Nelson Grey Power Magazine - March

Page 13

Grey Power

Purple poppy day

Remembering animals in war

Purple Poppy day is recognised internationally on the 24 February, acknowledging service animals, particularly those that gave their lives in conflict. It is estimated that more than 16 million animals served during WW1 and more than eight million animals died. Over 20,000 dogs served Britain and her allies, 500,000 cats served in the trenches on the Western Front as there was serious problems with rats and mice. The cats also detected gas. More than 100,000

pigeons served in WW1 and 200,000 in WW2. Between 1914 -1916 the NZ Government acquired more than 10,000 horses to serve in German Samoa, Gallipoli, the Middle East and on the Western Front. More than 4,000 were draught horses used for artillery and transport tasks. Only four horses were repatriated from France to England in March 1919 and subjected to 12 months quarantine. They arrived back in New Zealand in July 1920.

Continued on Page 4.

NelsoN Grey Power AssN INc MArch 2023 Red Cross Volunteers Page 9 More Stable More Able Page 14 Page 20 My prison story
Cnr McGlashen Ave & Croucher St, Richmond Ph: 03 544 7717 NOW at 7 Maxwell Road (next to Medlab) ph: 03 578 8002 View Our Fantastic Range in Store Specialists in Mobility Studio Lift Chair Adjustable Beds Service technician available for all your servicing and repair needs Home Healthcare Equipment & Mobility Products • Finance Available Hi/Lo Cnr McGlashen Ave & Croucher St, Richmond Ph: 03 544 7717 Power Chairs & Scooters Many models to choose from - Test drive yours today! Home Healthcare Equipment & Mobility Products Finance Available View our fantastic range instore NOW at 7 Maxwell Road (next to Medlab) ph: 03 578 8002 View Our Fantastic Range in Store Specialists in Mobility Studio Lift Chair Adjustable Beds Service technician available for all your servicing and repair needs Home Healthcare Equipment & Mobility Products • Finance Available Hi/Lo Beds NOW at 7 Maxwell Road (next to Medlab) ph: 03 578 8002 View Our Fantastic Range in Store Specialists in Mobility Studio Lift Chair Adjustable Beds Service technician available for all your servicing and Home Healthcare Equipment & Mobility Products • Finance Available Cnr McGlashen Ave & Croucher St, Richmond Ph: 03 544 7717 Power Chairs & Scooters Many models to choose from - Test drive yours today! Home Healthcare Equipment & Mobility Products Finance Available View our fantastic range instore NOW at 7 Maxwell Road (next to Medlab) ph: 03 578 8002 View Our Fantastic Range in Store Specialists in Mobility Studio Lift Chair Adjustable Beds Service technician available for all your servicing and repair needs Home Healthcare Equipment & Mobility Products • Finance Available Hi/Lo Beds Comfortable and contemporary recliner lift chair with infinate positions and separate headrest and lumbar positioning. NOW at 7 Maxwell Road (next to Medlab) ph: 03 578 8002 View Our Fantastic Range in Store Specialists in Mobility Studio Lift Chair Adjustable Beds Service technician available for all your servicing and repair needs Home Healthcare Equipment & Mobility Products • Finance Available Hi/Lo Beds Many models to choose from. Test drive yours today!

Presidents report

Happy New Year to all our members, friends, and families. Hope everyone had a safe and happy festive season. The beginning of the year is already showing up to be a hard road for many. Seniors are certainly among those feeling the pinch with the constant rise in the cost of living.

A suggestion for some is to maybe get a couple of friends together and bulk buy where possible.

Grey Power is amongst those who have felt the increases with jumps in our rent, postage and 50 % increase of membership capitation fees.

The 50% increase of capitation fees is due to the removal of funding from KiwiBank. Without that it makes it so much harder for our National Board to get to Parliament and knock on the doors to fight for you. We have no option but to sadly pass on to our members this in-


The membership fee increase is on the agenda for our AGM to be held on April 1st at 2pm in the Stoke Methodist Church Hall in Neale Avenue.

This allows easy access to all with close parking.

Please mark on your calendars so as not to forget.

Please remember that membership begins at 50. So if you have children having a birthday and unsure what to give them, make it a Grey Power subscription. With savings from our discount book, they will be well ahead by the time they turn 65.

Coming up this year we would like to see a few more join us on our committee.

We meet once a month. Portfolios are shared among us with the chance to attend many interesting meetings on our behalf. If you have a couple of hours free a month, please pop in and put your name forward.



1st APRIL 2022



Guest Speaker: Nelson Mayor Nick Smith

Nominations for Nelson Grey Power Committee and positions of President, Secretary, and Treasurer need to be in the hands of the Secretary Pam Coltman by 2pm Friday 17th March 2022.

Nomination Forms are available from the Nelson Grey Power office.

Remits must be provided in writing to the Secretary 30 days prior to the meeting.

Nelson Grey Power Committee recommends that for the setting of annual subscriptions that, The subscriptions for the 2024/2025 year remain at $25 for singles and the doubles increase to $35. All members welcome.

Nelson Grey Power

33 Putaitai Street, Stoke


Office Hours


2 Grey Power Nelson News
Buying or selling a vehicle? Paul Kelly (RMVT ) Ltd Looking to purchase a vehicle? I have access to all makes and models, and all prices to suit. Looking to sell a vehicle? I’ll get you the best price from my nationwide client network. 021 495 555 Put my experience to work for you.
Disclaimer Neither this association, nor any person associated with it, accepts any liability for the contents of this magazine which has been prepared in good faith and is believed to be correct. The final say on any articles printed in this magazine is at the discretion of the Nelson Grey Power President who has overall editorial approval. Political Advertising:- Nelson Grey Power is an apolitical organisation and
Stoke Pharmacy/NZ Post Shop and the walkway to the Stoke Library)
10am - 3pm Ph: 03 547 2457 P. O. Box 2190 Stoke 7041

Questioning swapping power companies?

Several times in recent weeks we have been questioned with regards power pricing.

Sadly, those using Power switch are finding their power accounts are being compared to Pulse Energy.

Grey Power Electricity although via Pulse is a totally separate rate. This is not available to the public as it is for Grey Power members only. Please let others know that think they are getting offered a great deal.

