiastic about it and calls my deafness my ‘superpower’,” Katya knows that for some children who are hearing impaired, it can be quite isolat-

ing. “It’s so important for kids to connect with other kids who are like them and have that understanding.” Mailis is eager to meet more deaf people in the region, as she had in Dunedin, and Katya is just as excited.

“I think it’s great for deaf or hard-of-hearing kids to see Mailis being so confident, I think it makes them feel better about their own deafness,” says Katya. For more information on the group you can visit their Facebook page.

...End of Story Final facts on some of our stories with

Jacqui Rawson

Little Drummer Girl 10th March Marina Tristam no longer has a mountain of drums filling her company’s complex. The Managing Director of the Tasman Bay Food Co. had a positive run of requests for the drums after the Waimea Weekly’s article in March. She has managed to give away approximately 600 of the older blue drums which have been sitting for quite a lengthy period of time at the site. As a result of the article, Marina now has contacts with businesses and individuals keen to take the drums on an ongoing basis, including a recycling business in Christchurch. A car-crushing business have also voiced their willingness to take them off her hands.

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WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021


Volunteering to keep bellies full Nelson mum Anita Watson knows what it’s like to feel alone in a new city with a young baby. That’s why, when local charity Bellyful delivered nourishing meals to her during this difficult time two years ago, she vowed she would one day give back to them. And she did. Anita is now the Nelson branch coordinator for Bellyful - a volunteer role that she fits in around her son Remi and a 30-hour per week job. “When Remi born we had just moved to Nelson, my partner was away for work for weeks at a time and we had no family here. I was on my own and I was really struggling.” Bellyful cooks and delivers meals to families with babies or young children who need support and Anita was the perfect candidate. “A friend who I had just met referred me to them. I’d not heard of the organisation before, and they delivered to me twice. It was amazing

having that feeling of someone caring for me and being able to eat good food as well,” she says. “I said to the volunteer who dropped the food over, ‘I’ve never been the recipient of charity before, so I promised myself that one day I would.” Her opportunity to do so came about in July last year when she took over from founder Sarah Kirby as branch coordinator. “For me, it’s all pretty much computer-based stuff that I can fit around my work, keeping up with social media and making sure all the different departments are working well.” She helps to navigate a team of around 30 volunteers, six or seven of whom are regular helpers. “The beauty of Bellyful is you can volunteer as much or as little as you can,” she says.

House bus falls on owner

The Brightwater community have pulled together to help widow Paula Jones after her husband was crushed under a house bus he was working on last week. Paul, a 53-yearold engineer, died from his injuries at their address in Starveall Street. Neighbours have devised a rota to deliver meals, baked goods and other sundries to the family to help ease the strain during this difficult time. “I am at a loss and don’t even know what to think or feel,” Paula told a Facebook group. “I can’t believe how wonderful the neighbours have been.”

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Stoke 547 5279

027 886 4192 546 9290

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Motueka 528 4001

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Pinnacle House Fashion Parade Property Property Property Management Management Management LtdLtd | MREINZ Ltd | MREINZ | MREINZ 7pm, Thursday 8th April Headingly Centre, Richmond Tickets $20 and include dinner and show. Email jennifer@waimeaweekly.co.nz rd bberdPauline Pauline Harris Pauline Harris Harris Samantha Samantha Samantha Burling Burling Burling LydiaLydia McKenzie Lydia McKenzie McKenzie Marie Marie Healy Marie HealyHealy Mandy Mandy Troy Mandy Troy Troy 0gement 0260 027|Ltd 664 027| 4424 664 0274424 664 4424027 538 027 3643 538 027 538 3643027 886 027 4192 886 027your 4192 886 4192027 233 027 3131 233 027 3131 233 3131 027Management 230 027Management 0201 230 0270201 230 to3643 include event here. Ltd ent |Ltd MREINZ MREINZ MREINZ Property Property Property Management Ltd0201 |Ltd MREINZ |Ltd MREINZ | MREINZ 0 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 546 9290 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476 547 2476

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544Winter 2900 544 2900 544 2900

Douglas MacDonald9290 Ormsby 528 4001 528 4001 528 4001 546

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WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021


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Mums & Bubs in Nelson group, Bill Wilkes Reserve

The weekly Tuesday meet-up for mothers and their babies visited the Richmond park for a morning of face-painting and fresh air. 1. Ava and Emily Wastney 2. Amber and Jordan Reid



Mapua Easter Fair, Mapua Domain

The annual fair coincided with the hottest day of the month so far and attracted around 10,000 attendees, who were treated to free entertainment and over 200 market stalls. 3. Stephen and Kate Pollock 4. Netty Kine and Caleb Williams 5. Tania Webb, Lara Gerrard and Bridget Dryden 6. Justine Millar and Lisa Dunn 7. Andrew, Zach and Terri Leighton




Would you like us to take photos at your next event?

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Age Concern’s Marnie Brown, TDC’s Gary Alsop and Age Concern’s Caroline Budge. Photo: Jacqui Rawson.

Making the connection Jacqui Rawson Reporter


The Positive Ageing Expo is happening on Friday 16th April with information and activities for older adults. The Expo assists older people in the community to make connections with others and with organisations there to assist them. “The Expo is a one-stop-shop for older adults retired or heading towards retirement,” says TDC’s community partnership coordinator, Gary Alsop. First set up in 2008, the event emerged with the realisation that the number of older people in the community would increase considerably and that the associated lifestyle for many would change. It covers recreational, health and social services available in Nelson/ Tasman to make ageing a more positive experience. The Expo provides links and connections to help alleviate elderly

feeling isolated. There are many organisations for the elderly to reach out to but it’s not always obvious they exist or what they can offer to the elderly. “Helping to make that first connection is so beneficial for the older community,” says Gary. There will be around 70 stalls and an opportunity for a quick health check. One of the seminars will be led by professor Merryn Gott MA (Oxon), PhD, FRSNZ. Professor Merryn is the director of Te Ārai Palliative Care and End of Life Research Group and has been conducting research with older people for over 25 years. Age Concern will have information at the Expo about their many services, one of which is the CarFit check-up. A chance to check to make sure drivers are seated safely and comfortably in their cars. The Positive Ageing Expo is being held at the Headingly Centre in Richmond on Friday 16th April from 10.00 am – 3.00 pm.

WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021

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WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021

Getting neighbourly Jacqui Rawson Reporter


As brokers we work for you, not the insurance company or the bank. We work for you, no-one else.

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From your local Beekeeper Propolis Throat Spray

Residents living around Langdale Reserve are a neighbourly bunch. They don’t seem to need much encouragement to get together and enjoy the chance to support each other when they can. For the last three years it’s been Neighbours Day that they’ve used as all the reason they need to get together and have a celebration. “It’s a great supportive community we live amongst,” says Langdale Reserve resident

June Savage. Even this year’s bad weather was no deterrent. “When the nearby Richmond New Life Church was approached with a request for the use of their Cafe in case of rain, they readily agreed,” says, June. June says this is an example of how supportive a community it is in their area, which is situated near Wensley Road in Richmond. With a majority of seniors in the neighbourhood, these types of occasions are great opportunities for socialising and getting to know neigh-

bours. June says, “All ages are encouraged to come along and be part of the community event.” The residents gathered for a “bring a plate” tea and were lucky enough to be able to have a bbq thanks to a donation of sausages from Pestells Butchery and bread and sauce from PAK’nSAVE. Entertainment is often arranged at their events and this time around it was the Nelson Bays Harmony Chorus who visited. They sing a four-part Cappella and are preparing to compete in Christchurch in late April.

