1 minute read
Getting to know... Claire O’Keeffe
As co-owner of Game Plan Gym and a coach, Claire O’Keeffe is certainly passionate about fitness and loves to help her client’s become the best version of themselves. We get to know a bit more about Claire.
At the weekend you’ll find me...
At the gym on Saturday mornings with everyone, out walking our golden retriever Cooper and enjoying some downtime either with friends or at home with a good movie or TV series.
I’m a real nerd about...
Noticing grammar and punctuation mistakes. I’ve even noticed mistakes that have been made in published books. Maybe I should have become a copyeditor instead.
As a child, I was really into...
All things dancing and sport. I started dancing when I was five and danced competitively growing up. I represented Marlborough and Wellington in various sports too.
When I need advice I go to...
Mum of course, and will continue to for as long as I can. She always knows everything and always knows best! I’m very fortunate to still have someone like her in my life..
At a party you’ll find me...
By the snacks table for sure. I don’t drink alcohol so by the food is where you’ll find me.
Greatest leap of faith I’ve ever made...
Dating an Aussie dude... just kidding. We got engaged when we were still living in Perth and luckily he loved New Zealand so much he couldn’t wait to move back here with me in 2021.
I get my coffee fix from...
I don’t drink coffee – can’t stand the taste of it. But it’s one of my most favourite smells! I loooove the smell of it.
I’m currently learning...
Injury management education and return to play (training).
The person who knows me best is...
Me! Close people in my life know me really well. But no one other than myself will ever know me the best.
The most spontaneous thing I’ve ever done is...
When I was working FIFO (fly in, fly out) from Perth up to the LNG gas plants, there were a few occasions where the day before I would fly out from work for R and R I’d book a spontaneous holiday to somewhere like Bali or Thailand and spend some of my time off there travelling around.
I hope in ten years Marlborough will...
Have more than two thirds of the population taking part in fitness of some sort, to help us towards becoming the healthiest region in New Zealand.
When I need advice...