If you should decide to change supplier, please remember that if you do not give the required 30 days’ notice, you will be charged $150 disconnection fee. Grey Power Electricity is available to

financial members only. This is being tightened up so please be aware.

If you wish to compare rates, please phone Grey Power Electricity, phone number available on back of your membership card.

Ref: 0800 473 976

If your membership has lapsed, you may get charged at normal Pulse rates and not realise. Keep your membership up to date. Also, those who use Grey Power Electricity, please use their bank account number only for the power.

A lot of time is spent having to refund payments made to our account. Would hate you to get hit with late payment fee.

Change of Richmond Subscription Drop Off Point

Subscriptions can no longer be left at the Unichem Richmond Mall Pharmacy, but McGlashen Pharmacy have kindly decided to take these for us from now on. This is much appreciated with the busy time approaching and short notice to find somewhere else. They are located on Oxford Street in Richmond but can also be accessed from the carpark in between Oxford Street and Queen Street. Renewal forms are held here if needed. You can only leave the right money with staff as they are just holding it for us to pick up so there is no Eftpos option available here.

Please note McGlashen Pharmacy are also in the discount book.

Thank you to the Unichem Richmond Mall Pharmacy for doing this for us for so long.

3 Grey Power Nelson News Harcourts Nelson P 03 548 3034 227 Hardy Street Nelson Talk to us today to discover how we can help you sell your Home GREY POWER DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE Harcourts Richmond P 03 544 4441 261 Queen Street Richmond Platinum Blue Limited Licensed Agent REAA 2008

Purple poppy day

From page 1. The Purple Poppy was created in 2006 by a UK Charity “Animal Aid” to commemorate animals which served from The Boer War to the present conflicts as they are the forgotten victims of war.

New Zealander, Nigel Allsopp MA, is the Founder and President of the Australian War Animals Memorial Organisation and he raised money and donated a bronze plaque for New Zealand Service animals. Nigel unveiled it on 24 February 2018 at the Army National Museum in Waiouru.

In June 2018 Nigel donated and unveiled a memorial at Massey University as a tribute to the veterinary men and women who served from 1907 to 1945 in the New Zealand Veterinary Corps during WW1 and WW2.

The Nelson RSA held an Inaugural Memorial Sunset Service on Friday 24 February this year, at the Nelson RSA Lawn Cemetery Marsden Valley.

Nigel Allsopp attended the service as guest speaker and unveiled a bronze plaque which AWAMO donated to the animals and people of Nelson.

The ceremony started with a tribute by Zen a riderless war horse and Dixie a Red Cross rescue war dog appearing through a haze of purple smoke with their handlers. Bailey and Stan and their handlers from the Richmond RDA and the NZ Police dog Nour and NZ Police handler followed behind.

Alone piper played a lament while they all, including twelve members from the Histrionics troop dressed in replica WW1 uniforms

walked in extended line through the rows of veterans buried at the RSA Lawn Cemetery.

The scene had been set as they moved towards the service area of the memorial rock and bronze plaque, where animals and their owners plus invited guests had gathered under a setting sun.

The President of the Nelson RSA Zoe Norquay, welcomed everyone and thanked the animals who attended to remember all the heroic animals in war. They never volunteered they were drafted and would have been exposed to the horrors of war.

The service continued with the National Anthem sung by Brianna and Bronte from Nelson College for Girls, then Nigel Allsopp unveiled the bronze plaque with the Mayor of Nelson,

Nick Smith. Speeches by Mayor Nick and Nigel followed with a musical tribute to the animals of war by the Anzac Quartet, and a wreath laying ceremony. The War Animal Ode was recited by Fiona Pitcaithly before the ceremonial Last Post, Silence and Rouse.

A tribute to the NZ Veterinary Corp by Darryl Page of Histrionics and the poem Flanders Field read by Jeremy Matthews of the Anzac Quartet completed the service.

A Guard of Honour by the Histrionics and the War Animal Prayer recited by Padre Gordon Taylor for the riderless war horse and war rescue dog as they walked back through the RSA veterans with a final farewell before disappearing into the setting sun.

Lest We Forget

4 Grey Power Nelson News RESTAURANT BOOKINGS Ph: 544 6796 or Phil: 0274 100 152 345 Lower Queen Street, Richmond BIRTHDAYS - ANNIVERSARY’S - CHRISTMAS FUNCTIONS LUNCH AND DINNER BUFFETS, PLATED MEALS ,FINGER FOODS, MORNING - AFTERNOON TEAS, SUPPERS Open Thurs to Sun from 5pm Philsplace on Facebook, Like and Share, stay up to date. ® Bev Wells MBA | Advocacy – problem-solving Managing change – sorting paperwork, simplifying tasks Preserving memories – oral history recording, memoirs Tech-savvy – file management, cyber safety Providing peace of mind, things are sorted Phone Bev 021 569 249 Tailored services to suit your needs. • Trusted & Respectful • Police Verified • Finding solutions in a caring way

In your garden

Philippa Foes-Lamb

Firstly, my heart goes out to everyone affected by Cyclone Gabrielle in February. It’s really hard to imagine the extent of the damage when we’ve been fairly hot and dry here. It is so devastating to lose precious homes and gardens - I’m filled with gratitude every day when I look around our property. I’ve had a fabulous tomato crop this year – I’ve grown several different varieties including ‘’Tasty Tom’’ - I have to say this is my favourite medium-sized tomato, firm, tasty and perfect for sandwiches. I’ve been harvesting all of my tomatoes since late December, with more to come.

In early Autumn I make Tomato Passata – a truly beautiful Italian sauce that is fabulous as a base for soups, casseroles, pasta sauces and more during the winter months (I freeze it in batches). Traditionally passata is made with acid free Roma tomatoes but I grew Black

from Tula, Big Beef and Tasty Tom so I used those instead.

I’ve also been growing long pointy peppers and my two plants are loaded with ripening fruit. Never having grown this variety before I was stunned at the height they grew to – around 1.5 metres – not to mention the number of flowers that set fruit. At one stage the plants started to tip over from the weight of the peppers so I had to stake them, tying the stakes to the struts of my tunnel house.

I’m also growing chillis outdoors for the first time and am wondering why I planted 7 plants - they are absolutely loaded with chillis – what on earth am I going to do with them all. I chose Poblano, a mild chilli and Anaheim which has more heat.