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Keep your community informed, tell us first Waimea Phone 544 9037 Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Nelson Bays Harmony Chorus belting out a tune for Neighbours Day. Charmaine Boocock, Julie Scoggins, June Savage, Sandy Webster, Ann Nicholson, Lynn Packer, Shirley McEwan, Sue Leov, Jen Meadows and Janell Cook. Photo: Supplied.

Cawthron Open Day to celebrate 100 years of science Cawthron Institute is opening its doors once again for the Cawthron Open Day as part of Tuku 21 Whakatū Heritage Month on Saturday 10 April. This year Cawthron celebrates 100 years of delivering world-class science, and the Open Day will provide an opportunity for the public to get a behind-the-scenes look at New Zealand’s largest independent science organisation dedicated to supporting the sustainable development of primary industries and protecting our environment. Open Day visitors can expect interactive displays showcasing all aspects of our science, from how Cawthron helps to develop sustainable aquaculture farming methods, the exciting potential of algae, how our research helps to protect our freshwater and ocean environments, as well as ensuring New Zealand’s seafood is safe to eat. There will also be laboratory tours and scheduled presentations from our scientists sharing their research. Plus, this year Cawthron is teaming up with the Ministry of Inspiration to bring you a life-size whale where you can hear real-life marine mammal song, as well as providing craft stations for the kids. Cawthron Institute Chief Executive Volker Kuntzsch said Cawthron’s Open Day is an ex-

cellent opportunity for the local community to engage with its science. “Cawthron has been a pioneer of impactful science and New Zealanders have benefitted from our research for decades. Since our official establishment in 1921 we have firmly focused on research that contributes to the economic growth of our region and the preservation of our special environment. “As we celebrate the past century of science and innovation from Cawthron, as well as look forward to the next 100 years, it’s only fitting that we open our doors and showcase how our research has made a real difference, right here from the heart of Nelson,” said Kuntzsch. The Cawthron Open Day takes place on Saturday 10 April from 10am – 2pm at its main campus at 98 Halifax Street East. Laboratory tours and scheduled presentations will run throughout the Open Day. Please note that lab tours are for visitors aged 10 years or older, closed toe shoes are a must, and spaces are limited, so please sign up for a tour on arrival at the Open Day. For latest updates, parking information and wet weather plans, go to cawthron.org.nz/centenary or visit the Cawthron Institute Facebook page. We look forward to seeing you there! Business Update. Adv.


WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021



WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021


Leo Pang and international student Kevin Jitthiang enjoying the new table at Garin. Photo: Jenny Nicholson.

Funds to integrate students Jenny Nicholson The new concrete table tennis table at Garin College was purpose-built to encourage integration of students. The board redirected funds into the project from fees received from their international students. “It’s a great initiative from our board,” says Garin College international director Diana Murdoch. She says that while the international students often enjoy table tennis, kiwi students are also enjoying being able to play the sport during breaks. Despite Covid disruptions last year, Garin didn’t have international students return home, other than those here for a short-term stay. This meant that the college came in on budget last year and were able to follow through on plans, including the new table. “However, it will certainly impact

our budget next year if the border doesn’t open,” says Diana. While the budget would be impacted with year 13 and some year 12 students leaving, another concern is the effect the border closure has on the current students. “The students who are here will be vaccinated and we are hopeful that the government will allow the current students to go home for the Christmas break and return next year. You can’t expect high-school students to be away from their family for three years,” she says. The current students were unable to return to their families last Christmas and she says they are struggling with that. “We have to remind them never to underestimate how strong and amazing and resilient they are to be facing what no other group of students have faced before,” says Diana.

Any feedback on our stories? Let us know.


Waimea Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

New Dentures Relines Repairs 03 546 4455 Bays Dentures

41 Washbourn Drive, Richmond

Ambrosia Café l Boulevard Café l Fresh Choice News


Miss Cowlishaw competing in a golf club Easter tournament (1908). land’s poaching laws during the 19th century. In New Zealand, anyone could hunt or fish within the (much laxer) game laws, and licences were so affordable that most people had the opportunity to shoot or fish. Military training camps were also a weekend activity undertaken by Easter revellers.

But it wasn’t all target practice and taking orders. Fun was had by all the men-at-arms and many spectators, with some camps including contests, bands, and balls. But what about the chocolate? And the bunny who brings the chocolate? Like Easter itself, the tradition of the humble Easter egg has its birth in Europe. The chocolate-covered treats that we know today are a 20th century invention, as is the fluffy bunny who carries them. But there was crime as well. Newspapers reported an 1890s Easter crime spree, describing thieves following a baker’s delivery man doorstep to doorstep, stealing the buns on Easter morning.

Friday 16 April 2021 . 10.00 am – 3.00 pm Headingly Centre, Richmond

Hungry Wok l Kebab Masters l Lime l McDonalds

Muffin Break l Pak’n Save l Pizza Hut l Rodrigo Bakery Over 70 stalls of community groups and service providers, including:











Have-a-go activities Demonstrations Presentations Health services





• • • •




Shamiana l Tank Juice l The Cheesecake Shop MO RICH














There’s something for everyone!


The first European settlers brought Easter with them to New Zealand primarily as part of their religion. Good Friday was regarded by Catholics and Anglicans (the two religious groups who recognised Easter in 19th century New Zealand), to be the most solemn day of the year. Good Friday represents the crucifixion day of Jesus and was traditionally preceded by a (very un-festive) 40 days of Lent. This involved fasting, celibacy and no celebration to speak of. New Zealand, ahead of England, decided to make Easter Monday a day off work. With the introduction

of the five day working week, the introduction of Easter Monday as a holiday offered the opportunity of an extended break for holidaymakers and an excuse to be less solemn. It was declared the “second carnival day of the year” in 1881. Travelling out of town for the long weekend was well ingrained in our national psyche by at least the early 20th century. Holidaying was not the only leisure activity typically enjoyed by the Easter crowds. Sports like hunting were popular activities among men and boys of most backgrounds. It was possibly so desired by the colonists because hunting was very restricted by Eng-


Ginger l Gloria Jean’s l Guytons l Hey Sushi

New Zealand’s Easter history Jacqui Rawson

WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021

Supported by the Nelson Tasman Positive Ageing Forum



Ambrosia Café l Boulevard Café l Fresh Choice

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Ginger l Gloria Jean’s l Guytons l Hey Sushi Hungry Wok l Kebab Masters l Lime l McDonalds

Muffin Break l Pak’n Save l Pizza Hut l Rodrigo Bakery Shamiana l Tank Juice l The Cheesecake Shop

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All stores open till 6pm Monday to Friday


WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021

Bright Sparks Electrical announces merger There’s been an exciting development at Bright Sparks Electrical Solutions Ltd in Stoke. At the end of March, the company merged with its other business, Air Con Nelson. “After Covid, it made sense to amalgamate the two businesses into one and put them under Bright Sparks,” says owner of the company, Nathan Sharp. Established in 2002, Bright Sparks is your ‘one-stop-shop’ for all things electrical in the Nelson region. “We can professionally install anything in your home or office from heating, fans and ventilation, through


to lighting and audio-visual equipment.” Industry leader in electrical training When Nathan Sharp was 15, he started his apprenticeship which he completed by the time he was 19. “Then I started my own business when I was 24 and called it ‘Nathan Sharp Electrical.’ In the early 2000’s, Nathan changed his business name to Bright Sparks and the company has gradually grown since then. Today it employs 25 people, which includes registered qualified electricians and seven apprentices. “We hire a range of people Bright Sparks Electrical Solutions Ltd has recently merged with Air Con Nelson. (L to R) Team members: Glenn Dove, Denise Hawes, Nicola Nish, Colleen Edwards and Nathan Sharp (owner). from school leavers to people looking to change occupations, and our apprenticeships are staggered between first year and nearly qualified,’ says Nathan. “One of our current apprentices is a refugee called Zay Oo, who came to us through the Red Cross. We hired Zay in October 2019. When I met Zay he seemed really nice, and I thought it would be great to give him a chance.”

