cycling and something called cornhole.
It began with twirling ribbons that led to a street walk with the ‘Olympic torch’ held high, as Summerset Richmond Ranges held its opening ceremony for the Summerset Olympic Games.
Several staff did the honours of twirling the ribbons and resident Anne Curtis had the privilege of being the torch bearer who led more than 70 competitors representing randomly-selected countries throughout the two weeks of competition. The games’ opening ceremony kicked off last Friday, and throughout the official Olympic Games in Paris both Summerset Richmond Ranges and Summerset in the Sun are running a range of events from bowls and pool to
In all, the retirement villages are holding 16 events and at times competing against the other village in what Richmond Ranges activities director Sarah Poepjes describes as simply “having a go”. Some of the competitors are more serious though, including a few of the cyclists competing at the velodrome where there will be events for e-bikes, mountain-bikes and road bikes for different age groups. When it comes to bowls, it’s serious for Anne who carried the torch. She has been playing lawn bowls for 40 years and says it will be the highlight of her three events that also includes pool and
What advice would you give your younger self?
“I wish i had told myself to enjoy childhood while it lasted and to not think about embarassing moments as you only remember the good parts.”
“Stress less and be more confident.”
“Grab life at every angle and be kind.
“Quite a bit, don’t sweat the small stuff.”
Two speakers will cast the spotlight on mobilising communities on land and at sea during this year’s Annual Thomas Cawthron Memorial Lecture on 8 August.
Student Volunteer Army founder and former chief executive, Sam Johnson, and Cawthron’s Dr Xavier Pochon are both keynote speakers at this year’s event which is themed around “Citizen Science, Empowering Communities”.
“I’m going to be doing a whis-
tle-stop tour through 10 years of disasters and community mobilisation that changed people’s lives, and looking at our own ability to resolve problems that are right in front of us, and how we’ve got to restructure our society to look at this,” Sam says.
The Student Volunteer Army, founded by Sam when he was a student living through the Christchurch Earthquakes, has grown into a national network with a strong Nelson contingent
cornhole, which involves throwing a mini beanbag.
As soon as an Olympic Games competition was suggested at Richmond Ranges, 70 residents signed up and the list continued to grow.
“Sarah being Sarah said ‘okay, let’s do the Olympics’,” Anne says. “And everyone put their hand up.”
Sarah says medals will be awarded throughout the games which will culminate with the Sportsmanship Person of the Games award, before a closing ceremony to mark the end of the Summerset Olympic Games.
that was highly active during the August 2022 floods. His talk will be followed by Dr Pochon presenting on an exciting new project called Citizens of the Sea which was co-founded by Cawthron and NZ Geographic.
“This involves equipping a community of ocean-loving seafarers with new tools and technologies to gather marine biodiversity and measure ocean health at scale,” he says.
Now in its 81st year, the lecture is
moving back to the Annesbrook Event Centre this year. The lecture takes place from 7pm–8.30pm and is suitable for a wide range of ages, from teens to retirees. It is free for students and those under 25 to attend. General admission is a $10 koha or pay what you can afford. Bookings are essential. Tickets can be booked directly at events.humanitix.com/81stthomas-cawthron-annual-
MAX FRETHEY Local Democracy Reporter
More than 300 roads across the region are expected to see speed limit reductions over the next four years and schools are welcoming the increased safety that slower speeds will create.
Tim Brenton has been the principal at Richmond School for more than twenty years and the town has grown significantly during that time. As the number of students at the school and cars on the road have risen, roads adjacent to the school have got significantly busier but have re
mained at 50kmh.
“We’re really firm – the kids have to use the crossings, they can’t go out the gate… and straight across the road, because they would be incredibly dangerous. That’s something that we watch very closely,” Tim says.
But last week, the region’s two councils approved a speed management plan that would see a raft of changes across Nelson Tasman – including introducing 30kmh variable speed limits near the school around its starting and finishing times. Tim says the variable speed limit “makes sense”.
at doing something. It’s really important to keep kids safe.”
But while he welcomes the change, Tim says the area in which the variable limit will apply could be confusing for drivers.
The councils have aligned many of their final speed limit changes with the Government’s new draft rule on setting speed limits which limits reductions around schools to extend no farther than 150 metres from a school gate. This means Dorset, Oxford, and Waverley Streets will only have variable speed limits applied to some of their length rather than
He also thought it was “ridiculous” that the Waverley St variable limit wouldn’t extend beyond Trinity Lane to include an immediately adjacent preschool.
“I’d be more worried about little kids running out of a preschool.”
In last week’s meeting where the Nelson City and Tasman District Councils approved the final speed management, Tasman councillor Trindi Walker drew attention to preschools falling outside of variable zones.
Jane Murray, a TDC transportation planning advisor, says the Government’s guidance was “silent” on speed around early
childhood education centres. In their joint submission on the Government’s draft speed rule that was approved earlier in July, Jane acknowledged the two councils “overlooked” the exclusion of speed limits around preschools –a matter Tasman Mayor Tim King thought was “frustrating”. Speed limit changes around schools will be some of the first to be implemented, with the roads around Richmond School expected to be updated in April 2026.
Local Democracy Reporter
The region’s most dangerous intersection could soon be home to a digital billboard.
The billboard, proposed to be 3.5 metres tall and 7 metres wide, would sit atop the PetMart building at 332 Queen St on the corner of its intersection with Gladstone Rd/State Highway 6.
Tasman District Council has publicly notified the resource consent application for the billboard lodged by Bekon Media and residents have until 9 August to submit on the proposal.
A transport assessment commissioned by Bekon Media to support its application concludes that “the digital billboard will not present any particular road safety concerns” provided that suitable resource consent conditions are put in place.
Those conditions include prohibiting displaying videos or moving images, flashing colours, sequential advertisements, or colours, graphics, and shapes that could confuse or direct a driver by conflicting with existing traffic control devices, like traffic lights or road signs.
The applicant has also volunteered that the billboard would
incorporate a lighting control to automatically adjust its brightness in line with ambient light levels.
The static advertisements would be displayed for a minimum of eight seconds before changing to the next display and would only be visible to drivers coming north along Gladstone Rd towards Nelson, or to drivers travelling east along Lower Queen St towards Richmond.
The intersection of Queen St with
The transport assessment indicates that more than 30,000 vehicles could use the intersection each day, which suggests that the billboard, only visible on two approaches, could be seen by about 15,000 vehicles daily. However, such a high degree of use provides its own challenges – the intersection is Nelson Tasman’s most dangerous.
An independent review of the ap-
plication commissioned by Tasman District Council notes that the intersection has “both the highest total number of reported crashes as well as the highest number of reported all-injury crashes” of all urban intersections in the region over the five year-period from 2019-2023. Given the high rate of crashes, and the billboard’s inconsistency with national guidance which states that advertising signs should not be located within 100
metres of an urban intersection, the review recommends that the consent be declined due to its potential to distract drivers.
A road safety engineer at the New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi has also raised “serious traffic safety concerns” about the application’s potential to exacerbate safety issues at the intersection. Bekon Media’s original proposal was for a static billboard in the same location which was about 25 per cent smaller than what it’s currently seeking.
The company operates several digital billboards across the country – mostly in Christchurch, but also in Auckland, Wellington, and Queenstown.
The digital billboard would be Tasman’s first, but the second in the wider Nelson Tasman area –one already exists on Trent Drive visible only to drivers leaving Nelson Airport.
For more information, or to make a submission, visit tasman.govt. nz and search “Bekon Billboard”. Local Democracy Reporting is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air
Site work is underway for Foodstuffs’ New World supermarket at Three Brothers Corner in Richmond. The company has owned the site since 2007 and gained consent eight years ago for a 4,000 square metre supermarket and two retail tenancies. Foodstuffs has said it expects the project to be completed by 2025. Photo: Anne Hardie.
Arvida residents in Richmond are “cautiously optimistic” about a potential NZ$2 billion buyout of the rest home and aged care company by a US private equity investor.
Arvida Oakwoods’ resident’s committee secretary, Alec Waugh, says something needed to happen because so many projects have been put on hold. At Oakwoods, the upgrades of its care centre and village centre have been on hold indefinitely, while down the road at Arvida Waimea Plains, a
proposed aged-care facility was put on hold earlier this year.
At the time, Arvida said there would need to be plan changes before it progressed and that would likely mean a smaller facility with less rooms.
Arvida is one of the big six retirement village operators in New Zealand, but tiny compared with the New York-based Stonepeak which is valued at US$71 billion.
Alec hopes that may work in favour of the Arvida villages.
“It needed to happen; something needed to happen.
“Arvida is one of the big six re-
tirement village operators, but it’s only been going 10 years and it’s definitely got debt and cashflow issues.
“So, we’re cautiously optimistic it will be good for the residents.
At Oakwoods level, what we’re interested in is getting the improvements to our village centre and care centre.
need to go ahead and as residents we’ve wanted them for a long time,” Alec says.
“We’re hopeful this will be helpful and not a delay. These projects
The saga of the Jordan-to-Nelson postcard delay continues. Earlier this month, Waimea Weekly talked to a Richmond man who received a postcard from his grandchildren in Petra, Jordan, almost five years after it was sent. This week, another local man has come forward with a similar story - he received a postcard from his son – also from Petra, Jordan –
almost three years after it was posted. Sam Satherley says the postcard arrived at his Tāhunanui home on 11 July, but it was sent on 12 November 2021.