Now is the perfect time to sow a crop of carrots – they will germinate and grow quickly at this time of year. I make furrows and put a layer of seed raising mix in the bottom, then I sow my

seed and scatter more seed raising mix over the top, tamping it down. The seed raising mix absorbs more heat due to its dark colour and this increases the speed of germination. Your car-

rots will hold well in the soil throughout winter, becoming sweeter with each frost. If you’d like the Tomato Passata recipe please feel free to email me at foeslamb@xtra. and I’ll email it to you.

5 Grey Power Nelson News
Low�cost Caring Professional Friendly Simple Direct Funerals 5 Talbot St, Richmond Ph 541 0820 Low�cost Caring Professional Friendly Simple Direct Funerals 5 Talbot St, Richmond Ph 541 0820
Caring Professional Friendly Simple Direct Funerals 5 Talbot St, Richmond Ph 541 0820 for all your plumbing needs (03) 547 4532 55
Bolt Rd Tahunanui Nelson

Office News

Welcome to those of you who are new members and welcome back to members renewing their subscriptions. I hope you take advantage of the businesses in the new discount book. Membership renewal has started now for the next membership year which begins 1st April 2023 and goes to 31 March 2024.

If your membership card has a blue label, you can renew this anytime from now on and go into a prize draw if you do so in February or March.

For those that renewed in January the prize draw is something that did happen, with the winners having been notified and their prizes received.

An article is elsewhere in the magazine about this.

Thank you to Waimea Weekly, Heartland Bank, Absolute En-

ergy and Grey Power Electricity for donating prizes. By the time you are reading this the February prize draw should be nearly sorted an winners notified.

The February and March prize draw winners will be published in the next magazine in June.

Paying early helps us spread the load as everyone (over 5200 members) have the same expiry date on their membership cards. A reminder that payments of the right money can be left with Mike Pero in Bridge Street – mornings only (Monday- Friday). Subscriptions can no longer be left at the Unichem Richmond Mall pharmacy but McGlashen pharmacy have kindly decided to take these for us.

They are located on Oxford Street in Richmond but can also be accessed from the carpark in between Oxford Street and Queen Street. Renewal

forms are held at these places if needed. These are cash only with your membership cards being posted to you once Grey Power have received these in the office, usually at least on a weekly basis. Every year in March & April we go to extra places to receive subscriptions to make it easier for you with more places to renew. We hope this helps some who find it hard to get out and about. Just a reminder that getting a magazine by email is now a choice.

If you want your magazine by email, write it on your renewal form or let the office know by email or phone. We will be getting new carpet tiles sometime soon because of a leak from outside the building and into our back of office. This is an insurance claim and is at no cost to Nelson Grey Power. Enjoy the cooling down of the weather and I will send you all another magazine in June.

Congratulations to the December/ January Paying Early Prize Draw Winners

1st Prize: $50 Richmond Mall Voucher

Lois Davis

2nd Prize: Gift Bag

Julie Martin

3rd Prize: Gift Set

Warren Bromell

All Winners have been notified. There will have been a further prize draw for all members who renewed their membership in February. Winners will be shown in the next magazine along with the final prize draw winners for all those who renew by 31 March 2023 yet to be drawn.

Thank you to Waimea Weekly & Grey Power Electricity, Heartland Bank and Absolute Energy for donating prizes.


Put a Zing in your Spring with colour and style

At Cruellas we have lots of NZ made knitwear perfect for layering through spring. We also have a great range of yarns and threads, with lots of colour options to perk up your knitting, crochet and embroidery projects this Spring.

6 Grey Power Nelson News
155 Hardy Street, Nelson. Ph 03 548 4016 |

Where to find us out & about

Grey Power Volunteers and/or Staff will be at the following Venues in March and April so that members have an opportunity to pay their subscriptions somewhere more convenient with renewal due 31 March. New members will also be welcome to join at these places.

7 Grey Power Nelson News
Tuesday 21 st March Oakwoods Village 10.00am - 11.30 Thursday 23 rd March Richmond Mall 9.30am - 3.30pm Saturday 25 th March Grey Power Office 10.00am - 12.00 Tuesday 28 th April Nelson Public Library 10.00am - 12.00 Thursday 30 th March Waimea Village - Hall 3.00pm - 4.00pm Tuesday 4 th April Stoke Summerset 10.30pm - 11.30pm Thursday 13 th April Mike Pero Nelson 1.00pm - 3.00pm Saturday 15 th April Grey Power Office 10.00am - 12.00 Thursday 20 th April Richmond Mall 9.30am - 3.30pm Friday 28 th April Ernest Rutherford 4.00pm - 5.00pm 199 Queen St, Richmond | Ph 544 0990 | Locally Owned and Operated FREE measure and quote Garage Carpet REALLY NEAT FLOORING CurtainsPlus+ PO Box 3334, Richmond 199 Queen Street Richmond 03 544 0990 Fully installed from $1,300 (Based on a standard 6x6 garage)

Community Open Day

The Open Day at Pῡtangitangi Greenmeadows Centre is being held on Saturday 25 of March from 9.30am to 1.30pm.

The centre is located on the corner of Main Road and Songer Street opposite the Turf.

The event is being organised by the centre staff, Stoke Tennis, Stoke Seniors and the Greenmeadows Cafe.

On the day Stoke Seniors will be open show casing what they do and have food for sale. People can have a go at tennis with the Stoke Tennis Club and the Greenmeadows Café will be open from 8am to 3pm.

We will have a range of community organisations present that people can talk to and the Community Police Hub Vehicle & Stoke Volunteer Fire Bri-

gade Truck will be present. There will be art activities running, a range of great performances, sports club demonstrations, sausage sizzle and a children’s bouncy castle. People will be invited to pay a gold coin koha / donation

when attending.

The Centre Manager Gareth Cashin says” We want to offer the local community a great event in their local centre, after covid and the significant rain event in August we want to give people the opportunity to reconnect.”

The centre has a limited number of car parks available, so where it is appropriate, please walk and cycle to the event or check out the bus for transport. For more information please contact Gareth on 03 265 6519 or email gca@

8 Grey Power Nelson News
0800 MAUREEN Call anytime or Maureen Pugh National List MP Funded by the Parliamentary Service. Authorised by M Pugh, Parliament Buildings, Wgtn. For more useful information and advice visit

Supporting refugees in Nelson

Have you noticed the range of languages that are being spoken in and around Nelson?

