Nelson Weekly Your Community Newspaper
Tuesday 7 May 2013
Changing The Way The World Does Business ™
New office for Greypower Page 6
Page 22-23 BEST LOVE STORY:Winners of the Jens Hansen Love Stories competition Sam Harris and Lara Conyers. Story page 2. Photo: Sinead Ogilvie.
Our top love story
BMXer off to world champs Page 43
$2 million needed for fence The Brook Waimarama Sanctuary will have a “transformational effect” on Nelson and those behind it hope the community will help make it happen. The sanctuary’s trust needs another $2 million to build a 14 kilometre fence around the 700 hectare sanctuary, deep in the Brook valley. It’s hoping to raise half of that through donations from Nelson businesses, schools, service clubs and families from its fundraising campaign called Get Behind the Fence. It is hoped that groups and people will sponsor a fence post, each of which will have a plaque, naming the donor. Prices range from $100 to $5000. “We hope people will donate and in the process take real ownership of the sanctuary,” says the trust’s general manager Hudson Dodd. The trust has already raised $2.8 million of its $4.7 million target
Andrew Board Editor
and says the final $1 million will come from corporate sponsorship, grants and central government. Hudson says the fence will have a huge impact on Nelson with native birds and other species inevitably finding their way into Richmond, Stoke and Nelson. “We genuinely believe it will have a transformational effect on Nelson. As soon as the fence goes up the species already there will begin to recover before we even get into the businesses of bringing in other rare species, so Nelson will see an impact right away.” Conservation Minister Dr Nick Smith says the sanctuary reinforces Nelson’s proud heritage in environmental leadership.
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