1 minute read
Change the way you see
I don’t have crow’s feet, I have happy happy memories of laughing with friends until the tears flowed. I don’t have frown lines, I have the marks of my frustration and confusion, which I battled through, smiling in the end.
I am not going grey, I have shimmering highlights of wisdom, dashed throughout my silver hair. I don’t have scars, I have symbols of the strength I was able to find, when life got tough. I don’t have stretch marks, I have the marks of growth and the marks of motherhood. My womanly evolution.
I am not fat, I bear the evidence of a life filled with abundance, blessings and good times. I am not just forgetful, I have a mind so full of stories, memories and moments there is scarce room to hold much else.
I am not old, I am blessed, with a life of great length, something not everyone can say. Don’t change the way you look my friend, change the way you see, change the way you see.
ARE YOU 60 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER? Help us find a way to prevent bloodstream infections.
People aged 60 years or older, with a history of urinary tract infection (UTI), are at an increased risk of developing a bloodstream infection caused by an E. coli bacteria.

A clinical research study to assess the effectiveness and safety of an investigational vaccine in the prevention of bloodstream infection is now enrolling.
You may be eligible to participate if you:
• Are 60 years of age or older
• Have had a UTI in the past 2 years
• Feel comfortable, or have a caregiver who is comfortable, using an application on a smartphone
If you are interested, additional eligibility criteria will be assessed by the study doctor or staff.
If you are found eligible to participate in this clinical research study, you will receive an investigational vaccine and complete a minimum of 8 study visits, some in person and some remote via telephone.
The commitment for the study is approximately 3 years.
To learn more about this clinical research study, please visit: en-nz.embracevaccinestudy.com/
Qualified participants may receive the investigational vaccine and some study-required medical care at no cost. The study will not pay for other medical care or current medication(s) needed to support your daily health care routine.
Doctor Claire Thurlow 02102723271
Southern Clinical Trials Tasman 469 Main Road Stoke, Nelson 03 265 6163 sct.tasman@sctrials.co.nz www.sctrials.co.nz