There are people here from all around the world. When I was at the Centre of New Zealand the other day, I counted five different languages being spoken (and I was keeping quiet!). Some of those people are tourists enjoying the fact that the borders have re-opened. But some of them are newly arrived to make a new life for themselves and their families in Nelson.

At the Red Cross, we are particularly interested to help the people who arrive here as refugees. They have had no choice about leaving their country (usually because of war or persecution) and they welcome the chance to settle here and become Kiwis like the rest of us. Our role is to support them as they make that challenging transition. As well as language help, refugee families may need support with opening a bank account, or getting children enrolled at school, or organising for a plumber.

These things sound simple, but they can be a real challenge if you’ve never seen the ideas before.

Typically, refugee families have a very resilient approach to life and are keen to make a success of things.

At the Red Cross we have

professional staff to be part of the support team –but we are also pleased to work with volunteers who can be “friends & neighbours” to a newly arrived family.

Many of our volunteers tell us that they get much more out of the experience than they put in –they make friends and are introduced to a new culture. Plus, they feel that they are making life easier for a family that needs some help.

Volunteering with the Red Cross is very flexible. We have a great training course and then people work in small teams centred around the needs of the family. Some people can be around in the day. Others are only free at weekends.

Most have other commitments, and we can work around them. It’s okay to say “no” sometimes!

Now that travel restrictions have been lifted, we are expecting about 100 new refugees to arrive here in Nelson each year.

So, we are currently on the look-out for new volunteers who would like to work with

us. To learn more, you can visit our website: redcross. or email to enquire: migration.volunteers@redcross.

Or you can text John on 027 223 5972.

9 Grey Power Nelson News

Reaching out for safety advice

My home is my haven, my little bolthole; it’s the place where my whānau and I retreat to rest, relax, and to feel safe in. That is, until someone decides to enter my space and help themselves to our possessions. I have been a victim of a past burglary and it’s not a nice feeling knowing a stranger was in my home without invitation, wandering around each room, sifting through my personal belongings, as well as having damaged my property by forcing their way in. Ever since then, I have been determined to make it hard-

er for would-be thieves and burglars by putting in place some security measures, so hopefully we do not have to experience something like that again.

Police are working hard to target those opportunistic thieves who think they can enter other people’s homes and steal their property, but we also need our communities help to prevent these types of crimes.

Police are here to help keep you and your home safe. If you need any assistance around advice on security measures to protect your home, then please reach out to your local station. We would be more than happy to

direct you to the right places to get things such as sensor lights or CCTV cameras installed. We know it can feel a bit daunting knowing exactly where to start.

Some other simple things you can do to keep your home safe is ensure your windows, sheds and garages are closed when you are not home and, if you can, install good quality locks and security stays on them. This is something Police can advise on if needed.

If you are going away, get your neighbours to keep an eye on your property or at the very least, get someone to clear your letterbox regularly. If you know your neighbours

are going away, then keep an eye on their property.

One of the biggest crime prevention tools we have is our community and looking out for one another.

Report any suspicious or outof-the-ordinary behaviour to Police; even if you aren’t sure, we want to hear about it. You can report this to us by visiting your local station or calling our 105 number for nonemergency matters. Our big message to readers is that we are here to help our community and that includes offering advice around safety and prevention. If you need any advice from us, please get in touch - we would love to hear from you.

10 Grey Power Nelson News 03 548 2770 • 41 Nile Street East, Nelson 10% off Caskets for Gold and Grey Power card holders Welcome back to Bevan and Bridget Hoult (née Day) Continuing the tradition of the Day family caring for your family. 24 Champion Road, Richmond PH 544 4400 Celebrate Life Your Way At our modern funeral home on Champion Road, Richmond, we have everything you need to celebrate the life of your loved one in their unique way. Reach out today to find out how we can help you.

Growing older gracefully

The City For All Ages Strategy (CFAA): The vision for this strategy is an age-friendly community that values the experience and wisdom of all people

He hapori manaaki, ngā Whakatupuranga

This strategy aims for Whakatū Nelson to be a place where older adults can live well, contribute to, and connect with, their community as they age. However, the actions in the Strategy aim to benefit everyone and make Whakatū Nelson truly a City For All Ages.

There are seven areas of focus, and this article looks at ‘physical wellness’ There are many aspects to staying physically well as we age.

Research shows that movement is key to retaining function and autonomy in later years. Older adults who move their bodies help to keep them fit, strong, flexible and coordinated.

Many of the leading causes of death are linked to the amount of movement in our lives.

Being physically active is protective against many chronic diseases, from heart disease and cancer to diabetes and dementia. It is also protective against mental health issues.

The New Zealand Ministry of Health recommends

people aged 65 and older aim for

• two muscle-strengthening sessions per week

• plus, 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity five days a week

• plus, three flexibility/ balance sessions.

Even small amounts of movement can have a protective effect and keep residents mobile and active for longer.

As part of the CFAA the council has supported Fresh air and Fitness classes. These are run by an accredited ACC trainer and uses the Outdoor gym equipment that is installed at Saxton Field and at Tahunanui. The classes are encouraging older people to come together and learn how to use the equipment.

The classes are run: Monday’s midday at Saxton Thursday’s midday at Tāhunanui.

For those looking to build strength, stability and balance indoors.

Wednesdays 10.30 at Annesbrook Church.

From Thursday March 2nd Midday, Fitness and Fresh air on the Matai River Gym Equipment. There are numerous other specialised classes that are held throughout the city from sit and be fit, Tai chi, yoga and pilates.

There is something for everyone. The PHO at Richmond has a small booklet outlining their accredited classes.

Age Concern Nelson Tasman’s vision is that all older people lead a meaningful life in an inclusive society. We love bringing people together to share stories, laugh and connect, and offer a wide range of services and activities to keep people connected and free from harm.

We work across the whole of the region with offices in both Richmond and Nelson.

Come talk to us at: 62 Oxford St, Richmond

Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm. Or at 18 Bridge St, Nelson, Tuesday to Thursday, 9.00am to 2.30pm.

Telephone: 03 544 7624


“At all times they were professional and caring, and helped right through the entire process with advice on storage, shifting and packing so that it was as stress free as possible. I completely recommend Karen and Grant to anyone looking for agents that are ethical and caring, and wanting to get the best price possible for selling property.”