“My son was travelling at the time; he’d always wanted to go to Petra after seeing the Indiana Jones 3 movie.
“I rang my son the next day –he couldn’t believe it and we had a bit of a laugh, but he didn’t want to talk to me for too long as the football match
on TV was about to start!”
Sam says his son, who lives in Germany, sends him plenty of postcards during his travelsbut this is the first time one has arrived in his letterbox so late.
“Maybe they don’t like sending postcards [from Petra], who knows.”
A NZ Post spokesperson said earlier this month that it is rare for post to be delayed for such a length of time, but it “can happen from time to time”.
“Let’s hope this is a positive for us.”
He says Arvida has promised contemporary care facilities and the planned facility at Waimea Plains is important to both of the retirement villages as residents from each move into full-time care.
Arvida’s board has recommended shareholders accept the $1.70 per share price offered by Stonepeak. The offer is subject to shareholder, High Court and Overseas Investment Office approval.
Analysts have said the retirement village sector’s NZX share prices have been overly discounted compared to their underlying value, which has created opportunities for investors.
High interest rates are being blamed for lower share prices as it is taking people longer to sell houses and move into retirement villages.
Spring is just around the corner; birds are already displaying their courtship moves and it won’t be long before the vet clinics have an influx of baby birds.
Head nurse at Town and Country Vet in Richmond, Clare Broderick, says the team gets a range of birds brought into the clinic, from chicks to injured adults, that are assessed and rehabilitated if possible.
When it comes to most baby birds and fledglings, her advice is to leave them alone.
“Coming up to spring, it’s best to
leave birds alone because juveniles on the ground will be fed by their parents. So don’t pick them up, or if you have to, put them on a branch but don’t move them away from the area.
“We get a lot of these and sometimes we tell people to take them straight back to where they found them. Don’t interfere unless they have an injury.”
All vet clinics and the SPCA are drop-off points for injured birds and Clare says after an assessment and treatment, if needed, they are sent to appropriate places to rehabilitate, which might be with a staff member or in the case of native birds, to native rehabilitation centres.
“Native birds can’t be kept as pets as it’s illegal without a licence. But they can come to a vet clinic first for an assessment to see what their outcome will be.”
Clare says that if an adult bird can be caught, then there’s definitely something wrong with it, but some species can still do damage. When it’s a hawk – and the clinic had one brought in recently – it’s not so much the beak to watch out for, but the talons.
“If they grip you, it will be a long time before they let go. With sea birds, you have to watch out for your eyes.
“Some birds, like hawks, are a little bit more specialised because they’re a predator and there’s
Illuminate is set to light up Nelsonians with the return of their annual interactive show. For the next two weekends, Founders Heritage Park will be transformed into a sensory spectacular that’s suitable for all ages. Now in its third year, the show has continued to evolve with a raft of new and exciting immersive light experiences.
Illuminate’s creative director, Phil Anderson, says they have had several containers of new stock just arrive, extending the light walk.
“We also have some cool new rides coming up. . . like the Scrambler ride, and the Super Trooper, which everyone loved last year, is back.
We’ll still be keeping some of the favourites but it’s a good chance to take out some of the old and put in the new.” While the event is
aimed at the family demographic, Phil says they have something for everyone. “This is an immersive light experience. There’s things to touch, feel and see. Anything from space to a big butterfly swing to a silent disco. It’s almost like an electric carnival.” Having started as a drive-through experience in Christchurch during Covid, they have since expanded. Tickets from illuminateshow.co.nz
a place in Blenheim that takes them for rehabilitation.”
Homing pigeons brought to the clinic have become pets for staff who have taken them home for rehabilitation and they’ve never left. Clare had one named Feathers that was at her home for a while recuperating and then she tried to release it at the site it was found.
“We took him to the showgrounds to release him because that was where he’d been found. We cried all the way home, but when we got there, he’d beaten us back!”
Her advice for anyone finding an injured bird is to handle it as little as possible and drop it off at
a clinic as soon as you can. If it’s night and can’t be dropped off at a vet clinic or SPCA, the bird should be kept warm and put in a dark place, like a hot water cupboard, and dropped off in the morning.
“A lot don’t make it,” she warns. “They’ve very fragile and stress alone can kill a bird.”
The bodies of those that do not survive or need to be euthanised, are sent to Blenheim for cremation and the ashes spread in the attached garden.
Vet clinics fund the care of wildlife, including vet checks, food, medication and x-rays. Clare says donations are also welcome to help cover costs.
A Network Tasman Trust grant, along with some elbow grease from Waimea Menzshed, has helped the Nelson Area Showjumping Group spring to new heights.
Thirty jumps (15 pairs) are currently being constructed by Menzshed for the group, who currently don’t have any of their own.
“We have to borrow them at the moment,” says president Linda Cotton.
Linda says she is “blown away” with the quality of the jumps, and with interest in showjumping continuing to boom in the region, she says they will be well utilised.
“I’m speechless. It has saved us thousands, and they will outsee all of our days, for sure,” she says.
“They are as good as you’ll see
anywhere in the country.”
Linda says the idea for Menzshed to construct the new jumps came about because they are “neighbours” at the Richmond Park Showgrounds.
“We needed a training set of gear, but it’s very expensive and we couldn’t afford it. We also needed a couple of things repaired, so we approached Menzshed… then one thing led to another.”
The jumps are made out of steel instead of traditional wood, as it is cheaper, they will be lighter, and last longer.
Waimea Menzshed chairperson Mark Nimmo says they have been working on the jumps for about three months now.
“We’ve had a couple of guys welding them up over the past few weeks, they built them all in little sections and had bits
laid out everywhere in the shed.”
The jumps now just need some board and a lick of paint, as the steel is not galvanised.
Mark says the job also provides a bit of much-needed income so they can keep operating.
“We need to have a certain number of jobs that give us a bit of income so we can keep the machines going.”
Linda says the $1900 grant from Network Tasman Trust will cover around half the cost of the jumps and they will make up the shortfall by fundraising through their training days.
Network Tasman Trust trustee Judene Edgar says, for them it is a “win-win” as it is one notfor-profit organisation working with another.
“What don’t we love about that?”
Load control is a mechanism that Network Tasman and many other lines companies use to manage the demand that heating water places on the electricity network during ‘peak’ demand periods.
Load control allows Network Tasman to remotely shut off electrical hot water cylinders for a short time during the periods of highest demand. As a result, Network Tasman can keep costs down and pass those savings on to our consumers. Cheaper prices for water heating are shown on your electricity bill as a line called ‘controlled’ or ‘economy’.
Controlling the load in this way doesn’t impact the way you use hot water e.g. to wash dishes, do laundry or have showers. Our aim is to ensure that you don’t even notice that load control is being used.
Load control helps save consumers money because Network Tasman doesn’t have to invest as much money upgrading the capacity of its local network to cope with ever-increasing peaks during the network’s busy hours.
Network Tasman’s Regulatory and Commercial Manager, Daniel Vincent says “If we didn’t have load control, we would have needed to make a significant investment in the network to keep up with the ever-increasing demand some years ago, and consumers would already be paying for that investment in their power bill. Deferring investment keeps our network at a level that’s in line with what the community actually needs and, in turn, keeps electricity prices down”.
“Management of peak load through hot water load control by Network Tasman saves the company and its consumers a significant amount of money every year.”
Ideal weather and elaborate arrangements made the Peace Day celebrations around the region memorable events. In Richmond, more than 1000 adults and 500 children assembled at Richmond Park on 19, July 1919 to mark the close of the Great War, with more gathering in nearby Nelson. The day’s festivities began when all those who took part in the lengthy procession assembled at Richmond School. The National Reserve Band headed the
procession, followed by Britannia (on horseback with returned soldiers as out-riders), the Allies (also mounted), the mayor and councillors, residents of the Special School for Girls in decorated cars, residents of the Old People’s Home, Croucher’s Dug-out Bakery, ambulance cart, decorated cycles and motor cycles, motor cars, and traps.
The children of Richmond, Hope, Ranzau, and Appleby Schools were conveyed to the park in four waggons and eight express carts drawn by a traction en-
gine driven by Mr G Webby. The many decorated vehicles and the hundreds of waving flags presented a spectacle which would live long in the minds of the children. Many of the exhibits in the procession were of an ingenious character, in particular and special mention may be made of Dr Pirie’s ambulance cart (first prize) Mr Warren’s decorated car, Mr P. Savage’s battle cruiser, and Mr Button’s submarine.
On arrival at the park, the school children and adults gathered in front of the grandstand where the mayor (Mr W.E. Wilkes) read the King’s proclamation and addressed the children in reference to the great historical and important event that was being commemorated throughout the country. In memory of the brave and dead and in compliance with the Government’s request, at noon five minutes silence was observed and the Last Post was played by the band and afterwards by two buglers. The feeding of a large number of children was a huge task but one that was enjoyed by all. The peace celebration committee provided a special luncheon for the returned
soldiers, and 44 men accepted the invitation extended to them with the mayor and councillors also being present.
The soldiers were honoured for their sacrifice and were wished the best as they again took their places in civilian life.
The school children were entertained by the teachers, who provided games and sports for them. The adult had their own sports and games, and the older folks were able to reunite with old friends. After the departure of the Nelson band in the early afternoon, a hurriedly-organised local band provided the music.