Proud suPPlier to

Bright sParks electrical

Zay grew up in Myanmar but political unrest forced him to leave there. After working in odd jobs in construction and a laundromat, he studied the basics of electrical engineering at university before doing a mechanical diploma. Zay then became a father, and to secure a safer future, he approached the United Nations High Commissioner to register as a refugee and was granted permis-

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sion to settle in New Zealand. Zay came to Nelson at the end of 2018, and today, he works as an apprentice at Bright Sparks which he enjoys.“Zay has a good work ethic and has fitted in really well,” says Nathan. Professional wiring and installation The company’s main focus is on residential homes. “We do a lot of new housing – lighting design, heating and ventilation, audio visual, and we wire up people’s TV’s. We pretty much cover everything that’s required for a residential home. We also do older style homes and architectural property, as well as a little bit of light commercial; in particular, the heating and ventilation side of things for offices, and cooling which can be really important, too.” Nathan says, because the seasons are changing, homeowners may be wanting heating solutions or installation work done, which Bright Sparks can help with. Bright Sparks has a modern showroom with plenty of product to view and will soon be expanding what’s available. “Our team can provide sound advice with regards to purchasing quality products for your home or office.”


Longstanding, experienced team Bright Sparks has some really good leadership in its team and quite a few of the staff have been

with the company for a long time. “They know the business well and can answer most questions,” says Nathan. “Nicola has been with us for 18 years. She is a draughtsperson so she’s great with design work, including lighting design which we do electronically. Dave, my foreman, has been here for 12 years. Although I have stepped away from the business a bit, I’m still the face of it and am mostly involved in staff and client relations and improving systems within the company.” Meanwhile, the team in the office take care of the day-to-day management. Glenn, who runs the air conditioning side, is very experienced in installation but has moved into sales in the past five years. Colleen has been with the company for seven years now; she manages the air conditioning side. “So, we have lots of experience within the team. Nathan says the company is focussed on the ‘design and build’ side of things – electrical, heating, audio-visual and ventilation; everything to do with your new home. “We have a good relationship with another local company called Switch Lighting. “A lot of our design is based around their products.” Great follow-up and servicing If you require any electrical installation work done, contact the friendly professional team at Bright Sparks Electrical Solutions Ltd. “Our in-




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WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021

stallation experience is second to none and we provide good follow up and servicing.” Phone 03 544 4747.


Email: admin@brightsparkselectrical. co.nz. Visit www.brightsparkselectri cal.co.nz.

Bright Sparks Electrical can cover everything that’s required for a residential home, from lighting design to heating and ventilation through to wiring up audio visual gear. The company also does light commercial installations.


WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021


Women in Business Freedom Companion Driving Freedom Companion Driving is dedicated to providing a convenient, friendly and safe transport option. “It is an affordable, personalised service for people who don’t drive themselves,” says Sheryl, Freedom Companion driver for the Nelson-Tasman region. A genuine, caring person, Sheryl is honest, compassionate and is always cheerful. “Nothing is too much trouble,” she says. “I go out of my way to help people.” Sheryl has the strength and ability to work with those needing extra care and support. “I have a background in health and I am very professional and patient.” Sheryl can take people anywhere, whether it’s to the airport, a medical appointment, shopping or sightseeing or children to school or after school activities. All Freedom Companion drivers are police safety checked, are fully licensed and first aid accredited. “It’s very rewarding being involved in a business which enhances people’s lives and alleviates pressure on family.” Sheryl covers Nelson and Tasman. ACC Registered and Total Mobility provider. Phone Sheryl 021 355 843 or 03 539 4856.

Everbrook Dairy Goats Everbrook Dairy Goats is establishing itself as a supplier of fresh goat’s milk in the Nelson/Tasman area and is also a breeder of registered Dairy Goats. Owner Tracy Hay loves being a farmer who breeds top quality dairy goats, but concedes it’s ‘very hard work!’ “Milk is essentially a by-product which I sell to fund my goat breeding,” says Tracy. “Goat’s milk is very popular – it’s proteins are easily digestible and it’s naturally homogenised.” Tracy milks 365 days a year in order to supply milk to numerous local supermarkets. Her neighbour Dom who owns Brookfield Eggs regularly takes some of Tracy’s goat’s milk to sell at local markets. Tracy also supplies milk in bulk to places like Gelato Roma for making gelato and BioFoods Ltd which make Doctor’s Choice Yoghurt. “There may be local cheesemakers who also want to buy in bulk.” Tracy says goat’s milk is really sweet compared to cow’s milk and not as fatty. “It’s great served cold on a hot summer’s evening.” To find out more, text Tracy on 027 458 6603 or send her a Facebook message.

Reliable, Caring Transport • Kind, friendly approach • Medical & other appointments • Shopping, social calls, airport transfers

Ask for our fresh sweet goats milk at your local store

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Call Sheryl now 03 539 4856 | 021 355 843

tpnet.nz Sue Lubransky and her husband came to live in the Tasman region in 1984; a couple of children added, and Sue has worked and played in Tasman Marlborough and Nelson ever since. In Jan 2005, Sue jumped at the opportunity to ‘join the local Internet Service Provider’ and has loved the tech adventure ever since… Now General Manager, Sue says, “From our Richmond office, TPNET proudly built our own Fixed Wireless Broadband Network (‘WISP’) from the ground up in the early 2000’s. As fibre connections became part of the local and global communications reality, TPNET now connects our communities across the top of the South Island with true high speed fibre and rural broadband internet solutions. With government funding (RBI2) to build and expand across our region, TPNET is dramatically growing our capacity for Rural Broadband communities and urban Fibre Services, increasing our ability to connect local people.” Over the years, Sue and TPNET crew have formed longstanding personal connections with many families and businesses, often with Multi-Site locations and connections. Real People, Real Service, visit www.tpnet.nz

Dress Up Box When you walk into the colourful Dress Up Box Café, you can order a coffee, relax at a table, then wander through to their fabulous costume hire area. The owner, Kris Cavit, started the Costume Hire in 2013. A few years later, she and her husband Mike purchased the old Bedford Bar. After renovations, the café opened in 2019, adding to the existing vibrant atmosphere. “I love owning two complementary businesses,” says Kris. “Every day you meet different people and it’s really great to have staff who are passionate about what they do and love the dress up side of things.” Every Friday afternoon, one of the staff wears a costume. “After Covid, it puts a smile on people’s faces.” Open 6 days a week, The Dress Up Box Café is fully licensed and is available for private functions, and the Costume Hire is open 5 days. “We do bookings for high teas – we dress up the tables and serve savouries and sweets.” Every Wednesday, the café does a $12 pensioner meal (includes tea or coffee). See you at the Dress Up Box Café, 149 Main Road Hope.

149 Main Road, Hope Free parking out back Café: 544 4477 Costume: 544 4699

Costume Hire and Gifts


WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021


Women in Business The Hair Room

Coffee on Queen

In October last year, Wendy Fairweather took over the space at 250A Queen Street, Richmond and transformed it into The Hair Room. Having previously owned two salons in other areas, Wendy decided there was an opportunity to open a salon that offered an affordable price range for the cutting, barbering, colouring and foils services for males and females. The Hair Room are stockists of Keune retail products and the Keune colour range which is PPD free and non-allergenic. Senior Stylists Kendyl and Bronnie join Wendy to make up the team that provide expert advice and services in a friendly relaxed atmosphere. We want our clients to enjoy coming into our space at The Hair Room, going out feeling amazing. Online booking is easy and hassle-free via our website or Facebook page, but also feel free to pop in or phone 03 929 5314. Our experienced team is waiting.