11 Grey Power Nelson News SPECIAL PACKAGES for Greypower members Selling? Get The Best Price!
of selling? We’ll make it easy with assistance and down to earth advice on selling and downsizing, decluttering and preparing your home for market. Grant & Karen Price 16 Bridge Street, Nelson (03) 545 6060 Grant 0274 841 031 • Karen 027 238 1819

Valuing Connection: Neighbours Aotearoa

Neighbours Aotearoa is a month-long initiative from the 1st to the 31st of March 2023, which encourages people to organise an activity or event for their community around this year’s theme ‘Let’s Share!’

Every person up and down the country, from Kaitaia to Ōtepoti, is invited to do something small (or large!) to get to know a neighbour a little bit better.

From local get-togethers like book clubs and plant swaps to bigger events like street parties and workshops, and longer-term projects like establishing a pātaka kai, community garden or tool

library - neighbours are getting together to connect, to support one another and share.

‘If, year by year, we can support more and more people to participate in their neighbourhoods and communi-

ties in ways that they devise and that work for them, we’re doing a lot to support our people through what could be an increasingly difficult period (economically, environmentally and socially).

And it all starts with a smile, a wave, a cup of tea - just opening our eyes to who is around us and making that first connection,’ says Lucette, Lead Connector (Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland). For the first time, Neighbours Aotearoa has come to Nelson - please jump on board and support this great initiative - we want to work with you to create fun events!

Please register your idea on the website and check out the resources available to help you out. Martine Bouillir 0272 334 712 martine@neighboursaotearoa. nz

Deliciously fresh Asian dining and takeaways

Come and meet our friendly team of robot assistants!

They will sing Christmas carols, Happy Birthday, or special love songs. They use shelves built into their bodies to help our team carry your plates.

Everyone loves them! Great fun for the kids, and the grown-ups!

200 Hardy St, Nelson Phone 545 8163

12 Grey Power Nelson News LEMONGRASS CHAI-YO MIRACLE BEN & MAXXI 276 Queen St, Richmond Phone 544 6489 Lunch: Mon-Sun 11.30am - 2.30pm | Dinner: 7 Days 4.30 - 9pm 294 Queen St, Richmond Phone 544 4838 OPEN 7 DAYS: Lunch 11.30am to 2.30pm | Dinner 5.00pm to 9pm OPEN 7 DAYS: Lunch: Wed-Sun 11.30am to 2.30pm | Dinner: Mon-Sun 5pm to 9pm 294 Queen St, Richmond Phone 541 0665 THE FLAVOURS OF THE EAST OPEN 7 DAYS: Until 9pm THAI CURRY • LOCAL BEER & WINE • ASIAN PIZZA & BURGERS DimSum | YumCha every Lunch Chinese & Thai Food for Dine in & Takeaways Asian Fusion Thai & Vietnamese Thai Food for Dine in & Takeaways

Supported living for older people

The Abbeyfield concept was introduced to Nelson by the late Dr Ted Bassett, a Wakefield GP who encountered Abbeyfield on a visit to the UK. The first New Zealand Abbeyfield House was built at St Francis Way in Stoke, in 1996.

Abbeyfield St Francis Way is conveniently located within walking distance of the Stoke shops, medical centres and local bus service.

The residents in the Stoke house have their own studios with ensuites and are responsible for looking after their own space. Nutritious ap-

petising meals are served in the communal dining room by the housekeeper Jilly Deacon, and her part time staff.

The House Manager, Diane Ramsay, and her House Management Committee are all volunteers. They provide support on a regular basis and keep the house running efficiently for the 13 residents. Diane said “It is flatting for seniors who want independence, company and security. The house is not a rest home, there is no nursing care, and all residents have to be in good health and live an independent lifestyle. The rent is affordable for those on the pension and there is no

capital contribution.”

Diane shares a story about Emily one of the Abbeyfield St Francis Way residents.

Emily had been living in the family home until she lost her driver license and with it her independence. Neighbours and friends had moved away, and Emily started to feel isolated. She began to rely on her daughter, Brook for company and practical support such as shopping and seeing to things around her 3 bedroom home and large section. Emilys daughter was concerned that her mother was deteriorating physically and mentally due to her isolation, but at the

same time, she herself was becoming stressed managing two households. Emily had been quiet, uncertain and lacked confidence but with Brooks help, she was able to find a place at Abbeyfield St Francis Way, in Stoke. Emily moved into the house with 12 other residents and is now well settled. A few weeks later Brook reported that she visited only occasionally now, and there were even days when she couldn’t find Emily at Abbeyfield. Her mum was out enjoying her independent lifestyle being well fed and had made new friends with the St Francis Way residents.

13 Grey Power Nelson News
203 Queen St, Richmond - Ph: 03 544 5429 79 High Street, Motueka - Ph: 03 929 8128 | OPEN 7 DAYS SALE IS NOW ON DISCOUNT FOR GREY POWER SAVE ON TOP BRANDS UP TO 25% OFF

FREE - Falls Prevention Session

Have you slipped, tripped or stumbled in the last 12 months, avoided situations because you might lose your balance, fallen and now feel less confident or fear you may fall again. You can do something about it. Attend a free falls prevention two hour session.

Topics include

• Making your home safer

• Strength & Balance exercises

• Bone strength

• Eating well to stay on your feet

• Live Stronger for Longer maintain independence

To book in or for more information call Ange Baker 021 790 415 or email angela.baker@

For more useful information and advice visit

14 Grey Power Nelson News
More Stable More Able
gentle guidance when you need it the most. ANNA LOACH Dip FD Reg. FD (FDANZ) Manager & Funeral Director FLEXIBLE FUNERAL PLANS AVAILABLE Nelson | Ph 03 539 0066 | Richmond | Ph 03 929 5145 | 69 Haven Road, Nelson 7010 276b Queen Street, (Petrie Carpark), Richmond 7020 Available 24 Hours No Hidden Fees Includes Casket Affordable & Professional

Fitness & Fresh-Air routines

Have you noticed the free outdoor exercise equipment at Saxton playing fields, Tahunanui beach next to the mini golf area or on the Maitai river walkway? Have you considered using it but not quite sure what you should do or if you would be able to use it safely?

