2 minute read

Supported living for older people

Diane Ramsay

The Abbeyfield concept was introduced to Nelson by the late Dr Ted Bassett, a Wakefield GP who encountered Abbeyfield on a visit to the UK. The first New Zealand Abbeyfield House was built at St Francis Way in Stoke, in 1996.


Abbeyfield St Francis Way is conveniently located within walking distance of the Stoke shops, medical centres and local bus service.

The residents in the Stoke house have their own studios with ensuites and are responsible for looking after their own space. Nutritious ap- petising meals are served in the communal dining room by the housekeeper Jilly Deacon, and her part time staff.

The House Manager, Diane Ramsay, and her House Management Committee are all volunteers. They provide support on a regular basis and keep the house running efficiently for the 13 residents. Diane said “It is flatting for seniors who want independence, company and security. The house is not a rest home, there is no nursing care, and all residents have to be in good health and live an independent lifestyle. The rent is affordable for those on the pension and there is no capital contribution.”

Diane shares a story about Emily one of the Abbeyfield St Francis Way residents.

Emily had been living in the family home until she lost her driver license and with it her independence. Neighbours and friends had moved away, and Emily started to feel isolated. She began to rely on her daughter, Brook for company and practical support such as shopping and seeing to things around her 3 bedroom home and large section. Emilys daughter was concerned that her mother was deteriorating physically and mentally due to her isolation, but at the same time, she herself was becoming stressed managing two households. Emily had been quiet, uncertain and lacked confidence but with Brooks help, she was able to find a place at Abbeyfield St Francis Way, in Stoke. Emily moved into the house with 12 other residents and is now well settled. A few weeks later Brook reported that she visited only occasionally now, and there were even days when she couldn’t find Emily at Abbeyfield. Her mum was out enjoying her independent lifestyle being well fed and had made new friends with the St Francis Way residents.

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