Coffee on Queen is the place people go for super fast delicious coffee and yummy, easy no-frills food. Since opening in August last year, the owners Matt and Haylie have been busy preparing for their wedding which took place on March 12th. “On the downside, my Mum has recently been diagnosed with cancer,” says Haylie. “We have really missed her presence at the café, but with positivity, we’ll get through.” Matt and Haylie have a great team onboard who took care of the business during their wedding. Haylie admits that running a café and being the mother of three kids has been a juggle. “Mum says ‘you started out a solo mum and this is where you are now, so you’re proof that anyone can do it.’” The café is still the ‘same ole’ with lots of banter and great customer service. “Coming into winter, we’re looking to change up the menu, include some yummy pies, etc.” Coffee on Queen is a vibrant café with great coffee and great food. “We love how all the people with dogs and bikes are getting to know we’re here.”

App coffee ordering available

Bronnie TeHana, Wendy Fairweather, Kendyl McArtney

250A Queen St 529 5314 Book Online thehairroom.salon

225 Queen St, Richmond


Omnis Cura

EquiSol NZ

Established in 1986, Ominis Cura Natural Healing & Meditation has been successfully helping people heal more effectively using treatments such as energy healing, meditation, aromatherapy and massage. Owner Maree Strange has been working in the field of healing for the past 30 years and has accumulated many hours of training. “I work with people from a holistic view, so I offer many different types of therapy,” she says. As a young person, Maree could sense and see things differently, and as she got older, after meeting people in the healing field, she recognised she could connect with this biofield; specifically electromagnetic and aura fields. “If you marry science and integrative medicine, you have a really powerful module; that we are not just the physical; that there is a ‘life force; an energy about us,” says Maree. “Observing and interpreting the EMF can indicate aspects of our health requiring attention.” Maree has recently moved into the Tasman area and people can come to her peaceful rural studio for apppointments. To make a booking, text or phone Maree on 027 270 4772.

‘Omnis Cura’

Omnis Cura [Latin for Total Care]

Biofield Viewer for viewing the Aura & Chakra systems, Meditation Training, Energy Healing – Soul Fusion, Natural & Meditation Emotional & TraumaTherapy Release, Aromatherapy, Bowen Therapy, Massage (Lymphatic, Aromatherapy, Remedial, Stress, Pregnancy, Sports)

Omnis Cura

Chartered Natural Therapy Practitioner Natural Therapy & Meditation Diploma Natural Healing Sciences Diploma Remedial Massage Diploma Aromatherapy Certificate in Bowen Therapy – Fascial Kinetics Esoteric Studies in Energy and Meditation Biofield Viewer Training

Maree Strange

Maree Strange Upper Moutere, Tasman 027-270-4772 Upper Moutere, Tasman www.naturaltherapypages.co.nz 027-270-4772 www.naturaltherapypages.co.nz

EquiSol is an innovative, cost-effective, safe horse fencing solution that is easy to erect. Four years ago, Company Director of EquiSol NZ Kym Murdoch and Bill Lumsden began the company. Bill devised the system over several years where he trialled it on his Fox Trotter stud in the Moutere. He also developed an insulator and cap for Y Posts that, like the wooden post insulator, tensions the tape to each post. Two years later, Kym took over the business and has continued to expand the company and their range of products and intends to market the product in Australia this year. Available in both Green and Brown 40mm tape, NZ made. As proven by research, science suggests horses can see these colours better than others. Being an internet-based business, product can be sent all over New Zealand. Kym is found at most equestrian expos, shows and field days around the country, come and see the system up and running. Kym loves horses; has ridden all of her life and wouldn’t use any other fencing system for her four precious horses!

EquiSol NZ Electric Fencing System Safe, economical and very easy to erect. Locking insulators for both wooden and Y-Posts which tension the tape to each post. Easy to electricity and very easy to fix if it gets stretched or breaks. I am happy to discuss your fencing needs and quote.


Ph 027 600 6430



WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021

U13 Baseball www.nelsonheatbaseball.org.nz

The end of summer is tournament time on the baseball calendar and local baseball club Nelson Heat is playing ball!

A big thank you to:

The sport is one of the fastest growing codes in New Zealand and its national tournaments are a chance for the country’s top players to come together to challenge and support one another. This season Nelson Heat has submitted two teams to club nationals and had some of its u19 players picked up by Auckland teams.

Polstead Dairy

Proud to sponsor

Coach Marty Grant

Proud to sponsor

Adam Ward

Proud to sponsor

Bodie Ingerson

Proud to sponsor

Carlos Thompson

Cable Bay Holiday Park

Proud to sponsor

Alex Todd

HT Plumbing and Diggers

Proud to sponsor

Cooper Bradley

Proud to sponsor

Joshua Wadsworth

Proud to sponsor

Liam Soper

Proud to sponsor

Mahe Reilly

Proud to sponsor

Matteo Gibellini

Proud to sponsor

Max Heiford

Proud to sponsor

Michael Wadsworth

Proud to sponsor

Ozzy Dolejs

Proud to sponsor

Quinn Heiford


WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021


U16 Baseball www.nelsonheatbaseball.org.nz The club’s u16 team competed in Auckland two u13 Club National Championships. weeks ago. The team finished 8th, challenging some of the tournament’s top teams and playing As the home team, the Nelson Heat u13 players have been dedicated to training and are looking into exciting, tie-breaker innings. forward to playing in front of a home crowd. Head coach Dwayne Smith says he looks forward to next season as this young team is able to stay This is the first time the tournament has been held outside of Auckland and the local Club say together and again compete at u16s in 2022. the event will be an extravaganza of baseball Now Nelson is set to play host to the national and community events. The tournament is being baseball community with 11 club teams held at Saxton Ballpark 7-th April and is free to descending on the region for the United Airlines spectators.


Proud to sponsor

Coach Dwayne Smith

Proud to sponsor

Alex Taylor

Proud to sponsor

Bayley Edmonds

Proud to sponsor

Cody Mead

Proud to sponsor

Edward Henderson

Proud to sponsor

Harrison Carmichael

Proud to sponsor

James Matthews

Proud to sponsor

Jaxon Smith

Proud to sponsor

Joel Gibson

Proud to sponsor

Kaelan Grafton

Proud to sponsor

Luca Gibellini

Proud to sponsor

Ollie Reilly

Proud to sponsor

Quinn Heiford

Proud to sponsor

Taylen Stanton

Proud to sponsor

Vinnie Thompson



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WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021


$344 Wanderers Rugby Club


Forestry | Earthmoving | Subdivisions | Land Clearing | Dam Construction | Civil Construction | Land Development

The Wanderers Rugby Club is into the game plan stuff,” says Proud some to support Club Sports Director Marhaving great Wanderers turnouts to Rugby Wanderer’s its training sessions, as excite- ty Davis. “It has also been good ment builds for the upcoming to have a warm-up game against season. “The coachesEngine haveBriggs been some of our opponents instead & Stratton SAVE with how really pleased things MS of just 170 playing against ourselves.” Engine Power 190cc Chainsaw have been going – a bit of pre Marty says the enthusiasm he’s Engine 30.1cc at the Div 1 and Div 2 levseason fitness and getting ridCapacity of seeing Length 14” the Christmas pud’ before weBarget el has been encouraging. “Some Weight 3.9kg

Masport President Mower H THE ONES YOU LOVE 4000 AL 2’n1



$799 $344


of these players may choose to play in the under 19s, so their training won’t start until May 8, and the same goes for the Junior/ Age Grade season.” The Tasman Trophy and Senior Women’s competition is due to start on 10 April and Div 2 is scheduled to commence on 17 April.



