1 minute read
Questioning swapping power companies?
Several times in recent weeks we have been questioned with regards power pricing.
Sadly, those using Power switch are finding their power accounts are being compared to Pulse Energy.
Grey Power Electricity although via Pulse is a totally separate rate. This is not available to the public as it is for Grey Power members only. Please let others know that think they are getting offered a great deal.
If you should decide to change supplier, please remember that if you do not give the required 30 days’ notice, you will be charged $150 disconnection fee. Grey Power Electricity is available to financial members only. This is being tightened up so please be aware.
If you wish to compare rates, please phone Grey Power Electricity, phone number available on back of your membership card.
Ref: 0800 473 976
If your membership has lapsed, you may get charged at normal Pulse rates and not realise. Keep your membership up to date. Also, those who use Grey Power Electricity, please use their bank account number only for the power.
A lot of time is spent having to refund payments made to our account. Would hate you to get hit with late payment fee.