1 minute read
Presidents report
Sue Sara
Happy New Year to all our members, friends, and families. Hope everyone had a safe and happy festive season. The beginning of the year is already showing up to be a hard road for many. Seniors are certainly among those feeling the pinch with the constant rise in the cost of living.
A suggestion for some is to maybe get a couple of friends together and bulk buy where possible.
Grey Power is amongst those who have felt the increases with jumps in our rent, postage and 50 % increase of membership capitation fees.
The 50% increase of capitation fees is due to the removal of funding from KiwiBank. Without that it makes it so much harder for our National Board to get to Parliament and knock on the doors to fight for you. We have no option but to sadly pass on to our members this in- crease.
The membership fee increase is on the agenda for our AGM to be held on April 1st at 2pm in the Stoke Methodist Church Hall in Neale Avenue.
This allows easy access to all with close parking.
Please mark on your calendars so as not to forget.
Please remember that membership begins at 50. So if you have children having a birthday and unsure what to give them, make it a Grey Power subscription. With savings from our discount book, they will be well ahead by the time they turn 65.
Coming up this year we would like to see a few more join us on our committee.
We meet once a month. Portfolios are shared among us with the chance to attend many interesting meetings on our behalf. If you have a couple of hours free a month, please pop in and put your name forward.
Nelson Grey Power Agm
1st APRIL 2022
Stoke Methodist
Guest Speaker: Nelson Mayor Nick Smith
Nominations for Nelson Grey Power Committee and positions of President, Secretary, and Treasurer need to be in the hands of the Secretary Pam Coltman by 2pm Friday 17th March 2022.
Nomination Forms are available from the Nelson Grey Power office.
Remits must be provided in writing to the Secretary 30 days prior to the meeting.
Nelson Grey Power Committee recommends that for the setting of annual subscriptions that, The subscriptions for the 2024/2025 year remain at $25 for singles and the doubles increase to $35. All members welcome.
Nelson Grey Power
33 Putaitai Street, Stoke
Office Hours