StihlMasport Shop Richmond President Mower 4000 AL 2’n1 are proud sponsors Engine Briggs & Stratton of SAVE Engine Power 190cc $100Wanderers.NOW

ks last. Terms and Conditions apply.


Wanderers team during the training camp team bonding weekend at Hanmer Springs earlier this year, a raging success and real fun for the guys and coaches as they work towards building teamwork and capacity for the 2021 season.

Good luck for the 2021 season!

ks last. Terms and Conditions apply.

Proud to sponsor wanderers



62 Gladstone Road, Richmond Ph 544 6122 Right into outdoor power equipment... And rugby.

The end of daylight savings on the weekend also marked the end of another cricket season on the Wanderers’ grounds. “Until now, our training has been all about circulation and fitness, so the boys are looking forward to getting into some contact.” Nelmac promptly released the grounds, earlier than

anticipated last week, so the club was able to use the domain for training last week. “It was magic!” says Marty. The Wanderers had its JAB’s registration day in early March. “We had a great turnout, with 111 registrations on the day which has now gone up to 150, so it’s looking

3 Salisbury Rd, Richmond 2 Muritai St, Tahunanui 132b Tahunanui Dr, Tahunanui

Wishing all players a great season! List and sell with me and I will personally donate $500 to Wanderers Rugby Club

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WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021

Wanderers Rugby Club Forestry | Earthmoving | Subdivisions | Land Clearing | Dam Construction | Civil Construction | Land Development



major sponsors – Taylors Contracting, Moutere Logging and Total Oil NZ. “Their support allows us to enjoy that community connection and family environment which has been a big point of difference with bringing new players to the club this year.” Marty says he’s coached and/or played in Europe and SE Asia, but the Wanderer’s Rugby Club is ‘as good as it gets.’ For more information, visit www.wandererssport. co.nz.

Proud to support Wanderers Rugby Club


Wanderer’s Sports Director Marty Davis has been pleased with the levels of enthusiam shown at recent training sessions by Div 1 and Div 2 players. The Wanderers Div 1 team will once again be vying for the Tasman Trophy, once the competition gets underway this Saturday. really good. Our under 12s have improved dramatically but we still need players for the Under 13s. “It’s quite common to see bit of a drop-off at this age when kids shift from primary school to intermediate.” Wanderers will start training all the teams within the next couple of weeks, and for the younger ones it’s about developing strong foundational skills while also having fun. “They need to learn about sidesteps, change of direction, the ability to make tackles off balance and so on.” Marty says the club is fortunate

to have a very keen, enthusiastic team of coaches this year, whose modern thinking and readiness to play the ‘new game’ is great to see. Established in 1921, the Wanderers club will celebrate its 70th birthday later this year. “It’s a really vibrant club that has been able to retain its rural roots and merge it with the city aspect for a modern-day sporting club,” says Marty. “We have our own gymnasium, we provide cricket, tennis and squash, and our connection to the community is really strong.” The club is really grateful to its

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Forestry | Earthmoving | Subdivisions | Land Clearing | Dam Construction | Civil Construction | Land Development

Proud to support Wanderers Rugby Club




WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021

Just a thought... Ken Smith The Salvation Army

Year 13 team members: Holly Keenan, Ruby Campbell, Louise Nielsen, Sapphire Kyles, Margeaux Harris and Bridget Noble. Photo: Jenny Nicholson.

End of era for girls’ team There were tears after the finals at the Volleyball Secondary Schools Championships for the Garin College girls’ team. The tears weren’t because of the game, but realising it was the end of an era for the six year 13 members of the team. Holly Keenan, Ruby Campbell, Louise Nielsen, Sapphire Kyles, Margeaux Harris and Bridget Noble have played together through their time at Garin. They all agreed the competition was a good way to finish their years together.


Volleyball was a highlight of their college years, and although they all play other sports volleyball is their favourite. They enjoyed the unpredictability of the game, and attribute their good results at the competition to coach V J Ear, a former Waimea College student who saw potential in the girls and has trained them since they were juniors. The team had eight consecutive pool play wins over the week, which placed them in the final where they were beaten by St Andrews College.

Chiefs Crusaders v v Highlanders Hurricanes


Our lOcals pick their winners

Flynn Drummond - 20/24

Matt Goodman - 19/24

Jo Kent - 17/24

Waimea Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

Peter Wilson - 17/24

Jackie Gibbs-Beaton - 17/24

Force v Rebels

Brumbies v Reds

The week past, the Christian church around the world have been celebrating Holy Week. Holy week started with Palm Sunday, the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a colt, a young donkey that not been ridden previously, and culminated in Resurrection Sunday The people who had gathered, ushered him in laying cloaks and palm branches on the road, and as our preacher this week described it, the “red carpet treatment” of the day. The crowds were cheering him on “Praise God for the Son of David! Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Praise God in highest Heaven.” Jerusalem was a city in preparation for Passover. In Judaism, Passover commemorates the story of the Israelites escape from slavery and departure from ancient Egypt. So, this city would be starting to see an increase of people coming in, in preparation. My understanding is that there would be at least 30,000 people and perhaps rising to 60,000 people for Passover celebration. While there were those who knew Jesus personally, his disciples, followers and those who experienced his healing power themselves, there would be those who had heard little of him. There would be those in the crowd who just got caught up in the commotion, wanting to see what was going on. I enjoy a great street parade, people jostling for

better vantage points, trying to get the best view. It would be the same this day, people coming to see who this Jesus is. And there were those who disliked Jesus and were plotting to see him killed. As Jesus

entered the city it is described as the entire city was in an uproar. Such was the impact he was making. Many people were also unsure who he was and asked the question, ‘who is this’? In those days, some people were thinking Jesus was going to be the new ruler who would take care of the political upheaval, who would enter Jerusalem on horses as returning victoriously from battles, but Jesus rides in on a colt, a lowly donkey, most probably totally different to expectations. Jesus rides in as a servant leader but with amazing authority which upset the leading priests and teachers of religious law, to say the least. He upset the people using the temple as a market place, but took the time to heal those in need. And last weekend, we commemorated His crucifixion (Good Friday) and then his Resurrection as recorded in

The Bible Matthew 27-28. Why not have a read over these next few days? All through history men and women have asked the question, who is this Jesus? Why is our calendar based on his birth? Why are our main public holidays based around this man Jesus? Well, Jesus is the Saviour of the world. Countless Christians give testimony to this and will gather for worship and celebrations this Easter. Here’s a thought, even though Easter weekend has passed for another year, the truth of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus remains. This truth doesn’t go away and come out at convenient weekends, it is always relevant to all of life and situations. Why not be part of the crowd that gathers to see what is happening? Come and explore, come seek, come ask some questions about who Jesus is. You will be surprised by what you discover. Yes, Jesus is the Saviour of the world. John 3:16 proclaims “For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” This is the Good News our world desperately needs to hear in our day. And yes, we will also enjoyed eating hot cross buns and Easter eggs. It’s worth more than just a passing thought. Matthew 21:9 New Living Translation 2007 Matthew 27- Matthew 28 New Living Translation 2007 John 3:16 New living Translation 2007

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Ready for Big Bike Weekender

WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021


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also competitions like Battle of the Business and Battle of the Schools which has primary, intermediate, and secondary categories. Both include great prizes and bragging rights. “There’s lots of things to keep spectators entertained including obstacles, great music and

mini-competitions,” says event organiser Nettie Snow. The Kaiteriteri Big Bike Weekender is happening over the 1718 April. For more information or to enter, www.bikekaiteriteri.co.nz/events/2021/4/17/ kaiteriteri-big-bike-weekender-2021 or Facebook.

