Wednesday 11 September 2019
Second hand fashion on show
Tournament week wrap
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Convicted Nelson doctor keeps licence Staff Reporter
Cheeky dip Chantelle Galvin and Dylan Woller were part of a handful of brave Nelsonians who got their kits off for a cheeky dip at Tahunanui on Saturday. With a Bay Dreams double pass up for grabs, the clothes came off. Dylan says he took part due to the price tag of a Bay Dreams ticket. “It’s not something I do every day, but I’ll get naked for $200.” However, it was 54-year-old Russell Turner who came away the winner. “I’m a nudist anyway, so it’s the perfect chance to have a go,” he said. Photo: Jonty Dine.
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A Nelson doctor sentenced to home detention after covertly filming his female colleagues has won his bid to stay in the profession. Samuel John Simpson Wilson was last year convicted in the Nelson District Court on eight charges of making an intimate visual recording between June 2012 and April 2015. He was sentenced to seven months’ home detention. Wilson used a USB stick disguised as a door opener and attached to his car keys to record two women who changed in his bathroom at home, and a further 10 female colleagues from Nelson Hospital. The 45-year-old cardiologist put the USBs in two different positions in the toilet area to record from different angles. Visitors to Wilson’s family home were filmed entering the bathroom and using the toilet, including showing removal of clothing. One charge referred to his holding and manipulating the camera while seated next to, and talking, to a female colleague so that he could film her exposed legs and up her skirt. In a Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal hearing, Wilson made no submissions and called no evidence in response and he accepted his convictions and conduct would likely bring discredit to the medical profession. However, he did fight successfully to keep his medical registration and instead of cancellation, he was suspended for one year from the date of the hearing, on May 2019. It was submitted for Wilson that a significant