In the evening a large crowd gathered to witness the torchlight display organised by the Fire Brigade.
Considerable amusement was caused by
several who dressed in clownish clothes and by their antics ensured all they could to promote the people’s enjoyment.
The day went off without incident and was enjoyed by both workers and the public. The executive committee and the sports committee had completed a huge task to ensure that Richmond celebrated the end of war in an appropriate and enjoyable fashion. This ended a day that during five dark years all hearts had longed for and prayed for—the day when the bells would ring, proclaiming that we were once more at peace.
Nourishing locals daily, the beloved local establishment, Richmond Roast House, has been making a significant impact with its Mobile Meal service. Owner Garry Higgins, otherwise known as Higgy, is deeply passionate about the initiative, emphasising the importance of providing nutritious meals to those in need.
Catering to a diverse range of individuals, including those who are unwell, recently discharged from the hospital, and families looking to provide nourishing meals for their loved ones, the teams free deliver from Brightwater to Nelson and out to Appleby, ensuring accessibility for all. Nutritional meals, value for money, and an extra point of contact for those who are alone, are core aspects of the service, with one of their biggest points of difference being the use of plates over packaging. Collected on the following visit, this unique service sums up the level of quality the team delivers. Higgy’s commitment to the service is palpable. He believes that genuine care and compassion are lacking in society today and has aimed to fill that void through the Mobile Meal service, saying, “We genuinely care.” The service provides good old-fashioned
meals and desserts, with a menu that changes monthly. Meal options start as low as $12 a day, including roast meals, making it affordable for many and highlighting the flexibility of their offerings to meet the varied needs of their clients. Shari Bennet, a dedicated driver for the Mobile Meal service, shares her devotion to the role, saying. “It is a privilege to help families look after their loved ones.” One of the significant impacts of the Mobile Meal service is seen in the health improvements of their clients. For the team it is not just about delivering meals, but about fostering connections and caring for the community. “I think the biggest impact we see is when a person is unwell and hasn’t been looking after themselves properly. Through our service, I’ve seen people grow healthier from eating freshly cooked food on a regular basis and the service eliminates confusion around food expiration dates, ensuring that clients receive fresh, nutritious meals without the worry of food going bad.”
For more information on Mobile Meal Service (Richmond Roast House ) contact (03) 544 0600 or email garry@richmondroast house.co.nz
Business Update.
We will be doing much-needed road repairs on Hill Street and Churchill Avenue between 7.00 am and 6.00 pm starting Thursday 1 August for up to eight weeks (weather dependent).
Do we really need to do this now?
All roads need maintenance from time to time, and particularly just before they are due to be resealed. Full reseals occur every 10 – 15 years as the bitumen ages and becomes brittle, when the seal can crack and let water into the underlying road structure, causing more extensive and expensive repairs. This part of Hill Street was last resealed in 2007 and the seal is at the end of its life.
Before we do a full reseal, we need to make sure all required maintenance work is complete with enough time for the new repairs to settle down. This will mean the reseal can last as long as possible.
We understand road works can be frustrating, however so are potholes, damaged roads, and ineffective stormwater solutions. It’s important that we invest in making repairs and upgrades to maintain the longevity of our roading network and water infrastructure.
What benefit does the community get from this?
This type of work enables everyone to travel on our roads without potholes and get to their destination safely, while also ensuring our stormwater systems keep people and property safe.
What are we doing exactly?
The roading repairs involve a mix of works including levelling, service cover adjustments, isolated sealing repairs, dig outs, and sump installs.
We will also be working on the footpath area. This involves renewing the kerb and channel, installing a sub-soil drain below the kerb to intercept ground water which is weakening the road, reconstructing the vehicle access crossings, and reconstructing the path in concrete.
Why does it take so long?
There is a lot of different jobs to be done in this area, so we are combining the work and having multiple different contractors working together on separate jobs in the same area to minimise disruptions to the community. If we didn’t do this, we would be coming and going with multiple different teams and closures over a longer period of time.
Hill Street specifics
Hill Street between Churchill Avenue and Queen Street will be under a one-lane closure, with southbound traffic flowing normally (towards Richmond). Northbound traffic (towards Nelson) will be detoured via Queen Street, Wilkes Street and William Street. This one-lane closure will remain in place 24/7 until works are complete.
Churchill Avenue specifics
Churchill Avenue between Hill Street and Griffin Street will be under a full closure during working hours (7.00 am – 6.00 pm), it will reopened outside of working hours and on weekends. Access for residents on Churchill Avenue will be via Warwick Street. Once this section of Churchill Avenue is complete, work will move further up the street between Griffin Street and Barrington Place, and will be done under stop/go traffic management from 7.00 am – 6.00 pm.
Southbound traffic only –northbound lane closed (24/7)
Full road closure (during work hours)
Stop/go traffic management for stage two of Churchill, after works in the pink line area have been completed (during work hours)
Detour routes
What does this mean for me?
I live in the area: Residents will have access to their properties, with the assistance of our traffic management team. Depending on the type of work being done, and if we are working across an entryway, at times vehicle access may be limited, but pedestrian access will be maintained. Rubbish and recycling collections can still be put out as normal, and our traffic management team will assist with pickups.
I travel through Hill Street: Footpaths will remain open on one side of the road at all times. There are no changes for southbound traffic, however northbound traffic will be detoured via Queen Street, Wilkes Street and William Street.
eBus: The southbound eBus will travel its normal route. The northbound eBus will detour via Queen Street, Wilkes Street and William Street. The one southbound bus stop in the closure area will be closed while this work is taking place. We have put signs up at this bus stop to let regular users know. There is no temporary replacement bus stop as it would be the same distance as walking to next available permanent stop. The nearest bus stop for travellers is on Upper Queen Street or at the other end of Hill Street near Champion Road. The nearby northbound bus stop is outside of the road works area, so will remain in use as normal.
The results are in, and Tasman schools have come up trumps in the race for a share of $15k to spend on sports equipment.
The Richmond Mall Vote for Your School competition saw 13 local schools given the opportunity to win $10k, $3k and $2k for first second and third place respectively by dropping receipts, voting forms from Waimea Weekly, and stickers from Luv’ya apples into their school’s box at the mall.
“The engagement from the community was nothing short of incredible, and we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to the schools, students, parents, and community members for their overwhelming support,” says Richmond Mall manager Belinda de Clercq.
More than 2100 stickers were collected from apples and 4693 voting forms from the Waimea Weekly were put into the boxes during the six-week campaign.
“Throughout the campaign, we were touched by so many heartwarming stories. Grandparents were encouraged by their grandchildren to collect receipts, and schools went above and beyond
in their efforts to gather Luvýa apple stickers.
“We received delightful notes saying, “Place your sticker here and help us to win sports gear,” which were displayed in public places. One teacher even told us that kids would yell out, “Make sure you put the in the right box!” when she took receipts to be
dropped off to the mall.
“In my own neighbourhood, kids rang doorbells and asked for the Vote Coupons with such enthusiasm and determination,” Belinda says.
The top three schools, in no particular order are Ranzau, Appleby and Brightwater, who will each receive a share of the $15,000.
Cheques will be presented to the winning schools during their assembly next week, which is where they will find out who claimed the top spot, and $10k for new sporting equipment.
“We can’t wait to celebrate with the students and staff of our winning schools,” Belinda says. “We also want to acknowledge our
sponsors... Luvýa apples, Waimea Weekly, Media Works, and Tinline Properties.”
The other school placings are: 4th - Saint Paul’s, 5th - Birchwood, 6th - Lower Moutere, 7th - Hope, 8th - Māpua, 9th - Henley, 10th - Waimea Intermediate, 11thBrooklyn, 12th - Nelson Intermediate, 13th - St Joseph’s.
Hands Up For Hospice - the theme for Sioux Line Dance NZ at Club Waimea on 2nd and 3rd May. The theme was to dress in something brought from a Hospice Shop.
Hands Up For Hospice - the theme for Sioux Line Dance NZ at Club Waimea on 2nd and 3rd May. The theme was to dress in something brought from a Hospice Shop.
Some amazing creations and Lauren Cox from Nelson Tasman Hospice came to open our
Some amazing creations and Lauren Cox from Nelson Tasman Hospice came to open our
weekend event. We all danced an especially choreographed dance by teacher Sue Wilson called "Hands Up For Hospice," actions and singing included.
weekend event. We all danced an especially choreographed dance by teacher Sue Wilson called "Hands Up For Hospice," actions and singing included.
We raised $2,551 for Nelson Tasman Hospice.
We raised $2,551 for Nelson Tasman Hospice.
A great team effort.
A great team effort.
Sherry Donaldson & Sue Wilson
- Each hand attached had a message from staff and patients at Nelson Tasman Hospice. The ladies from the Hospice Shop chose the dress.
Indoor Bowls is an active sports section of Club Waimea and they play both social and competitive bowls which is up to the person playing as to what level they wish to go to.
There are opportunities to play in club tournaments and championships which go onto association events, and from here is the chance to be selected to represent the Nelson association which a number of our members are part of.
Indoor Bowls is an active sports section of Club Waimea and they play both social and competitive bowls which is up to the person playing as to what level they wish to go to. There are opportunities to play in club tournaments and championships which go onto association events, and from here is the chance to be selected to represent the Nelson association which a number of our members are part of.