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SALISBURY / CHAMPION ROAD ROUNDABOUT FINAL STAGE The Salisbury / Champion Road roundabout upgrade is going well. The final work happening on the road includes constructing the concrete kerbs and islands and laying the asphalt (to be done at night). Landscaping and other infrastructure work will continue for some time but the roundabout will begin re-opening soon. As you start to use the upgraded roundabout, here are the layout changes you need to be aware of: • There are raised tables on the approach to the roundabout on Champion Road and Salisbury Road. These include zebra crossings and priority cycle lanes. » Vehicles will need to give way to pedestrians and cyclists on these crossings. » Pedestrians and cyclists need to look for approaching vehicles and make sure it’s safe to cross – never assume that drivers have seen you. • There are two lanes out of Salisbury Road. • There are two lanes out of Champion Road East. The access lane from the Richmond Deviation to Champion Road and the temporary roundabout at Templemore Drive will be removed after the roundabout fully re-opens from mid-April. During construction you were used to driving straight through the roundabout, as it returns to normal, please remember to look for traffic and give way as usual. We appreciate your on-going patience while we carry out this major upgrade. We believe the new, bigger roundabout will improve safety and serve the community needs better.


Seamus O’Donnell and Caleb Scott. Photo: Supplied.




Seed Potatoes


New Dentures


Local cyclists Seamus O’Donnell and Caleb Scott are keen to get ripping through their gears. They’ve entered the Kaiteriteri Big Bike Weekender, a mountainbiking contest happening over two days later this month. “I have reasonably high expectations for us,” says bicycle mechanic Seamus. Seamus and Waimea College student Caleb are regularly competitors on the mountainbiking trails but this will be their first time competing on this particular course together. “It’s going to be quite satisfying pushing ourselves and competing seriously together,” he says. The annual event is a fundraiser which supports the volunteers who build tracks and carry out trapping and other conservation activities across the recreation reserve throughout the year. As well as being a competition, it’s also designed to be a fun weekend for all. There are



WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021

Nelson pairing claim NZ Side Car Grand Prix Staff Reporter

for grabs in the other grades. Brett Nicholls continued his good form with two wins and a 3rd to claim the Super Stock title. Canterbury’s Kyle Glover returned after his 3rd at the South Island

Weekly Puzzles

Across 1 Undamaged (6) 4 deter by advice (8) 9 Sailors (6) 10 Ornamental stoppered bottle (8) 12 Be successful (2,6) 13 Quest (6) 15 Melody (4) 16 To convict (4,6) 19 Lose an opportunity (4,3,3) 20 Competent (4) 445 Hard Sudoku 3 5 2 7 6 9 8 3 2 7 5 2 9 1 7 4 8 2 6 4 1 6 9 5 8 9 6

Across contd. 23 Sports official (6) 25 Possible course of action (8) 27 Material (8) 28 Japanese loose robe (6) 29 A representative (8) 30 A fine knitted fabric (6) down 1 Visible (2,5) 2 Ceremonial harness (9) 3 Title of Roman emperors (6) 5 Concept (4) 6 discreditable (8) 7 On the move (5) 8 Terrestrial (7) 11 Unit of intensity of sound (7) 14 Accessory (7) 17 Involving toilsome effort (9) 18 Of excellent quality (8) 19 On horseback (7) 21 Thrift (7) 22 Foolish (6) 24 Intended as punishment (5) 26 Surfeit (4) Answers next week

title here a few weeks ago to win the Easter event from Jayden Corkill, with Greymouth’s Rodney Thompson 3rd. The roll-over tally ticked over with a couple more on the night. The Stock

Puzzle 2307 1

© Gemini Crosswords 2012 All rights reserved









10 11


13 14




18 19



22 23


25 26





2 6 3 1 8 4 7 5 9

8 7 5 9 6 2 4 3 1

1 9 4 7 3 5 8 2 6

9 3 2 8 4 7 6 1 5

6 4 7 2 5 1 9 8 3

5 8 1 6 9 3 2 7 4

3 2 9 5 7 6 1 4 8

4 1 8 3 2 9 5 6 7

7 5 6 4 1 8 3 9 2

Puzzle 2306


of close battles all night. Unfortunately it was a bad end to the night for Isaac Russ, having one of the bigger spills of the season after clipping the wall. The Easter Champ titles were up

Sudoku 445 Easy


Nippy Ching and Shaun Solly win the NZ side car Grand Prix championship. Photo: Supplied.

Last issue solutions

Nippy Ching and Shaun Solly bounced back from a first race breakdown to win the feature race and claim the Thelin Construction NZ Side Car Grand Prix Title at Milestone Homes Top of the South Speedway. The pair had a 3-way run-off to make the final group after the breakdown. They then went undefeated in the championship round with 2 wins before winning the feature race from their club mates Adie Drake and Kieran Satherley in 2nd place. Cantabrians Ben Morris and Geoff Roper took 3rd place in the final. It was a busy meeting with Interprovincial Super Saloons racing and the drivers paying respect to fellow competitor and Nelson Speedway legend Basil Jones who recently passed away. It was the Otago team that took top honours on the night and took out the overall series against their Nelson and Canterbury counterparts. The track was in superb condition, creating plenty

cars had the biggest field of the season. Cars from all over the South Island turned up, a few to settle some scores, it did not take long for the action to start, regular visitor Wade Sweeting taking the title from Roydon Winstanley and Gavin Marshall. The Youth Ministocks had their secret club champs, Blake Hearne celebrated his 16th birthday to claim the title from Jack Burson and Jacob Skurr. The Street Stocks kept the entertainment up with a few good hits, regular visitor Dave McSherry taking the champs from Harry Moffit-Schwass with Josh Atkinson 3rd. The next meeting is a 2-day event with Sprint cars featured both nights, the South Island title on Saturday 17th and the Sunshine Classic Sunday 18th April. Speedway legend Skinny Colson will be making his final farewell appearance before retirement, his NZ Super Saloon title win here in Nelson one of his favourite meetings. He ran around the track with the chequered flag after his car ran out of fuel before his classic Skinny fence climb.







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WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021



Popular Positive Ageing Expo 2021 Friday 16 April, 10.00 am – 3.00 pm at the Headingly Centre, Richmond. The Positive Ageing Expo returns to the Headingly Centre on Friday 16 April. The purpose of the expo is to bring people together, find ways to engage and connect with community groups and discover new ways to help each other. The overall aim is for everyone to improve their personal wellbeing. The expo offers the chance to make contact with groups, organisations and service providers, with over 70 stallholders on site. Keynote speakers include Merryn Gott who will discuss the impacts of Covid-19 on older New Zealanders and how the media portrayed older people during lockdown. This will be followed by Bevan Grant and Mal Drummond who will host an interactive discussion around the growing concerns of elder abuse. Throughout the day there will also be the opportunity to try your hand at a new activity including Line Dancing, Dru Yoga and Fit for Fun. The event is at the Headingly Centre on Headingly Lane off Lower Queen Street. Admission is free, with complimentary tea, coffee and biscuits. Lunch is available for purchase. For further information, check out the event on our website, tasman.govt.nz.