Nelson City Council responded to this and in partnership with Ange Baker, Falls Prevention Coordinator for Nelson with Nelson Bays Primary Health, have organized Fitness & Fresh-Air. It was recognized that navigating through Covid had been a ‘long haul’ for everyone and the restrictions needed to stay safe over the past years have impacted on many seniors’ overall well-being. Lots of people stayed away from their regular exercise classes and routines. Re-establishing your regular exercise routine is an important step back to normality and Fitness & Fresh-Air could be just what you are looking for. It is a free one-hour outdoor class for older people who want to enjoy the

out-doors. Participants meet, walk along the reserves, are supervised, and instructed on the out-door equipment by an ACC approved instructor, with physical focuses on strength and balance to help you Live Stronger for Longer. Going for a coffee afterwards is encouraged as social time is as important as the physical activity.

Fitness & Fresh-Air is a great combination providing practical advice, support and encouragement enabling people to confidently re-visit the equipment and workout at other times. The sessions are open to all abilities, but participants must be able to walk for 30 minutes unassisted. Just turn up, bring a water bottle and a rain jacket if it’s raining.

Fitness & Fresh-Air is now held at 3 locations:

Saxton Sports field

Mondays 12 noon

Tahunanui next to the mini golf area, Thursdays at 12 noon

Maitai river walkway

Thursdays 12 noon

15 Grey Power Nelson News • Low prices • Secure storage • CCTV Surveillance Size & Price List available at 74 Gladstone Rd, Richmond & 481 High St, Motueka Ph 544 4306 • Inside car storage • Staff on site (Richmond only)

Mac ‘n’ cheese zucchini slice


• 1 cup dried macaroni pasta

• 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

• 1 small brown onion, finely chopped

• 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

• 3 tsp fresh thyme leaves

• 125g middle bacon rashers, trimmed, chopped

• 2 zucchini, coarsely grated

• 200g orange sweet potato, unpeeled, coarsely grated

• 1/3 cup self-raising flour

• 4 eggs, lightly beaten

• 1/2 cup grated Tasty Cheese Block (500g)

Preheat oven to 180C/160C fan-forced. Grease a 6cm-deep, 20cm (base) square cake pan. Line base and sides with baking paper, extending paper 2cm above edges on all sides.

Cook pasta following packet directions, until tender. Drain. Refresh under cold water. Drain well. Meanwhile, heat oil in a medium frying pan over medium-high heat. Add onion, garlic, thyme and bacon.

Cook, stirring, for 5 min-

utes or until onion softens. Add zucchini and sweet potato.

Cook, stirring, for 5 minutes or until sweet potato softens. Transfer to a large bowl.

Add pasta, flour, eggs and half the cheese to vegetable mixture. Season with salt and pepper. Stir to combine.

Pour mixture into prepared pan. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes or until golden and firm. Cool in pan. Serve.

16 Grey Power Nelson Recipe

Change the way you see

I don’t have crow’s feet, I have happy happy memories of laughing with friends until the tears flowed. I don’t have frown lines, I have the marks of my frustration and confusion, which I battled through, smiling in the end.

I am not going grey, I have shimmering highlights of wisdom, dashed throughout my silver hair. I don’t have scars, I have symbols of the strength I was able to find, when life got tough. I don’t have stretch marks, I have the marks of growth and the marks of motherhood. My womanly evolution.

I am not fat, I bear the evidence of a life filled with abundance, blessings and good times. I am not just forgetful, I have a mind so full of stories, memories and moments there is scarce room to hold much else.

I am not old, I am blessed, with a life of great length, something not everyone can say. Don’t change the way you look my friend, change the way you see, change the way you see.

ARE YOU 60 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER? Help us find a way to prevent bloodstream infections.

People aged 60 years or older, with a history of urinary tract infection (UTI), are at an increased risk of developing a bloodstream infection caused by an E. coli bacteria.

A clinical research study to assess the effectiveness and safety of an investigational vaccine in the prevention of bloodstream infection is now enrolling.

You may be eligible to participate if you:

• Are 60 years of age or older

• Have had a UTI in the past 2 years

• Feel comfortable, or have a caregiver who is comfortable, using an application on a smartphone

If you are interested, additional eligibility criteria will be assessed by the study doctor or staff.

If you are found eligible to participate in this clinical research study, you will receive an investigational vaccine and complete a minimum of 8 study visits, some in person and some remote via telephone.

The commitment for the study is approximately 3 years.

To learn more about this clinical research study, please visit:

Qualified participants may receive the investigational vaccine and some study-required medical care at no cost. The study will not pay for other medical care or current medication(s) needed to support your daily health care routine.

Doctor Claire Thurlow 02102723271

Southern Clinical Trials Tasman 469 Main Road Stoke, Nelson 03 265 6163

17 Grey Power Nelson News
Janssen Research & Development, LLC VAC52416BAC3001- NZE04 Version 2.0, 19MAY2021
The image depicted contains models and is being used for illustrative purposes only.

Stepping away from the desk and into service

Karyn Delves talks about getting out into the community helping seniors and vulnerable members of our community through the provision of medical alarms.

Karyn Delves returned to New Zealand three years ago to manage the ASB Theatre Marlborough following many years overseas. She had no idea the many ways her world was to change. Going into a lockdown just weeks into her role, Karyn spent the next two years juggling pandemic regulations, balance sheets, human resources and building safety compliance while helping stage productions and conferences, when allowed. She says the demands were high, and so were the rewards. But when a family member’s health took a significant decline, Karyn had to review her priorities and stepped away from the Theatre to help care for her family member.

While dealing with the numerous care services over several months it was evident that her family situation was

irregular; where several family members lived nearby and could provide constant care, ensuring the patient was never left alone. Karyn listened to the professional carers expressing their sadness that many older people are home alone or find navigating the multitude of systems

and agencies impossible. A seed was planted. While considering career options Karyn identified her priorities as 1) flexible enough to put family first, 2) community focused and connected, 3) serving diverse demographics, 4) something to be proud of. One path appeared clearly before her. A mentor in Canterbury was regaling Karyn with stories of people she had helped through providing medical alarms. The range of people she had served and the advances in the technology and funding options was too compelling to resist. Fall detectors that take away the dilemma of “am I being a nuisance asking for help?” fully mobile alarms that work while people go out and about, living their lives as they choose, and other options too.