There are Clubs NZ men’s or Ladies nationals held annually, of which, while this is being written, 3 of our ladies are away in Invercargill at the moment representing Club Waimea.
There are Clubs NZ men’s or Ladies nationals held annually, of which, while this is being written, 3 of our ladies are away in Invercargill at the moment representing Club Waimea.
represent the Top Of The South Zone.
Just in May, 8 members of our section played in a tournament at Warnes Stadium to find a representative team to go onto the zone finals, this year held in Blenheim.
Just in May, 8 members of our section played in a tournament at Warnes Stadium to find a representative team to go onto the zone finals, this year held in Blenheim.
One team was the NZ Masters fours of which players must be an age of 60 plus to play in this event, and they played in the zone final but
unfortunately proceed further from there.
The other team was the NZ Mixed Fours and we are very happy to say they now go on to represent the top of the South Island in Wellington in August and we wish them good luck for the event where they will play a team from each of the other seven zones in NZ.
One team was the NZ Masters fours of which players must be an age of 60 plus to play in this event, and they played in the zone final but unfortunately proceed further from there.
The other team was the NZ Mixed Fours and we are very happy to say they now go on to represent the top of the South Island in Wellington in August and we wish them good luck for the event where they will play a team from each of the other seven zones in NZ.
On Sunday, 21 July, the Rugby section of Club Waimea had their presentation for the Super Pacific Rugby 2024 competition. A good turnout for the section saw convenor Gary Brown announce the winners and award the trophies. For the first time ever, there was a 3-way tie for top spot!
Neville Meads
We would like to take this opportunity to honour Neville Meads. Neville passed away in the latter part of the competition and was in the Top 7 place when he passed on.
He was one of the oldest members at 94 and one of the original members to start the “Rugby section” –back when records started in 1999. A big thanks to John Hewison who continued on competing for Neville – to bring him home in the winners circle with consistent points. The Meads family were very grateful to John for continuing on for Neville to finish the season out. Neville was a strong Crusader supporter, win or loss. Neville’s family –Kevin and Bryce (sons) and Rachel (granddaughter) –attended the presentation
in his honour.
We are always looking for new members to join us. We are all about having fun, competing - on paper (we don’t actually take the field) – and just general one-upmanship! We run competitions throughout the year, Bunnings, Rugby Championship and Super Rugby and social events. So all you armchair refs, come and have a go at picking the winners and scores. If you want to know more, just ask at the club.
1st Equal (overall) 590 points Neville Meads, Alan Snowden & Reece McLaughlan
4th Place (overall) 586 points Mike Stronach
1st Place (women) 582 points Jo Harwood
Brownies Max Points Trophy Carol Trower
Winners of the Club Waimea Squash Downer social league “Trucks”. Congratulations Kevin Jacobs, Grace Young, Jack Gibb, Nan Gale and Jodi Backhouse.
Club Waimea Squash have regular club social leagues open to members and non-members. 30 minute games are a lot of fun and as competitive as you want it to be!
Casual squash for non-members is also available, scan the code on the squash club door and follow the instructions. Any enquiries phone Dave 0274751940.
Have your say:
sara@topsouthmedia.co.nz facebook.com/waimeaweekly
Snip ‘n’ chip sought for Tasman cats
I have always got my cats fixed. My boy wouldn’t know how to get into a female cat, his spoilt life sleeps all day, all night.
Sharmaine Marie
My cat is spayed, but at the age of over 10 years I refuse to microchip her.
Robin Beattie
And why not have them registered like dogs have to be, this revenue could be split and shared between the councils and the SPCA.
Bruce Needham
About bloody time.
James Jemson
More than 70 years as sweethearts
Congratulations, wow.
Judy Hamer
Congratulations, such a special milestone.
Kelly Blomfield
Thank you everyone. We had a wonderful week.
June N Stan Ball
Congratulations Stan and June, an amazing couple, an amazing achievement. Well done.
Jessie Guy
Congratulations. See people, Love isn’t about Romeo and Juliet. It’s about this lovely couple who weathered the
storms life threw at them and came out still shining. So awesome. x
Marion Maxwell
Huge respect in the building /joinery trade. Big congrats.
Dave Roberts
From down under to top of class
Definitely this young man has the pluck & determination to make it- go get ‘‘em, Harry!
Mandy Taylor
Cameras keeping neighbourhood safer
Needs lighting on the pathways from skatepark to the main hub, cinema, restaurants. We use this a lot and it is pitch black at night.
Jamie Keen
Sounds awful! The nosey neighbour won.
Caroline Davey
Good on you, Pat, for helping with this initiative.
Lorraine Lindsay
Great work, Laney. You do a fabulous job on our behalf. Thankyou.
Irene Steele
We have had great success in Brightwater also, the Brightwater Community Association - New Zealand fundraised to purchase and install. Currently fundraising for a couple more.
Aleisha Hosie
Frustration with cost of flying
It’s been like this for far too long in Nelson.
Rod Sinclair
I fly between Chch and Nelson a lot as I have family in Nelson and some of the prices are really high. I’ll only buy flights when on sale. Sometimes to get the cheap flights you have to go via Wellington.
Leish Gillespie
19th June, 10-11.30am Wednesday, 17th July, 10-11.30am
AC Palmer & Sons’ very own Kevin Palmer has been recognized as the Skilled Professional of the Year for his outstanding dedication to excellence, commitment to safety, and proactive approach to environmental practices within the forestry sector.
Kevin’s long-standing partnership with Taylors Contracting Co. Ltd. highlights his exceptional contribution to the industry, a testament to his hard work and expertise. Reflecting on his journey in the sector, Kevin shared, “I inherited my passion for forestry from my father, who laid the foundation for our family business. It’s been a privilege to work alongside Taylors Contracting for over 20 years, especially with Mike Fahey, the manager whom I greatly admire for his hard work and dedication.”
Kevin’s close-knit family ties are evident in the business, with his brother Brian
and himself taking over the family business from their father. Today, Kevin’s son Bobby (Gareth) has also joined the family business, marking the continuation of a legacy built on dedication and hard work. The success of AC Palmer & Sons can be attributed to their diverse business model, which includes operating three gravel trucks full time with Taylors Contracting, along with trucks carrying fertilizers and containers. The vast roading network plays a vital role in the region, showcasing the importance of their services in building and maintaining infrastructure.
When asked about his motivation, Kevin expressed, “I love the work, it’s my passion. Whether driving, fixing, or washing the trucks, I am fully invested in the business. It’s not just a job for me; it’s a hobby that I enjoy every day.”
Recognizing the significance of frontline workers in the sector, Kevin highlighted the importance of events like the Top of the South Forestry Awards. He emphasized the forestry industry’s unique challenges and the dedication required to excel in challenging terrains and variable commendable of those on the ground.
Kevin’s reputation as a safety-conscious operator and consummate professional has set him apart in the industry, earning him recognition and respect from his peers. His commitment to upholding the highest standards in health, safety, and environmental practices continues to drive him towards excellence, making him a trusted partner in the forestry sector and beyond.
highest safety, pracdrive him making in the beyond.
The forestry industry in New Zealand continues to offer a range of exciting career opportunities for those interested in working with nature and sustainable resources. With the recent announcement of the TOTS Forestry Scholarship for 2024, the industry is once again demonstrating its commitment to supporting and developing future talent.
The scholarship, funded by the regional forestry awards, offers a generous cash grant of $3000 to a student or employee within the forestry and/or timber manufacturing/processing industries who is looking to enhance their skills, knowledge, and value to their employer.
The recipient of the scholarship is expected to pursue a career in specific industry activities within forestry and/or timber manufacturing/processing.
This year, six applications were received for the scholarship, and after careful consideration, Zodus Epiha was selected as the deserving recipient.
Zodus has demonstrated a passion and enthusiasm for working in the forestry industry, and we are confident that this scholarship will support his progression from the NZ Certificate in Forestry Harvesting Operations (Level 3) to a fulfilling career within the industry.
In addition to the scholarship, each applicant has received a prize package
from Nelspecs, a company that provides communications products and solutions for the industry. We would like to extend our thanks to Nelspecs for their support and contribution to the scholarship programme.
Over the next 12 months, we will be working closely with Zodus to follow his journey and provide support as he navigates his way into the
Reliable equipment is essential in New Zealand’s thriving yet challenging forestry industry.
forestry industry. We are committed to helping him succeed and believe that this scholarship will help him achieve his goals and aspirations within the industry.
For those interested in pursuing a career in forestry in New Zealand, there are a wide range of opportunities available, including roles in harvesting operations, timber processing, forest man-
agement, conservation, and more. The industry offers rewarding and fulfilling careers for those who are passionate about working with nature and promoting sustainability.
We congratulate Zodus Epiha on being awarded the TOTS Forestry Scholarship for 2024 and wish him the best of luck in his future endeavours within the forestry industry.
Doug McLeod has been honoured with induction into the Hall of Fame for his remarkable impact on forestry in the Top of the South Region and beyond, solidifying his status as a true pioneer in the forestry industry.
Starting as a labourer in Ngamu Forest, Doug’s dedication and passion for the industry have been evident at every stage of his esteemed career. As a Golden Downs Woodsmen in 1982, Doug’s exceptional technical skills and commitment to sup-
Providing quality helicopter services to the top of the South Island since 1979
porting and training his colleagues set him apart as a standout leader in the field. His compassion, willingness to advocate for others, and unique training style garnered Doug respect and admiration from all who had the privilege of working along-
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In everything we do, we believe in strategy, thinking differently, and no surprises. By using experience and technology we happen to deliver exceptional results.
