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Railway Reserve lights up
A project to light a section of Nelson’s Railway Reserve between Beatson Rd and St Vincent St (stage 1) has been completed on budget and ahead of schedule, with the lights now switched on.
This work was initiated after Nelson City Council received feedback that the Railway Reserve would be safer for both cyclists and pedestrians if lighting was provided.
Data shows an estimated 559 cyclists, and 139 pedestrians use the Railway Reserve between Beatson Rd and St Vincent St every day, making it a popular active travel route.
Stage one of the work to install lighting from Beatson Rd to St Vincent St began in March with a budget of $529,000. 51 per cent of which was subsided by Waka Kotahi. The newly installed lights are LED which are approved for dark sky requirements and meet the Waka Kotahi standard for light spill and glare.
The next step of the project is to continue lighting the Railway Reserve all the way to Saxton Rd near Bunnings. Funding for this will come from a mixture of Council, Waka Kotahi and Three Waters Better Off Funding.
Nelson Mayor Nick Smith says this lighting is about improving transport choices in Nelson. “We have the highest proportion of commuters biking to work in New Zealand but during winter, it is too dark morning and night. There is also a benefit for students walking, biking and scootering from after-school activities and in extending the hours when people can safely walk and run. It’s part of making Nelson the biking capital of New Zealand and the most active and healthiest city.
“Lighting the reserve means more people will feel comfortable using it during the darker winter months.”