Now, Karyn enjoys meeting lots of different people each week to share information about medical alarms and how they can change lives.

Sometimes it’s a discussion with someone at home, and sometimes it’s a demonstration to a room full of people. Either way, Karyn says she is happy that people are learning something new at each discussion, revealing options as they think about their future or respond to a situation they are living with. With an aging population and pressure on accommodation, Karyn believes preparation is so important and wants the opportunity to share the simplicity and sophistication of an alarm system (and how funding eligibility works) with anyone who cares for the safety of themselves or a loved one.

Karyn says she doesn’t miss the desk duties and loves being out on the road meeting wonderful folk, all of whom have unique situations and stories to share. Having lost a wonderful storyteller in her life, she relishes meeting new ones.

Security Alert Wellington 027 353 9698.

18 Grey Power Nelson News 205b Queen St, Richmond (Next to Night’n’Day) Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm | Saturday 9am - 5.30pm | Sunday 11am - 4.30pm Ph: 0274 463 920 | LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED Medical Herbalist in Store Mondays to Thursdays Providing the best possible HEALTH SOLUTIONS ◊ Premium vitamins and supplements ◊ Natural health and beauty ◊ Health foods and herbal teas ◊ Expert advice ◊ FREE delivery ◊ Grey Power Discount

Community Services Card

The Community Services Card can help you and your family with the costs of health care. This means you could pay less on some health services and prescriptions. Always carry your card with you to make it easy to get the benefits.

• You don’t have to be on a benefit to qualify for the card.

• You can also use the card for your dependent children under 18. Work & Income administer the Community Services Card on behalf of the Ministry of Health.

Who can get it

You may get the Community Services Card if you;

• are 16 or over

• are not a dependent child either:

• are a New Zealand citizen

• are a permanent resident, or

• have, or have applied for, refugee or protection status

• normally live in New Zealand and intend to stay here.

It also depends on how much income you and your partner get. By income, we mean any money, goods and services you or your

partner get from any source, such as:

• wages or salary

• NZ Superannuation

• private pensions (if you get NZ Super and a private pension, only half of your private pension is counted as income)

• overseas pensions

• interest or dividends from investments

• Child support

• Paid Parental Leave

• Working for Families Tax Credits from Inland Revenue

• ACC payments

• income from rents

What the card can help with

The Community Services Card can reduce the cost of:

• visits to a health practitioner (eg; a doctor or nurse) if you’re enrolled at their practice (for yourself, and your dependent children aged 14-17)

• ACC visits to a general practice if you’re injured (you may not need to be enrolled at their practice - it depends on the practice)

• prescription fees

• fees for after-hours health practitioner visits

• glasses for children under 16

• emergency dental

care provided by:

• hospitals, and

• approved dental contractors (ask the dental provider if they are an approved contractor)

• travel and accommodation for treatment at a public hospital you’ve been referred to outside your area:

• at least 80km away for adults

• at least 25km for children

• home help.

If you don’t automatically get a card sent to you, you’ll

need to apply for one. You can get an application form in any of these ways:

• download the application form

• ring us on 0800 999 999 and ask for one

• call into a Work and Income service centre

• ask a health practitioner, eg, your family doctor or pharmacy.

If you get Working for Families Tax Credits, you’ll be sent an application form automatically.

19 Grey Power Nelson News Locally owned and operated 149 Salisbury Road, Richmond 544 2362 or off Champion Road opposite Raeward Fresh *T’s an C’s apply, see instore for details. SuperGold Discounts available at Caltex Richmond Present your Supergold Card along with your Flybuys™ or Airpoints™ cards and save BIG* Discounted Car Wash to SuperGold card holders, use our gentle Touchless Carwash system, and pay only $12 for our Deluxe Wash (normally $18) with any purchase of fuel.

My prison story

A personal story of working at Auckland Prison, as a prison officer, for sixteen years.

Introduction and Enlistment

It was the mid-1990s, I was living in Auckland and was looking for a job. Because I lived on the North Shore, I sought work somewhere nearby as commuting problems were a developing problem in Auckland at that time.

Auckland Prison (Paremoremo) is on the North Shore so I enquired about employment opportunities there, and was accepted for work as a prison officer. After completing several weeks recruit training at Trentham, Wellington, I was ready for work.

Auckland Prison

Auckland Prison is about eight kilometres from Albany, Auckland and includes the national maximum security institution as well as a medium security institution. Each of those facilities houses approximately 240-260 prisoners in units of 48 men. There is a unit in the maximum facility for prisoners with Special Needs. There are also several minimum security sixty bed units one of which is the child sex offenders therapy unit. Total prisoner muster is approximately 650 male prisoners. Mainstream units are where the majority of prisoners are housed. Segregated units are for child sex offenders, prisoners who fear for their safety, and generally, weaker prisoners.

Prisoner placements within

a prison are determined by their security classification. It is primarily a tool for management and is an assessment of their risk of escape, being violent towards other prisoners or staff, are actively involved in criminal gangs and whether they engage in rehabilitative programmes and other matters. Individual security classifications are reviewed on a six-monthly basis, or on occurrence if needed.

In my first year, I rotated between several units, the normal policy to familiarise new staff with the systems within the prison. I spent several months working with minimum security prisoners followed by time with medium security segregated prisoners.

My permanent placement was to a medium security mainstream unit where I remained for four years.

Working with Prisoners

I worked with a very mixed group of prisoners and it took time to learn the ropes of understanding, assisting and effectively managing them. I found that keeping to the basic principles of be-

ing fair, firm and consistent seemed to work best and that became my way of going about my job. Imprisonment keeps prisoners housed in close proximity to each other and occasions when tension, atmosphere and personal behaviour rising to unacceptable levels were frequent. If the warning signs were recognised in time, some form of conflict resolution would be applied by staff to settle things down and bring about a degree of calm. Otherwise, someone could possibly be injured, at the very least, and damage to personal and institutional property could occur.

Monday – Friday. Daily Routines. These were important as prisoners respond well to routine. Three staff on duty. Unlock was at 8am, followed by breakfast, then for an hour when the cleaning of the unit, removing rubbish, etc. was completed. During the morning, prisoners attend either outdoor activities, education (literacy, numeracy) or rehabilitative (offence related, alcohol/drugs, etc.).