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• Road and Landing Construction
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side him. In the role of a trainer for Carter Holt Harvey in the Kinleith region, Doug’s reputation for excellence and emphasis on safety distinguished him as a leader in the industry. His innovative training approach, requiring individuals to earn their units through hard work and dedication, resonated with contractors and trainees, showcasing Doug’s genuine care for people and determination to enhance safety practices. During challenging times, such as the windthrow events in 2004 and 2008, Doug’s leadership and forward-thinking solutions proved indispensable. Through his advocacy for improved safety measures in felling and logging practices, Doug significantly contributed to the industry’s progress and helped mitigate the risk of serious injuries. Doug’s involvement in pioneering initiatives like the development of winch assist technology further cements his legacy as a game-changer in the industry. As a Bush Inspector, Doug continued to drive safety advancements and promote best practices among crews, leaving a lasting impact on the sector. His unwa-
vering dedication, exceptional leadership, and sincere commitment to the industry and its workforce make Doug McLeod a deserving recipient of the Hall of Fame award. Congratulations for this well-deserved recognition of their outstanding contributions and lasting influence on the forestry industry.
UDC proudly supports those that have made the cut, and congratulates all nominees and winners of this year’s Top of the South Forestry Awards. We’re proud to be long term supporters of the forestry sector and we’re here to help when you need it.
MJ Fraser Logging Ltd
Adam Schultz
Andrew Wallace
Andy Davis
Andy Gillispie
Anna Batty
Brad Biggs
Brad Smith
Bryce Borlase
BSW10 Crew
Chris Dyer
Connor Barton
Connor Berkett
Daniel Jenkins
Darren Swan
DC Equipment Ltd
Elliott Papps
Nigel Bryant Logging Ltd
Heagney Bros Ltd
Moutere Management Ltd
M&R Forestland Management Ltd
Berkett Contracting
Nigel Bryant Logging Ltd
Borlase Transport Ltd
MJ Fraser Logging Ltd
John Brunsden
Jordan Sime
Josh Kelly
Keegan Pomeroy
Kelly Logging – K1 830
Kelly Logging
Kevin Palmer
Kinzett Forestry Limited
Leanne Cook
Leslie Smith
Liam Neal
Logan Whitwell
Mathew Johnson
Taylors Contracting Co Ltd
MJ Fraser Logging Ltd
Kelly Logging
Moutere Management Ltd
Taylors Contracting Co Ltd
Kinzett Forestry Limited
MJ Fraser Logging Ltd
Mike Edridge Contracting
K E Green Logging Ltd
Nigel Bryant Logging Ltd
Moutere Management Ltd
Mel McCuish
Mike Fahey
MJ Fraser Logging Ltd
Moutere Logging Ltd
K E Green Logging Ltd
Kelly Logging
PF Olsen
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Endurance Logging
Faron Hollan
Glen Holmwood
Graeme Tuck
MJ Fraser Logging Ltd
Nick Chin
NMH Crew
Taylors Contracting Co Ltd
MJ Fraser Logging Ltd
Moutere Management Ltd
Tasman District Council
Moutere Management Ltd
MJ Fraser Logging Ltd
Moutere Logging Limited
Hamish Vallance
Pamela Milliken
publishing 06/24/21 bookedsize CSQQUARTVE
Paul Osnabrugge
publication AdvSuppNEM dimensions 12.3X12.4, cmswidthbyheight section CUSTOMSQUARE proofed 9/06/202112:22:08PM
Harley Hokianga
Jacob Ching
Jacqui Cress
Jacquie Boer
Jaden Roeske
James Chandler
James Mackel
James Quinn
Jamie Allen
Jared Spinner
Heagney Bros Ltd
Taylors Contracting Co Ltd
Heagney Bros Ltd
Taylors Contracting Co Ltd
Nigel Bryant Logging Ltd
Tumeke Loggers
Ricky Hovenden
Robert Appletons
Russell Parkes
Ryan Green
Sally Milton
Sam Stuart
Sean Gill
Hightrack Harvesting Limited
Tasman Pine Forests
Moutere Management Ltd
Moutere Management Ltd
Siobhan Allen
Steve Thompson Ltd
Tamara Eggers
Taylor Antonievic
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Jason Nicholls
Jayd Cosmatos
Jimmy Simpson
Jo Field
Burson Logging
Nigel Bryant Logging Ltd
Taylors Contracting
Wesley Verboom
Willie Waldron
12.3X12.4, cmswidthbyheight section CUSTOMSQUARE proofed 9/06/202112:22:08PM
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The Professional Forest Management Company of choice
PFOlsenistheleadingproviderofindependent professionalforestryservicesinNewZealand.
PF Olsen is the leading provider of independent professional forestry services in New Zealand.
Schroder Hill
Stuart Drummond Transport
Nigel Bryant Logging Ltd
Greens Logging
Hightrack Harvesting Limited
Moutere Management Ltd
M&R Forestland Management Ltd
Steve Thompson Ltd
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Taylors Contracting Co Ltd
C&W Logging
Contact us now for all your forest management needs:
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PFOlsenistheleadingproviderofindependent professionalforestryservicesinNewZealand.
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Skilled Professional of the Year 2024
(sponsored by Top of the South Forestry Awards): Kevin Palmer – (AC Palmer & Sons) Taylors Contracting Co. Ltd.
Crew of the Year Award – trophy (sponsored by TDX):
BSW10 Crew - Nigel Bryant Logging Ltd.
Runner-up: Kelly Logging – K1 830
Outstanding Environmental Managementtrophy (sponsored by Tasman District Council): Anna Baty – M&R Forestland Management.
Outstanding Health and Safety Management Award – trophy (sponsored by DC Equipment): MJ Fraser Logging Ltd.
Outstanding Regional Service Performance –trophy (sponsored by AB Equipment Tigercat): DC Equipment
Good Deed Award - (sponsored by Port Nelson): Jordon Sime, MJ Fraser Logging Ltd
TOTS Forestry Hall of Fame: (sponsored by Borlase Transport): Doug McLeod – Worksafe
Hero of the Industry (sponsored by UDC):
Mike Fahey – Taylors Contracting Co. Ltd.
Forestry & Establishment
Excellence – certificate
(sponsored by Tasman Pine Forests Ltd): Harley Hokianga – Tasman Forest Services Ltd.
Harvesting Excellence – certificate (sponsored by PF Olsen): Jamie Allen –Moutere Management Ltd.
Log Processor Excellence – certificate (sponsored by CrediFlex): Russell Parkes –Nigel Bryant Logging Ltd.
Truck Driver Excellence – certificate (sponsored by NPD):
Chris Dyer – Borlase Transport Ltd and Kevin Palmer – (AC Palmer & Sons)
Taylors Contracting Co. Ltd.
Distribution Excellence – certificate (Pacific Forest Products): Bryce Borlase - OneFortyOne
NZ Apprentice of the Year – certificate (sponsored by Taylors Contracting Co Ltd): Liam Neal – K E Green Logging Ltd
Roading Excellence – certificate (sponsored by OneFortyOne): John Brunsden – Taylors Contracting Co. Ltd.
Trainee of the Year – certificate (sponsored by Competenz): Sean Gill – Tasman Forest Services Ltd.
Training Company/Contractor of the Year –certificate (sponsored by OneFortyOne): MJ Fraser Logging Ltd.
Tree Faller Excellence (manual) – certificate (sponsored by Hauler Engineering): Darren Swan – Nigel Bryant Logging Ltd.
Tree Faller Excellence (mechanised) –certificate (sponsored by Tasman Heavy Diesel): Matthew Johnson – Kelly Logging.
Breaker Out Excellence – certificate (sponsored by Tasman Forest Services Ltd) Jimmy Simpson – Nigel Bryant Logging Ltd.
Woman in Forestry – certificate (sponsored by Total Energies): Siobhan Allen –M&R Forestland Management Ltd.
Wood Processing & Manufacturing Excellence – certificate (sponsored by Stuart Drummond Transport Ltd): Elliott Papps - OneFortyOne.
Wanderers Senior Mobility Classes in Brightwater recently celebrated their fourth anniversary with reflections on their growth and impact.
Founded by Marty Davis, who travelled from Auckland to join the festivities, the classes have evolved significantly since their humble beginnings in an empty building with a few friends and a personal trainer. Initially sparked by an ACC seminar addressing elderly falls, the classes have grown to serve around 70 seniors from across Tasman. Their success is attributed to the participants' enthusiasm and the tangible benefits they experience in balance and strength, prompting them to invite others to join.
“The success of any venture is how well it works after the founder goes, and this is just flourishing,” Marty explains.
“None of this would be
happening today if it wasn’t for the wonderful volunteers.”
“We didn’t realise that it would develop as well as it has, hearing people say they look forward to coming and that they invite their friends to come has created more than just an exercise group, there is a real sense of community where we are all looking out for each other,” says
Wanderers Senior Mobility Class instructor and personal trainer, James Cooper. Support for the expanding group has come from Age Concern, Mainland Foundation, The Rātā Foundation, Taylors Contracting, The New Zealand Community Trust, and Wanderers Community Sports Club, underscoring
community recognition of the programme's value.