PLANTING FOR EDSNTING the SEPLA RE ’S FUTUDS FOR TASMAN the SEE puraFUTURE raN’S te pu MAre Ka tupuTAS re Ao te a or purapura ka Ka tupu-Yteea 10te Aorrere ka’sora Tasman 31 20 – 21 ear Plan 20 Tasman’s 10-Y n Docum 1 –ent2031 natio202 Consult munityPla Com

ltation Document

Community Consu

ns close Submissio 2021 24 April Saturday mit online ns close Submissio You can sub nz n.govt.24 marday April 2021 Satu at LTP.tas You can submit online nz at LTP.tasman.govt.

Consultation on the draft 10-Year Plan 2021 – 2031 The Tasman District Council invites submissions on its draft 10-Year Plan 2021 – 2031 Consultation Document and supporting information. These documents set out the activities, priorities and work programmes the Council is proposing to deliver over a 10-year period. They also outline the costs and how they could be funded.

7 APRIL 2021

Saturday stories and songs Bring your children down to Richmond Library on Saturday 10 April at 10.30 am for a fun session of stories, songs and rhymes. Suitable for babies and toddlers aged two years and younger with a caregiver.

Got a digital dilemma? If your phone isn’t behaving, or your computer is in a tizz, we can help. Teresa Besley, our Digital Learning and Digitisation Specialist will be running regular Digi Drop-ins at Motueka, Tākaka, Murchison and Richmond libraries, starting this month. From this week, Digi Drop-ins take place at Richmond Library every Tuesday from 11.00 am – 1.00 pm, Motueka Library every Thursday 11.00 am – 1.00 pm, Murchison Library on the first Friday of the month 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm and Tākaka Library on the first and third Monday of the month between 11.00 am – 1.00 pm (starting from 12 April).

At the same time, we are also consulting on: • Draft Revenue and Financing Policy • Draft Rates Remission Policy • Draft Development and Financial Contributions Policy • Schedule of Fees and Charges 2021 – 2022 You can find out more and download these documents at LTP.tasman.govt.nz or view a hard copy at your local service centre or library in Richmond, Motueka, Tākaka and Murchison. Making a submission You may make a submission on the proposed changes: • Online at LTP.tasman.govt.nz • By email to LTP@tasman.govt.nz

Did you know we offer grants of up to $500 to students in Tasman to participate in youth leadership opportunities? This can be used for activities such as The Spirit of New Zealand, Outward Bound, Festival for the Future and other experiences, conferences and workshops. The grant is provided to support the personal development of young people living in Tasman. Applications for grants of up to $500 are accepted all year around. To be eligible, you must:

• In writing – complete the submission form and drop it in to any Tasman District Council office or library, or post it for free post it for free to Tasman District Council, 189 Queen Street, Private Bag 4, Richmond, Nelson 7050 [Freepost Authority No:172255] Submissions close Saturday 24 April 2021. We’ll be attending events in your neighbourhood so please come along if you’d like to talk more about the draft Plan. • Monday 12 April, 7.15 pm, Māpua & Districts Community Association meeting at the Māpua Hall • Wednesday 14 April, 7.15 pm, Rotoiti Community Council meeting at Lake Rotoiti Community Hall

• Live in Tasman District. • Be aged between 15 – 20 years. • Be applying to a programme/project/training which has a central focus on youth leadership. • Provide a report back to us. Don’t miss the chance to enjoy a potentially lifechanging opportunity. Get all the details and make your application now at tasman.govt.nz and search on Youth Leadership Grants.

The Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund applications are now invited until 30 April. The Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund offers help with travel costs for rural sports clubs and rural school teams. The fund is to help young people aged from five to 19 participate in local sports competitions. Sport NZ fully funds the Rural Travel Fund, which Council administers locally on their behalf. The next funding round closes on 30 April 2021. Head to tasman.govt.nz/grants to check out the funding guidelines and complete an application form.

• Monday 19 April, 7.30 pm, Wakefield Community Association meeting at St Johns Worship Centre, Edward St • Tuesday 20 April, 7.00 pm, Tapawera & Districts Community Council meeting at the Tapawera Community Centre See the full list of events and keep up with any changes on our website, LTP.tasman.govt.nz.


COUNCIL HUI Unless otherwise stated, all meetings will be held at Council Chambers, 189 Queen Street, Richmond. Access to meetings will continue to be available via Zoom video conferencing for those who are unable to attend in person. See tasman.govt.nz/ meetings-calendar for details. Full Council Thursday 8 April, 9.30 am. Public forum. Strategy and Policy Committee Thursday 15 April, 9.30 am. Public forum.

24 HOUR ASSISTANCE: RICHMOND 03 543 8400 20615 HotHouse Creative

Great grants for youth

Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund – apply now


28 WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021

Classifieds situations vacant

wanted RepoRteR

We have a vacancy for an experienced lead reporter to join our 3 person editorial team. This can be 32 to 40 hours per week and is a permanent position. We are after person who is honest, hard working and dedicated to our community. Dedicated to bringing all the good news to our readers. They must also be able to take a reasonable photo. We need someone who is settled and is looking forward to getting their teeth into the role. We offer one of the best weekly papers in NZ and certainly the market leader locally. The position is salaried and includes a full time vehicle. Send your resume to: sales@waimeaweekly.co.nz

Waimea Weekly Locally Owned and Operated

sits vacant

wanted to buy

wanted to buy

Motel in Richmond looking for casual cleaner/ housekeeper. 3-4 days a week, 2-4 hours a day depending on demand. Experience preferred but training will be given to the right candidate. Must be honest and have an eye for detail. Preferably available on occasional weekends. Please call 022 5865 309.

Cash paid for old wristwatches. Scrap gold & Silver. Old coins & Jewellery. Vintage / quality tools. Military & Firearms items. General antiques. Also buying estate & shed items. Collection & downsizing. Ph Tim Gladstone. T&B Vintage 0800 653 935 or 548 5235.

$$$ Cash Paid $$$ Tools Shed Gear Collectables. All Hand Tools. Modern, vintage & antique. Also fishing gear, records, books, vintage toys & games. NZ pictures & postcards. Plus much more. Large or Small lots. Estates & Downsizing. Ph. Steve Lawson 538 0020 or 027 538 0020 (Nelson Based)






Marlene Fae Passed away peacefully at Nelson Hospital on Friday April 2, 2021. Dearly loved wife of the late Ian, a loved sister, aunty, and friend to many. A funeral service for Marlene will be held at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church, 27 Dorset Street, Richmond on Friday 9 April at 11am. Messages can be sent to the Evans family c- 164 Tahunanui Drive, Nelson 7011 or online at www.shoneandshirley. co.nz

FDANZ www.shoneandshirley.com

Catharina (Tinie)

We have sad news that our Mum, Tinie, after a very short illness has passed away on the 31st March 2021, with all her family beside her, she was 90 years old. Mum is now with her loved husband Toon. Loved by Anita and Bob, Monique and Dave, Anthony and Cathrine, Robert and Antoinette, Michelle and Jim. Grandchildren Anton, Abel and Victoria, Millie, Andrew, Leo, Nico. A private family service has been held. A Requiem mass will be celebrated in Alexandra later in the year. Details to be advised. ‘Rust zacht lifs’ Moeder.’

engagement Your announcement here for free.

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Your Announcement here


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Saturday 10th April from 8am-midday at 12 Fawdan Way, Richmond. Includes household items, garden tools, hand tools, saw bench, fishing rods, and much more.

All sorts. Recent stock both large & small. Lasting quality. Local free delivery on most items @ Souchebys Antiques, 75 Gladstone Rd, Richmond.

Available now, seasoned douglas, beech, gum and macrocarpa. Good Wood supplier. Bay Firewood 027 769 6348.