Prisoners were returned to their cells for lockup for staff lunch break. Unlock again at 1pm with afternoon rou-

tines similar to morning. Lock up again by 4.40pm as day staff off duty at 5pm. Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday.

Daily Routines. Similar unlock and lockup times. Generally quieter days to allow prisoners approved visitors attend. Two staff on duty. Visits and a variety of church services conducted by outside providers.

My Memories

In amongst the structured days, the tight routines, the tension, the threats, the arguing, the anticipated hissy fits and the tough, concerning dangerous times, I recall moments of high humour, peaceful, quiet times when everyone was minding their own business and things were going well. I recall listening to talented young men playing amazing guitar and singing beautifully, other equally talented men producing beautiful bone and wood carvings. Sadly, there are many wasted lives lying around in our prisons. As a job, sixteen years at Auckland Prison worked well for me.

After those first four/five years where I learned the ropes, I received a promotion and enjoyed supervisory duties for the rest of my time. There were always occasions when it was tough going, frequently dangerous, but ultimately, enjoyable, and rewarding.

I have many memories of my time in that place, far more good ones than bad.

20 Grey Power Nelson News

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Did you know these things had names?

• The space between your eyebrows iscalled a glabella.

• The way it smells after the rain is called petrichor.

• The plastic or metallic coating at the end of your shoelaces is called an aglet.

• The rumbling of stomach is actually called a wamble.

• The cry of a newly born baby is called a vagitus.

• The prongs on a fork are called tines.

• The sheen or light that you see when you close your eyes and press your hands on them is called phosphenes.

• The tiny plastic table placed in

the middle of a pizza box is called a box tent.

• The day after tomorrow is called overmorrow.

• Your tiny toe or finger is called minimus.

• The wired cage that holds the cork in a bottle of champagne is called an agraffe

• The ‘na na na’ and ‘la la la’, which don’t really have any meaning in the lyrics of any song, are called vocables.

• When you combine an exclamation mark with a question mark (like this ?!), it is referred to as an interrobang.

• The space between your nos-

trils is called columella nasi.

• The armhole in clothes where the sleeves are sewn, is called armscye.

• The condition of finding it difficult to get out of the bed in the morning is called dysania.

• Unreadable handwriting is called griffonage.

• The dot over an “i” or a “j” is called tittle.

• That utterly sick feeling you get after eating or drinking too much is called crapulence.

• The metallic device used to measure your feet at the shoe store is called a Bannock device.

22 Grey Power Nelson News
Save money on your new home when you build with Jennian Homes Nelson Bays. We’ll give you on Exclusive deal for Nelson Grey Power Members... Jennian Homes Nelson Bays Save money on your new home when you build with Jennian Homes Nelson Bays. We’ll give you on average over $2,000 off a typical build. *Terms and conditions apply Exclusive deal for Nelson Grey Power Members... Jennian Homes Nelson Bays 8 Champion Road (The Livibrook Complex), Richmond P 03 544 4390 E Save money on your new home when you build with Jennian Homes Nelson Bays. We’ll give you on average over $2,000 off a typical build. *Terms and conditions apply Exclusive deal for Nelson Grey Power Members... Jennian Homes Nelson Bays 8 Champion Road (The Livibrook Complex), Richmond P 03 544 4390 E Save money on your new home when you build with Jennian Homes Nelson Bays. We’ll give you on average over $2,000 off a typical build. *Terms and conditions apply Exclusive deal for Nelson Grey Power Members... Jennian Homes Nelson Bays 8 Champion Road (The Livibrook Complex), Richmond P 03 544 4390 E Save money on your new home when you build with Jennian Homes Nelson Bays. We’ll give you on average over $2,000 off a typical build. *Terms and conditions apply Exclusive deal for Nelson Grey Power Members... Save money on your new home when you build with Jennian Homes Nelson Bays. We’ll give you on average over $2,000 off a typical build. Terms and conditions apply.

Caregivers Toolbox

The Education Team at Nelson Tasman Hospice offers a variety of workshops throughout the year to educate Health Care Professionals, Non-Regulated Health Care Providers and Caregivers about palliative care. Caregivers Toolbox is a programme designed especially for family/whānau carers in the community who support loved ones with a life-limiting illness by providing support and practical information. The Caregivers Toolbox sessions run regularly throughout the year. Aims: To provide a safe and welcoming environment for family/whānau caregivers to gather and share experiences.

To provide practical information that assists the family/whānau in caring for their loved one in the last weeks/ months of life.

To empower family/whānau carers with confidence and knowledge around knowing what to expect when their loved one has a life limiting illness.

The course is spread over 4 Sessions over 4 weeks.

Week 1:

• What is palliative care?

• Getting the help you need

• Building a support network

• Building caregiver resilience

Week 2:

• Symptom control/managing medications

• Nutrition – hints and ideas

Week 3:

• How to support loved ones with de-

creased mobility, moving safely and using mobility aids

• Home care

• Caregiver’s fatigue

Week 4:

• Understanding the dying process

• How to manage the unexpected ‘what if’ plans

• Making the most of time that is left

These sessions are free to attend and informal, where you can come and share a cup of tea/coffee and have a chat. There will be a small group of up to 10 people. Registration is essential. For any enquiries or to find out when the next Caregiver’s Toolbox takes place or to register contact: Nelson Tasman Hospice Education Team,

At Milestone Homes we pride ourselves on providing exceptional value for money and delivering smarter new home solutions for New Zealanders.

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Milestone Homes Nelson Bays

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23 Grey Power Nelson News
mind knowing that what we display in our Showhome is included in the price.

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All Memberships Expire 31 March Office Hours 10am to 3pm – Mon -Fri

We offer 10% Grey Power discount or you can use our popular Loyalty Card

544 4244

Unless you have a green label on your membership card with the expiry date 31/03/2024 your membership will be due for renewal on the 31/3/2023.

Please fill in the form below before making payment as it will speed up the process for the volunteers and others waiting if you are paying in person. This form is used to update your record with your payment and is needed every year.

Nelson Grey Power will be in a variety of extra places in March & April see article ‘Where to find us Out & About’ on page 7.

42 Oxford Street, Richmond

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5.30 Sat
Mon - Fri 8.30 -
- 9.00 - 12.00

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