The increasing popularity has outgrown the original facility, prompting ongoing upgrades and expansions to accommodate the growing numbers. Progress has been made in expanding the small building over the past year, although limited funding has slowed the process, requiring further work to fully meet the group's needs.
“Creating a space fit for purpose where participants can continue to invite others to come is important for the longevity of the programme,” James adds.
To raise essential funds for the ongoing building expansion, the group has organised a sports quiz night at Wanderers Community Sports Club on Friday, 9 August, at 7 pm.
For more information or to register a team, please contact jimmy@wandererssports.
Rylee Pearce, 3, enjoys sensory play at Brightwater Playcentre with gooey slime, which engages children's senses, stimulates creativity, and triggers curiosity. For over 50 years, Brightwater Playcentre has been a beacon of learning, growth, and joy for children and families with generations passing through its doors. Brightwater Playcentre facilitator Malita Evans says that it’s a space to come and get messy, paint, and create – the things you may not want to do at home. Families that attend say it’s all about families coming together, allowing children to engage with others who are younger and older than themselves, and forming lifelong friendships. Photo: Malita Evans.
Since its inception by managing director Stephen Fitzgerald in 1997, Fitzgerald Construction has grown to be one of the largest locally owned construction companies in the region. With a portfolio boasting stunning buildings across the region, the company's extensive local knowledge and skill have set them apart in the competitive construction industry. Expanding its horizons in 2020, Fitzgerald Construction became the merchant for Specialised Structures in the Nelson Tasman region. Embarking on an exciting new chapter, the company, along with its subsidiary Specialised Structures, has moved to a brand-new, purposebuilt premises at 7 Boxman Place, Stoke. After 26 years of building a reputation for quality and reliability, this relocation marks a
significant milestone, reflecting both the company's growth and its commitment to innovation and excellence.
The core values of the company are deeply rooted in dedication and professionalism, driven by its unwavering commitment to service and quality, says Vaughan Cornelius. As the Delivery Manager for Specialised Structures Tasman, Vaughan emphasises the company's focus on collaboration, communication, and transparency. "At the core of what we do is planning work with the customer and having a project done on time and on budget. These principles ensure that every project is executed with precision and client satisfaction.”
The decision to create a brandnew purpose-built premises was prompted by the need for more
space, says Vaughan. Initially operating out of a hangar by the airport and then moving to an old site on Vickerman Street, the company finally settled into their new building on Boxman Place in Stoke, in June.
The new location, which houses Fitzgerald Construction Limited, Specialised Structures Tasman, Fitzgerald Modular Buildings, and Fitzgerald Cranes, was meticulously planned and constructed to showcase the company's capabilities.
The site features brand-new office spaces for headquarters and a purpose-built manufacturing factory for Fitzgerald Modular Buildings. “This setup allows us to operate in any weather conditions and store all of our products in one place, providing precise control over modular building
From back left; Delivery Manager for Specialised Structures Tasman Vaughan Cornelius, Modular Buildings Delivery Manager Daryn Johnson, Quantity Surveyor Jonathan Bae, Project Manager Isaac Alder, Managing Director Stephen Fitzgerald and Yardman Glenn Richards. Front: Office and Accounts Manager Tanya Dicks and Health & Safety and Administrator Julie Fitzgerald.
processes. The new premises enable our team to oversee operations more effectively, ensuring everything is managed efficiently. The new building not only meets current needs but also future proofs the company and provides space for workforce growth.”
In the pipeline for a number of years, the relocation process was remarkably smooth, adds Vaughan, thanks to the company's control over the build from start to finish. "The overall move took only about a day and a half all up, it was pretty quick! Built for the Modular Buildings, it also fully showcases what we can do as a company, along with our other services.”
Vaughan says the team knew exactly what they needed from the modern facility. “Stephen knew what he wanted from the get-go and just waited for the right bit of land to become available. Everything was really well planned. The build gave us a chance to map out exactly what we needed, and we took the opportunity to install the latest technology for our staff
and customers, including stateof-the-art full touch screens for displaying project and concept plans, along with electric car chargers in the carpark and solar panels on the roof, enhancing the company's operational efficiency and sustainability. “Overall, it looks great, and it is brilliant to be here. The location is perfect, being in Stoke we are quite central to everything, which is where we wanted to be.” Their longstanding relationships with local con-
tractors such as Advanced Access Solutions, Aotea Electrical, Audiophile, Cotton Heavy Haulage, Design Windows, Flooring Xtra, IFC Steel, J&M Concrete, Johnson & Associates, Placemakers, and Tim Miller Plumbing further ensured the project was efficient and seamless.
The company take pride in a multitude of standout projects, including the modular classrooms built across the South Island for the Ministry of Education, the recently completed BYD Nelson
dealership on Rutherford Street, and the Upper Hardy Street apartments. These projects underscore the company's contribution to the region's development and their commitment to quality and excellence. The move also enabled the company to build on their sustainability ethos.
“All of the materials we used in this build have been made in New Zealand as we like to support locally made products as much as we can. We recycle a really good portion of our steel and cardboard, and with our sustainable approach we operate as more of an environmentally conscious company, the move has enabled us to amplify this even further.”
Fitzgerald Construction’s modular buildings are proudly designed with environmental sustainability in mind. “We use a New Zealand made steel framing system, incorporating recycled steel. The steel is galvanized during production, eliminating the need for additional preservative chemical treatments. Steel framing sections are roll-formed to
length, minimising waste and reducing the environmental impact of building site waste going to landfill. These structures are suitable for use anywhere in New Zealand and are built to last. Modular buildings make it possible to access hard-to-reach locations and offer the added benefit of being relocatable if needed.”
Fitzgerald Construction offers a range of comprehensive services that many may not be aware of, including a complete maintenance division for both residential and commercial projects. With years of experience and a dedication to excellence, they take pride in offering a diverse range of services tailored to meet
specific needs.
“Our offerings include alterations, renovations, and improvements, residential and commercial property maintenance, shower and kitchen installations, paint touch-ups, decks, and much more. Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to delivering exceptional results, re-
gardless of the size or complexity of the project.”
Looking ahead, Fitzgerald Construction are excited about extending their services to building modular houses, a goal that aligns with their innovative approach and dedication to meeting evolving market demands. “This is something we are working towards and is a definite a goal for the future.”
The company is flexible and capable of handling a range of structures, from large industrial builds to smaller spaces on residential properties. Their wide scope of services means they can cater to any project, no matter the size, and guide clients from initial concept to completion. Fitzgerald Construction are proud to support the local community and are dedicated to contributing to the region's growth and development. With their new purposebuilt site, the company is wellequipped to continue delivering exceptional results and driving the future of construction across the region and beyond.
Country ran away with the game as they outclassed Town in the representative second division fixture at Brightwater Domain.
The annual rugby match officially ended the season for division two after Wanderers claimed the title last weekend.
The Town vs Country match sees players from Waimea Old Boys, Wanderers, Nelson, Stoke, and Marist join forces as the Town team, despite their season-long rivalry.
The Country team brings together players from Collingwood, Tākaka, Huia, Riwaka, Murchison and Tapawera.
The 43-14 performance cementing Country’s dominance in recent years, with back-to-back wins in the annual fixture.
Playing into the wind in the first half, Country started the game with dominance in the forwards
that challenged Town at the ruck.
The consistent pressure created cracks and they quickly raced away to an early lead with three unanswered tries to open the game up.
Town fought back with a converted try to make it 17-7, but Country’s dominance saw them score a converted try in response as they sliced through the defence.
But the try was against a turning of the tides for Country as they slowly lost their control of the game with a lack of possession.
Town were able to claw back into the game with a try by holding on to the ball for extended periods, but it was hard work.
Despite giving themselves a chance, the effort also cost them in the long run as Country were able to sit back on their lead and capitalise against tired bodies at the death.
Late tries blew out the scoreline, with Country using the wind at
their backs to run in several tries to end the game.
Having had dominance in the forward pack, they had dominat-
ed large stretches of the game and it showed on the scoreboard.
Town showed their adaptability, having to dig deep to get points
Hayden Jones has committed to the University of Wisconsin–Madison for 2025. Hot off the back of being part of the country’s highest-ever finish at an age-grade World Cup with the New Zealand U17 team, winning the U18 nationals with Nelson and being named in the New Zealand NBL Rapid League All-Star five, Hayden will join the storied Wisconsin Badgers programme.
Niamh Fisher-Black makes her Olympic debut on Sunday, racing in the road race Sunday
on the board with a team that had only had two trainings in the build-up to the game after a season playing against each other.
evening at midnight. Shaane Fulton will make her track debut on Tuesday, 6 August, with the Women’s Team Sprint, while Keegan Hornblow races the next day in the team pursuit.
Daniel Astle was on fire as Table Tennis Nelson hosted their Nelson Closed Tournament over the weekend. Daniel picked up wins in the men’s open singles, doubles and O40 divisions, while earning silver in the mixed and O40 doubles. In the women’s, Anna King topped the open singles, doubles and mixed doubles.
The Tasman Mako will take a powerful squad and high expectations, both internally and externally, into the forthcoming Bunnings Warehouse NPC rugby championship.
The Tasman Mako will take a powerful squad and high expectations, both internally and externally, into the forthcoming Bunnings Warehouse NPC rugby championship.