New dentures, relines, repairs. Phone Daniela at Bays Dentures 546 4455.

garage sale Storage Wars. Garage Sale. 10am to 2pm Saturday 9th April. Location My Storage, 68 Gladstone Road, Nelson 7020. We have sold the house and now we need to clear out the store. Lots of really good stuff. Black leather IKEA two seater sofa. 3 seater cream sofa, Washing machine, Glass outdoor dining table, 6 freedom furniture chairs, Canon Printer, Barbecue, classic Singer treadle sewing machine, queen single bed and base, ‘entry level’ F&P washing machine, set of rattan blinds. And many other household goods, linen and furniture. Ph: 021-528832.

garage sale Your garage sale ad here. Phone 544 9037.




hudson Oscar

Charlotte is excited to announce the arrival of her little brother Hudson Oscar White. Born 16th March weighing 10lb 7oz. Mum and dad Tamara and Craig also very proud of the new arrival.



David Kerry (Dave)

Passed away suddenly in Philippines 22.03.21, age 56 years. Son of Janette and (late) Bruce. Father & Father-in-law to Samantha and Chris, Jamie and Kirsty, Ayisha, Amara. Brother of Debbie, Stephen, Mark.


public notice We are currently undergoing the free cleaning and best restoration of headstones in the Wakapuaka Cemetery. Most are around 150 years old. While most families are happy for us to do this we understand some are not. If you do NOT want us to work on your family headstone please contact us on Brian 027 548 0757.


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41 Washbourn Drive, Richmond

easter sale on now $1 clothing & shoe sale at St Vincent de Paul Richmond . 11 McGlashen Ave Richmond.


- age 53

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pH 544 9037 sales@waimeaweekly.co.nz

garage sale

Paul Thomas Patrick Tragically as a result of an accident at home on Thursday 1st April 2021. Ex NZ Army NZEME D53823 ex NZ Police PJF932. Dearly loved husband and soulmate of Paula for 32 years. The best dad ever and best friend of Natasha and Ciaran, Dylan, and Nicole and Alex. Much loved son of Johnny Jones (deceased) and Paddy Smith. Much loved brother and brother in law of Chris and Karen, Caroline (deceased), and Dale and Andre. Treasured uncle to all his nieces and nephews. Loved cousin of many. A celebration of a life well lived will be held for Paul on Thursday 8 April 2021 at 1pm at Gardens of the world. 95 Clover Road, Hope. You are now free to sail the seven seas with your dad.

ClASSifiED DEADliNE - 5pm moNDAY

waitaki old girls’ social grou Monday 12th April, 1.30 pm at The Grape Escape, McShanes Road for coffee and cake. Queries Elaine 0276731145 me/cFs/Fm support nelson bays - MEN’s GROUP. Find Support with others who understand. Come & join our informal Group. Monday 12 April 1-3pm at Richmond New Life Church, 85 Wensley Rd. strengthtogethernelson@gmail.com 027-2437124. tasman aquarium club Meet 12 April 7pm 256 Hill St, Richmond. AGM & Video “ Chasing Coral”. All welcome. Robin 0275442518


nelson philatelic society next meeting 7.15 p.m Tuesday 13 April at Stoke Baptist Church Hall, Main Road, Stoke. All welcome. Ph 5471140 nelson 50+ mini walkers; April 13 Twin Rivers. Meet 10am MeetatSnowdensBushcarpark.Ph Sally,02102694610.

Cremations from


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includes… Wooden Coffin ♦ All Transport Cremation ♦ Newspaper Notice Death Certificate ♦ Paperwork Ashes personally returned to family - $2100 WINZ benefit available -

Do not let the cost of saying goodbye add to your grief Phone Owen Haring anytime on

541- 0820 or 021 120 1314


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Community Notices DEADliNE: miDDAY fRiDAY - 50 WoRDS oR lESS BY EmAil oNlY plEASE SEND To: events@waimeaweekly.co.nz

tennis. Join us for our FREE MultiCultural Day of Tennis at Richcommunity sing a long mondTennis Club 18a Gladstone Wednesday 7 April 1.30 pmWesley Rd, on Sun. 11 April ‘21 3-5pm Centre 4 Wensley Rd Richmond. with bbq Trish at secretary@richGold coin donation . AllWelcome. mondtennisclub.co.nz me/cFs/Fm support Nelson Bays. find support with others who In GeneRal understand.. 7 April‘21 10.30-11.30am alcoholics anonymous. The Wooden Spoon, 251 Queen St.. Is alcohol causing problems for strengthtogethernelson@gmail.com you in your life? Want to stop drink-027-243-7124 ing but can’t? Maybe we can help. nelsonwoodturning club. Support meetings every day. Call Join us at our club for Turning, ca- 0800aaworks08002296757. maraderie & sharing of knowledge. nelson asthma society New Learn to Turn classes start membership $15 /year to resoon. Ph or txt Allan for more infor- ceive the most up to date inform\ mation 021543345. on Respiratory Health.Email asthma.nelson@xtra.co.nz or phone saTuRDays Sue on 5441562 to join. do you nelson social dance have bronchiectasis? Register for club. dance, April 10, Club a free community talk delivered by a Waimea, 7.30pm to 11pm, Para- RespiratorySpecialist. Email asthma. dise Dance Band. New dancers nelson@xtra.co.nz,Sue at5441562. are very welcome. Entry $10 for richmond croquet club members, $15 for non-mem- Join us at 348 Lower Queen St. bers. Phone Chris 0211601358. Have fun, make new friends, car boot market Day Rich- learn a new skill. ph Kaye mond Church of Christ , Darcy 021757468. St. Sat. 10 April ‘21 9am-12pm. need a liFt? māpua Willing Set up stalls after 7:30 am. Open Wheels Volunteer Drivers Serto individuals & groups. Anyone vice, affordable transport around looking for books, food, plants Māpua, Motueka, Richmond, Nel& more treasures .”There is no son. Rachel on 022 6822 373 to place like our market“. Richard book a ride, 24hrs notice required / 5448028 /0276180547. Note : mapuawheels@gmail.com inside Hall if rain learn to play bridge! For info call Leigh 0274070274 sunDays or email contact@richmondwaimea music club meets bridgeclub.org.nz Easter Sunday 4th April at Loney wakeField social indoor Hall 4 Wensley Rd Richmond at 1 bowls Village Hall,Tues 1-3.30pm. 15 pm .Clive ph 5530526 Pat ph $2.50persession. Meetnewpeople, 5445766 learn new skills. Contact Tony 541 8481


Community Notices are free to community groups, schools, churches, gold coin donation events and fundraising. Due to the popularity of this column,while every effort will be made, inclusion cannot be guaranteed for free ads. If you want to place a business advert or want to advertise a course you are running, please call classified ads and public notices on 544 9037.

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WEDNESDAY 7 April 2021

PUbliC notiCe

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ChurCh NotiCes One church,Many expressiOns

Petrolhead Breakfast

Richmond Community Church

Sponsored by Lift & Shift

Phils Place – Club Waimea 1st Sunday each month 8am onwards IF IT HAS WHEELS IT’S WELCOME Prize for “Car of the Day”


Sunday 10am Children & Youth Programmes available richmondbaptist.org.nz 123 Salisbury Rd, Richmond 03 544 7596

The Church with Community at Heart

Celebrating ~ Sundays 10am 243 Queen Street, (behind the Asian Supermarket).

fUnerAls Richmond Anglican www.richmondparish.nz

Holy Trinity

27 Dorset St, Richmond


Sunday 11 April 9am

Traditional-Holy Communion


Contemporary-Praise on the Hill Wednesday 31 Mar 10.00am

Holy Communion

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410 Appleby Hwy

Sunday 10.30am Holy Communion

(2nd week)

Morning Prayer

(4th week)

Enquiries 544 8844

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