1 minute read
Reaching out for safety advice
Sheree Heremaia Community Constable
My home is my haven, my little bolthole; it’s the place where my whānau and I retreat to rest, relax, and to feel safe in. That is, until someone decides to enter my space and help themselves to our possessions. I have been a victim of a past burglary and it’s not a nice feeling knowing a stranger was in my home without invitation, wandering around each room, sifting through my personal belongings, as well as having damaged my property by forcing their way in. Ever since then, I have been determined to make it hard- er for would-be thieves and burglars by putting in place some security measures, so hopefully we do not have to experience something like that again.
Police are working hard to target those opportunistic thieves who think they can enter other people’s homes and steal their property, but we also need our communities help to prevent these types of crimes.
Police are here to help keep you and your home safe. If you need any assistance around advice on security measures to protect your home, then please reach out to your local station. We would be more than happy to direct you to the right places to get things such as sensor lights or CCTV cameras installed. We know it can feel a bit daunting knowing exactly where to start.
Some other simple things you can do to keep your home safe is ensure your windows, sheds and garages are closed when you are not home and, if you can, install good quality locks and security stays on them. This is something Police can advise on if needed.
If you are going away, get your neighbours to keep an eye on your property or at the very least, get someone to clear your letterbox regularly. If you know your neighbours are going away, then keep an eye on their property.

One of the biggest crime prevention tools we have is our community and looking out for one another.
Report any suspicious or outof-the-ordinary behaviour to Police; even if you aren’t sure, we want to hear about it. You can report this to us by visiting your local station or calling our 105 number for nonemergency matters. Our big message to readers is that we are here to help our community and that includes offering advice around safety and prevention. If you need any advice from us, please get in touch - we would love to hear from you.