It has been a few years since the nation’s youngest union tasted NPC success, the glory days of the premiership-winning teams of 2019 and 2020 seeming a fading memory. Since losing in the final to Waikato in the Covid-blighted season of 2021,
It has been a few years since the nation’s youngest union tasted NPC success, the glory days of the premiership-winning teams of 2019 and 2020 seeming a fading memory. Since losing in the final to Waikato in the Covid-blighted season of 2021,
Tasman have stuttered at the top provincial level, missing the quarterfinals in 2022 and losing to eventual champions Taranaki in the round of eight last year.
Tasman have stuttered at the top provincial level, missing the quarterfinals in 2022 and losing to eventual champions Taranaki in the round of eight last year.
This season they have assembled a powerful squad, which has not yet been officially named, containing a potent mix of Super Rugby players and local heroes.
This season they have assembled a powerful squad, which has not yet been officially named, containing a potent mix of Super Rugby players and local heroes.
Vastly-experienced lock Quinten Strange, who will lead the side, lock Antonio Shalfoon, powerful prop Kershawl Sykes-Martin, the elusive
Vastly-experienced lock Quinten Strange, who will lead the side, lock Antonio Shalfoon, powerful prop Kershawl Sykes-Martin, the elusive
Proudly supplying mouthguards to the junior players in the Tasman region, as well as the Tasman Mako players.
MFGDP (UK), MDS (Ortho), MRACDS (Orth)
Ana Low
Macca Springer, powerhouse centre Levi Aumua and the multi-talented Taine Robinson tasted game time with the Crusaders during the Super Rugby Pacific season. All Blacks Ethan Blackadder, David Havili, Will Jordan and Noah Hotham also turned out for the Red and Blacks and will be available for Tasman if and when released.
Macca Springer, powerhouse centre Levi Aumua and the multi-talented Taine Robinson tasted game time with the Crusaders during the Super Rugby Pacific season. All Blacks Ethan Blackadder, David Havili, Will Jordan and Noah Hotham also turned out for the Red and Blacks and will be available for Tasman if and when released.
From the Highlanders come Max Hicks, who is comfortable at both lock and flanker, plus the excitement machine, winger Timoci Tavatavanawai, while hooker Sam Moli, loosies Viliami Napa’a and Sione Havili Talitui, plus Tongan international Kyren Taumoefolau and the mercurial William Havili were part of the 2024 Moana Pasifika squad.
From the Highlanders come Max Hicks, who is comfortable at both lock and flanker, plus the excitement machine, winger Timoci Tavatavanawai, while hooker Sam Moli, loosies Viliami Napa’a and Sione Havili Talitui, plus Tongan international Kyren Taumoefolau and the mercurial William Havili were part of the 2024 Moana Pasifika squad.
First five Campbell Parata and prop Ryan Coxon were in the
First five Campbell Parata and prop Ryan Coxon were in the
Western Force mix while beefy lock Te Ahiwaru Cirikidaveta was with the Fijian Drua. Experienced props Isaac Salmon and Sam Matenga join the squad after overseas commitments.
Western Force mix while beefy lock Te Ahiwaru Cirikidaveta was with the Fijian Drua. Experienced props Isaac Salmon and Sam Matenga join the squad after overseas commitments.
All Blacks halfback Finlay Christie is still contracted to Tasman, although missing the past two seasons with international commitments, and will be a real bonus for the Mako if unwanted by Scott Robertson and co.
All Blacks halfback Finlay Christie is still contracted to Tasman, although missing the past two seasons with international commitments, and will be a real bonus for the Mako if unwanted by Scott Robertson
and co.
The champion Kahurangi club side contributes former Mako halfback Louie Chapman and the speedy Jack Gray, while Quentin MacDonald, who has played more matches for the Mako than anyone, and the hard-hitting Braden Stewart, hail from the Central Blues, prop/hooker Monu Moli spending the season with the famous Moutere club.
The Mako have enjoyed a
The champion Kahurangi club side contributes former Mako halfback Louie Chapman and the speedy Jack Gray, while Quentin MacDonald, who has played more matches for the Mako than anyone, and the hard-hitting Braden Stewart, hail from the Central Blues, prop/hooker Monu Moli spending the season with the famous Moutere club. The Mako have enjoyed a
pre-season hit-out, downing Manawatu 50-21 in Wellington last Friday. They play their only other warm-up match, against Southland, in Christchurch this Friday.
Then it is on to the competition proper, their first opponent being Manawatu, this time in Palmerston North on Sunday, August 11, kick off 4.35pm. Blenheim’s Lansdowne Park will host two Tasman roundrobin matches this season.
In the Bunnings Warehouse NPC, the Mako men’s side will play the Bay of Plenty Steamers on Saturday, August 31, with a 7.05pm kick-off. The second match at Lansdowne Park is their clash with the Wellington Lions on Sunday, September 15, this time with a 2.05pm start. As usual, three Mako matches will be hosted at Trafalgar Park in Nelson. First-up is Canterbury on Saturday, August 17 (kick off 2.05pm), followed by
Levi Aumua often requires the attention of several defenders with his strong ball running. Photo: Barry Whitnall/Shuttersport.
Macca Springers pace sees him as one of the Mako scoring threats. Photo: Barry Whitnall/Shuttersport.
a late season ‘Storm Week’ double-header – Tasman taking on Auckland on Wednesday, October 2 (7.05pm start), then backing up against Taranaki on Sunday, October 6, with a 2.05 kick-off.
With the All Blacks facing a testing schedule during the latter stages of 2024, most eyes in the NPC will be focussed on the up-and-coming brigade, players hoping to catch the eye of the Super Rugby Pacific selectors while giving their all for their respective provinces in the country’s premier national competition.
Finz up in 2024 lads!
V CANTERBURY - Saturday, 17 August, 2.05pm
V AUCKLAND - Wednesday, 2 October, 7.05pm
V TARANAKI - Sunday, 6 October, 2.05pm
V BAY OF PLENTY - Saturday, 31 August, 7.05pm V WELLINGTON - Sunday, 15 September, 2.05pm
Wakefield local Cody McCarrison has been awarded the Streetstock Competitor of the Year at the 2024 New Zealand Speedway Awards, with Steve Soper also nominated for the category. Photo: Rebecca Connor-Maling.
Following a successful sell-out event last year, Fight for Rangatahi makes a return to the region next weekend with a new line-up of boxers taking to the ring.
Current NZ Elite flyweight champion Ashley Belk will headline the event at the Motueka Recreation Centre on 10 August with her opponent, twotime Australian golden gloves champion Skye Wienert. The pair met in the ring in Australia last year where Ashley was the victor, but Skye has since moved to a new coach, who is bringing a whole team across the ditch for the event.
With 21 fights currently on the cards, Dixon’s Boxing owner Randall Dixon says the night will provide entertainment and opportunity for some to push themselves out of their comfort zone.
For many, it will be the first time they have stepped into the ring, and Randall says watching the mentality and confidence grow is one of the things he loves most about the event.
“The team this year, they have all improved, some have dropped huge
amounts of weight, and are feeling good.”
Jesse Merrill will kick-off the night at 6pm, and Randall says at 14-yearold he’s a “firecracker” who the crowd will love.
“He’s worked hard and he deserves this opportunity.”
Randall says the buy-in from the community last year was phenomenal and he is seeing the same support this year.
Last year’s event enabled Dixon’s Boxing to offer lower fees for youth programmes and fully cover the cost
of those who can’t afford it. He says it also helps provide gear for their youth and help with travel costs for rangatahi to compete in events around the country.
“We’re aware things are hard and some whānau can’t afford stuff like this.”
Dixon’s Boxing has once again partnered with Hotel Motueka to run the event. With roughly 50 general admission tickets left, those wanting to attend will need to secure them soon. Tickets are available at eventbrite. co.nz, search Fight for Rangatahi.
Have you got green thumbs? Wish you did? One day a week is all it takes to study horticulture at NMIT
Study NZ Certificate in Horticulture (Level 3)
Start before the end of August to gain the skills you need to take your green thumb to the next level.
Sow the seeds for a career in horticulture or extend your talents in your home garden through hands-on learning and classes that teach pragmatic and valuable skills.
Jenny North, a horticulture tutor at the NMIT Richmond Campus, says the Level 3 Certificate in Horticulture (General) is flexible for those who can only commit to part-time study.
“You receive a really good understanding of the foundations of Hort Science and have a year to do it in, so you can more easily fit it around work,” she says.
The programme provides a solid education in plant and soil science and plant health while focusing on a range of practical horticultural tasks such as indoor and outdoor production,
amenity horticulture, and nursery.
“We also take learners on field trips to a range of horticulture enterprises in the area, which are really popular,” Jenny says.
The quarterly plant sale event is a hit within the Nelson/Tasman community and gives students the experience of working at a market.
“We raise close to $15,000 yearly through these four plant sales,” Jenny says.
“Our learners really enjoy the community spirit we foster here and our links to industry partners. It’s a great way to make connections whilst gaining experience for a career.”
Join our flexible intakes and gain your Level 3 Certificate in Horticulture (General).
The large local Artistic Skating team put their best skate forward as they graced their way
Nelson artistic skating is on the rise as they ride the afterglow of a successful National Championships.
A large team travelled to Porirua for the recent event, combining to come away as the fourth-equal best club in the country.
Coach Hayley Nam says they were able to gain podiums in most of their events, which was key to their success.
The team also had their first solo performances on the national stage, with Hayley saying they did their region proud.
“Our showskate routine, choreographed by Janine Price, was a show stopper,” she says. As for standout performances, she says it was hard to choose between so many strong showings. “[It’s] hard to pick one, but Tara Westwood’s
out-of-retirement routine. It was like she never stopped.” With a number of personal bests in addition to the strong haul of medals, the club has continued to improve and impress. The Nelson Artistic Roller Skating Club is hosting Nelson Open Days at the Tahunanui Rink on 10 and 11 August. They have also restarted Learn to Skate for term three, with lessons running until the end of September.
We are searching for someone to share the stories of amazing sports-people in the Nelson Tasman region and manage sports content for Nelson Weekly, Waimea Weekly and the Motueka Golden Bay Guardian
If you have a passion for sports, this could be the role for you. Part-time hours negotiable for the right candidate. Will include some weekend work.
Please email Sara Hollyman with a CV and Cover Letter to
TASMAN AQUARIUM CLUB. Meet 1st Mon of month, 7pm. Inspiration, advice and general chat about fish and aquarium hobby. Ph: Robin 0275442518.
JUNIOR BADMINTON, Mon, 6-7.30pm, Badminton Hall. For School-aged kids. Racquets avail. Ph: Joe 0277834720 / e: joe@peak.co.nz.
SOCIAL EVENING BADMINTON, Mon, 7.30pm, Badminton Hall. Racquets avail. Bring indoor court shoes. Ph: Joe 0277834720. $5/night.
ELYSIUM WIDOW AND WIDOWERS GROUP meet Mon, 10am, Ginger, Richmond Mall, for coffee & friendship. New faces always welcome. Ph: Margaret 0272600748.
LUNCH ON THE HILL. Tues, 6 Aug, 11am, 27 Dorset St, Richmond. Come join us for hot drinks and lunch at noon. Koha welcome. Ph: 035448844.
NELSON 50+ WALKING GROUP, Weekly walks averaging 10kms. Tues, 6 Aug, Dominion Flats - Mapua. If carpooling meet Ben Cooper Park, West Ave, 9.15am or at Mapua Reserve 9.45. BYO lunch. Ph: Valerie 021774164.
TUESDAY MUSIC, 6 Aug, 10am, Richmond Town Hall Meeting Rm (up ramp). Programme features Patricia Janeckovic, then Andre Rieu’s concert in Melbourne. Morning tea incl. All welcome! Ph: Christine 0212486038.
HOPE TENNIS CLUB SOCIAL TENNIS, Tues, 9.30am, Hope Tennis Courts, Hope Domain. All abilities welcome. Info Ph: 0211729257.
Hall. All ages welcome. Wear soft soled shoes. First 2 nights free. Ph: Bill 035449273.
DEMENTIA FRIENDLY LIBRARY GROUP Tues, 10.30-11.30am, Richmond Library. If you are living with Dementia, this group is for you. Come along to this supportive, friendly group at your familiar local library. Free.
JP, 11.30-1.30pm, wed, Richmond Library, Do you need a Justice of the Peace (JP) to witness your important documents? We can help.
COMMUNITY SING A LONG, Wed, 7 Aug, 1.30pm, Stoke Methodist Church lounge, 94 Neale Ave. Afternoon tea. Gold coin donation for Nelson Hospital Chaplaincy. All Welcome.
CAKE DECORATORS, meet, Wed, 21 Aug. We are working with royal icing and creating flowers on a disc. New members are welcome Ph: Desiree 0276302359
RICHMOND GARDEN CLUB (2019) meet 1st Wed of month, doors open 1pm, Whakatu Presbyterian Hall, Champion Rd. New members are welcome. Ph: Coral Ellis 0272262913.
STORYTIME AT RICHMOND LIBRARY, Wed during term time, 10-10.30am, Join us for exciting stories and songs for 2-5 year olds and their caregivers. Free.
SING YOUR LUNGS OUT, Wed, 10am, Club Waimea. A fun filled singing class for those with respiratory conditions. No singing experience necessary. Ph: Jess 0275467675.
TASMAN TRACKIES CYCLING, Wed During winter and spring (Jun – Oct), 11-12.30pm, Saxton Velodrome. Fun track racing events. Coffee & chat at
ZINK Café after. Track bikes avail free of charge. Road and mountain bikes can be used. All levels and ages welcome. Coaching & bike set up avail. Ph: Murray 0276450033, or Roger Ph: 0274756459.
JUDO, Juniors, Thurs, 5-6pm, Seniors/ Competitive, Tues/Thurs, 6pm, Peewees, Thurs, 4.30pm, 20A Gladstone Rd (upstairs Waimea Old Boys Rugby). Ph: Michelle 0275422254.
ENGLISH CONVERSATION GROUP, Thurs, 1112pm, Richmond Library. Would you like to improve your English with a qualified, experienced ESOL teacher? Join our friendly English conversation group. Free.
RICHMOND WELCOME GROUP, 1st & 3rd Thurs of month, 10am, Paragon Cafe Langdale Drive Richmond. Do you want to make new friends? Join a friendly group for coffee and a chat. Ph: Ansley/ Phillip 035410350 | 0272212943.
BOARD GAMES FOR WINTER, Fri, 2 Aug, 1-3pm, Richmond Library. If you have a game that you love to play, bring it along and play with others.
WAITAKI OLD GIRLS’ SOCIAL GROUP NELSON Fri, 2 Aug, 10am, Summerset Ranges, 1 Hill St. Pop in for a coffee and chat. Queries Ph: 0276731145.
ELYSIUM WIDOW AND WIDOWERS GROUP meet for lunch, Fri, 9 Aug, midday, Armidillo’s Restaurant and Bar, Queen St. Ph: Margaret 0272600748
SONGBIRDS LADIES CHOIR, Fri morning Rehearsals in Richmond. New female singers welcome. If you enjoy singing and can hold a tune,
please give me a call. Ph: Mary 035448232 or 0211334805.
SPECIAL OLYMPICS NELSON, Sat, 14 Sept. Celebrating 40 years of providing sporting opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities. Any connection with Special Olympics Nelson e: nelson@ specialolympics.org.nz
NELSON ELECTRONIC ORGAN & KEYBOARD CLUB, meet 1st Sat of month, 1.30pm, Stoke Baptist Church Hall. If you enjoy music as either a listener or player, please come along. Ph: Yvonne 0276070050.
RICHMOND TENNIS CLUB SOCIAL TENNIS, Sat, 1.30-3pm. Open to club players, visitors & members of other clubs. Free. Ph: 0274872480.
FREE GUIDED MEDITATION, Sat, 3pm, under the white pergola of Washbourne Gardens. Relax, unwind, and enjoy inner peace & stillness. For info e: meditaterichmond@gmail.com. Free.
HIGGINS HERITAGE PARK, Sun, 4 Aug, Pigeon Valley Rd Wakefield open day. Museum display sheds of vintage machinery, vehicles & equipment, jigger rides, model trains & kids’ books. A great place for a picnic. Ph: 0276316786
NELSON PHILATELIC SOCIETY MEETING Sun, 11 Aug, 1.30pm Meeting Starts 2pm, Stoke Baptist Church. Guest Speaker - Louise Brownie Mitchener Cup – Letter “T” Ph: Robin 0275442518.
SUNDAY WORSHIP You are warmly invited to attend weekly worship. Sun, 10am, Nelson Tasman
Methodist Parish Church, 94 Neale Ave Stoke. Morning tea follows the service.
NELSON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH, weekly service, Sun 7-8pm, Cnr Tipahi and Motueka st. All welcome. Healing avail before and after service.
NELSON CAMERA CLUB, PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION, Opening hours during Aug, Richmond Library
CAMERAS THROUGH THE YEARS’ DISPLAY, Opening hours during Aug, Richmond Library. Come, reminisce, and share with our younger generations.
SHARE INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE DISPLAY, until– 5 Aug, Pūtangitangi Greenmeadows Centre. For information, inspiration and hope for a brighter tomorrow.
NEED AFFORDABLE COUNSELLING? Life Linc Nelson has been serving the region for 50 years and has rooms in Nelson, Richmond and Motueka. We provide low cost counselling up to 10 sessions and for anyone ages 12+. Couples counselling also avail. Contact us at www.lifelinc.co.nz or e: clinical@lifelinc.co.nz.
BETTER BREATHERS, Tues and Fri, 10am, Wed, 11.15am, Club Waimea. A series of guided exercises - seated or standing - to help those with breathing difficulties. Run by Respiratory Support Nelson. Ph: Jess 0275467675.
WAIMEA MENZSHED - catering for the interests, health and well-being of men since 2010. Open Mon – Fri, Richmond Park, 384 Lower Queen St. Ph: 0272820185
544 9037.
Lorna Grace (Nee Richardson)
Passed away on July 5th 2024, at Ilam Lifecare, Christchurch, Dearly loved wife of the late Gordon Douglas Reay. Loved mother and mother in-law of Jim and Lyn Reay (Dunedin) Christine and Alistar Busch (Ashburton), Carole and Grant Murray (Kalgoolie) and Pam and Peter Talbot (Nelson) Loved Gran of her 10 Grandchildren and Great-Gran of her 15 Grandchildren. Messages to the Reay Family, Academy Funeral Services Chapel. C/-PO Box 111-01, Christchurch 8443. A funeral service was held for Lorna on the 10th of July.